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Random Solitons Realization of Quantum Me hani s and Sto hasti Qubits 1 2 Yu.P. Rybakov , T.F. Kamalov 1 Theoreti al Physi s Department People's Friendship University of Russia Mikluho-Maklay str., 6, Mos ow, 117198,Russia e-mail: yrybakovs i.pfu.edu.ru; yrybakovmtu-net.ru 2 Physi s Department Mos ow State Opened University P. Kor haginstr., 22, Mos ow, 107996,Russia 4 e-mail: ykamalovrambler.ru 0 0 2 Abstra t n Sto hasti realization of the wave fun tion in quantum me hani s, with the in- a J lusion of soliton representation of extended parti les, is dis ussed. The on ept of Sto hasti Qubits is used for quantum omputing modeling. 7 2 1 1 Introdu tion. Wave(cid:22)Parti le Dualism and Solitons v 8 As a first motivation for introdu ing sto hasti representation of the wave fun tion let us 6 1 onsider the de Broglie plane wave 1 ψ = Ae−ßkx = Ae−ßωt+ß(kr) 0 (1) 4 ω k m 0 for a free parti le with the energy , momentum , and mass , when the relativisti / h relation k2 = ω2 k2 = m2 p − (2) - ~ = c= 1 t n holds (in natural units ). ua Suppose, following L. de Broglie [1℄ and A. Euin(ts,tre)in [2℄, that the stru ture of the par- q ti le is des ribed by a regular bounded fun tion , whi lh =is 1su/mpposed to satisfy some 0 v: nonlinear equation withtheuK(tl,erin) (cid:22) Gordon linear part. Letv = k/ω bethe hara teristi i size of the soliton solution moving with the velo ity . X Now it is worth-while to underline the remarkable fa t behind this resear h [3℄, namely, r a the possibility to represent the de Broglie wave (1) as the sum of solitons lo ated at nodes a l 0 of a ubi latti e with the spa ing ≫ : Ae−ßkx = u(t,r+d), (3) Xd d where marks the positions of latti e nodes. To show the validity of (3) one an take into a ount the asymptoti behavior of the soliton in its tail region: u(x) = d4ke−ßkxg(k)δ(k2 m2) Z − (4) 1 and then use the well-known formula 2π 3 eß(kd) = δ(k), (cid:18) a (cid:19) (5) Xd implying that 2π 3g(m) A = . (cid:18) a (cid:19) 2m The formula (3) gives a simple illustration of the wave (cid:22) parti le dualism, showing that the de Broglie wave hara terizes the assemblage of parti les (cid:22) solitons. 2 Random Hilbert spa e The next step to get the sto hasti representation of quantum me hani s an be performed if one admits that the lo ations of solitons' enters are not regular nodes of the ubi latti e φ but some randomly hosen points. To realize this pres ription, suppose that a field n des ribes parti les (cid:22) solitons and has the form n φ(t,r) = φ(k)(t,r), (6) kX=1 where φ(k) φ(k′) = 0, k = k′, supp ∩ supp 6 and the same for the onjugate momenta n π(t,r) = ∂ /∂φ = π(k)(t,r), φ = ∂φ/∂t. t t L kX=1 Let us define the auxiliary fun tions 1 ϕ(k)(t,r) = (ν φ(k)+iπ(k)/ν ) k k √2 (7) ν k with the onstants satisfying the normalization ondition ~ = d3xϕ(k) 2. Z | | (8) R3n x = Nrow,..w.er define the analog of the wave fun tion in the onfigurational spa e ∋ 1 n { } as N n Ψ (t,r ,...r )= (~nN)−1/2 ϕ(k)(t,r ), N 1 n j k (9) jX=1kY=1 2 (k) N 1 ϕ where ≫ stands for the number of trials (observations) and j is the one-parti le j fun tion (7) for the - th trial. It an be shown [3,4℄ that the quantity 1 ρ = d3nxΨ 2, N ( )n Z | N| △∨ (△∨)n⊂R3n where △∨ is the elementary volume whi h is supposed to be mu h greater than the proper l 3 = 0 0 volume of the parti le ∨ ≪ △∨, pAlays the role of oordinMˆate probability density. A If we hoose the lassi al observable with the generator , one an represent it in the form n A = d3xπ ßMˆ φ = d3xϕ∗(k)Mˆ(k)ϕ(k), j Z j A j Z j A j kX=1 j for the - th trial. The orresponding mean value is N N n E(A) = 1 A = 1 d3xϕ∗(k)Mˆ(k)ϕ(k) = d3nxΨ∗ AˆΨ +O ∨0 , N j N Z j A j Z N N (cid:18) (cid:19) (10) jX=1 jX=1kX=1 △∨ Aˆ where the hermitian operator reads n Aˆ= ~Mˆ(k). A (11) kX=1 / 1 0 Thus,uptothetermsoftheorder∨ △∨ ≪ ,weobtainthestandardquantumme hani al rule (10) for the al ulation of mean values [4,5℄. Itisinterestingtounderlinethatthesolitonians hemeinquestion ontainsalsothewell- (k) ϕ known spin (cid:22) statisti s orrelation [6℄. Namely, if j is transformed under the rotation D(J) SO(3) J by irredu ible representation of , with the weight , then the transposition of (k) 2π ϕ two identi al extended parti les is equivalent to the relative rotation of j , that gives ( 1)2J Ψ N the multipli ation fa tor − in . Ψ / N 0 It an be also proved that upto the terms of order ∨ △∨ satisfies the standard S hr(cid:4)odinger equation [6℄. To verify the fa t that solitons an really possess wave proper- ties, the gedanken diffra tion experiment with individual ele trons (cid:22) solitons was realized. Solitons with some velo ity were dropped into a re tilinear slit, ut in the impermeable s reen, and the transverse momentum was al ulated whi h they gained while passing the slit,thewidthofwhi hsignifi antlyex eededthesizeofthesoliton. Asaresult,thepi ture of distribution of the enters of s attered solitons was restored on the registration s reen, by onsidering their initial distribution to be uniform over the transverse oordinate. It was larified that though the enter of ea h soliton fell into a definite pla e of the registra- tion s reen (depending on the initial soliton profile and the point of rossing the plane of the slit by the enter), the statisti al pi ture in many ways was similar to the well-known 3 diffra tion distribution in opti s, i.e. Fresnel's pi ture at short distan es from the slit and Fraunhofer's one at large distan es [7,8℄. Fulfillment of the quantum me hani s orresponden e prin iple for the Einstein (cid:22) de Broglie's soliton model was dis ussed in the works [4(cid:21)6℄.In these papers it was shown that in the framework of the soliton model all quantum postulates were regained at the limit of point parti les so that from the physi al fields one an build the amplitude of probability and the average an be al ulated as a s alar produ t in the Hilbert spa e by introdu ing the orresponding quantum operators (11) for observables. The fundamental role of the gravitational field in the de Broglie (cid:22) Einstein solitonian s heme was dis ussed in [6,9℄. The soliton model of the hydrogen atom was developped in [10,11℄. Ψ N As a result we obtain the sto hasti realization (9) of the wave fun tion whi h an be onsidered as an element of the random Hilbert spa e Hrand with the s alar produ t (ψ ,ψ ) = E(ψ∗ψ ), 1 2 1 2 (12) E with standing for the expe tation value. As a rude simplifi ation one an admit that the averaging in (12) is taken over random hara teristi s of parti les (cid:22) solitons, su h as their positions, velo ities, phases, and so on. It is important to underline on e more that the orresponden e with the standard quantum me hani s is retained only in the point (cid:21) N 0 parti le limit (△∨ ≫ ∨ )Nfor →Ψ∞(.t,Txo) show this [4,5℄ one an apply the entral limit N theorem stating that for → ∞ behaves as the Gaussian random field with the varian e σ2 = ρ(t,x), x R3n, ∈ (13) ρ(t,x) Rwh3nere stands for the probability density (partition fun tion) of solitons' enters in . Random Hilbert spa es being widely exploited in mathemati al statisti s [12℄, for quan- tum appli ations they were first used by N. Wiener in [13,14℄. To illustrate the line of Wiener's argument, we re all the general s heme of introdu ing various representations in quantumψme hani s. Aˆ Let | i beσa(sAˆta)te ve tor inathe Hilbert spa e H and be a self- onjugate operator with the spe trum . Then the (cid:21) representation is given by the wave fun tion ψ(a) = aψ , i | i where Aˆa = aa , a σ(Aˆ). | i | i ∈ q In parti ular, the famous S hr(cid:4)odinger oordinate (cid:21) representation is given by the wave fun tion ψ(q) = q ψ = q n n ψ , i | i i | ii | i (14) Xn n with | i being some omplete set of state ve tors in H. 4 x(s,α) [0,1] s Wiener onsidered the real Brownian pro ess in the interval ∋ , where α [0,1] ∈ is the generalized number of the Brownian traje tory and the orrelator reads 1 ′ ′ dαx(s,α)x(s,α) = min(s,s). Z (15) 0 To obtain the quantum me hani al des ription, Wiener defined the omplex Brownian pro ess 1 z(s α,β) = [x(s,α)+ßy(s,β)];α, β [0,1], | √2 ∈ (16) R3 [0,1] R3 andusingthenaturalmapping → , fortheparti lein , onstru tedthesto hasti representation of the wave fun tion along similar lines as in (14): α,β ψ = dz(s α,β)ψ(s), h | i Z | (17) s∈[0,1] with the obvious unitarity property 1 ds ψ(s)2 = dαdβ α,β ψ 2 Z | | ZZ |i | i| 0 [0,1]2 stemming from (15). 3 Sto hasti qubits and solitons Now we intend to explain how sto hasti qubits (quantum bits) ould be introdu ed in the Φ j j solitonian s hemen. To this end one should dϕe(fki)n(er)the random phase for the - th trial in our system of solitons (cid:22) parti les. Let denote the standard (etalon) profile for k d(k)(t) k j the - th soliton. The most probable position j of the - th soliton's enter in - th trial an be found from the following variational problem: d3xϕ∗(k)(t,r)ϕ(k) r d(k) max, (cid:12)(cid:12)Z j (cid:16) − j (cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:12) → (18) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) thus giving the random phase stru ture: n Φ = d3xϕ∗(k)(t,r)ϕ(k) r d(k) . j kX=1 arg Z j (cid:16) − j (cid:17) (19) The random phase (19) an be used for simulating quantum omputing via generating M the following random di hotomi fun tions: f (θ ) = [cos(Φ +θ )], s = 1,M, s s j s sign (20) 5 θ s with being arbitrary fixed phases. Now re all that the quantum bit (qubit) is identified with the state ve tor ψ = α0 +β 1 , | i | i | i 0 1 orresponding to the superposition of two orthogonal states | i and | i, as for instan e, 1/2 two polarizations of the photon, or two possible - spin states. Using the well-known 1/2 quantum expression for - spin orrelation in a singlet state of two parti les (the latter being a typi al entanglement state): E(σ σ ) = (ab), a = b = 1, a b − | | | | (21) n = 2 one an ompare it with the random phases orrelation for the ase of parti les [15℄: 2 E(f f )= 1 θ , 1 2 − π|△ | (22) θ = θ θ 1 2 where △ − . The similarity of these two fun tions (21) and (22) of the angular M variable seems to be a good motivation for the qubits simulation by the di hotomi random fun tions (20), popularized in the paper [15℄. In on lusion we express the hope that the random solitons realization of the wave fun tion ould be effe tively used for quantum omputing simulation. Referen es [1℄ de Broglie L. Les In ertitudes d'Heisenberg et l'Interpr(cid:1)etation Probabiliste de la M(cid:1)e anique Ondulatoire. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1982; Mos ow: Mir, 1986.- 342 p. [2℄ Einstein A. Colle tion of S ientifi Works. Mos ow: Nauka, vol. 4. 1967. - 600 p. [3℄ Rybakov Yu. P. 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Sto hasti Gravitational Fields and Quantum Corre- lations // Bulletin of PFU. Physi s. 2002, No. 10(1). Pp. 5 - 7. [10℄ Rybakov Yu. P., Saha B. Soliton Model of Atom // Found. of Physi s. 1995, vol. 25, No. 12. Pp. 1723 - 1731. [11℄ Rybakov Yu. P., Saha B. Intera tion of a Charged 3D Soliton with a Coulomb Center // Phys. Lett., Ser. A, 1996, vol. 222, No. 1. Pp. 5 - 13. [12℄ Taldykin A. T. Ve tor Fun tions and Equations. Leningrad: LGU, 1977.- 352 p. [13℄ Wiener N. Differential Spa e // JMP, 1923, vol. 2, No. 3. Pp. 131 - 174. [14℄ Wiener N.Nonlinear ProblemsinRandomTheory.N.Y.: MIT,1958; Mos ow: Inostr. Liter., 1961.- 160 p. [15℄ Evdokimov N. V., Klyshko D. N., Komolov V. P., Yaro hkin V. A. Bell's Inequalities and EPR (cid:22) Bohm Correlations: A Working Classi al Radio Model // Progress in Physi s (Russia), 1996, vol. 166, No. 1. Pp. 91 - 107. 7

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