S I X T H E D I T I O N Reading Statistics and Research Schuyler W. Huck University of Tennessee, Knoxville Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Vice President/Publisher:Kevin Davis Editorial Assistant:Matthew Buchholz Marketing Manager:Joanna Sabella Production Editor:Karen Mason Production Manager:Susan Hannahs Senior Art Director:Jayne Conte Cover Designer:Bruce Kenselaar Cover Photo:Shutterstock Photo Researcher:Annie Pickert Full-Service Project Manager:Niraj Bhatt,Aptara®,Inc. Composition:Aptara®,Inc. Text and Cover Printer/Bindery:R. R. Donnelley,Harrisonburg Text Font:Times Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced,with permission,in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within the text. Copyright ©2012,2008,2004,2000 Pearson Education,Inc.,publishing as Allyn & Bacon,501 Boylston Street,Boston,MA,02116.All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright,and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction,storage in a retrieval system,or transmission in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work,please submit a written request to Pearson Education,Inc.,Permissions Department,501 Boylston Street,Boston,MA,02116,or email [email protected]. Many of the designations by manufacturers and seller to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book,and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim,the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Huck,Schuyler W. Reading statistics and research. — 6th ed. / Schuyler W. Huck p. cm. ISBN-13:978-0-13-217863-1 ISBN-10:0-13-217863-X 1. Statistics. 2. Research. 3. Experimental design. I. Title. QA276.H788 2012 001.4'22—dc22 2010054550 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN-10: 0-13-217863-X ISBN-13:978-0-13-217863-1 This book is dedicated to two groups: those consumers of research reports who work at developing the skills needed to critically evaluate (and sometimes reject!) the claims made by researchers, and those researchers whose claims ought to be believed (and acted upon!) because they take the time to analyze carefully the data gleaned from thoughtfully designed studies that address worthy questions. About the Author Schuyler (Sky) Huck (Ph.D., Northwestern) is Distin- guished Professor and Chancellor’s Teaching Scholar at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His concerns for improving statistical instruction and helping consumers decipher and critique research reports show up in his books,journal articles,and convention presentations,and on his website (http://www.readingstats.com). In addition, Sky’s applied/theoretical work has been cited by scholars in 337 different academic journals. Despite these achieve- ments and other honors that have come his way,Sky takes his greatest pride in (1) the fact that two of his students have won Outstanding Dissertation Awards in stiff national competitions and (2) comments from his stu- dents that say,in essence,“You helped me learn!”Sky’s hobbies include photography, puzzles,and poetry. In addition,he regularly helps prepare and serve hot meals for the homeless and makes deliveries of nonperishable groceries to those in need. iv Brief Contents 1 Typical Format of a Journal Article 1 2 Descriptive Statistics: The Univariate Case 18 3 Bivariate Correlation 44 4 Reliability and Validity 68 5 Foundations of Inferential Statistics 90 6 Estimation 114 7 Hypothesis Testing 131 8 Effect Size, Power, CIs, and Bonferroni 161 9 Statistical Inferences Concerning Bivariate Correlation Coefficients 183 10 Inferences Concerning One or Two Means 204 11 Tests on Three or More Means Using a One-Way ANOVA 234 12 Post Hoc and Planned Comparisons 257 13 Two-Way Analyses of Variance 276 14 Analyses of Variance with Repeated Measures 312 15 The Analysis of Covariance 343 16 Bivariate, Multiple, and Logistic Regression 367 17 Inferences on Percentages, Proportions, and Frequencies 404 18 Statistical Tests on Ranks (Nonparametric Tests) 434 19 Multivariate Tests on Means 458 20 Factor Analysis 479 21 Structural Equation Modeling 504 Epilogue 529 v This page intentionally left blank Contents Preface xvii 1 Typical Format of a Journal Article 1 Abstract 2 Introduction 3 Method 6 Statistical Plans 10 Results 11 Discussion 13 References 14 Notes 16 Two Final Comments 16 Review Terms 17 The Best Items in the Companion Website 17 2 Descriptive Statistics: The Univariate Case 18 Picture Techniques 18 Distributional Shape 24 Measures of Central Tendency 28 Measures of Variability 31 vii viii Contents Standard Scores 38 A Few Cautions 40 Review Terms 43 The Best Items in the Companion Website 43 3 Bivariate Correlation 44 The Key Concept behind Correlation:Relationship 45 Scatter Plots 46 The Correlation Coefficient 48 The Correlation Matrix 50 Different Kinds of Correlational Procedures 53 Warnings about Correlation 61 Review Terms 66 The Best Items in the Companion Website 66 4 Reliability and Validity 68 Reliability 68 Validity 81 Final Comments 87 Review Terms 89 The Best Items in the Companion Website 89 5 Foundations of Inferential Statistics 90 Statistical Inference 91 The Concepts of Statistic and Parameter 94 Types of Samples 96 The Problems of Low Response Rates,Refusals to Participate, and Attrition 103 Contents ix A Few Warnings 108 Review Terms 112 The Best Items in the Companion Website 112 6 Estimation 114 Interval Estimation 114 Point Estimation 125 Warnings Concerning Interval and Point Estimation 129 Review Terms 130 The Best Items in the Companion Website 130 7 Hypothesis Testing 131 An Ordered List of the Six Steps 131 A Detailed Look at Each of the Six Steps 132 Results That Are Highly Significant and Near Misses 152 A Few Cautions 154 Review Terms 159 The Best Items in the Companion Website 160 8 Effect Size, Power, CIs, and Bonferroni 161 The Seven-Step Version of Hypothesis Testing:Estimating Effect Size 161 The Nine-Step Version of Hypothesis Testing:Power Analyses 165 Hypothesis Testing Using Confidence Intervals 172 Adjusting for an Inflated Type I Error Rate 174 A Few Cautions 179 Review Terms 182 The Best Items in the Companion Website 182