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Ceramics of dyyubid Syria The Metropolitan Museum of Art Ragga Revisited Raqga Revisited Ceramics of Ayyubid Syria Marilyn Jenkins-Madina (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, ‘Yale University Press, New Haven and London, econ Mine fr 00 Fr Rowe moe—Gdge Pty Uber Syee typhus 8 ns pb alt rsags «Stator # Mera em ae Contents Direcwor's Foreword Pipes Monet Adknwncelgmtats ‘Map: Cenaral fie Luly inthe Moov Kaci Pov Lueraducrion 1, ‘The Lore ane Lage of Raqaa 2, Rayyo Deutythulogized 23, The Byjects a! Rawya ‘Ray Cevimics ia Tue Metrogoliat: Masewa of Art 6, The Period of Pevnluetion Patter, Profiles, ankl Provenance Tpilogue Appendis 1'Vhe-Orteman Hesprase on illit Digemg in Maca Avs Ta ands; Compontsinal Analysis of Kae Uairteents-Century Corsries ftom Racca and Kelated Sites Dylon Sint ator Concorde Libhography of Works Cised index Photograph Cred Director's Foreword he vollecton of fumie st 4 the Meteopolitan Musoun: iy usiveeslly cousidersd tae laegest coniprchemsive eects of this at anysbere in she world, Amoug she approxinxeely 31.0u9 cbecte fa the celloetn, he dsvoreavs aver exe pavticnlarly notzhle, watz ecrame holdings eumbering snare than 196, Thi vole fs devoted to imp 3 eategony within ‘the mets at fachates donne of ee ont aso carames ever made by Thetis pattins—thre spe suit arg Hark elec fr User of Bac. sitaated a the ph Ragga oecupitd a size det veto bythe Babyloniany ae expands dria thy Leendaie aed yoantine periods, “Lal ys the Arb in EY 2510 Ay ty the late ight: evmsy it ha ocome, after Bayt, oe of the largest aeoan enaties in Syria aad northers. Mesopotamia, Followa:g. this fret lecemic dewering, searly four hundred yoans were th pass betove it sould experience a second resurgence nader sha Zangios an the Aas suring Ine te Ise: wl eae htc comes The ky oe dee Riv 2 prot aly Syria ecards in bas Althamgh Maslin suureas mention Tlie abl Ranga aloe ts amie re in the iseae. a grea interes sway eine in etn cree i the West starting at the call of the rasceseath century savted a the ascent carosity cout the lle word in urone and ist. a this ine, the reburth of inerose ip Kayes in pereiesae wae connected ro catia 9! sans.ttane ito Hreaeh ang Lnghth of The Thewiony and One Nights. O26 the legensny Abbasid caliph Harve altazhi wha hl chaser: Raga a8 5s woxe! cay at tie end of the eighth cencry. As chie collection of imag cavive stacisa was beooning a bestseller in tae Went, a8 on cue eoramis bee 1 Arai lierary classic \ protagonists of this elagie saa lobycoen sieve Being brought ent rhea Ranga chat encerpr'sing dalers and uct hou were asuneting fe HS ey Sap 4 busing peer te le Fortately Bsr a Mot oytiten Muse, tf the estan, 0 Hosur ani wily Tosi ewe mon Ber ths wane sda they jst on heir son, Thorn TE Tange pet ads these cllectr! Lave ie genen al enero tha she Mangus ele re oF pute Frum Maye is cursalered the wel must uportal, Twenty-cglt of he aroun of fors-ax objets from agua that wre the focus ‘once "slonged to a monte ofthe Lsemey aly is wloime

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