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Random Matrices and Chaos in Nuclear Spectra T. Papenbrock1,2 and H. A. Weidenm¨uller3 1Departmentof Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA 2Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA 3Max–Planck–Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, D-69029 Heidelberg, Germany We speak of chaos in quantum systems if the statistical properties of the eigenvalue spectrum coincide with predictions of random–matrix theory. Chaos is a typical feature of atomic nuclei andotherself–boundFermisystems. Howcantheexistenceofchaosbereconciledwiththeknown dynamicalfeaturesofsphericalnuclei? Suchnucleiaredescribedbytheshellmodel(amean–field theory)plusaresidualinteraction. Weapproachthequestionbyusingastatisticalapproach(the two–body random ensemble): The matrix elements of the residual interaction are taken to be randomvariables. Weshowthatchaosisagenericfeatureoftheensembleanddisplaysomeofits properties, emphasizing those which differ from standard random–matrix theory. In particular, wedisplaytheexistenceofcorrelationsamongspectracarryingdifferentquantumnumbers. These 7 aresubjecttoexperimental verification. 0 0 2 PACSnumbers: 21.60.Cs,24.60.Lz,21.10.Hw,24.60.Ky n a J I. RANDOM MATRICES AND CHAOS 0 3 A. Introduction 1 v 2 This paper contains a colloquium talk on the appli- 9 cation of random matrices to nuclear spectroscopy. We 0 discusstheoriginofrandom–matrixtheory(RMT),some 1 of its predictions, and its relation to classical chaos. We 0 7 show that the predictions of RMT often agree very well 0 withspectroscopicdatainnuclei. Inthemainpartofthe / paper, we address the question: How can this success of h RMT be reconciled with our knowledge of the dynami- t - cal behavior of nuclei as embodied in the nuclear shell l c model? Although actually formulated for nuclei, we be- u lieve that our argumentsapply likewise in modified form n to other Fermi systems like atoms and molecules. : v i Nearthegroundstate,thespectraofself–boundFermi X systems are essentially discrete. As an example, Fig. 1 r shows the measured spectrum of the nucleus 19O. Up a to the threshold for decay into a neutron (n) and 18O (the“neutronthreshold”)atanexcitationenergyof3.957 MeV, the levels shown decay only by gamma emission; the ground state is unstable against beta decay. The long lifetimes of these decay modes render the levels virtually discrete. Above neutron threshold, the levels acquire finite particle decay widths (which typically are much larger than those for beta and gamma decay) and are also seen as resonances in cross sections (like in the FIG. 1 Thespectrum of 190. Taken from Ref. (1). one for the reaction n + 18O). The levels in Fig. 1 carry quantum numbers which reflect symmetries of the nu- clearHamiltonian: TotalspinJ correspondstorotational invariance, total isospin T to proton–neutron symme- B. Regular Motion try, parity P to mirror reflection symmetry. In heavy nuclei, the Coulomb interaction between protons breaks The excitation energies and widths for beta, gamma, the isospin quantum number. In its general appearance, andparticledecayofthelevelsfoundexperimentallycan Fig. 1 is representative not only for nuclei but also for often be successfully described in terms of simple inte- atoms, molecules, and atomic clusters. grable dynamical models. In analogy to classical me- 2 chanics, we then speak of regular motion. A striking ex- The first evidence for chaotic motion in nuclei came ample is furnished by the existence of rotational bands. from spectroscopic data on levels at neutron threshold, These are characterized by a spin/parity JP sequence i.e., rather far from the ground state. In general, it is 0+,2+,4+,... and excitation energies proportional to exceedingly difficult to unambiguously identify the posi- J(J +1). They correspond to a rotation of the entire tions, spins, and parities of such levels. Neutron time– (non–spherical) nucleus about some axis. Fig. 2 shows of–flight spectroscopy offers the unique opportunity to twosuchbandsinthenucleus174Hf. Anotherexamplefor acquire precise spectroscopic information in a range of regular motion is provided by the independent–particle excitationenergieswhichisotherwisevirtuallyinaccessi- model: nucleonsmoveindependentlyinthemeanfieldof ble. The neutron threshold in medium–mass and heavy thenucleus. Thismodelcorrespondstothemostelemen- nuclei typically occurs at an excitation energy of 8 to tary version of the nuclear shell model and accounts for 10 MeV (and not at ≈ 4 MeV as in 19O, see Fig. 1). the existence of “magic numbers” for neutrons and pro- Measuring the total cross section for slow neutrons ver- tons(i.e.,numberswhereamajorshellisfilledandwhere sus kinetic energy, one observes resonances. Each of the thenuclearbindingenergyattainsmaxima)aswellasfor resonances corresponds to a nuclear state at an excita- spins and parities of ground states of nuclei differing by tion energy of around 8 or 10 MeV. The ground states one unit in proton or neutron number from closed–shell of even–even nuclei have spin/parity 0+. Slow neutrons nuclei. We discussthe nuclearshellmodelinmoredetail carry angular momentum zero and have spin 1/2. For in the next Section. even–even target nuclei, the states seen, therefore, all have spin/parity 1/2+. We show here not the earliest but some of the best data. In the 1970s, the Columbia grouparoundRainwatermeasuredtime–of–flightspectra of slow neutrons scattered on a number of heavy nuclei. For each target nucleus, they observed a sequence of up to2001/2+ levels. (Thatnumberwaslimitedbytheres- olutionof the time–of–flightspectrometer.) Fig.3 shows their data for the total neutron scattering cross section on 238U versus neutron energy. We see a number of very narrow resonances (widths typically smaller than 1 eV) withtypicalspacingsof10eV.Theenergiesoftheassoci- atedlevelsweredeterminedwiththehelpofanR–matrix multi–level analysis (3). FIG. 2 Rotational bandsin 174Hf. Taken from Ref. (2). FIG.3 Total cross section for scattering of neutronsby238U C. Non–regular Motion versusneutron energy. Taken from Ref. (4). Theemphasisinthispaperisonchaoticmotioninnu- Already in the 1930s, similar data (of much inferior clei. The previous Subsection serves as a reminder that quality) had led N. Bohr to formulate his “compound there is strong evidence for regular motion in nuclei, es- nucleus hypothesis” (5). Bohr argued that the existence peciallyinthe vicinityofthe groundstate. We nowturn of narrowly spaced narrow resonances is incompatible totheequallystrongevidenceforchaoticmotion. Weput withindependent–particlemotioninthenucleus. Indeed, the argument in the form of a semi–historical narrative simple estimates using a central potential yield single– which will occupy the remainder of this Subsection. particle s–wave level spacings around 1 MeV (and not 3 10 eV as shown in Fig. 3), and s–wave decay widths for time–reversalinvariant. Therefore, we can choose a rep- neutron–instable states of around 100 keV (and not < resentation where H is real and symmetric. There are µν 1 eV as shown in Fig. 3). Bohr argued that the exis- no further symmetries beyond rotational symmetry and tenceofsuchnarrowresonancescouldnotbeunderstood parity. Nowcomesthedecisiveandunusualstep: Rather without assuming strong interactions between the inci- thanconsideringtheindividualHamiltonianoftheactual dent neutron and the nucleons in the target. A wooden physical system, we study an entire ensemble of Hamil- toymodel(showninFig.4)wastodemonstratethisidea tonians all having the same symmetry. It turns out that of the compound nucleus. The billiard balls represent whilewecannotmakegenericstatementsabouttheindi- nucleons, the queue indicates the kinetic energy of the vidual Hamiltonian, such statements are possible about incident neutron, and the trough simulates the attrac- almost all members of the ensemble. tive mean field. Since the publication of N. Bohr’s 1937 Theensembleisdefinedinsuchawaythatitcombines paper and until the discovery of the nuclear shell model generality with the symmetry of H: It consists of real in 1949, the idea of independent–particle motion in the and symmetric matrices. To avoid a preferred direction nucleus was virtually inacceptable in the nuclear physics in Hilbert space, it is chosen to be invariant under those community. And as we shall see, understanding chaos in transformationsinHilbertspacewhichpreservethesym- nucleiisalmostsynonymoustoreconcilingN.Bohr’sidea metry of H. These are the orthogonal transformations. of the compound nucleus with the nuclear shell model. The ensembleisdefined interms ofa probabilitydensity in matrix space. That density has the form N trace(H2) Cexp − dH (1) (cid:18) λ2 (cid:19) µν µY≤ν Thelastfactoristheproductofthedifferentialsofthein- dependent matrix elements. That factor is orthogonally invariant,andsoisthe traceofH2 inthe exponent. The Gaussian factor is introduced because a cutoff is needed torendertheintegralsovermatrixspaceconvergent. The ensembleis characterizedbya singleparameterλ, which has the dimension of energy. This parameter determines the mean level spacing of the ensemble, i.e., the mean FIG. 4 Wooden toy model simulating N. Bohr’s compound value of the distance between two neighboring eigenval- nucleus. Taken from Ref. (6). ues. Wewillbeinterestedinthefluctuationsofthespac- ings of neighboring levels around that mean value, and in the correlations between spacings of different pairs of neighboringlevels. Thesearecharacterizedbycertainlo- D. Random Matrices calfluctuationmeasureswhichareintroducedbelow. All measures depend on the level spacing expressed in units When Wigner (7) introduced random matrices into of the mean level spacing and are, therefore, indepen- physics, he did not refer explicitly to N. Bohr’s 1937 dent of the parameter λ and altogether parameter–free. paper (5). Nevertheless we believe that his work was The factor C is a normalization factor. The factor N motivated by and can be seen as the mathematical for- in the exponent (with N the matrix dimension) guaran- mulationoftheideaofthecompoundnucleus. Itisnote- tees that the spectrum has finite range. Expression (1) worthythattheworkstartedin1951,twoyearsafterthe defines the Gaussianorthogonalensemble (GOE)ofran- discovery of the shell model. dom matrices. Dyson (8) showed that there are three How can one deal with a situation where the con- canonical random–matrix ensembles defined by symme- stituents of a quantum system interact strongly? We try: the GOE, the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) supposethatwedealwithanon–integrablesystemwith- (fortime–reversalnon–invariantsystems),andtheGaus- outremainingsymmetries. Bythatwemeanthatextant sian symplectic ensemble (GSE) (for systems with half– symmetries of the Hamiltonian like total spin and par- integer spin which are not rotationally invariant). GUE, ity have been taken into account; the Hamiltonian has GOE, and GSE carry the Dyson parameters β = 1,2, block–diagonalform;theindividualblocksarefreeoffur- and 4, respectively. thersymmetries;wefocusattentionononesuchblockto WhilethesymmetryoftheHamiltonianand,thus,the which we refer for simplicity as the Hamiltonian. Is it formoftheinvariantmeasureinexpression(1)isdictated possible to make generic statements about the spectrum byquantummechanics,thechoiceoftheGaussiancutoff andeigenvaluesofsucha system? FollowingWigner(7), is arbitrary and dictated by convenience. It has been weconsiderthe matrixrepresentationH ofthe Hamil- shown, however, that an entire class of different choices µν tonianinHilbertspace. Hereµ,ν =1,...,N andN ≫1 (like, for instance, taking the trace of the fourth power (weletN →∞attheendofthecalculation). Nucleiare of H in the exponent) yields the same results for the 4 local fluctuation measures. This important property is referredto asuniversalityof the ensemble. It guarantees thatthelocalfluctuationmeasurespredictedbytheGOE are generic. 1.2 Random–matrix theory (RMT) only predicts ensem- bleaveragesofobservables(calculatedbyintegratingthe observable over the ensemble (1)). But experimentally, 0.8 we always deal with a single Hamiltonian, not an en- ) s semble. The applicability of RMT to a single system is ( guaranteed by the property of ergodicity: For almost all p members of the ensemble, the ensemble average of an 0.4 observable (as given by RMT) is equal to the running average of that observable taken over the spectrum of a single member. Ergodicity guarantees that the quan- 0.0 titative and parameter–free predictions of RMT can be meaningfully compared with experimental data. 0 1 2 3 s E. Fluctuation Measures The two fluctuation measures most frequently em- FIG.5 Thenearest–neighbor spacing distribution P (s) ver- β ployed in analyzing data are the nearest–neighbor spac- suss,theactualspacinginunitsofthemeanlevelspacing,for ing (NNS) distribution and the Dyson–Mehta or ∆3 thethree canonical ensembles with β =1,2,4 (solid, dashed, statistic. Fig. 5 gives the NNS distribution P (s), i.e., anddottedlines). β =2correspondstotheGOE.Takenfrom β the probabilitydistributionofspacings,versuss (the ac- Ref. (9). tual spacing of two neighboring eigenvalues in units of their mean spacing) for Dyson’s three canonical ensem- bles. The distributions are characterized by level repul- dom numbers from the Gaussian distribution (1). Thus, sion at short distances (P (s) ∝ sβ for small s) and a it would be useless to apply spectroscopic analyses to β Gaussian falloff for large s. We note that if the sys- such a spectrum. Put differently, a GOE Hamiltonian tem were integrable, all eigenvalues would carry differ- hasN(N+1)/2independentmatrix elements. Counting ent quantum numbers, and level repulsion were absent. shows that we need to measure all N eigenvalues and all The ∆3 statistic measures correlations between eigen- N eigenfunctionstoreconstructH. Thisisverydifferent value spacings. Let N(E) denote the total number of for typical dynamical systems where the Hamiltonian is levels below energy E. Clearly N(E) is a step function known except for a small number of parameters. which increases by one unit as E passes an eigenvalue. The ∆3 statistic measures how well N(E) is on average approximated by a straight line. It is defined by F. Quantum Chaos ∆3(L)= mina,b1 E0+L N(E′)−aE′−b 2dE′ . Suppose the fluctuation measures of an experimen- (cid:28) LZ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:29) tal spectrum agree with GOE predictions. What does E0 E0 (2) such a result imply physically? The understanding of Minimizationwithrespecttoaandbdeterminesthebest this question was much advanced by the study of few– straight line. The angular brackets denote an average degrees–of–freedom quantum systems which are chaotic over the initial energy E0 and over the ensemble. All intheclassicallimit. Thedevelopmentculminatedinthe energiesareinunitsofthemeanlevelspacing,and∆3(L) Bohigas–Giannoni–Schmit conjecture (10). It says: The is, therefore,parameter free. If the spacings were totally spectralfluctuationproperties ofaquantumsystemwhich uncorrelated, then ∆3 would be linear in L. It would is chaotic in the classical limit, coincide with those of growmuchlessfastwithLifthespacingswerecorrelated thecanonical random–matrix ensemble that has the same insuchawaythatalargespacingisalwaysfollowedbya symmetry. TheauthorsofRef.(10)supportedtheircon- small one and vice versa. The actual behavior of ∆3(L) jecture by calculating numerically the NNS distribution isshownasasolidlineinFig.7: ∆3(L)growsessentially andthe∆3 statisticfortheSinaibilliard,asystemwhich logarithmically with L. This property is referred to as istime–reversalinvariantandfullychaoticintheclassical the “stiffness” of RMT spectra. limit,andcomparingtheresultwiththeGOEprediction. For our later discussion, it is important to note that This is shown in Figs. 6 and 7. a GOE spectrum does not carry any information con- AgreementliketheoneshowninFigs.6and7hassince tent beyond the mean level spacing. This is obvious beenfoundinmanyotherchaoticsystems. Moreover,an since any realization of H is obtained by drawing ran- analyticalproofoftheBohigas–Giannoni–Schmitconjec- 5 isduetothefactthattheinnercircleandtheouterrect- anglepossessincommensurate symmetries. In contradis- tinction,the atomicnucleusisamany–bodysystem. We will show that in such a system, the dynamical features which cause chaos are distinctly different from the ones which cause chaos in few–degrees–of–freedomsystems. G. Chaos in Nuclei Nowweareinthepositiontoreturntothedatashown in Fig. 3. Combining the information onthe excited lev- els in 239U obtained from these data with that of many similar experiments on the scattering of slow neutrons and of protons at the Coulomb barrier by other nuclei, Haq,Pandey,andBohigas(13)formedthe“nucleardata ensemble”. Itconsistsof1726spacings. Thesewereused FIG. 6 The NNS distribution for the Sinai billiard (his- togram) and the GOE prediction (solid line). Taken from to determine the NNS distribution and the ∆3 statistic. Ref. (10). TheresultsareshowninFigs.8and9. Thesolidlinesla- beled“Poisson”correspondtototallyuncorrelatedlevels and,thus,tointegrablesystems. Theagreementwiththe GOE prediction is impressive. We conclude that at neu- tron threshold (and at the Coulomb barrier for protons) nuclei display chaotic motion. The deep physical insight of N. Bohr, who conceived the idea of the compound nucleus and who designed the wooden model of Fig. 4, is borne out by the data: Idealized models of billiards are prime examples of chaotic motion, and nuclear lev- els at neutron threshold display chaotic behavior. Since 1983, there has been growing evidence for chaotic mo- tion in nuclei also at lower excitation energies, although the statistics of such data is usually not as good as near neutron threshold. FIG. 7 The ∆3 for the Sinai billiard (histogram) and the GOE prediction (solid line). Taken from Ref. (10). ture has recently been published (11). That proof uses thesemiclassicalapproximationandgenericpropertiesof chaotic trajectories. We are, thus, led to consider agree- ment between the spectralfluctuations ofa physicalsys- temandRMT predictionsasasignalforchaoticmotion. FIG. 8 The NNS distribution for the nuclear data ensemble It is in that sense that we will use the word chaos also (histogram)andtheGOEprediction(solidline). Takenfrom in nuclei. This is done with a caveat: The semiclassi- Ref. (13). cal proof in Ref. (11) is not applicable directly to nuclei because nucleiare too dense to admit a semiclassicalap- In conclusion, there is strong evidence for chaotic mo- proximation. tion in nuclei. How can this evidence be reconciled with Quantum chaos has been studied intensely during the the extant information on nuclear dynamics (the shell last 20 years or so (12). These studies have focused model)? And – given the fact that GOE spectra carry mainly on dynamical systems with few degrees of free- zero information content beyond the mean level spacing dom. The Sinai billiard is a prime example. Here chaos – which is the information content of nuclear spectra in 6 titative agreementwith experimentalspectra. Again, we will confine ourselves for simplicity to two–body forces. FIG. 9 The ∆3 for the nuclear data ensemble (data points) and the GOEprediction (solid line). Taken from Ref. (13). the regime of chaotic motion? These are the questions we address in the remainder of this paper. II. DYNAMICAL ASPECTS FIG. 10 Level sequence in the nuclear shell model. Taken from Ref. (14). A. Chaos in the Nuclear Shell Model The shell model is the universal model for the struc- The Hamiltonian of the shell model is ture of atoms and nuclei. In nuclei, it consists of a cen- 2 tralpotentialU withastrongspin–orbitinteraction(the ¯h H = − ∆ +U(~r ) + V(~r ,~r ) . (3) α α α β “mean field”) and a fairly weak “residualinteraction” V (cid:18) 2m (cid:19) Xα αX<β which accounts for the remaining part of the nucleon– nucleon interaction. The central potential U defines the Here,~r denotesthecoordinatesandspin/isospindegrees α majorshellsshowninFig.10: The1s–shell,the1p–shell, of freedom of the nucleon labeled α. The single–particle the 2s1d–shell, etc. in spectroscopic notation, the latter part of H has eigenstates |ji and eigenvalues ε . We use j with the subshells s , d and d where the indices 1/2 3/2 5/2 second quantization and write H as denote the nucleon spin. The subshells have different single–particle energies and the states within a major 1 H = ε a†a + v(ij;kl)a†a†a a . (4) shell are, therefore, not totally degenerate. Still, large j j j 4 i j l k degeneracies remain when the shell contains more than Xj Xijkl a single nucleon. These degeneracies are lifted by the residualinteractionV. Thatinteractionconservesparity Here,a†createsanucleoninasingle-particlestatej. The j andisrotationallyinvariantandinvariantundertimere- two–bodymatrixelementsv(ij;kl)representtheresidual versal. Itisweakinthe sensethatitproducesconfigura- interaction. In writing Eq. (4) we have not paid atten- tionmixingprimarilywithinthesamemajorshell. More tiontoconservedquantumnumberslikespinandisospin. precisely: The magnitude of a typical matrix element is Thiswasdoneinordertokeepthenotationsimple. More small compared with the spacing of the centroids of ad- details concerning this aspect are given in Section II.B. jacentmajorshellsbutcomparablewiththatofadjacent In the shell model it is assumedthat allshells but one subshells in the same major shell. In all that follows we arecompletelyfilled,andattentionisfocusedonthatlast will, therefore, consider only a single major shell. And shell (the “valence shell”). Distributing the valence nu- the residualinteractionis predominantly a two–bodyin- cleonsoverthe varioussubshells inthe valence shell, one teraction, V = V(~r ,~r ) although there is evi- constructs a basis of antisymmetrizedmany–body states α<β α β dence that three–Pbody forcesareneeded to obtainquan- |Jµi. We use a short–hand notation where J stands for 7 total spin, total isospin, and parity, while µ is a running index. These are used to calculate the matrix elements H (J)=hJµ|H|Jνi (5) µν of the Hamiltonian (4) in the subspace with quantum numbers J. Diagonalization of H (J) yields the eigen- µν values and eigenfunctions. The latter are used to calcu- late varioustransitionmatrixelements. This schemehas beenusedwithconsiderablesuccessinmanypartsofthe periodic table. Exceptions are mainly deformed nuclei which occur in the middle between large major shells. When we refer to Eq. (4) in the text further below, we always do so with the understanding that that equation refers to the valence shell only. In the sequel we focus attention to the 2s1d–shell (in short: the sd–shell). The 1s–shell and the 1p–shell are filled,takingatotalof16nucleons. Thus,thesd–shellde- scribesnucleiwithmassnumbersbetween16(O)and40 (Ca). We do so for practical reasons: The dimensions of the Hamiltonian matrices in the sd–shell are quite man- FIG.11 NNSspacingdistributionfortheJ =2,T =0states ageable (maximal dimensions are of the order of 103) of 12 nucleons in the sd–shell (histogram) compared to the while much larger numbers occur in higher shells. We GOE (line). Taken from Ref. (15). sometimesconsideralsoasinglej–shellwithhalf–integer j. Althoughnotrealisticintheframeworkofthe nuclear shellmodel,thisidealizationisusefulforpurposesofori- entation. Which are the fluctuation properties of the resulting spectra? That question was studied, for instance, in Ref. (15). The authors used standard single–particle en- ergies and a standard two–body residual interaction to calculate the positions of the states with spin J = 2 and isospin T = 0 for 12 nucleons in the sd–shell. The matrix dimension is 874. In Figs. 11 and 12, the NNS spacing distribution and the ∆3 statistic for these lev- els are compared with GOE predictions. The agreement is very good. (It would be desirable to confirm this re- sult experimentally. Unfortunately, the data needed are not available: There is no more than a handful of lev- els known for each value of spin and isospin; such levels cluster in the vicinity of the ground state). In Ref. (15) numerous further results (on thermodynamic properties, on the statistics of eigenfunctions etc.) were described. While it was found that the input used in shell–model calculations (the distribution of many–body matrix el- ements) differs from that used in the GOE, the results FIG.12 ∆3statisticfortheJ =2,T =0statesof12nucleons in the sd–shell (data points) compared to the GOE (solid agree to a very large extent with GOE predictions. line). Taken from Ref. (15). The result displayed in Figs. 11 and 12 and the other results obtained onchaosin shell–model calculationsare surprising and call for a deeper analysis. Indeed, the Hamiltonian of the shell model is quite different from spectroscopic data on low–lying states. The questions a GOE matrix. And yet, it is able to produce GOE– raised at the end of Subsection I.G must, therefore, be like spectral fluctuations! It does not seem unreasonable reformulatedasfollows: AretheresultsshowninFigs.11 to speculate that the shell model would also be able to and 12 a generic property of the shell model or are they account for the GOE–like spectral fluctuations shown in due to very special circumstances? In other words: How Figs.8and9(thiscannotbecheckedbecauseofthehuge is chaos produced in the shell model? And what is the dimensions of the matrices involved). At the same time, information content of shell–model spectra? A further the shellmodelaccountswellforsomeofthe regularfea- question would be: How does the shell model manage to tures observed experimentally like magic numbers and produce both regularity and chaos? We will not address 8 that last question. Suffice it to say that regularity is the matrix element v(α). The matrices C (J,α) repre- µν mostlyseenwhenweconsiderstateswithdifferentquan- sentthegeometryandsymmetriesoftheshellmodeland tumnumberslikeinFig.2,whilechaosismanifestinlong are generic in the sense that they are independent of the sequences of states carrying identical quantum numbers. actual choice of the residual interaction. The seemingly The way we use them here, regularity and chaos are not trivial Eq. (6) actually contains very useful information neccessarily contradictory concepts. about chaos in the shell model. Toanswerthequestion“Howdoestheresidualinterac- tioncausechaos?” inthemostgeneralterms,wewishto studytheHamiltonian(6)forthemostgeneraltwo–body B. Two–body Random Ensemble (TBRE) interaction. This is accomplished by assuming that the elementsv(α)ofthetwo–bodyinteractionareGaussian– Toanswerthesequestions,itisneccessarytogosome- distributed random variables with mean value zero and whatmoredeeplyintothe detailsofshell–modelcalcula- a common second moment. The value of that moment tions. The single–particle states in the shell model carry is irrelevant since it determines only the overall scale of the half–integer spin quantum number j. The two–body the spectrum. With this assumption, the matrices (6) interaction scatters a pair of nucleons in states (j1,j2) form an ensemble of Gaussian–distributed random ma- into states (j3,j4) which may or may not be identical to trices. This is the two–body random ensemble (TBRE) (j1,j2). The two–body interaction conserves total spin, of the shell model originally introduced in the 1970s by total isospin, and parity. Coupling the initial and the fi- French and Wong (16) and by Bohigas and Flores (17). nalpairofstatestototalspins(andsuppressingtheanal- The TBRE is tailored to the shell model and, therefore, ogouscouplingforisospinforsimplicity),wewritethean- much more realistic than the GOE. The ensemble be- tisymmetrized reduced matrix elements of the two–body ing defined in terms of an integration over the Gaussian interaction in the form hj3j4s|V|j1j2si or, more simply, variables v(α), statements derived by averagingover the as v(α) where the index α labels different two-body ma- ensemble hold for all members of the ensemble with the trixelements. (Theword“different”referstomatrixele- exception of a set of measure zero with respect to that mentsnotconnectedbysymmetryproperties.) Counting integration measure. (which must include spin and isospin) shows that in the sd–shell, α ranges from 1 to 63, and in a single j–shell Within the TBRE, the v(α) play a minor role only: with half–integer j, from 1 to j+1/2. They determine the specific linear combination of the matrices C (J,α) which forms the Hamiltonian. If the Chaos has to do with the complete mixing of states in µν Hamiltonian causes chaos for almost all choices of the Hilbert space. How does the residual interaction accom- v(α), that property must be inherent in the matrices plish such mixing? We focus attention on the two–body C (J,α). Therefore, an analytic theory has to address interaction and assume that all subshells belonging to a µν these matrices as the fundamental building blocks of the major shell are degenerate. (It is intuitively obvious and TBRE. Unfortunately, such a theory is in its infancy has been shown numerically that the mixing of shell– as yet. An analytically more accesible ensemble is pro- model states becomes weaker as the differences between vided by the embedded Gaussian orthogonal ensemble single–particle energies of subshells become comparable EGOE(k) (18). This is defined as a random matrix tothemagnitudesofthev(α).) We accordinglyomitthe ensemble of m Fermions occupying l degenerate single– single–particleenergiesinEq.(4)altogether. TheHamil- particlelevelswithGaussian–distributedrandomk-body tonian H of Eq. (5) is then completely determined by µν interactionmatrixelements,butassumesnofurthersym- the two–body interaction in Eq. (4). Thus, it has the metries like spin and isospin. For k = m, the EGOE(k) form becomestheGOE,andfork =2,itbecomestheanalogue of the TBRE without quantum numbers. For recent re- H (J)= v(α) C (J,α) . (6) µν µν views, we refer the readerto Refs. (19; 20). Less is kown Xα for the TBRE. In the sequel, we describe some insights The sum over α is equivalent to the sum over {ijkl} in that have been gained over the last few years. Eq. (4). Each term in the sum in Eq. (6) is the prod- uct of two contributions. The v(α) stand for the matrix elements denoted by v(ij;kl) in Eq. (4) (except that we C. Comparison GOE–TBRE have now paid proper attention to the coupling of angu- lar momenta) and represent the specific features of the The GOE has three important properties: It is in- two–body interaction. Except for angular momentum variant under orthogonal transformations (hence, ana- coupling coefficients, the elements of the coefficient ma- lytically tractable), it is universal,andit is ergodic. The trices Cµν(J,α) are the matrix elements of the operators TBRE probably does not share any of these properties. a†a†a a in Eq. (4). These matrices are determined by ThesetofmatricesC (J,α)isfixed. Aunitarytransfor- i j l k µν themajorshellwearein,bythecouplingschemewehave mation of all matrices generates another representation chosen to construct the states |Jµi, and by the specific of the ensemble but not another member of the ensem- two–body interaction operator labeled α which defines ble. Therefore, the TBRE is not unitarily invariant. It 9 is not clear how a non–Gaussiandistribution of the v(α) bers of not more than two single–particle states, that wouldaffectspectralfluctuationpropertiesoftheTBRE. fact makes sure that the matrices C (J,α) are densely µν In the case of the GOE, local fluctuation properties and filled. Moreover, the coefficients in the linear combina- global spectral properties become separated in the limit tionsaredeterminedbyangular–momentumalgebra,i.e., N → ∞. That separation is at the root of universality contain Clebsch–Gordan coefficients, Racah coefficients, (local fluctuation properties do not depend on the form and coefficients of fractional parentage. Although indi- of the distribution of the matrix elements). By defini- viduallydeterminedgroup–theoretically,thesequantities tion, the TBRE is linked to a specific shell; its matrices combine to make the coefficients of the linear combina- have finite dimension. Similarly for ergodicity: For the tions almost random numbers. This stochastic aspect of GOE, that property is proved by showing that correla- the shell model has been emphasized by Zelevinsky and tionfunctionsvanishwithincreasingdistanceoftheiren- collaboratorswhoemployedtheterm“geometricchaotic- ergy arguments. The proof uses the limit N →∞. This ity” (15). limitdoesnotexistintheTBRE.Oneistemptedtoask: Thus, the matrices C (J,α) are dense and their ele- µν Whybother withthe TBRE?The answeris: TheTBRE ments are close to being random. Our qualitative argu- is more realistic than the GOE. Moreover, it might be ment is subject to two caveats. First, the dimension of possible to study the TBRE analytically for the case of the matrices C (J,α) is always finite. Second, the ma- µν a single j–shell and to prove universality and ergodicity trices C (J,α) are not dense everywhere and may have µν in the limit j →∞. a substructure with blocks that are completely empty. Except for the mirror symmetry about the main digo- Consider, for instance, the sd–shell and the two–body nal, every element of a GOE Hamiltonian matrix stands operator α0 which scatters a pair of nucleons in states for an independent random variable. For N ≫ 1, the (d3/2,d3/2) into states (d5/2,d5/2). That operator has numberN(N+1)/2ofsuchvariablesismuchlargerthan vanishingmatrixelementsbetweenallmany–bodystates the matrix dimension N. The number n of independent |Jµi which are constructed by filling only the s1/2 shell randomvariablesinthe TBREis typically smallincom- andthe d3/2 shellwith m nucleons. The samestatement parisonwiththematrixdimension. Forthecaseofasin- applies to the matrix Cµν(J,α0). gle j–shell, n growslinearly with j while the typical ma- trix dimension grows exponentially with j. In the GOE, the analogues of the matrices C (J,α) exist. These are III. PROPERTIES OF THE TBRE µν the N(N +1)/2 matrices G which either have a unit µ element somewhere in the main diagonal and zeros ev- In this Section we display several properties of the erywhere else, or have a unit element somewhere above TBRE which are either fundamentally different from the main diagonal,its mirrorimage below, andzeros ev- those of the GOE or have no counterpart in the lat- erywhere else. The set {G } forms a complete basis for ter. The material in this Section is largely taken from µ real and symmetric matrices. In contradistinction, the Refs. (21; 22; 23). The numerical examples are all ob- matrices C (J,α) do not form such a complete set. To tained in the sd–shell or in a single j–shell. µν be sure, every matrix C (J,α) may be thought of as a µν linear combination of the G . But the number of matri- µ cesC (J,α)istypicallymuchsmallerthanN(N+1)/2. µν A. How the matrices Cµν(J,α) mix the states Therefore,many otherlinear combinationsoftheG ex- µ ist which are linearly independent of the C (J,α) and µν The sd–shell has subshells s1/2,d5/2,d3/2. Let ni with which do not occur in the TBRE. The TBRE may be i = 1,2,3 denote the occupation numbers of these three negatively defined by constraining all such linear combi- subshells, and m = n the total number of nucleons i i nations to be zero. inthe sd–shell. ThePmany–bodybasisstates|Jµicanbe We are going to present evidence that the matrices ordered in blocks with fixed values of {n1,n2,n3}. For C (J,α)aretheagentswhichcausechaosintheTBRE. m=12thereexist41suchpartitions. Thetwo–bodyma- µν In anticipation of this result, we give a qualitative argu- trixelementsv(α)belongtooneofthreeclasses: (i)They ment why every matrix Cµν(J,α) may be thought of as leave the partition unchanged so that {n1,n2,n3} → a single representation of the GOE. In constructing the {n1,n2,n3} (28 two–body matrix elements); (ii) they many–body basis states |Jµi, we may proceed as fol- change the partition by moving one nucleon from one lows. We form Slater determinants by distributing m subshell to another while leaving the second nucleon in nucleons over the single–particle states of a major shell. itssubshellsothat{n1,n2,n3}→{n1+1,n2−1,n3}etc. Theseareantisymmetricbyconstructionbutdonotpos- (22two–bodymatrixelements);(iii)theychangethepar- sess good quantum numbers J. States with good J are tition by moving both nucleons from one subshell to an- obtained as linear combinations of such Slater determi- othersothat{n1,n2,n3}→{n1−1,n2−1,n3+2}cyclic nants, a typical state |Jµi consisting of a linear combi- or to {n1−2,n2+1,n3+1} cyclic (13 two–body matrix nation of many determinants. Although the two–body elements). The same classification applies to the matri- interaction has non–vanishing matrix elements only be- ces C (J,α) since each of these and the corresponding µν tween determinants that differ in the occupation num- v(α) contain the same two–body operator. Therefore, 10 the C (J,α) acquire block structure. For 12 nucleons that number is 25.2±4.0 (out of a total of 28 matrices). µν coupled to J = 0, T = 0 this is shown in Fig. 13 where Withintheredblocks,mixingisthusverythorough. This the 839 states are ordered according to the sizes of the statementis supportedby anothermeasure(inversepar- blocks to which they belong. ticipation ratios) not shown here. For the green blocks, the corresponding number is 7.2±1.4 (out of a total of 22 matrices) and for the blue blocks, 2.0±0.9 (out of a total of 13 matrices). Similar figures are obtained in the case of a single j–shell. The wealth of available nu- merical data (see, for instance, Figs. 11 and 12) shows that there is chaos for some choices of the v(α). This is notanaccidentalfeaturerelatedtoaparticularchoiceof the residual interaction. Indeed, the numbers just given show that the mixing of states within each of the diag- onal (red) blocks is virtually complete for almost every choice of the residual interaction. This fact ensures that a few non–diagonal matrix elements suffice to also mix different diagonalblocks veryefficiently with eachother. Thus, the seemingly small numbers cited for the green andblueblocksareactuallyquitesufficienttoaccomplish complete mixing of all states, even though some (white) blocks carry zero entries. As a result, we conclude from the structure of the matrices C (J,α) that chaos is a µν generic structural property of the sd–shell. Since other major shells are structurally similar to the sd–shell, we concludethatchaosisgenericintheshellmodelatlarge. FIG. 13 (color online) The block structure of the matrices We formulate this statement with one proviso: We have Cµν(J,α) for m = 12 nucleons in the sd–shell coupled to neglected the differences in the single–particle energies total spin J =0 and total isospin T =0. Red: No change of pertaining to different subshells. In realistic cases, our partition. Green: Changeofpartitionbymovingonenucleon. statementappliesonly ifthe magnitudeofthematrixel- Blue: Change of partition by moving two nucleons. White: ements of the residual interaction is sufficiently large to Thereisnotwo–bodymatrixelementthatconnectsthestates mix different subshells sufficiently strongly. That is the in question. Taken from Ref. (22). case in practice. Theblockstructureisclearlyaconsequenceoftheshell model with its subshells. It is bound to occur in every major shell. The structure is completely absent in the While different subshells are mixed quite thoroughly GOE where the matrices are densely filled. It is clear andchaosisexpectedtoprevailwithineverymajorshell, thatasinglematrixCµν(J,α)cannotmixthestatescom- different major shells do largely retain their identity be- pletely. Suchmixingcanbeaccomplishedonlybyalinear causethemagnitudesofthev(α)aretypicallysmallcom- combinationofmostoralloftheCµν(J,α) asinEq.(6). pared to the spacings of major shells. This is demon- Put differently, it is clear that a single or a few non– stratedbyexperimentalfactsonthebehavioroftheneu- vanishing matrix elements v(α) cannot lead to a com- tron strength function or of spectroscopic factors which plete mixingofthe basisstates,i.e., tochaos. We expect unfortunately cannot be presented and explained in the that we need most or all of the v(α) for that purpose. present framework. This observation illustrates the caveat “with the excep- tion of a set of measure zero” used in Subsection II.B: Putting one or several of the v(α)’s identically equal to zeroreducesthe set{v(α)} to asetofmeasurezerowith We reiteratethe remarkthatthe strongmixing within respecttotheintegrationoverallthevariablesv(α). The a major shell does not preclude the existence of individ- observationalsoshedslightonandreinforcestheconcept ual states at higher excitation energies that can be iden- “geometric chaoticity” (15). Indeed, the mixing is both, tifiedasdistinctmodesofmotionofthenucleus(likethe madepossibleandlimited, bygeometricconstraintsthat giant–dipoleresonances). Deformednucleidisplaycollec- resultfromthecouplingofsingle-particlestatestomany- tivemotionlikerotationalbandsand,intheground–state body states with good quantum numbers. domain, deviations from Wigner–Dyson spectral fluctu- Afewnumbersmayillustratethewayinwhichthema- ations. This last fact has been extensively discussed in tricesC (J,α)filltheirindividualblocks. Asameasure theliterature(seeRef.(24)andreferencestoearlierwork µν for such filling, we use the number of C (J,α) which therein). At this point, it is not clear how such features µν contribute on average to a given matrix element. When can be reconciled with the view of chaos in nuclei pre- the partition is not changed (red blocks in Figure 13), sented in this paper.

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