Radical Psychoanalysis Radical Psychoanalysis and anti-capitalist action Ian Parker Resistance Books Ian Parker is a practising psychoanalyst in Man- chester and a revolutionary Marxist. He also writes, and his books include Socialisms: Revolu- tionsBetrayed,MislaidandUnmade(2020:Resis- tanceBooks)and,withtheMexicanrevolutionary David Pavón-Cuéllar, Psychoanalysis and Revolu- tion:CriticalPsychologyforLiberationMovements (2021: 1968 Press). Politicians of all stripes now talk about ‘mental health’. They tell us how they have suffered, and promisemoreresourcestoputthingsright.Atthe same time, welfare services are being cut, people are told to sort problems out for themselves, and thestateisbeefeduptodealwithdissent.Within- creasingmiserycomesincreasinganger,someofit directedatcapitalismandsomeofitturnedaround against ourselves, even into ourselves, so this sick systemalsomakesussick.Energythatcouldover- throw this rotten system is turned around to sab- otage our collective struggles for a world beyond capitalism. Mainstream ‘mental health’ and ‘well- being’programmesaretoo-oftenfocusedonmak- inguschangeourthoughts,urgingustobehappy, and fit in. But there is an alternative. The al- ternative comes through political action, through anti-capitalist resistance and many other political struggles, and this is where radical psychoanalysis can be our ally. But to make it our ally we need to know what it is and what it could be. Another world is possible, and psychoanalysis opens up possibilities for personal and political change. Radical Psychoanalysis and Anti-Capitalist Action Ian Parker Published 2022 Resistance Books, London [email protected] www.resistancebooks.org Cover design by Adam Di Chiara ISBN: 978-0-902869-29-5 (print) ISBN: 978-0-902869-28-8 (e-book) CONTENTS 1 Why do we suffer? 1 2 What are we? 15 3 Where is psychoanalysis now? 27 4 What use is it? 41 5 What can we make of it? 61 FURTHER READING 69 WHAT IS A*CR 73 | ix |