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Reachability in Augmented Interval Markov Chains Ventsislav Chonev IST Austria Abstract—In this paper we propose augmented interval the goal is to determine whether some (or alternatively, all) Markovchains(AIMCs):ageneralisationofthefamiliarinterval refinements satisfy a given property. In contrast, the at-every- Markov chains (IMCs) where uncertain transition probabilities 7 step interpretation exhibits a more game-theoretic flavour by are in addition allowed to depend on one another. This new 1 allowing a choice over the outgoing transition probabilities model preserves the flexibility afforded by IMCs for describing 0 stochasticsystemswheretheparametersareunclear,forexample prior to every move. The goal is then to determine strate- 2 duetomeasurementerror,butalsoallowsustospecifytransitions gies which optimise the probability of some property being n withprobabilitiesknowntobeidentical,therebylendingfurther satisfied. Originally introduced in [JL91], interval Markov a expressivity. chains have recently elicited considerable attention: see for J The focus of this paper is reachability in AIMCs. We study example references [SVA06], [CHS08] and [BLW13], which 1 the qualitative, exact quantitative and approximate reachability studythecomplexityofmodelcheckingbranching-andlinear- 1 problem, as well as natural subproblems thereof, and establish several upper and lower bounds for their complexity. We prove time properties, as well as [DLL+11], where the focus is on ] the exact reachability problem is at least as hard as the famous consistency and refinement. C square-root sum problem, but, encouragingly, the approximate While IMCs are very natural for modelling uncertainty in C version lies in NP if the underlying graph is known, whilst the stochastic dynamics, they lack the expressivity necessary to restrictionoftheexactproblemtoaconstantnumberofuncertain s. edges is in P. Finally, we show that uncertainty in the graph capture dependencies between transition probabilities arising c structure affects complexity by proving NP-completeness for outofdomain-specificknowledgeoftheunderlyingreal-world [ the qualitative subproblem, in contrast with an easily-obtained system. Such a dependency could state for example that, 1 upper bound of P for the same subproblem with known graph although the probabilities of some set of transitions are only v structure. known to lie within a given interval, they are all identical. 6 Disregardingthisinformationandstudyingonlyadependence- 9 I. INTRODUCTION free IMC is impractical, as allowing these transitions to 9 2 Discrete-time Markov chains are a well-known stochastic vary independently of one another results in a vastly over- 0 model, one which has been used extensively to reason about approximated space of possible behaviours. . software systems [CY95], [HJ94], [RKNP04]. They comprise Therefore, in the present paper we propose augmented 1 0 a finite set of states and a set of transitions labelled with interval Markov chains (AIMCs), a generalisation of IMCs 7 probabilities in such a way that the outgoing transitions from which allows for dependencies of this type to be described. 1 each state form a distribution. They are useful for modelling We study the effect of this added expressivity through the : v systemswith inherentlyprobabilisticbehaviour,aswell asfor prism of the (existentially quantified) reachability problem i abstracting complexity away from deterministic ones. Thus, under the once-and-for-all interpretation. Our results are the X it is a long-standing interest of the verification community to following.First,weshowthatthefullproblemishardforboth r a developlogicsfordescribingpropertiesconcerningrealiability the famoussquare-rootsum problem(Theorem6) and for the of software systems and to devise verification algorithms for class NP (Theorem 3). The former hardness is present even these properties on Markov chains and their related generali- when the underlying graph structure is known and acyclic, sations, such as Markov decision processes [Bel57], [Put14]. whilst the latter arises even in the qualitative subproblem One well-known such generalisation is motivated by how whentransitionintervalsareallowedtoincludezero,rendering the assumption of precise knowledge of a Markov chain’s the structure uncertain. Second, assuming known structure, transition relation often fails to hold. Indeed, a real-world we show the approximate reachability problem to be in NP system’sdynamicsarerarelyknownexactly,duetoincomplete (Theorem 11). Third, we show that the restriction of the information or measurement error. The need to model this reachability problem to a constant number of uncertain (i.e. uncertaintyandtoreasonaboutrobustnessunderperturbations interval-valued) transitions is in P (Theorem 4). in stochastic systems naturally gives rise to interval Markov II. PRELIMINARIES chains (IMCs). In this model, uncertain transition probabili- ties are constrained to intervals, with two different semantic A. Markov chains interpretations. Under the once-and-for-all interpretation, the Adiscrete-timeMarkovchainorsimplyMarkovchain(MC) given interval Markov chain is seen as representing an un- isa tuple M =(V,δ) whichconsistsofa finite setof vertices countablyinfinite collection of Markovchains refining it, and or states V and a one-step transition function δ :V2 [0,1] → such that for all v V, we have δ(v,u) = 1. B. First-order theory of the reals ∈ u∈V For the purposes of specifying MarkovPchains as inputs to We denote by the first-order language R +, ,0,1,< decision problems, we will assume δ is given by a square L h × ,= . Atomic formulas in this language are of the form matrix of rational numbers. The transition function gives i P(x ,...,x ) = 0 and P(x ,...,x ) > 0 for P rise to a probability measure on Vω in the usual way. We 1 n 1 n ∈ Z[x ,...,x ] a polynomial with integer coefficients. We de- denote the probability of reaching a vertex t starting from a note1by Th(nR) the first-order theory of the reals, that is, the vertex s in M by PM(s ։ t). The structure of M is its setofallvalidsentencesinthelanguage .LetTh∃(R)bethe underlying directed graph, with vertex set V and edge set L existential first-order theory of the reals, that is, the set of all E = (u,v) V2 : δ(u,v) = 0 . Two Markov chains with { ∈ 6 } valid sentences in the existential fragment of . A celebrated the same vertex set are said to be structurally equivalent if L result[Tar51]isthat admitsquantifierelimination:eachfor- their edge sets are identical. L mula φ (x¯) in is equivalentto some effectivelycomputable 1 L formula φ (x¯) which uses no quantifiers. This immediately AnintervalMarkovchain(IMC)generalisesthenotionofa 2 entails the decidability of Th(R). Tarski’s original result Markovchain.Formally,itisapair(V,∆)comprisingavertex setV andatransitionfunction∆fromV2 tothesetInt of had non-elementary complexity, but improvements followed, [0,1] culminating in the detailed analysis of [Ren92]: intervals contained in [0,1]. For the purposes of representing an input IMC, we will assume that each transition is given Theorem 1. 1) Th(R) is complete for 2-EXPTIME. by a lower and an upper bound, together with two boolean 2) Th∃(R) is decidable in PSPACE. flags indicating the strictness of the inequalities. A Markov 3) If m N is a fixed constant and we consider only chain M =(V,δ) is said to refine and interval Markov chain existen∈tial sentences where the number of variables is = (V,∆) with the same vertex set if δ(u,v) ∆(u,v) bounded above by m, then validity is decidable in P. M ∈ for all u,v V. We denote by [ ] the set of Markov chains whichrefine∈ .AnIMC’sstrucMtureissaidtobeknownifall We denote by R the class, introduced in [SŠ11], which elementsof[M]arestructurallyequivalent.Moreover,ifthere lies between NP∃and PSPACE and comprisesall problems exists some ǫM>0 such that for all M =(V,δ) [ ] and all reducible in polynomial time to the problem of deciding u,v V, either δ(u,v) = 0 or δ(u,v) > ǫ, th∈enMthe IMC’s membership in Th∃(R). ∈ structure is ǫ-known. An IMC can have known structure but C. Square-root sum problem notǫ-knownstructureforexampleby havinganedgelabelled with an open interval whose lower bound is 0. The square-root sum problem is the decision problem where, given r ,...,r ,k N, one must determine whether 1 m An augmented interval Markov chain (AIMC) generalises ∈ √r1 + + √rm k. Originally posed in [O’R81], this the notion of an IMC further by equipping it with pairs of ··· ≥ problemarises naturally in computationalgeometry and other edges whose transition probabilities are required to be identi- contexts involving Euclidean distance. Its exact complexity cal. Formally, an AIMC is a tuple (V,∆,C), where (V,∆) is is open. Membership in PSPACE is straightforward via a an IMC and C V4 is a set of edge equality constraints. A reduction to the existential theory of the reals. Later this was ⊆ Markov chain (V,δ) is said to refine an AIMC (V,∆,C) if it sharpened in [ABKPM09] to PosSLP, the complexity class refinesthe IMC(V,∆)andforeach(u,v,x,y) C, wehave whose complete problem is deciding whether a division-free ∈ δ(u,v)=δ(x,y). We extend the notation [ ] to AIMCs for arithmeticcircuitrepresentsa positivenumber.Thisclass was M the set of Markov chains refining . introducedandboundedabovebythefourthlevelofthecount- M inghierarchyCHinthesamepaper.However,containmentof The reachability problem for AIMCs is the problem of the square-root sum problem in NP is a long-standing open deciding, given an AIMC = (V,∆,C), an initial vertex M question,originallyposedin[GGJ76],andtheonlyobstacleto s V, a target vertex t V, a threshold τ [0,1] and a ∈ ∈ ∈ provingmembershipin NPforthe exactEuclideantravelling relation , , whether there exists M [ ] such that PM(s։∼t∈) {≤τ.≥T}he qualitative subproblem∈is tMhe restriction salesman problem. This highlights a difference between the ∼ familiar integer model of computation and the Blum-Shub- of the reachability problem to inputs where τ 0,1 . ∈{ } SmaleRealRAMmodel[BSS89],underwhichthesquare-root Finally, in the approximate reachability problem, we are sumisdecidableinpolynomialtime[Tiw92].Seealso[EY09] given a (small) rational number ε and a reachability problem for more background. instance. If is , our procedure is required to accept if there exists ∼some≥refining Markov chain with reachability III. QUALITATIVECASE probability greater than τ +ε/2, it is required to reject if all In this section, we will focuson the qualitativereachability refining Markovchains have reachabilityprobabilityless than problem for AIMCs. We show that, whilst membership in τ ε/2, and otherwise it is allowed to do anything.Similarly P is straightforward when the underlying graph is known, − if is . Intuitively, this is a promise problem: in the given uncertainty in the structure renders the qualitative problem ∼ ≤ instance the optimal reachability probability is guaranteed to NP-complete. be outside the interval [τ ε/2,τ +ε/2]. − Theorem 2. The qualitative reachability problem for AIMCs For all i 1,...,k , ∈{ } with known structure is in P. 1 1 ∆(v ,S)=∆(v ,ϕ )= , . Proof. LetthegivenAIMCbe ands,ttheinitialandtarget m m i (cid:20)k+1 k+1(cid:21) M vertices, respectively. Since the structure G = (V,E) of M Finally, ∆(S,S) = ∆(F,F) = [1,1]. For all other pairs of is known, the qualitative reachability problem can be solved vertices u,v, we have ∆(u,v)=[0,0]. simply using standard graph analysis techniques on G. More The edge equality constraints are: precisely, for any M [ ], PM(s ։ t) = 1 if and only if ∈ M there is no path in G which starts in s, does not enter t and C = (v ,x ,x ,v ),(v ,x ,x ,F) i−1 i i i i−1 i i { } ends in a bottom strongly connected component which does i=1[,...,m not contain t. Similarly, PM(s ։ t) = 0 if and only if there Intuitively, the sequence of ‘diamonds’ comprised by is no path from s to t in G. v ,...,v and the vertices corresponding to literals is a 0 m Theorem 3. The qualitative reachability problem for AIMCs variable setting gadget. Choosing transition probabilities is NP-complete. δ(vi−1,xi)=δ(xi,vi)=1, and hencenecessarily δ(xi,F)= 0, corresponds to setting x to true, whereas δ(v ,x ) = i i−1 i Proof. Membership in NP is straightforward. The equiva- δ(x ,v ) = 1 and δ(x ,F) = 0 corresponds to setting x i i i i lence classes of [ ] under structure equivalence are at most to false. On the other hand, the branching from v into 2n2, where n is Mthe number of vertices, since for each pair ϕ ,...,ϕ and the edges from clauses to their literalsmmakes 1 k (u,v) of vertices, either an edge (u,v) is present in the up the assignment testing gadget. Assigning non-zero proba- structure or not. This upper bound is exponential in the size bility to the edge (ϕ ,l ) correspondsto selecting the literal i i,j of the input. Thus, we can guess the structure of the Markov l as witness that the clause ϕ is satisfied. i,j i chaininnondeterministicpolynomialtimeandthenproceedto Formally, we claim that there exists a Markov chain M solveaninstanceofthequalitativereachabilityproblemonan [ ]suchthatPM(v ։S)=1ifandonlyifϕissatisfiable∈. 0 AIMCwithknownstructureinpolynomialtimebyTheorem2. MSupposefirstthatϕissatisfiableandchoosesomesatisfying We now proceed to show NP-hardness using a reduction assignment σ : x ,...,x 0,1 . Let M = (V,δ) 1 m from 3-SAT. Suppose we are given a propositionalformula ϕ [ ]betherefini{ngMarkovc}ha→inw{hich}assignsthefollowin∈g in 3-CNF: trMansition probabilities to the interval-valued edges of . M ϕ ϕ1 ϕ2 ϕk, First, let ≡ ∧ ∧···∧ where each clause is a disjunction of three literals: δ(v ,x )=δ(x ,v )=δ(x ,F)=σ(x ), i−1 i i i i i δ(v ,x )=δ(x ,v )=δ(x ,F)=1 σ(x ) ϕ l l l . i−1 i i i i i i i,1 i,2 i,3 − ≡ ∨ ∨ for all i 1,...,m . Second, for each clause ϕ , choose Let the variables in ϕ be x ,...,x . i 1 m ∈ { } some literal l which is true under σ and set δ(ϕ ,l )=1 Let =(V,∆,C) be the following AIMC, also depicted i,j i i,j M and consequentlyδ(ϕ ,l)=0 for the other literals l. Now we in Figure 1. The vertex set has 3m+k+3 vertices: i can observe that the structure of M has two bottom strongly- V = x ,...,x ,x ,...,x connected components, namely S and F , and moreover, 1 m 1 m {ϕ1,...,ϕk } F is unreachable from v0. There{fo}re, PM{(v0}։S)=1. ∪{ } Conversely, suppose there exists some M = (V,δ) [ ] ∪{S,F}, such that PM(v ։ S) = 1. We will prove that ϕ∈haMs a 0 v ,...,v 0 m satisfying assignment. For each i 1,...,m , write ∪{ } ∈{ } that is, one vertex for each possible literal over the given p =δ(v ,x )=δ(x ,v )=δ(x ,F), i i−1 i i i i variables,onevertexforeachclause,twospecialsinkvertices 1 p =δ(v ,x )=δ(x ,v )=δ(x ,F). S,F (success and failure) and m + 1 auxiliary vertices. − i i−1 i i i i Throughaslightabuseofnotation,we usex ,x toreferboth Notice that i i to the literals over the variable x and to their corresponding i PM(v x Fω)=PM(v x Fω)=p (1 p ), verticesin ,andsimilarly,ϕi denotesboththeclauseinthe 0 1 0 1 1 − 1 M formula and its corresponding vertex. so we can concludep 0,1 ,otherwise PM(v ։S)=1, 1 0 The transitions are the following. For all i 1,...,m , a contradiction. If p =∈1{, then} 6 ∈ { } 1 we have: PM(v x v x Fω)=PM(v x v x Fω)=p (1 p ), 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 2 2 − ∆(v ,x )=∆(v ,x )=∆(x ,v )= i−1 i i−1 i i i whereas if p =0, then 1 ∆(x ,F)=∆(x ,F)=∆(x ,v )=[0,1]. i i i i PM(v x v x Fω)=PM(v x v x Fω)=p (1 p ). 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 2 2 For all i 1,...,k and j 1,...,3 , we have: − ∈{ } ∈{ } Either way, we must have p 0,1 to ensure PM(v ։ 2 0 ∆(ϕ ,l )=[0,1]. ∈ { } i i,j S)=1. Unrollingthisargumentfurthershowsp 0,1 for i ∈{ } alli.Inparticular,thereisexactlyonepathfromv tov and u) is independent of the choice of M [ ]. Denote these 0 m ∈ M ithasprobability1.Letσ bethetruthassignmentx p ,we probabilities by α(w,u). They satisfy the system i i → showthatσsatisfiesϕ.Indeed,ifsomeclauseϕ isunsatisfied i α(w,u)=δ(w,u)+ δ(w,w′)α(w′,u), under σ, then its three literals l ,...,l are all unsatisfied, i,1 i,3 so δ(l ,F) > 0 for all j = 1,...,3. Moreover, for at least w∈W^,u∈U wX′∈W i,j oneofthesethreeliterals,sayl ,wewillhaveδ(ϕ ,l )>0, whichislinearandthereforeeasytosolvewithGaussianelim- i,1 i i,1 so the path v ...v ϕ l Fω will have non-zero probability: ination.Thus,assumethatwehavecomputedα(w,u) Qfor 0 m i i,1 ∈ all w W and u U. 1 ∈ ∈ PM(v ...v ϕ l Fω)= δ(ϕ ,l )δ(l ,F)=0, Similarly, for all u ,u U, write β(u ,u ) for the 0 m i i,1 k+1 i i,1 i,1 6 probabilityofu u .1No2tic∈ethatβ(u ,u )is1a p2olynomial 1 2 1 2 which contradicts PM(v ։ S) = 1. Therefore, σ satisfies of degree at most 1 over the variables x, given by 0 ϕ, which completes the proof of NP-hardness and of the β(u ,u )=δ(u ,u )+ δ(u ,w)α(w,u ). Theorem. 1 2 1 2 1 2 wX∈W Thus, assume we have computed symbolically β(u ,u ) 1 2 IV. CONSTANT NUMBEROF UNCERTAIN EDGES Q[x] for all u ,u U. ∈ 1 2 ∈ We now shift our attention to the subproblem of AIMC Finally, for each u U, let y(u) be a variable and write y ∈ reachability which arises when the number of interval-valued for the vector of variables y(u) in some order. Consider the transitions is fixed, that is, bounded above by some absolute followingformulain the existentialfirst-orderlanguageof the constant. Our result is the following. real field: ϕ x y.ϕ ϕ ϕ , Theorem 4. Fix a constant N N. The restriction of the ≡∃ ∃ 1∧ 2∧ 3 ∈ reachability problem for AIMCs to inputs with at most N where interval-valued transitions lies in P. Hence, the approximate ϕ y(t)=1 y(u)= β(u,u′)y(u′), reachability problem under the same restriction is also in P. 2 ≡ ∧ u∈U^\{t} uX′∈U Proof. Let = (V,∆,C) be the given AIMC and suppose ϕ y(s) τ, we wish toMdecide whether there exists M [ ] such that 3 ≡ ∼ PM(s։t) τ. LetU V bethesetofver∈ticeMswhichhave and ϕ1 is as above. Intuitively, ϕ1 states that the variables at least one∼interval-valu⊆ed outgoing transition, together with x descibe a Markov chain in [ ], ϕ2 states that y gives M s and t: the reachability probabilities from U to t, and ϕ3 states that the reachability probability from s to t meets the required U = s,t u V : v V.∆(u,v) is not a singleton . threshold τ. The problem instance is positive if and only { }∪{ ∈ ∃ ∈ } Notice that U N +2=const. Write W =V U, so that if ϕ is a valid sentence in the existential theory of the | |≤ \ reals, which is decidable. Moreover, the formula uses exactly U,W is a partition of V. { } 2U 2(N +2) = const variables, so by Theorem 1, the Let x be a vector of variables, one for each interval-valued | | ≤ problem is decidable in polynomial time, as required. transition of . For vertices v ,v , let δ(v ,v ) denote the 1 2 1 2 M correspondingvariableinxifthetransition(v ,v )isinterval- Notice that removing the assumption of a constant number 1 2 valued, and the only element of the singleton set ∆(v ,v ) of interval-valued transitions only degrades the complexity 1 2 otherwise. Let ϕ be the following propositional formula upperbound,butnotthedescribedreductiontotheproblemof 1 over the variables x which captures the set of ‘sensible’ checkingmembershipin Th∃(R). As an immediate corollary, assignments: we have: ϕ δ(v ,v )=1 Theorem 5. The reachability problem and the approximate 1 1 2 ≡ v1^∈V vX2∈V reachability problem for AIMCs are in ∃R. δ(v1,v2) ∆(v1,v2) [0,1] Note that Theorem 5 can be shown much more easily, ∧ ∈ ∩ v1,^v2∈V without the need to consider separately U-vertices and W- δ(a,b)=δ(c,d). verticesasintheproofofTheorem4.Itissufficienttouseone ∧ ^ variable per interval-valued transition to capture its transition (a,b,c,d)∈C probability as above and one variable per vertex to express its reachability probability to the target. Then write down There is clearly a bijection between [ ] and assignments of an existentially quantified formula with the the usual system M x which satisfy ϕ . of equations for reachability in a Markov chain obtained by 1 For vertices v ,v , use the notation v v to denote the conditioning on the first step from each vertex. While this 1 2 1 2 event ‘v is reached from v along a path consisting only of easilygivesthe R upperbound,itusesatleast V variables, 2 1 ∃ | | vertices in W, with the possible exception of the endpoints so it is insufficient for showing membership in P for the v ,v ’. Notice that for all u U and w W, PM(w restriction to a constant number of interval-valuedtransitions. 1 2 ∈ ∈ 1 1 F S p 1 p2 1 als [0,1] 1 − 1 − −1p −pm 1 liter ϕ 3 k+1 o 1 t x x x x 1 2 3 m p 1 p p 2 p p 3 p 1 2 m 1 v0 v1 v2 ... vm k+1 ... 1 1 p 1 1 p 2 1 p m k+1 −p x 1 − −p x 1 − −p x x 1 − 1 1 2 2 3 3 m als ϕk p3 er p1 p2 p m olit [0, 1] t F 1 Figure1. ConstructionusedinTheorem3forshowingNP-hardnessofthequalitative AIMCreachabilityproblem.ThesinkF isduplicatedtoavoidclutter. V. HARDNESS FORSQUARE-ROOT SUMPROBLEM Let M be a positive integer large enough to ensure 3√r x∗ := (0,1). 2M ∈ In this section, we give a lower bound for the AIMC Then choose a positive integer N large enough, so that reachabilityproblem.This boundremains in place even when the structure of the AIMC is ǫ-known and acyclic, except for 4M α:= (0,1), the self-loops on two sink vertices. N ∈ 16M3 β := (0,1), Theorem 6. The AIMC reachability problem is hard for the 27rN ∈ square-rootsumproblem,evenwhenthestructureoftheAIMC √r β p := + (0,1). isǫ-knownandisacyclic,exceptfortheself-loopsontwosink opt N 4 ∈ vertices. Proof. The reduction is based on the gadget depicted in Now, a straightforward calculation shows Figure 2. It is an AIMC with two sinks, S and F (success P(a։S)=P(ab c d eS)+P(ab c S) and failure), each with a self-loop with probability 1, and 1 1 1 2 2 12 vertices: a,b1,...,b4,c1,...,c4,d1,d4,e . The structure +P(ab3c3S)+P(ab4c4d4S) { } is acyclic and comprises four chains leading to S, namely, βx2(1 x) β(1 x) = − + − ab1c1d1eS, ab2c2S, ab3c3S and ab4c4d4S. From each vertex 4 4 other than a and S there is also a transition to F. αx βx(1 x) + + − The probabilities are as follows. The transition (b ,c ) has 4 4 3 3 probabilityα,whilst(b ,c ),(b ,c ),(b ,c )haveprobability αx βx3+β 1 1 2 2 4 4 = − . β, for rationals α,β to be specified later. Consequently, 4 the remaining outgoing transition to F out of each bi has Analysing the derivative of this cubic, we see that P(a։S) probability 1 α or 1 β. The transitions (a,bi) for increases on [0,x∗), has its maximum at x = x∗ and then − − i = 1,...,4 all have probability 1/4. Finally, the transitions decreases on (x∗,1]. This maximum is (c ,F), (c ,F), (c ,S), (c ,F), (d ,e), (d ,S) and (e,S) 1 2 3 4 1 4 αx∗ β(x∗)3+β √r β are interval-valued and must all have equal probability in − = + =popt. any refining Markov chain. Assign the variable x to the 4 N 4 probability of these transitions. The interval to which these Thus,ifwechoosesomeclosedintervalwhichcontainsx∗ but transition probabilities are restricted (i.e. the range of x) not 0 and 1 to be the range of x, then the gadget described is to be specified later. Consequently, the remaining tran- thusfarwillhaveǫ-knownstructureandmaximumreachability sitions (c ,d ),(d ,F),(e,F),(c ,S), (c ,F),(c ,d ),(d ,F) probabilityfroma to S givenby √r scaled by a constantand 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 are also interval-valued, with probability 1 x. offset by another constant. − Now,supposewewishtodecidewhether√r + +√r x in their appropriate intervals such that P(x ,...,x ) τ 1 m i 1 n ··· ≥ ≥ k for given positive integers r ,...,r and k. Construct a if and only if there exists a refining Markov chain such that 1 m gadgetasaboveforeachr .Theconstantsα,N,M areshared P(v ։S) (τ β)/N. i 0 ≥ − across the gadgets, as are the sinks S,F, but each gadget has VI. APPROXIMATE CASE its own constant β in place of β, and its own copy of each i non-sinkvertex.Theedgeequalityconstraintsarethesameas In this section, we focus on the approximate reachability abovewithineachgadget,andtherearenoequalityconstraints problem for AIMCs. To obtain our upper bound, we will use across gadgets.Assign a variable x to those edgesin the i-th a result from [Cha12]. i gadget which in the description above were labelled x, and Definition 8. If M =(V,δ ) and M =(V,δ ) are Markov 1 1 2 2 choose a rangefor x as described abovefor x. Finally,add a i chains with the same vertex set, then their absolute distance newinitialvertexv ,withmequiprobableoutgoingtransitions 0 is to the a-vertices of the gadgets. In this AIMC, the probability of v ։ S is given by the dist (M ,M )= max δ (u,v) δ (u,v) . 0 A 1 2 1 2 u,v∈V {| − |} multivariate polynomial Lemma 9. (Appears in [Cha12].) Let M = (V,δ ) and 1 m αx β x3+β 1 1 i− i i i, M2 =(V,δ2)bestructurallyequivalentMarkovchains,where mXi=1 4 nδ =(u,|Vv)| anǫd.Lfoertaalllsoud,v ∈dVis,tw(eMha,vMe ei)thaenrdδfi1x(utw,vo)v=ert0icoesr whose maximum value on [0,1]m is 1 ≥ ≤ A 1 2 s,t V. Then ∈ m m1 (cid:18)√Nri + β4i(cid:19). PM1(s։t) PM2(s։t) 1+ d 2n 1. Xi=1 − ≤(cid:18) ǫ d(cid:19) − (cid:12) (cid:12) − (cid:12) (cid:12) Therefore, √r + +√r k if and only if there exists a We will also need the following well-known inequality: 1 m ··· ≥ refining Markov chain of this AIMC with Lemma 10. For all x 1 and r [0,1], we have m ≥− ∈ k 1 β P(v ։S) + i, (1+x)r 1+rx. 0 ≥ mN m 4 ≤ Xi=1 Now we proceed to prove our upper bound. so the reduction is complete. Theorem 11. The approximate reachability problem for Remark 7. It is easy to see that if we are given an acyclic AIMCs with ǫ-known structure is in NP. AIMC with the interval-valued edges labelled with variables, thereachabilityprobabilitiesfromallverticestoasingletarget Proof. Let be the given AIMC and let ǫ > 0 be a M vertex are multivariate polynomials and can be computed lower bound on all non-zero transitions across all M [ ]. ∈ M Suppose we are solving the maximisation version of the symbollically with a backwards breadth-first search from the target. Then optimising reachability probabilities reduces to problem: we are given vertices s,t and a rational ε > 0, we optimisingthe valueof a polynomialovergivenrangesfor its mustaccept if PM(s։t)>τ+ε/2 for some M [ ] and variables. we must reject if PM(s։t)<τ ε/2 for all M∈ M[ ]. − ∈ M Let n be the number of vertices and let It is interesting to observe that a reduction holds in the other direction as well. Suppose we wish to decide whether d:=ǫ 1 (1+ε)−1/2n . there exist values of x1 I1,...,xn In such that (cid:16) − (cid:17) ∈ ∈ P(x ,...,x ) τ for a given multivariate polynomial P, For each interval-valued transition, split its interval into at 1 n ≥ intervals I ,...,I [0,1] and τ Q. Notice that P most 1/d intervals of length at most d each. For example, 1 n ⊆ ∈ can easily be written in the form P(x ,...,x ) = β + [l,r] partitions into [l,l +d),[l +d,l +2d),...,[l +kd,r], 1 n N m α Q (x ,...,x ), where N > 0, α ,...,α where k is the largest natural number such that l+kd r. n(0o,nP1-)eim=a1pretyicporniosdtua1ncttsofsutecrnhmtshdatraPwnmi=fr1oαmi ≤nj=11,{xe1ajc,h(1Q−ixmijs)}∈a, ChMallit⊆he[eMnd]pboeintthsedseefitnoifnMg tahreksoevscuhbaiinntserrveafilnsignrgidMposiunctsh.≤tLheatt andβ is a (possiblynegative)constantterSm.For example,the the probabilities of all interval-valued transitions are chosen monomial 2x x x has a negative coefficient, so rewrite it from among the grid points. Observe that for all M [ ], 1 2 3 1 as 2(1 x−)x x +2(1 x )x +2(1 x ) 2. Do this there exists M such that dist (M ,M ) d.∈ M 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 A 1 2 − − − − ∈hMi ≤ to all monomials with a negative coefficient, then choose an Our algorithm showing membership in NP will be the appropriately large N to obtain the desired form. following. We will choose M nondeterministically Now it is easy to construct an AIMC with two sinks S,F and compute p := PM(s ։ t)∈ushinMgiGaussian elimination. and a designated initial vertex v where the probability of Then if p τ ε/2, we will accept, and otherwise we will 0 v ։S is m α Q . We use a chain to represent each Q , reject. ≥ − 0 i=1 i i i and then brPanch from v0 into the first vertices of the chains To complete the proof, we need to argue two points. First, with distribution given by the α . There exist values of the that is at most exponentially large in the size of the i hMi β 1 x x b1 c1 − d1 e β 1/4 b2 1 x c2 x − 1 x β − 1 x x 1/4 −β 1 − a 1 F 1 x S − 1/4 α 1 1 x 1 1 − −x −x β 1/4 b3 1− x c3 x α b4 c4 d4 β 1 x − Figure2. 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