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УДК 811.111’373(075.8) ББК 81.432.1-3я73-1 Ч-46 Рецензенты: кафедра английского языка № 1 Белорусского национального технического университета (заведующий кафедрой кандидат филологических наук, доцент С. А. Хоменко); кандидат филологических наук, доцент М. П. Телень Черенда, А. Э. Ч-46 Читайте и обсуждайте = Read and Discuss : учеб.-метод. пособие / А. Э. Черенда, Е. З. Шевалдышева. – Минск : БГУ, 2017. – 107 с. : ил. ISBN 978-985-566-395-0. Учебно-методическое пособие направлено на развитие навыков устной речи, умений профессионального общения на английском языке. Представ- лены тексты из оригинальных источников и разнообразные упражнения. УДК 811.111’373(075.8) ББК 81.432.1-3я73-1 ISBN 978-985-566-395-0 © БГУ, 2017 CONTENTS Предисловие ......................................................................................................4 PART I. PERSONALITY UNIT 1. Ten characteristics successful people share ........................................7 UNIT 2. Do you have the personality traits to be a successful scientist? .......17 UNIT 3. How to build self-confidence ............................................................26 UNIT 4. Six ways to overcome procrastination ..............................................34 UNIT 5. How self-motivated are you? ...........................................................43 UNIT 6. Hurry sickness ...................................................................................52 PART II. JOB UNIT 7. Getting down to work and working effectively ................................65 UNIT 8. People at work ..................................................................................73 UNIT 9. Gender problems at work .................................................................80 UNIT 10. Volunteering ....................................................................................90 UNIT 11. I love my job. And I hate it! .............................................................96 3 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Основная цель учебно-методического пособия – развитие навы- ков устной речи (монологической и диалогической) с помощью ори- гинальных текстов, отличающихся новизной информации, богатым лексическим материалом (наличие идиом, фразовых глаголов и т. п.) и разнообразием рассматриваемых в них тем, а также упражнений, способствующих расширению словарного запаса студентов. Наличие ситуативных речевых клише поможет вести интересные и аргументи- рованные дискуссии, грамматически правильно излагать мысли, со- блюдать речевую культуру. Особенностью издания является не только аутентичность пред- ставленных текстов, взятых из оригинальных источников и предна- значенных для лиц, совершенствующих языковой уровень, но и четкое структурирование всех разделов (Unit), включающих: Lead-in, Focus on reading, Focus on speaking (I and II), Focus on vocabulary. Разделы содержат упражнения, которые направлены на формирование и раз- витие лексических навыков (Focus on vocabulary), навыков просмо- трового, поискового и изучающего чтения (Focus on reading), а также навыков говорения (Focus on speaking (I and II)). Учебно-методическое пособие можно использовать как для рабо- ты во время аудиторных занятий, так и для самостоятельного изуче- ния материала с последующим обсуждением на занятиях. 4 UNIT TEN CHARACTERISTICS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE SHARE LEAD-IN 1 Ex. 1. Work in pairs to answer the quiz below. Score one point for each “yes” answer. When you have finished, count up the number of “yes” answers you gave. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? 1. You are planning your holiday – do you choose a crowded, bustling, active holiday resort rather than a quiet, peaceful retreat? Yes/No 2. You are just settling down in comfortable clothes to an evening with a book or the television when some friends pop in unexpectedly. Are you pleased to see them? Yes/No 3. You are planning a party with friends. Would you suggest playing games? Yes/No 4. You are at a dinner party. Your hostess serves up a dish that you think is horrible. Would you refuse to eat it? Yes/No 5. You are spending an evening at your English teacher’s house. Suddenly, it is announced that everyone must sing, dance, or tell a story to entertain the others. Would you enjoy doing it? Yes/No 6. Do you feel comfortable when you walk into a room full of people you don’t know? Yes/No 7. You are in slow-moving traffic. Do you get frustrated and irritable? Yes/No 8. You arrive just as the lift doors are closing. Would you walk up the stairs rather than wait for the lift? Yes/No 9. Would you prefer an exciting job with few prospects and no pension to a safe job with good prospects and a pension? Yes/No 10. Do you like wearing unusual clothes rather than fashionable clothes? Yes/No 1 11. Do you usually make your mind up quickly rather than consider each nit decision thoroughly? Yes/No U 12. Someone is boasting to you about their many possessions. Do you try to impress them by talking about all the things you have? Yes/No 7 Study the Score interpretation table below. Score Comment 8–12 You are definitely an extrovert. 4–8 You are neither totally introvert, nor totally extrovert. Your mood and attitude change according to different situations. Less than 4 You are definitely an introvert. Ex. 2. Work with your partner. Compare your results with those of the partner. Give arguments to support your opinion. Do you both agree with them? Do you think your own results really show your character? While expressing your viewpoint, you can make use of some phrases given below in the Useful language box. Useful language: Expressing an opinion I think/I believe (that) … It seems to me that … In my opinion,/In my view, … Do NOT say “According to me” or “According to my opinion”. When providing evidence, you may need to discuss the reasons for something. When you have more than one supporting reason, you can use linking expressions. Study the following Useful language boxes and use appropriate expressions to fulfill the task of this exercise. Useful language: Expressing reasons Because Because because because of children spend so mbueccha utismee o ifn/daoso ar sr,e tshuelyt …of ... a s a result of Children may have health problems they … so such / Their schoolworks oc an suffer such Sin/ce SSoinmcee games are realistic that children may …. A s SAosme games have realistic effects that …. we have no money, we can’t buy it. he was not ready in time, we went without him. I rt Useful language: Linking expressions a P 8 In the first place, … One reason for this is … Another (reason) is … In addition, … Furthermore, … Moreover, … FOCUS ON SPEAKING I Ex. 1. Split into two groups. Those who have a score of 7 and above (group 1 students) make a list of advantages of being an extrovert. Those who have a score of 6 or under (group 2 students) make a list of advantages of being an introvert. Ex. 2. Take it in turns to name advantages of being an extrovert or an introvert. Your personal opinion is required. While expressing it, make use of a variety of phrases mentioned in the Useful language box above. Ex. 3. Work with your partner. You are an extrovert and your partner is an introvert. Can you think of disadvantages of extroverts or introverts (no more than 2) to counterbalance the advantages listed above. If necessary, support your opinion with some examples. FOCUS ON READING Ex. 1. Read the title of the reading passage. What is the topic? Ex. 2. Look through the first paragraph and find sentences that confirm or correct your guess. Ex. 3. Skim the text (paragraphs A–J) and choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the correct number in the spaces provided. List of headings Paragraphs 1. Become self-aware. Paragraph A … 2. Be a hard worker. Paragraph B … 3. Always remain enthusiastic. Paragraph C … 4. Have self-discipline. Paragraph D … 5. Be inquisitive. Paragraph E … 6. Be decisive. Paragraph F … 7. Be a good communicator. Paragraph G … 1 8. Be goal-oriented. Paragraph H … nit U 9. Be persistent. Paragraph I … 10. Take calculated risks. Paragraph J … 9 Ten characteristics successful people share Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but most of us have to reach success in the good old fashioned way, with hard work. But it takes more than just putting your head down and getting to work. The truly successful people each have certain undeniable traits they share in common. If you want to learn how to get out of the rat race and achieve all your goals, read these 10 characteristics of truly successful people. A. Thomas Edison famously tried and failed at countless innovations he pushed through. He never gave up and ultimately came up with the light bulb. It was his persistent attitude that got him through it. He once said: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” That’s the definition of persistence. Whether you fail one time, two times or even a thousand times, do not give up. In business and in life you must be stubborn if you want to achieve your goals. B. Keeping yourself focused on the task at hand is easier said than done. If you work at home it can be difficult to stay focused with all of the distractions around you. It’s also difficult to keep your head in the game when the whole world is outside waiting for you. But to be successful you have to hold yourself accountable because you know that you and only you determine your successes and failures in life. Success can be measured in many ways. To be successful financially, you must have self- discipline in your expenditures. Measuring your incoming and outbound money can be difficult, but the proper tools can help monitor oneself. C. Successful people act fast and decisively. They do not waver in their decisions because they truly believe that what they do is right. Decisive people act quickly, and when it comes to innovations, half of the game is being the first one through the gate. Don’t be afraid to make a bold business decision because while you’re deciding, your competitors are running right past you. D. Do you want to know why successful people attain their goals? It’s because they make them. Do you have a goal for today? I don’t think so. Remember that success is not going to fall right on your lap, you have to go out and grab it. Every day is a new chance to accomplish some goals. Successful people make both short-term and long-term goals. By keeping your goals in sight you can take steps to make them all a reality. Every day you should have at least one attainable goal you can accomplish by the end of the day. If you keep building on that every day pretty soon you will reach your larger goal of being successful. Use a smartphone app like Wunderlist to create tasks, assign deadlines so you can track your progress and reach your goals. E. Enthusiasm comes from passion. If you are passionate about what you I rt do then you’ll never work a day in your life. So become enthusiastic about your a P next project or idea. When you encounter failures, learn from them and don’t let them get you down. These are merely speed bumps on the road to success. 10 Embrace change, rise to the challenge and good things will come your way.

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