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Radiative corrections in fermion bags bound by Higgs boson exchange M. Yu. Kuchiev and V. V. Flambaum ∗ † School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia (Dated: January 18, 2011) Radiative corrections for several heavy fermions bound together via the Higgs boson exchange are studied. The fermion bags considered include 12, or fewer, fermions occupying the lowest S1/2 shell. Itisshownthatfor‘moderatelyheavy’fermionswithmasses0.4.mc2 .1TeVtheradiative corrections are small, ∼10−2, and have an attractive nature. Therefore they do not put existence of thefermion bag in doubt. This provesthat thesefermion bags can exist in nature. PACSnumbers: 12.39.Hg14.80.Bn,14.65.Ha, 1 1 0 Higgs boson exchange induces attractive interaction radiative correction in terms of the renormalized Higgs 2 between fermions, which strength increases with the vertex correction (which gives the fermion self-energy) n fermion mass. One can expect therefore that several and the renormalized Higgs polarization operator (the a heavyfermionscanformaboundstate,abagoffermions fermionloops). Toexplainandsupportournumericalre- J [1–16]. Refs.[17]suggestedlookingat the magic number, sults we present transparent analytical estimates, which 6 12 fermions = 6 tops +6 antitops occupying the S are valid for several fermions in the bag, 2 N 12, 1 1/2 ≤ ≤ shell with 3 colors. The estimation there seemed to in- and provide qualitative comparison with the results of dicate that such a system should form a tightly-bound the atomic Lamb shift calculations. ] h state, but calculations of [18] supported by [19] showed Consider fermions interacting with the Higgs doublet p that this system is unbound. For an opportunity to cre- Φ. Take the conventional unitary gauge when Φ is p- ate the bag with many particles see [20–22]. In [21] it represented by the real field ξ, Φ = v (0,ξ)T, where √2 e was shown that for fermions substantially heavier than v =246GeVistheHiggsVEV.ThepartoftheStandard h the top quark the bag made from several fermions can ModelLagrangian,whichdescribesinteractingHiggsand [ be created. The lower boundary for the fermion mass, fermion fields reads 2 which makes formation of a bag possible, was found in v2 m2 v [23] to be 320 410 GeV for the 12 fermion system, = ∂µξ∂ ξ H(ξ2 1)2 +ψ¯(pˆ gvξ)ψ, (1) − µ 2 where the spread reflects an uncertainty in the Higgs L 2 (cid:16) − 4 − (cid:17) − 0 mass m = 100 200 GeV. Thus, a feasible opportu- 9 H − where g is defined by the fermion mass g = m/v. Fol- nity to observe a bag constructed from several fermions 0 lowing [21, 23] we use the relativistic mean field approx- relies on the expectation that there exist heavy fermions . imation as an initial step in the construction of a bag 2 of the next, forth generation. Such heavy fermions with of N fermions occupying the same shell with orbitalmo- 1 masses 300-500GeV have been suggestedrecently to ex- 0 menta j,l having in mind the case of N = 12 fermions 1 plain new results on CP violation in B decays [24]. Note in S shell. Presume that ξ(r) and ψ(r) are the wave alsothatthebagswithheavyfermionsmayplayacrucial 1/2 : functions, which representthe Higgs and fermions in the v role in the bariogenesis [21, 25]. mean field approximation. The Hamiltonian, which fol- i X The challenging issue is that for large fermion masses lows from (1), can be presented as a sum H =H +H , ξ ψ r theradiativecorrectionsresultingfromthefermion-Higgs where H describes the pure Higgs field, while H ac- ξ ψ a interaction seem also to be enhanced. Previous estima- counts for fermions interacting with the Higgs tionsindicatedthatthesecorrectionsmaydestabilizethe vacuum [26–28]. This may happen for the fermion mass v2 1 H = (∇ξ)2+ m2 (ξ2 1)2 d3r , (2) m>2TeV.Weshowthatforthefermionmassessmaller ξ 2 Z (cid:16) 4 H − (cid:17) than1TeVthese correctionsremaindefinitely smalland H = N ψ iα ∇+ gvξγ ψ . (3) increase the attraction. Therefore, the fermion bag can ψ h †| − · 0| i exist in nature. The resulting self-consistent equations of the mean field To calculate the radiative corrections we use the approximationfor a spherically symmetrical bag read methodwhichwasdevelopedto calculatethe Lambshift inatoms-seee.g. [29]. Itturnedoutthattechnicallythe ∆ξ(r)+ m2Hξ(r)(1 ξ2(r))= (N −1)m ψ¯(r)ψ(r), (4) problem for the Higgs bag is simpler since the Higgs fi- 2 − v2 nitemasscutsofftheinfrareddivergence. Weexpressthe εψ(r) = ( iα ∇+ gvξ(r)γ )ψ(r) . (5) 0 − · Here ψ(r) can be conventionally presented via its large f(r) = F(r)/r and small g(r) = G(r)/r radial compo- ∗Email:[email protected] nents. Fig. 1 shows behaviour of solutions of Eqs.(4), †Email:fl[email protected] (5), which describe the bag of N = 12 fermions in S1/2 2 shell for m = 100 GeV with the fermion mass being H chosen either m = 350 GeV, or m = 600 GeV. Simi- 0.4 lar solutions are found for any fermion mass above the 0.3 threshold value, m m , which in the case at hand is th v ≥ e mth 320 GeV [23]. T 0.2 Fig≈. 2 presents the energy of the bag per fermion ǫ = Ε, E/N, where the total energy E is found from Eqs. (2), 0.1 (3), in which ξ and ψ satisfy (4), (5). The energy of 0.0 the fermion term (2) greatly exceeds the energy of the Higgs (3) for small fermion masses, while with the mass 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 increase they become closer. If we split the Higgs term m,Tev(cid:144)c2 into its linear and nonlinear parts, H =H +H , ξ ξ,lin ξ,n-l FIG.2: Energyperfermionǫ=E/N vsfermionmassm,the 1 H = v2 (∇ξ)2+m2(ξ 1)2 d3r , (6) fermion bag is same as in Fig. 1: solid, dashed, dot-dashed, ξ,lin 2 Z H − dotted lines - total energy E from H = H +H , fermion (cid:0) (cid:1) ψ ξ Hξ,n-l = 18v2m2H Z (ξ−1)3(ξ+3)d3r , (7) cteornmtriHbuξ,tnio-ln(7H);ψbo(2ld),dHotigsg-scaclocnutlraitbiuontiso,nlinHeξs-(3in),tenrpono-lalitnioeanr. then we find, see Fig. 2, that the nonlinear part is nega- tiveandquitesmall. Itssigncomplieswiththeinequality the vacuum value is assigned to the Higgs propagator. ξ(r) <1 observed in Fig. 1. Its smallness indicates that Observealsothatthe sizeofthe bagRis largerthanthe an essential contribution to the integral in Eq.(7) comes Compton radius of the fermion, mR 1. For example, ≫ from the area where 1 ξ(r) 1, i. e. the outer surface Fig. 1 shows that for m = 0.35 TeV and m = 0.6 TeV − ≪ of the bag, see Fig. 1. the sizes of two bags are roughly R 10 and R 5 Consider nowthe radiativecorrectionsfor the fermion TeV 1,whichyieldsmR 3.5andmR≈ 3respectiv≈ely. − ≈ ≈ bag. In the one-loop approximation the most impor- Therefore, typical transferred momenta within the bag tant diagrams are shown in Fig. 3. Consider the di- are small, k 1/R m. We also can assume that | | ∼ ≪ agram (a), which represents the variation of the Higgs m m. Consequently, considering the contribution of H field due to vacuum polarization produced by fermions. this≪diagram, i. e. the polarization operator P(k2), we Take into account that the deviation of the Higgs wave can expand it in powers of k2/m2 and m2/m2. Accord- H function ξ from its vacuum expectation value is small. ing to Ref. [30] the result reads Thisisevidentforsmallfermionmasses,seeFig. 1where 1 ξ(r) 1form=350GeV.Forlargerm,seethecase g2(k2 m2)2 ν (k2 m2)2 − ≪ P(k2) ν − H = − H , (8) of m=600 in Fig. 1, ξ(r) can deviate significantly from ≈ − 80π2m2 −8π2 10v2 1,butthis deviationtakesplaceonlyinthe areaofsmall r, which is suppressed in all the integrals over d3r. The where ν is the number of heavy fermions with m mH ≫ (recall the factor N = 3 for quarks). Remarkably, the smallness of the term Hξ,n-l, see Fig. 2, is a good exam- c largefermionmass,whichis presentinthe couplingcon- ple of such suppression. Hence we can assume that the stantg =m/viscanceledoutinthefinalexpressionhere bagdoesnotaffectsubstantiallythefermionpropagator, andproducesnoenhancementforP(k2). Hencethe con- which we approximate by its vacuum value. Similarly, tributions of all heavy fermions is summed up. For one heavy lepton ν =1, for the whole 4-th generation ν =8, 1.0 and ν =11 when the top quark is also counted (neglect- ing the contributions of W , Z0 and Higgs in the loop ± HLΞr 0.5 sinCceoncsoindderitinoonwmdi≫agrmamH i(sbn)oitnvFaliigd. f2o,rwthheimch).describes HLGr, correction to the vertex Γ of the fermion-Higgs interac- HLFr, 0.0 tbiionnd.inTgakeeneinrgtoyaocfcothuentfethrmatiofonrissmsamllaflelerrmtiohnanmiatsssemsatshse, ǫ m m. From ǫ m and k m we see that the | − |≪ ≈ | |≪ -0.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 r, @c(cid:144)Tev k k FIG. 1: The wave functions of the fermion bag for N =12, j =1/2, and mH =0.1 TeV; solid, dashed and dotted lines - p p F(r),G(r) andξ(r)from Eqs. (4),(5);threethicklines -the (a) 2 (b) 1 fermion mass m=350 GeV, threethinlines - m=600 GeV; F(r) and G(r) are scaled to satisfy max(cid:0)F(r)(cid:1)=1. FIG. 3: Solid and dashed lines - fermion and Higgs fields. 3 5 ǫ = m ǫ, ǫ = E/N, see Fig. 2. For a hypothetical B − case ν = 1 the dominant contribution to ǫ is given by 0 rc the vertex correction, which makes the energy shift pos- 3L0 -5 itive. For more sensible case of larger ν, in particular 1 ‰ H ν = 11 (complete forth generation plus the top quark), B -10 (cid:144)∆ΕΕrc -15 tthivee.pHoloawriezvaetrio,nwhdeonmminaitnecsremasaeksinthgetvheertceoxrriencdtuiocnednceogna-- tribution rises since γ is rising, see (10), which reduces -20 the absolute value of the correction. The correction is 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 small, 10 2 10 3, for all ν and m considered, and is − − − m, Tev(cid:144)c2 negative for ν 6. ≥ Toexplainandgeneralizethisresultfordifferentnum- FIG.4: Theradiativecorrections (11) scaled bythebinding bersoffermionsinthebag,N 12,weneglectin(11)the energy ǫB vs the fermion mass m for different numbers ν of smallterm∝m2H,andmakean≤estimate∆ξ ∼(1−ξ)/R2 heavy fermions (including quark colors); from top to bottom where R is the bag radius, which is valid since 1 ξ(r) ν =1,3,6,9 and 11; thebag is same as in Figs.1,2. varies smoothly. Hence we reduce (11) to − δǫ ν 1 ν 1 rc γ γ . (12) fermionlegsofthevertexcanbetakenonthemassshell, ǫB ≈ (cid:16) − 20(cid:17)4π2v2R2 ≈ (cid:16) − 20(cid:17)2πN p2 p2 m2, which makes Γ a function of k2 only, Γ1=≈Γ(2k2≈). The renormalization condition for it reads Herethebindingenergyisestimatedasǫ 1m ψ¯ 1 B ≈ 2 h | − Γ(0)=g,whichadmitsthattheradiativecorrectionsare ξ(r) ψ (the coefficient 1/2 comes from the virial theo- | i absent for a constant value of the Higgs. As a result the rem). With an increase of m the bag may only shrink, expansion of Γ(k) in powers of k2/m2 reads see Fig.1, but it was shown in [21] that for sufficiently largemitsradiusreachesthem-independentvalueR = 0 1 Γ(k2) 1+ g2 γ k2 = 1+ γ k2 , (9) (N/2π)1/2v−1 1.6√N TeV−1, which was used in the g ≈ 8π2 m2 8π2 v2 lastestimate in≈(12)forR. Oneverifiesnumericallythat forN =12thesimpleestimate(12)correctlyreproduces whereγ isanexpansioncoefficient,whichwascalculated theorderofmagnitudeoftheaccurateresult(11)forthe in[30]. Observethatagain,seeEq.(8), the largefermion whole range of ν and m presented in Fig. 2. This esti- mass is canceled out in the final expression here and mateshowsthatthe radiativecorrectionsaresuppressed hence does not produce enhancement. More precisely, as 1/N by the number of fermions. An interesting new Γ(k)/g lacks strong, power-type factors of m, though its feature is the small factor (γ ν/20)/2π 10 2 10 1, weaker dependence on m is present through the coeffi- − ∼ − − − which suppresses the correction, δǫ/ǫ 1, even if only cient γ. The analytical expression found in [30] for γ is B ≪ a few fermions N =2,3... form the bag. lengthy, but it was noted there that a simple fitting We omitted a number of processes expecting them to γ γ =1/3 ln(1+1/µ) 7/(4+5µ) , (10) besmall. Theself-energycorrectionstothefermionslegs fit ≈ (cid:0) − (cid:1) are small since the fermions are close to the mass shell. where µ=mH/m, reproduces γ with per cent accuracy. The processes with a large number of the Higgs legs are Take next Eq.(3) and consider there the variation of suppressed by small factors 1 ξ attached to each leg; − the field δξ produced by the vacuum polarizationdue to comparesuppressionofthenonlinearprocessesinFig. 2. diagram(a) in Fig. 3, as well as the variationof the ver- The problem of radiative corrections in fermion bags tex δg, see diagram (b). The later reads δg =Γ(k2) g, show similarities with the atomic Lamb shift. In both while for the former is δξ = (k2 −m2H)−1P(k2)(ξ −−1) cases the vertex correction gives the repulsive contribu- wherewetakeintoaccountthatthepolarizationchanges tion, while the vacuum polarizationbrings in attraction, the deviation of the Higgs field from its vacuum ex- in both of them the matrix element of ∆U, U is the pectation value ξ 1. Combining the two terms we nonrelativistic potential energy, plays an important role − find the radiative correction to the energy per fermion (in fermion bags U = m(ξ 1)). For m m the H δǫrc = hψ¯| (1/2)gvδξ + δΓvξ|ψi. Here the coefficient asymptotic 3γ ≈ ln(m/mH)−from (10) match≫es Bethe’s 1/2 reflects the fact that two fermions participate in the logarithm ln(m /B ), B is the electron binding energy. e e e Higgs boson exchange. Using Eqs. (8), (9) we derive Evennumericalcoefficientsin(11)andintheLambshift problem are similar. The distinction is that in the bags m ν δǫrc = 8π2v2hψ¯|γ∆ξ−20 ∆ξ−m2H(ξ−1) |ψi. (11) the number of fermions,which contribute to the vacuum (cid:0) (cid:1) polarization can be large (ν = 11), which enhances the where we identified k2 = ∆. The terms with the coeffi- vacuum polarization making the attraction stronger. cientsγ andν/20representthevertexcorrection(9)and The fermion bags bound by the Higgs boson exchange vacuum polarization (8). canexistonlyiffermionsaresufficientlyheavy. However, From Eqs. (4), (5), (10), and (11) we find δǫ . The ithasbeenpresumedpreviouslythatthestrongfermion- rc resultsplottedinFig. 4arescaledbythebinding energy Higgs coupling makes the radiative corrections so large 4 that they may destabilize the bag. The present work re- sis of the mean field approach, which gave an estimate movesthisobstacleforthebagformation. Wefoundthat m 1.2√N TeV. The bag in this case can be lighter bag ≈ the corrections are definitely small for the fermion bags than a fermion, m < m, and hence can be used as bag proposed in [21, 23] provided the fermion mass remains a tool for detection of heavy fermions. To justify this in the region of several hundreds GeV. An encouraging physical picture one needs to find a reliable estimate for implication is that if there exist fermions of the fourth the radiative corrections for m > 1 TeV. This problem generationwithmasseswithinthisintervaltheycertainly lies ahead of us. are able to form the fermion bags. Note that different heavy fermions contribute approx- Interestingly, the found corrections show no signs of imately equally to the polarization operator and vertex growing with the fermion mass m. One can anticipate in Eqs.(8), (9). This unusual property may be used to therefore that they remain small for masses well above measure the number of heavy particles via the Higgs- 1 TeV. If correct, this assessment would prove beyond dependent radiative corrections. doubt that the fermion bags remain relatively light for This work is supported by the Australian Research very heavy fermions, as was proposed in [21] on the ba- Council. [1] P.Vinciarelli, Lett. NuovoCim. 4S2, 905 (1972). D78, 077502 (2008). 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