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Raport de Activitate pe anul 2015 Cit˘ari PDF

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Preview Raport de Activitate pe anul 2015 Cit˘ari

Raport de Activitate pe anul 2015 Cita˘ri Institutul de Matematica “Simion Stoilow” al Academiei Romˆane Contents 1 Cit˘ari ap˘aruteˆın 2014 ¸si necon¸tinuteˆın Raportul pe 2014 1 1.1 Autocitari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2 Cit˘ari ap˘aruteˆın 2015 22 2.1 Autocitari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 1 Cit˘ari ap˘arute ˆın 2014 ¸si necon¸tinute ˆın Raportul pe 2014 1. Dobrogowska, A,; Golinski, T., Lie bundle on the space of deformed skew-symmetric matrices, J. Math. Phys. Vol. 55, issue 11 (2014), Citeaza: Bloch,A.,Brinzanescu,V.,Iserles,A.,Marsden,J.E.,Ratiu,T.S.,A class of integrable flows on the space of symmetric matrices, Communications in Math. Phys., 290, no. 2 (2009), pag. 399 – 435 2. Sahin Bayram, Slant Riemannian maps to Kahler manifolds, Intern. J. Geom. Meth. Modern Phys Vol. 10, issue 2 (2014) Citeaza: Aprodu, M. A., Aprodu, M. Brinzanescu, V., A class of harmonic submersions and minimal submanifolds, Intern. J. Math. 11 99) (2000), pag. 1177 – 1191 3. Tosatti, V., Weinkove, B.,The Chern-Ricci flow on complex surfaces, Compositio Math. Vol. 149, issue 12 (2014), pag. 2101 – 2138 Citeaza: Brinzanescu,V.,Neron-SeverigroupfornonalgebraicellipticsurfacesII,Manuscripta Math. Vol. 84, Issue 3-4 (1994), pag. 415 – 420 4. M. Ghomi, Affine unfoldings of convex polyhedra, Geometry & Topology 18 (2014), 3055– 3090 Citeaza: J. Itoh, J. O’Rourke, C. Vˆılcu, Star unfolding convex polyhedra via quasigeodesic loops, Discrete Comput. Geom. 44 (2010), 35–54 5. Biswas, Indranil; Mj, Mahan; Pancholi, Dishant, Homotopical height, International Journal Of Mathematics Volume: 25 Issue: 13 Article Number: UNSP 1450123 Published: DEC 2014. Citeaza: Macinic,Anca;Cohomologyringsandformalitypropertiesofnilpotentgroups, Journal Of Pure And Applied Algebra Volume: 214, Issue: 10, Pages: 1818-1826 6. Bailet,Pauline,OnthemonodromyofMilnorfibersofhyperplanearrangements Canad. Math. Bull. 57 (2014), no. 4, 697-707 Citeaza: Macinic, Anca; Stefan Papadima On the monodromy action on Milnor fibers of graphic arrangements, Topology Appl. 156 (2009), no. 4, 761-774 7. Suciu,AlexanderI.Hyperplane arrangements and Milnor fibrations Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6) 23 (2014), no. 2, 417481 Citeaza: Macinic, Anca; Stefan Papadima On the monodromy action on Milnor fibers of graphic arrangements, Topology Appl. 156 (2009), no. 4, 761774 8. M. Montiel, F. Gomez, Music in the pedagogy of mathematics, Journal of Mathematics and Music 8, 2 (2014), pag. 151–166 Citeaza: D.T. Vuza, Supplementary Sets and Regular Complementary Unending Canons Parts I – IV, Perspectives of New Music 29, 2 (1991), pag. 22 – 49, 30, 1 (1992), pag. 184 – 207, 30, 2 (1992), pag. 102 – 125, 31, 1 (1993), pag. 270 - 305 9. I. Gyorii, L. Horvath, Widely applicable periodicity results for higher order difference equations, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 20, 5-6 (2014), pag. 883–924 Citeaza: M. Andreatta, D.T. Vuza, On some properties of periodic sequences in Anatol Vireu’s modal theory, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 23 (2001), pag. 1–15 10. H.Caure,C.Agon,M.AndreattaModuluspRhythmicTilingCanonsandsomeimplementations inOpenMusicvisualprogramminglanguage,Proceedingsof 40thInternational Computer Music Conference/ 11th Sound and Music Computing conference, September 2014, 1 Athens, Greece, (2014), pag. 1077–1082 Citeaza: D. T. Vuza, Supplementary Sets and Regular Complementary Unending Canons Parts I – IV, Perspectives of New Music 29, 2 (1991), pag. 22 – 49, 30, 1 (1992), pag. 184 – 207, 30, 2 (1992), pag. 102 – 125, 31, 1 (1993), pag. 270 - 305 11. H.Caure,C.Agon,M.AndreattaModuluspRhythmicTilingCanonsandsomeimplementations inOpenMusicvisualprogramminglanguage,Proceedingsof 40thInternational Computer Music Conference/ 11th Sound and Music Computing conference, September 2014, Athens, Greece, (2014), pag. 1077–1082 Citeaza: D. T. Vuza, Sur le rythme periodique, Revue Roumaine de Linguistique-Cahiers de Linguistique Theorique et Appliquee, 22, 1, (1985), pag. 173–188, 12. Yun-PingDeng, Efficient dominating sets in circulant graphs with domination number prime, Information Processing Letters 114, (2014), pag. 700–702 Citeaza: D.T. Vuza, Supplementary Sets and Regular Complementary Unending Canons Part I, Per- spectives of New Music 29, 2 (1991), pag. 22 – 49 13. B. Loisel, P. Romon, Ricci Curvature on Polyhedral Surfaces via Optimal Transportation, Ax- ioms 3(1) (2014), pag. 119 – 139 Citeaza: A.I. Bonciocat, K.T. Sturm, Mass transportation and rough curvature bounds for dis- crete spaces, J. Funct. Anal. 256 (9) (2009), pag. 2944 – 2966. 14. S. G. Pyatkov, E. I. Safonov, On some classes of linear inverse problems for parabolic systems of equations, Sib. Elektron. Mat. Izv. 11 (2014), pag. 777 – 799 Citeaza: A. Capatina, R. Stavre, A control problem in biconvective flow, J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 37 (1997), pag. 585 – 595 15. Pazanin Igor, Javier Suarez-Grau Francisco, Analysis of the thin film flow in a rough domain filled with micropolar fluid, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 68(12) (dec 2014), pag. 1915 – 1932 Citeaza: Dupuy D., Panasenko G. P., Stavre R., Asymptotic solution for a micropolar flow in a curvilinear channel, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 88(10) (2008), pag. 793 – 807 16. L.-Y. Zuo and Y.-R. Hou, Numerical analysis for a non-stationary Navier-Stokes-Darcy model, http://www.paper.edu.cn/en (2014). Citeaza: L. Badea, M. Discacciati and A. Quarteroni, Mathematical analysis of the Navier- Stokes/Darcy coupling, Numer. Math., 115, 2 (2010), pag. 195–227. 17. S.Riaz,Domaindecompositionmethodsforvariationalinequlities,PhD.Thesis,SchoolofMath- ematics, University of Birmingham (2014) (http://etheses.bham.ac.uk/4815/). Citeaza: L. Badea, Multigrid methods for some quasi-variational inequalities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 6, 6 (2013), pag. 1457–1471. 18. M.Cocou,Avariationalanalysisofaclassofdynamicproblemswithslipdependentfriction,An- nals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series), University of Bucharest, 5 (LXIII), 2 (2014), pag. 279–297. Citeaza: L. Badea and M. Cocou, Internal and subspace correction approx- imations of implicit variational inequalities, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 20 (2015), pag. 1026–1048. 19. M. L. Hadji, A. Assala, F. Z. Nouri, A posteriori error analysis for NavierStokes equations coupled with Darcy problem, Calcolo, DOI: 10.1007/s10092- 014-0130-z (2014). Citeaza: L. Badea, M. Discacciati and A. Quarteroni, Mathematical analysis of the Navier- Stokes/Darcy coupling, Numer. Math., 115, 2 (2010), pag. 195–227. 2 20. D. Han, X. Wang and H. Wu, Existence and uniqueness of global weak solutions to a Cahn- Hilliard-Stokes-Darcy system for two phase incompressible flows in karstic geometry, Journal of Differential Equations, 257, 10 (2014), pag. 3887–3933. Citeaza: L. Badea, M. Discacciati and A. Quarteroni, Mathematical analysis of the Navier- Stokes/Darcy coupling, Numer. Math., 115, 2 (2010), pag. 195–227. 21. S.Riaz,Domaindecompositionmethodsforvariationalinequlities,PhD.Thesis,SchoolofMath- ematics, University of Birmingham (2014) (http://etheses.bham.ac.uk/4815/) Citeaza: L. Badea, On the Schwarz alternating method with more then two subdomains for nonlinear monotone problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 28, 1 (1991), pag. 179–204. 22. H. Song, R. Zhang and W. Y. Tian, Spectral Method for the Black-Scholes Model of American Options Valuation, J. Math. Study, 47, 1 (2014), pag. 47–64. Citeaza: L. Badea and J.Wang, A new formulation for the valuation of Amer- ican options, II: Solution existence, in Analysis and Scientific Computing, Eun- Jae Park and Jongwoo Lee (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Daewoo Work- shop in Pure Mathematics, Volume 19, Part II (1999), pag. 17–33. 23. S.Riaz,Domaindecompositionmethodsforvariationalinequlities,PhD.Thesis,SchoolofMath- ematics, University of Birmingham (2014) (http://etheses.bham.ac.uk/4815/) Citeaza: L.BadeaandJ.Wang,An Additive Schwarz method for variational inequalities,Math. of Comp., 69, 232 (2000), pag. 1341–1354. 24. D.Kiani,S.S.Madani,Binomialedgeidealswithpureresolutions,Collectanea Mathematica 65 / Springer (2014), Issue 3, pag 331-340 Citeaza: V. Ene, A. Zarojanu, On the regularity of binomial edge ideals, Mathematische Nachrichten 288 (2015) Issue 1, pag 19-24 25. V. Ene, J. Herzog, T. Hibi, Koszul Binomial Edge Ideals, Bridging Algebra, Geometry, and Topology 96 of the series Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics / Springer (2014), pag 125-136 Citeaza: V. Ene, A. Zarojanu, On the regularity of binomial edge ideals, Mathematische Nachrichten 288 (2015) Issue 1, pag 19-24 26. L. Sharifan, M. Javanbakht, On m-Closed Graphs, The Electronic Journal of Combina- torics 21 Issue 4 (2014), pag 125-136 Citeaza: V. Ene, A. Zarojanu, On the regularity of binomial edge ideals, Mathematische Nachrichten 288 (2015) Issue 1, pag 19-24 27. L. Katthan, Stanley depth and simplicial spanning trees, Journal of Algebraic Combina- torics 42 / Springer (2014), Issue 2, pag 507-536 Citeaza: B. Ichim, A. Zarojanu, An algorithm for computing the multigraded Hilbert depth of a module, Experimental Mathematics 23 (2015) pag 322 – 331 28. R. Goto, On the stability of locally conformal Kahler structures J. Math. Soc. Japan 66 (2014), pag. 1375 – 1401 Citeaza: F. Belgun, On the metric structure of non-Kahler complex surfaces, Math. Ann. 317 (2000), pag. 1 – 40 29. M. Benyounes, E. Loubeau, R. Slobodeanu, Biharmonic holomorphic maps and conformally Kahler geometry, Israel J. Math. 201 (2014), pag. 525 – 542 Citeaza: F. Belgun, On the metric structure of non-Kahler complex surfaces, Math. Ann. 317 (2000), pag. 1 – 40 item L. Ornea, M. Parton, V. Vuletescu, Holomorphic submersions of locally 3 conformally Kahler manifolds, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 193 (2014), pag. 1345 – 1351 Citeaza: F. Belgun, On the metric structure of non-Kahler complex surfaces, Math. Ann. 317 (2000), pag. 1 – 40 30. M. Pontecorvo, On a question of Vaisman concerning complex surfaces Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 193 (2014), pag. 1283 – 1293 Citeaza: F. Belgun, On the metric structure of non-Kahler complex surfaces, Math. Ann. 317 (2000), pag. 1 – 40 31. D. Angella, A. Tomassini, W. Zhang, On cohomological decomposability of almost-Kahler struc- tures, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), pag. 3615 – 3630 Citeaza: F. Belgun, On the metric structure of non-Kahler complex surfaces, Math. Ann. 317 (2000), pag. 1 – 40 32. D. Angella, A. Tomassini, Symplectic manifolds and cohomological decomposition, Symplectic Geom. 12 (2014), pag. 215 – 236 Citeaza: F. Belgun, On the metric structure of non-Kahler complex surfaces, Math. Ann. 317 (2000), pag. 1 – 40 33. H. Nozawa, Deformation of Sasakian metrics, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366 (2014), pag. 2737 – 2771 Citeaza: F. Belgun, On the metric structure of non-Kahler complex surfaces, Math. Ann. 317 (2000), pag. 1 – 40 34. I. Agricola, H. Kim, A note on generalized Dirac eigenvalues for split holonomy and torsion, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 51 (2014), pag. 1579 – 1589 Citeaza: F. Belgun, A. Moroianu, Nearly Kahler 6-manifolds with reduced holonomy, Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 19 (2001), pag. 307 – 319 35. L. Sch¨afer, F. Lubbe, Pseudo-holomorphic curves in nearly Kahler manifolds, Diff. Geom. Appl. 36 (2014), pag. 24 – 43 Citeaza: F. Belgun, A. Moroianu, Nearly Kahler 6-manifolds with reduced holonomy, Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 19 (2001), pag. 307 – 319 36. L. Scha¨fer, Conical Ricci-flat nearly para-Kahler manifolds, Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 45 (2014), pag. 11 – 24 Citeaza: F. Belgun, A. Moroianu, Nearly Kahler 6-manifolds with reduced holonomy, Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. 19 (2001), pag. 307 – 319 37. C.P.Boyer,C.W.Tønnesen-Friedman,ExtremalSasakiangeometryonS3-bundlesoverRiemann surfaces, Int. Math. Res. Not. (2014), pag. 5510 – 5562 Citeaza: F. Belgun, Normal CR structures on compact 3-manifolds, Math. Z. 238 (2001), pag. 441 – 460 38. B. Hajduk, A. Tralle, On simply connected K-contact non-Sasakian manifolds, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 16 (2014), pag. 229 – 241 Citeaza: F. Belgun, A. Moroianu, U. Semmelmann, Symmetries of contact metric manifolds, Geom. Dedicata 101 (2003), pag. 101 – 216 39. J. B. Lima, D. Panario, R. M. Campello de Souza, A trigonometric approach for Chebyshev polynomials over finite fields, ˆın Applied Algebra and Number Theory (G. Larcher, F. Pillichshammer, A. Winterhof, C. Xing, eds.) Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 255–279 Citeaz˘a: M. Cipu, S.D. Cohen, Dickson polynomial permutations,ˆın Finite Fields and Ap- plications (G.L. Mullen, D. Panario, I.E. Shparlinski, eds.), Contemp. Math. 461, A. M. S., 2008, pp.79–90. 4 40. T. Miyazaki, The shuffle variant of Terai¸s conjecture on exponential Diophantine equations, Publ. Math. Debrecen 83 (2013),43–62 Citeaz˘a: M. Cipu, M. Mignotte, On a conjecture on exponential Diophantine equations, Acta Arith. 140 (2009), 251–270. 41. Y. Yu, X. Li, , Sci. World J. 2014 (2014), Article ID 401816 Citeaz˘a: M. Cipu, M. Mignotte, On a conjecture on exponential Diophantine equations, Acta Arith. 140 (2009), 251–270. 42. M. H. Le, A. Togb´e, H. L. Zhu, On a pure ternary exponential Diophantine equation, Publ. Math. Debrecen 86 (2014), 1–17 Citeaz˘a: M. Cipu, M. Mignotte, On a conjecture on exponential Diophantine equations, Acta Arith. 140 (2009), 251–270. 43. L. Li, X. Li, The exponential Diophantine equation 2x +by = cz, Basic Sci. J. of Textile Univ. 28 (2014), 42–44 Citeaz˘a: M. Cipu, M. Mignotte, On a conjecture on exponential Diophantine equations, Acta Arith. 140 (2009), 251–270. 44. E. Ballico, S. Huh And F. Malaspina, Globally Generated Vector Bundles On Complete Inter- section Calabi-Yau Threefolds, arXiv:1411.6183 [math.AG] (2014). Citeaza: Cristian Anghel and Nicolae Manolache, Globally generated vector bundles on Pn with c = 3, Math. Nachr. 286 (2013), pag. 1407-1423. 1 45. Zhu, Sen, Approximate unitary equivalence to skew symmetric operators, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 8 (2014), pag. 1565–1580 Citeaza: Chevrot, Nicolas; Fricain, Emmanuel; Timotin, Dan, The characteristic function of a complex symmetric contraction, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), pag. 2877–2886. 46. Guo, Kunyu; Zhu, Sen, A canonical decomposition of complex symmetric operators, J. Oper- ator Theory 72 (2014), pag. 529–547 Citeaza: Chevrot, Nicolas; Fricain, Emmanuel; Timotin, Dan, The characteristic function of a complex symmetric contraction, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), pag. 2877–2886. 47. Guo, Kunyu; Zhu, Sen, A canonical decomposition of complex symmetric operators, J. Oper- ator Theory 72 (2014), pag. 529–547 Citeaza: Chalendar, I.; Fricain, E.; Timotin, D., On an extremal problem of Garcia and Ross, Oper. Matrices 3 (2009), pag. 541–546. 48. Guo, Kunyu; Zhu, Sen, A canonical decomposition of complex symmetric operators, J. Oper- ator Theory 72 (2014), pag. 529–547 Citeaza: Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Lutz, Bob; Timotin, Dan, Two remarks about nilpotent oper- ators of order two, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), pag. 1749–1756. 49. Chalendar, Isabelle; Timotin, Dan, Commutation relations for truncated Toeplitz operators, Oper. Matrices 8 (2014), pag. 877–888 Citeaza: Baranov, Anton; Chalendar, Isabelle; Fricain, Emmanuel; Mashreghi, Javad; Timotin, Dan, Bounded symbols and reproducing kernel thesis for truncated Toeplitz operators, J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), pag. 2673–2701. 50. Chalendar, Isabelle; Timotin, Dan, Commutation relations for truncated Toeplitz operators, Oper. Matrices 8 (2014), pag. 877–888 Citeaza: Strouse, E.; Timotin, D.; Zarrabi, M., Unitary equivalence to truncated Toeplitz opera- tors, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 61 (2012), pag. 525–538. 5 51. Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Lutz, Bob; Timotin, Dan, Two remarks about nilpotent operators of order two, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), pag. 1749–1756 Citeaza: Strouse, E.; Timotin, D.; Zarrabi, M., Unitary equivalence to truncated Toeplitz opera- tors, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 61 (2012), pag. 525–538. 52. Gosse, Laurent, Redheffer products and numerical approximation of currents in one-dimensional semiconductor kinetic models, Multiscale Model. Simul. 12 (2014), pag. 1533–1560 Citeaza: Timotin, Dan, Redheffer products and characteristic functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 196 (1995), pag. 823–840. 53. Al Alam, Ihab; Lef`evre, Pascal, Essential norms of weighted composition operators on L1 Mu¨ntz spaces, Serdica Math. J. 40 (2014), pag. 241–260 Citeaza: Chalendar, Isabelle; Fricain, Emmanuel; Timotin, Dan, Embedding theorems for Mntz spaces, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 61 (2011), pag. 2291–2311. 54. Al Alam, Ihab; Lef`evre, Pascal, Essential norms of weighted composition operators on L1 Mu¨ntz spaces, Serdica Math. J. 40 (2014), pag. 241–260 Citeaza: Waleed Noor, S.; Timotin, Dan, Embeddings of Mu¨ntz spaces: the Hilbertian case, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2013), pag. 2009–2023. 55. Deng, Chunyuan, Invertibility and stability of linear combinations of m-potent operators, Lin- ear Multilinear Algebra 62 (2014), pag. 1365–1376 Citeaza: Chalendar, I.; Fricain, E.; Timotin, D., A note on the stability of linear combinations of algebraic operators, Extracta Math. 23 (2008), pag. 43–48. 56. Sacchetti, Andrea, Existence of the Stark-Wannier quantum resonances, Journal Of Mathe- matical Physics Volume: 55 Issue: 12 (2014), Article Number: 122104 Citeaza: G. Nenciu, Dynamics of band electrons in electric and magnetic fields: Rigorous justi- fication of the effective hamiltonians, Rev. Mod. Phys, 63 (1991),91-128. 57. De Nittis, Giuseppe; Lein, Max, On the role of symmetries in the theory of photonic crystals, Annals Of Physics Volume: 350 (2014), pag. 568-587 Citeaza: G. Nenciu, Dynamics of band electrons in electric and magnetic fields: Rigorous justi- fication of the effective hamiltonians, Rev. Mod. Phys, 63 (1991),91-128. 58. Fang, Y.; Duque-Gomez, Federico; Sipe, J. E., Dynamics of the effective mass and the anoma- lous velocity in two-dimensional lattices, Physical Review A Volume: 90 Issue: 5 (2014), Article Number: 053407 Citeaza: G. Nenciu, Dynamics of band electrons in electric and magnetic fields: Rigorous justi- fication of the effective hamiltonians, Rev. Mod. Phys, 63 (1991),91-128. 59. Beau, Mathieu; Savoie, Gaussian decay for a difference of traces of the Schrodinger semigroup associated with the isotropic harmonic oscillator , Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications Volume: 419 Issue: 2 (2015), pag. 1095-1118 Citeaza: H.D.Cornean,G.NenciuThe Faraday effect revisited: Thermodynamic limit, Journal of Functional Analysis, 257 (2009), 2024–2066. 60. Shen, Zhongwei, An improved Combes-Thomas estimate of magnetic Schrodinger operators, Arkiv For Matematik Volume: 52 Issue: 2 (2015), pag. 383-414 Citeaza: H.D.Cornean,G.NenciuThe Faraday effect revisited: Thermodynamic limit, Journal of Functional Analysis, 257 (2009), 2024–2066. 61. Lamy, Xavier; Mironescu, Petru, “Existence of critical points with semi-stiff boundary condi- tions for singular perturbation problems in simply connected planar domains”, Journal De 6

flows on the space of symmetric matrices, Communications in Math. Ricci Curvature on Polyhedral Surfaces via Optimal Transportation, Ax- Citeaza: A.I. Bonciocat, K.T. Sturm, Mass transportation and rough curvature . Citeaza: F. Belgun, On the metric structure of non-Kahler complex surfaces,
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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.