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Preview Reaction Engineering Approach (REA) To Modeling Drying Problems: Ideology Versus Reality

19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014) Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014 REACTION ENGINEERING APPROACH (REA) TO MODELING DRYING PROBLEMS: IDEOLOGY VERSUS REALITY X.D. Chen1,2*, A. Putranto2,3 1School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Material Science, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, PR China 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia 3Department of Chemical Engineering, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia *Corresponding author Tel.:+8618906053300, Email: [email protected] Abstract: Among the drying models available in literature, REA model is semi-empirical, which was first proposed in 1996. It was described based upon a basic physical chemistry principle. The ‘extraction of water from moist material’ is signified by applying the activation energy concept. The single expression of the extraction rate represents the competition between evaporation and condensation. It also encompasses the internal specific surface area and mass transfer coefficient thus is linked to material characteristics. What have emerged is that the REA can be classified in two categories: Lumped (L) -REA and Spatial (S) -REA which can be used to deal with drying of a material as a whole or to deal with the process by considering the local phenomena within the material, respectively. Both models have been proven to serve the intended purposes very well. The REA is very effective to generate the parameters since only one accurate drying run is required to establish the relative activation energy function. The paper covers fundamentals of the REA, which has not been fully explained as well as the most recent development and applications. The future of the REA including the role to assist in process design and product quality of several heat and mass transfer processes is addressed thoroughly. Keywords: reaction engineering approach (REA), drying, relative activation energy, mass transfer, heat transfer Arrhenius equation [1]: FUNDAMENTALS OF THE REACTION dlnk E - A = A (2) ENGINEERING APPROACH (REA) dT RT2 where E is the activation energy of the reaction (J.mol- A To begin the discussion on the REA concepts, we may 1). This means that the value of lnk changes against A need to outline the physical chemistry principles of temperature is proportional with the value of E . If the A chemical reaction with little originality on our part to activation energy E is larger, the more sensitive of the A form the basis of the REA idea. The most prominent reaction rate towards temperature change. E can be A idea of reaction engineering is the expression of the variable against temperature, when multiple reactions chemical reaction rate. A chemical reaction rate of are occurring simultaneously. species A, involved in the reaction of two species (A and B) to yield a product is commonly expressed as: When the range of temperature is not large, E may be A dc considered as a constant. In this case, which is more - A =k cnAcnB (1) dt A A B commonly adopted in real life, the rate constant is expressed as: where n and n are the orders of reactions associated k =k e-EA RT (3) A B A Ao with species A and B respectively, kA is a rate constant where kAo is a constant. and CA and CB are the concentrations of species A and B, respectively. This rate constant increases with Evaporation-condensation is one of the fundamental temperature T, approximately increasing by 2-4 times processes in many fields of science and engineering. with a temperature increment of 10 K. The relationship For decades, various experiments have been done to between a reaction rate constant, k, and temperature, T, measure the absolute values of the evaporation or has been generically described using the famous condensation rate, but there still remain many problems 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014) Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014 due to the lack of knowledge of the underlying molecular mechanisms. There is still a large room In the same paper, Gray wrote down the following available to explore the fundamental aspects of equations to describe a wet-combustion system where evaporation-condensation. This phenomena is further the temperature of the (combustible) solid material is complicated by the presence of other species than assumed to be uniform so is the water content within water during drying process. One could, however, the solid matrix: understand intuitively that removal of water (in vapor) dx is an energetic process involving latent heat. One has to =  1- x- xe-u - xe-w u(4) d c e w put in energy to ‘activate’ water molecules that could become free from the material being dried. When the where x, u and, are the dimensionless liquid water water molecules are not associated with the solid or concentration, temperature of the (combustible) solute molecules and also they stay in bulk liquid material and time respectively. x is defined as the domain, their interactions between one another would current water content (g) divided by the initial water only be the kind as if there is no solid. Evaporating content (g) that is available in liquid form (in fact it is them into gaseous form would mainly be done by the total water content in the system boundary), i.e. providing energy sufficient to overcome the latent heat mw/mw,o.  represents the model constants in the above of water evaporation. Of course, another condition is equation, this system is also, in the theory of thermal that the vapor can be transported into the gas medium ignition and combustion, called as the “Semenov or into a vacuum as such. It is interesting to note that Approach” signifying the uniformity of the variables since condensation process is spontaneous which does throughout the material of concern [3]. This is a useful not need to overcome a kind of activation energy (an assumption, which paves the way for a large number of energy barrier) meaning the activation energy for mathematical analyses that have considerable physical condensation is zero, the activation energy of the meanings already relevant to practical conditions. evaporation process for pure water would be equal to the heat of reaction (the latent heat of water In equation (4) the first term on the RHS represents the vaporization), i.e. the forward reaction activation condensation process, denoted by subscript “c”, the energy less the reverse reaction activation energy second term evaporation, denoted by “e”. The last term which is zero for condensation. The above was a basic on the RHS represents the consumption of water due to motive and a basic idea in formulating the rate of the water induced or involved chemical (exothermic) drying as a competition between evaporation and reaction, wet-oxidation, denoted by “w”. When we condensation to be described later. remove this wet-oxidation term, an inert system, we have: Evaporation-condensation is a sound concept dx = 1-x- xe-u (5) describing the influence of phase change upon not only d c e heat but also mass transfer of a system. One example that has attracted some attention in the scientific The above equation represents the water exchange community was the work on "wet combustion" by (condensation less evaporation) between the moist Professor Brian F Gray. In 1990, a mathematical material and the environment/surrounding. (1-x) model for wet-combustion system, the exothermically signifies a conservation of the ‘total water content in reactive (porous solid) system which is also influenced the domain of interest’. The evaporation term is by the presence of water, was published by Professor considered to be of the first order as far as water Brian Gray who was a Senior Professor of ‘reactant’ is concerned. The most important description Mathematics at School of Chemistry in Macquarie of the evaporation term is the employment of the University, Sydney, Australia. Though before that Arrhenius dependence function (a well-known function ‘landmark’, the role of water on the exothermic (solid) systems, such as spontaneous heating or spontaneous in physical chemistry), i.e. . ‘’ in the context combustion, several models have been proposed in a of Gray’s analysis denotes the dimensionless latent heat more engineering manner [2]. However, the role of of water vaporization. This might not be completely water as a direct participant in chemical reactions (in new even at that time but certainly a great approach to oxidation in particular) had not been considered describe the physical picture, as we understood about quantitatively. In the paper by Gray, he added a term in the moisture movement in and out of a porous solid the mass balance and in the energy balance matrix. Gray [4] and Gray and Wake [5] took fully the respectively, which accounts for the direct participation advantages of this simple and effective formulation to of water in chemical reaction (exothermic one), in explore fruitfully the wealth of the behaviors of the conjunction with the water effect through evaporation wet-combustion system. In any case, a steady state can (liquid to vapor) and condensation (vapor to liquid). be attained for the system described by equation (5) as: 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014) Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014  1-x= xe-u (6) concentration (ρv,s) can then be scaled against saturated c e vapor concentration (ρ ) using the following equation v,sat Re-ranging the above, giving: [6-7]: 1-x = e e-u (7)  =expæç-DEvö÷ (T) (9) x  v,s è RT ø v,sat s c s which essentially suggests that as the material gets where ΔE represents the additional difficulty to v hotter, the liquid water content in the system reduces remove moisture from the material beyond the free more. The activation energy of the evaporation water effect. This ΔE is the average moisture content v ‘reaction’ was assumed to be the latent heat of water (X) dependent. T is the surface temperature of the s vaporization. This has good intuitive ground (Chen, material being dried (K) and ρ for water vapor can v,sat 1998). As the dimensionless temperature ‘u’ gets still be estimated by: infinitely large, x becomes zero. This system, however, does not seem to capture the physics that when the  =4.84410-9(T -273)4-1.480710-7(T -273)3 water content in the environment becomes zero, even v,sat s s (10) 2.657210-5(T -273)2-4.861310-5(T -273) when temperature is moderate, the liquid water content s s inside the material can become zero. In other words, 8.34210-3 the above system might have neglected another based on the data summarized by Keey [10]. dimension of the drying system. When material is ‘thermally’ thin, the surface THE FORMULATION OF REACTION temperature is considered to be the same as the sample ENGINEERING APPROACH (REA) AND temperature [11-12], i.e. Ts ≈ T. DETERMINATION OF THE PARAMETERS The mass balance (8) can then be neatly expressed as: In REA, evaporation is modeled as zero-order kinetics dX  -DE  m =-h A exp( v) (T)- (11) with activation energy while condensation is described s dt m  RT v,sat v,b as first order wetting reaction with respect to drying air From equation (11), it can be observed that the REA is solvent vapor concentration without activation energy expressed in the first order ordinary differential [6]. The REA approach offers the advantage of being equation with respect to time. It can be seen that expressed in terms of simple ordinary differential evaporation rate is expressed as zero order with equation with respect to time. This negates the activation energy while condensation is represented as complications arising from use of partial differential first order with respect to drying air concentration equation [7]. This approach has been firstly employed without activation energy [6-7]. Equation (11) is the to express the overall drying rate for the entire object core of reaction engineering approach i.e. the L-REA being dried – a lumped approach. A summary of the (lumped reaction engineering approach). It must be developments of the lumped approach of REA was noted that, though the average moisture content is used, given by Chen [6]. the L-REA does not assume uniform moisture content. The L-REA may also be applied to cases where the Generally, with no assumption, the drying rate of a temperature within the material is not uniform as long material can be expressed as: as the surface temperature can be determined or dX m =-h A( - ) (8) predicted accurately. In order to yield the moisture s dt m v,s v,b content and temperature profiles during drying, where ms is the dried mass of thin layer material (kg), X equation (11) yields as a mass balance and need to be is the average moisture content on dry basis (kg.kg-1), t coupled with the appropriate heat balance. is time (s), ρv,s is the water vapor concentration at interface (kg.m-3), ρv,b is the water vapor concentration The activation energy (ΔEv) (which is the characteristic in the drying medium (kg.m-3), hm is the mass transfer of the material being dried; it is material dependent) coefficient (m.s-1) and A is surface area of the material needs to be determined experimentally. Upon the (m2). attainment of the drying data, notably the surface temperature of the material (or the sample temperature Equation (8) is a basic mass transfer equation. The in the case of thermally thin situation) and moisture convective mass transfer coefficient (hm) is determined loss against time as well as the information about the based on the established Sherwood number correlations external mass transfer coefficient, one can obtain the for the geometry and flow condition of concern or can activation energy. This can be done by re-arranging be established experimentally for the specific drying equation (11) into: conditions involved [8-9]. The surface vapor 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014) Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014  dX 1  difference of moisture content during drying (X-Xb). -m   s dt h A v,b The relative activation energy is zero near the start and DE =-RT ln m (12) this increases as drying progresses. When the v s   T   equilibrium moisture content is achieved, the relative v,sat s   activation energy is 1. This indicates that the difficulty The rate of moisture loss dX /dt is experimentally to remove the moisture from the materials being dried increases as the drying continues. The relative determined. The surface area A should also be recorded activation energy (ΔE / ΔE ) is a material in drying experiments in the case of shrinkable v v,b characteristic but it is independent on drying air material. The dependence of activation energy on conditions since different conditions would result in the average moisture content on a dry basis (X) can be similar profiles of activation energy [6-7] normalized as: DE v = fX - X  (13) THE SPATIAL REACTION ENGINEERING DE b APPROACH (REA) v,b where f is a function of water content difference, ∆E v,b is the ‘equilibrium’ activation energy representing the The diffusion-based models commonly use effective maximum ΔE determined by the relative humidity and diffusivity in order to lump the whole phenomenon of v temperature of the drying air: drying. The effective diffusivity is actually a complex DE =-RT lnRH  (14) interaction of variables involved during drying v,b b b including temperature, moisture content and pressure. RHb is the relative humidity of drying air, Xb is the The use of liquid diffusion only may not be sufficient equilibrium moisture content under the condition of the to represent the drying process since unreasonable drying air (kg.kg-1) and Tb is the drying air temperature profiles are resulted [13]. For better understanding of (K). transport phenomena of drying process, a multiphase model can be implemented. The equilibrium and non- The REA model parameters i.e. the relative activation equilibrium multiphase model can be applied but the energy can be generated from one set of accurate latter is suggested since it is more general and can be drying run which consists of measurement of sample used to assess the applicability of the equilibrium one mass, sample surface temperature and sample surface [14]. However, the non-equilibrium one requires an area during drying. So far in the successful applications accurate formulation of the local of the REA concept, the drying experiments are usually evaporation/condensation rate inside the materials performed with final moisture content being very low. being dried as affected by local structure and composition. From the experiments mentioned above, the experimental data of sample mass, surface area, Due to accuracy of the REA to model the global drying volume and temperature can be obtained. The rate of rate, the REA is implemented to model the local moisture content change (dX/dt) can be obtained from evaporation/condensation rate in a multiphase drying the experiment of the weight loss curve. The heat and model. The combination of the REA with a system of mass transfer coefficient is determined based on equations of conservation of heat and mass transfer is established Sherwood and Nusselt number correlations called the S-REA (spatial reaction engineering or established experimentally for the specific drying approach). The S-REA consists of a mass balance of conditions involved. The ambient water vapor liquid water, mass balance of water vapor and heat concentration (ρv,b) is determined based on the balance. For uniform convective drying of cubic object humidity and temperature of the drying air employed in in a heated environment, three-dimensional modeling the laboratory. By using the experimental data, can be established. The mass balance of water in the calculated mass transfer coefficients, ρv,sat and ρv,b, the liquid phase (liquid water) is written [13-16]: activation energy (ΔE) can be calculated using v (C X)  (CX)  (CX) equation (12). In addition, the equilibrium activation s = (D s ) (D s ) t x w x y w y (15) energy (ΔE ) can be evaluated using equation (14). v,b The ρ can be related to the equilibrium moisture  (C X) . v,b  (D s )-I content (Xb) through the desorption isotherm such as z w z GAB isotherm. The activation energy (ΔE) can be where X is the concentration of liquid water (kg v scaled (from 0 to 1) by dividing it with the equilibrium H O.kg dry solids-1 C is the solids concentration (kg 2 ), s activation energy (ΔE ) to yield the relative activation dry solids.m-3) which can change if the structure is v,b energy (ΔEv / ΔEv,b) as indicated in equation (13). The shrinking, Dw is liquid diffusivity (m2.s-1), I. is the relative activation energy can be related to the evaporation or condensation rate (kg H O.m-3.s-1) and 2 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014) Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014 . dT I is usually defined as positive when evaporation =0, occurs locally. The liquid diffusivity represents the dx movement of liquid water inside the pore structure of (24) the materials due to capillary action as a result of water x=L, concentration gradient. In practice, the liquid dX C -C D =h  ( v,s - ) (25) diffusivity needs to be extracted from the available s w dx m w  v,b effective diffusivity data [17]. dC C -D v =h  ( v,s - ) (26) v dx m v  v,b The mass balance of water vapor is expressed as [13- dT 16]: k =h(T -T) (27) C  C  C dx b v = (D v) (D v) where ε and ε are fraction of surface area covered by t x v x y v y w v (16) liquid water and water vapor respectively.  C . .  (D v)I The internal evaporation rate (I) can be described as: z v z . where Cv is the concentration of water vapor (kg.m-3) I =hminAin(Cv,s -Cv) (28) and D is the effective water vapor diffusivity in pore where A is the internal surface area per unit volume v in channels (m2.s-1). available for phase change (m2.m-3), h is the internal m,in surface mass transfer coefficient (m.s-1). The heat balance is represented by the By implementing the REA, internal-surface water following equation [13-16]: vapor concentration can be written as [16]: T  T  T -DE C = (k ) (k ) C =exp( v)C (29) p t x x y y (17) v,s RT v,sat where C is the internal-solid surface water vapor  T . v,s  (k )-IDH concentration (kg.m-3), C is the internal saturated z z v v,sat water vapor concentration (kg.m-3) and ΔE is the where T is the sample temperature (K), ΔH is the v V activation energy (J.mol-1) similar to the one described vaporization heat of water (J.kg-1), k is the sample in equation (14). thermal conductivity (W.m-2.K-1) and ρ is the sample Therefore, the internal evaporation rate can be density (kg.m-3), k and ρ may be functions of expressed as [16]: temperature and moisture content. . -DE I =h A (exp( v)C -C ) (30) For cubic samples dried uniformly from all directions min in RT v,sat v (x, y and z directions), the mass balance of water in In equation (30), the REA is used to describe the local liquid phase can be simplified into [20-21]: evaporation rate as affected by pore structure (porosity, shrinkage, local moisture content and local (C X)  (C X) . s =3 (D s )-I (18) temperature). These microstructural effects would be t x w x ‘encapsulated’ in the term h A . m,in in while the mass balance of water in vapor phase can be expressed as: The effective vapor diffusivity is deduced from [22]: Cv =3  (D Cv)I. (19) D =D  (31) t x v x v vo In addition, the heat balance can be represented as: while D is the water vapor diffusivity (m2.s-1) which vo T  T . is dependent on temperature. For food and biological C =3 (k )-IDH (20) p t x x v materials, Dv can be expressed as [16]: The initial and boundary conditions for equations (18) to (20) may be written as: D =2.0910-5 2.13710-7(T -273.15) (32) vo t=0, X=Xo, Cv=Cvo, T=To (21) Until now, there is no method to measure the ‘effective x=0, dX , liquid diffusivity’ [13]. Many drying papers estimated =0 dx the effective liquid diffusivity based on drying kinetics (22) data. Several sets of drying followed by complex dCv =0, optimization procedures are used to generate the dx effective diffusivity function [18, 23-26]. The literature (23) on the effective diffusivity may be used as a basis to 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014) Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014   determine the effective liquid diffusivity to be used in d mC T dX p avg hAT -T m DH (34) S-REA. A little adjustment on the effective liquid dt b s s dt V diffusivity to generate the effective liquid diffusivity where m is the sample mass (kg), C is the specific heat p function since the effective liquid diffusivity in these of the sample (J.kg-1.K-1), T is the average avg existing literatures is used to represent the whole temperature (K), h is the heat transfer coefficient (W.m- phenomenon in drying (liquid diffusion, vapor 2.K-1), T is the drying air temperature (K), T is the b s diffusion, Darcy flow, evaporation/condensation). surface temperature (K), m is the dried sample mass, s ∆H is the vaporization heat of water (J.kg-1). v APPLICATION OF THE LUMPED REACTION ENGINEERING APPROACH (L-REA) FOR For modeling the intermittent drying, the heat balance MODELING INTERMITTENT DRYING is employed according to the drying air temperature in each section. In addition, the equilibrium activation In this study, the experimental data are derived from energy shown in equation (14) is evaluated according the work of Vaquiro [18]. For better understanding of to the corresponding drying air temperature and the modeling, the experimental details are reviewed humidity in each drying period. briefly here. Mango tissues used for drying experiments were formed into cubes with side-length Figures 1 to 2 show the results of modeling of of 2.5 cm with initial moisture content of 9.3 kg.kg-1 intermittent drying of mango tissues using the L-REA. and initial temperature of 10.8 ºC. Drying was For intermittent drying at drying air temperature of 45 conducted in a laboratory drier described in detail by ºC, the L-REA describes both moisture content and Sanjuan et al [19]. The drying air temperature and air temperature profile very well. A very good agreement velocity were controlled at preset values by PID is observed between experimental and predicted data. control algorithms while air humidity was maintained Similar results are also revealed for intermittent drying constant during drying. The weight of the sample was at drying air temperature of 55 ºC and 65 ºC. The measured periodically to obtain weight loss as well as predicted moisture content and temperature match well the centre temperatures every 2 minutes. with the experimental data. The good predictions of moisture content and temperature profile are revealed The intermittency is created by heating and resting by R2 and RMSE shown in Table 2. period listed in Table 1. During resting period, the samples stay at environment with ambient temperature Benchmark towards modeling proposed by Vaquiro et of 27±1.6 ºC and relative humidity of 60%. al [18] employing diffusion model was conducted and it is revealed that the L-REA gives comparable or even Table 1. Schemes of intermittent drying of mango better results. Modeling proposed by Vaquiro et al [18] tissues [18] showed a kink of temperature profile at the beginning Drying air Period of Period of Period of of drying; which was not observed by modeling using temperature first resting second the L-REA. In addition, the underestimation of (ºC) heating (at 27 ºC heating moisture content profile at last period of drying at (s) ± 1.6) (s) (s) drying condition of 65 ºC is not revealed by the L- 45 16200 10800 36360 REA; as shown by modeling by Vaquiro et al [18]. 55 9480 10800 33720 65 7800 10800 16200 The L-REA shown in equation (11) is used for the modeling. The relative activation energy is generated from convective drying run at drying air temperature of 55 ⁰C. Using the procedures explained in Section 2, the relative activation energy is written as: DE v =-9.9210-4(X -X )39.7410-3(X -X )2(33) DE b b v,b -0.101(X -X )1.053 b The heat balance for intermittent drying of mango Figure 1. Moisture content profile of mango tissues tissues can be expressed as: during intermittent drying at drying air temperature of 45 ºC and resting at 27 ºC 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014) Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014 The accuracy of the S-REA to model the intermittent drying is validated towards the experimental data of intermittent drying of mango tissues [18] whose experimental setup and settings are explained previously, The mass balance of water in liquid phase (liquid water), the mass balance of water in the vapor phase (water vapor) and the heat balance are shown in equations (18), (19) and (20) respectively while the initial and boundary conditions for equations are shown in equations (21) to (27). For modeling the intermittent drying using the spatial reaction engineering approach (S-REA), the relative activation energy used in the lumped reaction engineering approach (L-REA) and shown in equation (33) is used to describe the local Figure 2. Temperature profile of mango tissues drying/condensation rate. The equilibrium activation during intermittent drying at drying air (ΔE ) energy shown in equation (14) is evaluated temperature of 45 ºC and resting at 27 ºC v,b according to the corresponding drying air temperature and humidity in each drying period. It is also combined Table 2. R2 and RMSE of modeling of intermittent with the relative activation energy shown in equation (12) to yield the local drying/condensation rate. In drying of mango tissues using the L-REA (lumped addition, the heat balance implements the reaction engineering approach) corresponding drying air temperature in each drying period by using the corresponding drying air Drying air R2 X R2 T RMSE RMSE temperature in the boundary conditions indicated in temperature X T equation (27). (ºC) 45 0.998 0.996 0.083 0.483 The profiles of moisture content during intermittent 55 0.998 0.997 0.087 0.554 drying are shown in Figure 3. A good agreement 65 0.998 0.997 0.082 0.686 between the predicted and experimental data is observed and confirmed by R2 and RMSE listed in It can be said that the L-REA is accurate to model Table 3. The results of modeling match well with the intermittent drying of mango tissues although the REA experimental data of moisture content. The S-REA is represented in a lumped model. This is because the models the average moisture content during the relative activation energy (ΔE/ΔE ) implemented v v,b intermittent drying at drying air temperature of 45, 55 allows the natural transition along drying time. The and 65 °C very well. Benchmarks against modeling relative activation energy keeps increasing during implemented by Vaquiro et al [18] revealed that the drying indicating the increase of difficulty to remove REA yields better results as Vaquiro et al [18] showed water from materials. This increases significantly a slight underestimation of drying rate of intermittent during heating period while this only increases slightly drying at drying air temperature at 45 °C during drying during resting period. This natural transition during time between 20000 and 50000s. Similarly, Vaquiro et drying is not observed by empirical models and CDRC al [18] also revealed a slight overestimation of drying (characteristics drying rate curve) [27]. It was revealed rate of intermittent drying at drying air temperature of that the empirical models could not model the 65 °C after drying time of 20000s. The slight intermittent drying of banana tissues well. It was also underestimation and overestimation of the drying rate analyzed that CDRC might not be able to handle this are not shown by the modeling using the S-REA. This since drying rate of intermittent drying could not be indicates that the S-REA can be used to describe the represented simply as linear and exponential moisture content of intermittent drying of mango decreasing drying rate [27]. tissues well and the REA can be applied to model the local evaporation and condensation rate well. APPLICATION OF THE SPATIAL REACTION ENGINEERING APPROACH (S-REA) FOR MODELING INTERMITTENT DRYING 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014) Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014 observed. This is in agreement with the relatively uniform moisture content at the end of drying as explained above. Figure 3. Average moisture content profiles of mango tissues during intermittent drying at different drying air temperatures The spatial profiles of moisture content during the Figure 4. Spatial moisture content profiles of mango intermittent drying at drying air temperature of 55 °C tissues during intermittent drying at drying air are indicated in Figure 4. The moisture content of the temperature of 55 °C outer part of the samples is lower than that in the inner part of the samples which indicates that moisture migrates outward during intermittent drying. Initially, the gradient of moisture content inside the samples is relatively high but during drying time between 9480 and 20280s the gradient is relatively low since the samples are under resting period. This period seems to allow the moisture to redistribute inside the samples and low gradient of moisture content inside the samples are generated. Towards the end of drying, although the samples are under heating period again, the relatively uniform moisture content is observed which indicates that the equilibrium condition is almost approached. Figure 5 presents the spatial profiles of water vapor Figure 5. Spatial water vapor concentration profiles concentration during the intermittent drying at drying of mango tissues during intermittent drying at air temperature of 55 °C. The profiles of water vapor drying air temperature of 55 °C concentration are significantly affected by the local composition and structure of the samples being dried. The profiles of temperature during the intermittent The water vapor concentration achieves a maximum at drying are indicated in Figures 6 and7. Figure 6 shows particular position inside the samples. At core of the the profiles of centre temperature during the samples, the moisture content is relatively high which intermittent drying of mango tissues at drying air may result in lower porosity and retard the local temperature of 45, 55 and 65 °C. A good agreement evaporation rate. At outer part of the samples, the local between the predicted and experimental data is evaporation rate may be enhanced as a result of the observed which is also supported by R2 of higher than higher porosity but this seems to be balanced by higher 0.992 and RMSE lower than 0.828. The results of diffusive flux of water vapor due to the higher porosity modeling match well with the experimental data. and temperature. During first heating period, the Benchmarks against modeling implemented by gradient of water vapor concentration is relatively high Vaquiro et al [18] show that the S-REA yields better but this decreases as drying progresses. The relatively results since the modeling by Vaquiro et al [18] uniform concentration of water vapor is shown during indicated kinks and underestimation of temperature resting period which could be due to relatively low profiles in the beginning of first heating period. temperature. During the second heating period, the However, these are not observed by the modeling using relatively uniform water vapor concentration is the S-REA. This indicates that the S-REA is indeed 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014) Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014 accurate to model the temperature profiles of The S-REA yields advantages of resulting in the spatial intermittent drying of mango tissues. profiles of local evaporation rate during drying as the REA is used to predict the local evaporation rate. The profiles of local evaporation rate during intermittent drying of scheme 1 at drying air temperature of 55 °C are shown in Figure 8. The local evaporation rate at core of samples is lower than that of the outer part of samples. This could be because of lower porosity at core of the samples as a result of higher moisture content. During resting period, the spatial profiles of local evaporation rate are more uniform than those during first heating period which may be due to lower temperature inside the samples. Towards the end of drying, the gradient of local evaporation rate decreases. This could be because the moisture content decreases as drying progresses which increases the porosity. From the beginning of drying to drying time around Figure 6. Centre temperature profiles of mango 5000s, the local evaporation rate increases which could tissues during intermittent drying at different be because of the increase of temperature. After this drying air temperatures period, the local evaporation rate tends to decrease which could be because of the decrease of moisture content. During resting period, the local evaporation Figure 7 represents the spatial profiles of temperature rate only changes slightly which may be because of the during the intermittent drying at drying air temperature relatively low temperature. During the second heating of 55 °C. During the first heating period, the period, the local evaporation decreases. This may be temperature in the outer part of the samples is higher because the moisture content inside the sample is than that of the inner part because the samples receive depleted. At the end of drying, essentially there is no heat by convection from the drying air used for water much difference in evaporation rate inside the samples evaporation and penetrated inwards by conduction. because the moisture content has nearly achieved However, the gradient of temperature inside the equilibrium, under the drying conditions. samples is not high.. During the first heating period, the temperature of samples increases but the temperature decreases between drying time of 9480 and 20280s as a result of resting period. This is followed by a further increase of temperature during the second heating period. At the end of the intermittent drying, the temperature approaches the drying air temperature. Figure 8. Profiles of evaporation rate inside mango tissues during intermittent drying at drying air temperature of 55 °C It has been demonstrated that the S-REA is accurate to model the intermittent drying of mango tissues very well. The S-REA can also project the concentration of water vapor and local evaporation rate during Figure 7. Spatial temperature profiles of mango intermittent drying so that better understanding of tissues during intermittent drying at drying air transport phenomena of drying processes can be temperature of 55 °C gained. It is argued here that the S-REA is not only 19th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2014) Lyon, France, August 24-27, 2014 robust to model the convective drying (Putranto and T  T C = (k ) (37) Chen, 2013) but also the intermittent drying. p t x x QUESTIONS ON LIQUID DIFFUSIVITY where C is the solids concentration (kg solids.m-3), X s is the moisture content (kg water.kg dry solids-1), C is Modeling of drying process is relatively complex and v the concentration of water vapor (kg.m-3), T is there have been several mechanistic models proposed temperature (K), D is the capillary diffusivity (m2.s-1), including liquid diffusion, capillary flow, evaporation w D is the effective vapor diffusivity (m2.s-1), t is time condensation, ,Luikov and Whittaker approach [28-32]. v (s), x is the axial dimension (m), ρ is the sample density Luikov’s approach [31] assumes the thermal and (kg.m-3) and C is the sample specific heat (J.kg-1.K-1), moisture potential gradient within a porous body cause p k is the thermal conductivity (W.m-2.K-1). the vapor and liquid water transfer so that the flux of liquid water and water vapor is proportional to the The initial and conditions of equations (35) to (37) are thermal gradient and moisture potential gradient. As [13, 15]: mentioned earlier, the coefficients of effective water liquid diffusivity, effective water vapor diffusivity and t=0, X=X , C=C T=T (38) thermal diffusivity are implemented to link the fluxes o v vo, o x=0, and the gradients. X =0 (39) There is little question that the effective liquid x diffusion model is the simplest model proposed [13]. C (40) v =0 The effective diffusivity should be influenced by the x composition of the materials. The multi-component T =0 (41) diffusion model is often implemented to couple this x effect [33-34]. Therefore, the effective diffusivity is x=L, essentially a lumped parameter whose variability is X dependent on the drying condition, material structure -C D =0 (42) s w x and composition, and sometimes sample sizes.The last C aspect rules out the upmost fundamental nature of the -D v =h ( - ) effective liquid diffusivity. For moderate drying v x m v,s v,b (43) condition, it would be better to see the effective T diffusivity as a liquid depletion coefficient in order to kx =h(Tb-T)-DHVhm(v,s-v,b) (44) avoid confusion with the original meaning of diffusivity [13]. where L is the sample half thickness, T is drying air b temperature (K), h is the mass transfer coefficient For better understanding of transport phenomena m (m.s-1), h is the heat transfer coefficient (W.m-1.K-1), during drying, the use of multiphase drying model is ΔH is the vaporization heat of water (J.kg-1), ρ is the suggested. It consists of the mass balance of water in V v,s surface water vapor concentration (kg.m-3) and ρ is liquid and vapor phases as well as the heat balance. By v,b the concentration of water vapor at drying medium this approach, the spatial profiles of moisture content, (kg.m-3). concentration of water vapor and temperature can be generated. For the multiphase approach, which does From equations (35) to (37), it can be observed that not use the source and depletion term, the model for there is no interaction among the liquid water and symmetrical convective drying of a slab can be written water vapor apart from the effective diffusivity of as follows [13,15]. water vapor, which should be a function of porosity, dependent on the moisture content. In addition, the The mass balance of liquid water: boundary conditions indicate that at the interface, the (C X)  (C X) s = (D s ) (35) vapor diffusive transport inside the samples is balanced t x w x by the convective water vapor. Therefore, the The mass balance of water vapor: equilibrium relationship between the moisture content C  C and concentration of water vapor has to be v = (D v) (36) t x v x implemented at the boundary [13]. The heat balance: However, if equations (35) to (37) are solved simultaneously with the initial and boundary conditions

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