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Preview RAPORT CERCETARE pentru 2016

UNIVERSITATEA „ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA” DIN IAŞI FACULTATEA DE BIOLOGIE RAPORT CERCETARE pentru 2016 Prezentări invitate în plenul unor manifestări ştiinţifice naţionale şi internaţionale şi Profesor invitat (exclusiv ERASMUS) Profesor asociat/visiting/ cadru didactic universitar la o universitate din străinătate, pentru o perioadă de minimum 2 săptămâni sau efectuarea unui stagiu postdoctoral cu 0 durată de cel puţin o lună la o universitate din străinătate 1 CUPRINS 0 Domenii de studii I.1 Lucrări indexate in reviste ISI Web of Knowledge I.2 Lucrări științifice publicate în reviste românești și străine din fluxul principal de publicații indexate BDI (non-ISI) I.3 Lucrări științifice publicate în reviste românești și străine (non-ISI, non-BDI), peer reviewed I.4 Lucrări ştiinţifice publicate în volume ale conferinţelor naționale & internaţionale indexate BDI sau non-BDI, peer reviewed I.5 Comunicări /expoziții /poster in cadrul unor manifestări științifice naționale & internaţionale, peer reviewed I.6 Cărţi de specialitate publicate în edituri naţionale I.6a Capitole în cărți de specialitate publicate în edituri naţionale I.7 Cărţi de specialitate publicate în edituri internaţionale I.7a Capitole în cărți de specialitate publicate în edituri internaţionale I.8 Traduceri I8a Capitole traduse I.9 Brevete de invenţie obţinute / Cereri de brevet de invenție (CBI) depuse la OSIM sau alte organisme similare I.10 Citări ale lucrărilor științifice (fără autocitări) I.11 Premii, nominalizări, medalii şi distincţii academice naţionale şi internaţionale I.12 Membru al Academiei Române, Academiei de Științe Tehnice, academiilor de ramură, academiilor naționale din străinătate I.13 Membrii în comitetele redacţionale ale unor reviste internaţionale; Recenzenţi ai unor edituri de prestigiu; Poziţii de conducere în societăţi ştiinţifice reputate I.14 Lista evenimentelor științifice organizate în 2016 BDI BDI conform ARACIS pe domenii 2 Domenii de studii in UAIC Cod DS CNATDCU Domeniul de studiu DS 1 Matematică 2 Informatică 3 Fizică 4 Chimie 6 Geografie 7 Geologie 8 Ştiinţe ale mediului (Geografie) 39 Biologie 45 Drept 47 Ştiinţe ale comunicării (Facultățile de Litere și Filosofie si SSP) 48 Asistenţă socială 49 Sociologie 50 Relații internaționale si studii europene 51 Ştiinţe politice 53 Administrarea afacerilor 54 Cibernetică, statistică şi informatică economică 55 Contabilitate 56 Economie 57 Finanţe 58 Management 59 Marketing 61 Psihologie 62 Ştiinţe ale educaţiei 63 Limba si literatura 64 Limbi moderne aplicate 65 Filosofie 66 Istorie 68 Teologie 69 Studii culturale 76 Educație fizică și sport 77 Kinetoterapie 721 Arte vizuale (Istoria si teoria artei) (Teologie Ortodoxa) 3 I.1 Lucrări indexate in reviste ISI Web of Knowledge Tip de Domeniul de Publica- Publica- Beginning Ending Confe-rence Title Authors Source Title Volume Issue Article Number DOI publicație ierarhizare tion Date tion Year Page Page Title 1 Biologie Monitoring methods of Pintilie O., Ion Revista de Aprilie 2016 67 4 687 691 articol plant viability in genetic L., Surleva A., Chimie conservation Zaharia M., Todirascu Ciornea E., Ciubotariu E., Balan A., Drochioiu G., Sandu I. Biologie Morphological and Todiraşcu- Brazilian Iunie 2016 59 e16150580 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1678-4324- articol Biochemical Answer of the Ciornea E., Archives of 2016150580 Wheat Seeds at Drochioiu G., Biology and Treatment with 2,4- Ştefănescu R., Technology Dinitrophenol and Axinte E.V., Potassium Iodate Dumitru G. Biologie The importance of forest Todirascu- Iranian Journal of Iulie 2016 45 5 696 698 letter fruits consumption through Ciornea E., Public Health view of vitamin and Dumitrascu S., provitamin content Dumitru G. Biologie The dynamic of some Todiraşcu- Brazilian August 2016 59 e16160299 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1678-4324- articol biochemical indicators at Ciornea E., Archives of 2016160299 species of medicinal Dumitru G. Biology and plants from areas of Technology Suceava County, Romania, emerged under the mining pollution influence Biologie The antioxidant effect of Dumitru G., Iranian Journal of Septembrie 2016 45 10 1378 1380 letter Rosmarinus officinalis L. Dumitrascu S., Public Health hydro-alchoolic extract on Axinte E.V., wheat Todirascu- Ciornea E. Biologie The evaluation of pollution Todiraşcu- Carpathian Noiembrie 2016 12 1 141 152 articol impact with heavy metals Ciornea E, Journal of Earth through some Dumitru G., Boz and 1 Document type: - article - proceedings paper - meeting abstract - book chapter - book review - review - editorial material - letter - note - correction - biographical item - book 4 biochemical, physiological I. Environmental and histoanatomical Sciences aspects at woody species from mining areas of Suceava’s County, Romania Biologie An Antlered Skull of a Croitor R., Acta Zoologica 2016 68 3 407 414 articol Subfossil Red Deer, Cojocaru I. Bulgarica Cervus elaphus L., 1758 (Mammalia: Cervidae), from Eastern Romania Biologie CHD genes: a reliable Ciorpac M., Turkish Journal Ianuarie 2016 40 749 757 DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1510-22 articol marker for bird Druică R.C., of Zoology populations and Ghiorghiță G., phylogenetic analysis? Cojocaru D., Case study superfamily Gorgan D.L., Sylvioidea (Aves: Passeriformes) Biologie The investigation of Druică R., Romanian 2016 22 6 12117 12125 articol cytochrome b gene in Ciorpac M., Biotechnological order to elucidate the Cojocaru D., Letters taxonomic uncertainties Ghiorghiță G., between European bison Deju R., (Bison bonasus) and its Cătănoiu S.,. relatives Simon D.C, Gorgan D.L. Biologie ELF-EMF exposure Caliga R., Maniu Open Life Mai 2016 11 1 71 77 https://doi.org/10.1515/biol-2016-0009 articol decreases the peroxidase C.L., Mihăşan Sciences catalytic efficiency in vitro M. Biologie An antiarrhythmic agent Șterbuleac D, Chemical Biology Noiembrie 2016 88 5 683 689 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1 articol as a promising lead Maniu., C. L. & Drug Design 111/cbdd.12797/full compound for targeting the hEAG1 ion channel in cancer therapy: insights from molecular dynamics simulations Biologie First record of the dice Strugariu A., Russian Journal Decembrie 2016 23 4 323 326 articol snake, Natrix tessellata Sahlean T.C., of Herpetology (Reptilia: Colubridae) from Gherghel I., north-eastern Romania Dincă P.C.., Zamfirescu Șt.R. Biologie The spur-thighed tortoise Moraru V.E., North-Western Decembrie 2016 12 2 396 400 E162502 letter (Testudo graeca ibera) in Buhaciuc E., Journal of Romania: new locality Măntoiu D.Șt., Zoology records suggest a more Gavril V.D., optimistic situation Popescu-Mirceni R., Strugariu A. Biologie A revision of the Gherghel I., ZooKeys Februarie 2016 569 135 148 10.3897/zookeys.569.6975 articol distribution of sea kraits Papeș M., (Reptilia, Laticauda) with Brischoux F.s, an updated occurrence Sahlean T..C., dataset for ecological and Strugariu A. conservation research Biologie Ecology and Gherghel I., Journal of Aprilie 2016 44 1 88 91 articol biogeography of the Sotek A., Papeș Arachnology endemic scorpion M., Strugariu A., Euscorpius carpathicus Fusu L. (Scorpions: Euscorpiidae): a multiscale analysis Biologie On the taxonomic status Surugiu V. Zootaxa Septembrie 2016 4161 2 151 176 - http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4161. articol 5 of the European 2.1 Scolelepis (Scolelepis) squamata (Polychaeta: Spionidae), with description of a new species from southern Europe Biologie Zinc remediation of Tofan. L., Desalination and 2016 57 27 12644 12652 articol aqueous streams by Păduraru C., water treatment Toma O. natural hemp fibers: batch desorption / regeneration studiers. Biologie A predicted T4 secretion Mihasan, Microbiological Octombrie 2016 191 32 37 10.1016/j.micres.2016.05.008 articol system and conserved M.,Brandsch, R, Research DNA-repeats identified in a subset of related Arthrobacter plasmids Biologie ELF-EMF exposure Caliga, R., Open Life Ianuarie 2016 11 1 71 77 10.1515/biol-2016-0009 articol decreases the peroxidase Maniu C.L., Sciences catalytic efficiency in vitro Mihasan M. Biologie Steps towards an Mihalache, G; Febs Journal Septembrie 2016 283 S1 174 174 P-MIS-032 - 41st FEBS Meeting Arthrobacter Babii, C; Stefan, Congress on abstract nicotinovorans based M; Mihasan, M Molecular and biotechnology for Systems production of 6-hidroxy- Biology for a nicotine Better Life Biologie Arthrobacter plasmids: Mihasan, M; Febs Journal Septembrie 2016 283 S1 174 174 P-MIS-032 - 41st FEBS Meeting molecular classification Brandsch, R Congress on abstract and conserved gene Molecular and clusters Systems Biology for a Better Life Biologie Patterns and mechanisms Jahnke M., Marine Iunie 2016 117 54 62 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres. articol of dispersal in a keystone Christensen A., Environmental 2016.04.004 seagrass species Micu D., Research Milchakova N., Sezgin M., Todorova V., Strungaru St., Procaccini G. Biologie Overall evaluation of Bejenaru L., International Ianuarie- 2016 7 1 93 100 articol biological remains Danu M., Stanc Journal of Martie discovered in the S. Conservation Chalcolithic site (Cucuteni Sciences culture, Vth - IVth millenia cal B.C.) of Costeşti (Iaşi County, Romania) Biologie Geomorphological Carozza Geomorphology Noiembrie 2016 273 78 92 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j. articol evolution of the J.M.,.Llubes M, geomorph.2016.08.006 Mediterranean enclosed Danu M., Faure depressions during E., Carozza L., Pleistocene and David M., Holocene: Example from Manen C. Canohès (Roussillon, SE France) Biologie Chalcolithic Danu M., International Octombrie- 2016 7 4 1071 1080 articol agropastoralism traces in Diaconu V., Journal of Decembrie the site of Răucești Bejenaru L. Conservation (Neamț County, Sciences 6 Romania): phytoliths and animal remains Biologie The implications of I.M. Balmus, A. Saudi Journal of Ianuarie- 2016 22 1 3 17 WOS:0003728 DOI: 10.4103/1319-3767.173753 review oxidative stress and Ciobica, A. Gastroenterology Februarie 31800002 antioxidant therapies in Trifan, C.Stanciu inflammatory bowel disease: clinical aspects and animal models Biologie The Relevance of D. Timofte, C. Romanian Ianuarie- 2016 21 1 11246- 11253 WOS:0003714 articol Oxidative Stress Status in Toarba, S. Biotechnological Februarie 34300021 Type 2 Diabetes and the Hogas, A. Covic, Letters, Chronic Consumption of A. Ciobica, R. Alcohol Chirita, R. Lefter, L. Arhire, O. Arcan, O. Alexinschi, D.Serban, M. Graur, V. Poroch Biologie Is oxytocin relevant for the Ciobica A., Acta Ianuarie- 2016 12 1 65 71 WOS:00037266 DOI: 10.4183/aeb.2016.65 review affective disorders? Balmus I.M., Endocrinologica Martie 8300012 Padurariu M. Biologie Evaluation of antioxidant A. Cantemir, A. Revista de August 2016 67 8 1538 1541 WOS:0003845 articol enzymes in patients with Alexa, Ciobica Chimie 14200027 keratoconus A., I.M. Balmus, I. Antioch, B. Stoica, D. Chiselita, D. Costin Biologie Oxidative Stress I.M. Balmus, A. Oxidative August 2016 2016 397510 1 26 WOS:0003814 DOI: 10.1155/2016/3975101 review Implications in the Ciobica, I. Medicine and 1 31000001 Affective Disorders: Main Antioch, R. Cellular Longevity Biomarkers, Animal Dobrin, D. Models Relevance, Timofte, Genetic Perspectives, and Antioxidant Approaches Biologie The Influence of R Dobrin, A Revista de Septembrie 2016 67 9 1778 1782 WOS:0003852 articol Spiperone on Oxidative Ciobica, E Chimie 66600026 Stress and Memory Toader, V Poroch Biologie The Pathological A Cantemir, A I Revista de Septembrie 2016 67 9 1725 1727 WOS:0003852 articol Relevance of Some Alexa, A Chimie 66600016 Biochemical Changes in Ciobica, E Keratoconus - focusing on Toader, I M serum lipid peroxidation Balmus, S products Cojocaru, D Chiselita, D Costin Biologie The triple test and Down E. Anton, A. Review of Septembrie 2016 54 182 189 WOS:0003856 review syndrome: between Ciobica, R. Research and 91600013 feticide and therapeutic Mircea, N. Social abortion Ioanid, M. Intervention Padurariu, B. Doroftei, D. Filipeanu, C. Anton Biologie The concept of suicide: Padurariu M., Neurophysiology, August 2016 48 4 312 321 WOS:00038941 review neurophysiological/geneti Prepelita R., 3500012 c theories and possible Ciobica A., oxytocin relevance Dobrin R., Timofte D.l, 7 Stefanescu C., Chirita R. Biologie Oxytocin Antioxidant C. Honceriu, A. Revista de Chimie Noiembrie 2016 67 11 2246 2249 WOS:00038836 articol Effects on Wistar Rats Ciobica, B. 1900025 Stoica, M. Chirazi, M. Padurariu Biologie Decontamination effects Ioanid E.G., Revista de Iunie-Iulie 2016 61 6-7 583 590 - - - articol of radio frequency low- Tănase C., Rusu Chimie temperature plasma on D., Vlad A.M., paper-based materials Cazacu G., Balaeş T., Dunca S. Biologie Surface properties and Popovici D., Polymer Testing Februarie 2016 49 94 99 - http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertes - articol antibacterial testing of a Barzic A.I., ting.2015.11.016 partially alicyclic polyimide Hulubei C., film modified by RF Stoica I., Aflori plasma and NaOH/AgNO3 M., Vasilescu treatment D.S., Dunca S. Biologie Synthesis, Mocanu A. M., Revista de Martie 2016 67 3 584 588 - - - articol characterization and Luca C., Sandu Chimie evaluation antimicrobial I., Dunca S., activity of some new derivatives theophylline sulfonyl phenoxyacetic acids Biologie Antimicrobial properties of Bobu E., Nicu Cellulose Mai-Iunie 2016 50 5-6 689 699 - - - articol coatings based on R., Obrocea P., Chemistry and chitosan derivatives for Ardelean E., Technology applications in sustainable Dunca S., paper conservation Balaeș T Biologie Effects of the methanolic Foyet HS, Cellular and Noiembrie 2016 36 7 1139 1149 10.1007/s10571-015-0310-7 articol extract of Vitellaria Asongalem AE, Molecular paradoxa stem bark Oben EK, Neurobiology against scopolamine- Cioanca O, induced cognitive Hancianu M, dysfunction and oxidative Hritcu L., stress in the rat hippocampus Biologie Effects of inhaled juniper Hritcu L., Flavour and Noiembrie 2016 31 2 149 157 10.1002/ffj.3294 articol volatile oil in amyloid beta Hancianu M, Fragrance Journal (1-42)-induced anxiety Mihasan M, and depression in Cioanca O laboratory rats Biologie The effects of inhaled Aydin E., Hritcu Molecular Ianuarie 2016 53 9 6557 6567 10.1007/s12035-016-9693-9 articol Pimpinella peregrina L., Dogan G., Neurobiology essential oil on Hayta S., Bagci scopolamine-induced E. memory impairment, anxiety and depression in laboratory rats Biologie Anxiolytic and Bagci E., Aydin Flavour and Octombrie 2016 31 1 70 80 10.1002/ffj.3289 article antidepressant-like effects E., Mihasan M., Fragrance Journal of Ferulago angulata Maniu C., Hritcu essential oil in the L. scopolamine rat model of Alzheimer’s disease Biologie Cognitive-enhancing Fedotova J., Physiology & Ianuarie 2016 157 55 62 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.01.035 article activities of the polyprenol Soultanov V., Behavior preparation Ropren® in Nikitina T., gonadectomized β- Roschin V., 8 amyloid (25-35) rat model Ordyan N., of Alzheimer's disease Hritcu L. Biologie Antidepressant-like effect Soultanov V., Molecular Martie 2016 1 11 DOI: 10.1007/s12035-016-9848-8. article of Ropren® in β-amyloid- Fedotova J., Neurobiology (25-35) rat model of Nikitina T., Alzheimer's disease with Roschin V., altered levels of Ordyan N., androgens, Hritcu L. Biologie Essential oils from Cioanca O., Industrial Crops Martie 2016 88 51 57 10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.02.064 articol Apiaceae as valuable Hancianu M., and Products resources in neurological Mircea C., Trifan disorders: Foeniculi A., Hritcu L., vulgare aetheroleum Biologie Ropren® treatment Fedotova J., Biomedicine & August 2016 83 1444 1465 10.1016/j.biopha.2016.08.065 articol reverses anxiety-like Soultanov V., Pharmacotherapy behavior and Nikitina T., monoamines levels in Roschin V., gonadectomized rat model Ordyan N., of Alzheimer's disease Hritcu L. Biologie Anthriscus nemorosa Bagci E., Aydin Biomedicine & Octombrie 2016 84 1313 1320 10.1016/j.biopha.2016.10.075 articol essential oil inhalation E., Ungureanu Pharmacotherapy prevents memory E., Hritcu L. impairment, anxiety and depression in scopolamine-treated rats Biologie S.I. Cojocaru, Turkish Journal Ianuarie 2016 40 1 130 138 11 doi:10.3906/biy-1501-52 articol The cytotoxic activity of M.S. Stan, M.i of Biology sanguinarine in C32 Anton, M. R. human amelanotic Luca, G. melanoma cells Ghiorghita, G. Stoian, A. Dinischiotu Biologie Comparative Studie Of A. Pallag, S. Revista de Chimie August 2016 3 530 533 articol Poliphenols, Flavonoids, Bunganu, D. M. And Chlorophylls In Tiu, T. Jurca, V. Equisetum Arvense L. Sirbu, A. Populations Honiges Biologie A. Pallag, T. Revista de Chimie Septembrie 2016 8 1623 1627 articol Analysis of phenolic Jurca, B. Pașca, compounds composition V. Sirbu, A. by HPLC and assessment Honiges of antioxidant capacity in Equisetum arvense L. extracts Biologie A. Honiges, V. Revista de Chimie Decembrie 2016 12 2460 2463 articol Biochemical study of Sirbu, D. Helianthus annus L. Rahota, A. exudates, related to Pallag Orobanche cumana Wall. germination inhibitors”, , decembrie nr.12, 2016, ISI, factor impact 0,95. Biologie Synergistic effect of G. Mihalache, Environmental August 2016 15 8 1823 1831 articol Pseudomonas lini and M.M. Engineering and Bacillus pumilus on runner Zamfirache, S. Management bean growth Hamburda, V. Journal enhancement Stoleru, N. Munteanu, M. Stefan Biologie Decontamination effects Ioanid I.G., Rev. Roum. 2016 61 6-7 583 590 articol 9 of radio frequency low- Tănase C., Rusu Chim. temperature plasma on D., Vlad A.M., paper-based materials Cazacu G., Balaeş T., Dunca S. Biologie Gamma irradiation Butnaru E., Radiation Physics August 2016 125 134 144 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2016.04.003 articol assisted fungal Darie-Niţă R.N., and Chemistry degradation of the Zaharescu T., polypropylene/biomass Balaeş T., composites Tănase C., Hitruc G., Doroftei F., Vasile C. Biologie Basidiomycetes as Balaeş T., Romanian 2016 21 1 11185 11193 articol potential biocontrol agents Tănase C. Biotechnological against nematodes Letter Biologie Plant diversity – Mardari C., Applied Ecology Ianuarie 2016 14 1 111 127 10.15666/aeer/1401_111127 articol environment relationships Tănase C. And in xeric grasslands from Environmental North-Eastern Romania Research Biologie Overall evaluation of Bejenaru L., International Ianuarie- 2016 7 1 93 100 articol biological remains Danu M., Stanc Journal of Martie discovered in the S. Conservation chalcolithic site (Cucuteni Science culture, Vth-IVth millennia cal. B.C.) of Costeşti (Iaşi County, Romania Biologie Chalcolithic Danu M., International Decembrie 2016 7 4 1071 1080 articol agropastoralism traces in Diaconu V., Journal of the site of Răucești Bejenaru L. Conservation (Neamț County, Science Romania): phytoliths and animal remains Biologie Genomic insights into the Lazaridis I., Nature August 2016 536 419 424 articol origin of farming in the Nadel D., ancient Near East. Rollefson G., C. Merrett D.C., Rohland N., Mallick S., Fernandes D., Novak M., Gamarra B., Sirak K., Connell S., Stewardson K., Harney E., Fu Q., Gonzalez-Fortes G., Jones E.P., Roodenberg S.A., Lengyel G., Bocquentin F., Gasparian B., Monge J.M., Gregg M., Eshed V., 10

Evaluation of antioxidant enzymes in patients with keratoconus. A. Cantemir, A. Alexa, Ciobica. A., I.M. Balmus,. I. Antioch, B. Stoica, D. Chiselita, D. Costin. Revista de. Chimie. August Keratoconus - focusing on serum lipid peroxidation Biologie. Water Soluble Pleurotus ostreatus. Polysacchari
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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.