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CONF-860932- DE87 007690 ANS Topical Meeting on Radiological Accidents — Perspectives and Planning September 15—17, 1986 Bethesda, Maryland Proceedings Date Published: March 1987 Prepared by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 operated by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY MASTER under Contract No. DE-AC05-840R21400 OlSTRIBUTUJH OF THIS DOCUMENT IS SPONSORING ORGANIZATIONS American Nuclear Society U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS Federal Emergency Management Conference of Radiation Control Agency Program Directors U.S. Environmental Protection National Emergency Management Agency Association I Iealth Physics Society U.S. Dept. of Transportation This meeting could not have taken place without the assistance provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Safety. DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi- bility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer- ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recom- mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. Foreword The increasing use of radioactive materials and the increasing public concern about possible accidents involving these materials has led to greater emphasis on preparing for such emergencies. The ANS Topical Meeting on Radiological Accidents—Perspectives and Emergency Planning gave us an opportunity to review our experience with radiological accidents to determine what informa- tion from this experience could be applied to improve our preparedness for future accidents. The meeting covered some of the most important aspects of radiological accidents. We started by inviting several speakers to present papers dealing with radiological accident experience and then solicited other papers on related areas. Technical response to accidents is of primary interest to many in the nuclear community; most of the papers submitted fell into this area. So many of these papers dealt with the use of computers in response that a session on that topic was arranged. A very significant impact of most radiological accidents is the cost, especially the cost of cleanup. There were papers on what is known about costs and associated current topics, such as modification and extension of the Price-Anderson Act. At least as important as the technical response to accidents is how society attempts to deal with them. A session on institutional issues was included to discuss how governments and other organizations respond to and deal with accidents. Medical effects of accidents are of great concern to the public. Invited papers to review the effects of high doses of radiation as well as very low doses were included in that session. Although the nuclear industry has an excellent safety record, this fact often does not agree with the public perception of the industry. The final session explored the public response to and per- ception of radiological emergencies and accidents. This subject will ultimately determine the future use of radioactive materials in this country. I think you will find that this volume contains an interesting set of papers. The Technical Pro- gram Committee did an excellent job of reviewing and selecting the contributions that appear here. Although the Chernobyl accident occurred long after the planning for this meeting was under way, a few papers on Chernobyl were added and many of the other authors managed to incorporate this recent experience. If nothing else, this accident confirmed the timeliness and appropriateness of our topic. I hope that this review will help us improve our emergency planning, so that we will be even better prepared to deal with any future accidents. L. Joe Deal General Chairman MEETING OFFICERS General Chairman Financial L. Joe Deal Donald Marksberry U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Associate General Chairman Registration Clyde Jupiter Emmanuel Glakpe U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Howard University Technical Program Publications Conrad V. Chester Kathy S. Gant Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge National Laboratory Arrangements Public Information Raymond W. Durante Joseph Markiewicz Schneider Enterprises Energy Consultants, Inc. TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chairman: Conrad V. Chester Oak Ridge National Laboratory David Aldrich Milton Levinson Science Applications International Bechtel Power Company Corporation Joseph Logsdon Joel Buchanan U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Oak Ridge National Laboratory Clarence Lushbaugh Robert Catlin Oak Ridge Associated Universities Electric Power Research Institute Steven R. Miller Harold J. Collins U.S. Department of Energy International Atomic Energy Authority Robert Ricks Richard Cuddihy Oak Ridge Associated Universities Lovelace Foundation John Sorensen Robert W. Davies Oak Ridge National Laboratory U.S. Department of Energy Roberts. Wilkerson Russell Dynes Federal Emergency Management Agency University of Delaware Andrew Hull Brookhaven National Laboratory IV Contents Sponsoring and Participating Organizations ii Foreword iii L. Joe Deal Meeting Officers and Technical Program Committee iv Introductory Remarks 1 Joseph Hendrie Luncheon Presentations The Federal Perspective 5 Samuel W. Speck The Industrial Perspective 11 James A. Wick Section 1. Accident Experience Use of Radiological Accident Experience in Establishing Appropriate Perspectives in Emergency Planning 19 J. M. Selby, D. W. Moeller, E. J. Vallario, and J. G. Stephan A Chronology of the Chernobyl-4 Accident 29 G. Donald McPherson Uranium Yellow Cake Accident—Wichita, Kansas 39 Harold R. Borchert Aerial Survey Efforts in the Search for Radon-Contaminated Houses in the Reading Prong Area Near Boyertown, Pennsylvania 43 Raymond A. Hoover and Dennis E. Mateik Emergency Planners, Look Back at TMI-2 47 Robert L. Long Section II. Technical Aspects Source Terms Derived from Analyses of Hypothetical Accidents, 1950-1986 53 William R. Stratton Radiological Source Term Estimation Methods 63 P. C. Owczarski, M. Y. Ballinger, J. Nfishima, and J. E. Ayer Changing Perspectives on Severe Accident Source Terms 67 R. S. Denning, P. Cybulskis, and R. DiSalvo NRC Perspective on Severe Accident Consequence Assessment 73 Thomas McKenna and James A. Martin A History of Aerial Surveys in Response to Radiological Incidents and Accidents 79 Joel E. Jobst Status of Aerial Survey Emergency Preparedness and Ground Support Equipment, Calibration, and Sensitivities 85 Thomas S. Dahlstrom v Aerial Systems Support for Nevada Test Site Weapons Testing 91 Philip K. Boyns Mobile Robot Response to Actions Associated with the Release of Hazardous Materials 95 Harvey B. Meieran Communications Systems for Emergency Deployment Applications 101 Charles A. Gladden A Mobile Laboratory—Emergency Sample Analyses at the Accident Site 103 R. H. Wilson Developing a Comprehensive and Accountable Data Base After a Radiological Accident 109 Hollis A. Berry and Zolin G. Burson A New Method for Presenting Off-Site Radiological Monitoring Data During Emergency Preparedness Exercises 113 M. P. Moeller, G. F. Martin, E. E. Hickey, and J. D. Jamison Enhancement of the 1985 Browns Ferry Exercise Through the Use of Spiked Samples 119 James L. McNees Integrated Emergency Response Program at the Savannah River Plant 123 Richard W. Benjamin Savannah River Plant Emergency Response: Operations and Exercises 127 Doris D. Hoel A Mobile Laboratory for Near-Real-Timc Response to Radioactive Releases 131 R. A. Sigg Improving Emergency Response Through Field Exercises 135 R. P. Addis, R. J, Kurzeja, and A. H. Weber Savannah River Plant Remote Environmental Monitoring System 137 /. F. Schubert Aquatic Emergency Response Model at the Savannah River Plant 141 David W. Hayes Meeting NUREG-0737, II.B.3 Requirements—Backup Analysis of Postaccident Samples 145 Todd L. Hardt, Mark J. Bradley, and Trudy E. Phillips An Evaluation of Emergency Systems for the Monitoring, Sampling, and Analysis of Reactor Coolant, Containment Atmosphere, and Airborne Effluents 149 Andrew P. Hull, Wayne H. Knox, and John R. White A State-of-the-Art Aporoach to Emergency Preparedness—Remote Monitoring of Nuclear Power Plants 161 James A. Blackburn and Michael C. Parker Section III. Computer Applications Computer-Assisted Emergency Preparedness and Response 169 James W. Morentz FEMA'S Integrated Emergency Management Information System (IEMIS) 175 Robert T. Jaske and Wayne Meitzler VI The MAPSS Nuclear Emergency Management System 181 Howard A. Price, Jr., Larry D. Sadler, and Robert W. Johnson, Jr. A Comparison of Computerized Dose Projection Models and Their Impact oi. Protective Action Decision Making 187 Susan M. Reilly An Importance Ranking of Various Aspects of Off-Site Radiological Emergency Preparedness 193 John W. Hockert and Thomas F. Carter A Goal-Oriented Functional Tree Structure for Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Preparedness 197 Richard V. Calabrese and Marvin L. Roush Results of the Early NRC Analyses of the Radiological Monitoring Data from the Chernobyl Accident 209 Rosemary Hogan and Thomas McKenna ARAC: A Centralized Computer-Assisted Emergency Planning, Response, and Assessment System for Atmospheric Releases of Toxic Material 215 M. H. Dickerson and J. B. Knox Digital Imagery Manipulation and Transmission for Emergency Deployment Applications 223 C. A. Gladden and D. S. Phillipson Image/Data Storage, Manipulation, and Recall Using Video/Computer Technology for Emergency Applications 225 James M. Thorpe Using MENU-TACT for Estimating Radionuclide Releases During a Reactor Emergency 229 Andrea L Sjoreen The MESORAD Dose Assessment Model 237 R. I. Scherpelz, J. V. Ramsdell, G. F. Athey, and T. J. Bander Accident Analysis Codes That Predict the Transport of Radiological Aerosol Through a Fuel Cycle Facility as a Result of an Accident 241 Kevin C. Greenaugh REALM: An Expert System for Classifying Emergencies 247 Robert A. Touchton, Alan Dale Gunter, and David G. Cain Section IV. Economic Issues Perspectives on the Economic Risks of LWR Accidents 253 Lynn T. Ritchie and Richard P. Burke Restoration of a Radiologically Contaminated Site: SAGEBRUSH IV 259 JackJ. Tawil The NRC's Rulemaking to Require Materials Licensees to Be Financially Responsible for Cleanup of Accidental Releases 265 Mary Jo Seeman Applicability of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) to Releases of Radioactive Substances 271 Steven R. Miller vn Price-Anderson—Where We've Been, Where We're Going 273 Ira Dinitz Section V. Institutional Issues Protective Action Guides: Rationale, Interpretation, and Status 279 Joe E. Logsdon The Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan 283 Vernon Adler Role of the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) Following a Radiological Accident 287 John F. Doyle HI Exercising the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan 291 Kathy S. Gant, Martha V. Adler, and William F. Wolff Emergency Response to Transportation Accidents 295 Cheryl Sakenas New Source Terms and the Implications for Emergency Planning Requirements at Nuclear Power Plants in the United States 297 Geoffrey D. Kaiser and Michael C. Cheok Coordination Between NRC and FEMA: Emergency Preparedness Issues of Current Interest 303 Edward M. Podolak, Jr. Interactions Between Multiple Organizations Responding to a Reactor Accident in Switzerland 307 Martin Baggenstos and Hans-Peter Isaak Utility Perspective on Emergency Preparedness 313 George J. Giangi Improving Emergency Management Through Shared Information Processing—Considerations in Emergency Operations Center Design 319 Richard E. DeBusk and J. Andrew Walker The NRC Operations Center's Function 325 Eric W. Weiss Section VI. Medical Issues Dose-Rate Models for Human Survival After Exposure to Ionizing Radiation 331 Troyce D. Jones, M. D. Morris, and R. W. Young Radiation Carcinogenesis Following Low-Dose or Low-Dose-Rate Exposures 341 R. L. Ullrich A National Emergency Medical Assistance Program for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants 345 Roger E. Linnemann, M.D., and Mary Ellen Berger Section VII. Accidents and the Public Evacuation Behavior in Nuclear Power Plant Emergencies: An Alternative Perspective 351 John H. Sorensen Warning Human Populations of Technological Hazard 357 George O. Rogers and Jiri Nehnevajsa viii Emergency Preparedness Training for Local Communities 363 Michael J. Cooley and Karen K. Thompson Emergency Planning, Public Information, and the Media: Some Recent Experiences 367 Steven B. Goldman Factors Influencing Media Coverage of a Radiological Incident 373 Roy K. Bernhardt and Layton J. O'Neill Indexes Author Affiliations and Addresses 379 Author Index 385 IX Introductory Remarks Joseph Hendrie It is a pleasure to welcome you to the ANS Topical Meeting on Radiological Accidents—Perspectives and Emergency Planning. It is an auspicious time for such a meeting. Much credit is due to the sponsors and the participating organizations. The sponsors are the Environmental Sciences Division and the Washington Section of the American Nuclear Society, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The participating organizations are the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Health Physics Society, the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, the National Emergency Management Association, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. I will speak for all of them in welcoming you here. When they began the planning for this meeting, the sponsors could hardly have anticipated the greatly increased interest in emergency planning that grew out of the Chernobyl accident. We are very fortunate that the timing was such that we can hear at this meeting the early results from the Vienna meeting at which the Soviets explained Chernobyl. In administering organizations, you get blamed for a lot of things for which you are not responsible, but which happened at a time when you were in charge. That suggests that you ought to get credit for events which occur during your administration for which you had no responsibility at all; therefore, the sponsors of this meeting ought to take full credit for the timing. Our purpose here is to review what we have learned from past accidents that involve nuclear materials and facilities and to use this knowledge to foster more effective emergency planning for the future. We are going to have sessions on past accidents, medical and health consequences of accidents, lessons learned in the past, current thoughts on radiation dose response, and mtdical emergency preparedness. Economic considerations in nuclear accidents will be discussed in one ses- sion, and we will have sessions on technical problems in emergency planning, institutional problems in emergency planning and emergency response, and, finally, the role of the public in nuclear acci- dent emergency planning and the importance of public perceptions. Nuclear technology is one of the few technologies in which an appreciation of the possible hazards was present at the beginning and became a serious and ongoing part of the planning and development work. In most technologies, accidents begin happening after the equipment and process have been invented, developed, and placed into service; over time a set of mitigation measures and response measures evolves and becomes embedded in society's practice. In nuclear technology, we started out with an early appreciation of the hazards. As time went on during the development of nuclear technology, there were criticality accidents, ovcrcxposurcs, and the like. The consequences of these were largely limited to on-site and local

Bhopal, or the Mexico City earthquake, have a way of significantly impacting the . that we did not really have until 1984. So we forget the camera is over their shoulder) and ask you a question. in a trap in a hurry. So one of the
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