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Razborov flag algebras as algebras of measurable 8 functions 0 0 2 n Tim Austin a J 0 1 Abstract ] O ThesearesomebriefnotesonthetranslationfromRazborov’srecently-developed C notion of flag algebra ([9]) into the lexicon of functions and measures on certain . h abstractCantorspaces(totally disconnected compactmetricspaces). t a m [ 1 The objects of interest 1 v 8 Consider a universal first-order theory T with equality in a language L that contains only 3 5 predicate symbols; assume T has infinite models. Examples include the theories of undi- 1 rected and directed graphsand hypergraphs,possiblywithloops. . 1 0 In [9], Razborov develops a formalism for handling the ‘leading order’ statistics of large 8 finite models of such theories. The central objects of his theory are the positive R- 0 : homomorphismsof ‘flag algebras’. Here we shall relate these to measures on a subset of v Xi theCantorspaceQi≤kKiNi (whereeach Ki isitselfsomeCantorspace)whichiscompact andsuchthatbothsetandmeasureareinvariantunderthecanonicalcoordinate-permuting r a action of Sym (N). Examples of such Cantor spaces include the spaces of models over 0 N of certain kinds of theory, and our identification will begin here. In particular we will identify (under some restrictions) a flag algebra with an algebra of measurable functions on the underlying Cantor space of models, and this will lead to an identification of the positive homomorphisms of the flag algebra with certain measures by virtue of classical resultsoffunctionalanalysis. This will take us through the first three sections of [9]. Section 4, 5 and 6 of [9] relate to a more precise variational analysis of certain examples of these homomorphisms, and wewillnotdiscussthishere. Forcertain specialexamplesofthetheoriesappearinginthe studyofflag algebras (particularlythetheoriesofhypergraphsand directedhypergraphs), 1 the associated probability measures on KNi fall into the classical study of ‘partial Qi≤k i exchangeability’ in probability theory, and quite complete structure theorems describing all such measures are available following work of Hoover [5, 6], Aldous [1, 2, 3] and Kallenberg [7]. However, these general results do not encompass the variational analysis undertaken in Section 5 of [9] and in [10], and it is not clear that adopting the older probabilistic formalism makes much difference to this. We direct the reader to [4] for a surveyofthisoldertheoryand itsrelationswithcombinatorics. Although it is not assumed in [9], let us here assume for simplicity that the predicates of T have bounded maximum arity, say by k. The general case can be recovered as a suitable‘inverselimit’in whicheverpicture is chosen for the description that follows; the necessary modifications are routine. We will also assume that L is countable, although thisassumptioncanalsobedroppedwithonlyacosmeticincreaseincomplexity,andwill writeL forthesetofpredicatesinLofarityifori ≤ k. Otherwiseweadoptthenotation i and definitions of [9], and have tried to avoid conflict with such further notation as we introduceourselves. Given this arity bound, a general countably infinite model of such a theory T can be identified with a non-uniform coloured looped directed hypergraph ofmaximal rank k, in which for each rank i the ‘colour’ of an i-tuple a ∈ Ni is a truth-assignment for ℓ(a) for eachpredicateℓ ∈ Lofarityi,andsomaybeinterpretedasapointofK := {0,1}Li. Let i us work henceforth only with models whose set of variables (or ‘vertices’) is a subset of N. ThusweshallviewoutmodelsofT aspointsoftheCantorspace KNi satisfying Qi≤k i all additional constraints imposed by the sentences of T; we shall denote the subset of these points by Ω. In general, given a model M of T with vertex set S and S ⊆ S we 1 shall write M| for the submodel of M with vertex set S . If T is free then all points of S1 1 thisspacearepossible;otherwisetheconstraintsimposedbyT carveoutsomesubspaceof KNi,whichisanintersectionofafamilyoffinite-dimensionalsubsetscorresponding Qi≤k i to individualconstraints(since any individualinterpretation of a sentence in T oversome particular finite set of vertices in N simply carves out some clopen subset of KNi Qi≤k i dependingonlyonthoseverticesascoordinates). Thissetofmodelsisthereforeacompact subspaceofanabstractCantorspace,andsoitselfanabstractCantorspace. Thissubspace isalsoclearlyinvariantunderpermutationsofthevariablesetN;letuswriteSym forthe 0 group of finitely-supported such permutations (it will prove convenient to have imposed thefinite-supportconditionwhenwecometoworkwiththisgrouplater). Forconvenience, if a theory T is clear from the context, we shall refer to a cylinder subset of Ω to mean theintersectionofΩwitha cylindersubsetofthebigproductspace KNi. Qi≤k i Infact,ouranalyticformalismwillapplytoanyclosedSym -invariantsubspaceof KNi 0 Qi≤k i for compact metricspaces K , K , ..., K , and thereader is free to view Ω in thisgener- 1 2 k 2 ality. The relevant data for what follows are the nonempty Sym -invariant compact subset Ω 0 together with the canonical action of the finitely-supported permutation group Sym on 0 the vertex set N, and with its usual topological structure and Borel σ-algebra Σ. By mild notational abuse we will identify an element g ∈ Sym directly with the corresponding 0 autohomeomorphismofΩ. We need to allow a few more constructions. Henceforth all finite models of T will be assumedtohavevertexsetsequaltoinitialsegmentsoftheintegers. Foragivensuchfinite model, say σ on the vertex set [k], we let Ω be thesubset of thoseω ∈ Ω with ω| = σ, σ [k] and let Σ be its Borel σ-algebra (which is just theideal in Σ of thesubsets ofΩ ⊆ Ω in σ σ the usual way). This σ is called a ‘type’ in [9]. We write 0 for the empty type. We now consider isomorphism classes of those finite T-models that contain a distinguished copy of σ as a submodel; that is, of pairs F = (M,θ) for M a finite model and θ a particular embeddingσ ֒→ M. Theseextensionsarecalled‘σ-flags’in[9],andFσ iswrittenforthe collection of them, Fσ for the subcollection of those with vertex set of size ℓ (so Fσ = ∅ ℓ ℓ unlessℓ ≥ k),andwecannowspecifytheobviousnotionsofembeddingandisomorphism forflags. Restricting our attention to σ-flags F = (M,σ) with M a model on some [ℓ] and σ itself serving as its distinguished copy in M (so we have implicitly ordered the vertices of M so that σ = M| ), we can identify F with a finite-dimensional cylinder set A in Ω [k] F containedinΩ : σ A := {ω ∈ Ω : ω| = M} F [ℓ] (of course, this is also just Ω in our earlier notation associating Ω to σ; our choice of M σ different letters reflects the different roˆles of M and σ here). In fact, we could have made anyassignmentF 7→ A asabovebutcorrespondingtoanyotherchoiceoflocationsinN F for the vertices of M that are not vertices of σ, and it would not matter; the above choice isconvenientlyconcrete. Occasionallyweshall need torelate flags overdifferent typesσ and theassociated spaces Ω . Ingeneral,theappearanceofσasasubmodelofσ′doesnotguaranteethatspecifically σ σ = σ′|[k] for some k; but we can always identify Ωσ′ as a subspaces of Ωσ by suitably reorderingtheverticesofσ′. In[9]thistechnicalmatterismore-or-lessavoidedaltogether owing to the early decision to work entirely with isomorphism classes of models; in the pictureofthespacesΩ ,however,wepaythismodestpriceforthesakeofretainingamore σ concretepictureofthepointsofthisspaceand(eventually)measuresonthem,whichhave moreclassical and easily-analyzedstructuresin certain otherrespects. Finally, we will want to consider coordinate-permutations that preserve Ω ; that is, that σ 3 permute only coordinates in N \ [k]. Let us call the group of these Sym ≤ Sym (even σ 0 thoughit actuallydependsonlyon k). 2 Some analysis and measure theory Having laid out the objects of study in the previous section, we will now recall those additional functional-analytic ideas in terms of which we’ll later give an account of flag algebras. The functional analysis needed does not extend beyond a graduate-level intro- duction to probability theory and the contents of any good second course on functional analysis;Yosida[12], forexample,coversourneeds. Let us write C(Ω ) and M(Ω ) for the usual Banach spaces of real-valued continuous σ σ functionsand signed Radon measures on Ω respectively;the Riesz-Kakutani representa- σ tion identifies M(Ω ) isometrically with C(Ω )∗. Moreover, we write Mσ for the sub- σ σ spaceofmeasuressupportedonΩ andinvariantunderfinitely-supportedpermutationsof σ the coordinates in N \ [k]; we will call these σ-exchangeable, and sometimes abbreviate this to just ‘exchangeable’ when σ is clear from the context. We write (Mσ)⊥ for the annihilatorofthisconsidered asa subspaceofC(Ω )∗, σ (Mσ)⊥ = {f ∈ C(Ω ) : hf,µi = 0∀µ ∈ Mσ}; σ as usual, the dual-of-the-quotient Banach space C(Ω )/(Mσ)⊥ ∗ can be isometrically (cid:0) σ (cid:1) identifiedwithMσ. Let q bethequotientmap C(Ω ) → C(Ω )/(Mσ)⊥. σ σ σ Now,givenanyf ∈ C(Ω ),it‘looksthesame’asanyf◦gforg ∈ Sym toallmeasuresin σ σ Mσ. Write T for the tail σ-subalgebra Σ of Σ , and (with a slight σ Tm≥k+1 [k]∪{m,m+1,...} σ abuse of notation) L∞(T ) for the space of bounded T -measurable functions that are σ σ definedµ-a.e. foreveryµ ∈ Mσ andundertheequivalencerelationof“equalityµ-a.e. for every µ ∈ Mσ”. Clearly these are invariant under the action of Sym . By the pointwise σ ergodictheoremfortheamenablegroupSym (oranymoreelementaryargumentforthis σ veryspecializedexampleofaSym -system),wemaytaketheaverageofthecompositions σ f ◦ g over different g to obtain some T -measurable function f¯on Ω which is defined σ σ µ-almost everywhere for every µ ∈ Mσ and is invariant under Sym , and hence actually σ specifies a member of L∞(T ). Observe that f¯ = h¯ for f,h ∈ C(Ω ) if and only if σ σ f − h ∈ (Mσ)⊥, and so our map f 7→ f¯embeds C(Ω )/(Mσ)⊥ as a subspace Vσ of σ L∞(T ); general nonsense now shows also that this is an isometric embedding, so Vσ is σ closed. Furthermore, Vσ is actually a subalgebra of L∞(T ). To show that it is closed under σ multiplication,wesupposef,h ∈ C(Ω ),andnowconsidertheproductsf·(h◦g)forany σ 4 sequenceofpermutationsg thatpushesh‘furtherandfurtherout’,inthefollowingsense: for any m ≥ 1, there are finite subsets A,B ⊂ N \ [k] such that f and h are uniformly (1/m)-close to functions depending only on vertices in A and B (respectively), and now wechooseg that movesall pointsofB into N\A. Lettingm → ∞ thisgivesa sequence g for which, in terms of their dependence on coordinates, f and h ◦ g are closer and m m closertoindependent. Now the point is that the quotients q (f ·h◦g) converge in C(Ω )/(Mσ)⊥ to a member σ σ that depends only on q (f) and q (h) — this follows from an elementary step-function σ σ approximation argument and use of all the permutation invariance. Let us call this the asymptoticproduct ofq (f) and q (g). It isnow aroutineexerciseto check thisis actu- σ σ ally aC∗-algebra product on C(Ω )/(Mσ)⊥ and corresponds exactlyto the usualproduct σ offunctionsin Vσ. (Alternatively,onecanfindanactualcontinuousfunctiononΩ whoseimageinVσ repre- σ sentsthisproduct;letusillustrateonecheapwaytodothisincaseσ = 0. Letψ : 2N → N 1 and ψ : 2N+1 → N be bijections, and let us use the same letters for the corresponding 2 φ1 φ2 adjoint maps Ω → Ω(2N) ∼= Ω and Ω → Ω(2N+1) ∼= Ω, where we temporarily write Ω(S) forthespaceofmodelsofT withvertexset S. Then clearly thefunctionsf ◦φ ◦ψ and 1 1 g◦φ ◦ψ dependondisjointsetsofcoordinates;theirproductisthesoughtrepresentative 2 2 forq (f)q (g).) σ σ Thus we have identified C(Ω )/(Mσ)⊥ with a closed subalgebra Vσ of L∞(T ) (with σ σ a newly-defined product). Let us call functions in Vσ simple if they are the images of simple(equivalently,finite-dimensional)functions in C(Ω ). We can describe the simple σ functions naturally as follows: to any fixed nonempty cylinder set A ⊆ Ω depending σ on coordinates in J ⊂ N \ [k] corresponds a collection of finite models of the theory T on the vertex set J (with some multiplicities), and now the averaged-function 1 (ω) for A ω ∈ Ω is just the sum of the densities with which each of those finite models appears σ isomorphically as a submodel of ω (now summing over the multiplicities). Referring to such a function 1 for A corresponding to a single model on J (so that our general A is A a disjoint union of such) as a statistics function, the simple functions in Vσ are now just linearcombinationsofstatisticsfunctions. WewriteVσ forthedensesubspaceofthese. 0 3 Description of flag algebras We will now identify a flag algebra and its homomorphisms with a family of measurable functionsandanassociatedsetofprobabilitymeasures,andshowhowvariousresultsper- 5 tainingtotheformertranslateintofactsaboutthelatter. Ingeneralwewillrefertothetwo resulting pictures as the ‘flag algebra picture’ and the ‘measure theoretic picture’ respec- tively. WewillfollowthesectionalstructureofSections2and3of[9]. Wewillnotbroach themorespecificoptimizationproblemstudiedinSections4and5(or,forthatmatter,the more complete result of [10]); while they too can presumably be translated into the mea- sure theoretic picture, aside from rendering the underlying objects in a better-established analyticlightthisdoesn’tseem greatlyto changetheargumentsthat areinvolved. Informally,thebackgroundpurposeof[9]istosetupafamilyof‘proxies’forthestatistics oflargemodelsofT thatenjoysomeadditional‘analytic’structuremakingthemeasierto handle for the study of certain kinds of question; two such questions on extremal statis- tics are then analyzed in these terms in Section 5 of [9] and in the follow-up paper [10]. In [9] these proxies are certain R-valued homomorphismsof flag algebras, and the actual elements of the flag algebras are of secondary importance (although they do continue to appear in a supporting role occasionally later in the paper). The manipulation of flag al- gebras is mostly for the purpose of setting up these homomorphisms. However, in the measure theoretic picture we can say at once what these homomorphisms correspond to — they are the ergodic Sym -invariant probability measures on Ω — and so the effort σ σ we expend on setting up the correspondence between flag algebras and certain spaces of measurablefunctionswillultimatelyberequiredonlytoshowthatthehomomorphismsof theformerreally are identifiedwithapriori-knownobjectsrelated to thelatter. Section 2 In[9],RFσ denotesthefreeR-vectorspaceonFσ. WehavealreadyselectedforeachF ∈ Fσ some associated clopen subset A ⊆ Ω , and we will now extend this by associating F σ (withsomecareful normalization)toeach member λ F ∈ RFσ a linearcombination Pj k j oftheindicatorfunctions1 oftheseA ,eachofwhichisacontinuousfunctionsinceA AF F F is clopen. This will define a linear operator Φ : RFσ → C(Ω ) with image some funny- σ shaped subspace contained within the space of simple functions in C(Ω ). It turns out σ that in order to make contact between the calculus of [9] and addition and multiplication of functions on Ω we need to introduce some nontrivial normalizing constants: our final σ identificationis 1 F 7→ 1 ; |F|! AF λ k XλkFj 7→ X |F |!1AFj. j j j 6 The arbitrariness in our choice of subset A corresponding to F is reflected in a similar F arbitrariness in this linear map Φ into C(Ω ); however, this disappears at the next step, σ whenwe defineaflag algebraas a quotientofRFσ. LetKσ denotethesubspaceofRFσ generatedbythelinearcombinationsF˜− p(F˜,F)F PF∈Fσ ℓ fordifferentℓ ≥ |V(F˜)|,andforcertainrealnumbersp(F˜,F)giveninDefinition1of[9] (we will suppress their exact form here). From that definition one can check at once that, given our chosen normalization in the definition of Φ above, the values p(F˜,F) are such thatΦ(Kσ) ispreciselythefollowingsubspaceofΦ(RFσ): Φ(a) ∈ Φ(Kσ) if and only if, as a simple function on Ω , Φ(a) may be σ chopped up furtherinto alinear combinationof simplefunctionscorrespond- ing to cylinder sets over some common large finite subset of N, say Φ(a) = b 1 , such that we can cluster this sum according to some partition Pt∈J t Bt J = J , Si∈I i Φ(a) = Xbt1Bt = XXbt1Bt, t i∈I t∈Ji sothatfor each i ∈ I: • all theB fort ∈ J are isomorphictosomefixedA , F ∈ Fσ; t i Fi i • and b = 0. Pt∈Ji t Alternatively,we can describe this by saying that somere-arrangement of the terms b 1 t Bt bydifferentpermutationsofN\[k]sumstozero: thatis,thereareg ,...,g ∈ Sym with 1 t σ b 1 exactlycancelingto zero. Pt t gt(Bt) It now follows from a little compactness argument that Kσ is also precisely the set of those a ∈ RFσ for which Φ(a) ∈ C(Ω ) is in the annihilator (Mσ)⊥ (indeed, that σ Φ(Kσ) ⊆ (Mσ)⊥ is immediate; for the opposite inclusion we can argue that if a 6∈ Kσ thenbywitnessingourinabilitytofindadecompositionofΦ(a)asaboveforcylindersets over larger and larger finite subset of N, we can extract some sequence of members of M(Ω ) that are invariant for the vertex-permutations in some corresponding exhausting σ sequence of finite subsets of Sym 1, and that converge to some member of Mσ that does σ notannihilateΦ(a)). WenowconsiderthequotientspaceAσ := RFσ/Kσ. Bytheabove,q ◦Φfactorsthrough σ this quotient to give an injective map Ψ : Aσ → Vσ. Moreover, since any finite dimen- sional cylinder set contained in Ω is equivalent under Mσ to some A upon a suitable σ F 1Noticethathereisanappealtoourrestrictiontofinitely-supportedpermutations. 7 permutation of coordinates in N \ [k], the image of Ψ is actually the subspace Vσ of all 0 simplefunctionsinVσ;as such, itisdense. The next step is to consider products. The definition of a product for a,b ∈ RFσ/Aσ given in [9] now just translates into the product of Ψ(a) and Ψ(b) as L∞-functions on Ω ; and the proof in [9] that this product is well-defined mostly becomes a proof in the σ measuretheoreticpicturethatthisproductremainsintheimageofΨ(thatis,inVσ). This 0 completes our identification of the flag algebra Aσ with the dense subalgebra Vσ of Vσ, 0 which is itself a norm-closed Banach subalgebra of L∞(T ). The basic properties of the σ productcontainedin Lemma2.4,forexample,are nowimmediate. InSubsection2.2of[9]isintroducedthe‘downwardoperator’. Thisapplieswhenwehave asubmodelσ′ ofσ,saywithvertexset[k′]forsomek′ ≤ k. Byre-labelingtheverticesof σ′ ifnecessary,wecanidentifyΩσ withaclopensubsetofΩσ′ (withA(σ′,σ),infact);since this subset is clopen, the extension operator J : C(Ωσ) ֒→ C(Ωσ′) obtained by extending acontinuousfunctiononΩ tobeidenticallyzeroelsewhereiswell-defined(inparticular, σ its output is still a continuous function). One checks at once that J factorizes through the quotientsC(Ωσ) → Vσ ⊆ L∞(Tσ) and C(Ωσ′) → Vσ′ ⊆ L∞(Tσ′). This factorization is themeasuretheoreticpictureofthedownward operator. Onceagain, a normalizingfactor appears in[9]to makethesumscomeoutright. Subsection 2.3 turns to the ‘upwards operator’. The definition of this and the properties it enjoys depend more heavily on the precise shape of the theory T than most of the fore- going, and we shall not translate the results of this subsection in detail. Instead, let us examineonlyaleadingspecial caseofthisoperator. Given again some type σ on [k] extending σ′ on [k′], k′ ≤ k, we now wish to make a passage from Vσ′ to Vσ in the following way. Any point of Ωσ defines a point of Ωσ′ simplyby ignoringthevertices in {k′ +1,k′ +2,...,k} (and so sendingN\[k] to (N− (k−k′))\[k] = N\[k′]);thisgivesacontinuousmapfromΩσ toΩσ′,sothatcomposition gives a homomorphismC(Ωσ′) → C(Ωσ). This may descend to a map Vσ′ → Vσ which is then necessarily also a homomorphism: this requires that any member of (Mσ′)⊥ be sent to a member of (Mσ)⊥ by this composition map, which in some sense tells us that the space of models Ω is still ‘large enough’ to support a sufficiently large collection of σ Symσ-invariant measures compared with Ωσ′. A formal version of this property appears intheflag algebrapictureasaconditionthatacertain memberofAσ isnotazero-divisor, and under this assumption the existence of a suitable homomorphism (which translates into the abovementioned factorizability) is proved directly for flag algebras as Theorem 2.6 in [9]; this property is also related to the more immediate property of a theory that it havethe‘amalgamationproperty’. 8 ThisisanexamplethatcanbeextendedtorelatethealgebrasAσ (orVσ)arisingfromtwo different theories T , T given an interpretation of onein terms of the other: this interpre- 1 2 tation again defines a continuous map from the Cantor space corresponding to one to that corresponding to the other, and again we then face the question of whether the resulting homomorphismofalgebras ofcontinuousfunctionsdescendsunderourquotientingoper- ation. The considerations to this purpose in [9] apply in this general setting, but we will notexaminethedetailsfurtherhere. When a homomorphism can be obtained, some of the other results that follow on the properties of this map are now translations of certain basic facts for concrete spaces of measurable functions (to which they already appear structurally very similar): Theorem 2.8(a)of[9],forexample,assertsinourpicturethatE [fh|Ξ] = fE [h|Ξ]iff isalready µ µ Ξ-measurable,and 2.8(b)istheruleofiteratedconditionalexpectations. Section 3 The overall approach of the first three sections of [9] is to define a flag algebra first, and thentoobtainacollectionof‘proxies’or‘limitobjects’forthestatisticsoflargemodelsof atheoryintermsofthem. Theroˆleoftheseistobeplayed bythemultiplicativefunctions φ : Aσ → Rthatarenon-negativeontheimageofanysingleflagF ∈ Fσ;thesetofthese iswrittenHom+(Aσ,R). Having identified the flag algebra Aσ as thedense subalgebra Vσ of thecommutativeC∗- 0 algebra Vσ so that the images of single flags correspond to the single statistics functions, wecaneasilycheckthatnon-negativityontheseimpliesnon-negativityonanymemberof Vσ that is itself a non-negative-valued function; this follows easily since a non-negative 0 simplefunction can always be written as a linear combination of indicator functions with non-negativecoefficients. We now observe that given the non-negativity of such a φ it can be extended to a mul- tiplicative linear functional on the whole of Vσ. We can now, if we wish, apply certain standard representation theorems to this space: either by further exploiting its vector lat- tice structure following the results of Yosida and Kakutani, as presented in Section XII.5 of[12],orbycomplexifyingtheconstructionsofarandusingthe(arguablymorepopular) Gelfand-Naimark Theorem. At any rate, this identifies φ with a point of the spectrum of Vσ (for one or other interpretation of ‘spectrum’). In fact, this identification is more-or- less implicitin Remark 4 of Subsection3.2 of[9], althoughthere we stillrequire someof thebasicstructureofHom+(Aσ,R)to havebeen idenfitied. However, given our identification with the measure-theoretic picture, we have an alterna- 9 tivetotheabove. SinceVσ ∼= C(Ω )/(Mσ)⊥,asalinearfunctionalonVσ wecanidentify σ φ with a member of Mσ (uniquely, since (C(Ω )/(Mσ)⊥)∗ ∼= Mσ): a Sym -invariant σ σ measure on the space Ω that we started with, rather than a point of some abstractly- σ produced new space SpecVσ. This has the advantage that we retain the theory itself T, codedas itisintothe‘shape’ofthespaceΩ . It isnoweasy tocheck thatthosemeasures σ in Mσ that are multiplicativeon Vσ are precisely the ergodic Sym -invariant probability σ measuresonΩ (thesearemultiplicativeonVσ sinceanymemberofVσ isµ-a.s. constant σ if µ ∈ Mσ is ergodic). This establishes the identification of the flag algebra homomor- phismswithexchangeablemeasures2. As remarked in Remark 3 of Section 3 of[9], workingwith arbitrary multiplicativelinear functionals on Aσ is problematic: the point is that without non-negativity these need not be extendable to the whole of Vσ at all (equivalently, they may not be continuous for the normtopologyofVσ). Indeed, thefact, mentionedinRemark 3, thatAσ isanon-finitely- 0 generated free commutativealgebra overR, is precisely what wouldallow us toconstruct adiscontinuoussuch functionalusingtheaxiomofchoice. Now the order defined on Aσ in Definition 5 of Section 3 of [9] (in terms of the above notion of ‘positivity’ for a homomorphism, which must be introduced first) is precisely the usual pointwise order on Vσ as a set of real-valued functions; in the setting of ab- 0 stract flag algebras, where we are unable to define anything ‘pointwise’, the functionals of Hom+(Aσ,R) are needed as a replacement to formulate this definition. Given this, Theorem 3.1 requires only that composition with a homeomorphism and conditional ex- pectationarenon-negativeoperators betweenfunctionspaces. Also,the‘probability-like’ convergence results of Subsection 3.1 (somewhat based on [8]) now really are about the classicalvaguetopologyonaset ofprobabilitymeasures. In Subsection 3.2 of [9] averages of homomorphisms are taken with respect to actual probability measures; in the measure-theoretic picture these become classical ergodic de- compositions. Specifically,givensomeextensionσ ofσ ,weknowthatuponorderingthe 0 vertices of σ so that σ = σ| , then Ω = A becomes a clopen subset of Ω ; and 0 [k0] σ (σ0,σ) σ0 now if µ is an ergodic Sym -invariant probability measure on Ω for which µ(Ω ) > 0 σ0 σ0 σ we may consider the conditioned measure µ(·|Ω ) := µ(· ∩ Ω )/µ(Ω ) (defined free σ σ σ from any measure-theoretic ambiguity, since µ(Ω ) > 0). Since Sym ≤ Sym fixes σ σ σ0 Ω , this defines nowa Sym -invariantprobabilitymeasureon Ω ; however,itmay not be σ σ σ ergodic under the action of this subgroup Sym , and the resulting ‘ensemble’ of homo- σ morphismsobtainedin thissubsectionis simplyitsergodicdecomposition. 2Althoughwe noteinpassingthatobtainingthemfroma priorconstructionof thefunctionalgebrasis reminiscentofthealternativerouteintothetheoryofintegrationandmeasureestablishedbySegalin[11]; anapproachthathashadlastingconsequencesfortheformulationof‘non-commutativeintegration’inthe settingofgeneralvonNeumannalgebras. 10

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