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69-22,252 ALBRO, Lewis Pearson, 1922- RADIOACTIVELY TAGGED 2,6 - DIAMINO PURINE AND RELATED STUDIES. University of Delaware, Ph.D., 1952 Chemistry, organic University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. University of Delaware RA£>IOACTIVELY TAGGED 2, 6-DlAMINOPURINE AND RELATED STUDIES fey Lewis Pearson Albro Submitted to the faculty of the University of Delaware in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Newark, Delaware September 19 52 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. R A D IO A C TIVELY TAGGED 2, G -D IA M IN O PU RINE A N D RELATED STUDIES L Lewis Pearson Albro, Chemistry The preparation of adenine tagged in the eight position with C14 by a new variation of the method of Clark and Ivalakar has been performed and the desired product was obtained in 12>c/o yield based on the radioactive carbon used. The preparation of 2. ti-diaminopurine tagged in the eight position with C1* has been performed and the desired product was obtained in 79r/t yield based on the radioactive carbon used. A series of biological experiments was performed to determine whether or not any interaction existed between these two.com- pounds when they were administered simultaneously to rats. Un­ fortunately the methods used for the determination of thfe results of these experiments led to completely anomalous results anti no conclusions could be reached. i i ii ii ii "" i m-n— inn riimuijiiiiiiiijujl Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank Dr. William A. Mosher for his help in the choice of this project and for the supervision during its course, Dr. Dean C. Fletcher for his untiring assistance particularly with the biological phases of this work, Dr. George Hitchings of Burroughs Wellcome and Co. for his assistance in some of the chemical steps, end The Bio­ chemical Research Foundation for its financial assistance which made this work possible. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. roved, Mrector W Heae&reh. .4 ^ / // /v -/ 'Y-frj f/f. . * // <r // / Jr.//4?^ tj j ^Apf>roved#' Hood of DepartmentT ■iC, Ap^>rore^^ Dean s and "sleleneos Q iy ✓^--^g.-aau-'- Approved# Dee# of lir&du&te Sohool Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. INDEX ABSTRACT................................ ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT.............................. .................. iii HISTORICAL.............................................. ........ 1 EXPERIMENTAL................ . . 8 Synthesis of Adenine 8 Preparation of Radioactively Tagged Adenine 17 Synthesis of 2,6-Diaminopurine 23 Preparation of Radioactively Tagged 2,6-Diaminopurine27 Paper Chromatography 31 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS........................................35 APPENDIX......................................................... 41 CURVES......... ..................................................50 TABLE 1...........................................................54 TABLE II......................................................... 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY. . .............................................. 60 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 1 HISTORICAL General; Nucleic acid is found in nearly every type of cell in botH the nucleus and in the cytoplasm, though tne nucleic acids found in these two sites are generally different* The two types of nucleic acid which have been studied most thoroughly are the most common in these two sites. The nucleic acid of the nucleus is known as desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and is known to be associated with the chromosomes* It is believed that the DNA may be the part of the nucleopro- tein which is responsible for the specificity of the genes and because of this hypothesis a great deal of interest has been centered on the elucidation of the properties, synthesis, and metabolism of the nucleic acids* The cytoplasmic nucleic acid is known as ribonucleic acid (RNA) and differs slightly from DNA as will be described later* The nucleic acids are highly polymerized molecules con­ sisting of smaller units each of which is made up of a nitro­ genous base, a sugar and phosphoric acid* These nucleotides have long been thought to be joined together by means of phos­ phate ester linkages; however, a recent paper by Ronwinl in­ dicates that the polymerized unit of the nucleic acid may be a polymeric phosphoric anhydride with the nucleosides (base plus sugar) attached to this central core by single Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. phosphoester linkages rather than the two phosphoester linkages per nucleotide. This hypothesis explains some of the data, particularly from x-ray diffraction studies which could not be explained on the basis of the older hypotheses. DNA is known to contain desoxyribose, adenine, guanine cytosine, thymine and phosphoric acid and the structure, ac­ cording to one of the earlier hypotheses, is given in Fig. 1 tVrC^vHv l » ,i i---- ° H U - N — CH C H - C H - C H i 0 o P OH N - c - |V/-— CH -C I4U-CH - CH- CH L 0 - C — N 14 O a - ^ 7 OH / o —P. Figure 1 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 3 This earlier hypothesis proposed that the nucleic acid con­ sisted of polymerized tetranucleotides, i.e. that the building block of the polymer was the tetranucleotide illustrated in Fig. 1. This hypothesis was invalidated when more subtle analytical methods were developed which proved that the various nucleotides were not present in al:l:l:l ratio. Also the relatively small number of permutations of the four nucleo­ tides in the tetranucleotide would not explain the believed specificity of the nucleic acids. To account for these anoma­ lies a new hypothesis proposed that the various nucleotides were individually polymerized into the chain in an essentially random order, with no necessity for a : : ratio of the 1 1 1 : 1 individual nucleotides. This hypothesis allowed an almost infinite number of permutations of the structure which would explain the specificity of the genes if it could be proved that individual genes related to a single characteristic had the same structure. This has not been proved, and may n«ver be proved, but the hypothesis persists. The structure of RNA is very similar to that of DNA ex­ cept that uracil is substituted for thymine and ribose for de soxyribo se. The molecular weight of the polymerized nucleic acids vary considerably depending upon the source, the type and the method of purification. Molecular weights of 500,000 to Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. 4 3,000,000 have been reported2'3»4»5*6. Analytical Determinations; Since the only difference between the various nucleotides from any one nucleic acid type (DNA, RNA or other) lies in the nitrogenous bases, these have been used as the criteria for most of the analytical studies* In general, the nitrogenous bases have been hydrolyzed off the nucleic acid, separated and purified In some manner which would make It possible to deter­ mine either the total or relative quantities of the various bases which were present in the original sample of nucleic acid* The earliest work along this line, which gave rise to the : : ratio idea and the tetranucleotide hypothesis, was 1 1 1 : 1 based on simple chemical separations of the various bases and, due to the relative inaccuracies of fractional crystallization, etc. It Is not surprising that these gave rise to erroneous re­ sults* Later more accurate work of the same type led to bette? results and disproved the 1:1:1:1 ratio theory* This work by Gulland et al showed that for every four atoms of phosphorous 7 there is one radical of guanine, one of thymine, about of 1 * 2 citosine, and about 0*8 of adenine for DNA. These results, while they were a considerable improve­ ment on the older data, were shown to be considerably in error by the work of Chargaff and his co-workers using paper chro­ matography to separate the various bases. Most of Chargaff*s Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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