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NCRP REPORT No. 72 RADIATION PROTECTION AND MEASUREMENT FOR LOW-VOLTAGE NEUTRON GENERATORS Recommendations of the NATIONAL COLlNClL ON RADIATION PROTECTION AND MEASUREMENTS Issued November 1,1983 First Reprinting October 15, 1990 National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements 7910 WOODMONT AVENUE / BETHLSDA, MD. 20814 LEGAL NOTICE This report waa prepared by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Meas- urements (NCRP). The Council strives to provide accurate, complete and useful infor- mation in its reports. However, neither the NCRP. the members of NCRP, other persons contributing to or aesisting in the preparation of thie report, nor any pereon acting on the behalf of any of these parties (a) makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, method or process disclosed in this report may not infringe on privately owned rightq or (b) assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information. method or pracese dkloaed in this report. Library of ~0ngTe11(C1 ataloging in Publication Data National Council on Radiation Protection and Measwmenta Radiation protection and measurement for low-voltage neutron generators. (NCRP repcrt ;n o. 72) "leeued November 1,1983." Bibliography: p. 69 Includes index. 1. Neutron eources-Safety measures. 2. Radiation-Measurement. 3. Radiation do- simetry. I. Title. 11. Series. QC793.6.N4622N37 1983 537.7'213'0!289 83-62802 ISBN 0-913392-61-8 Copyright Q National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements 1983 AU rights reserved. This pubtiaxtion is protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including photocopying, or utilized by any information etorage and retrieval system without written permission from the copyright owner, except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews. References ABERLEJ,. A., MACDONALAD. ,R . AND PORTERS,. W., JR. (1966).A Procedure for Minimizing Personnel Hazards While Changing Tritium Targets in Accelerators, AFRRI Report TN66-5 (Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Defense Atomic Support Agency, Washington). ANDEWONI,. 0.A ND BRAUNJ., (1963). "A neutron rern counter with uniform sensitivity from 0.025 eV to 10 MeV," page 87 in Neutron Dosimetry, Vol. I1 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna). ANDERSSOIN. ,0 . AND BRAUNJ,. (1964). 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Contents Preface ..................................................i ii . 1 Introduction ........................................... 1 . 2 Radiations Produced by Low-Voltage Neutron Generatore ............................................ 2 2.1 Neutrons ........................................... 2 2.2 XRays ............................................. 5 2.3 Gamma Rays ....................................... 6 . 2.4 Induced Radioactivity ............................... 6 3 Fundamentale of Radiation Protection ................ 8 3.1 Control of Exposure to Radiation ..................... 8 3.2 Permissible Limits ................................... 8 3.3 RadiationSurveys .................................... 12 3.4 Personnel Monitoring ................................ 13 3.5 Radiation Protection Personnel ....................... 14 . 3.6 "Overexposure" ..................................... 15 4 Shielding and Other Physical Safeguards ............... 16 4.1 Shielding ...........................................16 4.2 Other Physical Safegum& ......................... - 22 . 6 Measurement of Radiation ............................ 24 5.1 Dose Equivalent .................................... 24 5.2 Measurement of External Radiation ................... 27 5.3 Measurement of Tritium .............................3 0 . 6 Radioactive Waste: Nature, Sourcee, Handling, and Storage ............................ ................ 33 .- 6.1 Nature of Radioactive Waste ......................... 33 6.2 Sources of Radioactive Waste ........................ 34 6.3 Handling and Stoxage of Contaminated Waste .......... 37 7 . Other Hazards ..................... .. ................ 40 7.1 Electrical Hazards ................................... 40 7.2 Implosion of Evacuated Glass Components ............. 40 7.3 NoxiousGases ...................................... 40 . 7.4 Fire Protection ...................................... 40 8 Licensing ............................... .. ......... 41 APPENDIX A Definition8 ................................. 42 APPENDIX B Measurement of Tritium .................. 45 APPENDIX C D-T Neutron Shielding .................... 49 APPENDIX D NCRP Statement on Doee Limit for Neutrons ................................................. 56 References ................................................ 69 . The NCRP ................................................ 65 NCRP Publications ........................................ 72 Index ..................................................... 81

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