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NORM JOHNSTON CONFESSIONS OF AN ADAPTIVE MARKETER. CLICK TO NAVIGATE > INTRODUCTION #1 SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING #2 STRENGTH LIES IN DIFFERENCES, NOT IN SIMILARITIES ##33 TTOO IIMMPPRROOVVEE IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE;; TTOO BBEE PPEERRFFEECCTT IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE OOFFTTEENN #4 THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR IT TODAY #5 EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE INTRODUCTION. MARKETING IS A LOT LIKE TABLE TENNIS THESE DAYS: RAPID AND ADAPTIVE, SOMETIMES CONDUCTED IN SHORT-BURSTS OR STEADY EXCHANGES BETWEEN BRAND AND CONSUMER, BUT ALWAYS FAST PACED AND EXCITING. DAVID OGILVY’S CONFESSIONS OF AN ADVERTISING MAN WAS A SEMINAL BOOK IN 1963, WRITTEN AT A TIME WHEN MAD MEN RULED AN ANALOGUE WORLD. FAST FORWARD FIFTY YEARS AND TODAY’S MOST INNOVATIVE WORK IS AT THE CROSSROADS OF MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY, AND IT’S THE REALM OF GEEKS, DATA AND ALGORITHMS. IN THIS HYPER-CONNECTED WORLD, BRANDS CAN STICK WITH THE 1963 MODEL OR EMBRACE THE RAPID CONSUMER-DRIVEN, DATA-FUELLED MARKETING AND ADAPTIVE WORLD. IF YOU THINK THE FUTURE IS THE LATTER, THEN THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU. PICK UP A PADDLE AND JOIN THE GAME AND FEEL FREE TO ADD YOUR OWN CONFESSIONS AT #ADAPTIVEMARKETING CLICK TO NAVIGATE > INTRODUCTION #1 SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING #2 STRENGTH LIES IN DIFFERENCES, NOT IN SIMILARITIES ##33 TTOO IIMMPPRROOVVEE IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE;; TTOO BBEE PPEERRFFEECCTT IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE OOFFTTEENN #4 THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR IT TODAY #5 EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE #1 SIZE ISN’T EVERYTHING. CLICK TO NAVIGATE > INTRODUCTION #1 SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING #2 STRENGTH LIES IN DIFFERENCES, NOT IN SIMILARITIES ##33 TTOO IIMMPPRROOVVEE IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE;; TTOO BBEE PPEERRFFEECCTT IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE OOFFTTEENN #4 THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR IT TODAY #5 EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE #1 SIZE ISN’T EVERYTHING. AT THIS VERY MOMENT ACROSS EUROPE THERE ARE TALENTED SCIENTISTS CONDUCTING HIGH-VELOCITY EXPERIMENTS TO PUSH THE BOUNDARIES OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. THIS ISN’T CERN. AND WE’RE NOT TALKING ATOM SMASHING, DARK MATTER AND SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE. IT’S MINDSHARE. AND WE’RE TALKING ABOUT DATA MASHING, BRAND MATTER AND MARKETING KNOWLEDGE. WHILE THEY DON’T WEAR LAB GOGGLES (YET), OUR ADAPTIVE MARKETERS ARE CREATING ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT DATA COLLISIONS AND DISCOVERING A WEALTH OF VALUABLE AND ACTIONABLE INSIGHT THAT WILL MAKE OUR CLIENTS’ MARKETING EFFORTS MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE. LET ME GIVE YOU ONE EXAMPLE. CLICK TO NAVIGATE > INTRODUCTION #1 SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING #2 STRENGTH LIES IN DIFFERENCES, NOT IN SIMILARITIES ##33 TTOO IIMMPPRROOVVEE IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE;; TTOO BBEE PPEERRFFEECCTT IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE OOFFTTEENN #4 THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR IT TODAY #5 EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE Everyone knows the Kleenex tissue Such Adaptive Marketing you with fantastic experiences, brand. Our Mindshare UK team initiatives are being powered by products and targeted media decided to experiment with data the extraordinary proliferation in ideas. Assuming your ‘big data’ to see if we could make Kimberly- IP-enabled connections, everything is valid – and it’s never good Clark’s media investment work from cars to vending machines to to assume, so check – the real that much harder. By mixing watches are now connected to the science of marketing is the careful publically-available Google Internet and the data flow is getting examination analysis of data, “ search data and UK National richer. Digitally supercharged which provides the actionable Health Service (NHS) information, media is now everywhere and it is insight on which great ideas are Mindshare was able to geo- THE LOCATION enabling increasingly innovative built. At Mindshare we’re not data locate flu outbreaks in real time. ideas to become reality; Coca- geeks, we’re marketing geeks. Flu outbreaks mean a greater OF 87% OF Cola recently launched vending We believe in the power of six potential demand for Kleenex, so machines that enable you to buy a S-Factors of data. U.S. ADULTS we adapted the media plan on a Coke for someone on the other side Data is now Swift. In the old continuous basis to shift activity IS KNOWN BY of the world. world, getting data was often and investment to locations Cisco and EMC predict that a laborious process; anyone THEIR MOBILE where we knew the flu was about in the near future over a trillion remember sifting through their to hit. In simple terms, if the flu PHONE. devices will be connected to Encyclopaedia Britannica? was about to strike Manchester, the Internet, producing over 35 IP-enabled devices now give ” Kleenex TV ads appeared in that zetabytes of information, much consumers instant access to all city rather than London. At the end more than today’s measly 2.8 types of information. Saturday night of the flu season, Kleenex sales zetabytes. That’s a lot of data dinner party debates over what were up by 40%, with an additional coming from a variety of sources. year Elvis died (1977, supposedly) 432,499 tissue boxes sold. The Some call it ‘big data’, but are no longer researched and campaign went on to win Gold at we don’t like that definition, as concluded the following week, but Cannes Lions 2013. size isn’t everything. After all, resolved instantly via Google on a it isn’t ‘big data’ that provides smart phone. CLICK TO NAVIGATE > INTRODUCTION #1 SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING #2 STRENGTH LIES IN DIFFERENCES, NOT IN SIMILARITIES ##33 TTOO IIMMPPRROOVVEE IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE;; TTOO BBEE PPEERRFFEECCTT IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE OOFFTTEENN #4 THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR IT TODAY #5 EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE Swift data can be both is the 1 billion pound gorilla in the and their friends are discussing, dangerous and exciting. Not so room. Twitter has 500 million users “ thinking, exploring, consuming… long ago, a story swept through and counting, while Sina Weibo has the list goes on. It’s like having social networks that international over 530 million users. Smaller (in the world’s largest always-on Canadian superstar (how often relative terms), micro-blogging and THERE ARE research panel at your fingertips, do you get to say that), Justin niche community networks such giving you the ability to constantly OVER ONE Bieber, was battling cancer via as Tumblr (recently purchased glean insights. It’s why Nestlé chemotherapy and as a result by Yahoo) and SnapChat are also BILLION and other world-class digital had lost all of his hair. To show quickly gaining popularity. However, marketing organizations have PIECES OF solidarity the #baldforbieber all of these social networks are embraced swift and social data. movement was started, and girls increasingly embedded throughout SHARED Nestlé and Mindshare use Radian6 and boys across the world started the Internet via ‘Like’, ‘+’, and Tweet listening technology around the shaving their heads to show buttons, thus turning the Internet CONTENT globe to gain insight into target support. In reality, Justin Bieber is into one giant social network, with audiences, which is fed real-time SOCIALIZED actually perfectly fine; a fact that pretty much every piece of content into everything from the media came too late for the legions of and data instantly shareable with BY FACEBOOK planning process, to creative newly bald fans around the world. your friends. So, beyond the 2.5 ideation, to product development, 'LIKE' The lesson; be prepared to monitor billion pieces of content and 500+ to customer service. Swift data and ensure you quickly terabytes of data produced within BUTTONS Data is also now Smart. We set the record straight in real- Facebook every day, there are over not only have a lot of swift and time before your customers start one billion pieces of shared content OUTSIDE ITS social data, but we also have a disappearing. Furthermore, if one socialized by Facebook ‘Like’ buttons layer of intelligence in data that NETWORK. of your colleagues suddenly goes dispersed outside its network and simply didn’t exist before. Some of bald, he or she may be a Justin throughout the Internet. this is due to ‘meta-tags’, words Bieber fan. Coupled with monitoring that are built into code and content As #baldforbieber illustrated, tools, social data can provide an that give an explanation of what it’s data is now also Social. Facebook instant glimpse into what people all about. Meta-data is now CLICK TO NAVIGATE > INTRODUCTION #1 SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING #2 STRENGTH LIES IN DIFFERENCES, NOT IN SIMILARITIES ##33 TTOO IIMMPPRROOVVEE IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE;; TTOO BBEE PPEERRFFEECCTT IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE OOFFTTEENN #4 THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR IT TODAY #5 EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE moving beyond the Web. RFID tags police can now contact telephone to table tennis. Like a ping pong are also adding data into everyday carriers to request records of what ball, data and dialogue goes back objects. In Brazil, kids at some phones were active at particular and forth, constantly adapting “ schools have RFID chips built into times, in a particular location. as conditions change. In an IP- their clothes. These chips inform Major U.S. mobile carriers now enabled world, marketing is a two- the kids’ parents when they have receive millions of such requests way discussion full of implicit or LIKE A PING arrived at school, or when they on a regular basis. Sure enough, explicit data streams. Implicit data haven’t arrived. Mobile phones Felix was one of 169 mobile phone streams consist of information PONG BALL, are also providing additional users in the vicinity at the exact exchanged without the user doing DATA AND location intelligence to marketers. time of the robbery. A quick review much of anything, e.g., cookie According to IDC, the location of of criminal records put Felix’s behavioural data. Explicit data is DIALOGUE 87% of U.S. adults is known by name on top of the suspect list the type a consumer chooses to their mobile phone. We now know and within a very short period he dictate, such as Facebook posts, GOES BACK where people are and can adapt was tracked down and arrested emails, or tweets. Both data sets AND FORTH media to reflect their location. through his phone. With such swift are essential to marketers. These smart data points can also and smart data now available, Vodafone McLaren Mercedes BETWEEN be converged and configured by the average time it takes a U.S. Formula One racing team is a CONSUMER organizations to great effect. Federal Marshal to find a fugitive great example of synchronous, For example, Felix Soto of the law has gone from 42 days real-time data exchanges. McLaren AND BRAND AT recently robbed a bank in to 2 days. driver Jenson Button is in constant Connecticut. Felix managed to Data is now also Synchronous, communication with both his car A RAPID PACE. get away with a small fortune and rapidly flowing back and forth and his pit crew, forming an always- ” quickly got out of the State before between entities. In the analogue on triangulated data flow that keeps the police arrived. Unfortunately marketing world, data is largely everyone informed of all aspects for Felix, he left his mobile phone asynchronous; information of the race. Each component of on at the time of the bank robbery. generally goes one way. These this synchronous data exchange is Little did Felix know that the U.S. days marketing is much closer constantly adapted and calibrated as CLICK TO NAVIGATE > INTRODUCTION #1 SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING #2 STRENGTH LIES IN DIFFERENCES, NOT IN SIMILARITIES ##33 TTOO IIMMPPRROOVVEE IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE;; TTOO BBEE PPEERRFFEECCTT IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE OOFFTTEENN #4 THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR IT TODAY #5 EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE conditions change during the race, away personal information online, but it’s a mirage. Big data doesn’t ensuring optimal performance and in reality 89% have. An analysis make you smarter and it doesn’t an ever-increasing opportunity to from the UK’s communicator's give you a better insight into your win the race. As we demonstrated regulatory body, Ofcom, discovered customer. Big data is only powerful when we took to the stage together that 60% of people have lost when you have the right skills to “ at Cannes Lions 2013, there are a lot control of their data. Microsoft make it small and actionable. Small of similarities in data flow, insight, research found 84% of people in is beautiful. application and teamwork between the UK are concerned about online At Mindshare we are investing OVER 50% OF marketing and Formula One. privacy, with 30% of people very in talent and technology to help our FACEBOOK Data should also be Secure. concerned. However, when they clients embrace all aspects of data It’s arguably one of the biggest were asked what they were doing to power Adaptive Marketing ideas. USERS ENGAGE topics currently facing the about it 49% said they were not For example, our DRAW (Digital marketing industry and one that doing anything. Reporting & Analytics Warehouse) IN RISKY is only going to become bigger as The common theme is that system has been engineered BEHAVIOUR ON we get more data. Marketers face while consumers understand the specifically to ingest, manage, a major challenge in the future to need to secure their data, many control, and convert ’big’ data across THE SOCIAL find the right and ethical balance either chose not to, or are blissfully paid, owned and earned media NETWORK. between using data, while also unaware of what they are doing. into small, beautiful actionable protecting consumers who often Marketers know that even when they data that can boost our clients’ ” unknowingly are creating a trail follow the industry’s self-regulation marketing efforts. It’s the first step of unsecure information. For guidelines, they may still bump into in harnessing data to supercharge example, according to Consumer some consumers who are simply our Adaptive Marketing efforts via the Reports, over 50% of Facebook doing some dumb things online that six S-Factors – swift, smart, social, users engage in risky behaviour shouldn’t be used or exploited, even synchronous, secure and small. on the social network. A recent if legally ok. Come join the experiment, we’ll even AOL survey found that 84% of Finally, data should be Small. All give you some purple Mindshare lab people say they have never given the talk in the industry is of ‘big data’, goggles to get you started. CLICK TO NAVIGATE > INTRODUCTION #1 SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING # #22 S STTRREENNGGTTHH L LIIEESS I INN D DIIFFFFEERREENNCCEESS, ,N NOOTT I INN S SIIMMIILLAARRIITTIIEESS ##33 TTOO IIMMPPRROOVVEE IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE;; TTOO BBEE PPEERRFFEECCTT IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE OOFFTTEENN #4 THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR IT TODAY #5 EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE #2 STRENGTH LIES IN DIFFERENCES, NOT SIMILARITIES. CLICK TO NAVIGATE > INTRODUCTION #1 SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING # #22 S STTRREENNGGTTHH L LIIEESS I INN D DIIFFFFEERREENNCCEESS, ,N NOOTT I INN S SIIMMIILLAARRIITTIIEESS ##33 TTOO IIMMPPRROOVVEE IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE;; TTOO BBEE PPEERRFFEECCTT IISS TTOO CCHHAANNGGEE OOFFTTEENN #4 THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO PREPARE FOR IT TODAY #5 EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE #2 STRENGTH LIES IN DIFFERENCES, NOT SIMILARITIES. BREAKING NEWS! WHILE THE U.S. CONSUMES MORE PAGES (428M) OF PORN THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY, THE NETHERLANDS HAS THE HIGHEST PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION OF PORN IN THE WORLD (APPARENTLY 11 PAGES FOR EVERY DUTCH MAN AND WOMAN), ACCORDING TO A RECENT METACERT REPORT. THAT LEAVES FORMER PORN CHAMPION PAKISTAN FEELING RATHER LIMP.

RFID tags are also adding data into everyday objects. In Brazil, kids at some schools have RFID chips built .. by their #1 rating; China's Alibaba has become the .. The solution to this issue may lie with the . include B2B transactions. What's.
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