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Radiation dose management in the nuclear industry : proceedings of the conference organised by the British Nuclear Energy Society and held in Windermere, Cumbria, on 9-11 October 1995 PDF

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Preview Radiation dose management in the nuclear industry : proceedings of the conference organised by the British Nuclear Energy Society and held in Windermere, Cumbria, on 9-11 October 1995

Radiation dose management in the nuclear industry Radiation dose management in the nuclear industry Proceedings of the conference organised by the British Nuclear Energy Society and held in Windermere, Cumbria, on 9-11 October 1995 British Nuclear Energy Society, London Conference organized by the British Nuclear Energy Society and co-sponsored by the European Nuclear Energy Society and the Society for Radiological Protection Organizing Committee A. Martin, Consultant (Chairman); Dr R. Coates, British Nuclear Fuels pic; C. Lefaure, CEPN, France; I. R. Devine, Nuclear Electric pic; Dr L. M. C. Dutton, NNC Limited; G. G. Harris, Axiom Consulting Engineers Ltd; C. Partington, British Nuclear Fuels pic. Corresponding members: A. Debauche, Belgian Nuclear Society; Dipl Phys W. Jeschi, Swiss Nuclear Society; B. Lowendahl, Swedish Nuclear Society; Dr J. Moravek, Czech and Slovak Nuclear Societies; O. Vilkamo, Finnish Nuclear Society. Published on behalf of the organizers by Thomas Telford Publications, Thomas Telford Services Ltd, 1 Heron Quay, London E14 4JD. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Classification Availability: Unrestricted Content: Collected papers Status: Invited authors' opinions Users: Nuclear engineers, health physicists, nuclear industry managers ISBN: 0 7277 2087 2 ® British Nuclear Energy Society, 1995, unless otherwise stated All rights, including translation reserved. Except for fair copying, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher, Books, Publications Division, Thomas Telford Services Ltd, Thomas Telford House, 1 Heron Quay, London E14 4JD. Papers or other contributions and the statements made or the opinions expressed therein are published on the understanding that the author of the contribution is solely responsible for the opinions expressed in it and that its publication does not necessarily imply that such statements and/or opinions are or reflect the views or opinions of the organizers or publishers. Printed in Great Britain. Contents Development of IAEA safety standards and guides on occupational exposure control. G. A. M. WEBB The development of radiological protection standards for occupational exposure, A. D. WRIXON From a regulatory to a cultural approach in the field of radiological protection. M.-C. BOEHLER A fresh look at understanding the extent and scope of radiation and contamination problems in various nuclear fuel cycle facilities. J. D. CAMPBELL The EDF ALARA projects: a global management approach, c. THEZEE, L. STICKER and R. DOLLO The RED (reduce everyone's dose) initiative at Hinkley point Power Station. J. WESTON Optimisation of workers' exposure at La Hague reprocessing plant. J. BETIS and J. KALIMBADJIAN Radiation protection experience during active commissioning of the Thorp Reprocessing Plant, K. P. SPOUR and E. w. HUTTON Development and Introduction of revised dose uptake criteria and associated assessment methodologies for new plant at British Nuclear Fuels pic. D. K. OWEN and M. J. HOBSON Occupational exposure to radiation in the European Union and the Russian Federation, L. M. c. DUTTON, I. D. CURRIE, A. A. NOSKOV, D. P. SEMIN and v. i. TSOFIN A dose reconstruction case study - the retrospective assessment of neutron dose for workers on the Windscale Piles at Sellafield. R. w. ANDERSON and A. v. KITE Calibration and type testing of neutron radiation protection instrumentation. A. G. BARDELLand D. J. THOMAS The use of PADC for neutron personal dosimetry in the nuclear industry. R. H. TANNER, D. T. BARTLETT, P. J. GILVIN and J. LAVELLE The characteristics of a 'thin' detector for the measurement of superficial and extremity doses, H. E. PRESTON ISOE: an international occupational exposure database and communications network for dose optimisation. I. F. ROBINSON and E. LAZO An efficient tool to follow up doses of transient workers in French NPPs: DOSINAT. 99 G. DAUBERT Sizewell B Power Station control dosimetry system. 104 G. RENN Radiation exposure management systems at Baltimore Gas & Electric's Clavert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, G. B. STALLINGS and R. J. FLETCHER 107 The impact of IT on dose management at Devonport Royal Dockyard. B. T. JAMES, S. N. URQUHART and A. KINSMAN 110 Transforming dose management techniques through technology. 118 M. BENNETT Recent developments in a radiation field control technology, c. 123 J. WOOD Radiological aspects of a full-system decontamination of Loviisa 2. B. WAHLSTROM and U. LINDEN 130 Optimisation of radiation protection during seam generators replacements. G. ABELA, B. CARVAL and O. JURION 1 QQ Experience from severe fuel failures in Ringhals: Radiological effects and shut­ down criteria, p. o. ARONSSON, O. ERIXON, G. GRANATH and T. SVEDBERG 139 Fuel failures management at BWR's: an ALARA approach in the Swiss context. P. CROUAlL and W. JESCHKI 147 Improvements in the methods for optimising dose rate CTOR NPPs in the Russian Federation. 154 A. A. NOSKOV Dose control experience on the waste vitrification plant at Sellafield. C.J.ALEXANDER 156 Radiological control of contractors' employees - an independent RPA's view. J. O. ELLIS and C. A. WEBB 162 The gaseous effluents from the WER NPPs in the Republic of Slovakia. V. KAPlSOVSKY, J. MORAVEK and J. HUTTA 165 Control of radioactive discharges to the environment from the Dounreay nuclear site. N. R. SINCLAIR and c v. GREGORY 168 Active commissioning experience on the Sellafield low active liquid effluent treatment plants, s. 175 T. BRADFORD Aerial effluent monitoring and control at Sellafield. c. 183 PARTINGTON Refurbishment of a fuel fabrication facility. 188 J. L FINLAYSON Dose control during decomissioning operations at Sellafield. 192 D. G. POMFRET Dose control during decommissioning stage 1.2 of decommissioning SGHWR facility, M. J. RODGERS Dose management and reduction methods employed for nuclear submarine decommissioning and refitting at Rosyth Royal Dockyard, N. PARISH Databases in dose management - the problems of keeping pace. B. J. TYMONS, D. R. GOODILL and D. C. ARGENT Application of the new ICRP respiratory tract model to inhaled plutonium nitrate using experimental biokinetic data. A. BIRCHALL, M. R. BAILEY and N. S. JARVIS The biokinetics of a uranium aerosol formed in a new laser enrichment process: implications for human exposure, M. H. HENGE-NAPOLI, E. ANSOBORLO, S. A. GRAY, A. HODGSON and G. N. STRADLING Comparison of plutonium intake estimates inferred from PAS measurements with results based on the assay of faecal samples. J. DENVIR, K. DUKE and N. p. TANCOCK Operational difficulties experienced in the assignment of respiratory protection factors for use in the assessment of internal doses. K. SMITH, M. L. BACON and D. N. SIMISTER Uranium exposure assessment - a critical review, A E. RIDDELL Decommissioning a liquid effluent treatment facility - an exercise in dose management, p. MANSON Low energy spectroscopy for monitoring lung retention in respect of the present and forthcoming regulation, p. PIHET, P. BEAU, D. FRANCK, J. L MALARBET, N. RAZAFINDRALAMBO, and A. RANNOU Development of IAEA safety standards and guides on occupational exposure control Geoffrey A. M. Webb, Head, Radiation Safety Section, Division of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Safety, IAEA, Vienna The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) produces which clearly indicates their relationship to the BSS and standards and other guidance covering all aspects of the also identifies those- areas in which documents did not safe use of radiation. A substantial subset of these exist and should, in due course, be developed. This paper publications are devoted to the topic of control of describes the part of the series particularly related to occupational exposure to radiation. This paper describes occupational exposure. the restructuring of the documents in this area following the adoption of the new Basic Safety Standards and the The radiation safety series document structure topics to be covered in the major guide. The structure plan Introduction All Safety Series documents should fit into an The programme of the radiation safety section of the hierarchical structure with Fundamentals giving the IAEA covers two major interrelated areas of work. These underlying rationale and the basic principles for protection are the development and production of a comprehensive and safety, Standards providing in a more regulatory style set of safety series documentation representing an the mandatory provisions, Guides that elaborate for general international consensus; and the provision of assistance to areas the manner in which these mandatory provisions are developing Member States to bring their radiation safety to be fulfilled and give more explanation, and Practices infrastructure to an appropriate level for the usage of developing the application of the Standards and Guides in radiation in the State. The two areas are interrelated particular areas or using specific techniques. because the safety series documents should both set out the The procedure that was adopted in structuring the radiation safety standards to be achieved and provide radiation safety documents was to recognize the practical guidance on how this is to be done. importance and broad scope of the BSS and to carry Over recent years a great deal of effort has been carried through the structure of that document, especially the out under IAEA auspices to turn the recommendation of appendices. The Transport Regulations and the supporting the ICRP in Publication 60(1) into internationally agreed guides are treated in a similar way in parallel. This safety standards. This culminated in September 1994 with structure is shown in Figure 1, which includes some of the the approval by the Board of Governors of the IAEA of major safety guides. The structure is carried through to the the new Basic Safety Standards (BSS) (2) which have now next level of documents, Safety Practices. also been approved by the governing bodies of the other five co-sponsoring organizations. They will be issued Fundamentals and standards towards the end of 1995 in their final form in the six The document at the Safety Fundamentals level working languages of the IAEA. concerned with radiation protection and the safety of In parallel with the development of the BSS, a sources is intended to complete the set of three comprehensive review of the Radiation Safety Series of Fundamentals documents. The other two Fundamentals, documents has been carried out to provide a structure that which have been approved by the Board of Governors, is clearly based on and related to the requirements of the deal with Nuclear Safety and Radioactive Waste BSS. The review was carried out mainly by staff of the Management. The document explains the basis for Radiation Safety Section with input from Advisory approaches to radiation protection and safety for those at Groups, Technical Committees and Consultants on senior levels in political or regulatory positions, and those particular topic areas. The results of the review include for who make decisions relating to the uses of radiation in each existing document an appraisal of its status, whether medicine, industry, agriculture and other areas, but who it is still valid or should be revised and updated to comply are not safety specialists. This document states the with the BSS or whether it should be declared obsolete principles that underlie the requirements of both the BSS and withdrawn. The more important output from the and the Transport Regulations. It is hoped that it will review is an overall structure plan for the documents receive Board of Governors approval during 1995. Radiation dose management BNES, 1995 1 M FUNDAMENTALS Radiation Safety Fundamentals SS(new) H 8 a o STANDARDS FAO, IAEA, ILO. OECD/NEA, PAHO, WHO 00 Regulations for the Safe Transport International Basic Safety Standards for Protection Against of Radioactive Materials Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources W GUIDES > General Topics Occupational Public Medical Intervention Applications Transport s B I I I I I I w Organization and Occupational Principles for Radiation Extension of the Radiation Protection of Advisory and Explanatory H Operation Radiation Limiting Protection Principles workers in the Mining and Material for the IAEA of a National Protection Releases of in the Medical of Radiation Protection Milling of Radioactive Regulations for the Safe Infrastructure SS(new) Radioactive Exposure of to Ofes Transport of Radioactive SS)new) Effluents into the Patients Sources of Potential SS26 Material Environment SS(new) Exposure SS37, SS7 SS77 SS104 Assessment of Principles for the Internall Radiation Protection in Oil Exemption of Radiation Radiation Early Medical and Gas Industry Emergency Response Sources and Practices Exposure for Environmental Treatment Application of the SS(new) Planning and Preparedness from Regulatory Occupational Monitoring of Possibly Prinlcples for Transport Accidents Control Protection SS(new) Over-exposed of Radiation Protection Involving Radioactive SS89 SS(new) Persons to Material SS87 SS(new) Chronic Exposure Radiation Protection in Situations Design of Facilities Consumer SS(new) SS(new) Operational Radiation Products Protection: A Guide to Assessment of SS(new) Optimization External SS101 Radiation Intervention Criteria in a Exposure for Nuclear or Radiation Occupational Emergency Protection SS109 SS(new) Programmes for Post¬ Graduate Education SS(new) Operational Levels for Control of Intervention in a Exposure to Nuclear Natural Radiation Accident or Radiological at Work Emergency SS(new) SS81 Figure 1. Structure plan

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