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SLADE GORTON A HAlf Century in PolitiCs John C. Hughes 5p.Slade Gorton.indd 1 8/2/11 9:34 AM First Edition Copyright © 2011 Office of the Secretary of State All rights reserved ISBN 978-1-889320-24-3 Book design by Suzanne Harris / Integrated Composition Systems Cover design by Laura Mott Printed in the United States of America By Thomson-Shore This is one in a series of biographies and oral histories published by the Wash- ington State Legacy Project. Other history-makers profiled by the project include former governor Booth Gardner; Northwest Indian fisheries leader Billy Frank; Congresswoman Jennifer Dunn; former first lady Nancy Evans; astronaut Bon- nie J. Dunbar; Bremerton civil rights activist Lillian Walker; former chief justice Robert F. Utter; former justice Charles Z. Smith; trailblazing political reporter Adele Ferguson; Federal Judge Carolyn Dimmick, and Nirvana co-founder Krist Novoselic. For more information on The Legacy Project go to http://www.sos .wa.gov/legacyproject/ Cover photo: Gorton listens to testimony from National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice at a 9/11 Commission hearing on April 8, 2004, in Washington, D.C. AP Photo/Charles Dharapak 3p.Slade Gorton.indd 2 7/29/11 8:38 AM For Sally and Patsy 3p.Slade Gorton.indd 3 7/29/11 8:38 AM 3p.Slade Gorton.indd 4 7/29/11 8:38 AM Contents Introduction: Slippery Slade? 1 1. The Gortons and Slades 9 2. Dumb and Dumped 22 3. The Change Agents 28 4. The Freshman 36 5. A Power Struggle 45 6. The Coalition 49 7. Taking on Giants 61 8. Weird and Wonderful Shapes 65 9. Majority Rules 75 10. General Gorton 80 11. Unhappy Days 96 12. Riding with History 108 13. Gorton Agonistes 114 14. The Jolt from Boldt 120 15. Designated Hitters 134 16. Bicentennial Follies 139 17. A Gold Watch for Maggie 150 18. The Giant Killers 162 19. Deficit Hawks 171 20. Ship Shape 180 21. The Year of Living Dangerously 189 22. Déjà vu All Over Again 198 23. Gorton v. Zappa 203 24. Let’s Make a Deal 209 25. Trick or Treat 214 26. Post-mortems 228 27. The Comeback 231 3p.Slade Gorton.indd 5 7/29/11 8:38 AM 28. Who Gives a Hoot? 253 29. Back at Bat 268 30. New Friends and Old Enemies 274 31. A House Divided 284 32. Messy and Unpredictable 288 33. Close Calls and Tragedies 295 34. Refuse to Lose 299 35. The Council of Trent 304 36. ‘Dump Slade 2000’ 310 37. High Crimes or Misdemeanors? 318 38. A Dubious Honor 324 39. An Outbreak of Candor 337 40. Commissioner Gorton 340 41. Confrontation and Consensus 344 42. The Nature of the Enemy 357 43. Petroleum and Beyond 364 44. Not So Super 370 45. The Extraordinary Octogenarian 375 Acknowledgements 385 Donors 388 Source Notes 389 Bibliography 415 Index 421 About the Author 437 4p.Slade Gorton.indd 6 7/29/11 4:13 PM Slippery Slade? KeLLie cARLson wAs coLd from her nose to her toes. Just out of col- lege, she was an entry-level legislative assistant on Capitol Hill at $14,000 per year. Washington, D.C., was a far cry from Pullman, Washington, not to mention the wide spot in the road where her dad lost his shirt in the forest products business when logging was slashed to save the spotted owl. Working for U.S. Senator Slade Gorton was her dream job. After rent, groceries and a car payment, however, she was always flirting with dead broke by mid-month. One evening in the winter of 1995 several staffers were accompanying Slade to a reception on Capitol Hill. “Kellie, where’s your coat?” he scolded fatherly halfway down the block. “Go back to the office and get your coat.” “I don’t have a coat,” she said so softly it was almost a whisper. “Please, Slade, don’t embarrass me.” “You don’t have a coat?” “Well, not a winter coat, but I’m going to get one when I get paid.” “Tomorrow,” he said when the event was over, “Sally and I are going to Delaware for a walk on Rehoboth Beach. You’re coming with us. There’s an outlet mall there, and you’re going to get yourself a coat.” Mortified, she wanted to say “Tomorrow isn’t pay day.” But she just nodded and worried herself home. Next morning they drove to the outlet mall—Slade, Sally, Kellie and Brig, a big old slobbery dog, stuffed into an un-senatorial Geo Prizm. At $70, the cheapest winter coats were still more than she could afford. “I just wanted to throw up. It was so embarrassing.” Then Slade handed her some coupons he’d been saving. “This is your contribution,” he said. “Sally and I will take care of the rest.” “They took me to lunch and we came home. It was a wonderful day. Whenever I hear someone from Seattle say what an arrogant, aloof man he is I want to shout ‘You don’t know the real Slade Gorton!’” It’s a green wool coat—a good Republican cloth coat—that she trea- sures to this day. 1 3p.Slade Gorton.indd 1 7/29/11 8:38 AM 2 slade gorton: a half century in politics Which brings us to the paramount duty of every biographer: Answer- ing “What’s he really like?” He’s complicated. There’s the man behind the coat, the boss who in- spired such loyalty, and he who does not suffer fools gladly; the nimble hardball-player who elevated running against Greater Seattle to an art form. If they got this far, his old enemies are still gagging over the coat story. it Was ed donohoe, the acerbic Teamsters union columnist, who hung “slippery” on Slade Gorton 50 years ago. Donohoe had a nickname for everyone. Governor Dan Evans, the Eagle Scout who led Gorton into poli- tics, was “Straight Arrow.” A. Ludlow Kramer, the secretary of state, was “Lud the Dud.” Watching Gorton at work as Evans’ legislative tactician in the 1960s, helping engineer a coup that overthrew the speaker of the House, Donohoe said the Democrats were left to grouse about how hard it was to win an argument with someone “so goddamn smart.” Gorton’s redistricting battles with Bob Greive, the Senate majority leader, were a high-stakes political chess match the likes of which the State Legislature has seldom seen. As Washington’s attorney general, Gorton was one of the first major Republican officials to call for Nixon’s resignation. He was also a far- sighted consumer protection activist. As a U.S. senator, his insistence on deficit reduction infuriated Ronald Reagan. His support for the National Endowment for the Arts left Jesse Helms sputtering. He outraged Native Americans. Environmentalists intent on curtailing logging and breach- ing dams elevated him to their “Dirty Dozen” even while he was preserv- ing vast tracts of scenic land and pressuring Detroit to adopt higher mile- age standards. He was 6–2 in statewide races, defeating a legend to get to the U.S. Senate. The two he lost were remarkably close. One of Gorton’s heroes, Teddy Roosevelt, always said the spotlight comes with the territory when you’re “the man in the arena,” living the strenuous life, doing things. Gorton has been in the arena without inter- ruption since 1956 and shows no signs of slowing down. the alarM is set for 6:45. It rarely goes off. At 83, he’s clear-eyed at dawn, checking the Weather Channel to see if he should wear tights un- der his running shorts. Then he’s out the door, rain or shine, for a two- mile jog with Trip, his faithful Yellow Lab. When they return some 30 minutes later, he shaves and showers before breakfast. When it’s chilly, he wants oatmeal. Usually, though, it’s the same concoction he learned to love at Boy Scout camp—shredded wheat, corn flakes, Rice Krispies and 1r.Slade Gorton.indd 2 8/23/11 8:42 AM intRoduction 3 fruit, garnished with Grape Nuts. Sally surveys the hall to see how well he and Trip wiped their feet. “I used to tell my friends I’ve done more than most people have done by the time I get him out the door,” she sighs. They’ve been married for 53 eventful years. He usually heads to one of his offices or the airport. As a lawyer, lob- byist, foundation member and political strategist, he still spends a lot of time in D.C. Fun is a good book. They’re piled high everywhere. Spring is his favorite season because baseball begins. Without him, Seattle wouldn’t have the Mariners. Capable of breathtaking political somersaults, he is slippery. But defi- nitely not in the sense that Bill Clinton was “Slick Willie,” his silver tongue and roving eye compromising his brilliant promise. Clinton’s in- tellectual equal, Gorton is virtually viceless, except for his impatience, which can morph into arrogance if things get tedious. He bristles when his integrity is challenged. After his crushing first defeat in 1986, his friends staged an interven- tion that rinsed out some of the hubris. He learned to resist the temptation to finish your sentences; stopped telling reporters they had just asked sin- gularly stupid questions; grew more thoughtful. His first grandchild, a chubby-cheeked charmer, was a revelation. She’s now an officer in the U.S. Navy. The fourth, a handsome boy who turned out to be autistic, taught him even more. The coupon-clipping closet softie made more appearances. Confronted by a dullard, however, his eyes still reveal that he’s weighing whether to respond with a large butterfly net or a blow dart. “You may have noticed that I’m not the world’s warmest person,” he quipped to his biographer. Do tell. “He’s not a schmoozer,” says Sally, chuckling at the understatement. “When he plays Pickleball, he always aims for your toes. He hates to lose.” Besides books, baseball and dogs, he likes York Mints and meat loaf. The man often accused of being humorless actually laughs a lot, espe- cially at himself. He can be spontaneously mischievous. Shortly after Al and Tipper Gore’s famous passionate kiss at the Democratic National Convention, Slade grabbed Sally at a Republican gathering and gave her a smooch that brought down the house. She wanted to kill him. with his LeAn fRAMe, tall forehead, angular chin, toothy smile and big, bespectacled eyes, Thomas Slade Gorton III is a cartoonist’s dream. For a roast, admirers commissioned a Bobblehead from David Horsey, the Seat- tle Post-Intelligencer’s Pulitzer Prize winner. 3p.Slade Gorton.indd 3 7/29/11 8:38 AM

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