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Chem.Rev.2003,103,4207−4282 4207 Rational Design of Sequestering Agents for Plutonium and Other Actinides Anne E. V. Gorden, Jide Xu, and Kenneth N. Raymond* DepartmentofChemistry,UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,California94720 Patricia Durbin ChemicalSciencesDivision,ErnestOrlandoLawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory,UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,California94720 Received December23,2002 Contents 6.6. Hydroxypyridinone (HOPO)-Based 4246 Plutonium-Sequestering Agents 1. Introduction 4208 6.7. Mixed Ligands 4249 2. Background 4209 6.8. Orally Effective HOPO Ligands 4251 2.1. Actinides in Applications 4209 6.9. Ligand Toxicity 4252 2.2. Behavior of Plutonium in Biological Systems 4209 6.10. Comparison of Efficacy for Pu Sequestration 4254 2.3. Chelation Therapy 4211 6.11. Ligands for Plutonium Removal from Bone 4255 2.4. Current Chelation Methods Using DTPA 4212 7. Thorium-Sequestering Agents 4256 3. Designing a Model System 4213 7.1. Thorium Coordination ChemistrysSimilarities 4256 3.1. Actinide Coordination Chemistry 4213 to Pu(IV) 3.1.1. Characteristic Features 4213 7.2. Structural Characterization as Model for the 4256 3.1.2. Lanthanides as Models for Actinides 4215 Pu(IV) System 3.2. Requirements for an Effective Sequestering 4216 7.3. Decorporation of Thorium 4259 Agent 8. Americium-Sequestering Agents 4260 3.3. Biological Means for Evaluation 4216 8.1. Americium Coordination Chemistry 4260 3.3.1. Initial Assessment 4216 8.2. Lanthanides(III) as Models for Am(III): Eu(III) 4261 3.3.2. Collaborative Studies 4218 and Lu(III) 4. A Biomimetic Approach toward 4219 8.3. Gd(III) Complexes as Models for Am(III) 4262 Actinide-Sequestering Agents 8.4. Multidentate Amino Acetic Acids for Am(III) 4262 4.1. Similarities between Fe(III) and Pu(IV) 4219 Chelation Therapy 4.2. Complexes with Naturally Occurring 4220 8.5. Multidentate CAM Ligands for Am(III) 4264 LigandssSiderophores Chelation Therapy 4.3. Design of Ligand Scaffolds 4221 8.6. Multidentate HOPO Ligands for Am(III) 4265 4.3.1. Chelating Groups in Siderophores 4221 Chelation Therapy 4.3.2. Multidentate Coordination Systems 4221 8.7. Ligands for Americium Removal from Bone 4265 4.3.3. Ligand Geometry and Denticity 4223 9. Uranyl Ion-Sequestering Agents 4266 5. Ligand Synthesis 4224 9.1. Uranium and Uranyl Coordination Chemistry 4266 5.1. Ligand Systems 4224 9.2. Uranium in Biological Systems 4268 5.2. Catecholamide (CAM) Ligands 4224 9.3. Depleted Uranium 4269 5.3. Terephthalamide (TAM) Ligands 4232 9.4. Uranyl Complexes with Multidentate CAM 4270 Ligands 5.4. Hydroxypyridinone (HOPO) Ligands 4234 9.5. Uranyl Complexes with Multidentate TAM 4270 5.5. Mixed Ligands 4236 Ligands 5.6. Sulfonamide Ligands 4237 9.6. Uranyl Complexes with Multidentate HOPO 4270 6. Plutonium-Sequestering Agents 4238 Ligands 6.1. Plutonium Coordination Chemistry 4238 9.7. Ligand Cocktails for Multiple Actinides 4271 6.2. Ce(IV) and Hf(IV) as Models for Pu(IV) 4239 10. Neptunium-Sequestering Agents 4273 6.3. Catecholamide (CAM)-Based 4241 10.1. Neptunium Coordination Chemistry 4273 Plutonium-Sequestering Agents 10.2. Neptunium under Physiological Conditions 4273 6.3.1. Cyclic Systems 4241 10.3. Neptunium Decorporation Using Multidentate 4274 6.3.2. Multidentate Linear Systems 4242 CAM Ligands 6.4. Biological Evaluation Leads to Improved 4242 10.4. Neptunium Decorporation Using Multidentate 4274 Ligand Systems HOPO Ligands 6.5. Terephthalamide (TAM)-Based Ligands 4246 11. Conclusions 4275 12. Acknowledgments 4276 13. Abbreviations 4276 *Towhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed.Phone: (510)642- 7219.Fax: (510)486-5283.E-mail: [email protected]. 14. References 4277 10.1021/cr990114xCCC:$44.00 ©2003AmericanChemicalSociety PublishedonWeb10/28/2003 4208 ChemicalReviews,2003,Vol.103,No.11 Gordenetal. Anne E. V. Gorden was born in Kansas City, Missouri, and grew up in ProfessorKennethN.Raymondwasbornin1942inAstoria,Oregon.He the north Dallas area in Texas. A National Merit Scholar (1992) and attended Reed College, where he received a B.A. in 1964. His Ph.D. recipientoftwoGeneralElectricFacultyfortheFutureFellowships(1995, research at Northwestern University, under the direction of Professors 1996),shegraduatedfromEmoryUniversityinAtlanta,Georgia,in1996, FredBasoloandJamesA.Ibers,concernedthesynthesisandstructure earning a B.S. in chemistry as well as completing a second major in offive-coordinatemetalcomplexes.UponcompletinghisPh.D.,hebegan literature.ShethenreturnedtoTexas,attendinggraduateschoolatthe hisfacultyappointmentattheUniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeleyin1967, UniversityofTexasatAustin,whereherthesiswork,underthedirection becomingAssociateProfessorin1974andProfessorin1978.Hiswork ofProfessorJonathanL.Sessler,concernedthedesignandsynthesisof has been recognized with several awards, including the Ernest O. novelexpandedporphyrinsandoligopyrrolesforselectiveioncoordination, Lawrence Award of the Department of Energy (1984), a Humboldt in a collaborative project with Los Alamos and Argonne National Research Award for Senior U.S. Scientists (1991), and the American Laboratories as a Seaborg Research Fellow (1999) and as a Seaborg Chemical Society Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or Bioorganic Institute Research Fellow (2000−2002). In 1999 and 2000, she was Chemistry(1994).HehasbeenanAlfredP.Sloanresearchfellow(1971− awardedtwoDeltaGammaFoundationFellowshipsforWomeninScience. 1973),aMillerresearchprofessorattheUniversityofCalifornia(1977− Aftercompletingherdissertationin2002,Dr.Gordenbeganapostdoctoral 1978, 1996) and Guggenheim fellow (1980−1981). He was elected to appointment at the University of California at Berkeley with Professor theNationalAcademyofSciencesin1997,andtheAmericanAcademy KennethN.Raymond,investigatingthestructuralandsolutionproperties ofArtsandSciencesin2001.Inadditiontohisacademicappointmentat ofsiderophore-basedactinide-sequesteringagents. the University of California, he is a cofounder of Lumiphore Inc., which utilizesnewluminescentagentsdevelopedinhislaboratory,andFaculty SeniorScientistandInterimDirectoroftheSeaborgCenteratLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He is the author of 12 patents and approaching400researchpublications. shown to reduce acute radiation damage, chemical toxicity,andlateradiationeffects.Therecentdevel- opmentofimprovedactinide-sequesteringagentsfor potentialuseinchelationtherapyhasbeenbasedon a body of work in several areas of coordination chemistry. Key among these is the expansion of our fundamental understanding of the structural and solution (thermodynamics) coordination of the ac- tinides.Thisunderstandingallowslanthanidemetal ions to be used as suitable models for the actinides. Describedinthisworkisanoverviewofanapproach JideXuwasborninChina.HeearnedtheequivalentofaB.S.inchemistry in1964atWannanUniversity.AfterabriefperiodinagricultureinAnhui, toward the design and optimization of actinide- China (1964−1967), he worked for Anhui Chizhou Chemical Fertilizer sequestering agents. FactoryinAnhui,China(1967−1980).Afterthistimeawayfromacademics, hereturnedtoAnhuiUniversityasastudentandlecturer(1980−1986), This rational approach for the design of preorga- completing the equivalent of a Ph.D. in 1986. At that time, he was nizedmultidentatesequesteringagentsforactinides appointedanAssociateProfessorandAdvisortoGraduateStudentsat wasinspiredbysiderophores,thenaturallyoccurring Anhui University, and for his work there he was recognized with an microbial iron(III)-sequestering agents. Biological OutstandingTeacherCollectiveAward(1989)andaSignificantAchieve- evaluationoftheefficacyandtoxicityoftheseligands ment Award of Anhui Science and Technology Commision (1989). He cametoBerkeleyfirstasaVisitingScholar(1989−1992)andpostdoctoral has provided comprehensive data for the ongoing research fellow (1990−1992), and is currently serving as Staff Scientist ligand optimization process. This has enabled the workingwithProfessorKennethN.Raymond,involvedinallaspectsof development of a class of promising highly selective researchandprojectdevelopmentinhislaboratories. agents for in vivo chelation of Pu(IV). In addition, severallow-toxicitytetradentatelinearligandswith a pentylene or diethyl ether backbones containing 1. Introduction catecholate or hydroxypyridinonate binding groups havebeenfoundtochelateotheractinidesandhave Providing effective chelation therapy in response beenidentifiedassuitableagentsforinvivochelation to internal human actinide contamination has been of Am(III), Np(IV/V), or U(VI). RationalDesignofSequesteringAgentsforActinides ChemicalReviews,2003,Vol.103,No.11 4209 to actinides. Of these, plutonium (Pu) and uranium (U) are the elements most likely to be encountered. Plutonium has been manufactured through the ir- radiation of nuclear fuel to be isolated for material of a grade suitable for military use in weapons and spaceexplorationapplications,butincivilianenergy production applications, plutonium is generated as a byproduct of systems that are based primarily on uranium fission.4 Today, with close to one-third of the world’s electrical power supply produced using nuclearsources,5theoverallamountofspentnuclear fuels generated each year is in the range of 9000- 10000 tons.4 This yearly quantity of spent fuel contains about 75 tons of Pu.4 The total amounts of plutonium produced from power reactors accumu- Patricia W. Durbin was born in Oakland, California. She received both lated globally is an estimated 7000 metric tons herB.S.inchemistry(1948)andherPh.D.inbiophysics(1953)fromthe worldwide, most of which is dilute and contained in University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Durbin began her distinguished this spent reactor fuel.4,6 In addition, it has been career in biophysics and actinide biology as a laboratory assistant and technicianatCrockerLaboratoryattheUniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley estimated that, after 50 years of production, 100 in 1946 while still a student. Upon completing her Ph.D., she was an metrictonsofpurifiedplutoniumhasbeenproduced instructor in medical physics from 1953 to 1957 at the University of in the United States and presumably a similar CaliforniaatBerkeley.Concurrently,shebeganworkasaphysiologistat amountinRussia.4,6Thesequantitiesareincreasing LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory(LBNL),apositionshehelduntil daily, and thus the challenge of managing, safely beingpromotedtoStaffSeniorScientistatLBNLin1978.Shehasserved storing,andlimitingthepotentialenvironmentalor onnumerouscommitteesfortheNationalCouncilonRadiationProtection (NCRP) (1956−1991), including serving as a NCRP Councilor (1975− injurious effects is constantly on the rise.7 1991), and has been on advisory panels for the National Academy of While plutonium has been introduced into the SciencesNationalResearchPanel(NAS−NRP)CommitteeonRadioactive environmentviaatomicweaponstestsandaccidents WasteManagement(CRWM)onHanfordWastes(1976−1978),Savannah atnuclearfacilities,theneedfortherapiestoisolate RiverWastes(1978−1981),andOakRidgeNationalLaboratoryWastes ingestedand/orinhaledactinidematerialswasprevi- (1982−1985). She has been honored with the Distinguished Scientific ouslyconsideredanissuesolelyofconcernfortrained Achievement Award from the Health Physics Society (1984), to which shewaselectedaFellowin1985.Sinceretiringin1991,shehascontinued radiationworkersworkingwithsizablequantitiesof studiesasaParticipatingGuestandSeniorScientistatLBNL. actinides.8Unfortunately,recenteventshavebrought to light the potential for exposure to actinides to 2. Background members of the population at large as the result of anaccidentalreleaseoranintentionaldissemination 2.1. Actinides in Applications caused by sabotage or a so-called “dirty” bomb. Although the likelihood of the contamination of a If the development of the energy potential of the largegrouporareausingthismethodmightbesmall actinides ceased today, the use of actinides in both becauseofthelimitsontheavailabilityofradioactive civilian energy generation and space exploration materials and the technical knowledge required to wouldstillrequirefurtherresearchdirectedtoward effectively carry out such an attack,9 the possibility avarietyofenvironmentalandhealthissuesresult- exists, and there is a high potential for panic by ingfromtheseapplications.1Complicatingtheprob- peopleintheareaofsuchareleaseandalimitedtime lem is the fact that, in comparison to that of the periodinwhichtodeterminepreciselywhoreceived d-transition metals, our fundamental knowledge of asufficientdosetobeharmfulinwhichtoadminister theactinides,theirbasicchemistry,andcoordination treatment.10Currently,wehavelimitedcapabilities systems is still relatively early in its development.2 toaddresssuchascenario;therefore,itisimportant The energy potential of the actinides first impacted tohavethemeansofmakingavailablesafe,nontoxic, the world with the invention of the atomic bomb in effective (preferably orally bioavailable) chelating 1945, at the time overshadowing the scientific im- agents for decontamination or easily synthesized, plications of their groundbreaking discovery. Since inexpensive chelating agents for new separations thatfirstisolationofplutoniumandthesubsequent technologies.1,10 inception of the Atomic Age, the civilian use of actinides has primarily been to provide a large 2.2. Behavior of Plutonium in Biological Systems fractionofthedevelopedworld’selectricity;however, thisandweaponsprogramshavegeneratedalegacy The rationale for actinide removal therapy is the of environmental wastes and a large worldwide premise that reducing the amounts of the tissue inventory of actinide elements.3,4 burdensandcumulativeradiationdosessignificantly All isotopes of the actinide elements are radio- diminishes radiation-induced tissue damage and active.Thelengthsofthehalf-livesofthemoststable carcinogenesis,andreduceschemicaldamagetothe isotopes of these elements decrease across the ac- kidneys and liver. The high specific activity alpha tinide series, with the heaviest members being so emissionsofthecommonisotopesofthetransuranic unstabletheycanonlybecreatedandisolatedafew actinidesmaketheseelementspotentcarcinogens.11-17 atomsatatime.2Becauseofthewideruseofnuclear Unlike organic poisons, which the body is able to fuel sources, there is an increased risk of exposure metabolize,thesetoxicmetalsareeitherexcretedor 4210 ChemicalReviews,2003,Vol.103,No.11 Gordenetal. Figure1. (a)Clearanceofintravenouslyinjectedsolubleactinidesfromtheplasmavolumeofmice(3ngof238Pu,1558ng of241Am,3263.6µgof232+235U,121and44µgof237Np122).(b)Distributionofsolubleactinidesinthetisuesofmice1dayafter intravenousinjection(3ngof238Pu,1558ngof241Am,1563.6µgof232+235U,121and44µgof237Np122). immobilized.Inthecaseoftheactinides,immobiliza- inthebombingofHiroshima),butthechemicaland tion in the body presents the problem of localized radioactive properties of plutonium are such that it sites of intense radiation and increasing absorbed alsocauseslong-termdamageandinducescancerin radiationdosesastheemittedalphaparticlesrepeat- thetissuesinwhichitisdeposited.12,14-17Somewhat edly affect limited groups of cells.11-17 Prompt ag- fortuitously,theviableroutesofinternalplutonium gressive chelation therapy limits the retention of contamination are in large part limited to direct these toxic metals by preventing their coordination physicaltransportsuchasthroughingestion,inhala- with and immobilization by tissue constituents and tion, or wound contamination. by promoting their excretion from the body. These Plutonium is immobilized readily in sediments in processes serve to lessen or eliminate both acute naturalwaters,inpartduetopoorsolubilityandthe radiationtoxicityand/orchemicaldamageintissues formation of polymers.9,23 Plutonium has, however, caused by the intake of actinides.8,10,16,18,19 We have been found to migrate in nonhumic, carbonate-rich chosen to focus on plutonium as the most likely soils,presumablybecausethesesoilslackthehumic hazard presenting the greatest potential threat, as materials left by the decomposition of plant matter Puhasbyfarthegreatestretentioninthebodyafter thatretardthemigrationofplutonium.23Thesesame contaminationbyactinides.14,16-22Thosesubstantial humic materials also increase the solubility of plu- differencesinactinidetransportandretentioninthe tonium in seawater. Increasing the solubility of bodyaredemonstratedinFigure1a,whichdisplays plutoniumincreasesthepotentialforenvironmental the plasma clearances in mice of intravenously (iv) migration, thus increasing the bioavailability of the injected Pu(IV), Np(V), Am(III), and U(VI), and in metal.24 Figure1b,whichdisplaysthetissuedistributionsin Itwaslongheldthattheinabilityofuncomplexed mice one day after (iv) injection of Pu(IV), Np(V), plutonium to cross physiological barriers greatly Am(III), and U(VI).19 hinders its concentration in the food chain.21,25,26 The hazards one typically associates with pluto- Nonetheless, there continues to be concern that nium and other radionuclides are acute radiation naturally occurring chelating agents, in particular damage and sickness caused by exposure to large thosethatcoordinateiron,mightcomplexsufficient quantitiesofradiation(asinthecaseofthoseinjured Putoalterthatsituation.21,23,27Consequently,inves- RationalDesignofSequesteringAgentsforActinides ChemicalReviews,2003,Vol.103,No.11 4211 tigations using siderophores, naturally occurring endosteal bone surfaces, the most important long- iron-chelatingligands,wereconductedtoincreasethe term consequence of a systemic actinide intake is rateofdissolutionofplutonium(IV)hydroxides.28One inductionofbonetumors.Theproximityoftrabecular siderophore,desferrioxamine-B(DFOB),wasshown bonetowell-nourishederythropoieticmarrowandits to facilitate the uptake of Pu(IV) into bacteria; inherently more rapid growth and maintenance however,inthiscase,uptakeofFe(III)wasinhibited, remodeling make reduction by chelating agents of and cell reproduction ceased.29 actinide deposits on these most sensitive bone sur- faces particularly desirable.52-55 Studies using min- The ability of a complexing agent to transport eralized bone or uncalcified matrix models for bone actinide(IV) ions depends on many factors. These havedemonstratedthatactinideshaveaffinitiesfor include the rate of dissolution from solid hydrolysis bone mineral and also for bone proteins, such as and polymeric products formed by the metal, the stabilityofthemetal-ligandcomplex,andtheability sialoproteins,chondroitinsulfate-proteincomplexes, andglycoproteins,andthatPubindsatthemineral- of the complex to compete with other substrates to organicinterfacesofbonesurfacesindependentlyof retain the metal. The effects of ethylenediaminetet- thepresenceoffunctionalboneormarrowcells.56-58 raaceticacid(EDTA),diethylenetriaminepentaacetic It is still unclear whether either one alone or a acid(DTPA),citrate,humicacid,fulvicacid,nitrilo- combinationofbothligandtypes(mineralorprotein) triacetic acid (NTA), and siderophores (naturally constitutethelong-termbindingsitesinintactbone; occurringiron-coordinatingspecies)onthemigration of Pu(IV) and Th(IV) have been studied.30-36 Both however,thecentralpurposeofchelationtherapyfor internally deposited actinides must be reduction of EDTA and DTPA have been shown to increase the thebonesurfacedeposittolessenthelocalradiation uptake of plutonium and americium into certain dose, which in turn should reduce bone tumor risk, plants, with major implications for the introduction of actinides into the food chain.37-41 The circum- prolong tumor latency, and increase tumor-free life expectancy. stances in which introduction of actinides into the foodchaincouldoccurrequireadditionalstudyofthe Bydivertingcirculatingactinidetoexcretion,prompt formationconstantsoftheactinidecomplexesofthe chelation therapy can prevent deposition on bone substratesofconcernaswellasthepotentialforthe surfaces and remove some loosely bound actinide substratesthemselvestobepresentinhighenviron- already deposited. Protracted therapy can prevent mental concentrations.27 bonesurfacedepositionofactinidethatisrecirculated fromothertissuesandreservoirs(lungsorcontami- Plutonium is a potent carcinogen in mammals natedwounds)andredepositiononnewbonesurfaces because of its alpha radioactivity and long-term ofactinidereleasedfrombone.19,42,55,59Amongthefew retention of the complexes it forms with bone and investigationsoftheefficacyofchelationtherapyfor tissue constituents once it is ingested, inhaled, or suppressing the carcinogenic effect of deposited ac- introduced into the blood through a wound or tinides,theexperimentalconditionsvarywidelysthe abrasion.14-17,42-44 The retention of Pu in soft tissue injected nuclide, dose, mode of exposure, animal canbeattributedtothesimilarityofPu(IV)andFe- species, and chelation treatment protocol.19,52,53,60-69 (III).21 Pu can maintain up to four oxidation states Theoutcomesofthestudiesusinginjectedactinides in aqueous solutions, and the most likely at physi- range from encouraging to quite favorable, because ologicalpHisPu(IV).Inmammals,Pu(IV)isassoci- chelationtherapygenerallyreducedbonetumorrisk ated to a high degree with Fe(III) transport and (inproportionto,orinsomecasestoagreaterdegree storage systems.21,26 In mammalian liver, Pu(IV) than the reduction of skeletal radiation dose), re- becomes associated with the iron-storage protein ducedradiationdamagetosofttissues,andincreased ferritin.45,46Inbloodplasma,thesmall,highlycharged bonetumorlatencyandsurvival.Treatmentefficacy Pu(IV)ioncirculatesboundtotheprotein,transfer- appearedtobegreatestwhentreatmentwasinitiated rin,whichnormallytransportsFe(III),occupyingone within hours of exposure and then was continued or both of the Fe-binding sites therein.47-49 While over a significant fraction of the life span. Early largequantitiesofcitricacidcandisplacethepluto- treatment is particularly important, because it re- nium once it is coordinated to transferrin, these duces both initial skeletal radiation dose rate and quantities are so large as to induce toxic calcium cumulative skeletal dose.70 depletioninvivo.50Asaconsequence,onceboundas atransferrincomplex,Pu(IV)isnotefficientlyfiltered 2.3. Chelation Therapy by the kidneys, inhibiting renal excretion.14-17 The Pu-transferrin complex circulating in the blood Thepotentialhealthhazardsofplutoniumandthe graduallydissociates,toformmorestablelong-lived actinides were recognized early in the development Pu complexes with bioligands in the skeleton and ofnuclearmaterials,andsoonafterthefirstreactor- liver. Plutonium accumulates in parenchymal cells generated plutonium was produced, the search for of the liver, in reticuloendothelial cells in many effectivemeansofdecorporationbegan.71,72TheHealth tissues, on mineralized surfaces of bone, and in GroupoftheManhattanProjectassignedtothistask some cases it is bound by connective tissue pursuedthreegeneralresearchgoals: toquantifythe proteins.15,43,46,51-55 metabolism of the fission products and heaviest The endosteal bone surfaces, particularly in the elements,toquantifytheacuteandlong-termtoxicity axialskeleton,areconsideredthemostsensitivesites of ionizing radiation from external and internal for radiation-induced bone tumors.44 Because the sources, and to find ways to remove internally actinides preferentially deposit on those sensitive deposited radioelements from the body.71,73 Great 4212 ChemicalReviews,2003,Vol.103,No.11 Gordenetal. progresshasbeenmadeintheensuingyearstoward using yttrium (in the form of 91Y) and later cerium accomplishmentofthefirsttworesearchtasks,44,74,75 (using 144Ce) as models for Pu. The 91Y-EDTA buttheremovalofradioelementsfromthebodyhas chelate injected intravenously (iv) in rats proved to proved to be more difficult. The earliest efforts to be sufficiently stable that 70% of the 91Y was recov- removeactinidesbymeansofdietarymanipulation, eredinurinein24h.Atthetime,thiswasanotable supplements of hormones, common carboxylic acids achievement.91 or complexing agents, or colloidal zirconium citrate The acute toxicity of Na -EDTA was detected 4 werediscouraging,asthesemeasureshadlittleeffect almostimmediately,andCaNa -EDTAwasusedin 2 ontherateorquantityofplutoniumexcreted.72,76-78 the demonstration of enhanced excretion and some From this work, it was determined that the only mobilization of injected 91Y, 144Ce, and 239Pu in practicaltherapytoreducethehealthconsequences rats.92-94Simultaneously,inaseparatestudy,Catsch of internal actinide contamination was aggressive, obtained similar results.95 While CaNa2-EDTA pro- andoftenprotracted,treatmentwithchemicalagents motedsomeexcretion,itsshortcomingsasanactinide that would form excretable low-molecular-weight decorporation agent were soon recognized.57 When chelates.19,21,42,76 Ideally, such agents should have administered over prolonged periods, it is renally greateraffinityatphysiologicalpHforactinideions toxic (500 µmol kg-1 d-1 for 16 days in rats).85 thanthecomplexingspeciesthatbindthemintissues CaNa2-EDTA depletes vital divalent trace metals and body fluids; they should have low affinities for (e.g.,zinc)withgreaterchelatestabilities.85Finally, essential divalent metal ions; they must be of low and most importantly, the efficacy of the chelate is chronic toxicity at effective dose.21,59,79,80 It is also only improved by increasing dose, due to the limits highly desirable, especially in cases requiring long- ofactinidechelationimposedbytheneedtousethe term treatment, to have a decorporation agent that Ca salt.76 is orally effective.81,82 2.4. Current Chelation Methods Using DTPA Progressindevelopingimprovedagentsthatmeet therequirementsforthisapplicationhasbeenslow, Itbecameapparentthatnewligandswithgreater sporadicallymarkedbyserendipitous“discoveries”of affinitiesthanEDTAformultivalentcationsandwith industrially prepared chemicals and natural iron atleastthesameorpreferablysmalleraffinitiesfor chelatorsandstudieswithderivatizedknownagents. divalent metals were needed. In 1954, octadentate Comprehensive reviews and progress reports chart H -DTPAwaspatentedbytheGeigyChemicalCo.96 5 thehistoryandscopeofchelationtherapyforremov- Inlate1955,shortlyafterthedissociationconstants ing internally deposited actinides: they cover vari- and log K values for its alkaline earth and lan- ML ouslythechemistryofmetalchelates,animalexperi- thanidechelatesweremeasured,90itspotentialasa mentation to determine chelating agent efficacy for therapeutic agent for heavy metal poisoning was reducing tissue actinide burdens and biological noted.77Theinvivostabilityof91Y-DTPAand140La- effects, development of new agents and im- DTPA (urinary excretion nearly quantitative in 24 proved treatment protocols, and clinical applica- h) was reported by Kroll et al.,97 and the in vivo tions.10,19,21,42,59,76-78,83-88 In recent years, steady chelationof144CeinratswasreportedbyCatschand progresshasbeenmadethroughstrategiesfocusing Leˆ in 1957.98 The predicted efficacy of DTPA for in ondesignofligandswithstructuralandcoordination vivochelationofPu(IV)wasverifiedbyV.H.Smith propertiessuitableforactinidechelation.Thereviews the following year.99 cited above provide ample detail concerning the H -DTPAandNa -DTPAwerefoundtobeacutely 5 5 efficacy and clinical applications of the chelating toxic,butthistoxicitycouldbesuppressedbyuseof agents that have been used or proposed for actinide the Ca chelate, which has a stability similar to that decorporationaswellastheiruseandevaluation.A ofCaNa -EDTA.85,90CaNa -DTPAisalsoaboutas 2 3 brief mention of these should be made here for renally toxic as CaNa -EDTA, but because the log 2 general comparison and to highlight the areas in K values for the DTPA chelates with lanthanide ML which there is need for improvement on current and actinide ions are 102-103 times greater than techniques. those for EDTA, CaNa -DTPA is an effective re- 3 In 1947, a patent for hexadentate H -EDTA was moval agent at a much lower, clinically acceptable 4 issuedinSwitzerlandtoChemischeFabrikUetikon89 dose (30 µmol kg-1).42,85,90 In some species, CaNa - 3 foruseasananalyticalagentforcalciumandseveral DTPAistoxicifinjectedfrequently,duetodepletion other metal ions. At that time, its dissociation ofessentialdivalentmetals.100SubstitutionofZnNa - 3 constants and log K values of its Ca, Mg, and Ba DTPA (log K 7 orders of magnitude greater than ML ML chelates were reported.90 Two years later, in late thatforCaNa -DTPA)90reducesoveralleffectiveness 3 1949,Foreman,whowasinvestigatingradioelement for Pu decorporation, but the lower toxicity allows decontamination at the University of California dailytreatmentoveranextendedtime.52,101Polyami- RadiationLaboratoryinBerkeley,learnedbychance nocarboxylicacids(PACAs)withlongercentralbridges of this new complexing agent, then under the trade oradditionalcarboxylicacidgroupsweresynthesized name Versene (Bersworth Chemical Co.). Foreman andtested.Theratiosoftheaffinitiesoftheseligands postulated, if an aqueous solution of Versene dis- fortrivalentlanthanidesandCaarenotmorefavor- solved lead phosphate at pH g 7, as claimed by the able than those of DTPA. None was more effective distributor,itmightalsoformstablelanthanideand than CaNa -DTPA for in vivo chelation of Y or Ce; 3 actinidecomplexesthatcouldbeexcreted.Hesought infact,somewerelesseffective,andtheseinvestiga- to examine this premise, beginning with studies tions were discontinued.42,85,102 RationalDesignofSequesteringAgentsforActinides ChemicalReviews,2003,Vol.103,No.11 4213 Other PACAs have been investigated for their it limits the frequency of doses that can safely be ability to remove incorporated actinide deposits.103 administered.100 AnassortmentofPACAswithalkylchainsofvarious DerivatizationsandmodestmodificationsofDTPA lengthswerefoundtoreduceAmdepositswhengiven were not found to sufficiently improve Pu chela- orally.104Oneofthese,docosyl-triethylenetetramine- tion.42,85,117,118HydrophilicDTPAdoesnotpenetrate pentaaceticacid(orC22TT),reducedplutoniumfrom cells and is therefore unable to act on aggregated liver cytosol in vitro and was moderately effective actinides in phagocyctic cells60,94,119,120 and does not whenaddedtothedietofrats14daysafterinjection compete for actinides already incorporated into of 239Pu-citrate. The rats were fed 50 µmol per day bone.54,111Thesefactorsalsounderstandablylimitthe for 10 days, resulting in 71% reduction in liver Pu efficacyofdecorporationifthechelatingagentisnot andmodestreductionsinthespleenandkidneyPus administered immediately after the intake of radio- 16.7% and 13.8%, respectively. The differences in nuclides. The current FDA-approved drug, CaNa - 3 bone Pu, however, were negligible. This compound DTPA or ZnNa -DTPA, is also not orally effective 3 is still under study.104 attherecommendedclinicaldoseandisadministered Hydrophilic CaNa -DTPA and ZnNa -DTPA, by injection or inhalation. Oral bioavailability is 3 3 which distribute only in extracellular water, cannot potentiallyamostdesirablepropertyofanactinide- reactdirectlywithintracellularactinidedeposits.42,85 sequestering agent, especially if repeated doses are AttemptsweremadetofacilitatetransportofCaNa - considered necessary or if a large number of people 3 DTPA across cell membranes to improve actinide requiretreatment.19Finally,DTPAisnotaneffective removal of cellularly deposited actinides by encap- therapeutic agent for some other actinides, such as sulation of CaNa -DTPA into liposomes,105 which Th(IV), Np(IV), or U(VI). This may be an issue if 3 accumulateintracellularlyinliver.Liposomalencap- more than one metal is present in an accident or if sulationprolongedDTPAretentionintissuesinthe there are questions about the contaminant.59,121,122 body, mobilized somewhat more Pu (injected as a With these limits on the current treatment using colloid) from liver, and prevented redistribution of DTPA, there remains a great deal of room for liverPutobonemoreefficientlythaninjectedCaNa - improved decorporation methods, and there contin- 3 DTPA;however,dosage-dependentsplenichypertro- uestobeaneedformorepowerful,lesstoxic,orally phy was an unacceptable side effect.42,105 activechelatingagentswithincreasedspecificityfor A lipophilic derivative of H -DTPA incorporating actinide(IV) ions and U(VI). 5 two decane chains, colloquially called Puchel, was 3. Designing a Model System synthesized at the National Radiation Protection Board, UK, to produce a chelator that penetrated cells.106 Injected Puchel reduced liver Pu as antici- 3.1. Actinide Coordination Chemistry pated,andwheninhaled,itacceleratedPuclearance 3.1.1. Characteristic Features fromthelungbutdidnotreducePuintheliver.26,107,108 Protracted weekly or monthly inhalations of Puchel Fifty years of investigations of actinide coordina- causedlunginflammation,andwiththefindingthat tion chemistry make it possible to describe some unacceptable liver damage occurred when it was general trends in their chemistry. Actinides form given by injection, its further development was easilyhydrolyzedacidicmetalionsthatformstrong abandoned.109 complexes with common chelating agents.3,7 These Despite its ability to chelate soluble trivalent hard ions preferentially interact with hard acid actinides and Pu(IV) in body fluids, conventional donors,suchasoxygenorcarboxylate,alkoxide,and DTPA therapy has deficiencies.21,57,59,90,110,111 For fluorideanions,buthavebeenknowntodemonstrate example, the log K of Pu(IV)-DTPA is not great some covalency in interactions with softer donor ML enoughtoaffectsolubilizationofplutoniumhydrox- atoms,suchaschloride,nitrogen,andsulfur.Unlike ides at physiological pH.90 Thus, while DTPA can the elements of the lanthanide group (abbreviated remove much of soluble actinide complexes in body Ln), which are primarily found in a characteristic fluids, it is much less effective for removing lan- trivalentoxidationstate,thelighterweightactinides, thanidesoractinidesaftermetalhydrolysisandthe those preceding americium in the periodic table, subsequentformationofcolloidsorpolymers.60,86,102,112 exhibit a diverse redox chemistry.2 Once Pu is bound in tissues and bone, DTPA has While actinium (Ac) maintains a stable trivalent little effect on its mobilization.42,111 Although octa- state in solution, the typical characteristic thorium dentate, DTPA appears not to coordinate fully with (Th) oxidation state is tetravalent, that of protac- tetravalent actinides, possibly not forming the opti- tinium (Pa) is pentavalent, and the most stable mal 1:1 chelate with Pu(IV) because some of the oxidation state for uranium (U) is hexavalent. The electron donor groups are sterically hindered from actinides between uranium and americium (Am) proper orientation around the metal ion.21,90 DTPA possessfourprincipaloxidationstates,III,IV,V,and isnotspecificformetalsofhighioniccharge,andthe VI,inadditiontoaheptavalentstateforneptunium less potent Ca or Zn chelates must be used to avoid (Np)andpossiblyforplutonium(Pu).Thepenta-and hypocalcemia and depletion of essential divalent hexavalent oxidation states exist as linear (“-yl”) metalionssuchasZn,Co,Cu,andMn.42,57,110,113-116 dioxocations in most solutions and many solid me- This effect was extreme enough to cause death in dia.2,123,124Commonmethodsforthechemicalsepara- dogs due to Zn(II) depletion, in which high levels of tion of actinides from reactor fuels take advantage DTPA were maintained by multiple injections, and of the unique differences in redox chemistry across 4214 ChemicalReviews,2003,Vol.103,No.11 Gordenetal. Table1. BiteAngle,CoordinationNumber,andGeometryofActinide(IV)Complexes coordination biteangles metal complex number (deg) idealizedgeometry ref Pu NH Pu(NO ) 12 50.9 icosohedron 307 4 36 Pu [Na Pu(CO ) ]‚2Na CO ‚33H O) 10 52.2 pseudohexagonalbipyramid 303 6 35 2 3 2 Pu Pu(DFOE)‚3H O 9 65.6 tricappedtrigonalprism 24 2 Pu Pu(thenoyltrifluoroacetylacetone) 8 trigonal-faceddodecahedron a 4 Th NH Th(NO ) 12 49.8 icosohedron 307 4 36 Th Th(N-isopropylpivalohydroxamate) 8 62.3 cube 80 4 Th Th(N-isopropyl-3,3-dimethylbutanohydroxamate) 8 63.0 trigonal-faceddodecahedron 80 4 Th Th(catechol) 8 66.8 trigonal-faceddodecahedron 310 4 Th Th(1,2-HOPO)‚H O 9 63.8 monocappedsquareantiprism 313 2 Th Th(PR-Me-3,2-HOPO) 9 63.4 monocappedsquareantiprism 322 4 Th Th(acac) 8 70.7 trigonal-faceddodecahedron b 4 Th Th(thenoyltrifluoroacetylacetone) 8 70.5 trigonal-faceddodecahedron c 4 Th Th(salicylaldehyde) 8 trigonal-faceddodecahedron d 4 Np Np(acac) 8 71.8 trigonal-faceddodecahedron e 4 U U(salicylaldehyde) 8 trigonal-faceddodecahedron d 4 U U(bipyridyl) 8 cube f 4 aBaskin,Y.;Prasad,N.S.K.J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.1963,25,1011.bReeves,P.J.;Smith,A.J.Inorg.Chim.Acta1987,139, 51.cLenner,M.;Lindquist,O.ActaCrystallogr.1979,B35,600.dHill,R.J.;Rickard,C.E.F.J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.1977,39, 1593.eAllard,B.J.Inorg.Nucl.Chem.1976,38,2109.fPiero,G.D.Cryst.Struct.Commun.1975,4,521. thegroup.125-127Thetransamericiumactinideshave feweroxidationstatesandbehavequitesimilarlyto the trivalent lanthanides.128 Incomplexes,theactinide(III)andactinide(IV)ions generally display variable and high (8, 9, 10, or higher)coordinationnumbers.Theenergydifferences between the various coordination geometries are small;therefore,theyshowlowstereochemicalpref- erences. Although the actinyl ions prefer to retain their linear di-oxo structure, they also display vari- ablecoordinationnumbers(6,7,8).Thiscombination of factors serves to make the rational design of specificactinide-sequesteringagentsquitechalleng- ing. Better control of the coordination environment can be imposed by using structurally predisposed ligands. The large size and flexible coordination Figure2. Examplesofthethreeidealizedeight-coordinate polyhedra geometries: trigonal dodecahedron (D ), bi- geometryoftheactinideionsshouldprovidecluesto 2d capped trigonal prism (C ), and square antiprism (D ) the design of actinide-specific chelating agents, and 2v 4d withshapemeasureS(deg)andthedistancebetweenthe twofundamentalquestionsinthedesigningarethe shapesgivenforeachpair.Reprintedwithpermissionfrom determination of which coordination number and ref130.Copyright2000AmericanChemicalSociety. geometry are, indeed, preferred by a given actinide metal ion with a given ligand. Because of the large of a closest idealized polyhedron is not straightfor- ionic radii of actinides, the preferred coordination ward. An analysis of the shape is usually expressed number is 8 for actinide complexes, with bidentate in terms of three high-symmetry polyhedra. These chelatingagentsformingfive-orsix-memberedche- threeareshownFigure2: thetrigonaldodecahedron, late rings. In general, the coordination number the bicapped trigonal prism, and the square anti- dependsonthebiteanglesofthechelatingunits,as prism.131-133SubsequenttothatofPorai-Koshitsand wellasthestericbulkoftheligands.Highercoordi- Aslanov,133anotherapproachwassuggestedbyMuet- nation numbers are often encountered with ligands terties and Guggenberger134 for determining the having small bite angles or by the incorporation of polyhedral shape by comparing chosen ideal and solvent molecules, as shown in Table 1. observed pertinent dihedral angles and the nonpla- narityofthetrapezoidal-typeatoms.Idealcoordina- The most common coordination number encoun- tion geometries were in turn proposed by Kep- tered in actinide(III) and -(IV) complexes is 8. Cal- culations of ligand-ligand repulsions indicate that ert,129,135takingintoaccountarepulsivepotentialof the form of eq 1 to optimize the ideal coordination either the square-antiprism (D ) or the trigonal- 4d geometry of a given symmetry. faced dodecahedron (D ) is the expected geometry 2d for the coordination polyhedra of eight-coordinate m complexes.129 The Coulombic energy differences be- (∑R-n) (1) tween these polyhedra are small, and the preferred ij i*j geometry is largely determined by steric require- ments and small ligand field effects.130 WewillrefertothisastheKepertmodelandhave Eight-coordinatecomplexesareknowninavariety chosenn)8.Dihedralanglesalongedgesaredefined of coordination geometries in which the assignment as the angles between the normals to adjacent RationalDesignofSequesteringAgentsforActinides ChemicalReviews,2003,Vol.103,No.11 4215 boundingfacesofthepolyhedron,wherethevertices producinglesshazardouswaste,aswellasproviding ofthatpolyhedronaretheliganddonoratomsaround accesstoawiderrangeofavailableanalyticaltools. themetal.This“shapeanalysis”isthenindependent The lanthanides have been found to be useful as of the size of the polyhedron and allows for the actinide analogues for the purpose of structural comparison of complexes formed by various metal investigationandmodelingstudies,becauseoftheir ions and ligands. Recently, another approach to a chemicalsimilaritiesandreducedradioactivity.Itis continuous symmetry measure was proposed by important to remember, as the capabilities of com- Pinsky and Avnir, in which a least-squares method puter-generatedmodelingsystemsexpandandtheir is used to fit all of the vertices of the observed makers promote said capabilities, that while com- polyhedron to those of idealized values.136 puter modeling may be a useful tool, many systems Inpreviousapproachestoshapeanalysis,129,131-136 still lack the capability to model actinide systems only specific dihedral angles were used; however, if consistently and accurately, due in large part to the symmetry of the complex deviates significantly limiteddata.Manyofthesesystemsuseothermetals from an idealized geometry, it becomes difficult to to approximate parameters for actinide (and lan- decide which dihedral angles to choose. In an alter- thanide!)systems.Thus,whilecomputermodelingis native approach, one can compare the dihedral a useful tool, there is still no substitute for quality angles, as these are intrinsically connected to the experimental data. notionofshapeandarethebasisofsymmetry.From Lanthanidesandactinideshaveseveralproperties this, it can be suggested that the geometry of in common. Both groups act as Lewis acids, have complexesbeanalyzedusingallthedihedralangles largeionicradii,possessflexiblecoordinationgeom- (one for each pair of adjacent triangular planes) in etries, and prefer high coordination numbers (espe- the polyhedron. All observed dihedral angles in a cially the coordination numbers 8 and 9), and both given structure could then be compared with the groups prefer interactions with hard acid donor corresponding ideal values. To this end, following atoms such as oxygen or carboxylate, alkoxide, and general error theory, we suggest the use of S, the fluorideanions.3,124Althoughtransuraniumactinides “shapemeasure”,toevaluatethedegreeofdistortion have a wide variety of oxidation states available, in from an ideal geometry; S is the minimal mean their trivalent state they exhibit ionic radii similar deviationofdihedralanglesalongalledges,defined to those of the trivalent lanthanides in the same as column of the periodic table or one column to the [ ] left.137Adivisionexistswithintheactinidegroup,in (cid:1) which the early actinides have multiple oxidation 1 m S(δ,θ))min ∑(δ -θ)2 (2) states and demonstrate some covalent character, m i)1 i i while the late actinides (Am and beyond) are even closer in their similarities to the chemistry of the lanthanides and are found in the +3 oxidation wheremisthenumberofallpossibleedges(herem ) 18), δ is the observed dihedral angle (angle state.123 While this has made the separation of i americiumfromlanthanidesanotherpressingnuclear betweennormalsofadjacentfaces)alongtheithedge of the experimental polyhedron, and θ is the same wastemanagementissue,oneofthemostchallenging i inseparationscience,126,128,138italsoservesasaprime angleofthecorrespondingidealpolytopalshape(D , 2d D , or C structures shown in Figure 2).129 The exampleofhowlanthanidesfunctionasusefulmod- 4d 2v els. minimizationiscarriedoutbylookingatallpossible orientationsoftheobservedstructure(δ)relativeto Theredoxpotentialsofthecatecholcomplexes(the the reference polyhedron (θ). The value S(δ,θ) is a metal IV/III oxidation state couple), combined with measure(ametricinthestrictmathematicalsense) the stability constants of the metal(III) complexes, ofstructuralresemblancetoanidealpolytopalshape. allow indirect thermochemical determination of the Based on this method, the shape analysis of a metal(IV)stabilityconstants.22Sincethestabilityand coordinationpolyhedronisperformedinthreesteps. coordination chemistry of metal catecholate com- The first step is the calculation of all the dihedral plexesarelargelydeterminedbythemetal’scharge- anglesofeachpairofadjacentplanesinthepolyhe- to-ionic radius ratio,21,139,140 the lanthanide(III) cat- dron.Thesecondstepinthisanalysisistofindwhich echolates are excellent models for corresponding superpositionofthepolyhedrononthetargetedideal transuraniumcatecholatecomplexes.Thishasmade polyhedron gives the smallest deviation for that themparticularlyusefulinmodelingthebehaviorof idealized shape. Finally, eq 2 is used to compare S americium(III)catecholatesandinthedevelopment for the different ideal coordination geometries. A ofamericiumdecorporationagents.22,87Europiumis computer program that incorporates this algorithm in the same column of the periodic table as ameri- hasbeendeveloped,andtheshapemeasuresforthe cium, and gadolinium is immediately to the right of idealized polytopal shapes are given in Figure 2.130 europium.Theeight-coordinateionicradiiare1.066 Å for Eu, 1.053 Å for Gd, and 1.090 Å for Am.137 3.1.2. Lanthanides as Models for Actinides Plutonium presents a more complex problem. Al- Because of the hazards and expense associated though Pu has been found in each of the oxidation withworkingwithactinidemetals,itisoftenconve- statesfromIIItoVIinaqueoussolution,thePu(IV) nienttouseotherlesshazardousmetalsasanalogous stateispreferred.Biologicalevidenceindicatesthat models.Thisenablesthedevelopmentofexperimen- most,ifnotallPuexistsasPu(IV)invivo.43Cerium tal techniques while requiring less material and is the only lanthanide for which the +4 oxidation 4216 ChemicalReviews,2003,Vol.103,No.11 Gordenetal. state is important and long-lived, stable for several possible to decrease the required drug dose. An weeks, in aqueous solutions.124 For this reason, Ce- excellent selective coordinating ligand is of limited (IV) has been chosen for studies in systems for use as a sequestering agent if it is not readily investigating Pu coordination.141,142 The problem of absorbableintothebloodstream.However,predicting selectivityforPuoverCeindecorporationorseques- whichcharacteristicsservetoimprovebioavailability tering applications is limited; however, systems canbedifficult.146,147Althoughlipophiliccompounds developed using lanthanides as models would have tendtobelargelyabsorbedwhenadministeredorally, difficultiesforwastemanagementapplicationswhere the fraction of chelator orally absorbed for a range quantities of Ce might become an issue.128 Further ofthebidentate3,4-HOPOsintherabbitwasfound examplesofmodeledsystemswillbediscussedinthe to be insensitive to the lipophilicity of the iron- contextoftheparticularactinidelaterinthisreview. sequestering agent.148 Lowtoxicityisanotheressentialrequirementofa 3.2. Requirements for an Effective Sequestering metal-sequestering agent.149 Type of chelating unit, Agent ligand multidenticity, and topology are important In general, the requirements for an effective se- influencing factors. In general, for the ligands with questering agent are high selectivity toward metal the same chelating units, those of low denticity are binding,lowtoxicity,andpreferablyhighoralactivity less toxic than those of high denticity, and linear and low cost. There are several factors to be consid- ligandsarelesstoxicthanbranchedligands.Wehave eredinthedesignofanactinide-sequesteringagent, alsoobservedthatthescaffoldstructurescouldbea and key among these is designing a ligand that crucialfactor.Forexample,inthebis(bidentate)Me- combines a high affinity for the target metal with a 3,2-HOPO ligands with different lengths of methyl- low affinity for other biologically significant metal ene-linking bridges, the observed toxicity sequence ions. Thus, the electronic properties of the target is C4 . C3 > C6 > C5, while that with a 5-LIO metalandligandmustmatch.Thechelatemustalso scaffold (-CH CH OCH CH -) is the least toxic.150 2 2 2 2 beabletoassumetheappropriatecoordinationcavity Goodoraleffectivenessisaverydesirableproperty size and geometry for the desired metal.143 As dis- of a sequestering agent. To have good oral activity, cussed above, the actinide ions are “hard” cations, asequesteringagentshouldhaveareasonablyhigh havelargecharge-to-radiusratios,andprefer“hard” lipophilicitytopenetratethebiomembrane,andthe oxygen and negatively charged oxygen donors. Pre- resulting actinide complexes should be excreted via ferring a coordination number of 8 or greater, ac- both urine and feces. Topology could also be an tinideionshaveatendencytoformstablecomplexes important factor influencing oral activity; for ex- withligandsofhighdenticity.2Foragivenchelating ample, linear octadentate HOPO ligands seem to unit, the denticity and topology of a sequestering havemuchgreateroralactivitythantheirbranched agentplayimportantrolesincomplexation,andthese analogues, such as those with N1-(2-aminoethyl)- should be matched to the coordination number and N1-(2-[bis(2-aminoethyl)amino]ethyl)ethane-1,2-di- the geometry requirements of the actinide ion, re- amine (PENTEN)-based backbones.150 spectively. A well-preorganized sequestering agent Good water solubility for both the sequestering canachievemanyordersofmagnitudeofadditional agentanditsmetalcomplexisadesirableproperty; stability (up to 6 in the case of iron-sequestering however, this is not always the case. The neutral agents) upon metal complex formation.144,145 metalcomplexeswithmonoanionbindingunitligands, Highselectivitytowardactinideionsiscritical.The such as hydroxamate or hydroxypyridinone, often effectivebutnonselectiveamino-carboxylicacidligands have poor solubility in water and are most likely to suchasDTPAcandepleteessentialbiologicalmetal be excreted via feces.150 Last, but not least, low cost ions from patients, thus causing serious health is an important measure for practical application. problems.42,57,90,110,113-116Selectingthecorrecttypeof chelatingunitisthemostdecisivefactorinachieving 3.3. Biological Means for Evaluation high selectivity toward the specific metal ion. The bindingsubunitsfoundinsiderophoresscatecholates, 3.3.1. Initial Assessment catecholamide, amino-carboxylic acids, hydroxam- Chemical properties, molecular modeling, and in ates, or hydroxypyridinonates (HOPOs)stend to be vitro measurements may produce leads, but the extremelyspecificforFe(III)aswellasPu(IV).Hence, efficacy and toxicity of a new drug must be estab- sequestering agents bearing these binding units lished in living animals. From its beginnings, re- usually form highly stable complexes with actinide searchanddevelopmentofsiderophore-basedactinide- metal ions.21 Although the strongly basic catechola- sequesteringagentsincludedbiologicalevaluationas mide ligands should exhibit high affinity toward a guide to ligand design. The stabilities of the actinideions,theyalsoshowstrongaffinitytoprotons actinide chelates in the range of physiological pH and are likely to be protonated under physiological would need to be great enough to displace the conditions, which decreases their ability for metal actinidefromtheircomplexeswithbioligandsinthe binding.Thefactthattheamino-carboxylicacids,1,2- blood,softtissues,andbone;anynewchelatingagent HOPOs, and 3,2-HOPOs have pK values below or fortheactinides,particularlyforPu(IV),wouldalso a close to physiological pH, that is, they are deproto- needtobedemonstrablymoreeffectiveforpromoting nated at pH 7.4, makes them very effective under actinide excretion than clinically accepted CaNa - 3 physiological conditions.19 DTPA or desferrioxamine (DFO).79 The bioavailability of a sequestering agent is also Good results from chemical in vitro studies of important, as with increased bioavailability it is competitivebinding,forexampleremovalofactinides

Oct 28, 2003 Ligand Geometry and Denticity. 4223 Uranium and Uranyl Coordination Chemistry 4266 .. those preceding americium in the periodic table,.
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