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General Relativity and Gravitation manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Radiating stars with generalised Vaidya atmospheres S. D. Maharaj · G. Govender · M. Govender Received: date/Accepted: date 3 1 Abstract Wemodelthegravitationalbehaviourofaradiatingstarwhentheexte- 0 riorgeometryisthegeneralisedVaidyaspacetime.Theinteriormatterdistribution 2 isshear-freeandundergoingradialheatflow.Theexteriorenergymomentumten- n sor isa superpositionof a nullfluid and a stringfluid. An analysisofthejunction a conditionsat thestellarsurfaceshows thatthepressureat theboundarydepends J ontheinteriorheatfluxandtheexteriorstringdensity.Theresultsforarelativis- 8 tic radiatingstarundergoingnonadiabaticcollapseareobtainedas a special case. For a particular model we demonstrate that the radiating fluid sphere collapses ] c without the appearance of the horizon at the boundary. q - Keywords heat conducting fluids · radiatingstars · relativisticastrophysics r g [ 1 Introduction 1 v The study of radiating stars in the context of general relativity has generated 7 much interest in researchers because of the variety of applications in relativistic 1 astrophysics.Thesestudiesareimportantastheyenableustoinvestigatephysical 4 1 featuressuchassurfaceluminosity,dynamicalstability,particleproductionatthe . stellarsurface,relaxationeffects, causal temperaturegradientsand otherthermo- 1 dynamicalprocesses. Some relevantreferences investigatingthese issues aregiven 0 3 byDiPriscoetal.[1],Govenderetal.[2],Herreraetal.[3]andPinheiroandChan 1 [4]. Relativistic radiating stars are also important in the process of gravitational : collapse, describing the final state of stars, formation of singularities and black v hole physics, in four and higher dimensions. Recent investigations in this regard i X are contained in the works of Goswamiand Joshi [5], Joshi [6] and Madhav et al. r [7].In particular,thevalidityofthecosmiccensorshipconjecturecan betestedin a this physical scenario. S.D.Maharaj·G.Govender ·M.Govender Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Unit, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal,PrivateBagX54001,Durban4000,SouthAfrica E-mail:[email protected] 2 S.D.Maharajetal. Themodelofarelativisticradiatingstarundergoingdissipationwascompleted bySantos[8]byanalysingthejunctionconditionsatthestellarsurface.Bymatch- ing a shear-free interior spacetime to the radiating Vaidya exterior spacetime, he showed that at the surface the pressure is nonvanishing and proportional to the heat flux. Subsequently several explicit relativistic radiating stellar models have been found by investigatingthe appropriate boundary condition. Kramer [9] and Maharaj and Govender [10] generated nonstatic radiating spheres from a static model by allowingcertain parametersto becomefunctions of time.Kolassis et al. [11]andThirukkaneshandMaharaj[12]assumedgeodesicfluidtrajectoriestopro- ducenewradiatingmodels.IntheapproachofDeOlivieraetal.[13]andNogueira and Chan [14] the model has an initial static configuration before the radiating sphere starts gradually to collapse. Exact solutions for shear-free interiors which are conformally flat generate radiating stellar models as shown by Herrera et al. [15],Herreraetal.[16],MaharajandGovender[17]andMisthryetal.[18].Stellar models which are radiating with nonzero shear are difficult to analyse because of the complexity of the boundary condition. However even in this case there have been advances in obtaining exact solutions. Particular exact models have been found by Naidu et al. [19], Rajah and Maharaj [20] and Pinheiro and Chan [21]. InthispaperweseektogeneralisetheSantosjunctionconditionsbymatching a shear-free interior spacetime to the generalised Vaidya exterior spacetime. The energy momentumtensorof thegeneralisedVaidyaspacetimemaybe interpreted as a superposition of two fluids, a null dust and a null string fluid. The physical propertiesofthegeneralisedVaidyaspacetimehavebeendiscussedbyHusain[22] andWangand Wu [23].GlassandKrisch[24] haveinterpretedtheexteriorspace- timeasasuperpositionoftwofluidsoutsidearelativisticstar,theoriginalVaidya null fluid and a new null fluid composed of strings. By assuming diffusive trans- port for the string fluid Glass and Krisch [25] found new solutions to Einstein’s equations with transverse stresses. Physically reasonable energy transport mech- anisms have been generated by Krisch and Glass [26] in the stellar interior with thegeneralisedVaidyametricastheexteriorspacetime.Theseinvestigations,and othertreatments,havelargelyfocussedonphysicalprocessesintheexteriorofthe stellar model with a generalised Vaidya atmosphere.To fully describe a radiating stellar model requires generationof the junction conditionsat the stellar surface. We follow the convention that the coupling constant 8πG and the speed of c4 light c are unity; the metric has signature (− + ++). In Sect. 2 we present the field equations for the interior and exterior spacetimes. In Sect. 3 the matching of the interior and exterior spacetimes across the stellar surface is outlined. The new set of junction conditions are derived for the generalised Vaidya spacetime. We indicate how the new junction conditions generalise the junction conditions previously derived by Santos [8]. The physical significance of our new result is highlightedintermsofastringfluid.We alsoconsiderthenew junctioncondition in the context of conservation of momentum flux across the stellar boundary. In Sect. 4 we generatea particularmodel and demonstratethat the new generalised junctionconditionhasasolution.Inthismodelitispossiblefortheradiatingfluid spheretocollapsewithouttheappearanceofaboundary.Theresultsofthispaper are briefly summarised in Sect. 5. RadiatingstarswithgeneralisedVaidyaatmospheres 3 2 Field Equations Spacetime needs to be divided into two distinct regions, the interior spacetime M− andtheexteriorspacetimeM+ forastellarmodel.Theboundaryofthestar Σ serves as the matching surface for M− and M+. The boundary or stellar sur- faceis atimelikethree-dimensionalhypersurface.We requireforthefirstjunction condition that (ds2+)Σ =(ds2−)Σ =ds2Σ (1) sothatthelineelementsmatchontheboundaryΣ.Thesecondjunctioncondition isgeneratedbythecontinuityoftheextrinsiccurvatureofΣ acrosstheboundary given by (K+ ) =(K− ) (2) αβ Σ αβ Σ Note that the junction conditions (1) and (2) are equivalent to the Lichnerowicz [27] and O’ Brien and Synge [28] junction conditions. The line element for the interiormanifoldM− is given by ds2 =−A2(t,r)dt2+B2(t,r)[dr2+r2(dθ2+sin2θdφ2)] (3) in comoving and isotropic coordinates. The interior spacetime is expanding and accelerating but is shear-free. A physically relevant interior matter distribution that is consistent with (3) is given by − T =(µ+p)u u +pg +q u +q u (4) ab a b ab a b b a where µ is the energy density, p is the isotropic pressure, q is the radial heat a flux vector and ua = 1δa is the comoving fluid four-velocity. The Einstein field A 0 equations G− =T− for the interiormanifold M− are given by ab ab B˙2 1 B′′ B′2 4B′ µ=3 − 2 − + (5a) A2B2 B2 B B2 r B ! 1 B¨ B˙2 A˙ B˙ p= −2 − +2 A2 B B2 AB ! 1 B′2 A′B′ 2A′ 2B′ + +2 + + (5b) B2 B2 A B r A r B ! B¨ A˙ B˙ B˙2 1 A′ p=−2 +2 − + A2B A3B A2B2 rAB2 1 B′ A′′ B′2 B′′ + + − + (5c) rB3 AB2 B4 B3 2 B˙′ B′B˙ A′B˙ q =− − + + (5d) AB2 B B2 A B ! where dots and primes denote differentiationwith respect to t and r respectively. The results (1)-(5) were first obtained by Santos [8]. The line element for the exteriormanifold M+ is taken to be ds2 =− 1−2m(v,r) dv2−2dvdr+r2(dθ2+sin2θdφ2) (6) r (cid:18) (cid:19) 4 S.D.Maharajetal. wherem(v,r)isthemassfunction,andisrelatedtothegravitationalenergywithin agivenradiusr(LakeandZannias[29],PoissonandIsrael[30]).Thismetricisoften called the generalised Vaidya spacetime since it reduces to the Vaidya spacetime when m = m(v) which is the mass of the star as measured by an observer at infinity. It has been demonstrated by Husain [22] and Wang and Wu [23] that an energy momentum tensor consistent with (6) is T+ =T(n)+T(m) ab ab ab =εl l +(ρ+P)(l n +l n )+Pg (7) a b a b b a ab which represents a superposition of a null dust and a null string fluid. In general T+ representsaTypeIIfluidasdefinedbyHawkingandEllis[31].Thenullvector ab la isadoublenulleigenvectoroftheenergymomentumtensorT+.Theweakand ab strong energy conditions, and the dominant energy conditions are satisfied for properchoicesofthemassfunctionm(v,r).In(7)wehaveintroducedthetwonull vectors 1 m(v,r) l =δ0, n = 1−2 δ0+δ1 (8) a a a 2 r a a (cid:20) (cid:21) where l la = n na = 0 and l na = −1. The Einstein field equations G+ = T+ a a a ab ab for the exterior manifoldM+ are then given by m ε =−2 v (9a) r2 mr ρ =2 (9b) r2 mrr P =− (9c) r where we have used the notation ∂m ∂m mv = ∂v , mr = ∂r Weinterpretεasthedensityofthenulldustradiation;ρandP arethenullstring density and null string pressure, respectively. Note that (7)-(9c) were derived by Wang and Wu [23]. 3 Generalised Santos conditions It is possible to match the spacetimes (3) and (6) across the boundary Σ. Since the derivationis similarto the Santos [8] treatmentwe provideonly an outlineof the argument for our more general case with m=m(v,r). The intrinsic metric to the hypersurfaceΣ is defined by ds2 =−dτ2+Y2 dθ2+sin2θdφ2 (10) Σ (cid:16) (cid:17) For the interiorspacetime M− we obtain A(r ,t)dt=dτ (11a) Σ r B(r ,t) =Y(τ) (11b) Σ Σ RadiatingstarswithgeneralisedVaidyaatmospheres 5 For the exterior region M+ we generate the results r (v)=Y(τ) (12a) Σ 2m dr dv −2 1− +2 = (12b) r dv dτ (cid:18) (cid:19)Σ (cid:18) (cid:19)Σ Equations (11) and (12) correspond to the first junction condition (1). Observe that the quantityτ was defined on the surface Σ as an intermediatevariable. On eliminatingτ we have 2m drΣ 1/2 A(r ,t)dt= 1− +2 dv (13a) Σ rΣ dv (cid:18) (cid:19) r (v)=rB(r ,t) (13b) Σ Σ Equations (13) are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the first junction condition (1) to be valid. The intrinsic curvature for the interior spacetimeM− has the form − 1 A′ K = − (14a) 11 B A (cid:18) (cid:19)Σ − ′ K = r(rB) (14b) 22 Σ K− =(cid:2)sin2θK(cid:3)− (14c) 33 22 The extrinsic curvature for the exterior spacetime M+ has the form K+ = ˜v˜−v˜m +v˜mr (15a) 11 "v˜ r2 r # Σ 2m K+ = v˜ 1− r+r˜r (15b) 22 r (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21)Σ K+ =sin2θK+ (15c) 33 22 where ˜r = dr and v˜ = dv. Observe the appearance of the term containing mr dτ dτ in K+ which does not exist in the treatment of Santos [8]. As we shall see later 11 this has a profound effect on the physics of the model. Equations (14) and (15) correspond to the second junction condition (2). The mass profile in terms of the metric functions can be generated by eliminatingr,˜r and v˜. We observethat m(v,r)= rB 1+r2B˙2 − 1 (B+rB′)2 (16) " 2 A2 B2 !# Σ which is the totalgravitationalenergy contained withinthe stellarsurface Σ. We also establish the relationship 1 A′ B′ B˙ −1 − = 1+r +r B A B A (cid:18) (cid:19) ! × mr + B′ + rB′2 − r B˙2 − 1 rB˙′ +rB¨ −rB′B˙ −rB˙ A˙ (17) " r B2 2 B3 2BA2 A B A B2 A2!# Σ 6 S.D.Maharajetal. Thisexpressionmaybe simplifiedfurther:multiplywith1+rB′ +rB˙ and utilise B A (5b) and (5d). We then arriveat the result mr p= qB−2 (18) r2B2 Σ (cid:16) (cid:17) whichgeneralisesthejunctionconditionofSantos[8].Hencewehavedemonstrated that the junction conditions (2) are equivalent to m(v,r)= rB 1+r2B˙2 − 1 (B+rB′)2 (19a) " 2 A2 B2 !# Σ mr p = qB−2 (19b) r2 Σ (cid:16) (cid:17) Equations (19) are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the second junc- tion condition(2) to be valid. We point out that the mathematicalapproach and procedure that we have followed is similar to Santos [8]. However in our case the external stellar atmosphere is the generalised Vaidya spacetime. The form of the equations(10)-(19b)canberelatedtotheequationsofSantos[8]sincetheyhavea similarstructure.Thefactthatm=m(v,r)fundamentallyaffectsthefinalresult. The equations for the extrinsic curvature (15a), the matching condition (17) and junction condition (18) are fundamentallydifferent. We have generated the relationships (13) and (19) so that the junction con- ditions (1) and (2) are satisfied for the shear-free interior spacetime (3) and the generalised Vaidya exterior spacetime (6) across the hypersurface Σ. This gener- alisestheSantos[8]resultforarelativisticradiatingstarwhenm=m(v).Observe that when m depends on the coordinatev only then (19b) becomes p=qB (20) at the boundary Σ, which is the earlier Santos junction condition. When (20) is valid then the pressure p on the boundary depends only on the heat flux q. We haveshown herethatif m=m(v,r)then (19b) is valid,and thepressurep on the boundary depends on the heat flux q and the gradient mr(v,r). ThegeneralisedVaidyaspacetimehasphysicalsignificanceandcontainsmany known solutions of the Einstein field equations with spherical symmetry. It con- tainsthemonopolesolution,thedeSitterandAnti-deSittersolutions,thecharged Vaidyasolutionandtheradiatingdyonsolution.Thephysicalfeaturesandtheen- ergy momentum complexes, that provide acceptable energy momentum distribu- tionsforthesesystems,havebeenstudiedbyBarriolaandVilenkin[32],Chamorro and Virbhadra [33], Virbhadra [34]-[36] and Yang [37]. Glass and Krisch [24]-[25] and Krisch and Glass [26] have interpreted the generalised Vaidya spacetime to represent a superposition of an atmosphere composed of two fluids: a string fluid and a null dust fluid. This atmosphere may model several physical situations at different distance scales, eg. the exterior regions of black holes (distance scale of multiples of the Schwarzschild radius) and globular clusters containing a com- ponent of dark matter (distance scale of the order of parsecs). The additional term2mr intheboundarycondition(19b)arisesfromthematchingatthesurface r2 Σ. This quantity has physical significance and can be interpreted as a particular RadiatingstarswithgeneralisedVaidyaatmospheres 7 contributionfromtheenergymomentumtensor.Weobservethattheterm2mr in r2 (19b)isthesamequantityasthatin(9b).Thereforewemayinterpretthequantity 2mr as the string density ρ. r2 We can thereforewrite (19b) in the more transparentform p=[qB−ρ] (21) Σ attheboundaryΣ.Consequentlyforaradiatingstarwithoutgoingdissipationin theformofradialheatflow,withthegeneralisedVaidyaspacetimeastheexterior, the pressure on the surface depends on the interior heat flux q and the exterior stringdensityρ.Theappearanceof thequantityρ in (21)allowsformoregeneral behaviour that was the case in the Santos [8] treatment. From (20) we observe that q = 0 implies that p = 0 on Σ and the exterior manifold M+ must be the Schwarzschild exterior metric with m being constant. In (21) we note that we obtain the Schwarzschild exterior geometry when q = 0 = ρ. However it is clear from (21) that when qB =ρ then p=0 on Σ and the exterior spacetimeremains the generalisedVaidya spacetimewith m=m(v,r). In addition,when q=0 then p=−ρ on Σ and the interioris not radiating. Itispossibletoprovideaphysicalinterpretationofourresultbyconsideration ofthemomentumfluxacrosstheboundaryΣ.Sincethequantity(19a)represents the total gravitational energy for a sphere of radius r within Σ we can write m(v,r)=m(t,r). Partiallydifferentiating(19a) eventuallyleads to the result 2 2 pΣ =−r2v˜2mv − r2mr (22) which reduces to the corresponding Santos [8] equation when m = m(v). The radial flux of momentum across the hypersurface Σ is defined by F± =e±an±bT± (23) 0 ab where e±a and n±b are vectors which are respectively tangent and normal to Σ. 0 For conservation of momentum flux across Σ we must have F+ =F− (24) In the interiormanifold M− we can generate the quantity − F =−qB (25) In the exterior manifoldM+ we can produce the quantity 2 F+ = v˜2m (26) r2 v Then equations (22)-(26) yield the result 2 mr p = qB− Σ r2B2 (cid:18) (cid:19)Σ which is the same as (19b). Therefore the junction condition (19b) corresponds to the conservation of the radial flux of momentum across the hypersurface Σ. It represents the local conservation of momentum. 8 S.D.Maharajetal. 4 A particular model To illustratethe utility of the generalised Santos condition we consider a specific example relating to horizons. For simplicity we take the mass function to be of the form m=p˜r2 where p˜is an arbitrary constant. For this example we consider a particularformof themetriccoefficientsgivenin(3).We choosethecoefficients to be separable in r and t so that A=a(r), B =b(r)R(t) (27) The field equations (5) then yield the quantities 1 3 1 2b′′ b′2 4b′ µ = R˙2− − + (28a) R2 a2 b2 b b2 rb " !# 1 1 1 b′2 2a′b′ 2 a′ b′ p = − 2RR¨+R˙2 + + + + (28b) R2 a2 b2 b2 ab r a b " (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18) (cid:19)!# 2a′R˙ q =− (28c) R3a2b2 and the condition for the isotropyof pressure a′′ b′′ b′2 a′b′ a′ b′ + −2 −2 − − =0 (29) a b b2 ab ra rb The boundary condition(19b) now yields at r=r the equation Σ 2RR¨+R˙2+MR˙ =N +P (30) where we have used the particular choice of the mass function m = p˜r2, the potentials(27) and the system (28). In the above we have set ′ 2a M =− (31a) b a2 b′2 a′b′ 2 a′ b′ N = +2 + + (31b) b2 b2 ab r a b " (cid:18) (cid:19)# a2p˜ P =6 (31c) b2 which are constants in the integrationprocess as (30) holds on the boundary Σ. Equation(30)does nothavea generalsolutionin closedform;forthepurpose ofourinvestigationweobservethatitadmitsanelementaryparticularsolutionof the form R(t)=−Ct (32) where C is given by 1 1 C = M± M2+4(N +P) 2 2 (cid:20) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:21) RadiatingstarswithgeneralisedVaidyaatmospheres 9 This solutionis useful in that at thesurfaceof thecollapsingstar theratio mΣ is rΣ independent of time. The mass profile given by (19a) and the solution (32) yield the followingexpression 2m r2b2C2 rb′ r2b′2 Σ =2 − − (33) rΣ " 2a2 b 2b2 # Σ which is valid on the stellar surface. It is clear that the quantities in the above equationareevaluatedattheboundaryΣ; thereissufficientfreedomprovidedby r,a,b andC sothattherighthandsidecanbeconstrainedinsuchamannerthat the ratio 2mΣ is strictly less than unity. Consequently no horizon will form. We rΣ can illustratethis explicitlyby settingb(r)=1 and a(r)= 1ξr2+β where β and 2 ξ are arbitraryconstants. Then we get 2m C2r2 1− Σ = 1− (34) rΣ " β+ 1ξr2 2# 2 Σ WechooseC2tobelessthan β2+βξ+1ξ2r(cid:0)2onΣso(cid:1)that1−2mΣ isnotzeroforall r2 4 rΣ time. Consequently the boundary surface never reaches the horizon. This simple example demonstrates the absence of the horizon and is similar to the result of Banerjee et al. [38] which holds in the conventional Vaidya spacetime. We regain theirresults when P =0 in (31). We interpretour resultto mean thatthereis no accumulationofenergyintheinterioroftheradiatingstarasitreleasesenergyat the rateof generationduring the collapse. 5 Conclusion In this work we have produced a general model of a relativistic radiating star by performing the smooth matching of a shear-free interior spacetime to the gener- alised Vaidya exterior spacetime, across a timelike spatial hypersurface. We have demonstratedthatwiththegeneralisedVaidyaradiatingmetric,thejunctioncon- ditions on the stellar surface change substantially, and consequently represents a moregeneralatmospheresurroundingthestar.Theatmosphereisasuperposition of null dust and a string fluid. We find that the density of the string fluid affects the pressure at the stellar boundary. We have shown explicitlythat p=qB−ρ string at the stellar surface. If the weak and strong energy conditions or the dominant energy conditions are satisfied then ρ ≥0 (µ6=0) and ρ ≥P ≥ string string string 0 (µ6=0)respectively.Thisindicatesthatforoutgoingheatflux ingravitational collapse,theexteriorstringfluiddensityreducesthepressureonthestellarbound- ary. It is interestingto note that we have shown using a geometric approach that the derivative of the mass function with respect to the exterior radial coordinate is relatedto the stringdensity.By means of a simpleexamplewehaveconsidered theformationof horizonsfor a heat conductingsphere whichradiatesenergy into thegeneralisedVaidyaexternalatmosphereduringcollapse.Thehorizondoesnot appear in this exampleat any stageof the collapse. 10 S.D.Maharajetal. Acknowledgements MG and GG thank the National Research Foundation and the Uni- versity of KwaZulu-Natal for financial support. SDM acknowledges that this work is based uponresearchsupportedbytheSouthAfricanResearchChairInitiativeoftheDepartmentof Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation. The authors would also like tothankSanjayWaghandSubharthiRayforconstructivecriticismsandusefuldiscussions. References 1. DiPrisco,A.,Herrera,L.,LeDenmat, G.,MacCallum,M.A.H.,Santos, N.O.:Phys. Rev. D76,064017(2007) 2. 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