US006177190B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,177,190 B1 Gehlsen et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 23, 2001 (54) RADIATION CURABLE POLY(1-ALKENE) 5,427,842 6/1995 Bland et a1. ....................... .. 428/213 BASED PRESSURESENSITIVE ADHESIVES 5,589,122 12/1996 Leonard et a1. ................... .. 264/146 5,599,602 2/1997 Leonard et al. 428/56 (75) Inventors: Mark David Gehlsen, Eagan, MN 5,644,007 7/1997 Davidson et a1. 526/64 (Us); Chad Everett Brown, Chicago, 5,660,922 8/1997 Herndge et a1. ................... .. 428/214 IL (Us); Patrick Darby Hyde, 2:333??? 13/133; 3333?.‘ .............................. .. 525/240 Burnsvrlle, MN (US); Eugene Gregory 578597088 * 1/1999 Peterson _ Joseph, Vadnars Heights, MN (US); Vasant Venugopal Kolpe, Mendota FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Helghts’ MN (Us) 0 620 258 A2 4/1994 (EP) . . _ . . W0 93 11184 6/1993 (W0). (73) Assrgnee. lrianotlialtcltiel PIIJ‘EPEI‘UES Company, 96 07674 3/1996 (W0) ' am all, ( ) 96 25469 8/1996 (WO) . 96 37568 11/1996 WO . ( * ) Notice: Under 35 U.S.C. 154(b), the term Of this 97 23577 7/1997 EWOg _ patent shall be extended for 0 days. W0 97 48777 12/1997 (WO) . W0 98 23699 6/1998 (WO) . (21) Appl. No.: 09/087,611 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: May 29’ 1998 Barrett, AB, and Miller, R. A., Extending Styrenic Block (51) Int. Cl.7 ...................................................... .. B32B 7/ 12 copolymers With Amorphous Polyole?ns, TECHNOWSI Hot (52) US. Cl. .................................. .. 428/355 EN; 522/112; Melts, AdhesivesAgeAug- 199511925934 522/157; 522/158; 522/160; 522/161 Robe, G. R., Amorphous Polyole?ns As Ingredients in (58) Field Of Search ................................... .. 428/354, 355, Pressure/“sensitive Adhesives, 1992 TAPPI Hot Melt Sym 428/355 EN; 522/112, 157, 158, 160, 161 P°Sium> PP- 142 (List continued on next page.) (56) References Cited Us PATENT DOCUMENTS Primary Examiner—Terrel Morris ASSLSZLZI’LZ Exammer—Sharm1stha Gupta 3,565,985 2/1971 Schrenk et a1. .................... .. 264/171 ('74) Attorney) Agent) or Firm—Me1anie GOVer 3,630,980 12/1971 Russell et a1. . 260/27 3,850,858 11/1974 Park et a1. 260/27 (57) ABSTRACT 4,022,728 5/1977 Trotter et a1. .. 260/27 260/897 The present invention relates to pressure-sensitive adhesive 44,,017025,,773158 28//11997788 AWredeemmeasg neit a1. 260/889 compositions. The compositions comprise a poly(1-alkene) .. 427/54.1 pressure-sensitive adhesive component, a non-pressure 44,,128117,,745228 81//11998800 MMacrCtoennnse lelt ae1t. a1 525/191 sensitive adhesive component, and a radiation-activatable 4,259,470 * 3/1981 Trotter ...... .. 428/355 curing agent. The invention further provides pressure 4’329’384 5/1982 veslejy et a1‘ 428/40 sensitive adhesive tapes and methods for making the com 4,332,655 6/1982 Bere]ka ........ .. . 204/1592 Ositions and ta es 5,112,882 5/1992 Babu et a1. 522/158 p p ' 5,354,619 10/1994 Babu ............ .. 428/462 5,407,970 4/1995 Peterson et a1. ..................... .. 522/33 20 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets NE (D O 9 ‘a ‘£3 10 u @ I D A E "J 10 E g 5 w 0 7 n u D E 10 - u u 77> - A 5) 105 | l 1 1 . | . | . | 0 5 10 15 20 25 3O 35 Tertiary Carbon Content, mol % Static Shear Performance A <10,000 min. El >10,000 min. US 6,177,190 B1 Page 2 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Standard Practice for Dilute Solution Viscosity of Polymers, Designation: D 2857—95, pp. 150—154. Barrett, A. E. and Miller, R. A., Amorphous Polyole?ns as Extenders for Styrenic Block Copolymers in Hot Melt Krishnamurthy, V., Sustic A., Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Formulations, 1995 TAPPI Hot Melt Symposium, pp. 169—183. of ReXtac® Amorphous Polyalphaole?ns (APAO) and Clauss, M., Earhart, J. J ., Stabilization Of Amorphous Poly— Blends With Styrene Block Copolymers (SBCs), TAPPI Alpha Ole?n(Apao) Based Hot Melt Adhesives, 1995 Hot 1992 Hot Melt Symposium, pp. 77—83. Melt Symposium, pp. 151—159. Test Methods for Pressure Sensitive adhesives Tapes, Test Methods, 1994, 11th Edition, pp. 1—37. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Jan. 23, 2001 Sheet 1 0f 2 US 6,177,190 B1 10 109 u u U 8 DA in SdEM@2yloh'n5adeesu°sat1li/uCrccs1 , m 2 a '3 u 107 u u ‘3.0 5 1O 15 20 25 30 35 O_L Tertiary Carbon Content, mol % Static Shear Performance A <10,000 min. El >10,000 min. N E 8 U) 99 D 010 |\ El @ a“ g10u B '5 A 07 E10 D *5 AA 310“ A A A F6 A cu ?1o5.l.i.l.i.i.l.l O 5 10 15 20 25 3O 35 Tertiary Carbon Content, mol % l1. N ‘.9 Static Shear Performance A <10,000 min. :1 >10,000 min. U.S. Patent Jan. 23, 2001 Sheet 2 0f 2 US 6,177,190 B1 dSyE(MlnohGadeesus'tla/iu)rccsm ,2 GI .4 (3 5;. -'--"r "1 103 l l l I l | l l l l l O 20 4O 6O 80 100120140 Temperature,°C dyS(EMnlohGeadessu'tla/iu)crcsm , 2 -L O a: llIlIllIlIlllIlIllIlIlll?TIll'IT' 'lIIlllII'']]‘ll 11003 2Fllllllllllllllllllll: O 20 4O 6O 80100120140160180200 Hg- . 4 Tem p erature,°C US 6,177,190 B1 1 2 RADIATION CURABLE POLY(1-ALKENE) 50,000, have found uses as hot melt adhesives. These BASED PRESSURE-SENSITIVE ADHESIVES copolymers also make pressure-sensitive adhesives When miXed With tacki?ers. TECHNICAL FIELD Pressure-sensitive adhesives comprising blends of poly This invention relates to pressure-sensitive adhesive (1-alkenes) and ?oW-control agents are used to protect compositions, and, more particularly, to pressure-sensitive surfaces such as automobile paint ?nishes and may be removed Without leaving residue. adhesive compositions formed from at least tWo polymeric materials at least one of Which is a poly(1-alkene) based Radiation crosslinking of poly(1-alkene) homopolymer or pressure-sensitive adhesive, to methods for making such copolymer compositions (both Ziegler Natta-catalyZed and pressure-sensitive adhesive compositions, and to tapes and 10 metallocene-catalyZed) has been accomplished. articles including such pressure-sensitive adhesive compo SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION sitions. The present invention provides a radiation-curable BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION pressure-sensitive adhesive composition, comprising: 15 (a) a pressure-sensitive adhesive component comprising Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes are used for many diverse applications including, for example, marking, at least one poly(1-alkene); holding, protecting, sealing and masking purposes. These (b) about 2 to about 100 parts by Weight, based on 100 tapes comprise a backing, or other substrate, and a pressure parts by Weight of said pressure-sensitive adhesive sensitive adhesive. Pressure-sensitive adhesives used in component, of a polymer component comprising at least one pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes generally adhere With no non-pressure-sensitive adhesive polymer having reactive more than applied ?nger pressure and often stay tacky for sites for crosslinking; and months or years. Pressure-sensitive adhesives eXert a strong (c) a suf?cient amount of at least one crosslinking agent holding force and should be removable from a smooth to crosslink (a) and (b) to provide on curing a crosslinked surface Without leaving a residue. pressure-sensitive adhesive composition With shear 25 In the medical ?eld, pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes strength at least 300% greater than, and peel adhesion not may be used, for example, to secure a Wound dressing or to less than 80% of, that of a crosslinked composition consist restrict movement of a joint or limb. It is important that the ing essentially of the reaction product of components (a) and pressure-sensitive adhesive tape adhere Well to skin Without (c), or With (ii) shear strength and peel adhesion each not less causing skin damage on removal. than 80% of those of a crosslinked composition consisting essentially of components (a) and (c) produced under (1) the Electrical tapes typically comprise a pressure-sensitive same cure conditions including the same curing energy dose, adhesive applied to a plasticiZed polyvinyl chloride backing eXcept at a process speed that is at least 100% faster than the or a polyethylene or rubber ?lm backing. Electrical tape is process speed for producing the crosslinked reaction product used to insulate, hold, reinforce and protect electrical Wires. consisting essentially of components (a) and (c) or (2) the Other uses include identifying Wires in electrical circuitry, 35 and protecting terminals during manufacture of electrical same process speed, but With cure conditions comprising a curing energy dosage that is at least 50% less than the curing circuit boards. energy dosage for producing the crosslinked reaction prod Packaging applications require a large variety of tapes for uses such as closing packages, protecting labels, sealing uOcptt iocnoanlsliys,t tihneg coesmspeonstiitailloyn moaf y cfoumrtphoenr ecnotmsp ri(as)e taancdk i?ers packages from moisture, and strapping and bundling loose and/or other additives such as plasticiZers and ?llers. parts. Packaging tapes are subjected to continuous shear and Certain pressure-sensitive adhesive compositions accord loW angle peel forces. Generally, if the adhesive mass is of ing to the present invention Will not necessarily have all of loW cohesive strength, it fails in shear; if the shear resistance the bene?cial physical properties de?ned in the previous is improved by adding ?rmness to the adhesive, it has a paragraph. Such pressure-sensitive adhesive compositions tendency to be less tacky and fail adhesively. 45 may be further de?ned as radiation curable pressure Pressure-sensitive adhesives require a delicate balance of sensitive adhesive compositions comprising (a) a pressure viscous and elastic properties Which result in a four-fold sensitive adhesive component comprising at least one poly balance of adhesion, cohesion, stretchiness and elasticity. (1-alkene) With an inherent viscosity of at least about 0.4 Pressure-sensitive adhesives generally comprise polymers deciliters/gram (dL/g), (b) from about 2 to about 100 parts that are inherently tacky or polymers that are tacki?ed by the by Weight, per 100 parts of the pressure-sensitive adhesive addition of tackifying resins. component, of a polymer component comprising at least one Major classes of pressure-sensitive adhesives include non-pressure-sensitive polymer having a G‘ of at least tacki?ed natural rubbers; synthetic rubbers such as butyl about 5><106 dynes/cm2 at 1 HZ and at the use temperature, rubber; and tacki?ed linear, radial, star, branched and 55 and (ii) a tertiary carbon content of about 1 to about 50 mole tapered block copolymers such as styrene-butadiene, percent, based on the total moles of the polymer component, styrene-ethylene/butylene and styrene-isoprene; polyvinyl provided that if the tertiary carbon content of the polymer ethers; acrylics, especially those having long chain alkyl component is about 1 to about 10 mole percent, the shear groups; poly(1-alkene)s (also referred to as poly-ot-ole?ns); viscosity of the polymer component is greater than about and silicones. 500 Pa-s at 175° C., and (c) a radiation activatable crosslink Polyole?n catalyst systems (i.e., Ziegler-Natta (ZN) and ing agent. Optionally, the pressure-sensitive adhesive com metallocene) have made it possible to synthesiZe high position may further comprise tacki?ers and/or other addi molecular Weight poly(1-alkene) pressure-sensitive adhe tives. sives including homopolymers of C6 to C10 poly(1-alkenes). Further provided is a method of making a radiation Another type of poly(1-alkene) material, by-products of 65 crosslinkable pressure-sensitive adhesive composition com isotactic polypropylene that are described as atactic copoly prising melt miXing a pressure-sensitive adhesive com mers of C3—C6 and C3—C8 With molecular Weights up to ponent having at least one poly(1-alkene) With an inherent US 6,177,190 B1 3 4 viscosity greater than about 0.4 dL/g, (ii) about 2 to about “use temperature” means the temperature that a pressure 100 parts by Weight, per 100 parts of said pressure-sensitive sensitive adhesive composition experiences during its use; adhesive component, of a polymer component comprising at “shear viscosity” or “melt viscosity” means the ratio of least one non-pressure-sensitive polymer having a G‘ of at shear stress to strain rate, as determined by test methods least about 5><106 dynes/cm2 at 1 HZ at the use temperature described herein, on a material at a given temperature and and having a tertiary carbon content of about 1 to about 50 shear rate; it is arbitrarily measured at 175° C. and 100 s-1 mole percent, based on the total moles of the polymer although the actual temperature to Which the material is component, provided that if the tertiary carbon mole percent exposed during melt-processing may be higher or loWer. is from about 1 to about 10 mole percent, the polymer The radiation-crosslinked pressure-sensitive adhesives of the invention provides the advantage of surprisingly high component has a shear viscosity greater than about 500 Pa-s 10 shear properties (up to over 10,000 minutes) With decreases at 175° C., and (iii) a radiation activatable crosslinking agent. Apressure-sensitive adhesive article can be made by in peel adhesion of as little as 10% or less compared to crosslinked pressure-sensitive adhesives of similar compo (1) forming said composition into a shaped article, and (2) sitions (tested at the same shear rate) that do not contain the cooling, if needed, the shaped article. The shaped article polymer component of the invention. Shear values of up to may be a pressure-sensitive adhesive suitable for subsequent 15 ?ve times that of ultraviolet crosslinked poly(1-alkene) lamination to a surface or may be a pressure-sensitive pressure-sensitive adhesives not containing the polymer adhesive layer on a substrate. The radiation crosslinkable component have been observed With no corresponding pressure-sensitive adhesive may be exposed to radiation to decrease in peel adhesion at room temperature (25° C.). In create a partially or fully radiation crosslinked pressure addition, the present invention provides the advantage of sensitive adhesive. 20 having the option of producing pressure-sensitive adhesive The method may be used to make poly(1-alkene) compositions having peel and shear properties equivalent to pressure-sensitive adhesives having improved shear proper those of ultraviolet crosslinked poly(1-alkene) pressure ties and approximately equivalent peel properties, compared sensitive adhesives not containing the polymer component to poly(1-alkene) pressure-sensitive adhesives not contain by only exposing the pressure-sensitive adhesive composi ing the polymer component. Alternatively, the method may 25 tions of the invention to approximately 25% of the ultra violet light irradiation that Would be used to produce the be used to make, With less radiation exposure, pressure adhesive not containing the polymer component. If the sensitive adhesives having peel properties and shear prop erties equivalent to poly(1-alkene) pressure-sensitive adhe irradiation intensity is not reduced, as much as a four-fold increase in line speed may be achieved. sives not containing the polymer component. The reduction in radiation exposure may be realiZed by loWering the 30 A further advantage of the method of making a pressure radiation dose to Which the pressure-sensitive adhesive sensitive adhesive composition disclosed in this invention is composition is exposed, shortening the process line, or that no solvent is required for the process Which, among increasing the speed of the process line. other things, eliminates the need for a solvent coater. Other advantages include the small amount of residuals produces The present invention further provides articles such as pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes or sheets and double 35 in making the compositions of the invention and the ability to recycle poly(1-alkene) products. coated pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes or sheets made by extrusion or coextrusion methods. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS In this description: FIG. 1 is a graph Which plots polymer component elastic modulus (G‘) in dynes/cm2 against tertiary carbon mole “crosslinked” means a connection formed Within or 40 betWeen one or more polymer molecules Wherein the con percent (%). The triangles represent pressure sensitive adhe nection is a covalent bond resulting from a chemical reac sive compositions, containing the polymer components, tion. Which have static shear performances of less than 10,000 minutes at 25° C. The squares represent pressure sensitive “elastic shear modulus” or “G‘” means a coefficient of adhesive compositions, containing the polymer components, elasticity for a material representing the ratio of shear stress 45 Which have static shear performances of greater than 10,000 to shear strain as the material is deformed under a dynamic minutes at 25° C. load as further described herein; it is a measure of the softness or stiffness of the material; FIG. 2 is a graph Which plots polymer component elastic modulus (G‘) in dynes/cm2 against tertiary carbon mole “inherent viscosity” means the viscosity of a material as percent (%). The triangles represent pressure sensitive adhe determined by ASTM D2857-93; 50 sive compositions, containing the polymer components, “polymer component” or “non-pressure-sensitive poly Which have static shear performances of less than 10,000 mer component” means one or more polymer(s) comprising minutes at 70° C. The squares represent pressure sensitive at least one non-pressure sensitive polymer component; adhesive compositions, containing the polymer components, “shear value” or “shear strength” means the time required Which havestatic shear performances of greater than 10,000 55 for a given doWnWard force to remove a pressure-sensitive minutes at 70° C. adhesive tape from a vertical substrate at a given FIG. 3 is a graph of the elastic modulus (G‘) in dynes/cm2 temperature, as determined by methods described herein; versus temperature in ° C. for ENGAGETM EG8200, a “peel adhesion” or “peel strength” means the given force poly(ethylene-octene) copolymer. It also shoWs the lines to remove a pressure-sensitive adhesive tape from a sub tangential to the melting transition section of the elastic 60 strate at a given temperature, angle, rate, and tape Width, as modulus data Which lines are used to determine Tom”, and determined by methods described herein; T?nal, Which in turn are averaged to determine the melting “poly(1-alkene)” or “poly-ot-ole?n” means a polymer temperature, Tm, of the polymer. prepared by polymeriZation of at least one 1-alkene mono FIG. 4 is a graph of the elastic modulus (G‘) in dynes/cm2 mer; a 1-alkene, or alpha-ole?n monomer, is a hydrocarbon 65 versus temperature in ° C. for ESCORENETM 1024, a having a double bond betWeen the ?rst and second carbon propylene polymer. It also shoWs the melting temperature of atoms; the polymer. US 6,177,190 B1 5 6 DETAILED DESCRIPTION 5,112,882 (Babu, et al), incorporated herein by reference, or The present invention relates to radiation crosslinkable through chemical modi?cation, as described in US. Pat. No. pressure-sensitive adhesive compositions generally com 5,407,970 (Babu, et al), incorporated herein by reference. prising a poly(1-alkene) pressure-sensitive adhesive Useful poly(1-alkene)s are generally self-tacky or made component, a non-pressure-sensitive adhesive polymer tacky by adding a tacki?er miscible in the poly(1-alkene). component able to crosslink With the pressure-sensitive Tacki?er may also be added to a self-tacky polymer to adhesive component, and radiation-activatable crosslinking augment pressure-sensitive adhesive properties such as peel agent(s). adhesion and tack. Tacki?ers often loWer the viscosity of a The pressure-sensitive adhesive composition is generally polymer and thus may be used to make the polymer more made in a melt-mix process Wherein the poly(1-alkene) 10 suitable for hot melt processing. component is mixed With the polymer component in a Hydrocarbon tacki?ers are preferred for use in the molten or softened state along With a crosslinking agent and pressure-sensitive adhesive compositions of the present any additional additives such as tacki?er. Mixing may be invention. Useful tackifying resins include resins derived by done by any method that results in a substantially homoge polymeriZation of the folloWing: C5 to C9 unsaturated neous distribution of the components. After mixing, the 15 hydrocarbon monomers, polyterpenes, synthetic pressure-sensitive adhesive composition may be formed into polyterpenes, and the like. Examples of useful commercially coatings or layers by extrusion methods using batch or available tackifying resins are those available under the continuous process methods. The coatings may be solidi?ed trade names WINGTACKTM 95 and WINGTACKTM 115 by quenching using direct methods such as chill rolls or from Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. Other Water baths and indirect methods such as air or gas impinge 20 useful hydrocarbon tacki?er resins are available under the ment. The pressure-sensitive adhesive composition may trade names REGALREZTM 1078 and REGALREZTM 1126 alternatively be formed into other shapes. The composition from Hercules Chemical Co., Wilmington, Del., and under may remain uncured or may be partially or completely cured the trade names ARKONTM P90 and ARKONTM P115 from by exposure to radiation. The composition may be partially ArakaWa Chemical Co. (USA), Chicago, Ill. or totally cured before or after it is formed into its ?nal 25 The tacki?er may be ethylenically unsaturated; hoWever, shape. saturated tacki?ers are preferred for those applications Poly(1-alkene) Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Component Where oxidation resistance is important. The total amount of (“Poly(1-alkene) Component”) tackifying resin in the poly(1-alkene) component preferably One component of the radiation crosslinkable pressure is from 0 to 150 parts by Weight, more preferably 5 to 50 sensitive adhesive composition of the invention is itself a 30 parts by Weight, and most preferably 25 to 35 parts by pressure-sensitive adhesive comprising one or more poly(1 Weight, per 100 parts of the poly(1-alkene) component. alkene)s. Non-Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Polymer Component A suitable poly(1 -alkene) has a glass transition tempera (“Polymer Component”) ture (Tg) preferably in the range of —70° C. to 0° C., more A second component of the radiation crosslinkable preferably in the range of —60° C. to —20° C., and an average 35 pressure-sensitive adhesive compositions of the present inherent viscosity in the range of 0.4 dL/g to 9.0 dL/g, invention is a non-pressure-sensitive adhesive polymer com preferably in the range of 0.5 dL/g to 6.0 dL/g, and more ponent that may be crosslinked With the pressure-sensitive preferably in the range of 1.5 dL/g to 4.0 dL/g as determined adhesive component. That is, this component contains at using a Number 50 Cannon-Fenske Viscometer tube, With a least one polymer that lacks one or more physical charac 0.1 g/dL solution of polymer in toluene, at 27° C. The ranges 40 teristics Which a pressure-sensitive adhesive requires to be of inherent viscosity should provide a poly(1-alkene) poly so designated. Typically this polymer component is a melt mer that is soft enough to be melt processed. processable organic polymeric material. The polymer com An inherent viscosity above these values may result in a ponent preferably has a G‘ of at least about 5><106 dynes/cm2 polymer that is dif?cult to melt process. An inherent vis at 1 HZ at the use temperature and a multiplicity of reaction cosity beloW the above-stated values may cause the 45 sites for crosslinking. pressure-sensitive adhesive composition to cohesively frac The improved peel and shear properties of the pressure ture and leave a residue When removed. Crosslinking the sensitive adhesive composition of this invention are a direct pressure-sensitive adhesive composition may extend the result of the addition of the polymer component When added loWer range of acceptable inherent viscosity for the poly(1 in an appropriate amount. If the Weight ratio of the polymer alkene) component beyond that Which is acceptable for an 50 component to the poly(1-alkene) component is substantially uncrosslinked poly(1-alkene). Number average molecular greater than 1:1, the peel and shear strengths of the com Weights of the uncrosslinked poly(1-alkene) polymers are position are typically detrimentally effected. The tolerated preferably in the range of 5,000 to 50,000,000, more pref concentration of the polymer component may be increased erably 50,000 to 5,000,000. by adding plasticiZers and/or tackifying materials to the Useful poly(1-alkene)s include, for example, non 55 pressure-sensitive adhesive composition. The effective con crystalline polymers such as C5 to C12 poly(1-alkene) centration of the polymer component depends on the speci?c homopolymers and copolymers, including copolymers With types, concentrations, and characteristics of the polymer(s) C3; more preferably C6 to C10 poly(1-alkene) homopoly in the polymer component and of each of the other compo mers and copolymers, including copolymers With C3; most nents used in the pressure-sensitive adhesive composition. preferably C6 to C8 poly(1-alkene) homopolymers and 60 The amount of polymer component in the pressure-sensitive copolymers, including copolymers With C3. Particularly adhesive composition may vary from about 2 to about 100 useful poly(1-alkene)s are poly(1-hexene) and poly(1 parts by Weight, and preferably from about 8 to about 60 octene), described in US. Pat. No. 5,644,007 (Davidson, et parts, per 100 parts of the poly(1-alkene) component. al), incorporated herein by reference. Another group of The polymer component preferably has sufficient vis useful poly(1-alkene)s is those that have pendent groups 65 coelastic characteristics to impart in the pressure-sensitive susceptible to crosslinking and have been obtained either adhesive composition satisfactory cohesive strength to avoid through copolymeriZation, as described in US. Pat. No. splitting of the adhesive mass upon removal. That is, the US 6,177,190 B1 7 8 cohesive strength of the resultant adhesive mass preferably mately 50 mole percent of the total moles of the polymer is higher than the bond strength betWeen the adhesive and component, preferably from about 10 to about 50 mole the adherend. Generally, the desirable visco-elastic charac percent. Radiation-crosslinked pressure-sensitive adhesives teristics may be achieved by using polymers having a shear containing a polymer component With a tertiary carbon elastic modulus, i.e., G‘, of greater than about 5><106 dynes/ content of as little as 1 mole percent have crosslinked to cm2 measured at 1 HZ at the use temperature. Polymers With provide an adhesive composition that exhibits an increase in a G‘ less than this value tend to form a radiation crosslinked room temperature shear performance With little or no decrease in peel adhesion When compared to similar com pressure-sensitive adhesive shoWing little or no improve positions not containing the polymer component of this ment in shear performance over a crosslinked pressure invention. HoWever, beloW a tertiary carbon content of sensitive adhesive not containing the polymer component. 10 approximately 10 mole percent, the characteristics of the It should be further noted that if the use temperature pressure-sensitive adhesive composition appear to be in?u approaches the melting temperature, Tm, of the polymer enced by additional factors. component, the polymer component may begin to melt, For some pressure-sensitive adhesive compositions hav causing the pressure-sensitive adhesive to fail cohesively. It ing a tertiary carbon content of less than about 10 mole is recommended that the polymer component be chosen so 15 percent, the G‘ and the amount of crosslinkable sites do not the use temperature does not come Within 10° C. of the appear to fully account for the behavior of the resulting polymer component’s melting temperature. The melting pressure-sensitive adhesive. For some pressure-sensitive temperature of a polymeric material may be determined by adhesives With a polymer component having a G‘ of 5><10° dynamic analysis, at a given frequency, in conjunction With dynes/cm2 at 1 HZ and a tertiary carbon content of less than the determination of G‘. In the present case, Tm of the 20 about 10 mole percent, the performance of the pressure polymer component Was characteriZed using mechanical sensitive adhesives may not be improved over a pressure spectroscopy under the same conditions as those described sensitive adhesive not containing the polymer component herein for the determination of G‘. The melting temperature unless the shear viscosity of the polymer component is Was determined, from the data collected for the G‘ greater than about 500 Pa-s at 175° C. When the tertiary determination, by using a graph of G‘ versus ° C. for a 25 carbon content of the polymer component is above approxi polymer component. A tangential line Was extended from mately 10 atomic percent, and its G‘ is at least 5><106 the elastic modulus data line both above and beloW the dynes/cm2, a shear viscosity beloW about 500 Pa-s at 175° melting transition portion of the elastic modulus (G‘) data. C. appears to have little or no detrimental effect on perfor The points at Which the data deviates from the tangent are mance of the resulting pressure-sensitive adhesive. characteriZed as the “onset” (Tome) and “?nal” (T?nal) 30 It should be noted, hoWever, that if the shear viscosity of temperatures. The Tm is de?ned as the average of Tom” and the polymer component (or the pressure sensitive adhesive T?nal. FIG. 3 graphically depicts this technique. FIGS. 3 and composition) is high enough to prevent the polymer com 4, respectively, shoW a Tm close to, and distant from, the use ponent from mixing With the poly(1-a1kene) under the given temperature of 70° C. mixing conditions, the pressure sensitive adhesive properties The polymer component is characteriZed by having 35 of the resulting composition may be poor regardless of the crosslinking sites suf?cient to provide crosslinking With the G‘ and tertiary carbon content. It is preferable to have the poly(1-alkene). These crosslinking sites may be provided by viscosity ratio, 11R, betWeen about 0.4 and about 2. The tertiary carbon atoms in the polymer component molecule. viscosity ratio is calculated as 11 D/n M Where 11D is the melt They may also be provided by, eg., unsaturated carbon viscosity of the dispersed phase (usually the polymer bonds. HoWever, it should be noted that unsaturated bonds, 40 component) and 11M is the melt viscosity of the matrix phase i.e., alkenyl and aromatic bonds, tend to absorb ultraviolet (usually the poly(1-alkene)). As 11R approaches 3, it appears (UV) radiation Which may interfere With crosslinking When that poor dispersion of the dispersed phase component in the UV radiation is used for crosslinking. HoWever, the presence matrix component may occur and poor peel values may of unsaturated bonds need not hamper the curing process. result. Radiation-activated crosslinking agents activated by means 45 Plots of G‘ against ° C. for polymer components are other than UV radiation in the absorption range of the shoWn in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. FIG. 1 also shoWs Whether the unsaturated bonds of the polymer component may be used. pressure sensitive adhesives containing the polymer com Examples of such agents include those that may be activated ponents have a static shear performance greater, or less, than by exposure to heat or visible irradiation, such as dicumyl 10,000 minutes at a use temperature of 25° C. FIG. 2 shoWs peroxide subjected to thermal radiation. Determination of 50 the same information for a use temperature of 70° C. As seen the most favorable activation means depends on the initia in FIG. 1, the shear performance of the pressure-sensitive tors used and on the characteristics of the speci?c adhesive compositions containing a polymer component polymer(s) used. having a tertiary carbon content betWeen 1 and 35 atomic The experiments conducted in the present invention used percent is generally over 10,000 minutes at 25° C. if the G‘ a free radical initiation process to promote crosslinking. 55 of the polymer component is greater than about 5><10° BenZophenone Was used to initiate hydrogen abstraction of dynes/cm2 at 1 HZ at 25° C. In FIG. 2, the shear strength of primary (1°), secondary (2°), or tertiary (3°) hydrogens to the pressure-sensitive adhesive composition containing a create free radicals. Because the bond dissociation energies polymer component With a tertiary carbon content betWeen and ease of abstraction are loWest for tertiary hydrogens, 1 and 35 atomic percent is generally over 10,000 minutes at Which are bonded to tertiary carbons, the propensity of a 60 70° C. if the G‘ of the polymer component is greater than polymer to have crosslinking sites Was estimated based on about 5><106 dynes/cm2 at 1 HZ at 70° C. In most cases in the concentration of tertiary carbons in the polymer. Other Which the shear property Was less than 10,000 minutes, the methods may also be used to estimate the concentration of G‘ value at the use temperature Was Within approximately crosslinkable sites. 10° C. of the melting temperature of the polymer compo For this invention, the desired amount of crosslinking 65 nent. may be achieved With a concentration of tertiary carbons The polymer component may be a homopolymer or a ranging from approximately 1 mole percent to approxi copolymer, may be linear or branched, and may also be a US 6,177,190 B1 9 10 mixture thereof. Suitable homopolymers include, for silica. Pigments and ?llers may be incorporated into the example, propylene, available under the trade name EAST adhesive composition to manipulate the properties of the OFLEXTM P1023 from Eastman Chemical Co., Kingsport, adhesive. For instance, very ?ne pigments may increase Tenn., and under the trade names ESCORENETM 3505, cohesive strength and stiffness, reduce cold ?oW, and reduce ESCORENETM 3445, ESCORENETM 1024 and tack. Plate-like pigments such as mica, graphite, and talc ACHIEVETM 3825 from Exxon Chemical Co., Houston, may provide acid and chemical resistance and loW gas Tex. Suitable copolymers include, for example, poly permeability. Clays, hydrated silicas, calcium silicates, (ethylene-butene) available under the trade name EXACTTM silico-aluminates, and carbon blacks may increase cohesive 4011 from Exxon Chemical Co., Houston, Tex.; poly strength and stiffness. PlasticiZers may modify the physical (ethylene-octene) available under the trade names 10 properties of polymer components and make them easier to ENGAGETM EG8200 and AFFINITYTM PL1845 from DoW process. Finally, antioxidants and ultraviolet stabiliZers may Chemical Co., Midland, Mich., poly(propylene-ethylene) be used to protect against severe environmental aging available under the trade name EASTOFLEXTM 1060 from caused by ultraviolet light or heat. Antioxidants and ultra Eastman Chemical Co., Houston, Tex.; and linear loW den violet stabiliZers include, for example, hindered phenols, sity polyethylene available under the trade name 15 amines, and sulfur and phosphorous hydroxide decompos DOWLEXTM 2045 from DoW Chemical Co.; polystyrene ers. copolymers such as poly(styrene-ethylene/butylene-styrene) Method of Making Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Composi available under the trade name KRATONTM G1657 from tions and Articles Shell Chemical Co., Houston, Tex. and poly(styrene A pressure-sensitive adhesive composition of this inven isoprenbe-styrene) available under the trade name KRA tion is made by mixing a pressure-sensitive adhesive com TONTM D1107 from Shell Chemical Co.; polystyrene; poly ponent comprising at least one poly(1-alkene) pressure methacrylate; and polymethylmethacrylate. The preferred sensitive adhesive, a non-pressure-sensitive-adhesive homopolymers are propylene, such as that available under polymer component having reactive sites for crosslinking, the trade names EASTOFLEXTM P1023 and ESCORENETM and a radiation activatable crosslinking agent. Solvent is not 3505, 3445, or 1024, and copolymers such as poly(ethylene 25 required but may be added as a carrier ?uid to introduce butene) available under the trade name EXACTTM 4011; additive components. The mixture is hot melt coated, usu poly(ethylene-octene), available under the trade names ally onto a substrate, and may be irradiated to cause ENGAGETM EG8200 and AFFINITYTM PL1845, and linear crosslinking. More than one poly(1-alkene) component, loW density polyethylene, available under the trade name polymer component and/or crosslinking agent may be used DOWLEXTM 2045. The more preferred polymer compo depending on the desired properties and ultimate use of the nents are the homopolymers ESCORENETM 3445 and 1024, pressure-sensitive adhesive. and copolymers such as, for example, EXACTTM 4011 and Mixing may be done by any method that produces a AFFINITYTM PL1845. substantially uniform distribution of the components. A Crosslinking Agent substantially uniform distribution is generally indicated Athird component of the radiation crosslinkable pressure 35 When any discrete phase of any one of the components has sensitive adhesive composition is a radiation-activatable a shorter pro?le than a layer of the pressure-sensitive crosslinking agent. These agents are compounds Which, adhesive composition, for example When the pressure under the in?uence of activating radiation, connect polymer sensitive adhesive composition is coated onto a substrate. A chains and may become incorporated therein. The activating discrete phase of any one component is preferably l/io”1 the radiation may comprise actinic (electromagnetic) or thermal thickness of the pressure-sensitive adhesive composition radiation, including exposing dicumyl peroxide to thermal layer, and more preferably l/ioo?1 the thickness. radiation to generate free radicals. The components are melt mixed in a molten or softened Crosslinking the components of a composition may state using devices that provide dispersive mixing, distribu increase the molecular Weight of the individual polymer tive mixing, or a combination of dispersive and distributive molecules in a pressure-sensitive adhesive composition and 45 mixing. The speci?c temperature used depends on the mate concurrently increase the composition’s cohesive strength. rials being mixed. Mixing methods are explained in Suitable radiation activatable crosslinking agents include, RauWendaal, C., Polymer Extrusion (3’d ed. 1994), Hanser but are not limited to: aldehydes, such as benZaldehyde, Publishers, Cincinnati, Ohio. Both batch and continuous acetaldehyde, and their substituted derivatives; ketones, methods of blending may be used. Examples of batch such as acetophenone, benZophenone, and their substituted machines include internal mixing apparatus available under derivatives; quinones such as the benZoquinones, the trade names BRABENDERTM or BANBURYTM, or roll anthraquinone, and their substituted derivatives; thioxantho mixers. Examples of continuous methods include single nes such as 2-isopropylthioxanthone and screW extruding, tWin screW extruding, disk extruding, 2-dodecylthioxanthone; and certain chromophore reciprocating single screW extruding, and pin barrel single substituted vinyl halomethyl-sym-triaZines such as 2,4-bis 55 screW extruding. The continuous methods may include dis (trichloromethyl)-6-(3‘,4‘-dimethoxyphenyl)-sym-triaZine. tributive elements such as cavity transfer elements available, The concentration of radiation activatable crosslinking agent e.g., under the trade name CTMTM from RAPRA may be in the range of 0.05 to 6.0 percent by Weight of the Technology, Ltd., ShreWsbury, England, pin mixing poly(1-alkene) component, preferably 0.1 to 2.0 percent by elements, and static mixing elements as Well as dispersive Weight, and more preferably 0.15 to 0.5 percent by Weight. elements, e.g., mixing elements available under the trade Other Additives names MADDOCKTM and SAXTONTM. In addition, other additives such as pigments, ?llers, After the hot melt mixing step, the softened or molten Waxes, extenders, oils, plasticiZers, ultraviolet stabiliZers, pressure-sensitive adhesive composition may be formed into and antioxidants may be used in the pressure-sensitive coatings by Well knoWn batch or continuous hot melt coating adhesive composition. Examples of ?llers include, but are 65 techniques. An example of a batch coating process is the not limited to, inorganic ?llers such as Zinc oxide, alumina placement of a portion of the blended mixture betWeen a trihydrate, talc, titanium dioxide, aluminum oxide, and substrate desired to be coated and a release liner, pressing US 6,177,190 B1 11 12 this composite structure in a heated platen press, at a The composition coating or article may be exposed to controlled temperature and pressure, to form a pressure activating radiation to crosslink the poly(1-alkene) and sensitive adhesive coating of a desired thickness on the polymer components. This exposure usually occurs after the substrate, and cooling the resultant coating. Continuous crosslinkable pressure-sensitive adhesive is applied to a coating methods include, for example, extrusion and coex substrate or release liner or after it has been transferred from trusion. a release liner to another substrate, and is usually done at The pressure-sensitive adhesive composition may be room temperature. HoWever, the pressure-sensitive adhesive extruded onto a preformed backing to form an adhesive may be exposed to radiation before application to the article. This may be done by draWing the pressure-sensitive substrate if the composition is already formed into its ?nal adhesive composition out of a ?lm die and contacting it With 1O shape or if the crosslinked composition could still be pro a moving plastic Web or other suitable substrate. These cessed into a ?nal shape. methods are explained in, for example, Michaeli, W., Extru To achieve crosslinking, the radiation activatable sion Dies, (2nd ed. 1992), Hanser Publishers, Munich, Ger crosslinking agent in the pressure-sensitive adhesive com many. The extruded adhesive and the preformed backing position may be exposed to actinic (electromagnetic) radia may be nipped together. In the case of heat sensitive 15 tion thereby generating free radicals Which promote the backings, the extruded adhesive should be alloWed to cool crosslinking process. Commercially available actinic radia before contacting the backing. Alternatively, adhesive tion sources include infrared, visible, and ultraviolet radia articles may be prepared by laminating a preformed ?lm of tion. The use of UV radiation is explained in Hoyle and the pressure-sensitive adhesive composition to a preformed Kinstle, Radiation Curing 0f Polymeric Materials, backing using heat and pressure to ensure that the adhesive (American Chemical Society, 1990). The preferable Wave and the backing bond together. length range to activate the radiation activatable crosslinking The most preferred approach is coextrusion of the layers agents disclosed herein is 250 to 400 nm. The dose of radiant of an adhesive article. A pressure-sensitive adhesive com energy applied in this Wavelength range is preferably less position extruded from a ?lm die may be joined With a than 1500 millijoules/cm2 and more preferably less than 800 backing material extruded from another ?lm die With the 25 millijoules/cm2. Details of a radiation crosslinking process composite material being cooled to form a pressure-sensitive are disclosed in US. Pat. Nos. 4,181,752 and 4,329,384. adhesive tape. In this method, the pressure-sensitive adhe Because the pressure-sensitive adhesive component of the sive composition may be applied to a moving Web using a present invention already contains polymers, the pre die having ?exible die lips, such as a reverse ori?ce coating polymeriZation step disclosed in ’752 and ’384 is not die. A source of contact dies is Extrusion Dies, Inc., required in the radiation crosslinking process of the present ChippeWa Falls, Wis. A variation of this method involves invention. coextruding the pressure-sensitive adhesive composition, It is also possible to initiate crosslinking during the the backing, and a loW adhesion backsiZe through either a extrusion process by using a crosslinker that may be acti feedblock die or a multimanifold die, such as those vated by heat, for example, a triaZine compound. The heat described in Us. Pat. No. 3,565,985 (Schrenk); US. Pat. 35 generated to melt the polymer mixture in the extrusion No. 5,427,842 (Bland); US. Pat. No. 5,589,122 (Leonard); process may initiate thermal crosslinking. HoWever, condi US. Pat. No. 5,599,602 (Leonard); and Us. Pat. No. tions must be carefully controlled to ensure that the 5,660,922 (Herridge). Combinations of these different crosslinking takes place only as the material exits the manufacturing techniques may also be used such as coex extruder and not While it is still in the extruder. truding the backing and the loW adhesion backsiZe, then Pressure-sensitive adhesive articles of the invention may laminating the pressure-sensitive adhesive onto the backing. comprise a layer of the pressure-sensitive adhesive compo Any suitable substrates may be used, including, but not sition coated on a backing Which may have a releasable limited to, natural and synthetic cloth including ?ber-glass surface on the side opposite that coated With the pressure cloth, metaliZed ?lms and foils, polymeric ?lms, nonWoven sensitive adhesive. The articles may be in the form of rolls, materials, paper and polymer coated paper, foam backings, 45 sheets or other shapes determined by the speci?c use and micro-porous articles. Polymeric ?lms include, but are requirements. The exposed surface of the pressure-sensitive not limited to, polyole?ns such as polypropylene, adhesive coating may subsequently be applied to a surface polyethylene, loW density polyethylene, linear loW density from Which it could be later released, i.e., a release liner, or polyethylene and high density polyethylene; polyesters such directly to the desired substrate. as polyethylene terephthalate; polycarbonates; cellulose Transfer articles may also be made. These articles com acetates; polyimides available under the trade name KAP prise the pressure-sensitive adhesive composition betWeen TONTM from E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, tWo release liners. The release liners often comprise a clear Wilmington, Del. NonWoven materials, generally made polymeric material such as polyole?n or polyester that is from randomly oriented ?bers, include, but are not limited transparent to ultraviolet radiation. Preferably, each release to, nylon, polypropylene, ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer, 55 liner is ?rst coated With a release material, such as silicone, polyurethane, rayon and the like. Foam backings include, to obtain easier release from the pressure-sensitive adhesive but are not limited to acrylic, silicone, polyurethane, of the invention. polyethylene, neoprene rubber, and polypropylene, and may The process of making the radiation-crosslinked poly(1 be ?lled or un?lled. Micro-porous articles include, for alkene) pressure-sensitive adhesives of this invention has example, microvoided polymers and thermally-induced several advantages over processes knoWn to the art. Not only phase separated polymeric constructions. Backings that are may one make pressure-sensitive adhesives that have excel layered, such as polyethylene-aluminum membrane lent room temperature and elevated temperature shear composites, are also suitable. properties, but one may also make radiation-crosslinked After forming, the pressure-sensitive adhesive coatings pressure-sensitive adhesives having shear and peel adhesion are typically solidi?ed by quenching, using direct methods, 65 performance similar to knoWn crosslinked pressure such as chill rolls or Water baths, or indirect methods, such sensitive adhesives but requiring much less radiation expo as air or gas impingement. sure during the curing process.