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CerebralCortexMarch2010;20:570--582 doi:10.1093/cercor/bhp123 AdvanceAccesspublicationJune26,2009 Reading Aloud Boosts Connectivity Mohamed L.Seghier andCathy J.Price through the Putamen Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, Instituteof Neurology, UCL, London WC1N 3BG,UK Functional neuroimaging and lesion studies have frequently involved in reading at the level of speech production (e.g., reported thalamic and putamen activation during reading and Sakuraietal.1993;Rosenetal.2000;Rieckeretal.2002;Kuljic- speech production. However, it is currently unknown how activity Obradovic 2003; Binder et al. 2005; Bohland and Guenther inthesestructuresinteractswiththatinotherreadingandspeech 2006). For example, both regions were more activated when production areas. This study investigates how reading aloud subjects read meaningless written syllables (Bohland and modulates the neuronal interactions between visual recognition Guenther 2006) or completed stem words (Rosen et al. and articulatory areas, when both the putamen and thalamus are 2000) when performed aloud compared with silently. Activa- explicitly included. Using dynamic causal modeling in skilled tion in the left putamen and thalamus also increased when readers who were reading regularly spelled English words, we subjects monitored verbal output during syllable production compared 27 possible pathways that might connect the ventral (Riecker et al. 2002). Nevertheless, putamen and thalamic anterioroccipito-temporal sulcus(aOT)toarticulatoryareasinthe activationdonotalwaysco-occurasillustratedbyobservations precentral cortex (PrC). We focused on whether the neuronal that increased speech production rate increases thalamus interactions within these pathways were increased by reading activationbutnotputamenactivation(Priceetal.1996;Palmer relativetopicturenamingandothervisualandarticulatorycontrol etal.2001;Rieckeretal.2005,2006).Likewise,severalstudies conditions.Theresultsprovidestrongevidencethatreadingboosts havereportedincreasedactivationinthethalamusforreading the aOT--PrC pathway via the putamen but not the thalamus. unfamiliarrelativetofamiliarwordsbutwithnocorresponding However, the putamen pathway was not exclusive because there effect in the putamen (Fiebach et al. 2002; Binder et al. 2005; wasalsoevidenceforanotherreadingpathwaythatdidnotinvolve Borowskyetal.2006).Theleftthalamus,butnottheputamen, eithertheputamenorthethalamus.Weconcludethattheputamen also plays a consistent role in name retrieval, irrespective of plays a special role in reading but this is likely to vary with whether the stimuli are pictures of objects, written words, individual readingpreferences and strategies. letters, or colors (Price and Friston 1997). Moreover, in ametanalysisofreadingstudies,Turkeltaubetal.(2002)found Keywords: dynamic causalmodeling, effectiveconnectivity, functional that the left thalamus was consistently activated but putamen MRI,subcortical structures, word reading activation wasnot mentioned. Oneexplanationforwhyputamenactivationisinconsistent Introduction across reading studies is that its involvement depends on the reading strategy used. We recently, presented evidence to In this dynamic causal modeling (DCM) study, we were support this hypothesis in a study that segregated 2 different interested in how the putamen and thalamus contribute to networksthatweredifferentiallyactivatedacrosssubjectswho reading. Previous functional imaging and lesion studies have were all reading aloud familiar words with regular spellings already shown that the putamen and thalamus are involved in (Seghier, Lee, et al. 2008). The left putamen was associated reading but little is known about how they participate in the with one of these networks and was significantly more conversion of orthographic input to articulatory output. Our questions focused on how reading aloud modulated the correlatedwithactivationinanterioroccipito-temporalsulcus neuronal interactions between visual recognition and articula- (aOT)thanposterioroccipito-temporalcortex(pOT)(Seghier, tory areas, specifically, whether these interactions were Lee, et al. 2008). Intersubject variability in putamen activation mediated by activity in the putamen, the thalamus, both, or has also been put forward in other contexts, including for neither.Inaddition,byincludingdatafrom28healthysubjects instance counting (Hinton et al. 2004; Gandini et al. 2008), reading regularly spelled English words, we were also able to consistent with putamen activity varying with the cognitive consider intersubject variability inthe neuronalpathways that strategy used by different subjects. Alternatively, instead of supportreadingbecausebothcognitiveandanatomicalmodels depictingtheinvolvementoftheputamenasalocalizedfocus invariably include 2 or more possible mechanisms for reading in an activation map that compared reading with baseline regularly spelled words (Seidenberg and McClelland 1989; conditions, its role can be pictured as part of a processing Coltheart et al. 1993; Plaut et al. 1996; Coltheart et al. 2001). network. This perspective fits with recent studies that Below,wediscussthepreviousstudiesthatobservedputamen advocated the importance of considering what is specific to and thalamic activation in reading and we then present the readingnotonlyasasetoflocalizedregionsbutalsointermsof motivation for our experimental design and the rationale for specific interactions and networks (see discussion in Reinke our DCM analysis. et al. 2008). For instance, although pictures and words have Our review of both the lesion and imaging literature been found to activate the same regions in the left occipito- provides some evidence that the putamen and thalamus are temporalcortex(e.g.,MooreandPrice1999;Priceetal.2006; (cid:1)2009TheAuthors ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionNon-CommercialLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/uk/)which permitsunrestrictednon-commercialuse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. StarrfeltandGerlach2007;Wrightetal.2008),modalityspecific In summary, we aimed to characterize the interactions processingbecomesmoreevidentatthesystem/networklevel between OT and PrC regions that are mediated by the (e.g., see Joseph et al. 2003; Reinke et al. 2008). It is in this putamen, the thalamus, or both during reading aloud. Our perspectivethatassessingtheinteractionsofboththeputamen discussion above leads us to the following hypotheses: 1) the and thalamus during reading aloud takes on its importance. interactionsbetweenleftputamenandaOTwillincreaseeven Specifically, we were interested here in the interactions when articulation is fully controlled; 2) the regional inter- between word recognition areas in occipito-temporal cortex actions with the putamen will be independent of the regional (Cohenetal.2002;Jobardetal.2003;PriceandMechelli2005; interactions with the thalamus; 3) there will be intersubject Vinckieretal.2007)andarticulationareasintheleftprecentral variabilityinthemosteffectivereadingpathway;andtherefore cortex (PrC) and whether these interactions are mediated via 4)thepathwayfromaOTtoPrCthatinvolvedtheputamenwill activityintheputamen,thethalamusorboth. not be exclusive. We therefore set up a DCM model that To visualize the dynamics and the directions of the includedthefollowing5lefthemisphereregions:theposterior interaction in both putamen and thalamus, we went beyond OT(pOT),theanteriorOT(aOT),theputamen,thalamus,and the functional connectivity concept (e.g., Bokde et al. 2001; theleftPrC.Ouraimwastoidentifythepathwaybetweenthe Hampson et al. 2006; Prat et al. 2007) and used DCM to (aOT) and output (PrC) regions that best explained the data. estimate the neuronal dynamics of the modeled processes by Our analyses compared regional interactions between the means of a hemodynamic forward model (Friston et al. 2003). different conditions of our design and focused on pathways Several other studies have used DCM to model neuronal that wereselectiveto reading. interactions with occipito-temporal (OT) regions during reading (Bitan et al. 2005; Mechelli et al. 2005; Booth et al. 2007;Nakamuraetal.2007;Caoetal.2008;Chowetal.2008; Materials and Methods Heimetal.2009);however,onlyonestudy(Boothetal.2007) explored the interaction between the putamen and OT (with Subjects OTreferredtoasfusiform).Contrarytotheexpectationsofthe Westartedwithacohortof58right-handedhealthysubjects.Fromthis current study, Booth et al. (2007) did not find reading cohort, we selected 28 subjects who had robust and consistent modulated inputs from the OT (fusiform) to the putamen. activationinall5ofourregionsofinterest(ROIs,seebelowfordetails). However,thereareseveralkeydifferencesbetweentheBooth Our 28 selected subjects (12 females, 16 males, aged 27 ± 18 years) etal.(2007)studyandours.First,theBoothetal.(2007)study gave written informed consent to participate in this study. Subjects werenativeEnglishspeakers,hadnormalorcorrected-to-normalvision, usedaverylargeOTregionthatincludeddatafrombothpOT andhadnohistoryofneurologicalorpsychiatricdisorders.Thestudy and aOT; therefore, it did not accommodate the known wasapprovedbytheNationalHospitalforNeurologyandInstituteof functional subdivisions within OT along the posterior-to- NeurologyJointEthic’sCommittee. anterior axis (Moore and Price 1999; Jobard et al. 2003; Mechelli et al. 2005; Price and Mechelli 2005; Vinckier et al. 2007; Levy et al. 2008; Seghier, Lee, et al. 2008). Second, the ExperimentalDesign interaction between OT and putamen was estimated in the All stimuli were derived from a set of 192 objects with 3--6 letter context of a silent rhyme detection task that would have common names with regular spelling-to-sound relationships: Thirty- requireda differentstrategy tothereading aloudtask that we three objects had 3-letter names (cat, bus, and hat), 65 had 4-letter used. Third, the Booth et al. (2007) model included frontal, names(ship,bell,frog,andhand),58had5-letternames(teeth,camel, and snake), and 36 had 6-letter names (spider, dagger, and button). temporal and cerebellar regions associated with phonological During 2 separate scanning sessions, subjects were asked to 1) read processing,whereasourmodelincludedPrCandthethalamus. aloud963-to6-letterobjectnameswithconsistentspelling-to-sound The context of the OT to putamen interactions are therefore relationships (e.g., hat, tent, horse, and carrot); 2) name presented notthesame. picturesoffamiliarobjects;and3)say1,2,3tomeaninglesspicturesof Last but not least, to determine whether regional inter- symbolsornonobjects(unfamiliarstimuli).Ineachsession,therewere actions in our model were selective to reading, we need to 4 differentword-readingblocks that each lasted 18 s, with 12 words includerelatively matched baselines. Our experimental design per block presented in triads (3 words together) every 4.5 s. By presentingtriadsofwords(3onthescreenatatime),subjectswere therefore included 4 different conditions: Reading aloud, abletoreadthe3high-frequencywordsveryrapidly.Thismaximizes picturenaming;saying‘‘1,2,3’’tomeaninglesssymbolsmatched theefficiencyofourexperimentaldesignbyblockingeventsofinterest insizeand complexitytothevisualwords; andsaying1,2,3to together. There were also 4 blocksof objectnamingand 4 blocksof pictures of meaningless nonobjects matched in size and saying ‘‘123’’ to unfamiliar (meaningless) pictures of symbols or complexitytothepicturesofrealobjects.The1,2,3conditions nonobjects,presentedinexactlythesamewayasthereadingblocks. partiallycontrolledforvisualinputandarticulatoryoutputbut Inadditiontherewere6blocksoffixation(14.4sperblock).Forthe reading and object naming conditions, triads of stimuli were not for the links between visual and articulatory regions. The constructed where there was no obvious semantic relationship picture naming condition fully controlled for speech output between the 3 different items in the triad (e.g., slide, axe, and cup). because the written words were the names of the objects in Accuracyof vocal responses during all conditions was recordedwith the pictures. It also controlled for some of the processes a MRI-compatible microphone. To minimize artefacts from head involved in retrieving phonology from visual inputs (Book- motionandairflowcausedbythemouthopeningandclosing,subjects heimer and Zeffiro 1995; Moore and Price 1999; Price et al. were instructed to whisper their response with minimal mouth movement.Althoughasoundcancellationsystemallowedustoidentify 2006). However, unlike reading, picture naming cannot pro- the accuracy of vocal response, it was not possible to extract the ceed without semantics (Glaser and Glaser 1989). Therefore, responsetimes.Stimuluspresentationwasviaavideoprojector,afront- the DCM analysis will be able to identify the interactions that projection screen and a system of mirrors fastened to a head coil. increased selectively during reading aloud when visual pro- Additionaldetailsabouttheparadigmandstimulicanbefoundinour cessingand articulation arefully controlled. previouswork(cf.Seghier,Lee,etal.2008;Kherifetal.2009). CerebralCortexMarch2010,V20N3 571 MRIAcquisition criteriaforregionselectionattheindividualleveltoensurerobustand Experiments were performed on a 1.5-T Siemens system (Siemens consistenteffectsacrosssubjectsandthemostoptimalimplementation Medical Systems, Erlangen, Germany). In the functional MRI (fMRI) oftheDCM.Thiswaspossiblebecausewestartedwithalargecohortof experiment, imaging consisted of a single shot gradient Echo Planar 58 right-handed subjects. We then selected those that had robust Imaging (EPI) sequence (repetition time/echo time/Flip = 3600 ms/ activation(P <0.05uncorrected)ata4-mmdistancefromthegroup 50ms/90(cid:2),fieldofview=192mm,matrix=64364,40axialslices,2 peaksofour5ROIs.ThechoiceofROIswithin4mmfromthegroup mmthickwitha1-mmgap).Functionalscanningwasalwayspreceded peaks maximized the spatial resolution of our data and ensured that by14.4sofdummyscanstoensuretissuesteady-statemagnetization. there was no overlap in the voxels included in different ROIs. An To avoid ghost-EPI artefacts, a generalized reconstruction algorithm examinationofactivityinour58subjectswithin4mmfromthegroup wasusedfordatapreprocessing. peaks indicated that pOT was identified in 53 subjects, aOT in 45 subjects,thalamusin40subjects,putamenin41subjects,andPrCin57 subjects.Although42subjects(72%)activatedpOT,aOT,andPrC,only fMRIDataAnalysis 28 (48%) also activated the thalamus and putamen. The remaining Data processing and statistical analyses were performed with the subjects did not satisfy our strict criteria even though activation was StatisticalParametricMappingSPM5softwarepackage(WellcomeTrust evidentifweincreasedthedistancefromthegrouppeaks(>8mm)or CentreforNeuroimaging,London,UnitedKingdom,http://www.fil.ion. lowered the statistical threshold (P > 0.1 uncorrected). Figure 1B ucl.ac.uk/spm/). All functional volumes were spatially realigned, illustratestheconsistencyoftheROIlocationsacrossour28subjects. un-warped, normalized to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) Data (principal eigenvariates) were extracted for each session space using the unified normalization--segmentation procedure of separatelywithineachROI(4-mm-radiussphere)andadjustedtothe SPM5,andsmoothedwithanisotropic6-mmfullwidthathalfmaximum Gaussiankernel,withresultingvoxelssizeof23232mm3.Timeseries F-contrast(i.e.,effectsofinterest)ofeachsubject. from each voxel were high-pass filtered (1/128-Hz cutoff) to remove low-frequency noise and signal drift. The preprocessed functional DCMParameters volumesofeachsubjectwerethensubmittedtoafixed-effectsanalysis, MoredetailsaboutDCMcanbefoundelsewhere(e.g.,Fristonetal.2003; using thegenerallinear model at each voxel. Each stimulus onset was Pennyetal.2004b;Stephan,Harrison,etal.2007).Briefly,DCMcanbe modeled as an event in condition-specific ‘‘stick-functions’’ with considered as a hypothesis-driven neurodynamics model that uses adurationof4.32spertrialandastimulusonsetintervalof4.5s.The a bilinear state equation to characterize an experimentally perturbed resulting stimulusfunctionswereconvolvedwithacanonicalhemody- cognitivesystem.Basically,afterdefiningamodelwithasetofregions namicresponsefunctionthatprovidedregressorsforthelinearmodel. andconnections,DCMestimatesthedifferentparametersofthismodel The appropriate summary or contrast image was then entered into attheneuronallevel,usingahemodynamicforwardmodel.Thismodel asecond-levelanalysis(i.e.,random-effectsanalysis)toenableinferences then compares the generated/modeled functional responses to the at the group level. From this second-level analysis, we generated measuredones(i.e.,theextractedtimeseries). statisticalparametricmapsofthetstatisticateachvoxelSPM{t},which Foragivenmodel,DCMestimates3differentsetsofparameters:1) characterized differences in activation for any condition (i.e., word inputparametersthatquantifyhowbrainregionsrespondtoexternal reading, object naming, and saying 123 to unfamiliar symbols and stimuli, 2) intrinsic parameters reflecting the effective or the latent nonobjects)relativetofixation. connectivitythat characterizes the coupling between regions, and 3) modulatoryparametersthatmeasurechangesineffectiveconnectivity ROISelection inducedbysomeexperimentalconditions.Thesedifferentparameters As described in the Introduction, our model included 5 regions. We areexpressedinHzwithintheDCMframework.Itisimportanttokeep hypothesized that visual information entered at the level of pOT and in mind that 1) DCM is not an exploratory method because it is exitedourmodelatPrC;wecouldthenexplorethepathwaysbetween a generic approach designed to estimate and test explicit models, 2) these2regionsandtheintermediaterolesplayedbyaOT,thalamus,and parameters (intrinsic and modulatory) are estimated at the neuronal putamen. Activation in pOT and PrC was consistent across all 3 level(theyarenotdirectlyaccessiblefromthehemodynamicmeasures conditions(reading,picturenamingandsaying1,2,3)relativetofixation. infMRI),3)thecouplingbetweenROIsisnotnecessarilyconstrained Incontrast,activationinaOT,putamen,andthalamuswashigherduring by anatomical connections, and 4) the estimated model is context reading and naming than saying 1,2,3, which suggests that these areas dependent,whichmeansthatinteractionsandcouplingamongregions wereplayingaroleinlinkingvisualinputstomotoroutputs(Fig.1).The areconstrainedbytheuser-specifieddrivingandmodulatoryinputs. coordinates (in MNI space) for our 5 ROIs were identified from the group analysis for the contrast ‘‘reading versus fixation’’ (P < 0.05 corrected):pOT={x=–42,y=–62,z=–16},aOT={x=–42,y=–44, DCMModel z=–16},thalamus={x=–10,y=–18,z=6},putamen={x=–22,y=0,z= Practically,theextractedROItimeserieswereconcatenatedoverthe2 6},and(v)PrC={x=–48,y=–12,z=36},seeFigure1.NotethatpOT sessions and incorporated in the DCM model. For each subject, we andaOThereareveryclosetothe2mostconsistentsubdivisionsofOT specified the model as follows (see Fig. 2): 1) the driving input (i.e., identifiedinapreviousmetanalysisof35neuroimagingstudiesofreading words, objects, unfamiliar symbols, and nonobjects grouped as one at{–44,–58,–15}and{–48,–41,–16},respectively(seeJobardetal.2003). regressor)wasconnectedtopOT,2)pOTwasconnectedtoallregions Inconcordancewithpreviousstudies(Huangetal.2001;Sakuraietal. except PrC, 3) PrC was considered as the system-output region that 2001),thearticulatoryregionPrCintheprecentralgyrusisclosetothe received inputs from all regions except pOT, 4) the connections ‘‘MLT--PMC’’ region (i.e., the ‘‘mouth, lips, and tongue’’ region of the between aOT, thalamus, and putamen were both forward and primary motor cortex) that has been shown to be involved in motor backward, and 5) word reading was used as a modulatory input to processingofthemouth(e.g.,seeFig.1ofHuangetal.2001). estimatethechangeinconnectionstrengthasafunctionofthereading Afterdefiningour5ROIsfromthegroupanalysis,eigenvectors(i.e., taskrelativetoallotherconditions.Althoughweknowthatthereare time series) were extracted in each subject (individual map thresh- manyotherregionsthatparticipateinreading,theinclusionofthese oldedatP <0.05uncorrected)attheclosestmaximawithinadistance regions is not needed to estimate our questions of interest. For of 4 mm. Critically, this limit of 4-mm distance ensured that DCM example,the directconnections betweenaOT andPrC would model models were comparable across subjects by incorporating consistent anyeffectsinducedbyotherbrainregionsnotincludedinourDCM. functional regions (for a similar rationale see Stephan, Marshall, et al. Critically, the rationale for specifying this model is to ensure 2007). Previous DCM studies with reading that have included OT equivalence between the positions of the 3 regions that showed regions have used very liberal distances between regions across differential activations in reading versus saying 123 (e.g., Fig. 1C). subjects (e.g., more than 20 mm in Bitan et al. 2005; Booth et al. Indeed, aOT, thalamus, and putamen occupied equivalent positions 2007; Cao et al. 2008). This may yield inconsistent effects across (i.e., level in the processing hierarchy) in the model as they all 1) subjects because data will come from different functional regions/ receivedthesamedrivinginputpropagationfrompOT,2)converged subdivisions in different subjects. Therefore, we used much stricter tothesamemotoroutputregionPrC,and3)theirpositionintheDCM 572 SubcorticalInteractionsinWordReading d SeghierandPrice Figure1. (A)Activationpatternforreadingrelativetofixation(groupanalysis,P\0.05corrected).Thelocalizationofthe3corticalregionsisillustratedonthesagittalview(x- MNI5(cid:1)44mm,top).The2subcorticalregionsareillustratedontheaxialslice(z-MNI5þ6mm,bottom).pOT5posterioroccipito-temporalsulcus,aOT5anterioroccipito- temporalsulcus,THA5thalamus,PUT5putamen,andPrC5precentralgyrus.(B)Schematicprojectionoftheindividualcoordinatesofthe5regionsonasagittal(top,Y--Z plan)andaxial(bottom,X--Yplan)view.(C)Barplotoftheparameterestimates(±standarddeviation)ofeachROIatthegrouppeakduringwordreading(WR),objectnaming (ON),andsaying123tounfamiliarstimuli(U123). model was hence interchangeable. Importantly, by including object The significance of the parameters was thus assessed at the local naming in the driving input, any significant modulation of effective (connection)level.Practically,intheabsenceofanapriorihypothesis connectivitybyreadingwouldimplythatthesemodulationsarehighly abouttheexactmodulatoryeffects,wemodeledalltheconnectionsin specifictoreading(i.e.,objectnamingwasusedasamatchedbaseline). Figure2bywordreading(forasimilarrationaleseeBitanetal.2005; Allparameters(intrinsicandmodulatory)oftheDCMmodelandtheir Booth et al. 2007). Then, all intrinsic and modulatory effects (i.e., posterior probabilitieswere thenassessedwith Bayesianinversionby parameters) were assessed for each subject. Because of the known meansofexpectation-maximizationalgorithm(Fristonetal.2003). interindividualvariabilityineffectiveconnectivity(e.g.,Mechellietal. 2002), these estimated effects in each subject were subsequently submittedto t-tests (i.e., random-effect analyses) to identify the most DCMGroupAnalysis:TheLocalApproach consistentparametersacrossour28subjects.Significanteffectswere Thisapproachaimedtoidentifytheconsistenteffectsacrosssubjects reported at P < 0.05 corrected (correction based on the number of foreachparameterseparately(intrinsicandmodulatory)oftheDCM. testedconnections:equivalenttoP <0.0028for18testedconnections; CerebralCortexMarch2010,V20N3 573 group evidence (of 27 models over 28 subjects) using the BMS procedure.ToensurethatourBMSatthegrouplevelisrobust(e.g.,not affectedbyoutliers,e.g.,Ethoferetal.2006;Allenetal.2008),weused thehierarchicalBayesianapproachdevelopedrecentlybyStephanetal. (2009) that is considerably more robust in dealing with outliers (Stephan et al. 2009). Fundamentally, using a hierarchical model and variational Bayes, this ‘‘robust’’ BMS approach treats each model as a random variable and estimates the parameters of a Dirichlet distribution, which describes the probabilities for all models consid- ered.Itquantifies,inthecontextofagroupofsubjects,howlikelyitis thataspecificmodelgeneratedthedataofasubjectchosenatrandom. Here, we computed 2 measures for the group evidence of a given model (Stephan et al. 2009): 1) the Dirichlet parameter estimates (‘‘alpha’’) as a representative measure of the effective number of subjects in which a given model generated the observed data (sum of all alphas is equal to the number of subjects plus the number of compared models), and 2) the ‘‘exceedance’’ probability (xp) that describesthebeliefthataparticularmodelismorelikelythananyother modelgiventhegroupdata(sumofallxpisequalto1).Note,however, Figure 2. Schematic view of the DCM model (5 regions, input to pOT, 18connections,modulatedbyreading). that these measures (i.e., alpha and xp) are not ‘‘absolute’’ for aparticularmodelastheirvaluesdependontherelativepreference/ occurrence within the selected models. Although both measures are for a similar rationale see Booth et al. 2007; Sonty et al. 2007). The comparablewithrankmodelsatthegrouplevel,wepreferredtouse results from this local approach were then used to build further exceedance probability xp because it is particularly intuitive (i.e., all hypotheses for the global approach (see below) by limiting the exceedance probabilities sum to one over all tested models). plausiblemodulationstotheconnectionsthatwereconsistentacross Throughout the results section, a winning model should therefore our28subjects. haveanexceedanceprobabilityxp >90%. Finally,itisworthnotingthatitisperfectlyvalidtoreversetheorder of thelocalandglobalapproachesifsomeonealreadyhas an apriori DCMGroupAnalysis:TheGlobalApproach knowledge about the plausible models to be tested with DCM (see Thisapproachaimedtoidentifythesetofmodulatoryconnectionsthat examplesinStephan,Marshall,etal.2007;Allenetal.2008;Heimetal. wasmostplausibleinthecontextofwordreading.Whereasthelocal 2009). After comparing the plausible models with BMS, the local approach (described above) guarantees that the connections consid- approachcanthenbeusedtoidentifytheconsistentparametersacross ered for model selection are consistent across subjects, the global subjectsofthewinningmodels. approach finds the optimal combination of these consistent local effects(connections)atthesystemlevel.Bylimitingourglobalmodels tothosethatarevalidatedatthelocallevel,wewerealsoabletoreduce Results thetotalnumberofmodelsto27(asopposedtothe262,143possible waysofadding18modulations!). Practically,foreachsubject,wegeneratedandestimated27models Behavioral Results that had the same intrinsic connections (as in Fig. 2) but differed in Accuracy across sessions was on average 99 ± 1% for word wheremodulatoryeffectswerespecified(seeResultssectionformore reading and 90 ± 9% for object naming. An accurate response details). Then, to select the most plausible models, we used the was1whenall3stimuliinatriadwereread/namedcorrectly. Bayesianmodelselection(BMS)procedureasimplementedinthemost recent SPM8b version (Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, London,UnitedKingdom,http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/).Although FMRI UnivariateVoxel-Based Analysis allpreviousDCMstudieshaveusedtheBayesianinformationcriterion Over our 28 subjects, word reading relative to fixation (BIC) and Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) as measures of model activated a large set of regions associated with visual, occulo- evidence(formoredetailsseePennyetal.2004a),wepreferredhereto motor, attention, semantic access and articulatory processing usethemorerobustandsensitivecriterionbasedonthenegativeFree energy(F),seeStephanetal.(2009).Basically,the3criteria(AIC,BIC, (all 5 of our ROIs were activated in this contrast, see Fig. 1A). andF)pointtotheoptimalcompromisebetweentheaccuracyandthe The comparison of reading versus saying 123 to symbols complexity of a given model (i.e., ‘‘accuracy minus complexity’’). showed increased activation in aOT, thalamus, and putamen However,unliketheAICandBIC,thefreeenergyFprovidesabetter (e.g., Fig. 1C). In addition, this contrast included superior and Laplaceapproximation for thecomplexityterm (formore detailssee middle temporal cortices bilaterally and the cerebellum but eq. 19 in Penny et al. 2004a) because it takes into account the these regions were not included in our DCM analyses. More interdependency between the estimated parameters. This is an details about these activated patterns can be found elsewhere important issue that may explain why some previous DCM studies havefrequentlyobservedhighevidenceinfavorofthesimplestmodel (e.g., see Seghier, Lee, et al. 2008; Kherif et al. 2009). For the when using AIC/BIC criteria (e.g., a bias for high cost in penalty for current paper, the purpose of this analysis was only to select complex models). In fact, as demonstrated recently, AIC and BIC are the coordinatesfor our 5ROIs. blindtohowmuchtheestimatedparametersaredependentoneach other,bothaprioriandaposteriori(Stephanetal.2009),whereastheF criterion can take into account such interdependency and thus does DCM Results not penalize models on the number of parameters alone. In other words,byusingthisoptimalcriterionF,weensuredherethat1)model The LocalApproach complexitywillnotincreaseifadditionalparametersare‘‘redundant’’to existingparametersand2)theparameterestimatesofagoodmodelare Intrinsicconnections.Allintrinsicconnectionsweresignificant as precise and uncorrelated as possible (for a detailed discussion see (i.e., consistentacross all subjects) at P < 0.05 corrected.They Stephanetal.2009). After estimating all models and their evidence (the negative free were all positive, varying from 0.08 to 0.41 Hz (see Table 1). energy F expressed here as a log evidence), we then computed the Theseintrinsicconnectionscorrespondtothelatent(i.e.,fixed) 574 SubcorticalInteractionsinWordReading d SeghierandPrice Table1 Table2 ConsistentintrinsicconnectionsinHzatthegrouplevel(allsignificantatP\0.05corrected) ConsistentmodulatoryeffectsinHzduringreadingaloudoverallsubjects(allsignificantatP\ 0.05corrected) To(in) From(out) To(in) Modulatoryfactor5reading pOT aOT THA PUT PrC From(out) pOT — 0.15 0.09 0.08 — aOT 0.33 — 0.12 0.11 0.14 pOT aOT THA PUT PrC THA 0.24 0.11 — 0.08 0.10 PUT 0.18 0.09 0.08 — 0.09 pOT — ns ns ns — PrC — 0.41 0.33 0.28 — aOT ns — ns ns ns THA 0.06 0.02 — 0.02 ns Note:pOT5posterioroccipito-temporalsulcus,aOT5anterioroccipito-temporalsulcus,THA5 PUT 0.08 0.03 0.03 — 0.02 PrC — 0.06 0.05 0.05 — thalamus,PUT5putamen,andPrC5precentralgyrus. Note:Positivevaluesindicateanincreaseininteractionsbetweenregionsduringreadingas comparedwithobjectnamingandsaying123tounfamiliarstimuli. effectiveconnectivityinourDCMmodel.Inotherwords,these intrinsicconnectionsrepresenttheeffectiveconnectivitythatis contextindependent(i.e.,irrespectiveofinput). ThesemodelsareillustratedinFigure3.Theyallhadthesame intrinsicconnections(asinFig.2)butdifferedinwhereword Modulatoryeffectsforwordreading.Allforwardconnections readingwasincludedasamodulatoryfactorbetweenaOTand weresignificantlyandpositivelymodulatedbywordreading(at PrC.Theywerecategorizedat2levels.Atthefirstlevel,there P <0.05corrected,Table2),excepttheconnectionfrompOT were 6 ways that aOT can connect to PrC: 1) via a direct toaOT,withonesignificantbackwardconnectionfromPrCto connection (not viaputamen orthalamus), 2) viaputamen, 3) putamen and reciprocal connections between putamen and via thalamus, 4) directly and via thalamus, 5) directly and via thalamus. None of the modulations on the backward con- putamen, and 6) via thalamus and via putamen. At the second nections to pOT and aOT were significant (Table 2). Positive level, these 6 models were repeated in 4 different config- significant modulatory effects represent increased effective urations: A) in the absence of any additional modulation; B) connectivity that is induced by the reading task relative to all with modulations on the forward connections from pOT to othertasks. thalamusandputamen;C)withmodulationsonthereciprocal connections between putamen and thalamus; and D) with Consistent modulations across all 28 subjects. There were 3 modulations on both forward connections from pOT to pathways (routes) between aOT and PrC that were positively thalamus and putamen and reciprocal connections between and consistently modulated by reading across all 28 of our putamen andthalamus (see Fig.3). subjects. These were 1) via the putamen; 2) via the thalamus; In addition, we also considered 3 other models. Model (25) and 3) a ‘‘direct’’ route that did not involve putamen or was the same as configuration B) (i.e., modulations on the thalamusbutmayincludeotherregionsthatarenotexplicitly forward connections betweenpOTto putamenand thalamus) modeledinourDCM.Therewerealso3otherconnectionsthat but without any modulation on connections between aOT to were positively modulated by reading. These were 4) pOT to PrC. This model was used to test the evidence when none of thalamus, 5) pOT to putamen, 6) PrC to putamen, and 7) the 3 routes from aOT to PrC were modulated by reading. reciprocal connections between putamen and thalamus (see Model(26)representedacomplexmodelthatincludedallthe Table2). modulatoryeffectsthatwereconsistentacrosssubjects(Table Critically,aconsistentpathway(e.g.,connection)atthelocal 2).Thismodelwasspecifiedtoensurethatwewerenotlosing (parameter)leveldoesnotmeanthatthesamepathwaywillbe evidence when using simpler models (i.e., 1--6 in Fig. 3) and plausible at the global (systems) level across subjects. This is alsototestmodelevidencewhenallthe3routesaOT-PrCwere becausethelocalapproachdoesnottesthowevidenceforone included.Finally,Model27modeledconnectionsbetweenaOT pathway changes with the presence of another pathway. The and PrC via putamen (i.e., Model 2 in configuration A) with next analysis (the global approach below) aimed to test if all abackwardmodulatoryconnectionfromPrCtoputamen.This the positive local modulations were plausible at the system model was used to explicitly test the effect of the only level.Thisidentified theconsistent effectsthat combinedinto significant backward modulation from PrC. We therefore had the most efficient (i.e., plausible) systems (see Materials and a total of 27 models for each of our 28 subjects. After Methods section). As mentioned above, previous studies have estimation, these models were compared over subjects using used the global level approach first and then conducted the BMS procedure (as detailed in the Materials and Methods post hoc tests at the local level to check that all the local section). pathways are consistent across subjects. In our study, we reversedthisprocedurebecauseknowingwhichpathwaysare consistent at a local level enabled us to limit the number of The BestConfiguration models tested at the global level to those that would be Thefirststepofthemodelcomparisonwastoestablishthebest plausible following posthoc testsat thelocal level. configuration (A vs. B vs. C vs. D) for the modulatory effects between aOT and PrC. To do this, we compared each type of TheGlobal Approach configuration while keeping the modulations on aOT--PrC connectionsconstant(e.g.,1Avs.1Bvs.1Cvs.1D;2Avs.2Bvs. Building the plausible models. On the basis of the findings 2C vs. 2D, etc). The BMS indicated clear evidence (i.e., very from the local analysis, we first generated 24 possible high exceedance probability xp > 90%) for configuration ‘‘A’’ combinations of the 3 consistent routes between aOT to PrC. for each Model 1-6 (see Table 3). This suggests that the CerebralCortexMarch2010,V20N3 575 Figure3. Illustrationofthe27differentmodelsestimatedandcomparedhere(models1--6,configurationsA--D,and3additionalmodels25--27).Thesemodelsarebasedonthe mostconsistenteffectsacrossour28subjectsfromthefullyconnectedmodel.Modulationswithreadingareshownwithblackandthickarrows. evidence for Models 1--6 did not improve when increasing 27. Thus, BMS found no evidence for our 3 additional models. complexity (i.e., B,C, orD vs.A). This suggests that the models were less plausible when they did not include modulations on the connections from aOT to The 3Additional Models PrC (Model 25) or when the additional modulation on the AsshowninTable3,therewasstrongerevidenceforModels1-- backward connection was included (Model 27) or when all 6inconfigurationA(noted1A--6A)evenwhenthecomparison possible (i.e., consistent) modulations were included (Model included Models 25 and 26. Likewise, there was strong 26). Moreover, it illustrates that there was no overall evidence (xp = 99.2%) for Model 2A compared with Model preferenceforsimpler ormorecomplexmodels,forexample, 576 SubcorticalInteractionsinWordReading d SeghierandPrice Table3 Table4 BMSforthegroup,basedonthefreeenergy‘‘F’’,ofeachmodel(1--6intheirdifferent BMSforthegroup,basedonthefreeenergyF,ofeachmodel(1A--6A) configurationsA--D)andthe2additionalModels25and26 Versus Model Model 1A 1B 1C 1D 25 26 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A BMS (14.5;0.91) (2.8;0.0) (8.2;0.09) (2.7;0.0) (3.0;0.0) (2.9;0.0) 1A — (17.8;0.85) (9.6;0.02) (11.4;0.09) (18.2;0.88) (12.1;0.14) 2A (12.2;0.15) — (6.6;0.0) (9.3;0.02) (15.5;0.57) (7.8;0.0) 2A 2B 2C 2D 25 26 3A (20.4;0.98) (23.4;1.0) — (19.0;0.93) (23.5;1.0) (16.6;0.72) BMS (17.1;0.99) (2.7;0.0) (6.2;0.01) (2.5;0.0) (2.7;0.0) (2.7;0.0) 4A (18.6;0.91) (20.7;0.98) (11.0;0.07) — (22.3;1.0) (13.4;0.27) 5A (11.8;0.12) (14.5;0.43) (6.5;0.0) (7.7;0.0) — (6.9;0.0) 3A 3B 3C 3D 25 26 6A (17.9;0.86) (22.2;1.0) (13.4;0.28) (16.6;0.73) (23.1;1.0) — BMS (15.5;0.96) (2.8;0.0) (7.1;0.04) (2.7;0.0) (3.1;0.0) (2.8;0.0) 4A 4B 4C 4D 25 26 Note:TheBMSwasperformedbetweeneachpairofmodels(i.e.,15BMSanalyses)by BMS (15.4;0.95) (2.7;0.0) (7.5;0.05) (2.6;0.0) (3.3;0.0) (2.5;0.0) comparingamodelinacolumntoamodelinarow.Foreachmodel,thevaluesofalphaandthe exceedanceprobabilityxpareprovided(alpha;xp).Modelswithxp[0.9(showninbold)are 5A 5B 5C 5D 25 26 consideredasthewinningmodels(i.e.,highgroupevidence).Weak(trend)evidences(85%\ BMS (16.7;0.98) (2.6;0.0) (6.7;0.02) (2.5;0.0) (2.9;0.0) (2.4;0.0) xp\90%)areshowninbolditalics. 6A 6B 6C 6D 25 26 BMS (16.4;0.98) (2.7;0.0) (6.8;0.02) (2.5;0.0) (3.1;0.0) (2.4;0.0) Note:TheBMSwasperformedbetweenthemodelsofeachrow(i.e.,BMSanalysison6 Intersubject Variability in the BestGlobal Model selectedmodels).Foreachmodel,thevaluesofalphaandtheexceedanceprobabilityxpare The group comparisons suggest that, in addition to the provided(alpha;xp).Modelswithxp[0.9(showninbold)areconsideredasthewinningmodels putamen route, the direct route (i.e., not via the putamen or (i.e.,highgroupevidence). thalamus) may also be a plausible explanation of our data. To investigate thisfurther,wecomparedModel1A(directroute) with Model 2A (via putamen) in each subject. The results are illustratedinFigure4.Somesubjectsshowedapreference(i.e., Model 25 is simpler but less plausible than Models 1--6C, weakevidence)forModel1A,whereasothersubjectsshowed whereas Model 26 is more complex but less plausible than a preference for Model 2A (see Fig. 4). These results provide Models1--6A. further evidence that, in addition to the modulatory connec- tionsviatheputamen,theremayalsobeanotherpathwayfrom TheMostPlausibleModulatoryConnectionsbetweenaOT aOT to PrC that does not include either the putamen or andPrC thalamus. None of the demographic (gender and age) or HavingestablishedthatthemostplausibleconfigurationwasA, behavioral(the in-scanner accuracy) variables explained these thenextstepinvolvedthepairwisecomparisonofmodels1A-- individual differences (i.e., correlations between the Bayesian 6A. The results are listed in Table 4 with strong evidence factorand these variables werenot significant at P <0.05). (>90%) for one model over another highlighted in bold and weak (trend) evidence (85% < xp < 90%) highlighted in bold Discussion italics. The first thing to note is that reading modulated the Althoughpreviousfunctionalimagingstudieshaveshownthat connections from aOT to PrC via the putamen (Models 2A the putamen and thalamus are activated during reading (e.g., and5A)ratherthanviathethalamus(Models3Aand4A).There Sakurai et al. 1992, 1993; Price et al. 1994, 1996; Rumsey and was also strong evidence that modulatory connections via the Horwitz 1997; Fiez et al. 1999; Kerr et al. 2004; Binder et al. putamen were more plausible without the thalamus (Models 2005; Dietz et al. 2005; Borowsky et al. 2006; Hernandez and 2A and 5A) than with the thalamus (Model 6A). From this we Fiebach2006),activityintheseregionsistypicallyreportedin conclude that reading boosts the transfer of information from ‘‘static’’ functional maps that ignore the numerous regional aOT to PrC via the putamen but not via the thalamus. The interactions that support the reading process. Thus, there is secondthingtonoteisthatthedirectroutealone(Model1A) currently no account of how information is passed through was more plausible than via the thalamus (Models 3A and 6A) these regions or how they interact with one another. In this or the direct route with the thalamus route (Model 4A). This paper, we investigated whether information flow from word again suggests that modulatory connections via the thalamus recognition regions in the left ventral anterior occipito- were not a plausible explanation of the data (i.e., thalamic temporal sulcus (aOT) to articulatory regions in the PrC was interactions were not selective to reading). Finally, there was mediated by activity in the putamen, the thalamus, both, or weak evidence (85% < xp < 90%) that reading modulations neither.Onthebasisofpriorstudies,wehypothesizedthatthe were stronger via the putamen (Models 2A and 5A) than the putamenwouldinteractwithaOT;however,wedidnotknow direct route (i.e., Model 1). However, putamen alone (Model whether this pathway would also include the thalamus, 2A)wasequallyplausible(Table4)toputamencombinedwith whether there would be an independent pathway via the the direct route (Model 5A). This suggests that there may be thalamusorotherregions,orhowreadingpathwaysmightvary more than one route from aOT to PrC, and thus the route via over subjects. theputamen wasnotexclusive. Our experimental design focused on regional interactions Insummary,thecomparisonof27modelssuggeststhatthe that were stronger for reading relative to picture naming or best fitting model is one where reading modulates connec- saying 1,2,3 to meaningless visual stimuli. Thus, we were tionsfromaOTtoPrCviatheputamenwithoutthethalamus. looking for what is special about reading rather than looking However, the route via the putamen is unlikely to be for regional interactions that are the same for reading and exclusive. picture naming. Our models were also constrained by the CerebralCortexMarch2010,V20N3 577 Figure4. (Left)schematicviewofthemostplausibleroutesfromaOTtoPrC(directin1A,viatheputamenin2Aorbothin5A).(Right)bargraphofthelogevidenceofeach subjectwhencomparingthedirectroute(Model1A)withtherouteviatheputamen(Model2A). selectionof5ROIs.Thus,wefocusedonthemostanteriorpart differencesintaskdifficulty.Infact,asmentionedintheResults oftheregionsurroundingtheventraloccipito-temporalsulcus section, the accuracy of our subjects is lower during object ratherthanincludingmoredorsaloccipitalorparietalregions. naming than reading, indicating different difficulty levels for Inpart,ourchoiceofregionswaslimitedtothoseactivatedby our 3 tasks (saying 123, reading and naming). However, we readingrelativetothe1,2,3,baselinecondition(i.e.,ventralOT argue here that our winning models were not biased by task but not parietal regions). We also had prior knowledge from difficultyforthefollowingreasons:1)allour27modelsdiffered Seghier, Lee, et al. (2008) that activation in the left putamen only in the modulated connections, and because only one covaried, across subjects, with that in aOT. However, co- modulatoryfactorwasused(readingasonecontextualinput), variation in regional activation, across subjects, does not it is therefore reasonable to assume that task difficulty indicate whether the regions are part of the same system differences were ‘‘constant’’ across all models; 2) difficulty within subject; how the regions interact with one another; or levelinreadingisintermediate(betweensaying123andobject whetherthe interactionsarespecial forreading. Moreover, by naming); therefore, the winning models cannot be driven by using an optimal implementation of the DCM analysis in a task being too easy or too difficult; and 3) the DCM, as acontextthatrequiredovertresponsesandacarefullydefined agenerativemodel,explainsinamechanisticwaytheobserved anterior OT, we aimed to reveal consistent interactions responses in the GLM analysis. In other words, effects and betweenaOTandputamenthatwerenotidentifiedinarecent factorsofinterestarethosethatarevisibleintheGLM.Because DCM study (Booth etal. 2007). our effects of interest cannot be explained by task difficulty alone (e.g., activity in the thalamus and putamen did not The Different Pathways fromaOT to PrC correspond to the task difficulty level), it is unlikely that TheresultsofourDCManalysesconfirmedourhypothesisthat difficulty is causing changes in effective connectivity between the putamen increased interactions with aOT during reading. aOT, PrC, and subcortical regions. Our selected ROIs are also Interestingly, our findings extend those from our previous differentfromthesetofregions(e.g.,frontal,insular,cingulate, functional covariance study (Seghier, Lee, et al. 2008), by and parietal regions) that have previously been shown to be showingthattheinteractionwithaOTwasmainlyforward(i.e., correlatedwithtaskdifficultyduringreadingdifferentkindsof from aOT to putamen). In addition, we demonstrated strong words (e.g., see Binderet al. 2005). evidence, at the system level, for an involvement of the Over and above showing the role of the putamen in putamenintheinteractionsbetweenaOTandPrC(i.e.,model transferringinformationfromvisualrecognitiontoarticulatory 2A).Critically,thisobservationwasderivedfromacomparison areas, our system level (global) analyses also indicated that of reading to object naming and other control tasks. We can thalamic interactions were not selective to reading between therefore infer that the modulatory connections from aOT to aOT to PrC (model 3A). Thus, although thalamic activation is articulatoryareasviatheputamenarestrongerforreadingthan more common than putamen activation during reading, it was picturenaming,eventhoughactivationpersewasnotgreater theputamen,notthethalamus,thatwasfoundtoplayaspecial for reading than picture naming. To the contrary, in aOT, role in reading (models 2A and 5A). Nevertheless, we must activationwashigherforpicturenamingthanreading(seeFig. emphasize that the absence of reading modulations via the 1C), which illustrates the complementary types of inferences thalamus,intheglobalanalysis,mayindicatethatthethalamic that can be drawn from DCM and univariate analyses. This pathwaywasnotselectiveforreading.Itdoesnotexcludethe rationale has also been shown in recent DCM studies that possibility that the same thalamic pathway was involved in observedcomplementaryresultsbetweenstandardmaineffect picture naming as well as reading. Nor does it exclude the analysis andDCM analysesduringsemantic (Sontyet al.2007) possibility that the thalamus is involved in a different reading orlexical decision (Chow et al.2008;Heim et al. 2009)tasks. pathway that does notinvolve aOT,PrC, ortheputamen. On the other hand, one may argue that the specific Finally,weshowthatthebestfitofourdatawasnotlimited interactions observed here during reading might be driven by to an exclusive reading pathway through the putamen. There 578 SubcorticalInteractionsinWordReading d SeghierandPrice was also evidence for another reading pathway between aOT ditions. Here, the study by Ruz et al. (2005) is particularly andPrCthatdoesnotinvolveeithertheputamenorthalamus relevant.Theseauthorscomparedactivationforwrittenwords but may involve other regions that were not included in our versus consonant strings, superimposed on line drawings of models (model 1A). Analysis of each subject’s data indepen- familiar objects (Ruz et al. 2005). When the subjects attended dently illustrated that the best fit of the data involved the totheletterstrings,atypicalpatternofreadingactivationwas putamen pathway in some subjects and the direct pathway in observed in frontal and temporal regions. However, when the other subjects (see Fig. 4). The individual subject analysis subjects attended to pictures, leaving the letter strings therefore indicated variability in reading preferences, as unattended, the comparison of words to consonant strings predicted on the basis of behavioral (e.g., Baron and Strawson resulted in thalamic and putamen activation that the authors 1976; Zevin and Balota 2000; Beech 2002; Snow 2002; Hyona associatedwithautomaticreadingprocesses.Theresultsofthe and Nurminen 2006) and neuroimaging (Prat et al. 2007; Ruz et al. (2005) study therefore lead us to suggest that Seghier,Lee,etal.2008;Kherifetal.2009) studiesofreading. intersubject variability in reading pathways may be a conse- One challenging issue in the future will be to identify the quenceofdifferentlevelsofattention.However,furtherstudies plausible phenotype--genotype associations that may explain arerequiredtotestthisandotherinterpretationsbecauseour thedifferences inthepreferred reading model. paradigmwasnotdesignedtoinvestigatefunctionaldifferences inreading strategy across skilled readers. AParticular Rolefor the Putamen Implication for Cognitive Models ofReading We can ask whether the putamen pathway might correspond One important implication of this study is the necessity to to a particular cognitive strategy. For example, unlike object recognize the particular role of subcortical structures in naming, reading can proceed on the basis of nonsemantic cognitivemodelsofreading.Asfarasweknow,theonlymodel sublexical relationships between orthography and phonology ofwordreadingthatexplicitlyincorporatedsubcorticalregions (Seidenberg and McClelland 1989; Coltheart et al. 1993; Plaut was that of Reichle et al. (2003) who suggested, in their ‘‘E-Z et al. 1996; Coltheart et al. 2001). Therefore, one might argue Reader’’ model, an important role for subcortical structures in that the putamen supports phonological decoding in sublex- modulating attentional resources during the control of eye ical--nonsemantic reading. Consistent with this hypothesis, movement in word reading (e.g., see Fig. 14 of Reichle et al. previous studies have shown that activity in the left putamen 2003). In a more general context, subcortical structures have correlateswiththedemands(speed)onphonologicalprocess- beenincludedinsomelanguageprocessingmodels(forreview ing(Tettamanti et al. 2005) and increases when verbal output seeMurdoch2001;Whelanetal.2003).Forinstance,Crosson’s must be monitored during syllable production (Riecker et al. model (Crosson 1985, 1999) predicts an intermediate role for 2002).These findingsarealsoin linewitha broaderliterature the basal ganglia linking language networks to speech output. suggestingarolefortheputamenindifferentphonologicaland Specifically,inthismodelcalled‘‘theresponserelease/semantic speechoutputprocesses(Rosenetal.2000;Murdoch2001;Gil feedbackmodel,’’thethalamusplayedapivotalroleinsemantic Robles et al. 2005; Riecker et al. 2005; Tettamanti et al. 2005; monitoringandtheselectionoflexicalalternatives,whereasthe Bohland and Guenther 2006; Marchand et al. 2008), and with basalganglia(e.g.,putamenandglobuspallidus)playedmainlyan previous structural and functional connectivity studies that inhibitory role in the release of cortically formulated segments have observed significant connections between putamen and intothespeechoutputsystem.Inotherwords,thebasalganglia the primary and supplementary motor cortices, premotor role is restricted to later language processes that require cortex, and cerebellum (Henry et al. 2004; Wakana et al. inhibition of competing alternatives (see also discussion in 2004; Postuma and Dagher 2006; Leh et al. 2007; Di Martino Longworthetal.2005).Recently,inamoregeneralframework, etal. 2008;Draganski et al.2008; Marchand etal. 2008). subcortical structures (mainly caudate nucleus, thalamus, and On the basis of these findings, it is therefore tempting to putamen)havebeenshowntobemoreinvolvedwhenlanguage propose that the reading pathway via the putamen is the processingcannotrelyentirelyonautomatic processesbuthas signature for the extra coordination of complex motor torecruitcontrolledprocessesaswell(Ketteleretal.2008). sequences that is required when phonemes are assembled Based on these previous accounts, we hypothesize that the during sublexical reading. However, this interpretation is role of the left putamen in regular word reading is to control difficult to reconcile with observations that aOT activation is the release of phonological codes (e.g., articulation plans) to higher when phonological retrieval cannot proceed on the the speech output system. From our point of view, this basis of sublexical processing. Thus, we observed greater aOT hypothesisexplainstheinteractionsweobservedbetweenthe activation for object naming than reading (see Fig. 1) and leftputamen and thewordrecognition (aOT)and articulation several previous studies have reported greater aOT activation (PrC)systems.Althoughmuchfurtherinvestigationisrequired for reading exception words with irregular spellings than to understand these interactions, we predict that the contri- unfamiliar pseudowords (Herbster et al. 1997; Jobard et al. bution of the putamen to reading depends on the strategy 2003; Mechelli et al. 2005; Price and Mechelli 2005). This adopted bythereader. conundrumofresultsmayindicatethattheputamensupports lexicalorsemanticaccessfromaOTtothespeechproduction system during reading. Consistent with this proposal, Sakurai Practical Issues et al. (1993) have suggested that the left putamen might be Asdetailedabove,DCMoffersaflexibleframeworktoestimate involved when semantic access is needed to read aloud effectiveconnectivityattheneuronallevelwithhighsensitivity Japanese phonograms (‘‘kana’’words). in different contexts and between different regions. However, An alternative perspective comes from considering studies somepracticalissuesshouldbeacknowledgedwhenusingDCM that showed variation in subcortical activation across con- to assess effective connectivity. Specifically, 1) the estimated CerebralCortexMarch2010,V20N3 579

support reading because both cognitive and anatomical models invariably include 2 or . putamen, the thalamus, or both during reading aloud. Our.
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