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Preview Range extension northward in Illinois and into Wisconsin of Tridens flavus (Poaceae)

RHODORA, Vol. 99, No. 900, 344-351, 1997 pp. RANGE NORTHWARD AND EXPANSION IN ILLINOIS FLAWS INTO WISCONSIN OF TRIDENS (POACEAE) Andrew Williams H. Department of Entomology 445 WI Wisconsin, Madison. ABSTRACT. Wisconsin specimen between 1961 and 1997. Nine of these sites were discovered after 1990. In was 1997, this grass collected in three northwestern counties from Illinois which it is previously unreported. Evidence of the recent spread north by this species discussed. is Key Words: Tridens, Poaceae, biogeography Tridens fli eastern southern Mexico has been described as open sandy sandy areas, prairies, disturbed dry prairies, fields, old fields, pastures, borders of woods, cutover woodland, open woods, rocky glades, waste and roadsides places, Deam (Gress 1924; Small 1933; 1940; Fernald 1950; Hitchcock and Chase 1950; Steyermark Seymour 1963; 1982; Great Plains Flora Association Mohlenbrock Roosa 1986; and 1986; Eilers Open 1994). or relatively open, rather dry, sandy, or disturbed fl Missouri northern Indiana." Mohlenbrock (1986) wrote, of ". T.flavus in Illinois, . . common, except in the northern V of the where appar- state is it 5 very ently rare." Tridens was when flavus collected Wisconsin first in 1961, in a single plant was found near the loading zone of the building housing Botany the Dept. UW-Madison. at Vehicular transpor- of tation propagule seems this and spread certain, the apparent north and Michigan in Illinois of along this species, particularly roadways, has been suggested Swink in the (Voss 1972; literature and Wilhelm Young 1994; The 1994). author has reneatedlv dis- 344 — 1997] Williams Tridens Range Expansion 345 flavus Wiscon southern western Wi known Wi herbaria were checked for fl ill, ills, isc, mil, min, osh, siu, uwl, uwsp, or uw-Green Bay. Data reported below are based on specimens deposited the in Herbarium of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (wis). No- Kartesz are EXAMINED SPECIMENS Town Hwy. Illinois. Carroll Co.: of Savanna, beside 84, 3.75 mi. S of jet. Hwy. with 64, 0.75 mi. S of with Airport Rd., 42°04'15"N, 90°07'35"W, jet. m uncommon caespitose grass to high, scattered presence and along sandy 1 highway Bromus state right-of-way on sand plain by Mississippi River, with inermis, 15 Jan 1997, A. H. Williams 97-3 (wis). On Hwy. Illinois. Carroll Co.: verge of road leading from 84 to south gate m of Savanna Army Depot, 42°11'16"N, 90°14'09"W, caespitose grass to 1 Army high, few plants present, edge of sand plain occupied by Savanna at Jan Whitton Nature Preserve, 3.3 mi. from Hwy. 84, 42°12'28"N, 90°17'07"W, caespitose m occupied by grass few edge of sand plain to high, plants present, at 1 Savanna Army 97-5 Depot, 15 Jan 1997, A. H. Williams (wis). Hwy. 222nd Rock Town 84 Ave., Illinois. Island Co.: of Albany, beside at m widespread and abun- 41°44'37"N. 90°17'16"W. caesoitose grass to high, 1 dant on sandy 15 Jan 1997. . Illinois. Whiteside "W. abundant on sandy Jan Wisconsin animal H. H. 19425 litis (wis). R6W NW T3N Hwy. VV, Wisconsin. Grant Co.: 4 mi. of Cassville, beside Sll SEV with Phleum pratense, Setaria large patch on grassy roadside, 4 , glauca, 7 Oct 1972, M. Nee 5363 (wis). NW Wisconsin. Grant of Co.: mi. 1 < NWW R5W NE S19 of and forming ischa two other well-established colonies have been found this of Cassville (M. Nee 5363, M. Nee 5422), 14 Oct 1972, 346 Rhodora [Vol. 99 R5W SW% T3N Wisconsin. Grant Co.: S27 of SE%, abundant, forming large colonies and scattered clumps sandy in grassy, old with Eragrostis field spectabilis, Setaria viridis, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Paspalum, Leptoloma cognatum, Aster, Solidago, 14 Oct M. Nee 5422 1972, (wis). NW R6W Wisconsin. Grant Co.: 3 mi. of Cassville, along Hwy. VV, T3N NWV4 SE of 1^, rocky or grassy roadside bank bank Xanthoxyl forming many patches of m the largest patch 8 long, a few smaller ones on bank scattered, the steep all on upper the side of the road, there is apparently a larger patch on the lower mowed side of the road but mostly off, this seems to be the only colony of T VV Hwy. flavus along between Dewey entrance Nelson Park and to State VV NE where Hwy. turns out of the Mississippi River same valley, this is the colony collected 7 Oct 1972, as M. Nee 5363, 5 Oct 1981, M. Nee 22034 (wis). NW Wisconsin. R5W Grant T3N Co.: mi. of Cassville, along Hwy. VV, 1 SE% SW%, S18 of steep southwest facing grassy bank below the stone wall Dewey of Nelson State Park and base of Mississippi River bluff with thin woods of Tilia americana, Gleditsia triacanthos, Quercus rubra, the bank with mostly weedy plants such as Physalis Kuhnia heterophylla, eupatorioi- Gnaphalium des, obtusifolium, Asparagus Leptoloma cognatum; officinalis, Tridens flavus abundant, the dominant common on Hwy. grass, both of sides VV in the mile from entrance of power Dewey plant to entrance of Nelson State Park, on lower common side of road mowed but mostly the off, this is same colony collected 14 Oct 1972 M. Nee Nee as 5402, 5 Oct 1981, M. 22051 (wis). Wisconsin. Grant E R5W Co.: 2 mi. of Hwy. T3N Cassville along 133, SW% S27 of SEV4, sandy of soil grassy roadside, old and edges of field cultivated corn field (Zea mays), with a mixture of weeds and native prairie species, Eupatorium altissimum, Lespedeza capitata, Mirabilis nyctaginea, Asclepias Leptoloma verticillata, cognatum, Spartina pectinata; Tridens fla- vus abundant on roadside and around now edges of old mostly field, this field planted to corn, not seen nearby in large from alluvial gravel or here to pit Cassville, same this the colony is collected 14 Oct 1972, as M. Nee 5422, 5 Oct M. Nee 1981, 22063 (wis). Wisconsin. Grant Co.: In highway interchange where Eagle Point Rd. Hwy. TIN R2W SWK meets 151, S16 SEV of one robust many culms, 4 plant, , growing with a lot of Sporobolus asper, Panicum also virgatum, Aster eri- coides, A. novae -angliae, A. pilosus, Rosa Rudbeckia Kuhnia eu- sp., hirta, patorioides, Oct 2 1991, A. H. Williams 91-234a (wis). Wisconsin. Grant Between N Co.: Woodman Boscobel and on of side R3W NW% Hwy. T7N 133, S7 of SE%, X dense stand 100 long 8 yd. yd. wide, on highway right-of-way alongside red pine plantation and public hunt- and ing fishing grounds, assoc. Equisetum laevwatum. Lactuca canadensis, inermis Daucus Verbascum carota, thapsus, Andropogon scopar- gerardii A. (little), ius smooth brome (little); dominant, Tridens 20 Sep subdominant, flavus T 1992, Cochrane 12918 w/ & S. (wis) A. H. Williams. R. Sime D. Haear. J. — Williams 1997] Tridens Range Expansion fiavus 347 N Wisconsin. Grant Co.: of Cassville, S of Nelson Dewey T3N State Park, R5W NE S30 1 imm. edge of where mowed /*, road, occasionally, see M. Nee 5402 Aug (1972) at wis, 24 1995, A. H. Williams 95-51 [The (wis). author chanced upon this, the second, of Nee's populations.] Wisconsin. Green Co.: Vale Prairie owned by The Prairie Enthusiasts- W E Southwest Chapter, of Monticello, of Schneeberger Rd., S of Sugar NW% T3N R8E River, S23 of SE%, rocky dry-mesic prairie remnant, mostly slopes north, diverse native flora and old dominated by smooth brome, field Tridens flavus has been here some new for years, despite Wis- its arrival in consin, Jan 15 1996, A. H. Williams 96-2 was (wis). [This grass discovered here in the mid-1970s; G. comm.] Eldred, pers. Wisconsin. Iowa T8N R4E NW%, S29 Co.: sandy 7 Oct 1973, soil, J. Meskill (wis). s. n. Wisconsin. Iowa Co.: South verge of Hwy. 14, 0.6 mi. E of Sawle Rd., W NW% Hwy. T8N R5E NWM, 0.4 mi. of K, S24 of loose colony of at least 50 plants in rather sandy soil with Bromus inermis, 24 Sep 1996, A. H. Williams 96-34 mowed was (wis). [Part of this population shortly prior to this collection.] W Wisconsin. Iowa Co.: South verge of Hwy. 14, 1.0 mi. of Hwy. H, T8N R4E NE% NW%, S24 of colony of 30 sandy at least plants in rather soil with Paspalum setaceum, Poa pratensis, Schizachyrium scoparium, Cen- chrus longispinus, Setaria glauca, Panicum capillare, Digitaria ischaemum and Sporobolus was mowed, cryptandrus, about half of colony recently this W [This 5.6 mi. site is from the immediately site listed Wisconsin. La Crosse Co.: Nort R8W SW% Hwy. SW%, T18N 53, just S of Black River, SI of couple dozen on plants open grassy sloping right-of-way, 9 Jan 1996, A. H. Williams 96- 1 (wis). Wisconsin. Marquette Median of Hwy. T17N R9E SI WVi Co.: strip 51, of NWV4, site had been planted to prairie species in 1988 or 1989, the seed obtained from a commercial dealer (Jock Engles), the seed itself from Illinois, site was also used for a mowing study on Elytrigia repens in which county equipment and crews were used, early Sep 1994, D. R. Spuhler n. (wis). s. RUE TIN Wisconsin. Rock Co.: S32, growing along a sandy roadside apparently spontaneously, 18 Sep 1994, A. H. Williams 94-473 (wis). [About 25 plants were present.] Wisconsin. Rock Co.: Brockman Property, ca. 0.25 mi. S of Hwy. K, 200 N RUE SW% SW%, TIN yd. of S32 of sandy Wisconsin-Illinois border, open roadside, 28 Sep 1996, A. H. Williams 96-35 (wis). [About 25 plants were present.] Wisconsin. Sauk North verge of Kennedy Rd., scattered single plants Co.: T8N and Hollow patches along miles centered on the jet. with Big Rd., 1.5 R3E & S10 growing only on the mowed roadside, not found on the 11, adjacent unmowed which supports dry sandy prairie, right-of-way railroad mowed Andropo- species growing on roadside include close to T. flavus the gon Paspalum setaceum, Digitaria cog- gerardii, Schizachyrium scoparium, nata tans, Eragrostis Cenchrus longispinus, Setaria glauca, S. viridis, spectabilis, 348 Rhodora 99 [Vol. Sporobolus Ambrosia cryptandrus, S. vaginiflorus, artemisiifolia, A. psilos- Monarda tachya, punctata, Helianthus occidentalis, Opuntia compressa, Ver- bena Euphorbia dentata Amorpha canescens and Hieracium striata, longi- y pilum, 6 Sep 1997, A. H. Williams 97-114 (wis). DISCUSSION Fernald (1950) the range of Tridens extending lists flavus as New as far north as southern Hampshire and Minnesota. This is partly in error, as Fassett (1951) does not this grass for Wis- list Ownbey consin, and Morley (1991) do not Minnesota, for list it and neither Hitchcock and Chase (1950) nor Gleason and Cron- quist (1991) for either list state. it Voss (1972), Swink and Wilhelm and Young (1994) (1994), may suggest Tridens flavus be adventive northern and in Illinois southern Michigan from farther south, particularly along road- ways. Data presented here support the idea of vehicular intro- Wisconsin destruction Much southern Wisconsin than a from across its entire range (Gress 1924; Small 1933; Fernald Steyermark 1950; 1963; Great Plains Flora Association 1986), suggesting the relative openness, dryness, and disturbance char- may of acteristic roadsides better indicate habitat preference than vehicular transportation of propagules. Two make factors Tridens flavus prominent on the verge in culms up fall: its vertical stand about m, and anthesis suffi- is 1 ciently mowing late in this species that annual on the right-of- way often completed is shortly prior to anthesis resulting in the taller vegetation on the roadside being, almost exclu- in places, The sively T. flavus. author discovered Wisconsin eight of the 15 between September sites and January while conducting prairie many research on around Given sites southwestern Wisconsin. such extensive new travel, it's not surprising that sites were dis- covered along new roadsides, but noteworthy of the it is that all were on sites roadsides rather than whether or not in prairies, propagules were by transported vehicles. Most of these sites are sandy and Mowing noted on dry. is — Williams Range 1997] Tridens Expansion 349 flavus specimen several and labels surely occurs periodically over the entire width of the rights-of-way where most this grass often grows. County-owned mowing may equipment facilitate the spread of this grass from one roadside area to another. Roadside mowing often is completed in a given year prior to anthesis in may which this late-flowering grass, give this species a compet- advantage on itive these roadsides. This grass has persisted for on some years Wisconsin sites, and for at least 23 years in the oldest extant population. In early spring, 1993, a portion of the off-road in Green site Co. was Roundup sprayed with herbicide to kill the dominant Bromus inermis in anticipation of a prairie planting the following No was fall. other site preparation done. Tridens flavus flourished here was was relative to the adjacent area that not sprayed. It still common and spreading 1997. at this site in Mohlenbrock and Ladd showed Rock In (1978) Island Illinois, Co. where as the northwestern range limit of Tridens flavus, the author found on a sand plain beside the Mississippi River in it January, 1997. This sand broken by riverine wetlands, plain, much stretches north through Whiteside Co. and of Carroll Co. to Savanna, where limestone bluffs crowd the river. Tridens flavus was widespread and abundant Rock Island and southern White- in Highway side Counties, growing in patches beside Illinois 84, which on highway from Continuing north parallels the this river. T its junction with U.S. Highway 30 in Whiteside Co., flavus was was observed and smaller colonies, but less frequently in found as far north as Savanna. One more Savanna sand plain lies north of in Illinois. It is fully occupied by Savanna Army Depot, which immediate access the to was were found on denied. Small patches of Tridens flavus the periphery of sand plain in Carroll and Jo Daviess Counties, this may on sand suggesting occur in larger populations this plain. it T and This from Whiteside, Carroll, the report of flavus is first Jo Daviess well from eight counties in Counties, as as Illinois, southern Wisconsin. This now abundant along sandy roadsides in north- grass is western about 100 miles from the sandy area along the Illinois, Iowa, Sauk, lower Richland, Wisconsin River in parts of Grant, and Dane Counties of Wisconsin. Tridens flavus currently occurs become prominent four and probably will a at area sites in this The La feature along sandy roadsides here in the near future. 350 Rhodora 99 [Vol. may Crosse Co. specimen suggests process occur sandy this in the by La areas the Mississippi River near Crosse, and the Marquette may Co. specimen suggests this also occur in the "Central Sands" region of Wisconsin. am acknowledgments. indebted herbarium to several cu- I and Cholewa rators to their respective A. institutions: (min), T. Cochrane (wis), Engel G. Fewless (uw-Green Bay), R. J. (f), Freckman (uwsp), N. Harriman D. Horton Koch (osh), R. (ia), (uwl), D. Lewis N. Luebke K. Robertson and (isc), (mil), (ill and D. Ugent ills), (siu). LITERATURE CITED Deam, C. C. 1940. Flora of Indiana Indianapolis, IN. The Iowa Iowa IA Press, City, Fassett, N. C. 1951. Grasses of Wisconsin. Univ. Wisconsin Madi- Press, WI. son, Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray's Manual of Botany, 8th ed. American Book Co., New York. Gleason, and H. A. A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of New Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, 2nd The York ed. Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY. Association Kansas The Grasses of Pennsylvania. Penn Harrisburg Manual Wash No. Publ. 200, DC. ington, A Kartesz, 1994. Synonymized J. T. Checklist of Vascular Flora of the Unit- ed States, Canada, and Greenland. Timber OR. Press, Portland, Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1986. Guide to the Vascular Flora of Southern Illinois. Illinois Univ. Press, Carbondale, IL. and M. D. Ladd. 1978. Distribution of Vascular Plants. Illinois IL Ownbey, and G. B. Morley. Check- T. 1991. Vascular Plants of Minnesota, a MN —a. j_ _ and Atlas. Univ. Minnesota, Minneapolis. The NJ. field, Published New York. Steyermark, A. 1963. Flora of Iowa Ames, IA J. Missouri. State Univ. Press. — Williams Tridens Range Expansion 351 1997] flavus Swink, E and G. Wilhelm. 1994. Plants of the Chicago Region, 4th ed. Indiana Acad, of Indianapolis, IN. Sci., Voss, E. G. 1972. Michigan Flora, Part Gymnosperms and Monocots. 1: Cranbrook No. Bloomfield MI. Institute Sci. Bull. 55. Hills, & Young, D. 1994. Kane County Wild Plants Natural Areas, 2nd ed. Kane Co. Forest Preserve Geneva, District, IL. ] I

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