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RADIAL LENGTH, RADIAL JOHN DISKS AND K-QUASICONFORMAL HARMONIC MAPPINGS 7 1 SHAOLIN CHEN AND SAMINATHAN PONNUSAMY 0 2 n Abstract. Inthisarticle,wecontinueourinvestigationsoftheboundarybehav- a ior of harmonic mappings. We first discuss the classical problem on the growth J of radial length and obtain a sharp growth theorem of the radial length of K- 6 quasiconformal harmonic mappings. Then we present an alternate characteriza- 2 tionofradialJohndisks. Inaddition,weinvestigatethelinearmeasuredistortion ] andthe Lipschitz continuity onK-quasiconformalharmonic mappings ofthe unit V diskontoaradialJohndisk. Finally,usingPommerenkeinteriordomains,wechar- C acterize certain differential properties of K-quasiconformalharmonic mappings . h t a m 1. Introduction and statement of main results [ 1 This paper continues the study of previous work of the authors [6] and is mainly v motivatedbythearticlesofBeardonandCarne[3],CarrollandTwomey[4], Chuaqui 7 et al. [10], Pommerenke [29], and the monograph of Pommerenke [30]. In order to 3 5 state our first result concerning the growth of the radial length of K-quasiconformal 7 harmonic mappings (see Theorem 1), we need to recall some basic definitions and 0 . some results which motivate the present work. 1 0 Let f be a complex-valued and continuously differentiable function defined in the 7 unit disk D = z : z < 1 and let ℓ (θ,r) be the length of the f-image (with f 1 { | | } counting multiplicity) of the radial line segment [0,z] from 0 to z = reiθ D, where : v ∈ θ [0,2π] is fixed and r [0,1). Then (cf. [5]) Xi ∈ ∈ r r r ℓ (θ,r) := ℓ f([0,z]) = df(ρeiθ) = f (ρeiθ)+e 2iθf (ρeiθ) dρ. a f z − z Z0 Z0 In [21], Keogh sh(cid:0)owed tha(cid:1)t if f is(cid:12)(cid:12)a bound(cid:12)(cid:12)ed, anal(cid:12)(cid:12)ytic and univalent func(cid:12)(cid:12)tion in D, then, for each θ [0,2π], ∈ 1/2 (1.1) ℓ (θ,r) = O log(1/(1 r)) as r 1 . f − − → (cid:16) (cid:17) Throughout the discussion, we l(cid:0)et (cid:1) 1/2 (1.2) ψ(r) = log(1/(1 r)) for 0 < r < 1. − (cid:0) (cid:1) File: Ch-P-Kqc-2016_final.tex, printed: 27-1-2017, 1.42 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 30C62, 30C75; Secondary: 30C20, 30C25, 30C45, 30F45, 30H10. Key words and phrases. K-quasiconformal harmonic mapping, radial John disk, radial length, Pommerenke interior domain. This second author is on leave from IIT Madras. 1 2 S.L. Chen and S. Ponnusamy Keogh also gave some examples to show that the exponent 1/2 in (1.1) can not be decreased. Jenkins improved on these examples in [16], and Kennedy [20] presented further examples by showing that ℓ (θ,r) = O(µ(r)ψ(r)) as r 1 f − → isfalseingeneralforeverypositivefunctionµin[0,1)satisfying µ(r) 0asr 1 . − → → In [4], Carroll and Twomey established certain refinements and extension of these results without the boundedness condition in the following form. Theorem A. Suppose that f(z) = a z + a z2 + is univalent in D. Then, for 1 2 ··· any fixed θ [0,2π], there is a constant C > 0 such that 1 ∈ (1.3) ℓ (θ,r) C max f(ρeiθ) ψ(r) for r (0.5,1). f 1 ≤ ρ [0,r]| | ∈ ∈ If, further, f(reiθ) = O(1) as r 1 , then (1.1) holds. − → Later, Beardon and Carne [3] gave a relatively simple argument to Theorem A in hyperbolic geometry and provided with further examples. It is worth pointing out here two results which strengthened (1.3) and was inspired by the work of Sheil- Small [33] and Hall [14]. If f is starlike, i.e. f(D) contains the line segment ∈ S [0,w] whenever it contains w, then (see [19]) ℓ (θ,r) f(reiθ) (1+r) < 2 f(reiθ) for r (0,1) f ≤ | | | | ∈ and the inequality of course is not sharp for all r, but the bound 2 sharp as the Koebe function k(z) = z/(1 z)2 shows and is attained when r approaches 1 (see − [14, 33]). Later in 1993, Balasubramanian et al. [1] showed that if f is convex, i.e. f(D) is a convex domain, then ∈ S ℓ (θ,r) f(reiθ) r 1arcsinr for r (0,1) f − ≤ | | ∈ and the inequality is sharp as the convex function f(z) = z/(1 z) shows. Note − that ϕ(r) = r−1arcsinr is increasing on (0,1) and ϕ(r) limr 1−ϕ(r) = π/2 and ≤ → thus, the conjecture of Hall [15] was settled (see also [2]). The first aims of this paper is to extend Theorem A for the case of harmonic quasiconformal mappings (see Theorem 1 below). We need some preparation to state this result. For a real 2 2 matrix A, we use the matrix norm A = sup Az : z = 1 and the matrix×function l(A) = inf Az : z = 1 . Forkz =k x+iy{| C,| th|e |forma}l {| | | | } ∈ derivative of the complex-valued function f = u+iv is given by the Jacobian matrix u u x y D = , f vx vy ! so that D = f + f and l(D ) = f f , f z z f z z k k | | | | | |−| | where fz = (1/2) fx ify and fz = (1/2) fx + if(cid:12)y . Let Ω(cid:12) be a domain in C, − (cid:12) (cid:12) with non-empty boundary. A sense-preserving homeomorphism f from a domain Ω (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Radial length, radial John disks and K-quasiconformal harmonic mappings 3 onto Ω, contained in the Sobolev class W1,2(Ω), is said to be a K-quasiconformal ′ loc mapping if, for z Ω, ∈ D (z) 2 K detD (z) , i.e., D (z) Kl D (z) , f f f f k k ≤ k k ≤ where K 1 and detD is t(cid:12)he determi(cid:12)nant of D (cf. [18, 2(cid:0)2, 35, 3(cid:1)6]). ≥ f (cid:12) (cid:12) f Let denote the family of sense-preserving planar harmonic univalent mappings H f = hS+g in D, with the normalization h(0) = g(0) = 0 and h(0) = 1. Recall that ′ f is sense-preserving if the Jacobian J of f given by f J := detD = f 2 f 2 = h 2 g 2 f f z z ′ ′ | | −| | | | −| | is positive. Thus, f is locally univalent and sense-preserving in D if and only if J (z) > 0 in D; or equivalently if h = 0 in D and the dilatation ω = g /h has the f ′ ′ ′ property that ω(z) < 1 in D (see [611, 12, 23]). The family together with a H | | S few other geometric subclasses, originally investigated in detail by [11, 34], became instrumental in the study of univalent harmonic mappings (see [12, 31]) and has attracted the attention of many function theorists. If the co-analytic part g is identically zero in the decomposition of f = h+g, then the class reduces to the H S icnlaDss.icIaflfa0m=ilySf =ofhal+lngormalize:dga(n0a)l=yti0cu,ntihveanletnhtefufanmctiiloyns0h(izs)b=otzh+nor∞nm=a2laannzdn SH { ∈ SH ′ } SH P compact. See [11] and also [8, 6, 12, 31]. Theorem 1. For K 1, let f be a K-quasiconformal harmonic mapping. H ≥ ∈ S Then, for any fixed θ [0,2π], there is a constant C > 0 such that 2 ∈ ℓ (θ,r) C max f(ρeiθ) ψ(r) for r (0.5,1). f 2 ≤ ρ [0,r]| | ∈ ∈ If, further, f(reiθ) = O(1) as r 1 , then − → ℓ (θ,r) = O(ψ(r)) as r 1 , f − → and the exponent1/2 in ψ(r) definedby (1.2) cannotbe replacedbya smallernumber. First we remark that if K = 1, then Theorem 1 coincides with Theorem A. Sec- ondly, the proof of Theorem 1 is substantially harder than the proof of Theorem A. This is because Beardon and Carne’s argument of Theorem A in [3] is not applicable in the proof of Theorem 1. We need further notation and terminology before stating our second result. Let d (z) be the Euclidean distance from z to the boundary ∂Ω of Ω. If Ω = D, then Ω we set d(z) := dD(z). Definition 1. A bounded simply connected plane domain G is called a c-John disk for c 1 with John center w G if for each w G there is a rectifiable arc γ, 0 1 ≥ ∈ ∈ called a John curve, in G with end points w and w such that 1 0 σ (w) cd (w) ℓ G ≤ for all w on γ, where γ[w ,w] is the subarc of γ between w and w, and σ (w) is the 1 1 ℓ Euclidean length of γ[w ,w] (see [6, 13, 17, 28, 30]). 1 4 S.L. Chen and S. Ponnusamy Remark 1. If f is a complex-valued and univalent mapping in D, G = f(D) and, for z D, γ = f([0,z]) in Definition 1, then we call c-John disk a radial c-John disk, ∈ where w = f(0) and w = f(z). In particular, if f is a conformal mapping, then we 0 call c-John disk a hyperbolic c-John disk. It is well known that any point w G 0 ∈ can be chosen as a John center by modifying the constant c if necessary. When we do not wish to emphasize the role of c, then we regard the c-John disk simply as a John disk in the natural way (cf. [6, 13, 17, 28]). Unless otherwise stated, throughout the discussion we consider the following ter- minology. Denote by (K) if f and is a K-quasiconformal harmonic mapping in D, where K 1. AFlso, we de∈noFte by (K,Ω) if f (K) and f maps D onto ≥ F ∈ F Ω. We prove several results mainly when equals one of , 0 , and , and Ω F SH SH SH2 equals either radial John disk or Pommerenke interior domain. Further, for z D, we define ∈ (1.4) B(z) := ζ : z ζ < 1, argz argζ π(1 z ) . { | | ≤ | | | − | ≤ −| | } In the following, we continue our previous work of [6], and give an another charac- terization of the radial John disk. Theorem 2. Let f 0 (K). Then the following are equivalent: ∈ SH (i) Ω = f(D) is a radial John disk. (ii) There is an x (0,1) such that ∈ (1 ρ2) D (ρζ) x+r sup sup − k f k < 1 for ρ = . (1 r2) D (rζ) 1+xr ζ=1r (0,1) f | | ∈ − k k f(z) f(w) (iii) sup | − | < . z D, w B(z) (1 z 2) Df(z) ∞ ∈ ∈ −| | k k Next, we establish the linear measure distortion on K-quasiconformal harmonic mappings of D onto a radial John disk. Theorem 3. Let f = h+g 0(K,Ω), where Ω is a radial John disk. Then, for a ,a D with B(a ) B(a∈),SthHere is a positive constant C such that 1 2 1 2 3 ∈ ⊂ diamf(B(a )) ℓ(B(a ) ∂D) α 1 1 C ∩ . diamf(B(a )) ≤ 3 ℓ(B(a ) ∂D) 2 (cid:18) 2 ∩ (cid:19) where α = supf H |h′′2(0)| and B(z) is defined by (1.4). ∈S knWowenre(smeear[k6,t9h,a1t22,≤34]α).=Wseupdfis∈cSuHss|h′t′2(h0e)|L<ip∞sch,ibtuztcothnetinshuaitrypovnalKue-qoufaαsiicsosntfiollrmuna-l harmonic mappings of D onto a radial John disk, which is as follows. Theorem 4. Let f = h+g 0(K,Ω), where Ω is a radial John disk. Then, for z D with z 1 and ζ ,ζ∈ SHB(z), there are constants δ (0,1) and C > 0 ∈ | | ≥ 2 1 2 ∈ 1 ∈ 4 such that ζ ζ δ1 1 2 f(ζ ) f(ζ ) C d (f(z)) | − | . 1 2 4 Ω | − | ≤ 1 z (cid:18) −| | (cid:19) Radial length, radial John disks and K-quasiconformal harmonic mappings 5 Let f (K,G), where G is domain. For 0 < r < 1, let D = z : z < r and H r ∂D deno∈teSthe boundary of D . Now, for w ,w f (∂D ), let γ{ be|t|he sm}aller r r 1 2 r r subarc of f (∂D ) between w and w , and let ∈ r 1 2 d (w ,w ) = infdiamΓ, Gr 1 2 Γ where Γ runs through all arcs from w to w that lie in G = f(D ) except for their 1 2 r r endpoints. If ℓ γ [w ,w ] r 1 2 (1.5) sup sup < , d (w ,w ) ∞ 0<r<1(w1,w2∈γr (cid:0)Gr 1 2(cid:1)) then we call G a Pommerenke interior domain (cf. [6, 29]). In particular, if G is bounded, then we call G as a bounded Pommerenke interior domain. Given a sense-preserving harmonic mapping f = h+g in D, fix ζ D andperform ∈ a disk automorphism (also called Koebe transform F of f) to obtain f z+ζ f(ζ) 1+ζz − (1.6) F(z) = =: H(z)+G(z). h(cid:16)(ζ)(1(cid:17) ζ 2) ′ −| | A calculation gives, H (0) 1 h (ζ) ′′ = (1 ζ 2) ′′ 2ζ . 2 2 −| | h(ζ) − (cid:26) ′ (cid:27) Now, we consider the class of all harmonic mappings f = h+g satisfying SH2 ∈ SH h (z) (1.7) sup (1 z 2) ′′ 2z < 4. z D(cid:12) −| | h′(z) − (cid:12) ∈ (cid:12) (cid:12) Thisinequality obviouslyholds(cid:12)ifh andhisnot(cid:12)theKoebefunctionz/(1 eiθz)2, θ R. Note that for the Koeb(cid:12)e fun∈ctiSon the suprem(cid:12)um turns out to be 4. O−ur next ∈ two results are extension of [29, Theorem 3]. Theorem 5. Let f (K,G), where G is a bounded Pommerenke interior do- main. If there are po∈sitSivHe2 constants δ (0,1) and C such that, for each ζ ∂D 2 5 ∈ ∈ and for 0 ρ ρ < 1, 1 2 ≤ ≤ 1 ρ2 δ2−1 (1.8) D (ρ ζ) C − D (ρ ζ) , f 2 5 f 1 k k ≤ 1 ρ k k (cid:18) − 1(cid:19) then 1 D (ξ) 1 ζ 2 f sup k k −| | dξ < . ζ∈D 2π Z∂D kDf(ζ)k|ξ −ζ|2| | ∞ We remark that if K = 1, then Theorem 5 coincides with [29, Theorem 3]. By using similar reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 5, one can easily get the following result which replaces the assumption f by a more general condition ∈ SH2 f and thus, we omit its proof. H ∈ S 6 S.L. Chen and S. Ponnusamy Theorem 6. Let f (K,G), where G is a bounded Pommerenke interior do- H ∈ S main. If there are constants C > 0, C > 0, δ > 0 and δ (0,1) such that, for 6 7 3 4 each ζ ∂D and for 0 ρ ρ < 1, ∈ 1 2 ∈ ≤ ≤ 1 ρ1 δ3−1 1 ρ2 δ4−1 C − D (ρ ζ) D (ρ ζ) C − D (ρ ζ) , 6 f 1 f 2 7 f 1 1 ρ k k ≤ k k ≤ 1 ρ k k (cid:18) − 2(cid:19) (cid:18) − 1(cid:19) then 1 D (ξ) 1 ζ 2 f sup k k −| | dξ < . ζ∈D 2π Z∂D kDf(ζ)k|ξ −ζ|2| | ∞ Also, the following result easily follows from Theorem 5 and [6, Theorem 1]. Corollary 1. For K 1, let f 0 be a K-quasiconformal harmonic mapping from D onto a≥bounded Po∈mmSHer2e∩nkSeHinterior domain G. If G is a radial John disk, then 1 D (ξ) 1 ζ 2 f sup k k −| | dξ < . ζ∈D 2π Z∂D kDf(ζ)k|ξ −ζ|2| | ∞ The proofs of Theorems 1-5 will be presented in Section 2. 2. The proofs of the main results Let λD stand for the hyperbolic distance (or Poincar´e distance) on the unit disk D. We have dz z z λD(z1,z2) = inγfZγ 1−| |z||2 = tanh−1(cid:12)11−−z1z22(cid:12), where the infimum is taken over all smooth curves γ (cid:12)(cid:12)in D conn(cid:12)(cid:12)ecting z1 D and z D (cf. [30]). In [34], Sheil-Small proved that if f =(cid:12) h+g (cid:12) , then ∈ 2 H ∈ ∈ S (1 z )α 1 (1+ z )α 1 − − (2.1) −| | h(z) | | ′ (1+ z )α+1 ≤ | | ≤ (1 z )α+1 | | −| | and h (0) ′′ α := sup | | < . 2 ∞ f H ∈S Unless otherwise stated, the number α will be used throughout the discussion and is indeed called the order of the linear invariant family (see [34]). H S Lemma 1. Suppose that f (K). Then, for z ,z D, H 0 1 ∈ S ∈ 1 f(z ) f(z ) K 1 e 2αλD(z1,z0) | 1 − 0 | e2αλD(z1,z0) 1 . − α(1+K) − ≤ (1 z 2) f (z ) ≤ α(1+K) − 0 z 0 −| | | | (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) In particular, 1 K (2.2) 1 e 2αλD(z,0) f(z) e2αλD(z,0) 1 , z D. − α(1+K) − ≤ | | ≤ α(1+K) − ∈ (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) Radial length, radial John disks and K-quasiconformal harmonic mappings 7 Proof. By assumption f = h+ g is a K-quasiconformal harmonic mapping, H where h and g are analytic in D. T∈huSs, by (2.1), we have 2K 2K (1+ z )α 1 − (2.3) D (z) h(z) | | f ′ k k ≤ K +1| | ≤ K +1(1 z )α+1 −| | and thus, for z D, we obtain ∈ f(z) D (ζ) dζ f | | ≤ k k| | Z[0,z] α 2K z (1+ρ)α 1 K 1+ z | | − (2.4) dρ = | | 1 . ≤ K +1 (1 ρ)α+1 α(K +1) 1 z − Z0 − " −| |! # On the other hand, let Γ be the preimage under f of the radial segment from 0 to f(z). Again, because 2 2 (1 z )α 1 − l(D (z)) h(z) −| | , f ≥ K +1| ′ | ≥ K +1(1+ z )α+1 | | it follows that α 1 1 z (2.5) f(z) l(D (ζ)) dζ 1 −| | . f | | ≥ | | ≥ α(K +1) − 1+ z ZΓ " | |! # Let z = z1 z0 so that z = z+z0 , where z ,z D. Then, by assumption, 1 −z0z1 1 1+z0z 0 1 ∈ − f(z) f(z ) 0 F(z) = − (1 z 2)h(z ) ∈ SH 0 ′ 0 −| | and is a K-quasiconformal harmonic mapping, i.e. F (K). Applying (2.4) and H ∈ S (2.5) to F gives us the desired result if we take into account of the fact that z z e2λD(z1,z2) 1 1 2 1 −z z = e2λD(z1,z2) −+1 = tanhλD(z1,z2). (cid:12) − 1 2(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:3) The proof of the lemma is complete. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Lemma 2. Assume that f (K). Then H ∈ S C f(z) D (z) z 8| | for z D, f k k| | ≤ 1 z ∈ −| | where z (1+ z )α 1 − (2.6) C = 2αKsup | | | | K. 8 z∈D (cid:26)[(1+|z|)α −(1−|z|)α](cid:27) ≥ Proof. Suppose that f = h+g (K), where h and g are analytic in D. Next, for H fixed ζ D, consider the Koeb∈eStransform F of f given by (1.6). By assumption, ∈ F and is also a K-quasiconformal harmonic mapping. By letting z = ζ in H ∈ S − (1.6) and applying (2.2) to F, we obtain (since f(0) = 0) f(ζ) 1 [(1+ ζ )α (1 ζ )α] F( ζ) = | | | | − −| | | − | (1 ζ 2) h(ζ) ≥ α(1+K) (1+ ζ )α ′ −| | | | | | 8 S.L. Chen and S. Ponnusamy which gives h(ζ) (1+ ζ )α 1 α ′ − | | | | . (1+K) f(ζ) ≤ [(1+ ζ )α (1 ζ )α] · 1 ζ | | | | − −| | −| | Since this follows for each ζ D, by the first inequality in (2.3), we easily have ∈ D (z) z 2K h(z) z C f ′ 8 k k| | | || | , f(z) ≤ K +1 f(z) ≤ 1 z | | | | −| | where C is given by (2.6). (cid:3) 8 Lemma 3. Let f (K) and, for any fixed θ [0,2π], set H ∈ S ∈ m (r,θ) = max f(ρeiθ) , f ρ [0,r]| | ∈ where r [0,1). Then, for 0 < ρ r < 1 and 0 ρ r, there is a constant 0 ∈ ≤ ≤ ≤ C > 0 which depends only on ρ such that 9 0 f(ρeiθ) (2.7) | | C m (r,θ), 9 f ρ ≤ where ρ is a constant. 0 Proof. Without loss of generality, we assume that θ = 0. Clearly, (2.2) yields that f(ρ) K e2αλD(ρ,0) 1 2K lim | | lim − = , ρ 0+ ρ ≤ α(1+K) ρ 0+ ρ 1+K → → which implies that f(ρ)/ρ is bounded in [0,ρ ], where ρ is a constant such that 0 0 0 < ρ r < 1. Hence there is a constant C > 0 such that 0 10 ≤ f(ρ) (2.8) C m (r,0) for ρ [0,ρ ], 10 f 0 ρ ≤ ∈ where r [ρ ,1). For r [0,1), let 0 ∈ ∈ K T(r) = 1 e 2αλD(r,0) . − α(1+K) − (cid:2) (cid:3) Then T is increasing in [0,1), which, together with (2.2), yields that f(ρ) f(ρ) 1 (2.9) 0 < T(ρ ) T(ρ) f(ρ) m (r,0) for ρ [ρ ,r], 0 f 0 ≤ ≤ ≤ ρ ≤ ρ ≤ ρ ∈ 0 0 where r [ρ ,1). Therefore, (2.7) follows from (2.8) and (2.9). (cid:3) 0 ∈ Lemma 4. For r (0,1), let Ω be the Stolz-type domain consisting of the interior r of the convex hull ∈of the point r and the disk D . Then, for z = ρeiη Ω D , r/4 r r/4 ∈ \ 4π 4π η (r ρ) < (1 ρ). | | ≤ r√15 − r√15 − Radial length, radial John disks and K-quasiconformal harmonic mappings 9 C E = ρ eiη 1 z = ρeiη η O A D B Figure 1. Stolz-type domain Proof. Assume without loss of generality that η 0. Let A, D, and E represent the points r, r/4, and ρ eiη (see Figure 1), respecti≥vely. As ∠OCA = π/2, it is clear 1 that sin∠COA = √15, cos∠COA = 1, sin∠COE = ρ21 − 1r62 and cos∠COE = r . 4 4 q ρ 4ρ 1 1 Then, because (sinη)/η 2/π for η < π/2, it follows that for η 0 | | ≥ | | ≥ 2η sinη = sin(∠COA ∠COE) π ≤ − = sin∠COAcos∠COE cos∠COAsin∠COE − √15r2 16ρ2 r2 = − 1 − 16ρ p1 r2 ρ2 = − 1 ρ √15r + 16ρ2 r2 1 1 − Note that r < ρ < ρ < r and(cid:16), becausep (cid:17) 4 1 r2 ρ2 4 − 1 < r2 ρ2 < 8(r ρ ) < 8(r ρ), ρ r − 1 − 1 − 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) the last above relation clearly implies that 2η 8(r ρ) < − π r√15 which gives the desired conclusion. Observe that 8 (r ρ) is less than 6/√15 from r√15 − which we also deduce that η < 3π/√15. (cid:3) | | 10 S.L. Chen and S. Ponnusamy Proof of Theorem 1. Assume without loss of generality that θ = 0. For r (0,1), ∈ we use Ω to denote the Stolz-type domain, where Ω is same as in Lemma 4. Let r r z = ρeiη Ω D . Then, by Lemma 4, there is a constant C > 0 which depends r r/4 11 ∈ \ only on r such that (2.10) η < C (1 ρ). 11 | | − Suppose that f = h+g (K). By calculations, we get H ∈ S f(ρeiη) f(ρ) η ρeith(ρeit) ρe itg (ρeit) (2.11) log log = i ′ − − ′ 1 dt. ρeiη − ρ f(ρeit) − Z0 ! Taking real part of (2.11) on both sides, and then using (2.10), (2.11) and Lemma 2, we see that there is a constant C such that 12 f(ρeiη) f(ρ) η ρ D (ρeit) f log | | log | | k k dt ρ − ρ ≤ f(ρeit) Z0 | | η dt C C C , 12 11 12 ≤ 1 ρ ≤ Z0 − which gives that (2.12) f(z) = f(ρeiη) eC11C12 f(ρ) . | | | | ≤ | | By (2.2), weseethat(2.12)alsoholdsforz D . Then, by(2.12), thereisconstant r/4 C such that f(Ω ) is contained in D ∈ , which yields that 13 r C13mf(r,0) (2.13) J (ζ)dA(ζ) C2 m2(r,0), f ≤ 13 f ZΩr where ζ = x+iy, dA = dxdy/π and m (r,θ) is defined as in Lemma 3. f By [24, Theorem 2], there is a constant C such that 14 1 (2.14) (1 ρ) H (ρ) 2dρ C H (z) 2dA(z), ′ 14 ′ − | | ≤ | | Z0 ZΩ1 where H(z) is analytic in D. For r (0,1), let H(z) = h(rz) for z D. Then, by ∈ ∈ (2.14), we obtain r (r ρ) h(ρ) 2dρ C h(z) 2dA(z), ′ 15 ′ − | | ≤ | | Z0 ZΩr which implies that r (r ρ) D (ρ) 2dρ C K J (z)dA(z), f 15 f − k k ≤ Z0 ZΩr (2.15) C2 C Km2(r,0) (by (2.13)), ≤ 13 15 f where C > 0 is a constant. 15 By Lemmas 2 and 3, for r (1/2,1) and ρ [0,r], there is a constant C such 16 ∈ ∈ that r r m2(r,0) r (2.16) D (ρ) 2dρ C f dρ = C m2(r,0) . k f k ≤ 16 (1 ρ)2 16 f 1 r Z0 Z0 − −

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