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Som e Othe r Pergamo n Title s of Interes t Books M A N N W . B . , A Y R E S R . L . a n d G A R F I N K E L S . B . Radioactivity and its Measurement C H O P P I N G . a n d R Y D B E R G J. Nuclear Chemistry: Theory and Applications D U R R A N I S . A . a n d B U L L R . K . Solid State Nuclear Track Detection (Principles, Methods and Applications) G I B S O N W . M . The Physics of Nuclear Reactions M A R C H N . Self-Consistent Fields in Atoms T H E W L I S J. Concise Dictionary of Physics and Related Subjects (2nd edition) U R S U I. Physics and Technology of Nuclear Materials Journals Applied Radiation and Isotopes Plasma Physics and Controled Fusion Radiation Physics and Chemistry Nuclear Medicine and Biology RADIOACTIVIT Y MEASUREMENT S Principles and Practice by W. B. MANN A. RYTZ A. SPERNO L Washington Lausane Gel Consulting Editor w. l . M c l a u g h l i n Washington P E R G A M O N P R E S S Membe r of Maxwel l Macmilla n Pergamo n Publishin g Corporatio n O X F O R D N E W Y O R K BEIJING F R A N K F U R T SAO P A U L O S Y D N E Y T O K Y O T O R O N T O U.K. Pergamon Press pic, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, England U.S.A. Pergamon Press Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, NY 10523, U.S.A. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC Pergamon Press, Room 4037, Qianmen Hotel, Beijing, OF CHINA People's Republic of China Pergamon Press GmbH, Hammerweg 6, GERMANY D-6242 Kronberg, Germany Pergamon Editora Ltda, Rúa Eqa de Queiros, 346, BRAZIL CEP 04011, Paraíso, Sao Paulo, Brazil Pergamon Press Australia Pty Ltd, P.O. Box 544, AUSTRALIA Potts Point, N.S.W. 2011, Australia Pergamon Press, 5th Floor, Matsuoka Central Building, JAPAN 1-7-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan Pergamon Press Canada Ltd., Suite No. 271, CANADA 253 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 1R5 Copyright © 1988 Pergamon Press pic All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. First published 1988 Reprinted in revised form 1991 Library of Congress Catalog Card no: 86-640987 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Mann, Wilfrid Basil 1908- Radioactivity measurements 1. Radioactivity. Measurement I. Title II. Rytz, A. III. Spernol, A. I International journal of applied radiation 539.752 ISBN 0-08-037037-3 Originally published as Volume 39, Number 8 of the journal Applied Radiation and Isotopes and supplied to subscribers as part of their subscription. Printed in Great Britain by BPCC Wheatons Ltd, Exeter Prefac e This book is a revised text, with a subject index, of a special issue of the journal Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Part A of the International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation, which was published in August , 1988, to coincide with the 80th birthday on August 4 of its retiring Editor-in-Chief, Wilfrid B. Mann , after his more than 30 years association with that journal . The emphasis of this text on Radioactivity Measurements is chiefly on principles, thereby differing from two previous books , namely Radioactivity and its Measurement by W. B . Mann , S. B . Garfinkel and R. L. Ayres (1980), which emphasizes historical, exper imental , and theoretical developments , and the National Council on Radiat ion Protect ion and Measurements Repor t No . 58, A Handbook on Radioactivity Measurements Procedures (1985), which this text extensively complements in radiation physics and protection. To avoid unnecessary duplication, the two previous texts are quoted frequently throughout , and an extensive bibliography adds to their earlier references. The present text also provides information and recommendations in the areas of radiation protect ion and focuses on the timely subjects of quality control and precautions necessary in the preparat ion and handling of sources. It brings new information on the applications of both tradit ional and innovative instruments designed for measurements in the fields of diagnostic and clinical radiology, radiation protect ion, biomedical research, industrial and agricultural applications, power product ion, and waste control . As was intended in the original concept for this book when a less comprehensive version was planned for publication by the Internat ional Atomic Energy Agency, it should serve radiation users and students around the world. In particular is its correlation with dosimetry, for the purpose of Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laborator ies (SSDL's) with a view to enabling SSDL's to act as regional radionuclide measuring laboratories or as dosimetry calibration laboratories. In the first two chapters the authors have given a firm basis to an understanding of the propert ies of radionuclides and a comprehensive t rea tment of the quanti t ies and units of radiat ion, its interactions and methods of measurement , including those needed for radiation protect ion. The authors have emphasized in Chapter 3 the broad scope of dosimetry and the vital impor tance of facing realistically the problems of using radiation and radioactivity effectively but always with care and safety. Chapter 3 also presents a very useful section on the principles of radioactivity measurements , how the measurements and calculations are dealt with and documented , and how the statistical t rea tments of the measurement data are properly handled. Chapter 4 deals with radiation interactions with mat ter and with the many detectors and analytical instruments used in radionuclide metrology. Chap te r 5 covers the particle-counting methods and how they are applied. In Chapte r 6 we find a survey of electrical and electronic devices and methods for their use in measuring and counting radiat ion pulses and performing coincidence and anticoincidence counting using logic circuits, and of scalers, multichannel analyzers and gating devices, as well as low-level measuring systems. Chapter 7 offers recommendat ions for setting up radioactivity calibration laboratories, both on small and large scales, as a way of extending the functions of SSDL's or small or intermediate-level radioactivity measuring laboratories . It also anticipates the use of lower-power reactors for supplying nuclear energy. This book then can serve many useful purposes , both as a reference and as a tutorial text. In this important and, indeed, urgent subject, we will all be faced with new challenges of measuring ionization radiation and radioactivity with greater care and with improved systems and theoretical data. The authors have pointed us in the right direction, reinforcing our foundations in the principles and practice of radioactivity measurements . W. L. McLaughlin, Consult ing Edi tor Editor-in-Chief Nor th Amer ica , Journal of Applied Radiat ion and Isotopes vii Authors ' Forewor d In 1976 the World Heal th Organizat ion (WHO) and the Internat ional Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA) established an international network of Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laborator ies (SSDL's) to provide, worldwide, dosimeter calibration facilities to those engaged in the applications of ionizing radiation in areas such as radiation therapy and food preservation. At the same time the use of radioactive materials , in the form of radiopharmaceuticals and labelled compounds was increasing rapidly and it was thought to be expedient to extend the functions of the SSDL's to calibrations of radioactivity, especially for the benefit of laboratories in the developing areas of the world that were becoming increasingly called upon to provide such services. Accordingly, in 1981, the authors were invited to write a manual that would assist the personnel of SSDL's to accommodate to such new demands. Unfortunately, there was a misunderstanding as to the level and scope required of this manual , and the final 1986 draft was deemed to be unsuited for the training or teaching of ' l abo ra to ry technicians and post first degree university students in developing count r ies" and it was not published; at that time too , the accident at Chernobyl was imposing considerable burdens upon the Agency 's resources. Thanks , however, to the good offices of Kevin Maxwell and Michael Church of Pergamon Press it was agreed, in 1987, that an extended and up-to-date version of the manual should be published in the journal Applied Radiation and Isotopes, and subsequently as a textbook. In the course of seven years , the authors have acquired many obligations to many friends and colleagues that are almost too numerous to make adequate acknowledgement . But first we should acknowledge the invitation from Ç . H . Eisenlohr to write this report (that turned out , until now, to be a tiger with a most tenacious tail) , and to thank him and Monica Gustafsson, both of the IAEA Dosimetry Section for many helpful discussions in Vienna and for comments on Chapters 1 and 2.6 in their embrionic stages. Then we would especially thank P. Giacomo (Director , B IPM) , R. S. Caswell (Chief, NBS Division of Ionizing Radiat ion) and C. E . Kuyatt (Director , NBS Center for Radiat ion Research) for very generous support , without which this report could not have been prepared .* On the technical side we have been deeply indebted, during the whole of the last seven years, to D . D . Hoppes for many technical and philosophical discussions; to W. L. McLaughlin, not only for careful editing, but for detailed discussions on the dosimetric and radiation-protection sections of Chapters 2 and 3 ; to R. Loevinger for helpful comments on an early draft of 2 .6 .1 ; to J. Ê . Whit taker for his most helpful review of Chapter 6 through 6.8, and to L. Costrell for discussion of 6.9 and for supplying representat ive and important historical references; to Ç . H. Ku for discussions on chi-squared and the example of its application in Table 3-7; to M. J. Martin of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Nuclear Da t a Project for providing recent nuclear data tables for Table 2-4, from their Evaluated Nuclear Structure Da ta File and the Nuclear Structure Reference File maintained by the National Nuclear Da ta Center at the Brookhaven National Labora tory ; and to C. Veyradier , for his elegant preparat ion of the line drawings. We also offer very sincere thanks to the following members of the N .B .S . staff: to Roxanne Ryland for the first working drafts of Chapters 1 through 4; to Mary Owen , especially, for prepar ing the new, corrected, working drafts of Chapters 1 through 6 and for committ ing them and their final version to computer discs; and to Gloria Wiersma for likewise recording Chapter 7. We also wish to thank Phyllis Pierce for putt ing the bibliography and contents onto computer discs during the last year; Pamela Hodge for organizing most of the tables onto disc; and to Mevr. Mia Vansteenkiste of Geel for the typing of several early versions of parts of Chapters 2, 3 and 5. The product ion of the final 'camera-ready copy' of this report would have been impossible without the help and unlimited patience of three old friends and colleagues working in or with the NBS Radioactivity group, Larry Lucas, Dan Golas , and Michael Unterweger , whose advice and help in the choice and installation of computer hardware and software, including the adaptat ion of NBS fonts for use with a Hewle t t -Packa rd laser-jet printer , were so generously given. Nor could the report have been completed without the help of MM. J.-J. Gostely and M. Decombaz of the Institut d'Electrochimie et Radiochimie (Ecole Polytechnique Federate de Lausanne) , who not only * Writte n contribution s from th e Burea u Internationa l de s Poid s et Mesure s an d th e Nationa l Burea u of Standard s ar e not subjec t to copyright , nor doe s referenc e to commercia l product s impl y eithe r recommendatio n or endorsement . ix ÷ Authors ' Forewor d facilitated a considerable correspondence between two of the authors by telefax, but also carefully reviewed the 'preferences ' of Table 2-5. Coming down to the wire, our thanks are again due to Michael Church and also to Briony Moon of Pergamon Press for facilitating the very smooth and speedy publication of the final manuscript ; to Martin Key for considerable logistical support ; to Michael Lennie and Angie Thomas for their sterling efforts to transfer material on some of our-discs to the local system; and to Carolyn Jones , Sheila Beck, Karen Bull and Beryl Porter for painstakingly copying the bibliography and other material that proved to be irretrievable, onto the house system. Last, but by no means least, the authors also wish to acknowledge the almost impeccable patience of their wives whose homes were not only cluttered with new and expiring drafts, but who often spent much time searching for, and often finding, mislaid and irreplaceable copies of the same. To them also, together with Janet Mann , the authors are obliged for a post-deadline retyping of much of a further revision of Chapter 5. The observant and inquisitive reader may also wish to lighten the monotony of reading this report by noting the inconsistencies of syntax and spelling, and by studying their distribution throughout . Thus , occasionally, 'caesium' may appear as 'cesium' and 'centre ' will transform to 'center ' . Nor will the mean of the distribution be centred, or centered, in mid-Atlantic but rather to the east because of the somewhat heavy weighting of our national origins in that direction. There may also be other inconsistencies in the bibliography, that has become rather extended, but that cannot be credited to trans-Atlantic differences. Thus there are at least a few references for which we cannot find counterpar ts in the text, but we have not removed them because not only, with their titles, can they be informative, but there are some who even prefer to read the bibliography instead of, or before, the text. Oxford July 1988. Postscript : In today's rapidly developing world there have been many changes in the names of organizations, including some of those to which reference has been made in ARI 39[8] and in this text; and it has not always been possible to keep abreast of these changes. Thus, in Table 3-4 and p. 169, the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Commercial Products Division has become N O R D I O N (address: Kamata , Ontario K2K 1X8, Canada) ; again in Table 3-4, the Australian Atomic Energy Commission has become the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, ANSTO; also in Table 3-4, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic has become, simply, Germany; the British Calibration Services, BCS (p. 171), has become the National Measurement Accreditation Service, N A M A S ; and the US National Bureau of Standards, NBS (on several pages throughout this text), has become the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST. Washington D.C. October 1990 1. Introductio n 7.7. Organization of laboratories for radionuclide standard of absorbed dose for use by radiotherapy metrology centres operating increasingly available cobalt-60 teletherapy units for the trea tment of malignant This report , which was prepared initially at the tumors , in countries where the understanding of the request of the International Atomic Energy Agency, principles of radiation measurements had not kept was written as a guide to laboratories engaged pace with the developments in medical methods . in, or about to become engaged in radionuclide In view of the increasing use of radioactive mat - metrology. These may be national laboratories spe - erials, it was realized, as early as 1951, that internat - cialized either in measurements of radioactivity or ional cooperat ion was needed to assure the con - dosimetry of ionizing radiations, or both , which are formity of international measurements of activity. recognized by national law or international agree - Accordingly representatives of Canada , the Uni ted ment , or they may be newly entering the field in Kingdom and the United States agreed, at that regions of the world that are developing the uses of t ime, to exchange suitable samples of carbon-14, radioactive materials in the natural sciences or in sodium-24, phosphorus-32, cobalt-60, bromine- medicine. 82, strontium-90-yttrium-90, iodine-131, thallium- These laboratories may collaborate with or be 204 and gold-198 for intercomparat ive measure - members of the Network of Secondary- ments (Mann and Seliger, 1958). These beginnings Standard Dosimetry Laborator ies (SSDL's) estab - have since developed under the aegis, first, of the lished and supported by the International Atomic International Commission on Radiological Units Energy Agency ( I A E A ) and the World Heal th and Measurements ( I C R U ) and then of the Bureau Organization ( W H O ) (see Eisenlohr, 1978, 1984; International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) into a I A E A 1978a, 1979b, 1981, 1985; I A E A / W H O , system of intercomparat ive activity measurements 1976, 1984). This international collaborative involving all of the leading national standardizing project, which includes top-level basic standardiza - laboratories ( I C R U , 1963; Rytz, 1983). But , as in tion laboratories as affiliated members (Fig. 1-1), the case of dosimetric measurements , the progress maintains a high level of quality of dosimetry work. in radionuclide metrology has not , in some coun - The worldwide SSDL network consists at present of tries, kept pace with the developing technological, more than 50 laboratories of very different char - biological and medical applications. acter, some of them being large national laborator - It is, especially, the aim of this report to provide ies. The creation of this network was brought about guidance to any laboratory that is called upon to by the basic need for an internationally consistent provide radioactivity standards and calibrations that BIP M IAEA W H O Ç C O L L O R G AFF.PSDL' s NETWOR K D OSEL CRETARIAT ] Ì SSD L S C . C O M M SSDL' s USE R Fig . 1-1. Th e I A E A / W H O Networ k of Secondary-Standar d Dosimetr y Laboratories : AFF.PSDL's : Affiliate d Primary-Standar d Dosimetr y Laboratories ; IAEA : Internationa l Atomi c Energ y Agency ; WHO : Worl d Healt h Organization ; BIPM : Burea u Internationa l de s Poid s et Mesures ; COLL.ORG : Collaboratin g Organizations ; DOL : I A E A Dosimetr y Laboratory ; SSDL's : Secondary-Standar d Dosimetr y Laboratories ; SSDL SC . COMM : SSDL Scientifi c Committee . 1 2 Radioactivity measurements: principles and practice BIPM Internationa l (IAEA, ICRM) Nationa l laboratorie s Qualit y contro l an d ..etc... . regulator y bodie s Stat * healt h laboratorie s , Universitie s , Hospltel s , User s Qovtrnmtn t agencies , Industria l group s an d other s Fig. 1-2. Hierarchy of radioactivity-standardization laboratories and organizations (the "Traceability Tree"). are in agreement with the international standards , dustry, cosmology, energy product ion, the environ - where such services are presently deficient or mental sciences, fusion, geology and hydrology, lacking. T h e work of the SSDL's , both in radiation medicine, meteorology, the metal industry, mining dosimetry and in radioactivity, must clearly be con - and cokery, physics, reactor technology and safe - t inuously adapted to current and future needs , and guards, and the textile industry (including leather , must conform with different national laws and regu - paper , and plastics). But , despite the extensive lations, and with the precepts of the international scope of these applications, most radioactivity meas - hierarchy of s tandards laboratories (see Fig. 1-2). u rements in these fields can be performed by very It is to be hoped that the radioactivity-measuring similar procedures , most of which are described or laboratories , be they linked to the SSDL network or referenced in the following pages. to some other metrological chain, will also establish 1.3. Purpose and scope of this report firmly recognized transfer channels between the workers in the field and the national and interna - This report is written as a concise introduction to tional standards laboratories (Eisenlohr et al., the field of radionuclide metrology. Emphasis is 1981). given to the basic and practical problems that may be encountered in measuring radioactivity, although an at tempt has been made to cover the whole field at 1.2. Tasks of laboratories engaged in radionuclide least by the inclusion of recent references. metrology The report therefore comprises this introductory The first "classical" task of the radionuclide- chapter and six more . Following this introduction, metrology laboratories is to maintain and provide the second chapter gives a brief survey of the basic s tandards , with appropr ia te limits of uncertainty, for concepts , definitions, quantit ies and units, and some the calibration of activity-measuring instruments . useful data and constants used in the t rea tment and Their second task is to maintain consistency of their measurement of radioactivity. T h e third chapter activity measurements with other established labor - t reats the most important general problems in atories, national and international , by means of radioactivity measurements , such as radiation pro - direct or indirect international comparisons of their tection, source preparat ion, and the t rea tment of measuring competence (see, for example , Cavallo et experimental uncertainties. The fourth chapter al., 1973; Rytz, 1983; N C R P , 1985). By means of describes the various interactions of radiation with such intercomparisons an international hierarchical matter and detectors based on such interactions. system of measurements consistency and traceability The fifth chapter describes different methods of has been established (Mann etal, 1981). This system measuring activity. The sixth chapter gives a brief that applies both to dosimetry and radioactivity account of the basic principles of electronic instru - measurements is illustrated in Fig. 1-2. mentat ion as applied to the processing and re - Laborator ies that supply radioactivity calibration cording of electrical pulses generated in radiation services can also provide indispensible support in detectors . The seventh chapter at tempts to estimate most , if not all, applications of radioactive mat - the possible requirements for staff, space and erials. This is a very large domain that includes, equipment needed for laboratories designed to for example , agriculture, archeology, biology, the make routine measurements of radioactivity. Exten - building industry, chemistry and the chemical in - sive references are given in order to facilitate the use Introductio n 3 of this report . A principal reference is the second s" 1. The term radionuclide metrology covers all edition of the U .S . National Council on Radiat ion aspects of radioactivity measurements , such as those Protection and Measurements ( N C R P ) Repor t N o . of activity, half life, the atomic energy available and 58 " A handbook of Radioactivity Measurements necessary for a nuclear transition to take place, Procedures" ( N C R P , 1985). The present report probabilities of different modes of decay, and so largely complements N C R P (1985) that is directed forth. more towards applications in biology and medicine. The following SI prefixes and symbols are used throughout : 1.4. SI units The Systeme International d'Unites created by BIPM (SI units: BIPM, 1985; N B S , 1986), has been Factor Prefix Symbol Factor Prefix Symbol adopted by I A E A and most countries, but as the 1018 exa Å i o - 1 deci d greater part of the present literature is difficult to 1015 peta Ñ ÉÏ" 2 centi c understand without any knowledge of the old system 1012 tera Ô IO" 3 milli m of units, both systems are generally used here in 109 giga G 10" 6 micro ì parallel (the old mostly within brackets) . 106 mega Ì 10" 9 nario ç The SI unit for the quantity activity of a radionuc - 103 kilo k 10" 12 pico Ñ lide, which is one measure of the phenomenon or 102 hecto h 10" 15 femto f property of radioactivity, is one reciprocal second, 10l deka da i o - 18 a t to a 2. Definitions , Quantities , Symbols and Units : Some Useful Constant s and Relation s 2.1. Introduction Metr e that established the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures at Sevres as the custodian of the "Radioact ivi te" was the name coined by Marie international standards of mass and length (and Curie to describe the phenomenon of atomic trans - later, t ime) , and charged this Bureau with their formation, with the emission of corpuscular and, or , preservation and dissemination (BIPM, 1985). All electromagnetic radiation, discovered by Antoine three standards were defined standards , although Henri Becquerel in 1896. A detailed trea tment of those of length and time have been redefined in the phenomenon , or property , of radioactivity and terms of precisely measurable physical quanti t ies . the underlying principles of atomic and nuclear The standard of mass, the kilogram, is, however , physics is far beyond the scope of this report . still the original cylindrical mass of platinum-iridium Therefore this Chapter 2 seeks only to supply the held in Sevres. Replicate national kilograms are reader briefly with the essential information needed measured by careful and precise experimental meth - for the successful performance of radionuclide ods relative to the international standard at BIPM, metrology, in general , and activity measurements in and domestic standards are , in turn , measured in particular. But for this purpose , it is also necessary terms of their own national standard. In terms of here to consider the most basic attr ibutes of radioac - this hierarchical system a mass of, say, 25 kilograms tivity, such as the statistical nature of radioactivity, is a shorthand way of saying that the quantity the law of radioactive decay, the types of radiations "mass" of a certain object, in any part of the world emit ted, their probabilities of emission, and other using this international system, is, to within an nuclear data . Further detailed information may be uncertainty that can be estimated and should be obtained from several appropriate texts (see, for stated, twenty-five times that of the international example , Evans , 1955; Siegbahn, 1965; Herceg kilogram in Sevres. Novi, 1973; Knoll, 1979; Mann etal., 1980; NCRP , In 1960, the 11th Conference Genera te des Poids 1985). et Mesures (CGPM) extended the international 2.2. Basic concepts and parameters used in the system to include bas e (i .e. defined ) units , derive d measurement of radioactivity units , and supplementar y units , comprising Le System e Internationa l d'Unite s (SI) . The seven base 2.2.1. Measurement, standardization and units (and their names and symbols) for the follow- calibration ing quantities are presently (BIPM, 1985; NBS , "Measurement" is a set of experimental ope - 1986): mass (kilogram, kg) , length (meter , m) , t ime rations, the purpose of which is to assign a magni - (second, s), electric current (ampere , A ) , thermody - tude to a physical proper ty , or to quantify it, in namic tempera ture (kelvin, K) , amount of substance terms of a number and a unit. (mole, mol) and luminous intensity (candela, cd) . Any physical quanti ty, such as mass , lengt h or In the past the accepted standard or the best time , is measured in terms of a unit that may be available standard has often been defined as the defined in terms of a standar d such as the kilogram, primar y standard. National-laboratory standards , just as commercial transactions are measured in although secondar y internationa l standards are also terms of one or more basic currencies that are frequently designated as primary standards. Such related to one another . Indeed it is not just by ambiguity can be avoided if standards are desig - chance that many national standards laboratories nated according to the hierarchical system shown in have developed, or remain, within the framework of Fig. 1-2, simply as international , national, labora - governmental depar tments of commerce or trade. tory working standard, hospital standard and so (See, for example , Cavallo et al., 1973). forth (NCRP , 1985). Basically, however, the only Following the industrial revolution and the statements of importance in specifying a standard growth of international scientific cooperat ion, it are its value and a realistic estimate of the uncer- became necessary to tighten up a system that had tainty of that value (see Ê3.4). In many cases the developed quite randomly in different parts of the national standard of a short-lived radionuclide such world. Therefore , in 1875 representatives of eigh- as, for example, 113 1 is in fact a secondary, or even teen countries met and signed the Conventio n du tertiary standard calibrated very precisely by means

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