A brief on the nav elementa nd the rates of Running Allowance for the running staff on the Indian Railwavs. A: Introduction. 1. The RunningA llowanceC ommittee-l980( RAC-1980)h ad recommendeda formula for the calculationo f the rateso f kilometreagea llowancef or the running staff. This formula was being used for the calculation of KMA by the Railway Board from 1981 till the implementationo f the Sixth CPC recommendations.H owever, this formula has not been mentionedi n the Running Allowance Rules- 1981 nor in the EstablishmentC odeAvlanual. As per Rule 906 of IREM, Vol.I, (Annexure-I) the rates of Running Allowance for every 100k m shall be as specifiedb y the competenta uthority from time to time. It meanst hat the mannero f calculationo f the ratesc an be decidedb y the competenta uthority. 2. After successivep ay commissionsa nd finally the Sixth CPC recommendationsth e formulao f RAC-1980h ad becomeim practicald uet o erosioni n the depressiono f pay scales of the running staff, new pay structure,w idening of gap betweene arningso f running staff vis-d-vis non-running staff etc. Therefore, the Railway Board after accepting the recommendationos f a Joint Committee (Consistingo f representativeosf the official and the staff side)d ecidedt o doublet he thene xistingr ateso f KMA/ ALK w.e.f. 01.09.2008. 3. The recognised/ un-recognisedf ederations since then have been clamouring for revision of the ratesa s per the RAC-1980 formula through letters,P NI\,I/JCMf ora, National Industrial Tribunal etc. A relatively detailed background is given in the successive paragraphs. B : Background on the revision of running allowance. 1. On the Indian Railways,t here is a categoryo f staff known as "Running Staf?'ihose performanceo f duty is directly connectedw ith the charge of moving trains. Rules 3(iii)' 3(iv),3(v) and 3(xvi) of "The Rules for the paymento f Running and other Allowancest o the Runnings taff on Railways, 1981" stipulatea s under:- "(iii) "Running duties" means duties directly connected with the movemento f trains and performedb y running staff while employed on moving trains or engines,in cluding shuntinge ngines." (iv) "Runni4g Staff' performing "running duties" shall refer to Railway servantso f the categoriesm entionedb elow: Loco Traffic (a) Drivers including Motormen and (a) Guards Rail Motor Drivers, but excluding Shunters. to'ff;[j:il.:""'0" (b) Shunters. (c) Fireman (including Instructing Firemen, Assistant Electric Drivers on Electric Locos and Diesel Assistants/Drivers Assistant on Diesel locos. (v) ..Running Allowance" meansa n allowanceo rdinarily grantedt o running staff in terms of and at the ratess pecifiedi n theser ules, andlor modified by the CentralG overnmenti n the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) , for the performanceo f duties directly connected with the charge of moving trains and includes a ttKilometreage allowance " and ..Allowance in lieu of Kilometreagett but excludess pecialc ompensatorya llowances." (xvi) (a) 66Stationarpyo sts" referst o all postse xcludingt hoses pecified under item (iv). (b) ..Stationary duties" refers to duties performed other than running dutiess pecifiedu nder item (iii) above." 2. A special feature relating to running staff is that a portion of their emolumentsi s dependentu pon the nature of duties performed and the quantum of work put in by them during the month. The quantum of running allowance earned by the Running staff is determinedm ainly by the actuald istancew orked by them. The basic objective of theser ules is an orientationt owardsb etter performance,s imultaneouslye nsuringt hat the running staff are not preventedf rom earninga reasonablea mounto f running allowancei n a month due to factorsn ot attributablet o them. The highest scaleo f pay admissiblei n the cadreo f running staff to Mail/ExpressD rivers in the III CPC scaleso f pay was { 550-750,t he replacement scaleo f which in the IVth CPC and Vth CPC scaleso f pay was { 1640-2900a nd { 6000- 9800r espectively.I n the 6thC PC scaleso f pay, the replacemenstc alei s t 9300-34800w ith gradep ay < 42001-. 3. The scaleso f pay applicablet o the running staff are deemedt o be depressedm eaning therebyt hat had there beenn o schemeo f running allowances,t he running staff would have been allowed normal scaleso f pay like the other railway employeesa nd would have been eligible for TA/DA. As such,t he running staff earn apart of their pay through the instrument of running allowancea s running allowancei ncludesa portion of the pay, traveling allowance and out-of-pockete xpensesa st heir dutiesg enerallyi nvolve their absencefr om headquarters and as TA/DA is not admissiblet o them. The deemedd epressedp ortion of the pay is made good by the provisionso f Rule 25 of the saidR ules,w hich stipulatesa s under: - *25. Reckoningo f Running Allowance as Pay (i) 30% of the basicp ay of running staff shall be . reckoneda s pay for the following purposes:- (a) Entitlemenot f Passesa ndP TOs. (b) Medical attendancea nd treatment. (c) Educationala ssistance. (d) Fixationo f pay in stationaryp osts. (e) Compensatory(C ity) Allowance' (f) HouseR ent Allowance' (g) Entitlementt o quarter (h) Recoveryo f rent for quarters (i) DearnesAs llowance,A ddl' DearnessA llowance' fi) OvertimeA llowance' (k) LeaveS alarY. (ii)Forthepurposeofeducationalassistance,30Yoofthebasic pay shall be rick-oneda s pay for determiningt he eligibility for all the schemeso f assistanceg iven to Railway employeesf or the education of their childrer/iards viz., re-imbursemento f tuition fees,c hildren'se ducationaal ssistancaen ds ubsidizedh ostels. (iii) For the purposeo f retirementb enefits,5 5o/oo f basic pay shall be iaken into accounti n the caseo f running staff retired/retiringo n or after 1.4.1g7g.55%soh all also be reckoneda s pay for the purposeo f recoveryo f subscriptiont owards Provident Fund' 4. Running Allowance schemeh as been examinedb y a numb-ero f Commissionsa nd Committeesi n the purt ,tunirrg with the l't Pay Commissionin 1947' The scaleso f Running staff were recommendedU y ttre 1", 2nd'^d 3'o Pay Commissionsa fter giving due considerationto the fact that substantial'partoft he emolumentso f running staff were paid in the form of Running Allowance and that the existing relativities with comparable( non- running ) staff in railways is to be maintained' 5. The Running Staff Pay and Accounts C also subsequentlyf ormed Joint Advisory Con Railway Labour Tribunal ( 1969 ), Runnin recognisedt he importanceo f the schemew itl staff to work more as they get part of their pa committeesc oncludedt hat it is not prudentt o andt o reducei t to a meret ravelling allowance' 6. Prior to 1919r unninga llowancew as n on one of the erstwhile CompanyR ailways. India obtainedt he sanctiono f the then Secreta India at their option to per?nitt he Memberso f fund on pay plus a fix percentageo f pay not Mileage Allowance and to have their Leave A on this basis. Subsequentlyt,h is benefit was extendedf or otherp urposesli ke fixation of 'ppaayy in stationaryp ost, re;ulation of CCA and HRA. In the absenceo f quantificationo f the element,,v arying p."...rrtug", of running allowanceh ad been treated as pay for specihed purposes. 7. RAC-1980w as thp first to assessth e quantumo f this pay elementa s 30Yof or in- serviceb enefits for the running staff. The Committeea lso recommended6 0Yop ay element for retirementb enefitsf or the running staff althought he Ministry of Railways approvedt his -- as 55o/o.F or qrrantiffing the pay element, the Committeeh ad taken into account( liberally ) the notionalp ay scaleo f { 840-1040w hich was highert hant he highestg radeo f t 700-900 that aDriver C&de 'A' Spl. would haveg ot, as showni n the calculationsb elow : Category ? Mean of Mean of the Difference Difference existing scale notional scale between the expressed as of pay in in 1980 (i.e. mean of percentage of 1980 the highest notional the notional Group C scale scale and scale that could existings cale have been allotted Driver A (ss0+7s0)t2:(840+1040)/2:940-650 : (290te40)xr00 :30.857o Special 6s0 940 290 Driver A (550+700)t2: (775+r000)t2: 887.50-625: (262501887.s) : 62s 887.5 262.50 xl00 29.570h Driver B (42s+640)12:(700+900)t2: 800-532.5=0 (267.s0i800)xl 532.50 800 267.50 00:33.430/" Driver C (330+s60)t2: (ss0+800y:2 675-445 : (230167s)Xr00 :34.07"h 445 675 230 8. The underlyingp rinciple of the pay componento f running allowancei s that, had there 'A' beenn o schemeo f runninga llowanceth e running staff in the scale< 550-750( Driver Spl. during Third CPC) would have been allotted the scale of pay immediately below the gradea pplicableto the highestg radeo f Supervisorsn amelyL oco Foremani .e. { 840-1040 (during Third CPC) to whom they report. Accordingly, the scaleo f pay which would have 'A' been allotted to Drivers Grade Spl, but for the existenceo f the running alloivance scheme,c an fairly be assumedto be { 700-900( during Third CPC). Thus pay scaleso f running staff were peggeda t lower levels vis-a-vis non-runnings taff so that they get part of their pay through running allowancew hich is relatedt o working of trains. The differenceo f meano f both the scalese xpresseda s a percentageo f the meano f the notional scalei s called 'pay 'component omeasure the element'/ of pay' or of depression'. 9. The existing formula for calculating the quantum of Kilometerage Allowance per hundredk ilometers,w as devisedb y RAC-1980,a fter detailedc onsultationsw ith the labour organisationsa nd taking into accountv iews of the railway administration,b ased on huge datac ollectedf rom variousd ivisions,a nd past studiesa nd reportsi n this regard.T he formula for the rate of KMA per 100k ms for a passengedr river is asu nder:- * 30% of MeanP a]'+ 20 Da]'sT A/DA 100 5100( Averagek ms earnedb y passengerd river per month) 10. Any increaseo f pay scaleso f running staff vis-a-vis non-runnings taff would have to 'measure be viewed taking into acbountt he principle of of depression's tated in para 2.6 above. However, while allotting the scalest o running staff 4tr and 5th Pay Commissions overlookedt his aspect.T hey insteadr ecommendeda review of Running Allowance Rules ---.. due to increasei n pay scaleso f running staff vis-a-vis non-runnings taff. But no suchr eview omeasure was carried after the implementationo f these Pay Commissions,t hough the of depression'c ontinued to be eroded after 4tha nd 5tr pay commission pay scales.F urther erosiono ccurreda t the time of mergero f 50YoD A as DP on 1.04.2004T. he calculationso f the omeasuroef depressiond' uring Fourth,F ifth & Sixth CPC periodsa re given as under : Erosion of Depression( o/o)o ver SuccessiveC PCs After L.4.O4 Catesory 4th cPc 5th cPc mergero f DP 6th cPc* LocoR unningS taT Loco Pilot (Mail) 22.72 L6.62 8.28 s.80 LocoP ilot (Pass) 18.08 L4.71. 6.L8 2.25 .T.6L LocoP ilot (Goods) 21.8t LO.34 1_.38 LocoP ilot( Shunter) 23.94 23.08 15.38 20.23 FMI/DSL/ELECATs stt. 38.75 33.57 26.92 25.94 SecondF ireman 42.96 28.s0 2L.3s 19.87 TrafficR unningS taff Mail/ExpresGs uard 23.08 L4.7L 6.18 2.25 -t.6L PassengeGr uard 2L.AL 1.O.34 1.3E GoodsG uard 23.94 LT.54 2.59 8.O1 Asstt.G ua r d/Brak esman 33.80 33.57 26.92 25.94 *Calculationforthiscolumnhasbeenmadebymakingequivalentscaplaeysuosf ingfitmenttablesF.i tmenttablesforJunning staffwere used forconverting actuals caleso f runnings taff in the Vth CPCa nd fitment tables forthe general staff were used for convertingn otional scaleso f pay that the runnin g staff would have got i n the Vth CPCb ut for the depressioni n Pay. 11. On account of the recommendationos f the pay commissionsa fter the 3'd Pay Commissiona nd subsequennt on-revisiono f the pay elements ince 1980,t he gap betweent he emolumentso f other Group C staff and the Running staff is continuouslyw idening. The ratio of averagea nnualw ageso f Group C Non running staff to Running staff has increasedf rom 1:1.16in 1980t o l:1.69 in2004.A fter SixthP ayC ommissiond uet o grantingo f highert han 'Additional normalr eplacemenst calesp, rovisiono f Allowance' ( on which DA is payable) , and special fitment tables used for running staff duly reckoning DA on pay element of running allowance,t he running staff have a distinct advantageo ver others in the Sixth Pay Commissionp ay structure.T he gap hast hereforef urther widenedb etweent he two categories after Sixth Pay Commission. 12. Committee on Runnirre Allowances, constituted in 2002 (CRA-2002) which 'pay submitted its report in 2005, ,!"o--.nded revision of the element' in view of the continuouse rosion of depressioni n the pay scaleso f the running staff. It recommended lowering of the pay elernentf rom 30o/oto l|Yo for in-serviceb enefitsa nd from 55%oto 20%o for retirementb enefits. However,t he Federationso pposedt he recommendationvse hemently and the railway administrationc ould not implementt he report in view of the sensitiven ature of dutiesp erformedb y the running staff and alsot o ensurep eacefuli ndustrialr elations. '-' 13. After the implementation of Sixth Pay Commission number of pay scales were amalgamatedin to four pay bands in consonancew ith the generalp rincipie of de-layering adoptedb y the Pay-Commissionf or all categorieso f central governmente mployees.T h; concepto f meanp ay in the existing formula had beenr enderedi mpracticablea s the revised pay band is not a single scaleb ut analgamationo f severals caleso f pay. 14: Railway Board,t hus,c onstituteda Joint Committee in November2 008,c omprising officers of Railway Board, and representativesfr om the two recognizedF ederationsiAIRF & NFIR), to determinet he quantumo f pay elementi n running allowancea nd to review the formula for computing rateso f kilometeragea llowance. 15. The Joint Committee after in depth deliberations( report of the Joint Committee encloseda s Annexure-Il) felt that the concepto f meanp ay of pasr.ttg.. driver as existing in the extantf ormula was renderedi mpracticablea s pay band was not a single scaleo f pay-but amalgamatioonf severasl caleso f pay. 16. The Joint Committeea lso observedt hat there was a needt o review 'pay element' for serving employeesa s well as the componento f basic pay to be countedu r puy for retiring runnings taff in the revisedp ay structurew .e.f. 1.1.06i .e. from the dateo f implementationo T the SixthP ay CommissionR eport. 17. The Joint Committeef urther observedt hat the Sixth CentralP ay Commissions cales of pay have been implementedw .e.f. I.L2006 wherein higher than normal replacement scalesh ave beeng rantedt o the running staff,j ustiffing reductioni n the opaye lemurt'. Non- reductioni n the pay elementw .e.f. 1.1.1 986a ndt hereaftewr .e.f. I J.1996 hasr esultedi n the running staff receivingh igherp ay packages. 18' The Joint Committee also noted that reduction in the 'pay elementom ay not be possible now, in view of the sentimentse xpressedv ociferorrriy-b y the Staff pide anO particularly due to multiplication of the .urii., decisions for non-ieduction ir the pay element. The ratio betweena veragew age of non-running staff vis-d-vis averagew age of. runnings taff has significantlyc hangedfr om 1980-81a t the stageo f 1.00:1 .16a nd 1.00a nd l'69 in 2003-04. With the Sixth CentralP ay Commission'ss caleso f pay having been implementedt,h is, gap betweent he running and the non-runnings taff has further widened. 19' The Joint Committee also noted that the depressiono f pay has been eroded after implementation of the Fourth Central Pay Commission's as also the Fifth Central pay Commission'ss caleo f pay. Non-reductioni n the 'pay element'w ould further inflate the pay packageo f the runnin$staff as a result of which the running staff would receivem uch higher emolumentsth anj ustified, and in many casew ould also exceedt hat admissiblet o GroupaA' officers. 20' The Sixth Pay Commission had recommendedt hat various allowances should be doubled thus the Joint Committee felt that this recommendation of the Sixth pay Commissions houlda lso be followed in respecto f rate for kilometeragea llowance. Thus keeping in view the general recommendationso f the Sixth pay Commission regarding doubling of allowance, recommendations of the Joint Committee which included representativeso f recognizedf ederationsa lsow ere acceptedb y Railway Board, and the '- formula of RAC-1980w as not adoptedf or revisingt he rateso f KMA. 21. The revisedr ateso f KMA werem adea pplicablew .e.f. 01.09.2008(A nnexare-Ill) as all other allowancesw ere revised from this date after implementationo f Sixth CPC pay structure. 22. The pay elementw hich was necessitatede arlier due to depressionin scaleso f pay of running staff was also consideredb y the Joint Committee. The Joint Committeen oted that the depressionin pay of Running Staff erodeda fter revisions of pay by the Fourth & Fifth Pay Commissionsa nd mergero f 50YoD earnessA llowancew ith pay w.e.f- 01.04.2004.B ut consideringt he sentimentso f the Running Stafi the pay element of 30%of or in-service benefits and 55%ofo r retirementb enefits was continued on recommendationso f the Joint Committee. 23. Keeping in view the persistentd emandso f the running staff Railway Board again constituteda Fast Track Committee ( report at Annexure-IV), comprisingo f 6 Executive Directors, in20l0,to look into the various issueso f running staff, including the Motormen, pertainingt o rbvision of running allowance,i ncreasei n pay scales,a dditional allowancet o running staff over and above those recommended by Sixth Pay Commission, and applicability of running allowancef rom 1.1.06b asedo n revisedr ate of running allowance. The committee after in depth deliberationsa nd after taking into accountt he views of the organiseda nd un-organisedla bour inter-aliac oncludedt hat : "No change is calledfor in respecto f doubling of this allowancefrom 1.9.08 as was recommended by the Joint Committee. The recommendationso f the committee,a S approved by Board, concluded that thep ay elementa nd rates of running allowancew ere consideredb y the Joint Committeea s a package while making its recommendations. Any review of rates of allowance may thus call for a review of pay elementa s weII." 24. However, consideringt he persistentd emandso f the FederationsB, oard decidedt hat the rateso f KMA/ALK shouldb e increasedby2 5%w ith effectf rom 01.01.2 01I subsequent to increase in DA by 50%. Orders to this effect were issued vide Board's letter no. E(P&A)IV2 00 5 / RS- 34 dt. 28.06 . 201 2 (An n exu r e-V ). 25. In the meanwhile, both the recognized federations as well as running staff associationsli ke AILRSA were raising their pitch in various fora like JCM/PNM and also National Industrial Tribunal/CGIT, for revising the rateso f KMA/ALK basedo n the formula definedb y the RAC-1980. In view of this Chairman,R ailway Board orderedt o constitutea n empoweredc ommittee to frnalize a mechanismf or a new formula for running allowance. The terms of referenceo f the EmpoweredC ommitteei s as given below : (i) Determinet he quantumo f pay elementi n RunningA llowance; and (ii) Review the existing formula for calculation of rates of running allowance and evolve a new formula. - 26. Accordingly, Railway Board vide order no. ERB-Il20I3l23ll6 dated 25.03.2013 (Annexure-W) had constituteda n Empowered Committee. . The Committee consistso f EDPC-I (Convener), EDME (Tr.), EDEE(RS), EDTT(F) and EDF(E). However, the recognizedF ederationsa nd the running staff associationsh ave been demandingd issolution of the Committee. Consideringt his the Railway Board has decided that the Empowered Committeec onstitutedt o review the formula for calculationo f running allowancem ay be kept in abeyancet ill sucht ime the recommendationso f 7th CPC are receiveda nd that after the report of the 7th CPC is received,t he needf or having a Committeem ay be considered. 27. Hence,t he matteri s being referredt o the 7thC PC. :t rF:F:&{< -L 21t10t2041 4 CHAPTERI X frnn ?*)Jy') and after temporary repairs to shops when they are unfit to work a train. --'----------- xv) "Departmentatlr ain" meansa train workingo n departmentaal ccounta nd includesb allastt rains,B reakdownr elieft rains, 'al trainsa nd light engineso n mechanicaal ccount.I t alsoi ncludesth e followings ervices : a) unloadingco alo r pumpb oilera t the pumph ousesw hilew orkingl ighte ngineo r train; (b) light engineo rderedw ith engineeringre presentativetso certifyt he track; (c) light engineo rderedw ith water tenderf rom one stationt o another. The followings ervicesa re to be treated as ordinary services: - (a) Inspections pecialso r specialsw ith RailwaysO fficialsln caseso f emergencye .9. GM'sI nspections pecialsD, ivisional InspectionS pecials; b) "Damagedr akes pecialsa nd trial rake specials". xvi) (a) "stationaryp osts"r eferst o all postse xcludingt hoses pecifiedu nderi tem (iv). b) "stationaryd uties"r eferst o dutiesp erformedo therthan runningd utiess pecifiedu nderi tem (iii). (xvii) "Regulationsm" eanst he Hourso f EmploymentR egulationisn so far as they applyt o runnings taff' xviii)" signingo n" and "Signingo ff"s hallh avet he samem eaninga s in Hourso f EmploymenRt egulations. pay etement in running allowance:- 3Oo/oof the basicp ay of the runnings taff will be treatedt o be in the natureo f pay ;enting the paye lementi n the RunningA llowanceT.h isp aye lementw ouldf all underc lause( iii)o f Rule1 303-FR-291 (a) i'e' emolumentsw hicha re speciallyc lasseda s pay by the President". 14.D earnessA llowance on the pay element of Running Allowance:-Ther unnings taff shallb e paid DearnessA llowancea, t j e appropriatera tess anctionedb y the Governmenftr om time to time, on their basicp ay plust he pay elemento f RunningA llowancel .e. 30%oo f the basic pay. Types of Allowances admissible to Running Staff :-Running staff shall be entitled to the following allowancess ubject to conditionss pecifiedb y or undert hese rules :- i) KilometrageA llowancefo r the performanceo f runningd uties,i n terms of and at the ratess pecifiedin theser ules. (ii) An allowancein lieu of kilometrage( ALK)f or the performanceo f stationaryd utiess ucha s journeyso n transfer,j oiningt ime, for ,latiendinqe nquirieso r law courtso n Railwayb usinessa, ttendingd epartmentali nquiriesa s DefenseC ounseol r witness,A mbulance .l voluntedeur tyin withr erritoriul jYid_:19 ,Flu::":, :gT".tio.l. .o.:9t!",t_1T'lli -sj{._"1i:l:1_._"J:'}:^::;::".,tr:1fl:-?: es, Welfarea nd DebtC ommitteesS, taff BenefitF unda nd Staff LoanF undC ommitteesS, taffa nd WelfareC ommitteesf,o r the meetingso f RailwayC o-operativeS ocietiesin casesw heres pecialc asuall eavei s grantedf or doings o, medicala nd examinationsp, articipatingin recognizeda thleticc ontestsa nd tournamentss, coutinga ctivitiesa nd Lok SahayakS ena , representingre cognizedla boro rganizationsa, ttendingp eriodicaml eetingsw ith DistrictO fficers, Headso f Departmentsa nd I Manaqersa, ttendingF irst-aidc lassesu, ndergoingtr ainingi n carriages hedsa nd as workert eacheru ndert he Workers' tion Schemea ttendingt rainings choolsf or refreshera nd promotionc ourses,u ndergoings terilisationo perationu nderF anJ,ily ng Schemea ppearingin HindiE xaminationG uardsb ookedo n escortd uty of treasurea nd other insuredp arcelso n trains, s and Firemenw hen kept sparef or a day or two to enablet hem to examinea nd cleant he enginest horoughlyb eforeb eing eputedt o work speciatlr ainsf or VIPs, or any other dutiesw hichm ay be declaredi n emergenciesa s qualifyingf or an allowance in lieuo f kilometrage. iii) Special Compensatory Allowances runnings taff are eligiblef or the followingc ompensatorya llowancesu ndert he circumstanceasn d at the ratess pecifiedin these a) Allowance in lieu of Running Room facilities, b) Breach of rest allowance. c) Outstation (Detention)A llowance. (d) Outstation( Relieving)A llowance. (e) AccidentA llowance. iv) An officiatingA llowancew hen undertakingd utiesi n higherg radeso f postso pent o runnings taff or in stationarya ppointments. Kilometrage Allowance i) The rateso f RunningA llowancefo r every 100 kms. shallb e as specifiedb y the competenta uthorityf rom time to time. hfto/I n ancecode/est-manual-l/IREM-ChD9a ta.htm#905. 2t9