Radiation characteristics of corner reflector antennas. Sterr, U. The copyright of this thesis rests with the author and no quotation from it or information derived from it may be published without the prior written consent of the author For additional information about this publication click this link. http://qmro.qmul.ac.uk/jspui/handle/123456789/1686 Information about this research object was correct at the time of download; we occasionally make corrections to records, please therefore check the published record when citing. For more information contact [email protected] RADIATION CHARACTERISTICS OF CORNER REFLECTOR ANTENNAS A Thesis for the presented degree Doctor Philosophy of of in Faculty Engineering the of of University London the of by U. Sterr Engineering Electronic Department of Westfield College Queen Mary and University London of January, 1998 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The like his author would to express most sincere thanks to: Professor A. D. Olver for his o throughout the supervision and continued guidance project. The Queen Mary & Westfield College for financial the 9 support which enabled me to the undertake research. Professor P. J. B. Clarricoats for his interest his * active and advice. Professor H. Khakzar horizon beyond boarders Germany. the * who opened my of Dr. M. Rayner for his help hours fruitful discussions. * and of Mr. J. Dupuy Mr. M. Johnson for their help the 9 and expert and assistance with experimental programme. * The other members of the Microwave Research group for their help. Ms A Hedderich for her never ending patience and support. * My former Mr. MoBbeck, Mr. Hdrle, Dr. Freytag, Prof. Martin, Prof teachers * Herter Prof Mer did than they to who so much more were obliged and made and difference. the all 11 ABSTRACT This thesis presents a study of the radiation characteristics of corner reflector The influence design antennas. the of the parameters on radiation characteristics are assessed using an analytical the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method and method. The FDTD for method corner reflector antennas which are electrically small to is developed in detail. The important medium sized antennas the Absorbing subject of Boundary Conditions (ABCs) is including Mur ABC Perfectly studied a study of and Matched Layers. It is both from shown that methods reduce the reflections the boundaries far-field be sufficient so that the radiation pattern can computed accurately. An far-field for infinite to the analytical solution compute radiation pattern comer is derived Based to the reflector antennas and used understand radiation mechanisms. FDTD is finite those the to on results, method used conduct a paramtetric study on Experimental have been built sized comer reflector antennas. antennas and measured in Very is to the order verify computational predictions. good agreement reported The idea beam-width is developed novel of a variable comer reflector antenna and designs The is design to the practical of such an antenna are presented. principle beam-width be that the the comer reflector antenna such of antenna can precisely Data beam-width This has been done both by the modified. on gain and are presented. by computational and an experimental model. The influence on the performance of the comer reflector antenna when substituting by has been investigated. The the solid reflector plates rods computational predictions Very by have been measurements of an experimental antenna. good verified has been achieved. agreement III[ The is investigated. possibility of modifying the shape of the comer reflector antenna It is less depth shown that the a modified comer reflector antenna with produces same far-field It is pattern as a standard corner reflector antenna. also shown that the is performance of small aperture size corner reflector antennas superior to a cylindrical parabolic reflector antenna. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Introduction 1 1.2. Plan thesis 4 of CHAPTER 2 THE CORNER REFLECTOR ANTENNA: HISTORY AND ANALYSIS 6 2.1. Introduction 6 2.2. Definition 8 and application 2.3. Literature 10 survey 2.4. Analytical 16 prediction of radiation characteristics 2.4.1. Image Theory 16 2.4.2. Wait's Method 19 Some Bessel functions 23 properties of Interpretation Wait's 23 of equation Directivity directivity 27 2.4.3. the and peak 33 Summary 2.5. V CHAPTER3 FINITE DIFFERENCE TIME DOMAIN (FDTD) TECHNIQUE FOR MODELLING CORNER REFLECTOR ANTENNAS 34 3.1. Introduction 34 3.2. The Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) 35 method 3.2.1. The FDTD, Spatial Domain 37 38 3.2.2. Formulation FDTD, Algorithm the of 42 3.2.3. Excitation Functions 43 3.2.4. Numerical Stability 44 3.2.5. Numerical Dispersion 45 3.2.6. Geometry Specification 45 Conditions 3.3. Analysis Absorbing Boundary of 46 3.3.1. Mur Absorbing Boundary Conditions 49 3.3.2. Berenger Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) 59 Comparison Mur PML ABCs 3.3.3. and 60 Calculation 3.4. Far-Field Radiation Pattern 60 Conversion Time Domain Frequency Domain 3.4.1. to 62 3.4.2. Field Equivalence principle 65 Code 3-D FDTD Modelling Specification 3.5. of 65 Code Verification FDTD 3.6. 66 Analytical 3.6.1. verification 67 Measurement 3.6.2. validation 67 Design of the comer reflector antennas 68 Measurement set up vi Results for 1 73 antenna Results for 2 75 antenna 3.6.3. Summary 77 3.7. Development 2-D FDTD 78 of a code 3.7.1. The FDTD domain 79 spatial 3.7.2. The Absorbing Boundary Conditions 81 3.7.3. Far-field 81 radiation pattern calculation 3.7.4. Considerations for 84 parametric studies. 3.7.5. Validation Code 87 the of 3.7.6. Summary 88 3.8. Other techniques 89 3.8.1. Method Moments (MM) 89 of 3.8.2. Geometrical Theory Diffraction (GTD) 91 of 3.9. Summary 92 CHAPTER4 SOLID CORNER REFLECTOR ANTENNA 94 4.1. Finite difference domain for time method applied corner 96 reflector antenna 97 4.1.1. Modelling the reflector 4.1.2. Comparison between 2-D FDTD Wait's 109 and method 4.1.3. Comparison between 2-D 3-D FDTD and corner 113 reflector antenna simulations 4.1.4. Establishing influence ABCs 115 the the of 4.2. The H-plane Directivity 118 Definition H-plane directivity 118 4.2.1. of 4.2.2. Influence length H-plane directivity the of plate on in infinite 119 case of wide plates VIII 4.3. Aperture Efficiency 126 4.3.1. Definition 126 of aperture efficiency 4.3.2. Influence length in of plate on aperture efficiency infinite 127 case of wide plates 4.4. Ray 129 tracing model 4.4.1. Basic 130 expressions 4.4.2. Results 134 tracing of ray on comer reflector antenna 4.5. Influence finite in three of sized reflector plates dimensions 140 4.6. Variable beam-width 143 corner reflector antenna 4.6.1. Measurement 147 results 4.6.2. Gain 149 measurements 4.6.3. Gain 149 transfer measurement method 150 4.6.4. Gain measurement set-up 151 4.6.5. Gain measurement results 152 4.6.6. Discussion the of results 153 4.7. Feed study 153 4.7.1. Feeds directivity and 154 4.7.2. Feeds bandwidth and 162 4.8. Summary VRI CHAPTER 5 GRIDDED CORNER REFLECTOR ANTENNA 165 5.1. Introduction 165 5.2. FDTD 166 modelling of rods 5.2.1. Monostatic RCS 167 of smaU sphere 5.2.2. Bistatic RCS 169 of a rod 5.2.3. Minimum distance between 171 rods 5.3. Experimental the 172 verification of methods 5.3.1. Design the 172 of gridded comer reflector antenna 5.4. Comparison dimensional two of gridded- solid- and solid 176 corner reflector antenna 5.5. Band-width 178 considerations 5.6. Influence 179 of rod spacing 5.7. Parametric H-plane directivity front-to-back study of and 182 ratio 5.8. Summary 189 6 CHAPTER SHAPING OF THE REFLECTOR PLATES 190 6.1. Modified 190 corner reflector antenna 6.1.1. Geometry 190 of modified comer reflector antenna 6.1.2. H-plane directivity front-to-back for and ratio 191 modified comer reflector antenna 6.1.3. H-plane radiation pattern of modified corner 197 reflector antenna Ix