Vol. 40, No. 29 Friday, July 22, 2011 Team MacDill mission ready - page 12 Photo by Staff Sgt. Angela Ruiz Airmen from the 6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, marshal a KC-135 to a parking spot on the flightline during a mobility exercise at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., July 14. The mobility exercise prepares and evaluates Airman to complete the MacDill AFB mission to generate and execute air refueling, airlift and contingency response. COMMANDER’s CORNER How lucky we are to serve here; some Team MacDill standouts by Col. Lenny Richoux Col. Dave Almand, his wife Cathy and their 6th Air Mobility Wing commander sons Travis and Lance arrived safely and are getting settled. It’s great to have the Almands Did you know MacDill celebrated an an- here, and I know you all will make them feel niversary last week? According to our crack like they’re old friends. historian, Bill Polson, we did. If you had been We put Colonel Almand straight to work too. living in Tampa on July 14, 1939, you might He jumped right into a fast-paced schedule have seen this headline in over-sized letters including an exercise that tested a critical ele- across the front page of the Tampa Tribune: ment of our shared mission with the 927th Air “TAMPA GETS THE BIG AIR BASE.” The de- Refueling Wing. From all accounts, we knocked cision the day before by the Secretary of War that one over the fence. Some thought we ended an intense competition to host what is might be a bit rusty given the seven months now MacDill Air Force Base. That choice 74 that passed since our operational readiness Photo by Airman David Tracy years ago to build the base on Catfish Point inspection, but you performed like the IG just Col. Lenny Richoux presents an outstanding just south of Ballast Point ultimately made left yesterday. sponspr award to Tech. Sgt. Tanika Belfield Tampa an Air Force town! Fantastic job by Maj. Laura Holcomb, 6th on behalf of Staff Sgt. Angela Ruiz at a recent It’s also the reason we now enjoy serving our Logistics Readiness Squadron commander, and newcomers reception. country in such gorgeous surroundings as part our Installation Deployment Officer, Thomas of a first-class community. If this is one of your Sanders, on their well-oiled mobility machine. of things that help us make sure we’re 100 first assignments, you may not realize how Hat’s off as well to Dave Cresswell in Wing percent mission ready to carry out our nation’s lucky you are to be here. Of the nine locations Plans and his Exercise Evaluation Team. They bidding. Well done! I’ve lived and served in during my 15 assign- designed and executed a dynamic and flex- Do you have an appointment at our clinic ments, this combination of location and com- ible exercise that scratched all the itches even anytime soon? If you do, make sure you stop by munity is definitely tops, and there are some while compressing the schedule to accommo- and shake the hard-working hand of Senior great ones on that list. Take advantage of what date real-world realities. First-rate effort! Airman Todd Lange from the 6th Medical we have here. Better yet, get involved, and give Lots of people helped make this one a win, Support Squadron. Airman Lange’s willing- back to the community that keeps giving so like Staff Sgt. Ursus Vargas from the 6th ness to donate sweat and shoe leather to the much to us. Medical Support Squadron. Vargas did a mission cut the time needed for the clinic to There’s another reason this past week has hands-on inventory of 627 line items during conduct an annual inspection of 450 medical been awesome for MacDill. We welcomed our the run-up to the exercise. That’s how you records from 45 days to 10. new 6th Air Mobility Wing vice commander make sure medical pallets are 100 percent mis- and his family to the base and the Tampa area. sion ready. And these exercises are the sorts See CORNER, Page 22 COMMANDER’S ACTION LINE The Action Line provides a two-way communication between the 6th Air Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. A 24-hour recording service is provided so personnel may submit questions, concerns or com- ments. Call the Action Line at 828-INFO (4636) or e-mail macdillwingcom- [email protected] MacDill Thunderbolt fense, the Department of the Air Force or the 6th Air Mobil- may be obtained by calling 259-7455. ity Wing. News items for the MacDill Thunderbolt can be submit- Publisher: Denise Palmer The appearance of advertising in this publication, in- ted to the 6th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office, Bldg. Editor: Nick Stubbs cluding inserts or supplements, does not constitute en- 25, MacDill AFB, FL 33621, or call the MacDill Thunderbolt dorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department staff at 828-4586. Email: [email protected]. of the Air Force, 6th Air Mobility Wing or Sunbelt Newspa- Deadline for article submissions is noon, Thursdays to The MacDill Thunderbolt is published by Sunbelt News- pers, Inc., of the products or service advertised. appear in the next week’s publication. Articles received af- papers, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Everything advertised in this publication shall be made ter deadline may be considered for future use. All submis- U.S. Air Force. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to sions are considered for publication based on news value authorized publication for distribution to members of the race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, and timeliness. U.S. military services on MacDill. Contents of the MacDill physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-mer- Every article and photograph is edited for accuracy, clar- Thunderbolt are not necessarily the official views of, or it factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. ity, brevity, conformance with the “Associated Press Style- endorsed by the U.S. government, the Department of De- Display advertising or classified advertising information book and Libel Manual” and Air Force Instruction 35-101. NEWS/FEATURES Commentary Your T-bolt Today Attitude: It really does make a difference News/Features: page 4 by Lt. Col. Nathan Johnson 6th Medical Support Squadron New vice commander I once had a boss who told all who would listen, “Limitations Are Self-Imposed!” We News/Features: page 4 heard this saying so often we often joked about it. Any challenge that we as an organization Meet the new commander were presented with were tackled head on. The words “we can’t” were replaced with “let’s see how we can.” After being around this boss for a News/Features: page 12 year or so, most of us realized our attitudes had actually changed. I did a lot of thinking about Mobility exercise this and I came to the conclusion that his atti- tude was the only variable that had changed in the equation. In other words, one individual’s News/Features: page 14 positive attitude influenced an entire organiza- tion. ‘There I was’ Several times during my Air Force career, I’ve heard someone say, “Attitude influences Lt. Col. Nathan Johnson altitude.” Is it possible this altitude is truly MacDill Community: page 21 linked to attitude? How do we “get” a positive 4. I once worked with a child psychologist. attitude like this and how can we use this atti- Whenever she saw someone with a less than Events, movies, more... tude to influence others? Could a positive atti- optimal attitude, she would say, “Fake it until tude be a force multiplier in your work setting? you make it.” The thought here is by telling I’ve never seen answers to these questions in yourself that things are good, you start to look New master sergeants named a textbook, but my experience has shown eight at the good instead of the bad. Negative at- simple things to improve our attitude. titudes spread like wildfire. Positive attitudes Congratulations to the following individ- 1. The first tip is very simple. Believe in are the quickest way to extinguish negative at- uals selected for promotion to master ser- your co-workers. There will always be some titudes. geant in this month’s supplemental selection who don’t perform up to our expectations or 5. Exercise, exercise, exercise. Numerous board. standards. However, the vast majority will do studies have shown that individuals who exer- wonders if given the opportunity. Plan for and cise regularly have a more positive outlook on 6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron expect greatness! You will be amazed at quick life than their sedentary peers. James Elliot improvements in their attitude. 6. Get a good night’s sleep. It’s extremely Michael Reese 2. When conveying expectations, use positive hard to have a positive attitude while yawning Carlos Morales examples and tone of voice. Remember, there is all day! only one letter difference between “I can” and 7. Give back to your community. There are 91st Air Refueling Squadron “I can’t.” Fertilize your workplace with “I can” so many ways to do this. If you like to coach, Justin Konicke attitudes. then coach. If you like to get involved in your 3. Follow the golden rule; treat others as you church, then do it. You like a clean world, then 911th Air Refueling Squadron would like to be treated. Your reputation as a pick up some trash. Volunteerism really does Aaron Ryder leader who treats people fairly will go a long improve the average person’s mental state. way on improving your subordinate’s attitudes. 8. Read up on this subject. There are numer- 6th Security Forces Squadron A friend of mine, former LSU basketball Coach ous books you can look at. A good one to start Thomas Lowande Dale Brown, said it best, “In any leadership with is Norman Vincent Peale’s “The Power of position, the most important aspect of your job Positive Thinking.” 6th Operations Group will be getting your team to work together. The These tips may not seem like much, but I Amy Myers underlying theme of teamwork will be your challenge each and every one of you to take a ability to convey a renewed sense of optimism. close introspective look at them and how they 6th Air Mobility Wing Your role as the captain will give the ship di- may influence your attitude. And never forget, Caren Price rection, purpose and ultimately success.” “Limitations are self imposed!” NEWS/FEATURES Almand takes over as 6th AMW vice comamnder by Master Sgt. Bryan Gatewood and enable them to execute the mission.” 6th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs He also added that his heroes are the entire generation that joined the military after Sept. Col. David Almand assumed the position 11, 2001. “When our nation called, you all an- of the 6th Air Mobility Wing vice commander swered and have proven to be the smartest, July 15 from Col. David Cohen. most lethal and most resilient force the world “I am extremely humbled and honored has ever seen. You are all role models for fu- to serve the 6th AMW,” said Almand. “After ture generations.” spending a year in the CENTCOM AOR (U.S. Almand is a command pilot with more than Central Command area of responsibility), I 4,100 flight hours. He has flown C-141B and have tremendous respect for our CENTCOM C-17A aircraft in support of multiple opera- leaders and I’m proud to support them and tions including Somalia, Bosnia, Iraq and Af- our other mission partners.” ghanistan. Cohen is moving to Maxwell Air Force Base, When asked how he likes Tampa, Almand Ala, to be the Air University director of staff. said, “We are reuniting with some great friends Almand is coming to MacDill from Al Udeid and I get to work for one of them whom I ad- AB, Qatar, where he served as the chief, Air Mo- mire and respect very much. We are at one of bility Division, 609th Air & Space Operation the premier Air Force Bases, and in one of the Center U.S. Forces Central Command. As the greatest sports cities in the country — it’s a new 6th AMW vice commander he expects ev- dream come true.” eryone to let their leadership know if something Almand would also like to thank everyone (personal or professional) is preventing them who helped them get to MacDill. “My wife, from doing their job to the best of their ability. Cathy, and boys, Travis and Lance, are excited “We are so fortunate to have the most quali- to be a part of this outstanding community.” fied and capable Airmen on the planet,” said Almand’s full biography can be found on the the colonel. “Our job as leaders is to ensure our MacDill website at http://www.macdill.af.mil/ Col. David Almand Airmen have the right training and equipment library/biographies/index.asp Meet the new 6th AMDS commander The 6th Air Mobility Wing Domenichini: John Paul II Domenichini: Integrity, ser- would like to welcome Col. Aldo and Mother Teresa. Truly selfless vice before self, excellence in all Domenichini, the new commander leaders. endeavors and grow the bench. for the 6th Aerospace Medicine Squadron. Domenichini, who took Thunderbolt: What does it Thunderbolt: What are your commande Monday, answered a mean to you to be new commander? thoughts about MacDill and living few questions for the Thunder- in Tampa? bolt. Domenichini: I look forward to the opportunity to serve the flying Domenichini: This is a beauti- Thunderbolt: What do you mission and joint commands. This ful location and exciting mission. expect of the Airmen under your is quite different from my last as- My family and I look forward to command? signment at Landstuhl Regional exploring the area. Medical Center. Domenichini: Integrity, ser- Thunderbolt: Is there any- vice before self, excellence in all thing else you would like to add? endeavors and grow the bench. Thunderbolt: When you hold your first commander’s call what Domenichini: My family and I Thunderbolt: Who are your is the first thing you are going to are glad to be here and look forward Col. Aldo Domenichini favorite leaders and role models? tell your Airmen? to serving the MacDill community. NEWS/FEATURES MacDill to hold enlisted Elements which make the Combat Dining In unique would include: the required combat dress Combat Dining In uniform and the war-type water games played at the event. The attires allows participants to by Airman 1st Class Michael Ellis be a little more loose, however the structure of 6th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs the event calls for one to maintain respect for authority and follow rules while having fun. One week left … eight days to showtime ... MacDill’s 2011 Enlisted Combat Dining In is preparation is almost done, now it’s time to men- scheduled for 5 p.m., July 29 at the field across tally prepare for what’s about to happen at Mac- from the Joint Communications Support Ele- Dill Air Force Base. From the enormous feasts ment. King Arthur shared with his men who prevailed “It’s a time to forget stresses, lay aside work on the battlefield, to Gen. “Hap” Arnold’s noto- and personal issues and simply just have fun,” rious ‘Wing-dings’ during the time of the U.S. Crowley said. Army Air Corps in World War II, the enlisted Tickets are $10 and can be purchased in ad- personnel on MacDill will uphold feasting tradi- vance through one’s first sergeant or senior en- tions in an incredibly unconventional, nontradi- listed leader. tional way. “The Combat Dining In is for every enlisted “Come!” said Chief Master Sgt. Derrick Crow- member who steps foot on MacDill on a daily Thunderbolt file photo ley, the 6th Air Mobility Wing command chief. basis,” said Crowley. “This base has all services A scene from the “combat” portion of a past “Until you come, you wouldn’t understand how represented and it’s a time to come together in Combat Dining In event. much fun the experience really is.” the spirit of fellowship. When we’re done I want The Enlisted Combat Dining In has stemmed everyone to leave wondering - when will we do Crowley has wise advice to all future attendees: from the traditional, more formal Dining In/Out this again?” “Bring the biggest super soaker you can find, and has increased in popularity in recent years. As MacDill’s command chief master sergeant, fill it with water and let’s go for it.” BRIEFS Hillsborough Public School District Town Hall Meeting Representatives from Hillsborough County School District and ad- ministrators from Tinker Elementary, Monroe Middle and Robinson High Schools will be on base on July 26 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. to offer mili- tary families information on School Choice. They will be available for questions and answers at the end of the briefing. The meeting is open to all military, DoD, and active Guard and Reserve families regardless of branch of service. For additional information, contact Nelly Richards, School Liaison Officer, at 828-0146 or the Airman & Family Readiness Center at 828-0145. Bundles for Babies The Air Force Aid society is hosting an informational class for expect- ant parents Sept. 8 from 8 a.m. to noon. Representatives from multiple base agencies will be providing information and services to assist new parents in preparing for the arrival of your new baby. Participants will receive a “bundle” of information, resources, and a special gift! To sign up, contact the Airman and Family Readiness Center at 813-828-0145. (Open to all active duty branches of military) Mentor wanted The 6th Air Mobility Wing is looking for a sharp staff sergeant to fill the position of Airman Dorm Leader. This is a two-year controlled tour with an option for a one-year extension in the 8H000 career field. Airman Dorm Leaders are charged with ensuring the quality of life, safety, and security of dorm residents as well as ensuring facilities are maintained at the highest level possible. Applicants must possess the highest leader- ship and mentorship qualities; have a minimum of one year experience as a supervisor, a current passing score for the Air Force Fitness Pro- gram, and not on a duty limiting profile. Applicants are required to sub- mit copies of their last five Enlisted Performance Reports, a single page SURF, AFPT score, and a commander’s release statement. The deadline to apply is July 25. Estimated start date is Aug. 22. Submit applications to the 6th Civil Engineer Squadron, Unaccompanied Housing Manager. Contact Chris LeCompte, 6th Civil Engineer Squadron, at 828-5962 or MSgt Unhye Zipay, Supt., ADL at 828-2790 for more information. New Education & Training Office hours The MacDill Education & Training Office is adjusting customer ser- vice hours. See BRIEFS, Page 10 BRIEFS From Page 8 The new customer service hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to noon. The preferred method of requesting an appointment or testing date is to email [email protected]. Test dates may also be requested via AFVEC/AF Portal under “My Online Tests Requests” https://rso.my.af. mil/afvecprod: AFIADL PME (Course 14, SOS, ACSC, AWC); and pa- per-pencil proctored exams. Email [email protected] for all CLEP, DSST, excelsior, Pearson Vue and CBT school exams. Additional- ly, the Army Education Representative is now available 18 hours a week and has new hours. The hours are Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. German Driver’s License Test The online/open book and self-administered testing of the German DLT (also known as the USAFE Drivers Exam) is opened to all CAC card holders using military computer systems and PCSing to Ramstein Airbase, Spangdahlem Airbase, or any supported GSUs. That includes Air Force members, DOD civilians, and all other personnel possessing a CAC card and PCSing/processing through an Air Force installation. Driver’s License Exam Website is https://wwwmil.usafe.af.mil/dlt/de- fault.aspx?TabID=1&Action=Home. Army personnel may use this site as a study reference only, not as an official test.