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Preview Radio Observations of PSR B1259-63 through the 2004 periastron passage

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–7(2004) Printed2February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev1.4) Radio Observations of PSR B1259–63 through the 2004 periastron passage Simon Johnston1, Lewis Ball2, N. Wang1,3 & R. N. Manchester3 1School of Physics, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. 2Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO, P.O. Box 276, Parkes, NSW2870, Australia 3Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO, P.O. Box 76, Epping, NSW1710, Australia 5 0 0 2February2008 2 n a ABSTRACT J We report here on extensive radio observations of the binary system containing 1 PSR B1259−63 and the Be star SS 2883, made around the time of the 2004 peri- 3 astron. This is the fourth periastron to have been observed in detail. As in previous observations, changes in the pulsar’s dispersion and rotation measures are detected 1 overaperiodspanning200days.Weshowthattheeclipseofthepulsedemissionlasts v from16dayspriortoperiastronto15daysafterperiastronandisconsistentfromone 0 periastron to the next. We demonstrate that the timing solution proposed by Wang 6 et al. (2004) provides a good fit through the 2004 periastron. The light curve of the 6 transient unpulsed radio emission is broadly similar from one periastron to the next. 1 For this periastron, however, the light curve is strongly peaked post-periastron with 0 ratherlittle enhancementpriortoperiastron,incontrasttothe2000periastronwhere 5 0 thepeakfluxdensitiesweremoreequal.Theseobservationsremainconsistentwiththe / interpretation that the pulsar passes through the dense circumstellar disk of the Be h starjustbeforeandjustafterperiastron.Theobserveddifferencesfromoneperiastron p to the next can be ascribed to variations in the local disk density and magnetic field - o structure at the time the pulsar enters the disk. r t Key words: pulsars:individual: PSR B1259−63 s a : v i X 1 INTRODUCTION andfallsoffasapower-lawwithdistancefromthestar.The r disk is likely to be tilted with respect to the pulsar orbital a PSR B1259−63 was discovered in a large-scale high fre- plane, and PSR B1259−63 is eclipsed for about 35 days as quencysurveyoftheGalacticplane(Johnstonetal.1992a). it goes behind the disk. Itisuniquebecauseitistheonlyknownradiopulsarinorbit This pulsarhasbeen extensivelyobserved sinceitsdis- about a massive, main-sequence, B2e star (Johnston et al. covery 15 years ago. Determining the timing properties of 1992b). PSR B1259−63 has a short spin period of ∼48 ms the pulsar has proved a difficult task. Initial timing solu- and moderate period derivative of 2.28×10−15, implying a tions obtained by Manchester et al. (1995) and Wex et al. high spin-down energy of 8.2×1035 ergs−1 and a charac- (1998) failedtoaccuratelydescribethedatathroughsubse- teristic age of only 330 kyr. It has a long orbital period of quent periastron passages. The most recent update on the ∼1237days,andalargeeccentricityof0.87,withaprojected timingofPSRB1259−63byWang,Johnston&Manchester semi-major axis, asiniof ∼1300 light-s. (2004) provides a comprehensive review of the many diffi- Thecompanion,SS2883,isa10thmagnitudestarwith cultiesinvolved.Theirmodelshowsthatthepulsarglitched a mass of about 10 M and a radius of 6 R . Assuming inlate1997andthatthetimingresidualsarebestmodelled ⊙ ⊙ the pulsar mass is 1.4 M implies the inclination of the byincluding a jump in asini at each periastron. ⊙ orbit to the plane of the sky is i ∼ 36◦. Be stars as a class Transientunpulsedradioemissionseenaroundthetime have a hot, tenuous polar wind and a cooler, high density, of periastron has been discussed by Johnston et al. (1996), equatorialdisk.TheexpectedmasslossratefromaB2estar Johnstonetal.(1999)andConnorsetal.(2002),withphysi- is∼10−6 M .Johnstonetal.(1994) observedHαemission calmodelsfortheemissionproposedbyMelatos,Johnston& ⊙ lines from the disk at 20 stellar radii (R ), just inside the Melrose(1995),Balletal.(1999)andConnorsetal.(2002). ∗ pulsar orbit of 24 R at periastron. The density of the disk UnpulsedemissionhasalsobeendetectedintheX-ray(sum- ∗ material is high near the stellar surface (108−1010 cm−3), marisedinHirayamaetal.1996) andinthesoftγ-rayband (cid:13)c 2004RAS 2 Johnston et al. byGroveetal.(1995)andmorerecentlyShawetal.(2004), Table1.DMandRMvariationsandtheinferredmagneticfield withmodellingoftheemissiondescribedinTavani&Arons forthe2004periastronobservations.TheerrorinDMistypically (1997). 0.2cm−3 pc. Kirk, Ball and Skjaeraasen (1999) proposed that the systemshouldbedetectableathighenergiesthroughinverse Date Day ∆DM RM B k Compton scatteringoftheUVphotonsfrom theBestarby (cm−3pc) (radm−2) (mG) the relativistic pulsar wind. This model has largely been confirmed through a recent detection of the system at TeV 2004Jan27 −39.8 3.0 −3100±300 −1.3±0.1 2004Jan29 −37.7 2.5 −3800±400 −1.9±0.2 energies byAharonian et al. (2004). 2004Jan31 −35.7 3.4 +1700±200 +0.6±0.1 2004Feb02 −33.7 5.6 2004Feb04 −31.7 4.0 −1500±200 −0.5±0.1 2004Feb06 −29.7 3.9 2 OBSERVATIONS 2004Feb08 −27.7 5.9 2004Feb10 −25.7 4.9 +11500±1100 +2.9±0.3 2.1 Pulsed emission 2004Feb12 −23.7 5.3 Observations of the pulsar were carried out with the 64- 2004Feb14 −21.7 5.5 m radio telescope located in Parkes, NSW, at frequencies 2004Feb17 −18.8 2004Feb18 −17.8 19.5 between 680 and 8640 MHz. 2004Feb20 −15.8 Two independent backend systems were employed; fil- 2004Mar23 16.1 3.2 terbanksystemswhichrecordedtotalpowerandacorrelator 2004Mar25 18.1 systemwhichretainedfullpolarisation information.Thefil- 2004Mar28 21.2 1.0 terbanksystemwasusedat680and1500MHzonly.Atthe 2004Mar29 22.1 1.2 lower frequency it consists of 256 frequency channels each 2004Mar31 24.1 0.8 +6000±600 +10±3 of width 0.250 MHz for a total bandwidth of 64 MHz and 2004Apr02 26.2 0.7 −2500±300 −4.5±1.4 at the higher frequency consists of 512 frequency channels 2004Apr04 28.2 0.5 −280±30 −0.7±0.3 each of width 0.5 MHz for a total bandwidth of 256 MHz. 2004Apr08 32.2 0.4 −500±50 −1.4±0.7 In each case the analogue signal is one-bit digitised every 2004Apr14 38.2 0.4 −1080±100 −3.3±1.6 2004Apr22 46.1 0.2 −360±40 −2±2 250µsandwrittentotapeforoff-lineanalysis.Thisanalysis involvedde-dispersionandfoldingatthetopocentricperiod toproduceapulseprofile.Correlatordatawereobtainedat frequencies around 1370, 3100 and 8640 MHz with a total bandwidthof256,512and512MHzatthethreefrequencies. Channelbandwidthswere 1MHzand therewere 512 phase date of the observation and the second column shows the bins across the pulsar period. The data were folded on-line offset in days from the 2004 periastron epoch (which we foranintervalof60sandwrittentodisk.Off-lineprocessing denoteas T hereafter). usedthePsrchivesoftwareapplication(Hotan,vanStraten & Manchester 2004) specifically written for analysis of pul- sar data. Processing involved calibration and de-dispersion and yielded full Stokespulse profiles. In a typical observation, data were obtained at 680, 2.2 Unpulsed emission 1500, 3100 and 8640 MHz in the space of 3 h. The time- of-arrival (ToA) of the fiducial point in the pulsar profile Observations were also made with the Australia Telescope was calculated for each observation by convolving with a Compact Array (ATCA), an east-west synthesis telescope standard template which is frequency dependent.The tem- located nearNarrabri,NSW,whichconsists ofsix22-m an- plates at different frequencies were aligned in pulse phase tennas on a 6 km track. ATCA observations can be made as shown in Figure 1 of Wang et al. (2004). Any offset be- simultaneouslyateither1.4and2.4GHzor4.8and8.4GHz tweenthearrivaltimesatthedifferentfrequencieswasthen withabandwidthof128MHzateachfrequencysubdivided attributed to a change in dispersion measure (DM) of the into 32 spectral channels, and full Stokes parameters. The pulsar and a fit was doneto obtain the offset DM. ATCA is also capable of splitting each correlator cycle into The polarisation information allowed us to obtain the bins corresponding to different phases of a pulsar’s period, rotation measure (RM) for each observation. There are two and in our case the pulse period of ∼48 ms was split into possiblemethodsforobtainingtheRM.Thefirstistomea- 16 phase bins. This allows a measurement of off-pulse and surethechange in position angle across theband.This can on-pulseflux densities to bemade simultaneously. bedoneeitherat agiven pulsarphaseorbytimeaveraging Initialdatareductionandanalysiswerecarriedoutwith across several phase bins. The second method is to max- the Miriad package using standard techniques. After flag- imisethelinearlypolarisedfluxbychoosingtrialRMs.This gingbaddata,theprimarycalibratorwasusedforfluxden- method works well for low signal to noise ratios as it uses sity and bandpass calibration and the secondary calibrator the entire pulse window. In fact, for PSR B1259−63, there wasusedtosolveforantennagains,phasesandpolarisation is very little change in the position angle across each com- leakageterms.Aftercalibration,thedataconsistof13inde- ponent,and thetwo methods yield similar results. pendentfrequencychannelseach8MHzwideforeachofthe Table 1 shows the log of the observations of the pulsar 16 phase bins. Subsequent analysis of the data was carried made with the Parkes telescope. The first column gives the out as described in Connors et al. (2002). (cid:13)c 2004RAS,MNRAS000,1–7 Radio Observations of PSR B1259–63 3 Figure1.Post-fittimingresidualsforPSRB1259−63from1991 Januaryto2004Septemberwithamodelincludingjumpsinasini Figure 2. Dispersion Measure variations in PSR B1259−63 ateachperiastron.Thermsresidualis350µs.Dashedlinesmark aroundthe2004periastron.TheDMcontributionfromtheinter- stellar medium is assumed to be 146.7 cm−3pc. The error bars theperiastronepochs. aretypically0.2cm−3pcandaresmallerthanthesymbols. 3 RESULTS 3.1 Pulsed emission 3.1.3 RM variations 3.1.1 Timing Column 4 of Table 1 shows the RM as a function of epoch. The typical error bars are of order 10 per cent. The RM Figure 1 shows the complete timing residuals from changessignificantlybothinmagnitudeandinsignbetween PSRB1259−63.Therearemorethan1200independenttim- the observations but there is little evidence of a change in ing points, with a data span from 1991 January to 2004 RM within the duration of a single observation. On Feb 2 September including five periastron passages. As described (T−34)wewereunabletomeasureanRMevenat8.4GHz, in earlier papers, the DM of the pulsar changes near peri- onT−30thepolarisation qualityofthedataispoorandon astron and this extra DM needs to be accounted for in the T−28thepulsarisveryweakandnoRMinformationcould timingsolution.Forthisperiastron,observationsweremade be extracted. Following the very large RM value on T−26, at frequencies between 0.64 and 8.4 GHz and the DM was the pulsar appeared completely depolarised at all frequen- calculated by measuring the time offset between the TOAs cies. After the pulsar re-emerged from the eclipse, no RMs at thedifferent frequencies (see e.g. Wex et al. 1998). could initially be measured. A high, positive RM was mea- In Wang et al. (2004) we determined that the best fit suredonT+24,subsequentvalueswerenegativethereafter. solution involved adding jumps in the valueof asini at pe- It is noticeable that the RM varies by more than a factor riastron and that a small glitch occured at MJD 50691. We of 10 in the post-periastron observrations and yet the DM havenowextendedthat modeltocoverthe2004 periastron variesonlybyafactorof2.Therearethreepotentialexpla- passage,obtainingsuccessivejumpsinasiniof60.7,−26.3, nationsforthedepolarisationofthesignal.Itispossiblethat 2.8, 4.2 and −7.8 ms. The fitted jumps for the first 4 peri- theRMissohighthatevenacrossasinglefrequencychannel astronsarewithinafewpercentofthoseobtainedbyWang the position angle varies significantly, thus depolarising the et al. (2004). signal. This would imply an RM greater than 105 rad m−2 for the 8.4 GHz observations. Secondly, the RM could be highly variable on the timescale of a few minutes, causing 3.1.2 DM variations depolarisation when time averaging occurs. Finally, there Column 3 of Table 1 lists the DM variations and these are may be different values of RM along different ray paths, displayedinFigure2.ThetypicalerrorintheDMvaluesare especially when the pulsar becomes scatter broadened. We 0.2cm−3pc.Althoughthepulsarwasundetectedat1.4,3.1 believe it is likely that all three occur close to the point of and8.4GHzonT−18.8,thelastdetectionbeforeperiastron eclipse of thepulsar. occurredonT−17.8whentheDMchangewas19.5cm−3pc. TheRMvaluesmeasuredaresignificantlydifferentfrom SubsequentobservationsonT−15.8failedtodetectthepul- those obtained by Connors et al. (2002) for the 2000 pe- sar. The eclipse lasted until T+16.1 although on this date riastron. In 2000 the pulsar was depolarised from T−46 the pulsar was not detected at 1.4 GHz. Two days later, onwards, whereas in 2004 polarisation was detected up to there is a marginal detection of the pulsar at 3.1 GHz but T−27. Large and variablepolarisation was detected follow- not at higher or lower frequencies. After the exit from the ing periastron in both 2000 and 2004, although the large eclipsetheDMchangewasonly3.2anddecayedoveranin- valueof−7700radm−2 measuredin2000wasnotrepeated tervalof∼20days.Thisisbroadlyinlinewithchangesseen in 2004. during previous periastron passages (see Figure 2 in Wang ArmedwithboththeDMandtheRMwecancompute et al. 2004). themagneticfieldparalleltothelineofsight,B inmGvia k (cid:13)c 2004RAS,MNRAS000,1–7 4 Johnston et al. Table 2. Flux densities for pulsed emission and total emission (pulsed plus unpulsed) for all 15 observations made with the ATCA in 2004. Total flux densities and errors were obtained from the miriad routine imfit. Pulsed flux densities and errors were obtained using the routine uvflux. Pulsar flux densities are omitted when no significant pulses could be seen. The last two observations used ultra-compactarraysandtheimagingwastoopoortoobtainreliablefluxdensityestimates. ObservingFrequency Date Day 1384MHz 2496MHz 4800MHz 8400MHz Pulsar Total Pulsar Total Pulsar Total Pulsar Total (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) Feb14 −21.5 2.4±0.2 4.7±0.5 3.3±0.2 4.8±0.5 2.5±0.2 2.9±0.5 0.8±0.2 0.8±0.3 Feb21 −14.7 — 12.4±2.3 — 12.2±0.5 — 7.8±0.6 — 5.0±0.5 Feb27 −8.7 — 14.7±2.2 — 13.6±0.5 — 10.4±0.6 — 7.3±0.7 Mar04 −2.8 — 16.9±2.3 — 12.0±0.6 — 9.9±0.7 — 5.8±0.8 Mar10 +3.2 — 13.2±1.8 — 14.2±0.5 — 10.5±0.8 — 7.6±0.6 Mar15 +8.2 — 12.5±0.9 — 9.8±0.7 — 4.8±1.4 — 1.5±0.7 Mar23 +16.1 — 20.0±1.0 0.6±0.2 17.8±0.5 0.6±0.2 10.2±1.8 0.2±0.2 4.3±1.0 Mar28 +21.1 3.2±0.2 51.2±2.9 3.6±0.2 44.3±2.0 2.4±0.2 27.5±2.9 1.9±0.2 14.9±3.2 Apr04 +28.1 5.1±0.2 27.0±1.4 3.6±0.2 22.0±0.7 1.6±0.2 13.0±1.1 1.1±0.2 7.5±1.2 Apr09 +33.5 4.6±0.2 27.6±3.6 3.1±0.2 9.7±2.0 1.5±0.2 8.5±2.0 0.8±0.2 4.0±1.5 Apr14 +38.5 5.9±0.2 20.5±3.8 5.7±0.2 19.4±2.6 2.7±0.2 7.5±1.8 1.8±0.2 3.8±0.7 May10 +64.2 2.2±0.2 10.4±0.7 2.5±0.2 10.7±0.5 1.1±0.2 5.8±0.9 0.5±0.2 3.7±0.7 Jun09 +94.0 3.2±0.2 11.1±1.8 2.8±0.2 4.0±0.6 1.4±0.2 1.3±0.3 0.6±0.2 0.2±0.2 Aug04 +150.1 6.7±0.2 — 4.6±0.2 — 2.2±0.2 — 0.3±0.2 — Sep09 +186.1 4.8±0.2 — 2.8±0.2 — 2.4±0.2 — 1.6±0.2 — B =1.232×10−3 RM (1) it subsequently decreased more slowly. The unpulsed emis- k ∆DM sionwasstilldetectableatlevelsofafewmJyatthetimeof ValuesofB areshownincolumn5ofTable1.Theerrorbar thefinalobservationaroundT+65.Thereissomesuggestion k in B is dependent on the RM error for the pre-periastron of absorption at frequencies below 2.4 GHz in the emission k data and theDM error for thepost-periastron data. observed at the earliest times, T−22 and T−15. At other epochs thespectrum is well fitted bya simple power law of theform Sν =Cνα with α∼−0.6. 3.2 Unpulsed emission Table2liststhepulsedfluxdensityandthetotalfluxdensity 4 COMPARISON OF PERIASTRON detected at the four frequencies observed with the ATCA. PASSAGES Dashes indicate that the pulsar was not detected at that epoch. The dates of these observations were carefully se- The top panel of Figure 3 shows the light curve for each of lected to provide good sampling of the transient unpulsed the four frequencies from the 2004 periastron. Below that emissionbasedontheobservationsofthepreviousthreepe- panel we show the data from the three preceding perias- riastronpassages.ThenondetectionofthepulsaratT−14.7 tron passages in 1994, 1997 and 2000. Figure 4 shows the is consistent with the lack of pulsed emission observed at unpulsed emission at 1384 MHz from all four periastron Parkes one day earlier. The re-appearance of the pulsar at passages superposed, to allow for easy comparison of the T+16.1at thehigherfrequenciesisalsoconsistentwith the observed light curves. Parkes observations. The similarities between the four periastron passages Figure3showsthefluxdensityofthetransientunpulsed are striking. In the three cases where pre-periastron obser- emission detectedfrom thePSR B1259−63 system through vationswereobtained,theunpulsedemissionwasdetectable the 2004 periastron passage (top panel), together with the by T−20, subsequently increased to a maximum around corresponding data from the previous three periastron pas- T−7 and then decayed slowly to a local minimum around sages(lowerpanels).Althoughthesamplingratewasnotas T+10. In all four cases the flux density after periastron in- highin2004asineither1997or2000,itisunlikelythatany creasedfromalocalminimumaroundT+10toamaximum significant feature of thelight curvehas been missed. closetoT+20,thendecreasedrelativelyrapidlyuntilT+30, Unpulsed emission was detected at a low level on and subsequentlydeclined more slowly. the first day that observations were made, at T−22. The The general behaviour of the unpulsed emission has flux density at all four frequencies observed then increased been interpreted as resulting from the interaction of the steadily, reaching a maximum (∼17 mJy at 1.4 GHz) be- pulsarandits wind with thedensedisk surroundingtheBe tweenT−10andT−3,andsubsequentlydecreasedtoamin- starcompanion(Balletal.1999).Thepulsarpassesthrough imum around T+7. The flux density at all four frequencies the disk twice, once a few days before periastron and then then increased quite rapidly peaking around T+22 (nearly againafewdaysafterward.Theunpulsedemissionhasbeen 50 mJy at 1.4 GHz), significantly higher than the level at- broadly interpreted as resulting from two emission regions tained prior to periastron. Just 5 days later, at T+27, the associated with these interactions. fluxdensityhaddroppedtoaroundhalfitspeakvalue,and However, there are also significant differences between (cid:13)c 2004RAS,MNRAS000,1–7 Radio Observations of PSR B1259–63 5 Table 3. Observations bracketting the disappearance and reap- pearanceofpulsedemissionatthefourperiastronepochs.Aster- isksindicatedaysonwhichthesourcewasbothdetectedandnot detected inseparateobservations. periastron daynumber epoch last firstnon- lastnon- first detection detection detection detection 1994Jan9 −20.1 − 13.9 23.9 1997May29 −18.9 −17.5 13.2 15.2* 2000Oct17 −18.4 −16.5 13.3 18.5 2004Mar7 −18.3 −15.3 13.7 15.7* the light curves at the four periastron passages which ap- pear to be robust despite the different data sampling inter- vals. In 1997 and 2000 the flux density rises rapidly to its pre-periastron value over ∼ 10 days. In 2004 the increase apparentlyoccurs more slowly, at least at 1.4 and 2.4 GHz, but this could be due to decreasing optical depth. In 1997 and2004thefirstmaximumisnotwelldefined,butin2000 it appears as a distinct peak between T−10 and T−8. In 1997and2004thepeakfluxdetectedafterperiastronisap- proximately twice that seen before periastron, but in 2000 the peak before periastron is comparable to that after pe- riastron. In 1994, 2000 and 2004 the peak after peristron occurs between 20 and 25 days after periastron, while in 1997 the post-peristron peak is significantly earlier, occur- Figure3.Transientradioemissionaroundthetimeofperiastron ring between T+15 and T+20. forfourdifferentperiastronpassages.Eachplotdisplaysfourdif- These differences in the unpulsed emission most likely ferentfrequencies,1384,2496,4800and8640MHz,inorderfrom reflect differencesin theproperties of thedisk at thesiteof top down. The1994 and1997 data werepreviouslypublishedin the pulsar crossings. The behaviour of the pulsed emission Johnston et al. (1999) and the 2000 data published by Connors providesacoarseprobeofthediskgeometry,sincethedisap- etal.(2002). pearanceofpulsedemissionpre-periastron,anditsreappear- ance post-periastron, are interpreted as marking the times when the pulsar passes into the disk and then re-emerges frombehindit.Theepochsoftheobservationswhichbracket the start and end of the eclipse of the pulsed emission are summarised in Table 3. The best constrained are the epochs of re-appearance after peristron in 1997 and 2004. On both these occasions observations with the Parkes telescope on T+15 included both detections and non-detections of the pulsed emission —consistentwiththatbeingtheactualdayofre-emergence. The epoch of the pulsar disappearance before periastron in 1997isalsowellconstrained.ParkesobservationsonT−18.9 detectedthepulsarand ATCAobservations onT−17.5 did not.Unfortunatelytheothereclipseepochsarelesswellde- termined, but all are consistent with an eclipse starting on T−18 and ending between T+14 and T+15. Comparisonoftheepochsofthepulsareclipsewiththe light curve of the unpulsed emission suggests the following. Just before the pulsar goes into the eclipse prior to peri- Figure 4. Light curves of the unpulsed emission at 1384 MHz astron, and at the time when the dispersion measure has from the four periastron passages. Solid line denotes 2004 data, changed dramatically, the unpulsed emission starts to rise. dashed line denotes 2000 data, dash-dot line is 1997 data and Theimplicationsarethattheonsetoftheunpulsedemission dottedlineis1994data. occursasthepulsarenterstheBestardisk.There-detection ofthepulsedemissionoccursjustbeforethepost-periastron peak of the unpulsed emission. This is consistent with the peakoftheunpulsedemissioncoincidingwiththeendofthe interaction between the pulsar and the disk, and hence the (cid:13)c 2004RAS,MNRAS000,1–7 6 Johnston et al. through adiabatic losses as the emitting region is advected outward in theexpandingradial flow of theBe star disk. The observed epochs of the eclipse of the pulsed emis- sionprovidelittleevidenceofgrossdifferencesinthediskge- ometry between the different periastron passages, although the sparse sampling of the observations does not rule out some variation between the periastron eclipse epochs. On the other hand, differences in the DM and RM variations between periastron passages as the pulsar enters and re- emerges from eclipse indicate that there are significant dif- ferencesin thelocal propertiesoftheBestarwind/disk en- counteredbythepulsar.Theselocalproperties,particularly the number density of the wind and disk, will have a di- rect effect on determiningtheproperties of thepulsarwind bubbleandhencetheobservedradioemission fromthepre- periastron and post-periastron encounter. If synchrotron losses dominate, the initial flux density decay following each peak is linear, with the decay time of Figure 5. DM variations as a function of days from periastron thepre-andpost-periastronsourcesdeterminedbythemag- after combining all data from 1990 January to 2004 September. The errorbars are smallerthan the symbols.The DM contribu- neticfieldstrengthwithintherelevantsourceregion.Ballet tionfromtheinterstellarmediumisassumedtobe146.7cm−3pc. al. (1999) proposed that the1997 observations were consis- tentwithadecaytimeofapproximately72daysforemission region associated with thepre-periastron disk crossing, and ceasing of the supply of relativistic electrons to the pulsar just9daysforthepost-periastronsource.TakingT−18and wind – Be star disk bubble. T+13 as the epochs of the pre- and post-periastron cross- Figure5combinesalltheDMvariationsmeasuredsince ings, the corresponding orbital separations are 40 R and ∗ 1990 onto a single plot. Again, the results are largely con- 33R .IfthediskoftheBestarwashomogeneousthiswould ∗ sistent from one periastron to the next (although the sam- imply a stronger magnetic field – and hence shorter decay plingisfarfromuniform).Theeclipseofthepulsedemission time–forthepost-periastronsourcethanthepre-periastron is clearly delineated. The asymmetry between the pre- and source, because the smaller pulsar/Be star separation will post-periastron data is striking. This is largely because of result in a smaller pulsar wind bubble. After theinitial lin- the geometry of the system; the pulsar is on the far side of ear decay, synchrotron losses produce a distinct break in theBe star with respect to theobserver prior to periastron the light curve once losses become significant at the energy and on the near side following periastron. The path length of the electrons responsible for the emission at the observ- is therefore correspondingly larger resulting in a larger DM ing frequency. This break is followed by a rapid frequency- variations pre-periastron. dependent decay in the radio flux. No obvious evidence for such a break has been detected. Connorsetal.(2002)suggestedthattheunpulsedemis- sion associated with the 2000 periastron fitted better with 5 DISCUSSION adiabaticlossesasthedominantmechanismforthedecay.In The differences between the light curves of the unpulsed thiscasethefluxdensitydecayfollowsapowerlaw,withthe emission observed through the 1997, 2000 and 2004 perias- differencebetweenthedecayofthepre-andpost-periastron tronpassagesaredifficulttoreconcilewiththesimplemod- sources determined by the relevant pulsar Be star separa- els so far proposed. Melatos, Johnston & Melrose (1995) tion. This provides a good qualitative match to the 2000 establishedthatfree-freeabsorptioninaninclineddiskpro- periastron light curvesalthough it isdifficulttoaccountfor vided a good fit to the observed variations in DM and RM theemissionplateaubetweenT andT+15.Thismodeldoes through periastron. not providea good fit to theemission observed in 1997. Ball et al. (1999) proposed that the unpulsed emission The 2004 light curves are difficult to fit with either wassynchrotronradiationfromtwopopulationsofelectrons of these models for two reasons. The first phase of emis- impulsivelyacceleratedasthepulsarpassedthroughtheBe sion prior to T+5, with its apparently slower increase and stardisk before andafter periastron. They showed that the poorly-defined peak, is qualitatively different to that seen qualitative behaviour of the unpulsed emission was consis- in either 1997 or 2000. The combination of a rapid initial tentwithasituationwheretwosuchsourcescooledprimar- post-periastrondecreasefollowedbyamuchslowerdecrease ily as a result of synchrotron losses. The rise times to the issimilartothebehaviourin1997and1994,butatthetime two emission peaks were taken to be the same, around 10 of the transition the flux is much higher than the extrapo- days, corresponding the the interaction time between the lated pre-periastron decrease. pulsar wind and the Be star disk, roughly twice the time ThesystemhasrecentlybeendetectedatTeVenergies takenforthepulsaritself topassthroughthedisk.Theun- by Aharonian et al. (2004) in observations using the HESS pulsedemissionobservedduringthe2000periastronshowed telescopes. An initial detection was made 10 days prior to a somewhat different behaviour, and Connors et al. (2002) the2004periastron.Afteragapintheobservingbecauseof presentedamodelbasedonthatfromBalletal.(1999),but thefullmoon,observationsstarted again at T+10,afteran withthetwosynchrotronemittingregionscoolingprimarily initialnon-detectionthefluxrosesharply,peakingatT+20. (cid:13)c 2004RAS,MNRAS000,1–7 Radio Observations of PSR B1259–63 7 It then began a slow decay with some detectable flux still REFERENCES present100daysafterperiastron.Themaximumfluxabove AharonianF.etal.,2004,A&A,Submitted 230GeVwas7percentofthatoftheCrabNebula,andthe Ball L. T., Melatos A., Johnston S., Skjaeraasen O., 1999, ApJ, spectrum between 0.4 and 3 TeV is well fitted by a power 514,L39 law with photon index ∼2.7. Both the amplitude and the Connors T. W., Johnston S., Manchester R. N., McConnell D., spectrum were close to that predicted by the Kirk et al. 2002,MNRAS,336,1201 (1999) model in which the Be star photons are scattered Grove E., Tavani M., Purcell W. R., Kurfess J. D., Strick- by electrons in the shocked region of the pulsar wind. The manM.S.,AronsJ.,1995,ApJ,447,L113 observed TeV light curve is poorly sampled, but appears Hirayama M., Nagase F., Tavani M., Kaspi V. M., Kawia N., remarkablysimilartotheradiolightcurve.Aharonianetal. AronsJ.,1996,Proc.Astr.Soc.Jap.,48,833 Hotan A. W., van Straten W., Manchester R. N., 2004, (2004) show that the TeV peak following periastron occurs Proc.Astr.Soc.Aust.,21,302 at approximately thesame epoch as thesecond radio peak, Johnston S., Lyne A. G., Manchester R. N., Kniffen D. A., and liketheradio fluxtheTeV gamma ray emission decays D’AmicoN.,LimJ.,AshworthM.,1992a,MNRAS,255,401 over100 days or so. Johnston S., Manchester R. N., Lyne A. G., Bailes M., KaspiV.M.,QiaoG.,D’AmicoN.,1992b,ApJ,387,L37 Johnston S., Manchester R. N., Lyne A. G., Nicastro L., Spy- romilioJ.,1994,MNRAS,268,430 6 CONCLUSIONS Johnston S., Manchester R. N., Lyne A. G., D’Amico N., Bailes M., Gaensler B. M., Nicastro L., 1996, MNRAS, 279, Itisnowapparentthatwhilethegrossfeaturesoftheradio 1026 emission from the PSR B1259−63/SS2883 system are re- Johnston S., Manchester R. N., McConnell D., Campbell- peated through each periastron passage, thedetails of both WilsonD.,1999,MNRAS,302,277 the pulsed and the transient unpulsed emission differ con- KirkJ. G., Ball L., Skjaeraasen O., 1999, Astroparticle Physics, siderably from one periastron to thenext. 10,31 Thedatafromthefourperiastronencounterssofarob- Manchester R. N., Johnston S., Lyne A. G., D’Amico N., BailesM.,NicastroN.,1995,ApJ,445,L137 servedatradiofrequenciesremainconsistentwiththeinter- MelatosA.,JohnstonS.,MelroseD.B.,1995,MNRAS,275,381 pretationthatthepulsarpassesthroughadensediskaround Shaw S. E., Chernyakova M., Rodriguez J., Walter R., its Be star companion just before peristron and is obscured KretschmarP.,Mereghetti S.,2004,A&A,426,L33 for some 33 days before re-emerging. The data imply that TavaniM.,AronsJ.,1997,ApJ,477,439 there is little difference between the geometry of the en- Wang N., Johnston S., Manchester R. N., 2004, MNRAS, 351, counter between the pulsar and the Be star disk from one 599 pass tothenext.Unpulsedemission appears neartheonset Wex N., Johnston S., Manchester R. N., Lyne A. G., Stap- oftheencounterbetweenthepulsarandtheBestardiskand persB.W.,BailesM.,1998,MNRAS,298,997 the proposal that it originates from the two regions where the pulsar passes through the disk remains consistent with the observations. However, there are significant differences between the DM and RM of the pulsar and the transient unpulsed emission from one periastron to the next. These differences all suggest that the local properties of the Be star disk encountered by the pulsar, such as the number densityand magnetic field,vary considerably between peri- astronpassages.Modellingthedetaileddependenceofemis- sionobservedthrougheachindividualperiastronistherefore unlikely to beproductive. Thesimilarity betweenthelightcurvesoftheunpulsed radio emission and the TeV emission is intriguing. It raises anapparentcontradiction,inthattheradioemissionismost likely associated with the pulsar–disk interaction while the propertiesoftheTeVemission areverywellfittedbymodel predictions that do not involve the disk. This is certain to become clearer as more detailed comparisons of the radio, X-ray and gamma-ray observations and the models of the system are completed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Australia Telescope is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Facility managed by the CSIRO. We are grateful to Willem van Straten and AidanHotan forconstant software supportthroughoutthis project. (cid:13)c 2004RAS,MNRAS000,1–7

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