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Preview Radiation of Angular Momentum by Neutrinos from Merged Binary Neutron Stars

Radiation of Angular Momentum by Neutrinos from Merged Binary Neutron Stars Thomas W. Baumgarte and Stuart L. Shapiro1 Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Il 61801 8 9 9 1 ABSTRACT n a We study neutrino emission from the remnant of an inspiraling binary neutron star J following coalescence. The mass of the merged remnant is likely to exceed the stability 8 2 limit of a cold, rotating neutron star. However, the angular momentum of the remnant may also approach or even exceed the Kerr limit, J/M2 = 1, so that total collapse may 1 not be possible unless some angular momentum is dissipated. We find that neutrino v 4 emission is very inefficient in decreasing the angular momentum of these merged objects 9 and may even lead to a small increase in J/M2. We illustrate these findings with a post- 2 1 Newtonian, ellipsoidal model calculation. Simple arguments suggest that the remnant 0 may form a bar mode instability on a timescale similar to or shorter than the neutrino 8 emission timescale, in which case the evolution of the remnant will be dominated by the 9 / emission of gravitational waves. h p - o r t s a : v i X r a 1DepartmentofAstronomyandNationalCenterforSupercomputingApplications,UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign,Urbana, Il61801 1 1. INTRODUCTION the ISCO exceeds unity for all binaries in which each member has a rest mass < 0.94Mmax. Here Mmax is ∼ 0 0 Considerabletheoreticaleffortiscurrentlydirected themaximumallowedrestmassofanonrotating,iso- toward understanding the coalescence of binary neu- lated,coldneutronstar,andM ,M andJ denotethe 0 tronstars. Theintereststemspartlyfromthepromise totalrestmass,energyandangularmomentumofthe such coalescence holds for generating gravitational binary system. For more realistic, nonsynchronous waves that can be detected by laser interferome- binaries, J/M2 is likely to be somewhat smaller, but ters now under construction, like LIGO, VIRGO and may still be appreciable. For many of these bina- GEO.Additionalinterestistriggeredbytheideathat riestherestmassofthemergedremnantalsoexceeds neutrinos generated during the merger and coales- Mmax. Immediately following merger, these objects 0 cence mightbe the sourceofgammaraysbursts (see, may be temporarily stabilized by thermal pressure e.g., Paczyn´ski, 1986; Eichler et. al., 1989; Janka & andangularmomentum. Onlyaftersomeofthether- Ruffert, 1996). Most of the theoretical work has, to mal energy and angular momentum have been radi- date,beenperformedinaNewtonianframework(see, ated away can the star later collapse to a black hole. e.g.,Rasio&Shapiro,1994;Ruffert, Janka&Scha¨fer The ultimate fate of such an object can only be es- 1996; Zhuge, Centrella & McMillan, 1996). Only a tablished by a three-dimensional, relativistic hydro- few hydrodynamical calculations have taken into ac- dynamic numerical simulation which employs a hot count post-Newtonian corrections (Oohara & Naka- nuclear equation or state and full neutrino radiation mura, 1995; Shibata, Oohara & Nakamura, 1997), transport. While the development of such a code is while results from calculations in full general relativ- underway by several groups, it is still very far from ity are very preliminary (Oohara & Nakamura, 1995; complete. Wilson & Mathews, 1995; Wilson, Mathews & Mar- Our goal in this paper is to isolate the role of ronetti, 1996). the neutrino emission in the early evolution follow- Thereareanumberofissues,however,thatcannot ing merger and to estimate its effect on the angular be addressed even qualitatively in Newtonian gravi- momentum J and the angular momentum parameter tation. Suchissuesincludethecollapseofthemerged J/M2. To doso,weconsiderasimplifiedscenariofor remnant to a black hole. Such a collapse is quite the post-merger neutron star remnant and imagine likely because the mass of the remnant will proba- that the remnant evolves to an axisymmetric, quasi- bly exceed the maximum allowed mass for a single equilibrium state on a dynamical (orbital) timescale neutron star. However, the final fate of the collapse immediately following merger. Since the merger fol- is completely unknown if the remnant’s angular mo- lows a rapid plunge from the ISCO, the merged rem- mentumparameterJ/M2 exceedsunity. Inthis case, nantformswiththesametotalmassM,therestmass the remnant cannot form a Kerr black hole without M and the angular momentum J of the progenitor 0 first losing some of its angular momentum. In prin- binary at the ISCO (here we neglectthe small loss of ciple, angular momentum could be radiated away by massandangularmomentum viagravitationalwaves theemissionofgravitationalwaves,neutrinos,and/or and gas ejection during the dynamical plunge). Ac- electromagnetic (e.g. magnetic dipole) radiation. cordingly, J/M2 will typically be near unity. We as- During the coalescence of the two neutron stars sume that the merged configuration quickly settles some fraction of the kinetic energy will be converted intouniformlyrotating,dynamicallystablequasiequi- into thermal energy. Therefore the remnant is likely librium state and focus on its quasi-static evolution. to be hot and emit thermal neutrinos. During the We show that the emission of neutrinos is very inef- rapid plunge of the binary once it reaches the inner- ficient in carrying off J. Depending on the stiffness most stable circular orbit (ISCO), the angular mo- of the equation of state, this emission may lead to mentum of the system will be conserved approxi- either an increase or a decrease of J/M2. Also, we mately, so the remnant will be rotating very rapidly. argue that these objects typically develop a bar in- In their fully relativistic treatment of corotating, stability on a timescale comparable or shorter than polytropic binaries in quasiequilibrium circular or- the neutrino emission timescale. We therefore con- bit, Baumgarte et. al. (1997a, 1997b) found that, clude that while neutrino emissionmay be important for a polytropic equation of state with polytropic in- for the cooling of the remnant, it is negligible for the dex n = 1, the total J/M2 of the binary system at emission of angular momentum. 2 The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 where the dot denotes a derivative with respect to τ. we estimate the rate of angular momentum loss by Equation (6) is fully relativistic. The relation be- neutrino emission. In Section 3 we incorporate our tween L and J˙ depends on the characteristics of the estimate in a post-Newtonian, ellipsoidal model cal- emission of the neutrinos from the star’s surface, as culation, that follows the post-merger evolution of well as the relativistic structure of the star. Estab- the remnant. The equations and formalism for this lishing this relationship therefore requires detailed approximation are presented in Appendix A. In Sec- numerical models of radiating, relativistic, rotating tion4wecomparethe relevanttimescalesforangular stars. Instead, we adopt a simple, first-order Newto- momentumlossbycompetingprocesses,andwesum- nian description to find the approximate relationship marize our conclusions in Section 5. given by equation (14) below. We assume that the neutrinos are emitted isotropically in the rest frame 2. ANGULAR MOMENTUM LOSS BY of a local stationary observer comoving with the sur- NEUTRINO EMISSION face. An observer in a nonrotating static frame will therefore find that, on average, each neutrino carries Consider a neutrino ν with four-momentum pα off some angular momentum. This angular momen- emitted from the surface of a uniformly rotating ax- tum can be found by Lorentz transforming from the isymmetric equilibrium star into an arbitrary direc- stationary frame into the static frame. To lowest or- tion. Alocalobserverwithfourvelocityuα comoving derinvwefindthat,onaverage,eachneutrinocarries withthesurfacewillmeasuretheneutrino’senergyto off a linear momentum p =vE =Ω̟E , where Ω be ϕˆ ν ν is the angular velocity of the star, ̟ the distance of δW(e) =−uαp =−utp −uϕp . (1) α t ϕ the surface elementfrom the axisof rotation,andE ν Hereandthroughoutthepaperweadoptgeometrized is the energy of the neutrino in the comoving frame units, c ≡ 1 ≡ G. Since the spacetime is stationary (equation (1)). The corresponding angular momen- andaxisymmetric,thecomponentsp andp arecon- tum is t ϕ servedalongtheneutrino’spath. Therefore,adistant p =̟2ΩE . (7) ϕ ν observer at rest with respect to the star’s center of The total rate of loss of angular momentum is there- mass will measure the neutrino’s energy to be fore (see also Kazanas, 1977) δW(r) =−p =−dM, (2) t J˙= −<̟2 >ΩL, (8) Adistantobserverwillidentifytheneutrino’sangular where L is the neutrino luminosity and < ̟2 > de- momentum to be notes the average of ̟2 over the surface of the star. We can get a reasonable estimate for this average by dJ =−p . (3) ϕ adopting a rotating, compressible ellipsoid model for Combiningthelastthreeequationsyieldsthefamiliar the star (see Lai, Rasio & Shapiro, 1993, hereafter result (e.g., Thorne, 1971) LRS). If we denote the principal axes by a1, a2 and a (wherea =a ismeasuredintheequatorialplane 3 1 2 1 and a is along the rotation axis), we find dM =ΩdJ − δW(e), (4) 3 ut 2 where Ω = uϕ/ut is the angular velocity of the rota- <̟2 >= 3a21f(e), (9) tion. The luminosity as measured by a local, comov- where ing observer can be defined as δW(e) f(e) ≡ 6π a1̟3 a21−e2̟2 1/2d̟ L= dτ , (5) a21A Z0 (cid:18) a21−̟2 (cid:19) 1 where τ is the observer’s proper time. Equation (4) = 1− e2+O(e4). (10) 15 can then be rewritten Here 1 M˙ =ΩJ˙− L, (6) e2 ≡1−(a /a )2 (11) ut 3 1 3 is the eccentricity, and stars U /M ∼ 0.1, we have U /M ∼ few per- cold hot centfollowingmerger. Hence, fromequation(15),we A=4π a1̟ a21−e2̟2 1/2d̟ (12) expect that the relative change of the angular mo- Z (cid:18) a2−̟2 (cid:19) mentum due to neutrino emission can be at most a 0 1 few percent. We conclude that neutrinos are very isthesurfaceareaoftheellipsoid. Notethatf(e)∼1 inefficient in reducing the merged remnant’s angular evenforlargeeccentricities. Itisconvenienttorewrite momentum. equation(8)intermsoftheangularmomentumJ and We now focus on the change in J/M2 associated themomentofinertiaI. ThelatterisI =2/5κ Ma2, n 1 with the neutrino luminosity L: where κ is a dimensionless structure constant of or- n der unity which depends onthe star’sdensity profile. M2 d J J˙ M˙ For a polytropic equation of state = −2 J dτ M2 J M P =Kρ1+1/n, (13) J˙ T 6 κ rot n = 1−4 − .(16) J (cid:18) M 5 utf(e)(cid:19) whereP isthepressure,ρtherestmassdensity,nthe polytropic index and K the polytropic constant, κ n Here we have used equations (6) and (14) as well as can be derived from the Lane-Emden function (see, T = ΩJ/2. The magnitude of J/M2 therefore in- rot e.g, LRS). Equation (8) can then be written creases if J˙=−f(e) 5 J L. (14) 1−4Trot − 6 κn <0. (17) 3κn M M 5 utf(e) From equation (14), we find that the angular mo- For a dynamically stable rotating ellipsoid with rota- mentum J changes by at most (Huet, 1996) tional velocity v ≪ 1 and T /|W| < 0.27 (see be- rot ∼ low), we have T /M ≪ 1, ut ∼ 1 and f(e) ∼ 1, so ∆J 5 U rot hot ∼− , (15) that this criterion reduces to J 3κ M n 5 assuming that the merged remnant radiates away all κn > . (18) 6 of its thermal energy U ∼ L∆τ prior to collapse. hot The ratio U /M following merger can be estimated The critical value of κ =5/6 corresponds to a poly- hot n bytakingtheprogenitorstarstobecold,withU = tropic index of n = 0.45 (see, e.g., LRS, Table 1). hot crit 0,priorto reachingthe ISCO.Duringthe subsequent Neutrinoradiationthusleadstoanincreaseofthean- plunge and merger, a part of the kinetic energy will gular momentum parameter J/M2 for all equations be converted into thermal energy by contact shocks of state with n < n . Interestingly, the value of crit (Rasio & Shapiro, 1994; Ruffert, Janka & Scha¨fer, n = 0.45 is very close to typical values that are crit 1996). In the extreme case of a head-on collision, a expected in realistic neutron star equations of state. verylargepartofthekineticenergywillbeconverted Notethatwehavederivedthisnumericalvalueinthe into heat. The ISCO, however, usually occurs at a limit of slow rotation. For rapid rotation, as in the very small separation of the stars, and therefore we numericalexampleofSection3,wefindthatthevalue expect that only a small part of the kinetic energy for n increases in the ellipsoidal approximation. crit will be converted into heat. For values of n close to n , the terms on the crit To estimate U , we construct post-Newtonian, left hand side of equation (17) will always be close hot compressibleellipsoidmodelsofhot,uniformlyrotat- to zero. According to equation (16), the fractional ing stars, generalizing the cold post-Newtonian mod- change of J/M2 will therefore be much smaller than elsofLombardi,RasioandShapiro(1997). Matching thefractionalchangeofJ,whichwehaveestimatedto these configurations to binary models at the ISCO beintheorderofafewpercentatmost. Nevertheless, calculated by Baumgarte et. al. (1997b), we typi- itisinterestingtonotethatthe emissionofneutrinos cally find U /U ∼ 0.2−0.3, where U is the can lead to an increase in J/M2, and that for nearly hot cold cold total internal energy, excluding the thermal energy Newtonian configurations the sign of the change is (i. e. kinetic energy of degenerate nucleons; see Sec- determinedessentiallybythestiffnessoftheequation tion 3 and Appendix A). Since for typical neutron of state. 4 Fig. 1.— Time evolution of a rapidly rotating neu- Fig. 2.— Evolution of Model 2 (see text). The plots tron star in a post-Newtonian ellipsoidal approxima- are labeled as in Figure 1. Although Model 2 is ini- tion (Model 1, see text). We show the luminosity tially stabilized against collapse by a combination of L, the angular momentum J/M2, the principle axes thermal pressure and angular momentum, a delayed 0 a (solid line in the lower left panel) and a (dashed collapseisinducedassoonasitradiatesawayasmall 1 3 line), and the angular momentum parameter J/M2. part of its thermal energy. Note that the neutrino AlthoughthemergedremnantinModel1exceedsthe luminosity L increases during the collapse. maximumallowedmassofacold,nonrotatingconfig- urations, it is stabilized against collapse by angular ergy M and angular momentum J match those of momentum. binary configurations at the ISCO as calculated by Baumgarte et. al (1997a,b). Here, we summarize re- 3. A NUMERICAL EXAMPLE sults for two different progenitor binary models with n =1 and J/M2 ≥1 (see lines 5 and 6 of Table 2 in To illustrate these effects, we dynamically evolve Baumgarteet. al., 1997b,forthe binaryparameters). axisymmetric post-Newtonian, compressible ellipsoid The twomodels differ byhowclosethe stellarmasses modelsofhotneutronstarmergerremnants. Weem- are to the maximum allowed mass of an isolated star ploy the formalism of Lai, Rasio & Shapiro (1994), in spherical equilibrium. We pick these two particu- supplemented by post-Newtonian corrections (Lom- lar cases since their evolution turns out to be quali- bardi, Rasio & Shapiro, 1997) and thermal contribu- tatively different. For both models, we fix K such cold tions to the internal energy. The thermal corrections that the rest mass of the remant is M =2×1.5M , are taken into account by naively decomposing the 0 ⊙ since observed binary neutron stars all have gravita- polytropic constant K in (13) into a linear sum of a tional masses close to 1.4 M , corresponding to rest ⊙ cold and a hot contribution, K =K +K . The cold hot masses ∼ 1.5M . K is determined by the rela- complete formalism and equations can be found in tion K =(M⊙/M¯ )c2o/ldn, where the nondimensional Appendix A. quantitcyoldM¯ is g0iven0in Table 2. 0 For initial data we construct equilibrium configu- For Model 1 (line 5 of Table 2 in Baumgarte rations as described in Appendix A.3. These models et. al., 1997b), we have K = 208 km2. In our cold of hot, rotating neutron stars form a three parame- post-Newtonian approximation, this yields a maxi- ter family, which can be uniquely determined by the mum allowed rest mass of Mmax = 1.92M (corre- centraldensity, the eccentricity andthe thermalheat 0 ⊙ sponding to a maximum allowed gravitational mass content (K /K ). We can choose these three pa- hot cold of Mmax = 1.71M ) for isolated, nonrotating cold ⊙ rameters such that the stars’ rest mass M , total en- 0 stars. Thesevaluesareconsistentwiththoseobtained 5 from recent, realistic nuclear equations of state (see, In the high temperature limit, ǫ ∼ ǫ , so that hot rad e.g., Pandharipande, 1997). The initial gravitational T4 ∼ ρ1+1/n ∼ (a2a )−(1+1/n). Taking the surface 1 3 energy of Model 1 is M = 2.75M and the initial areaof the ellipsoid to be ∼4πa2 we find from(A33) ⊙ 1 angular momentum parameter is J/M2 = 1.05. The that in the diffusion approximation the luminosity remnant has an eccentricity of e = 0.935, a thermal scales as heat content K /K = 0.25 and a = 28.0 km. L∼a3−1/na−(1+1/n)/2 (19) hot cold 1 1 3 The thermal energy in this model corresponds to a For spherically symmetric collapse, a = a and 1 3 maximum temperature of ∼14 MeV. L ∼ a(5−3/n)/2. For all n > 3/5 (which accomodates For Model 2 (line 6), we have K = 173 km2, 3 cold mostrealisticequationsofstate),sphericallysymmet- corresponding to Mmax = 1.75M and Mmax = 0 ⊙ ric collapse therefore leads to a decrease of the lumi- 1.56M , so that this model’s rest mass exceeds the ⊙ nosity: the neutrino optical thickness increases faster maximumallowedrestmass by a largeramountthan than the thermal energy increases. If, however, the Model 1. It has an initial gravitational mass of star collapses to a pancake, as in Figure 2, a will 1 M = 2.72M⊙ and J/M2 = 1.0, corresponding to remain finite, and L ∼ a−(1+1/n)/2. In this case the a remnant of e = 0.94, K /K = 0.33, and 3 hot cold increaseofthethermalenergyovercomestheincrease a = 23.3 km. Here the maximum temperature is 1 ofthe opticalthickness,andtheluminosity increases. ∼28MeV,whichissimilartotypicalvaluesfoundby Whenever the surface of a collapsing star approaches Ruffert, Janka & Scha¨fer (1996). a newly formed event horizon, the luminosity will al- We show the dynamical evolution of these two ways be suppressed by the increasing redshift and models in Figures 1 and 2. Even though the rest black hole capture. These effects are absent in our mass of Model 1 greatly exceeds Mmax, it is dynam- 0 model calculations. Nevertheless, our results suggest ically stabilized, within our approximations, by its that the collapse of a rapidly rotating, hot neutron high angular momentum, even after all the thermal starfollowingmergermayleaveaverydistinctsigna- energyhasbeenradiatedaway. By contrast,Model2 ture in the neutrino signal. collapses after it has emitted part of its thermal en- ergy. InModel1,theangularmomentumdecreasesby 4. ESTIMATE OF TIMESCALES ∼1.5%,whileJ/M2 increasesby∼0.3%. Thisshows that post-Newtonian corrections in an ellipsoid ap- So far we have focussed on the emission of neu- proximation, as well as rotation and deviations from trinos and their role in the evolution of the merged sphericity,causethethecriticalpolytropicindexn remnant. To estimate if this evolution is indeed gov- crit to increase to a value greater than one. In Model 2, erned by neutrinos, we now compare the timescale thechangesinJ andJ/M2 showthesametrendsbut for the neutrino emission with those associated with are smaller, because the star emits only a small part eletromagnetic and gravitationalradiation. of the thermal energy before it collapses. In a fully The timescale for the emission of the neutrinos is relativistictreatment,the collapsewouldnotproceed givenbythediffusiontime,τ . TakingκtobeRosse- ν directly to a black hole, because the Kerr limit on landmeanopacityduetoscatteringoffnondegenerate J/M2wouldbeexceeded. Binarieswithmassescloser neutrons and protons (see, e.g., Baumgarte, Shapiro to the maximum nonrotating mass have J/M2 < 1 & Teukolsky, 1996), we find (see Table 2 in in Baumgarte et. al., 1997b). Their M remnants could collapse directly to Kerr black holes. τ ∼ κρR2 ∼κ (20) ν R Notealsothattheneutrinoluminosityincreasesas Model 2 undergoes ’delayed’ collapse. This is in con- kT 2 M R −1 ∼ 4 s. trastto sphericallysymmetric results for delayedcol- (cid:18)20MeV(cid:19) (cid:18)2M (cid:19)(cid:18)15km(cid:19) ⊙ lapse(Baumgarte,Shapiro&Teukolsky,1996;Baum- garte et. al., 1996), in which the luminosity always Assuming that electromagnetic emission is domi- decreases during collapse. This difference can be un- nated by a magnetic dipole radiation, its timescale derstoodfromasimplegeometricalscalingargument. can be estimated from (see, e.g., Shapiro & Teukol- As explained in detail in Appendix A, we assume for sky, 1983) simplicitythatwecanwritethethermalenergyinthe T M rot polytropic form ǫhot =nKhotρ1+1/n (equation (A4)). τEM ∼ E˙ ∼ 3B2sin2αR4Ω2 6 −2 −2 −4 M Bsinα M M/R RΩ ∼ 7×107 ∼4×10−3 s.(24) (cid:18)2M (cid:19)(cid:18) 1012G (cid:19) (cid:18)2M (cid:19)(cid:18) 0.2 (cid:19) (cid:18)0.5(cid:19) ⊙ ⊙ −4 −2 R Ω For t < t , the total gravitational radiation time- s. (21) dyn (cid:18)15km(cid:19) (cid:18)104s−1(cid:19) scaleτGW ∼τbar+τgrav isthereforedominatedbythe initial growth time τ . Since τ strongly depends bar bar Clearly, τ is by many orders of magnitudes larger EM on t, this timescale is quite uncertain. However, the thanτ . Electromagneticradiationis therefore negli- ν estimate (22) suggests that for compact stars with gibleintheearlyevolutionofhotneutronstars,unless J/M2 > 1, we have τ < 3 s. We then see that the magnetic fields are extreme (B >1015 G). ∼ GW ∼ ∼ the evolution of these merged stars is characterized An axisymmetric, stationary star does not emit by the formation of a bar mode (see Lai & Shapiro, gravitational waves. However, if the ratio of the 1995)andemissionofgravitationalwaves,whichmay kinetic and potential energy t ≡ Trot/|W| is large then carry off angular momentum very efficiently. In enough, the star will develop a bar instability and some cases, t > t , and a bar may develop on a dyn will then emit gravitational radiation. More specifi- dynamical timescale (∼ Ω−1 ∼ few ms; see Rasio & cally,thestarissecularlyunstabletotheformationof Shapiro (1994) for a numerical demonstration). abarmode ift>t ∼0.14,anddynamicallyunsta- sec ble if t > tdyn ∼ 0.27 (Chandrasekhar, 1969; Shapiro 5. CONCLUSIONS &Teukolsky,1983;seeStergioulas&Friedman,1997, andFriedman&Morsink,1997,forarecentrelativis- We conclude that neutrinos are very inefficient tic treatment). Writing t in terms of the ellipsoidal in carrying off angular momentum from hot, mas- expressions (A10) and (A18), we find sive remnants of neutron star binary mergers, even if these are rapidly rotating and have an angular 5(5−n) e(1−e)1/6 J 2 M momentum parameter J/M2 > 1. Curiously, neu- t = ∼ 12κn sin−1e (cid:18)M2(cid:19) R trino emission may even increase J/M2 by a small amount. Wefindthatthetimescalefortheformation 2 J M ∼ 2 . (22) ofa bar mode may,for suchobjects, be muchshorter (cid:18)M2(cid:19) R than the neutrino emission timescale. For pure grav- SincerelativisticconfigurationstypicallyhaveM/R> itational radiation the third term in equations (16) ∼ 0.1,thissuggeststhatallneutronstars,rotatingwith and (17) vanishes, so that J/M2 always decreases. J/M2 > 1, have t > 0.2 and are at least secularly This suggests that gravitational waves will be faster ∼ ∼ unstable to the formation of a bar mode. This is and more efficient in reducing J/M2 than neutrinos. in agreement with the general relativistic, numerical Together, these arguments may have important con- models of Cook, Shapiro & Teukolsky (1992). For sequencesforgravitationalwavedetectors,since they t < t < t , the timescale for the formation of suggest that the evolution of mergered binary rem- sec dyn a bar mode driven by gravitational radiation can be nants will be dominated by the emission of gravita- approximatedby(see,e.g.,Friedman&Schutz,1975; tional waves. In particular, should J/M2 be larger Lai & Shapiro, 1995) than unity upon merger, gravitationalwaves seem to be the only means by which J/M2 can be efficiently M M/R −4 t−t −5 reduced to a value smaller than unity, so that the sec τ ∼3 s. (23) bar (cid:18)2M (cid:19)(cid:18) 0.2 (cid:19) (cid:18) 0.1 (cid:19) entire merged configuration can collapse to a black ⊙ hole. Otherwise, hydrodynamic stresses will have to Note that shear viscosity can also drive a bar mode support or expel some of the matter to allow the in- instability, but it is inefficient in hot neutron stars terior regions to collapse. with T ∼ 10 MeV as is the case here (see Bonaz- These arguments imply that, except for cooling zola, Frieben & Gourgoulhon, 1996, and references anddeleptonizing,neutrinoemissionplaysaverymi- therein). Once a bar has fully developed, the grav- norroleindetermining the massandspinofthe final itational radiation dissipation timescale can be esti- configuration (black hole or rotating neutron star). mated from the quadrupole emission formula However,because of the role in inducing delayed col- T IΩ M lapse in some cases, the neutrinos will have to be in- rot τ ∼ ∼ ∼ grav E˙ (M/R)2(RΩ)6 (M/R)2(RΩ)4 cludedincalculationsofthelatestagesofcoalescence. 7 Gravitationalradiationwillplayaveryimportantrole where U is the internal energy, W the potential en- in determining the final mass and spin of the black ergy, T the kinetic energy, and U and W are PN PN holeorneutronstar. Thisresultstrengthensthe con- post-Newtonian corrections to the internal and po- clusion that a fully general relativistic description of tential energy. binary neutron star mergers is essential for full un- Including the post-Newtonian terms not only im- derstanding. proves the solution for relativistic stars quantita- Notethatourargumentsapplytomassive,hot,ro- tively, but also, more importantly, it changes the tating neutron stars in general, and not only to the solution qualitatively. Without the post-Newtonian remnants of binary neutron stars. For example, they corrections, a graph of the rest mass M as a func- 0 equally apply to newly formed, hot neutron stars in tion of the central density ρ exhibits no turning c supernovae. Ithasrecentlybeensuggestedthatthese point. By including the post-Newtonian terms, we stars may be stable initially, but may later delep- find turning points reasonably close to the turning tonize, undergo a phase transition and collapse to a pointsofthecorrespondingfullyrelativistic(Tolman- blackhole (see, e.g.,Brown& Bethe, 1994). Alterna- Oppenheimer-Volkov) solution (see Lombardi, Rasio tively, such a delayed collapse might result from the & Shapiro, 1997). Since these turning points give loss of angular momentum from a nascent, rapidly the maximum allowed mass configuration, the post- rotating neutron star which is stabilized initially by Newtonian corrections allow us to approximate the its high spin. Neutrino emission could, in principle, onset of radial instability and to mimic the delayed reducethisangularmomentumandhence inducecol- collapse of hot, rotating neutron stars to black holes. lapse. WhilefortypeIIsupernovaeUhot/M isslightly We assume a polytropic equation of state larger than in the examples presented in Section 3, ourargumentsshowthattheneutrinoemissionisstill P =Kρ1+1/n, (A2) very inefficient in carrying off angular momentum. and crudely account for thermal pressure by taking This fact makes this scenario very unlikely (Huet, the constant K to have a cold contribution due to 1996). Similarly, our analysis suggests that neutrino degenerate nucleons, K , and a hot contribution cold emission plays a negligible role in determining the due to thermal heating, K : hot quasi-steady spin rate of accreting neutron stars at the center of Thorne-Zytkow objects, which have re- K =K +K . (A3) cold hot cently been suggested to be likely sources of gravita- The internal thermal energy density ǫ is therefore tional waves for detection by GEO (Schutz, 1997). hot taken to be of the form It is a pleasure to thank Patrick Huet and Chris ǫhot =nKhotρ1+1/n. (A4) Pethick for stimulating our interest in some of the While K is assumed to be constant in both space issues discussed in this paper, and Fred Lamb and cold and time, we allow K to depend on time, keeping James Lombardi for useful discussions. This paper hot it constant throughout the star. Integrating the en- was supported in part by NSF Grant AST 96-18524 ergy density overthe star allowsus to write the total and NASA Grant NAG 5-3420 to the University of internalenergyinterms ofthe centraldensityρ asa Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. c sum of a cold and a hot contribution U =U +U =k (K +K )ρ1/nM (A5) cold hot 1 cold hot c 0 A. POST-NEWTONIAN, ELLIPSOIDAL MODELS OF HOT, ROTATING NEU- where k1 is a dimensionless structure constant that TRON STARS depends on the density profile, i.e. the polytropic in- dex n. Numerical values for k can be found, for 1 A.1. The Euler-Langrange Equations example, in LRS (see Table 1). In terms of the mean radius Thetotalenergyofanaxisymmetric,rotating,hot R≡(a2a )1/3, (A6) neutronstarcan,inapost-Newtonian,ellipsoidalap- 1 3 proximation, be written as the sum the central density can be written M M =U +UPN +W +WPN +T, (A1) ρc =βR30, (A7) 8 where we have defined and a contribution due to spin β ≡ ξ1 , (A8) T = 1IΩ2 = 5 β−2/3J2M−5/3ρ2/3(1−e2)1/3. 4π|θ′(ξ1)| rot 2 4κn c (A18) andwhereθ andξ arethe usualLane-Emdenparam- Here the moment of inertia is given by etersforapolytrope(see,e.g.,Chandrasekhar,1939). The internal energy can therefore be rewritten I = 2κ M a2, (A19) 5 n 0 1 M1+1/n U =k1Kβ1/n R03/n . (A9) andκn isastructureconstantsoforderunitythatde- pends only on the polytropic index n (see, e.g., LRS) The potential energy W is given by Following Lombardi, Rasio & Shapiro (1997), the post-Newtonian corrections can be written 3 M2sin−1e W = −5−n R0 e (1−e2)1/6 (A10) UPN = −l1Kρ1c/n+1/3M05/3 = − 3 β−1/3M5/3ρ1/3sin−1e(1−e2)1/6. = −l Kβ1/n+1/3M02+1/n (A20) 5−n 0 c e 1 R1+3/n Introducing the dimensionless coefficients A (Chan- and i drasekhar, 1969,§17) M3 W =−l ρ2/3M7/3 =−l β2/3 0. (A21) sin−1e 1−e2 PN 2 c 0 2 R2 A =(1−e2)1/2 − (A11) 1 e3 e2 Numericalvaluesforthestructureconstantsl andl 1 2 are calculated in Lombardi, Rasio & Shapiro (1997). and Both post-Newtonian terms are correct in this form A =2−2A (A12) 3 1 only for spherical configurations. However, we shall (for a1 >a3), the potential energy can be rewritten assume the slow rotation limit (Trot/|W| ≪ 1), for whichcorrectionsarisingfromdeviationsfromspheric- 3 M2 J W =− 0 , (A13) ity are higher order and will be neglected. 5−n R 2R2 From these energy contributions we can now con- where struct the Lagrangian J =2A a2+A a2. (A14) 1 1 3 3 L(q ;q˙ )=T −U −U −W −W , (A22) i i PN PN ThelasttermJ/(2R2)takesintoaccountcorrections tothepotentialenergyduetodeviationsfromspheric- where the q are the independent variables a and φ i i ity. Note that partial derivatives of J take the form (with φ˙ = Ω). The dynamics of the system is then governedby the Euler-Lagrangeequations ∂J 1 = (J −a2A ), (A15) ∂a a i i d ∂L ∂L i i − =0. (A23) dτ ∂q˙ ∂q i i so that ∂W = 3 M02a A (A16) The angular momentum can be defined as ∂a 5−n2R3 i i i ∂L (see Chandrasekhar,1969). J ≡ . (A24) ∂Ω Assumingthestartobeuniformlyrotating,theki- neticenergyT canwrittenasasumofacontribution Since φ is an ignorable coordinate of the Lagrangi- due to expansion an(A22),the Euler-Lagrangeequationsimply thatJ is conserved on a dynamical timescale. However, we T = 1 κ M (2a˙2+a˙2) (A17) wanttoallowforthe radiationofangularmomentum exp 10 n 0 1 3 on a secular timescale by the emission of neutrinos, so we will therefore allow for an external dissipation 9 term on the right hand side of equation (A23) when neutrinos q =φ: ǫ =(3+7N /8)aT4. (A30) i rad ν dJ =−(J˙) . (A25) The total thermal energy density is then given by ν dτ Note also that when we allow Khot to decrease with ǫhot =ǫrad+ǫnucl. (A31) timeasthestarcools(seeequation(A39)below),the Thisexpressioncanbeusedtoestimatethe tempera- system will no longer conserve energy. tureT. AdoptingtheRosselandmeanopacityarising We now find that the Euler-Langrange equations from scattering off nondegenerate neutrons and pro- yield tons, the neutrino opacity takes the form a¨1 = Ω2a1+Kβ1/nn5κk1nRM3/01n/an1 − (A26) κ= 7(22π0)24σm0B (cid:18)mkTe(cid:19)2, (A32) K 1 + 1 β1/n+1/35l1 M01/n+1 − where mB is the baryon mass, me the electron mass, (cid:18)n 3(cid:19) κn R3/n+1a1 and σ0 = 1.76×10−44cm2. The neutrino luminosity can then be estimated via the diffusion formula 10 l M2 5 3 M 3 β2/3κ2nR2a01 − 2κn5−n R30a1A1, L= A |∇ǫrad|∼ A ǫrad, (A33) 3ρ κ 3ρ κ a a a 3 5k M1/n a¨3 = Kβ1/nnκ1 R30/n − (A27) whereρa =3M0/(4πR3)istheaveragedensity. Since n a < a , we expect that the “preferred” direction of 3 1 1 1 5l M1/n+1 diffusionisalongtherotationaxis,andthereforeesti- K + β1/n+1/3 1 0 − (cid:18)n 3(cid:19) κn R3/n+1a3 matethegradientofǫradbydividingǫradbya3. Using equation(8), the angularmomentumlosscannowbe 10 l M2 5 3 M β2/3 2 0 − 0a A , written 3 κnR2a3 2κn5−n R3 3 3 (J˙)ν =<̟2 >ΩL. (A34) and Next we have to relate the luminosity L to K . 1 a a˙ hot Ω˙ =−I(J˙)ν −2 a121Ω. (A28) From equation (5) we have 1 In the absence of neutrino emission ((J˙)ν =0), these L= δW(e) =−<TdS >, (A35) ordinary differential equations completely describe dτ dτ the adiabatic evolution of a uniformly rotating, ax- where the brackets denote an average over the star isymmetric neutron star in a post-Newtonian ellip- and S is the total entropy of the star. From the first soid approximation. They represent in this limit the law of thermodynamics we have ellipsoidal analogue of the post-Newtonian equations ǫ 1 of hydrodynamics for an adiabadic gas. In order to Tds=d +Pd . (A36) (cid:18)ρ(cid:19) (cid:18)ρ(cid:19) allow for cooling and loss of angular momentum, we have to supplement this system ofequations with ex- Here ǫ = nKρ1+1/n is the total internal energy den- pressions for K˙ and (J˙) . hot ν sity,ands isthe specificentropy(perrestmass). For adiabatic changes, K is constant and Tds=0. Here, A.2. Neutrino Cooling and Angular Momen- K = K +K is not constant, however, and we tum Loss cold hot find We approximate the thermal energy contribution Tds=nρ1/ndK. (A37) from hot nucleons by InaNewtoniantreatment,integrationoverthewhole 3 star now yields ǫ = nkT (A29) nucl 2 <TdS > = (Tds)dm=dK nρ1/ndm (strictly true in the limit of high temperatures), and Z Z add to it the thermal radiation of photons, electron- = dlnK ǫdm=UdlnK. (A38) positron pairs and Nν =3 flavors of (nondegenerate) Z 10

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