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Preview Reader in Marxist Philosophy: From the Writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin

,�.READER IN ·. MARXIST ·PHILOSOPHY FrotmhW er itoif.n gs MARX,.E NGELSa ndL ENIN \ SeleacnEtdde idt ed wiItnht rodaunNcdot tieso ns by f HowarSdels am;_Haandr ryM artel Rahulfoundatlon Lucknow ISBN9 78-93-80303-37-6 PriceR:s 1.5 0..00 FirsEtd itioJna: nu2ary,0 10 Publisbhyed:Rah ul Foundation 69B,a bkaaP urwPaa,p MeilrlR oaNdi,s hatgunj, Lucknow-226006 CoveDres ign :R ambabu Typesetting:C ompuDtievri sion, Rahul Foundation Printebdy :C reaPtirvien t6e2r8s/,SS -h2a8k,ti nLaugcakrwn, o Reader Mianr xisPth ilosyo ph byH owarSde lsaamn dH arry Martel FOREWORD Oneo fth el eadiAnmge ricMaanr xipshti losopohfhe irtissm ea ndo ne ofth ee ditoorfths i sb ookH owarSde lsasma isdo mewhetrheat th e beswta yt ou nderstthaenM darx istp hilosoapnhdwy o rlodu tlooiks toh eafrro mi tgsre aetx ponents theim.seMe.al,rv xEe,ns g,e lLse,n in, Stalainnd M ao.T hep resesnetl ectiisdo ens ignteoad·c quaint the readewrist thh eM arxipshti losotphhryo utghhew ritingofs Marx., Engelasn dL eniThne.s ew ritianrgeths e o newshi chl aiddo·w nth e. basifocu ndatioofnM sa rxispth ilosoApsht yh.ede i torhsa vpeo inted outin th eiGre nerIanltr oductitohne,sw er itindgosn odte aelx plicitly ore xclusiwviethql uye stioonfps h ilosoopnhlyyth ;e sweri tingosft en deawli thth em ositm medipaotlei tiacnadel c onomqiuce stioonfts h e workicnlga msosv ementth·eoc fontempoprearryi oHdo.w evetrh,e y contatihneb roadpehsitl osopgheincearla liswahtiiconhno sw,s erve ast heb asiosfM arxipshti losophy. Thisse lectmiiognhs te emi ncomplaentdoe u tdatteomd a ny readearsis dt,o enso it ncluthdeep hilosopwhriictinaglos f M aoT se­ tungH.o wevears,t hee ditoerxsp laiinnt heiirn troductthieoinr, intentiiosnn o tt op ropoisnae n y· wathya tth ep hilosopwhriictianlg s ofM ao,o rfo r thatm atteGrr,a msacri en ots ignificeannotu gOhn. thec ontratryh,ee d itboerlsi ethvaett hpeh ilosopwhriictailon fMg aso are particiilarly ianncdpi esnievtraet iHnogw.e vetrh,is se lecitniteonnd s tom akec ommorne adefrasm iliwairt thhe p hilosopwhriictianlog fs MarxEn,g elasn dL eniwnh iclha iddo wnt hfoeu ndationtsh Meoa fr xist phisloophyU.n doubtedmlayn,yM arxisrte volutioannardi es philosopphaerrtsi,c uMlaaor,dl eyv elotphedeM ar xispth ilosophy futhrera ndt ooik tt o nehwe igsh.t··Mdaeov elopdeida lectical matelriiasimn to dniemwe nsions, ewsipthehic csie allelbyr eastesda ys 'OnP ractiacned' 'COonn tradicMtairoxni's.im sa constantly developsicnige nWcieth.the developmoefon btj ecwtiorvled d,i alectical materiaallisdsoem v elopHedo.w evetrh;is se lecltiimoinit tss teolt fh ·e presentaotfti hoebn a sifocu ndatioofnd si alectaincdha ils torical materialaissp mr,o vidbeytd h wer itionfgM sarx , Engelasn dL enin. Onep articulaforr toef th iss eleetiiosthn a ti ti nclusdoemseo f ther areosftht e wri tingso fM arxE,n gealnsd L enin, wthhiocuhg,h muchs ougahftte ra,r en ote asialvya ilatboldeaF yo.re xampolnee canr eabdr illlioannegtx cerfrpotmsT hHeo lyF amilyT,he G erman Idoeolgy,P hilpohsiocNaotle booofkL esn iIn,n turcotditootn h e CritoifqH uegee lP'sh ilosoofR pgihyhi, T heYou ngG enerabty ion Lenient,cWi .th selectifroonmsth esrea rwer itintghsib so ok certainly isd estitnoeb de comae r eadedresl'i gfohrt s tudeonftM sa rxist philosoapnhdCyo mmuniasctti viBsetssi.d theisss, e lecatlisoionn clude someo ft her elatiuvneklnyo wann du navaileaabrlleiw ersitt ionfg s Marx anEdn gelwsh,i cahr e iomfm enshei storsiicganli ficiann ce understathnedt ihnogu gphrto ceosfs MarxE nagnedwl hsi cfihn �ly letdh etmo e volavn ee wr evolutiaonndsa criye ntwiofirclo du tlook. b� Theswer itiinngcsd eth ed octotrhaelso ifMs a rxo nt hPeh ilosophy ofE picurOuust, loifna eC sri uteoi fqP olitEiccoanlob myEy n gels, etcT.h esaree . thweri tinogfsM arxa ndE �gelwsh iclhe dm anyt o chargMear xa ndE ngelosfp ost-Hegerleilaing ioouutsl ook, existentieatlciH.so mw,e vearst, h eed itcoornst einntd h eGiern eral ·I ntrocdtouin;t hesceh argeasr eb aseeslsr esultfirnogm decontextuoablsiezrevda taiboonuMsta rx'wso rlodu tloothke;s e observfearitslou nderstthaend de velopmoefMn atrx ispth ilosophy asa historpircoacle Tshsi.ss e lecthiaosbn e edni vidiendts oe ven parts-'WhaMtarx ismI s'',M aterivaelrissIumds e ali'sDmi'a,l ectics andt hDei alecMteitchaolTd h'e,o rofyK nowledagnedth eP hilosophy ofS cienc'eT'h,Me a teritalIn itserpretaotfiH oins tory', 'Religion', 'EthicBse's.i detsh,e arreet w oa ppendi'cTehsFe:o nnatiPveer iod' and' LeniPnh'isl osophical NTohteee dbiotoohkrassv.w e'r ittae n separiantter oducftoireo anc she ctiaopna,rfr to m thGee neral Introducwthiiocnh, woarsak cso mpasfosr t her eadfeorrt hat ' particulasre ction. Thougahno ldb ooki,ti sn oatb oucth ronolwoigttyhh mea tters ofp hilosoIpthi ys! eaxnc ellseenlte ctainoa nb,s oluptreilzye d possesosifao nny onien tereisnMt aerdx ipshti losoanpdh Mya,r xist activwihsotw sa ntto m ake thepirra xmiosr en uancweidt ahd eeper understaonfdp ihnigl osoWpeh ayr.ee x tremepllye asteord e prthiinst book whihcahbs e eunn availafobrld ee cadweistt hh heo pteh aitwt i ll receiavw ean n welcombeyal ls tudeonftM arsx ispth ilosophy. -RahFuolu ndation 151..2010 PREFATONROYT E Them aterifraolmMs ar x,E ngelasn,dL enipnr esenitnte hdiv so lume ardei vidiendts oe vepnar tsp,l utsw ol engthy AppTehnedr iecaesso.n for thel attieser x plainiendt heG enerIanltr oductTihoeen d.i tors havael ssou pplais eedp araitnetr oducfotrie oanc phar ta ndfo re ach oft htweo Appendices. Inth em aibno doyf t hweo rkth,ee dithoarvsfre e quendtelpya rted from a chronolopgriecsaeln taitnti hoein n teroefst thsel ogical developmoefMn arxti stp hilosoSpihnych.eo ,w evetrh,ce h ronology iso ftens ignifictahneyt e,a irn w hicthh ew ork wasc omple-ted thoungohtn ecessarpiulbyl is-heidsgi vena fteera ch entry. TheC ontengtisv etsh seo urocfeal le ntriewsh,i cihsr epeated, fort hceo nvenioefnth ceer eadaetrt ,h een do fe acshe lecitinot nh e text, towgietpthah gerere ferences. aIsmn aansyom fut chhe se works havaep peariennd u meroeduisti ontsh,el isotfS ourcaetts h ee nd identitfiheees d itiuosneds.T hroughthoeu te,di tors have sought to uset hose remaodsitl ayv ailaibntl heUe n iteSdt ates Itnom doasyt. casethse sea rael stoh bee satn dm osatu thentrtaincs lations. Allc utwsi thiang ivesne lecareti moanr kewdi tthhr edeo tAlsl. yis footnotneostm arke" d- Ed".a refr omt heo rigintaelx tse.r ts withisnq uabrrea ck[e tis]nt htee xatr bey t heed itors.\ Tub A biographiincdaelix d entipfieerss ornesf ertroe.d biajor concepatrsefo ,r them ostp arcto,n taiinnet dh ed etailteadb loef contents. ThEed itors CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION 17 ................................•................................ PARTO NE WHATMARXISM IS INTRODUCTION. 21 ................................................................................... 1.M ARXISM:THE 'THEoRY OFTHE PROLETARIAT A.S cie:Bnecceo Rmeevso lu.ti...o....n...a.....ry..... .........................22 MARx POVERTY OFP HILOSOPHY , B.M odeSmo ciaRleiflseanmc A tcst Cuaoln fl.i.c.t. ....21. ................ ENGELSA,m i-DOHRING 2 . RADIRCUPTUREAL WrrHTRAn moNALI DE...A...S.... ............................ 21 MARx AND ENGELS,T HEC OMMUNIST MANIFESTO 3.T HE GENEOSFMARxiI sSM : HoSwoc IAUsMB ECAMEAS CIEN•••CE•••• ••:•. 26 ENGELSA,N TI-DOHRING 4.T HE THRECEO MPONEpNAR TST OP.MARXI SM ........................................ "JJ LENIN, THET HRESEO URCANDE S THREEC OMPONENTp AR TS OFMA RXISM 5.C OMMUNISMC ANNOTB EL EARNED BYR OT.;. E. ..........42. .......................... LENINT,H EY OUNGG ENERATION PARTT WO MATERIALISM VERSUS IDEALISM INTRODUCTION 45 ................................................................................... 1.MA TERIAUsM AND IDEALTIHES TMw:Bo A sS1ccH ooLS OFPHIL OSOP..H....Y.... .....................................................................If! ENGELS,L UDWIGF EUERBACH 2.T HE DEVELOPMENTO FM ODEMARTENR IALISIN M FRANCEAND ENGLAND .................................................................... SJ MARx AND ENGELS, THE HOLFYA MILY 3.T HEREL ATIOOFAN G NOSTIMCAITERIALSIMS,MAND , REuGIOTON M ODERNCLA SS STR UGGLES ...............6.1. ........................ ENGESLSoc,IAUS M, UTOPIAN ANDS CIENTIFIC 4.MAfo o: SMTA TERIALISM AGAINSRTE VISI...O....N.....I...S.....TS.... ..............63 LENMAINT,ER IALIANDS ME MPIRIO-CRITICISM 5." REFUTATIONO FMATER IALIFSRMOB"MERKELE Y TOTHE MAllCAlN..S.... 65 LENIN,I bid. 6. MATERIAUSM VERIDSEUASL NIOSNM-:P ARTISANSHIP AND 'REcOILIA1N1C0NI MPoSS...IB....L....E.... ...................................... 78 LENIIbNi,d . 7.D oBS THE NEWP HYSREFuTE ICSM ATERIALISM.?..... ................................. S6... LENIINb,i d. PARTT HREE' DIALECTICS ANDTHEDIALECTICALME TIIOD INTRODUCTION :. ...........'..;.,.. . .......... ..............95.. .............. .................. ••.• · 1." ALLT HAITREALS IS RATIONA-LTHE " RBvOLUTIONSAIDROEYF HEGELPHILoIsAoNP HY fJ7 ENGEY,·� �/JWI..G.F...E ..U...E...RBA..CH... ......'.. ....... ................................ ... 2.· MARxl ST DIALECTl ���}r11 0ift.P PSOITB�? HEFG.E. S L. . ..................................99 MARX, .V OLI., ACTOE 2 NDE.D . . .. 3.F ROHME GETOL 'IMATEiuAL 'AI N.S 1. T ' D)iA L.•BCT ICS :N�tilrat A.The Roloef ,.the Scien.c...e...s... ..... ......... ... ........ .. .... 1..00 ENGELLUSD,FWI EGU ERBACH B.Th eRoleofMarx's)?ol::i!iEticocnomy.. ..................................1 04 ENGELS",REv IBWOGFIU TIQOUFPE o LmECcAoLN OMY" 4.SCIBNTIFi cV ERSSUc�S cO sOEFDIALBCTi cs ............................... 100 D!ALECTICLE�NWIH=NA,TT HE� "F��=c:RIE NDOFST HEP EOPLAKR'E 5. ..,. .....,. .... ...'... ..........1..1.1.. ......... ... .. .. 6. DiALBcTicANDs FRMALo Lome A.Th e LaowfI denti.ty.. .....¥...:.. ....... ............1.1.5. .......................... ENGELDSIAL,E CTOIFCSN ATURE B.D efiintioEnc:l ecatincdD ialec....ti. .c. .......... ..........1..1...6.. . ......... LENINO,N CAE GAINO NT HET RADE UNIONS 7.C oNTRADICTioNRsEINAL...I....T., . Y.. .......................�.• •. .1.1..8.. ............... ENGBLSN1,1A-DOHRING 8.C ONTRADCIHCTIAONANDN CSNE:E CES....S....IT....Y... .......................... 120 ENGELDSIA,L ECOTIFCN SA TURE 9.T HE LAWSO FD IALECTICS.. ... ...... .............. ..... ........ •.. ..... ...........1...23.. . .... ENGELS, Ibi.d. QuALITY 10. THE lNI:BRACTION OFQ UANTITY AND A.In theN aturSacli en.c...e...s... .................................................1 24 ENGELS,/ bid. B.lh thSeo ciSalc ien.c... e..s... . ......................... ......... .. ...1Z7.. ......... . ENGELS,ANJi-DOHRJNG C Int hLea boPrroc ess.. ......... .................................. ......1...30... . ..... MAR:x ,C APITVALOL,. l 11THE. UNITYAND CONFLICT OFO PPOSITES... .........................................1 31 LENIN,P HILOSOPHICAL NOTEBOOKS 12T HE NEGATIONO FTHE NEGATIO...N... ................................................. 134 ENGELS, ANTJ-DOHlt!NG PARTF OUR THEORYOFKNOWLEDGEAND THE PHILOSOPHY OFS CIENCE INTRODUCTION 139 ................................................................................. 1.TI IREB PRoPOsmOoNFTHEs MARxl sTT HEORY OFKN OWLEDGE ..........1 41 LENIN,MA TERIALISMAND EMPIRI0-0u17CISM 2.H owD oW E KNowO BJECTIVEREALITY ? ..........................................1 42 ENGELS, SOCIALISM,U TOPIAN AND SCIENTIFIC 3.T HE' 'THING-IN-ITSELF" A. .N o' 'Thing-ifonr-S i�tiseen.l.c..f..e.'.. . ...................................1 45 ENGELS,D JALEC11CSO FN ATURE B.Th e Knowabiolfthi ety' 'Th�iinng-i,t"s.. e...l...f...................... 1.4 5 LENIN MATERIALISM AND EMPlRJO-CRITICISM , 4.W HA:T ISOB JECTIVE TRum? ............................................................... 146 LENIN, Ibid. 5.TR um: RllLA:iivE AND ABSOLUTE. ........ ......... .....................1...5...3... ....... ENGELS,A NTI-DOHRING 6. RELATlvITY OFK NOWLEDGE VERSUS.RE LATIVISM A.Co nditivoenraslUu nsc onditiToruntha.l. ..................1..5..8.. ...... LENIN MATERIALISM AND EMPlRIO-CRJUCISM , B.Re lativisanmd Dialecti...c..s... ...............'.. .................1.00. ............ LENIN,I bid. 7.T HEC ATEGORYO FC AUSAUTY A.O urK.nowleodfCgaeusali.t....y... .........................................1.62 ENGELS,D IALE C11CSO FN ATURE B.C ausality oaOf b RjeeflcReteciativlo....ein... ty ..... ............. .1..63 .LENIN ,MA TERIALIANDS ME MPJRIO-CRITJCISM 8. MODERScNlE NCEF:R OMAS TATTIOAC D YNAMIWC ORLD-VIBW ..........1 66 .E NGW,D IALECTICSO FN ATURE 9.R OLEOF PRODUCTIOINN THE DEVELOPMOEFTilEN TS CIENC.ES. ...1.70. ...... ENGELISb,i d. 10N.A TURASLC IENTIANDS TPSHILOS OPHY A.W hyS cienNteeidas Ph tisl os.o.....p...h......y... ......................1 71 ENGELIS,b id. B.F roMme taphtyPoso isciSstic viee. ..n..c.....e... .....................1 72 ENGELSI,b id. C. NecesosfDi itya lefocrSt ciicesn.. .t.....i...s...t...s..... ...............1 72 ENGELISb,i d. 11S.CIE NCEV ERSMUEST APHYS..I...C....S... ...............................................1 74 LENINW,HA T THE" FRIEONDSFT HEPE OPLAERE" 12l.N SEPARABILITOYF IND UCTION AND DEDUCTION A.F alliobInfid luictt....yi... o...n.... ..............................................1 76 ENGELDSI;A LECTOICFNS ATU RE B.In ductainAnodan l y.s...i....s..... .............................................1 76 ENGELISb,i d. C. InducCtliaosantis:oia nfin cEdv olu....t..i.....o.....n... ..............1 77 ENGELIbSi,d ·. \ 13T.HE F UNCTIONO FC ONCEPTTSoREF: L ECT REALIT..Y.. ........................1 78 ENGELLSE,TTE RTO C ONRAD ScHMIDr 14C.ON CEPTANDS THE GROW1HO FS CIENCE. ......................1..80.. ................. ENGELCSA,P ITVAOLLI,,PREF, A CE TO lTSE NGLIEDS.H 15. DEFINITIONABSS,T RCTAIONANDS , REALITY A.D ialeacnDtdei ficnsi .t.. . i...o. . n...s... .... .......... . ....... ... ... .. . . ..1..8..1. ENGELSPREF,A CE TO CAPITAVLO,LII I R LimitaotiDefofi nnsi t.i.o.n. .......:.. .........1..8..1.. .......... .................. ENGELSAN,T I-DOHRING C. Al"lL aware sA"p porximati..o....n.s....·....... ............................1 82 MARX,C APITVAOLLII,. I D. TheC oncarneAdtb es trIalctrltau ts..e....d.... ............ ..;... ...1.82. .. MARx, CRITIQOUFEP OLITIECACLO NOMY PARTF IVE THE MATERIALIST INTERPRETATION OF HISTORY . INTRODUCTI ON............................1.84. ...................................................

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