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Preview Radio detection of Extensive Air Showers (ECRS 2016)

XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Sept. 4-9 2016 1 Radio detection of Extensive Air Showers Frank G. Schr¨oder Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany Detection of the mostly geomagnetically generated radio emission of cosmic-ray air showers pro- vides an alternative to air-Cherenkov and air-fluorescence detection, since it is not limited to clear nights. Like these established methods, the radio signal is sensitive to the calorimetric energy and the position of the maximum of the electromagnetic shower component. This makes antenna ar- rays an ideal extension for particle-detector arrays above a threshold energy of about 100 PeV of the primary cosmic-ray particles. In the last few years the digital radio technique for cosmic-ray air showers again made significant progress, and there now is a consistent picture of the emission mechanisms confirmed by several measurements. Recent results by the antenna arrays AERA and 7 Tunka-Rex confirm that the absolute accuracy for the shower energy is as good as the other de- 1 tection techniques. Moreover, the sensitivity to the shower maximum of the radio signal has been 0 confirmed in direct comparison to air-Cherenkov measurements by Tunka-Rex. The dense antenna 2 arrayLOFARcanalreadycompetewiththeestablishedtechniquesinaccuracyforcosmic-raymass- composition. In the future, a new generation of radio experiments might drive the field: either by n a providingextremelylargeexposureforinclinedcosmic-rayorneutrinoshowersor,liketheSKAcore J in Australia with its several 10,000 antennas, by providing extremely detailed measurements. 9 1 I. INTRODUCTION the best hadronic interaction models fail to describe ] thenumberanddistributionsofmuonscorrectly[8,9]. E The electromagnetic component of air showers can H Antenna arrays provide an alternative way for the be described more accurately, since the underlying measurement of high-energy cosmic-ray air showers . physics is better understood than for the hadronic h initiated by any type of primary particle [1, 2]. The component producing the muons. Traditionally op- p threshold of current radio arrays is around 1017eV. - tical methods are used for measurement of the elec- o At these energies, however, no neutrinos and gamma tromagnetic component: air-Cherenkov light emitted r rays have been discovered, yet. Thus, apart from the t intheforwarddirectionoftheshowerandfluorescence s searchfortheseneutralparticles,themaininstrumen- light emitted isotropically by the air after excitation a tation goal is to increase the measurement accuracy [ of nitrogen molecules by the traversing shower. Un- for the composition of the primary cosmic nuclei as a like the muons, measurements of the electromagnetic 1 functionofenergy. Thisincreaseinaccuracyiscrucial component are in agreement with simulations at all v to distinguish competing scenarios for the transition accessible energies until about 1020eV. This reduces 6 from Galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays expected 9 systematic uncertainties in the interpretation of op- in this energy range [3, 4], and to understand the ori- 4 tical measurements significantly compared to particle gin of the most energetic Galactic and extragalactic 5 measurements[10]. Themaindisadvantageoftheop- 0 particles [5]. Moreover, a higher precision is required tical methods is their low duty cycle, since optical . to study the weak anisotropy of the primary cosmic 1 measurements require dark and clear nights. rays separately for different mass groups [6, 7]. Radio 0 Antenna arrays combine the two main advantages extensions of particle-detector arrays can bring this 7 ofparticleandopticaldetection: radiodetectionofair 1 desired enhancement of precision and accuracy. showersispossibleunderalmostanyweatherandlight : v A traditional method for air-shower detection is conditions except for thunderclouds directly over the i particle detectors on and under ground (see figure 1). array,sincethesealtertheradiosignal[11,12]. More- X They can directly detect muons and particles of the over, the radio signal provides a measure of the well r a electromagnetic cascade (electrons, positrons, pho- understood electromagnetic component. As an addi- tons) of the air shower. The ratio between the num- tional advantage, to current knowledge the emission ber of electrons and the number of muons provides andpropagationoftheradiosignaldependslessonat- an estimator for the composition of the primary par- mospheric conditions than Cherenkov or fluorescence ticles, since showers initiated by heavy nuclei on av- light. This can make radio detection even more ac- erage contain more muons than showers initiated by curate than the optical techniques, and current radio light nuclei, and photon induced showers have almost arrayshaveachievedsimilaraccuraciesof15 20%for − no muons. Unfortunately, the interpretation of such the energy [13–15]. The accuracy for the atmospheric particlemeasurementssuffersfromadeficientdescrip- depth of the shower maximum, X , can be as good max tion of the atmospheric particle cascades. Since the as20g/cm2 dependingontheexperiment[13,14,16]. first interactions in the cascades occur at energies far Together with the electron-muon ratio X is the max beyondtherangeprobedataccelerators,oneextrapo- most important estimator for the mass composition latesfromexperimentallyprovenknowledge,andeven of the primary cosmic rays. eConf C16-09-04.3 2 XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Sept. 4-9 2016 primary particle π− π+ π0 γ γ π− π0 + e − π+ e − + e e γ µ− − e + − e e ν ν µ+ radio + air-Cherenkov telescope radio light particle for fluores- antenna detector detector cence light FIG. 1: Simplified scheme of a cosmic-ray air shower initiated by a nucleus. While muons are measures primarily with particle detectors, the electromagnetic shower component is also measured indirectly by many experiments via emitted Cherenkov and fluorescence light during night, and at any time via its radio emission [1]. For significant further progress in cosmic-ray II. PROPERTIES OF THE RADIO EMISSION physics, each single mass estimator alone probably is insufficient, and the combined accuracy of both mass Theradiosignalofairshowersiscoherent,forward- estimators, i.e., X and the electron-muon ratio, max beamed emission generated predominantly by the might be required. Since the radio signal is sensitive electrons and positrons in the electromagnetic cas- toX andtothesizeoftheelectromagneticcompo- max cades. This emission arrives as a short pulse with nent, this makes radio detection an ideal complement awidthbetweenaboutoneandafewtensofnanosec- to muon detectors [17, 18]. Furthermore, this com- onds depending on the distance to the shower axis. bination automatically compensates for an apparent On first impression the radio signal and the disadvantage of the radio technique, since the muon Cherenkov-light emitted by air showers have similar detectorcantriggerthereadoutoftheradioantennas. properties: both are beamed in the forward direction Artificially generated radio disturbances can have a with an opening angle of the beam of the order of 3◦, signature similar to the pulses emitted by air showers i.e., the footprint on ground typically has a diameter and are difficult to separate when using simple radio of the order of 200m for vertical showers. However, detectors. Although self-triggered radio detection of there are several differences between the radio signal air showers has been proven possible [19–21], achiev- andtheCherenkovlightemittedbyairshowers. First, ing high purity requires radio quiet sites. Thus, it is the radio emission is coherent. The field strength (= much simpler to use a co-located particle detector as amplitude)oftheradiosignalincreasesapproximately a trigger, as done by many current radio arrays. linearly with the number of electrons in the electro- In summary, the radio technique is about to cross magnetic cascade, which is roughly proportional to the threshold from proof-of-principle demonstrations the shower energy. The radiation energy and inten- toaseriouscontributiontocosmic-rayphysics. Large- sity consequently scale quadratically with the shower scale extensions of particle-detector arrays by radio energy, contrary to Cherenkov light whose intensity antennas will be economic and most useful for all sci- increases only linearly with the shower energy. Sec- entific goals requiring more accurate measurements. ond, the shape of the radio footprint on the ground eConf C16-09-04.3 XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Sept. 4-9 2016 3 400 data AERA, 30 - 80 MHz 240 LOFAR, 110 - 190 MHz 300 sub-threshold flagged 210 m) 200 180 m²) (B 100 eV/ x v 150 ty ( x v 0 120 ensi n d ni −100 90 gy o r ositi −200 60 ene p 300 30 − 400 0 − 400 200 0 200 400 − − positionin v x B (m) FIG.2: Footprintoftheradiosignalintheshowerplaneintwodifferentfrequencybands: leftanAERAeventmeasured at30−80MHz[22],rightaLOFAReventmeasuredat110−190MHz[23]. Thecolorinthecirclesisthemeasuredsignal strength,thesurroundingcolorisafitoftheradiofootprinttothesemeasurements. Thefootprintisslightlyasymmetric due to the interference of the geomagnetic and Askaryan effects. The coordinates are along the Lorentz force (v×B) and orthogonal to it (v×v×B), where v is the direction of the shower axis and B the geomagnetic field. depends on the frequency band. The Cherenkov-like mechanisms. The dominant mechanism is the geo- ring on ground becomes sharper for higher radio fre- magnetic deflection of electrons and positrons in op- quencies,sincesmallerwavelengthsrequirestricterco- posite directions by the geomagnetic field. This leads herence conditions for the emission. While the ring tolinearlypolarizedradioemissionpointinginthedi- is completely filled with signal at frequencies below rection of the geomagnetic Lorentz force, v B, with × 100MHz, at higher frequencies the emission is de- v the shower axis and B the geomagnetic field. The tectable only at the ring (see figure 2) [23], which is strengthofthegeomagneticemissionisapproximately visible up to at least a few GHz [24]. proportional to the geomagnetic Lorentz force and, This implies that antenna arrays operating below thus, to the sine of the ’geomagnetic angle’ between 100MHz can be relatively sparse with spacings up to theshoweraxisandmagneticfieldoftheEarth,sinα. 200m for vertical showers and spacings of larger than Agenerallyweaker,butnotnegligiblecontributionto 1km for inclined showers [25]. At frequencies of a the radio signal originates from the Askaryan effect. few GHz the spacing would have to be of the order of That is emission due to the time-variance of the neg- 10m, since the width rather than the diameter of the ative net charge of the shower front (the total charge Cherenkov-like ring will be relevant for efficient de- oftheEarthisconserved,sincetheatmosphereision- tection. The advantage at GHz frequencies is a much izedandchargedpositivelybythetraversingshower). lowerexternalbackground. WhileatMHzfrequencies The Askaryan emission is radially polarized around the hardly reducible Galactic background covers the theshoweraxis. Dependingontheazimuthallocation radio signal of air showers at energies below 1017eV, around the shower axis it either adds constructively at GHz frequencies only internal background of the or destructively to the geomagnetic emission. receiver counts. Thus, the threshold could be one Other emission mechanisms have been proposed, or two orders of magnitude lower for dense GHz ar- but have not yet been experimentally confirmed - ex- rays. However, the requirement of a much denser an- cept of the acceleration of electrons by atmospheric tenna spacing makes GHz arrays too expensive at the electricfieldswhichisimportantonlyduringthunder- present, which is the principle reason why current ex- storms [11, 12]. Moreover, simulation codes relying periments mostly operate at a typical frequency band on geomagnetic and Askaryan emission consistently of 30 80MHz. describe various measurements within an experimen- − Third, another important difference between radio tal scale uncertainty of about 20% [31, 32]. They andCherenkovlightarethephysicsprocessescausing also describe the dependencies on the distance to the the emission. While the Cherenkov light is caused by shower axis and on the arrival direction sufficiently the speed of the electrons and positrons being faster well [33]. This means that any potential mechanism than the speed of the light in the atmosphere, the ra- notyetdiscoveredlikelycontributestothetotalemis- dio emission originates from two completely different sion by much less than 20%. For further reading on eConf C16-09-04.3 4 XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Sept. 4-9 2016 LOFAR JCAP 10(2014)014 AERA (scaled to LOFAR mag. field) effect 0.2 pLDolFa raiszyamtio. nPanR PdDR a9Dr3X 8(i2v90:(12160611)1142.)002950120205702 n a y ar 0.15 k s A of h gt 0.1 n e str e elativ 0.05 C(scoaRleEd AtoS L OsFimARs m. faogr. Tfieuldn)ka-Rex r proton iron Astropart. Phys. 74 (2016) 79 0 0 50 100 150 200 distance to shower axis (m) FIG.3: StrengthoftheAskaryanemissioninrelationtothegeomagneticoneforageomagneticangleα=90◦;LOFAR: polarization measurements [26]; AERA: polarization measurements of prototype setup [27] + asymmetry of the radio footprint implicit in the lateral distribution function (LDF) [28, 29]; Tunka-Rex: CoREAS simulations [30]; from [1]. thetheoreticalunderstandingoftheradioemissionby Likefortheasymmetryoftheradiofootprint,aslight air showers please refer to references [34–36], and for asymmetry has also been predicted by simulations the recent simulation codes CoREAS and ZHAires to for the wavefront [40]. This now seems understand- references [37, 38]. able, since the pulse shape will depend on whether the Askaryan andgeomagneticemissions interfere de- Due to the interplay of the geomagnetic and structively or constructively. In CoREAS simulations Askaryanemissionsthefootprintongroundisslightly madeforLOPESitwasseenthatthisconeisapproxi- asymmetric. This means that the amplitude of the mately10%steepertowardsEastthantowardsWest, radio signal is not a simple function of the distance which seems to be in rough agreement with the size to shower axis, unless it is corrected for the asym- of the phase shift observed by LOFAR. metry [30]. The size of the asymmetry corresponds to the strength of the Askaryan effect relative to the Consequently, as of today, all properties of the ra- geomagnetic emission, which depends on the zenith dio signal, i.e., its amplitude, polarization, and ar- angle and distance to the shower axis (figure 3). Re- rivaltime, seemtobeunderstoodatalevelofaround centlyaphasedelayofabout1nsbetweenbotheffects 10%, and are quantitatively reproducible by simula- has been measured by LOFAR, which means that the tion codes. resulting polarization is slightly elliptical [39]. Since thevaluesinfigure3hadbeendeterminedbeforethis discovery, itisnotclearwhichvaluesconsiderthefull III. RADIO ARRAYS strength of the Askaryan emission and which values consider only the fraction of the Askaryan effect in Radio signal from air-showers have first been mea- phasewiththegeomagneticemission. Thus,someval- sured in the 1960s by several analog antenna arrays ues might slightly underestimate the true fraction of [58, 59]. These historic measurements have been suf- Askaryan emission, which has to be determined in fu- ficient to discover the qualitative dependencies of the ture studies. radio signal, but large quantitative uncertainties re- Finally,alsotheslightasymmetryofthehyperbolic mained. Hence, the accuracy achieved for air-shower radio wavefront [40, 41] might be explained by the parameters was insufficient. This changed in the phase shift of both effects. The radio wavefront is 2000swhenseveraldigitalexperimentswerebuiltand of approximately hyperbolic shape, as expected for sophisticated methods for computing-intensive data a finite line source, i.e., the radio wavefront approxi- analysis could be used. In particular LOPES, a digi- matesaconeatlargerdistancesfromtheshowerfront. tal radio interferometer triggered by the KASCADE- This cone has a typical angle to the shower plane Grande particle-detector array [43, 60], revived the (plane perpendicular to the shower axis) of 1 2◦, field, and only recently its data analysis has been fin- − where the value of the cone angle is approximately ished. At about the same time CODALEMA, an an- proportional to the distance of the shower maximum. tenna array in a radio-quiet location in France, de- eConf C16-09-04.3 XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Sept. 4-9 2016 5 TABLE I: Selection of modern antenna arrays for air-shower or neutrino detection and references for further reading (more extended table in Ref. [1]). Name of Operation aiming at Medium of References experiment period Cosmic Rays Neutrinos radio emission Yakutsk since 1972 x air [42] LOPES 2003 - 2013 x air [43, 44] CODALEMA since 2003 x air [45, 46] ANITA(-lite) first flight 2004 x x air + ice [47, 48] TREND 2009 - 2014 x air [20] AERA since 2010 x air [49, 50] ARA since 2010 x ice [51] LOFAR since 2011 x x air + moon [52, 53] Tunka-Rex since 2012 x air [14, 32] ARIANNA since 2012 x x air + ice [21, 54] SKA-low planned x x air + moon [55, 56] GRAND planned x x air + mountain [57] (cid:1) (cid:2)(cid:3) (cid:28)(cid:2)(cid:29)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:23)(cid:30)(cid:4)(cid:21) (cid:6)(cid:26)(cid:27)(cid:12) (cid:28)(cid:2)(cid:29)(cid:4)(cid:1)(cid:23)(cid:30)(cid:4)(cid:7) (cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:10)(cid:12) (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5) (cid:6)(cid:27)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:11)(cid:12) (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5) (cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:11)(cid:12) (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:22)(cid:23)(cid:24) (cid:6)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:12) (cid:13)(cid:14)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:9) (cid:6)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:12) (cid:4)(cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:4) (cid:6)(cid:8)(cid:26)(cid:21)(cid:12) (cid:24)(cid:31)(cid:4)(cid:8)(cid:18)(cid:32)(cid:33)(cid:34) (cid:6)(cid:35)(cid:27)(cid:25)(cid:36)(cid:25)(cid:25)(cid:25)(cid:12) FIG. 4: Layouts of selected antenna arrays for air showers. The number of antenna stations is given in brackets. For LOFARtheconfigurationofactiveantennasvariesbetweenobservations,andtypicalairshowersaremeasuredbyafew 100 antennas. SKA-low will be built in a few years, and it is not yet decided how many of the about 70,000 antennas will be available for air-shower detection. eConf C16-09-04.3 6 XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Sept. 4-9 2016 tected its first air showers [45]. A few years later, and Tunka-Rex have demonstrated that relative com- a second generation of experiments followed, e.g., the parisons of the energy scale are already possible on a AugerEngineeringRadioArray(AERA)[18],LOFAR 10%level,usingexactlythesameexternalcalibration [52], Tunka-Rex [32], and a few others (see table I). source for both experiments (see figure 5, [69]). These second-generation arrays consist of the order Most important and most difficult is an accurate of 100 antennas distributed over an area of a typical measurement of the mass composition as function of size of the order of square-kilometers (see figure 4), energy. Variousparametersoftheradiosignalaresen- where LOFAR is leading in number of antennas, and sitive to the atmospheric depth of the shower maxi- AERA in size (17km2). These arrays use different mum,X . Thatisoneofthebeststatisticalestima- max antenna types, but similar frequency bands of about tors for the cosmic-ray composition, although its in- 30 80MHz, which provides a good signal-to-noise terpretation goes along with systematic uncertainties − ratio for reasonable cost: at lower frequencies the of hadronic interaction models [10]. There is direct Galactic noise is too strong, higher frequencies would experimental evidence that the slope of the lateral require more expensive electronics and a denser an- distribution is sensitive to X [14, 74], and there max tenna spacing. In addition to advances in technol- are convincing theoretical indications and experimen- ogy and in the theoretical understanding of the radio tal hints that also the following radio observables are emission, the accurate calibration of these arrays has sensitive to X : the width of the radio footprint max becomecrucialfortherecentsuccessoftheradiotech- [75], the steepness of the hyperbolic radio wavefront nique: Current radio arrays became competitive with [40], and the slope of the frequency spectrum [76]. establishedtechniquesinaccuracyonlythankstonew While the sparse and economic Tunka-Rex ar- methods for nanosecond-precise time synchronization ray has demonstrated a precision of 40g/cm2 for [61–63], and methods for amplitude calibration with X with the lateral-slope method, the much denser max absolute accuracies of better than 20% for the field LOFAR array reaches an accuracy of about 20g/cm2 strength of the radio signal [31, 32, 64, 65]. by using a more sophisticated method implicitly tak- Finally,thereareadditionaldetectorconceptsother ing into account all features of the radio footprint in- than ground arrays, in particular the observation of cluding both, its width and slope [16, 53]. This es- inclined air-showers with single antenna stations on timate for the accuracy already includes known sys- mountains,satellites,orballoons[47],theobservation tematic uncertainties, and is similar to the accuracy of the lunar regolith [66], or the search for the radio achieved by the leading fluorescence technique. Be- signal of neutrino-induced showers in ice [51, 54]. For causeofthesmallareaofLOFAR,currentfluorescence a more detailed overview, please see reference [1]. observations still have much larger statistics and ex- posure, despite of their limitation to dark and clear nights [77]. Nevertheless, these results show that it is IV. CURRENT PERFORMANCE OF THE nolongeraprinciplequestionwhethertheradiotech- RADIO TECHNIQUE niquecancontributetocosmic-rayphysics, butjusta questionwhensufficientlylargeanddenseradioarrays The precisions and scale accuracies reached by cur- will be built. rent radio arrays for the most important air-shower parameters are now similar to the ones achieved by theestablishedmethods. Theaccuracyforthearrival V. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK directionisbetterthan1◦ [40,63],whichismorethan sufficientforchargedcosmicrays. Theexperimentally Many air-shower arrays already feature an operat- demonstratedprecisionfortheshowerenergyisabout ing radio extension, which provides additional accu- 15 20%,ashasbeenshowninvariouscomparisonsof racy for relatively low cost. These radio arrays can − antenna arrays and their host detectors [13–15]. Sim- achieveaccuraciesforthearrivaldirection,energyand ulation studies predict that the energy precision in position of the shower maximum comparable to those principle can be even better than 10% [13, 30, 70]. oftheleadingair-Cherenkovandair-fluorescencetech- This might be achievable not only theoretically, but niques. In future even higher accuracies might be alsoinpracticesincetheradiosignalseemstodepend possible, since the radio signal is well understood, less on atmospheric conditions than optical detection depends little on atmospheric conditions, and cali- methods[71,72]: firststudiesshowthatchangesofthe brations and analysis techniques are constantly im- refractivityoftheair, e.g., duetohumidity, affectthe proving. Since additional accuracy is exactly what is radiosignalonthelevelofafewpercent,only[48,53]. needed to distinguish between different scenarios for This is slightly more than for particle measurements the origin of the most energetic Galactic and extra- [73], but still tolerable when aiming at 10% total ac- galacticcosmic-rays, thisprovidesaclearsciencecase curacy. Currently,thescaleaccuracyisoftheorderof for radio extensions. In particular the combination of 15% [15], and might be improved soon to below 10% antennas with muon detectors seems promising, since bybettercalibrationsoftheantennas. Lately,LOPES the ratio between the number of muons and the size eConf C16-09-04.3 XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Turin, Sept. 4-9 2016 7 24.8 1 2. V24.6 e 1 − s 1−24.4 sr 2 − m /24.2 0 3. E ×24.0 E d / dI23.8 KASCADE-Grande g l Tunka 23.6 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 lgE/eV FIG. 5: Comparison of the energy scales of KASCADE-Grande and Tunka-133 via their radio extensions LOPES and Tunka-Rex: asmallscaleshiftbetweentheenergyspectra(left,[67,68])isconsistentwiththescaledifferencemeasured withtheradioantennasandevaluatedbytwodifferentmethods(right): first,apurelyexperimentalmethodbasedonthe measured radio amplitude per shower energy; second, a comparison of measurements and CoREAS simulations taking into account the situation and conditions of the experiments [69]. of the electromagnetic component measured by radio stand-alone technique has been made [21, 48]. Espe- yieldsadditionalsensitivityforthemasscomposition, ciallyinradio-quietenvironments,self-triggeredradio which is complementary to X [17]. extension seems to have a sufficient purity for cosmic max The threshold for the radio technique is around particles. Consequently, radio arrays will be a well- 1017eV depending only marginally on the antenna suited detector for high-energy neutrinos interacting type, since the limiting factor is external Galactic ra- in ice, and with ARA and ARIANNA two prototype dio noise. If full efficiency is desired for all arrival arrays are operating at Antarctica [51, 54]. Since ra- directions, then antenna arrays have to be compara- dio waves are attenuated less than Cherenkov light, bly dense with spacings of the order of 100 200m. these radio arrays can be sparser and aim at higher − Very dense arrays, like the SKA [55], thus, will be energies than optical neutrino detection can do. able to measure air showers around 1017eV with un- In summary, the radio technique is the ideal com- precedented accuracy. However, antenna spacings of plementtoexistingtechniquesforcosmic-rayandneu- 1 2kmseemtobereasonableatzenithanglesaround trino detection. Future radio extensions and stand- 75−◦, since the footprint becomes much larger for in- alone experiments can bring the additional measure- clinedshowers[50]. Inthissensetheradiotechniqueis ments required to finally understand how nature pro- very complementary to other techniques. It provides duces the most energetic particles in the universe. a unique way to measure the electromagnetic compo- nent of such inclined showers. This will be exploited by the proposed GRAND experiment, which aims at the detection of tau neutrinos interacting in moun- Acknowledgments tains, and simultaneously will have the world-leading exposure for ultra-high-energy cosmic rays [57]. 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