CONTENTS OF VOLUME 66 Number 1 RADIATION PHYSICS Alan Owens, J.FW. Mosseimans and A. Peacock Near K-edge linear attenuation coefficients for amorphous and crys- talline GaAs Technical note M.S. Benjumovich Use of Poisson units in radiology RADIATION CHEMISTRY Qiang Ye, Xuewu Ge and Zhicheng Zhang Formation of monodisperse PMMA particles by radiation-induced dis- persion polymerization—l. Synthesis and polymerization kinetics Jun Kumagai, Tomoko Kawaura, Test for antioxidant ability by scavenging long-lived mutagenic radicals Tetsuo Miyazaki, Michel Prost, Emmanuelle in mammalian cells and by blood test with intentional radicals: an ap- Prost, Masami Watanabe and plication of gallic acid Joélie Quetin-Leclercq Eva Novak, Andras Hancz and Andras Erdohelyi Methanol adsorption on »-irradiated SiO» surface M. Koshimizu, K. Shibuya, K. Asai and H. Shibata Measurement of the local temperature in an ion track using low- dimensional quantum confinement structure Seiko Nakagawa Reactivity of solvent alcohol on degradation of CFC113 RADIATION PROCESSING Tomoyuki Shiraishi, Masao Tamada, Kyouichi Saito 43 Recovery of cadmium from waste of scallop processing with amidox- and Takanobu Sugo ime adsorbent synthesized by graft-polymerization Elias Hanna Bakraji and Numan Salman 49 Properties of wood-plastic composites: effect of inorganic additives H.G. El-Shobaky and W.M. Shaheen 55 Effect of y-irradiation and doping with MoO3z andV 20s on surface and Catalytic properties of manganese oxides Sayed M. Badawy 67 Uranium isotope enrichment by complexation with chelating polymer adsorbent L.M. Baryschpolec, D.M. Wade, 73 Application of mathematical modelling-based algorithms to “off- C.M. Herring and M.C. Saylor carrier” cobalt- 60 irradiation processes Technical note Olivia Kimiko Kikuchi Gamma and electron-beam irradiation of cut flowers Events Number 2 RADIATION PHYSICS M. Adib and M. Kilany 81 On the use of bismuth as a neutron filter A.A. Naqvi, M.M. Nagadi, Khateeb-ur-Rehman, 89 Monte Carlo simulations for design of the KFUPM PGNAA facility M. Maslehuddin and S. Kidwai Jiri Stepanek 99 _ Electron and positron atomic elastic scattering cross sections V Contents of Volumes 66, 67,68 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 (2003) V-XXIII RADIATION CHEMISTRY D. Solpan, S. Duran, D. Saraydin and O. Giiven 117 Adsorption of methyl violet in aqueous solutions by poly (acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) hydrogels DW. Cooke, R.E. Muenchausen, B.L. Bennett, 129 Singlet and triplet emission from methylenediphenyl-diisocyanate- D.A. Wrobleski and E.B. Orler based poly (ester urethane): determination of the energy-level diagram Robert Zona and Sonja Solar 137 Oxidation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid by ionizing radiation: degradation, detoxification and mineralization E. Janata Instrumentation of kinetic spectroscopy-17. The use of a diode array multichannel detector in kinetic experiments RADIATION PROCESSING E. Suljovrujic, G. Stamboliev and D. Kostoski 149 _— Dielectric relaxation study of gamma irradiated oriented low-density polyethylene Flavia Martellini, Lucia H.I. Mei, Jorge L. Balifio 155 + Water and drug transport in radiation-crosslinked poly(2-methoxy- and Mario Carenza ethylacrylate-co-dimethyl acrylamide) and poly(2-methoxyethylacry- late-co-acrylamide) hydrogels Takenori Suzuki, Chunqing He, The influence of radiation and light on Ps formation in PMMA and PE Victor Shantarovich, Kenjiro Kondo, studied by coincidence Doppler-broadening spectroscopy Eisaku Hamada, Masaru Matso, Lin Ma and Yasuo Ito A. Nilchi, A. Khanchi, M. Ghanadi Maragheh Investigation of the resistance of some naturally occurring and and A. Bagheri synthetic inorganic ion exchangers against gamma radiation Cheorun Jo, Jun Ho Son, Hyun Ja Lee and Irradiation application for color removal and purification of green tea Myung Woo Byun leaves extract Events Number 3 RADIATION PHYSICS A. El-Sayed Abdo, M.A.M. Ali and M.R. Ismail 185 Natural fibre high-density polyethylene and lead oxide composites for radiation shielding A. Girol, A. Karabulut, R. Polat, 197 L-subshell and total L-shell photoeffect cross-sections measurements G. Budak,Y . Sahin and M. Ertugrul for Pb, Au,W , and Ta at 59.5 keV RADIATION CHEMISTRY Nikola Getoff, Sonja Solar, 207 Pulse radiolysis of pyrene in aprotic polar organic solvents: simulta- Udo-Burckhard Richter neous formation of pyrene radical cations and radical anions and Matthias W. Haenel E. Janata 215 A wideband dc-coupled amplifier E. Janata 219 A method for the simulation of kinetics of reaction mechanisms RADIATION PROCESSING Douglas E. Weiss and Ronald 223 Monte Carlo simulation models for 3-D electron beam dose mapping. J. Stangeland Comparison of dose predictions with dosimetry Contents of Volumes 66, 67,68 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 (2003) V-XXIII Vil E. Shalaev, R. Reddy, R.N. Kimball, 237 Protection of a protein against irradiation-induced degradation by M.F.Weinschenk, M. Guinn and L. Margulis additives in the solid state G. Chen, L.S. Zhong, H.K. Xie, H.M. Banford 247 ‘The influence of oxidation on space charge formation in gamma- and A.E. Davies irradiated low-density polyethylene Events Number 4 RADIATION PHYSICS |. Kandarakis, D. Cavouras, E. Ventouras 257 ~_—«T heoretical evaluation of granular scintillators quantum gain incorpor- and C. Nomicos ating the effect of K-fluorescence emission into the energy range from 25 to 100 keV L. Galue Unification of generalized radiation field integrals involving confluent hypergeometric function RADIATION CHEMISTRY A.G. Kumbhaarn d Kamal Kishore 275 Redox reactions of Cu/(lIl)-amine complexes in aqueous solutions 1.K. Nam, G.A. Mun, P.I. Urkimbaeva and 281 y-Rays-induced synthesis of hydrogels of vinyl ethers with stimuli- Z.S. Nurkeeva sensitive behavior In memoriam 289 Professor Christiane Ferradini (1924-2002) In memoriam 291 Alexei Konstantinovich Pikaev (1930-2002) RADIATION PROCESSING J. Wang and Y. Chao 293 Effect of gamma irradiation on quality of dried potato Young Chang Nho and Oh Hyun Kwon Blood compatibility of AAc, HEMA, and PEGMA-grafted cellulose film Branka Katusin-Razem, Branka Mihaljevic Microbial decontamination of cosmetic raw materials and personal and Dusan Razem care products by irradiation Events Number 5 RADIATION PHYSICS Yiiksel Ozdemir 317 Photon-induced L-subshell Auger yields for some elements in the atomic number range 55 <z < 92 using a S(Li) detector Mala Das, B. Roy, B.K. Chatterjee Use of basic principle of nucleation in determining temperature— and S.C. Roy threshold neutron energy relationship in superheated emulsions RADIATION CHEMISTRY Zbigniew Pawet Zagorski 329 Radiation chemistry and origins of life on earth Thomas Hartmann, Patricia Paviet-Hartmann, 335 Spectroscopic determination of hypochlorous acid, in chloride brine Christopher Wetteland and Ningping Lu solutions, featuring 5 MeV proton beam line experiments Vill Contents of Volumes 66, 67, 68 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 (2003) V-XXIII Yasuo Ito and Takenori Suzuki 343 Effects of electric field on positronium formation in polyethylene at various temperatures RADIATION PROCESSING Shaojin Jia, Zhicheng Zhang, Zhiwen Du, 349 A study of the dynamic flammability of radiation cross-linked flame- Renrui Teng and Zhengzhou Wang retardant HDPE/EPDM/silicon-elastomer compound M.S. Adeil Pietranera, P. Narvaiz, 357 Irradiated icecreams for immunosuppressed patients C. Horak and E. Kairiyama Valsa George, |. John Britto 367 Studies on radiation grafting of methyl methacrylate onto natural and M. Sunny Sebastian rubber for improving modulus of latex film Events Number 6 RADIATION PHYSICS D. Emfietzoglou 373 inelastic cross-sections for electron transport in liquid water: a com- parison of dielectric models M.J. Prata 387 Analytical calculation of the solid angle defined by a cylindrical detec- tor and a point cosine source with orthogonal axes RADIATION CHEMISTRY Ravi Joshi andT . Mukherjee 397 Hydrated electrons in water-in-oil microemulsion: a pulse radiolysis study Manmohan Kumar 403 Study of formation of aqueous T1/Ag bimetallic clusters by gamma and electron irradiation RADIATION PROCESSING A.R. Alcarde, J.M.M. Walder 411 Influence of gamma radiation on microbiological parameters of the and J. Horii ethanolic fermentation of sugar-cane must C. Vachon and R. Gendron 415 Effect of gamma-irradiation on the foaming behavior of ethylene-co- octene polymers Events CONTENTS OF VOLUME 67 Number 1 RADIATION PHYSICS M. Assiamah, D. Mavunda, Segmented multifit of polynomial function for mass attenuation and T.L. Nam and R.J. Keddy energy-absorption coefficient values G. Harding, A. Thran and B. David Liquid metal anode X-ray tubes and their potential for high continuous power operation Contents of Volumes 66, 67, 68 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 (2003) V-XXII1 RADIATION CHEMISTRY V.P. Shantarovich,T . Suzuki, 15 Inhibition of positronium formation by polar groups in polymers—rela- C. He and VW. Gustov tion withTSL experiments Ruomei Gao, Agnes Safrany 25 Reactions of TiO. excess electron in nanocrystallite aqueous solutions and Joseph Rabani studied in pulse and gamma-radiolytic systems N. Karpel Vel Leitner, |. Guilbault 41 Reactivity of OH” and e,,, from electron beam irradiation of aqueous and B. Legube solutions of EDTA and aminopolycarboxylic acids RADIATION PROCESSING Do-Hung Han, Tatiana Stuchinskaya, Yang-Soo 51 Oxidative decomposition of aromatic hydrocarbons by electron beam Won, Wan-Sik Park irradiation and Jae-Kyong Lim A. Faucitano, A. Buttafava, L. Montanari, Radiation-induced free radical reactions in polymer/drug systems for F. Cilurzo, B. Conti, |. Genta and L. Valvo controlled release: an EPR investigation M.R. Al-Masri Changes in apparent metabolizable energy and digestive tract of broiler chickens fed diets containing irradiated meat-bone meal Obituary Pierre Vidal (1914-2002) Events Number 2 RADIATION PHYSICS Akira lwasaki, Hideya Matsutani, 81 A practical method for estimating high-energy X-ray spectra using the Mamoru Kubota, Akira Fujimori, iterative perturbation principle proposed by Waggener Katsumasa Suzaki and Yoshinao Abe V.M. Grichine 93 Radiation of arbitrary moving charge in an absorbing medium RADIATION CHEMISTRY Christian Geifzler, Ortwin Brede and 105 cis—trans-\somerization of unsaturated fatty acids during Jurgen Reinhardt y-irradiation of barley grains G.R. Dey and K. Kishore 115 Redox behavior of transient species produced during pulse radiolysis of morpholine in aqueous solutions L. Szirtes, J. Megyeri, E. Kuzmann and 121 Swift heavy ion irradiation of zirconium phosphate of various forms K. Havancsak V.G. Viasenko, A.T. Shuvaev 127 Radiation-induced degradation of (Ph) 3GeMn(CO). studied by and T.l. Nedoseykina EXAFS spectroscopy RADIATION PROCESSING Hiroshi Nakayama, Isao Kaetsu, 131 Preparation of temperature responsive fragrance release membranes Kumao Uchida, Jyunya Okuda, by UV curing Toshiaki Kitami and Yoshio Matsubara J.B. Kowalski and A. Tallentire 137 Aspects of putting into practice VD,,3 Cheorun Jo, Jun Ho Son, Myung Gon Shin and 143 Irradiation effects on color and functional properties of persimmon Myung Woo Byun (Diospyros kaki L. folium) leaf extract and licorice (Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Fischer) root extract during storage xX Conients of Volumes 66, 67, 68 Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 2003) V-XXII O. Grégoire, M.R. Cleland, J. Mittendorfer, 149 Radiological safety of medical devices sterilized with M. Vander Donckt and J. Meissner X-rays at 7.5 MeV O. Grégoire, M.R. Cleland, 169 Radiological safety of food irradiation with high energy J. Mittendorfer, S. Dababneh, X-rays: theoretical expectations and experimental evidence D.A.E. Ehlermann, X. Fan, F. Kappeler, J. Logar, J. Meissner, B. Mullier, F. Stichelbaut and DW. Thayer Events Numbers 3-4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH “TIHANY’ SYMPOSIUM ON RADIATION CHEMISTRY Pretace E. Takacs 185 The 10th “Tihany” Symposium on Radiation Chemistry ORGANIC AND INORGANIC SYSTEMS Yoshihiko Hatano 187 Spectroscopy and dynamics of molecular superexcited states. Aspects of primary processes of radiation chemistry Jan Ceulemans 199 Effect of molecular packing on radiolytic processes of n-alkanes Dmitri V. Stass, Fyodor B. Sviridenko and Magnetic field effect study of solvent hole deprotonation in Yuri N. Molin X-irradiated liquid n-alkanes Ffrancon Williams Vibronic coupling in ionized organic molecules: structural distortions and chemical reactions R.H. Schuler and L. Wojnarovits Radiolytic preparation, chromatographic resolution and absorption spectra of cis- and trans-1-iodopropene O. Brede, S. Naumov and R. Hermann Monitoring molecule dynamics by free electron transfer AN. Egorov, A.A. Zezin and An EPR study of positive hole transfer and trapping in irradiated frozen V.L Feldman solutions containing aromatic traps 1. Janovsky, S. Naumov, W. Knolle Investigation of the molecular structure of radical cation of and R. Mehnert s-trioxane: quantum chemical calculations and low-temperature EPR results S. Naumov, I. Janovsky, W. Knolle Formation of 3,4-dihydrofuran radical cation through intramolecular and R. Mehnert H-shift: quantum chemical calculations and low-temperature EPR study Justyna Staluszka, Andrzej Plonka, ESR study of »-irradiated hyperquenched glassy water doped with Ewa Szajdzinska-Pietek, Ingrid Kohl, thymine and its nucleoside Andreas Hallbrucker and Erwin Mayer S.S. Emmi, G. Poggi, M. D’Angelantonio, The solvatochromic effect on some oligothiophene radical cations: a M. Russo and L. Favaretto pulse radiolysis and semiempirical investigation J.L. Gebicki and M. Maciejewska Is hydrated electron a good probe of the interior of reverse micelles? Maria Hilczer and Matgorzata Steblecka Electron solvation in liquid 1-propano!l and 2-propanol. Effect of microscopic liquid structure Branka Mihaljevic and Dusan Razem Oxidation kinetics of iron(II) ion with tbutoxyl radical A. Maroz and O. Brede Reaction of radicals with benzoquinone—addition or electron transfer? G. Albarran and R.H. Schuler Concerted effects in the reaction of ‘OH radicals with aromatics: radiolytic oxidation of salicylic acid Contents of Volumes 66, 67,68 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 (2003) V-XXIII E. Janata 287 Some examples of pulse radiolysis Jacqueline Belloni 291 Photography: enhancing sensitivity by silver-halide crystal doping J. Kalecinski, E. Kalecinska and 297 Scavenging of electrons by metal tetrasulfophthalocyanines in M. Krowicka liquid and frozen glasses E. Kalecinska, J. Kalecinski 301 The decomposition yields and reactivity of metal tetrasulfophthalo- and M. Krowicka cyanines in aqueous—alcohol system Yu.A. Zaykin, R.F. Zaykina and G. Mirkin 305 On energetics of hydrocarbon chemical reactions by ionizing irradiation G. Mirkin, R.F. Zaykina and Yu.A. Zaykin 311 Radiation methods for upgrading and refining of feedstock for oil chemistry E. Shabalin, E. Kulagin, S. Kulikov 315 Experimental study of spontaneous release of accumulated energy in and V. Melikhov irradiated ices Janos Balog, Gabor Nagy and Robert Schiller 321 Study of corrosion of nuclear fuel claddin. by photoelectrochemical response T. Marek, K. Siivegh, A. Vertes, A. Ernst, 325 Positron annihilation study of polyphenylene dendrimers R. Bauer,T .W eil, U. Wiesler, M. Klapper and K. Millen Konstantin J. Sirbiladze, Istvan Rusznak The impact of UV irradiation on the radical initiating capacity of dis- and Andras Vig solved dyes POLYMERIZATION, POLYMERS AND BIOPOLYMERS irene Schnoll-Bitai 335 The importance of the molecular weight distribution for the direct determination of the kinetic constants of free radical polymerization W. Knolle,T .S cherzer, S. Naumov Direct (222nm) photopolymerisation of acrylates. A laser flash and R. Mehnert photolysis and quantum chemical study Hongxia Feng, Mohamad Al-Sheikhly, The role of pulse frequency and acrylic acid in the radiation- Joseph Silverman and induced bulk polymerization of 2-ethylhexy! acrylate Douglas E. Weiss Clemens von Sonntag Free-radical-induced chain scission and cross-linking of polymers in aqueous solution—an overview Kyoung Ran Park and Young Chang Nho Synthesis of PVA/PVP hydrogels having two-layer by radiation and their physical properties Hiroshi Nakayama, Isao Kaetsu, Intelligent biomembranes for nicotine releases by radiation curing Kumao Uchida, Manabu Oishibashi and Yoshio Matsubara M. Sen, C. Uzun, A. Safrany, O. Kantoglu Changing of network characteristics of acrylamide/maleic acid hydro- and O. Giiven gels by alteration of irradiation dose rate E. Suljovrujic, N. Ignjatovic Gamma irradiation processing of hydroxyapatite/poly-L-lactide com- and D. Uskokovic posite biomaterial H. Mirzadeh and M. Dadsetan Influence of laser surface modifying of polyethylene terephthalate on fibroblast cell adhesion Seong-Ho Choi, Min-Seok Choi, Adsorption of uranium ions by resins with amidoxime and amidoxime/ Yong-Tae Park, Kwang-Pill Lee and carboxyl group prepared by radiation-induced polymerization Hee-Dong Kang Gary R. Dennis, John L. Garnett Cure grafting—a complementary technique to preirradiation and and Elvis Zilic simultaneous processes? J. Chen, H. Iwata,Y .M aekawa, Grafting of polyethylene by _ j-radiation grafting onto M. Yoshida and N. Tsubokawa conductive carbon black and application as novel gas and solute sensors XI Contents of Volumes 66, 67, 68 Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 (2003) V-XXIII Tetsuya Yamaki, Masaharu Asano, 403 Radiation grafting of styrene into crosslinked PTEE films and Yasunari Maekawa, Yosuke Morita, subsequent sulfonation for fuel cell applications Takeshi Suwa, Jinhua Chen, Norio Tsubokawa, Kazuhiro Kobayashi, Hitoshi Kubota and Masaru Yoshida Jean-Dominique Turgis, Christophe Verge Composition effects on the EB-induced cross-linking of some acrylate and Xavier Coqueret and methacrylate copolymers lrina Pucic and Franjo Ranogajec Phase separation during radiation crosslinking of unsaturated polyester resin J. Bik,W . Gtuszewski, W.M. Rzymski EB radiation crosslinking of elastomers and Z.P. Zagorski M. Marinovic-Cincovic, Z. Kacarevic- Structural changes in highly crossiinked polyethylene irradiated in Popovic and D. Babic absence of oxygen Yu.A. Zaykin, A.S. Potanin Kinetics of radiation-induced structural alterations in electron-irra- and U.P. Koztaeva diated polymer-based composites T. Czvikovszky Expected and unexpected achievements and trends in radiation processing of polymers B. Zsigmond, L. Halasz andT . Czvikovszky Electron beam processing of carbon fibre reinforced braided composites U. Lappan, U. Gei®ler, U. Scheler and Identification of new chemical structures in poly(tetrafluoroethyl K. Lunkwitz ene-co-perfluoropropy! vinyl ether) irradiated in vacuum at different temperatures Jacobo Reyes, Carmen Albano, Electron spin resonance studies on PS, PP and PS/PP blends under Marjorie Claro and Delfin Moronta gamma irradiation S. Galovic, D. Kostoski, G. Stamboliev Thermal wave propagation in media with thermal memory induced by and E. Suljovrujic puised laser irradiation BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS S. Kratzsch, K. Drossler, H. Sprinz 463 Thiyl radical-induced cis—-trans-isomerization of arachidonic acid and Ortwin Brede inhibits prostaglandin metabolism Roman Flyunt, Achim Leitzke 469 Characterisation and quantitative determination of (hydro) peroxides and Clemens von Sonntag formed in the radiolysis of dioxygen-containing systems and upon ozonolysis B. Katusin-Razem and D. Razem Availability of oxygen in radiation-induced peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids Helmut Durchschlag, Thomas Hefferle Comparative investigations of the effects of X- and UV-irradiation on and Peter Zipper lysozyme in the absence or presence of additives Edith Heinrich and Nikola Getoff Effect of vitamin B1 and mixtures of B1 with other vitamins on cytostatic efficiency of sanazole under irradiation. A study in vitro MahdiT . Al-Kaisey, Abdul-Kader H. Alwan, Effect of gamma irradiation on antinutritional factors in broad bean Manal H. Mohammad and Amjed H. Saeed F. Breitfellner, S. Solar and G. Sontag Radiation induced chemical changes of phenolic compounds in strawberries Sizue O. Rogero, Ademar B. Lugao, Extractable proteins from irradiated field natural rubber latex Fumio Yoshii and Keizo Makuuchi Cs.M. Foldvary, E. Takacs and L. Wojnarovits Effect of high-energy radiation and alkali treatment on the properties of cellulose J. BorsT.a T,oth , E. Takacs and P. Hargittai Radiation modification of swollen and chemically modified cellulose T.T oth, J. Borsa and E. Takacs Effect of preswelling on radiation degradation of cotton cellulose Contents of Volumes 66, 67,68 | Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 (2003) V-XXIII XIII Seong-Ho Choi, Se-Hee Lee, Young-Mi 517 Interaction between the surface of the silver nanoparticles prepared Hwang, Kwang-Pill Lee and by ;-irradiation and organic molecules containing thiol group Hee-Dong Kang ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS William J. Cooper, Stephen P. Mezyk, 523 Kinetic modeling of the destruction of methy! tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Kevin E. O'Shea, Duk Kyung Kim and D. Ransom Hardison Polonca Trebse and Iztok Arcon Degradation of organophosphorus compounds by X-ray irradiation Dilek Solpan, Olgun Guven, Erzsebet Takacs, High-energy irradiation treatment of aqueous solutions of azo dyes: Laszlo Wojnarovits and Katalin Dajka steady-state gamma radiolysis experiments K. Dajka, E. Takacs, D. Solpan, L. Wojnarovits High-energy irradiation treatment of aqueous solutions of C.|. Reactive and O. Guven Black 5 azo dye: pulse radiolysis experiments V. Mucka, B. Lizalova, M. Pospisil, R. Silber, Radiation dechlorination of PCE in aqueous solutions under various D. Polakova and B. Bartonicek conditions V. Cuba, M. Pospsil,V .M ucka, P. Jenicek, Impact of accelerated electrons on activating process and foaming R. Silber, M. Dohanyos and J. Zabranska potential of sludge Antoni Jowko, Karol Wnorowski, Jan The kinetics of the radical reactions in gaseous chloro- or fluorohydro- Kowalczyk and Krzysztof Wojciechowski carbons A.G. Chmielewski, Yong-Xia Sun, NO, and PAHs removal from industrial flue gas by using electron beam J. Licki, S. Butka, K. Kubica and Z. Zimek technology with alcohol addition DOSIMETRY William L. McLaughlin 561 Radiation chemistry of anionic disazo dyes in Cellophane films applications for high-dose dosimetry S. Ebraheem, W.B. Beshir, S. Eid, R. Sobhy Spectrophotometric readout for an alanine dosimeter for food and A. Kovacs irradiation applications U.A. Sevil, O. Guven, A. Kovacs and I. Slezsak Gamma and electron dose response of the electrical conductivity of polyaniline based polymer composites M. Ranogajec-Komor, S. Miljanic, Selective assessment of the fast neutron component in mixed S. Blagus, Z. Knezevic and M. Osvay neutron—gamma field using TLD activation M. Ignatovych, V. Holovey, A. Watterich, UV and electron radiation-induced luminescence of Cu- and T.V idoczy, P. Baranyai, A. Kelemen, Eu-doped lithium tetraborates V. Ogenko and O. Chuiko P.G. Fuochi, M. Lavalle, A. Martelli, Electron energy device for process control U. Corda, A. Kovacs, P. Hargittai and K. Mehta Events Number 5 RADIATION PHYSICS M.J. Prata 599 Solid angle subtended by a cylindrical detector at a point source in terms of elliptic integrals L. Demir, M. Sahin,Y . Kurucu, 605 Angular dependence of L/, Lx, LB and Ly X-ray differential and A. Karabulut andY . Sahin fluorescence cross-sections for Er, Ta, W, Au, Hg and TI Contents of Volumes 66, 67, 68 Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 (2003) V-XXIII RADIATION CHEMISTRY B.G. Ershov, AV. Gordeev, M. Kelm 613 Rate constant for the reaction of the H atom with H2O> in aqueous and E. Janata solution Nikola Getoff 617 CO, and CO utilization: radiation-induced carboxylation of aqueous chloroacetic acid to malonic acid GV. Buxton and H.E. Sims 623 On the radiation chemistry of methyl iodide in aqueous solution V.1. Borovkov, SV. Anishchik 639 Mobility of geminate radical ions in concentrated alkane solutions as and O.A. Anisimov measured using electric field dependence of delayed fluorescence RADIATION PROCESSING Zhang Wei‘an, Shen Xiaofeng, Li Yu 651 Synthesis and characterization of poly(methyl methacrylate) /OMMT and Fang Yue nanocomposites by »-ray irradiation polymerization C. Barrera-Diaz, F. Urefia-Nunez, 657 A combined electrochemical-irradiation treatment of highly colored E. Campos, M. Palomar-Pardave and polluted industrial wastewater and M. Romero-Romo M.S. Ladaniya, Shyam Singh Response of ‘Nagpur’ mandarin, ‘Mosambi’ sweet orange and *Kagzi’ and A.K. Wadhawan acid lime to gamma radiation Zaki Ajji and Haroun Al-Kassiri Investigation of the kinetics of post-irradiation polymerization in solid acrylamide using differential scanning calorimetry Sachiro Kakinoki, isao Kaetsu, Temperature and pH responsiveness of poly- (DMAA-co-unsaturated Masashi Nakayama, Kouichi Sutani, carboxylic acid) hydrogels synthesized by UV-irradiation Kumao Uchida and Kouji Yukutake Events Number 6 RADIATION PHYSICS A.A. Naqvi 695 Prompt gamma ray analysis of Portland cement sample using keV neutrons with a Maxwellian energy spectrum—a Monte Carlo study A. Carreras, G. Stutz and G. Castellano Measurement of K-line transition rates forTi,V, Cr, Mn, Fe and Co using synchrotron radiation RADIATION CHEMISTRY Agnes Safrany and Laszlo 707 First steps in radiation-induced hydrogel synthesis: radical Wojnarovits formation and oligomerization in dilute aqueous /V-isopropylacrylamide solutions Zauresh S. Nurkeeva, Al-Sayed Abdel Aal, Radiation grafting from binary monomer mixtures. |. Vinyl ether of Vitaliy V. Khutoryanskiy, Grigoriy A.M un monoethanolamine and vinyl ether of ethyleneglycol and Aida G. Beksyrgaeva M.S. Alam, B.S.M. Rao and E. Janata “OH reactions with aliphatic alcohols: evaluation of kinetics by direct optical absorption measurement. A pulse radiolysis study RADIATION PROCESSING David J.T. Hill, Kristofer J. Thurecht 729 New Structure Formation on y-irradiation of Poly (chlorotrifluoroethy- and Andrew K. Whittaker lene)