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Radford Army Ammunition Post-Closure Care Permit PDF

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Preview Radford Army Ammunition Post-Closure Care Permit

m A wa FEB. 27 20% coMMO#%^4znf <%f F/#G/A%4 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Street address: 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219 Molly Joseph Ward Mailing address: P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, Virginia 23218 David K. Paylor Secretary of Natural Resources Fax: 804-698-4019-TDD (804) 698-4021 Director www.deq.virginia.gov (804) 698-4020 1-800-592-5482 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT POST-CLOSURE CARE PERMIT PERMITTEES: Radford Army Ammunition Plant BAE Systems Ordnance Systems Inc. Route 114, P.O. Box 1 Radford Army Ammunition Plant Radford, VA 24141-0100 US Army Radford Army Ammunition Plant Route 114, P.O. Box 2 Radford Army Ammunition Plant Radford, VA 24141 EPA I.D.#: VA1210020730 Pursuant to Chapter 14, Section 10.1-1426, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended and regulations promulgated thereunder by the Department of Environmental Quality (hereinafter referred to as the Department), a Post-closure Permit is issued to the United States Army and BAE Systems Ordnance Systems Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the Permit and the Permittees), for the post- closure care of two closed hazardous waste management units (HWMU) of one hazardous waste disposal facility: Unit 5, and Unit 16. The facility is located in Montgomery and Pulaski Counties at Route 114, PO. Box 1, Radford, Virginia, 24141-0100. HWMU-5 is a former lined surface impoundment (Neutralization Pond) located at latitude 37°11T2" North and.longitude 80°32T5" West. HWMU-16 is a closed hazardous waste landfill located at latitude 37°11'49" North and longitude 80°31'26" West. These two UNITs, 5, and 16, at the above facility are currently limited to the following activities: maintenance and monitoring of one closed hazardous waste surface impoundment (5) and one hazardous waste landfill (16). The Permittees must comply with all terms and conditions set forth in this Permit including Permit Appendices A through K of Attachment 1 (applying to both units), Permit Appendices A through K of Attachment 2 (applying to Unit 5), and Permit Appendices A through H of Attachment 3 (applying to Unit 16). If the Permit and the above attachments conflict, the Permit conditions shall prevail. The Permittees shall also comply with all applicable regulations contained in the Virginia Hazardous Waste Management Regulations (VHWMR), 9 VAC 20-60, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) - 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 260-266, 268, 270-273, 279-282,148, and 124. Applicable regulations are those which are in effect on the date of final administrative action on this Permit as well as any self- implementing statutory provisions and related regulations which are automatically applicable to the Permittees' hazardous waste management activities, notwithstanding the conditions of this Permit. This Permit is based on the administrative record and the assumption that the information submitted by the Permittees and contained in the administrative record is complete and accurate. The Permittees' failure in the application or during the permit issuance process to fully disclose all relevant facts, or the Permittees' misrepresentation of any relevant facts at any time, shall be grounds for the termination or modification of this Permit pursuant to 40 CFR 124.5 and 40 CFR 270.40 through 270.43, and also may be grounds for an enforcement action. The Permittees shall inform the Department of any deviations from or changes to the information provided in the application which might affect the ability of the Permittees to comply with applicable regulations and/or permit conditions, or which alter any of the conditions of the Permit in any way. This Permit is effective as of and shall remain in effect until ; unless revoked and reissued in accordance with 40 CFR 124.5, 40 CFR 270.40, and 40 CFR 270.41, terminated in accordance with 40 CFR 124.5 and 40 CFR 270.40, or continued in accordance with 40 CFR 270.51. Date Signed Leslie A. Romanchik Hazardous Waste Program Manager Office of Waste Permitting and Compliance Post-Closun Content List HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT POST-CLOSURE CARE PERMIT TABLE OF CONTENTS DEFINITIONS x MODULE I. STANDARD CONDITIONS 4 LA. EFFECT OF PERMIT 4 I B. PERMIT ACTIONS 4 I.C. SEVERABILITY 4 ID. DEFINITIONS Z Z Z Z ' . ' Z .5 LEi REPORTS. NOTIFICATIONS, AND SUBMISSIONS TO THE DIRECTOR 5 I.F. SIGNATORY REQUIREMENTS 6 I.G. DOCUMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED AT THE FACILITY SITE 6 I.H. DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS 6 I.H. 1. Duty to Comply ........6 I.H.2. Permit Expiration 7 I.H.3. Duty to Reapply 7 I.H.4. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense 7. I.H.5. Duty to Mitigate 7 I.H.6. Proper Operation and Maintenance 7 I.H.7. Duty to Provide Information g I.H.8. Inspection and Entry g I.H.9. Monitoring and Records g I.H. 10. Reporting Planned Changes 9 I.H. 11. Anticipated Noncompliance 9 I.H. 12. Twenty-four Hour Reporting 9 I.H. 13. Other Noncompliance 10 I.H. 14. Transfer of Permits 1Q I.H. 15. Other Information 11 I.I. PERMIT DURATION AND POST-CLOSURE CARE PERIOD 11 I.I.I UNIT 5 ' n U.2 UNIT 16 Z Z Z Z Z Z 11 I.J. EXTENSION OR REDUCTION OF POST-CLOSURE PERIOD... 11 I.J.I.Reduction U I.J.2.Extension 11 I K. COMPLIANCE PERIOD \ 2 I.K.I UNIT 5 12 : I.K.2 UNIT 16 i Z I Z Z 12 I.L. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF SUBMISSIONS 12 Post-Closure Permit Reissuance Application DRAFT: Radford AAP /D Content List P/2J/20/j MODULE II. GENERAL FACILITY CONDITIONS 13 II.A. DESIGN AND OPERATION OF FACILITY 13 II.B. FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND SITE IDENTIFICATION 13 II.B.1 UNIT 5 16 II.B.2 UNIT 16 1 6 II.C. GENERAL WASTE ANALYSIS 17 II.C.l UNIT 5 17 II.C.2 UNIT 16 17 H P. SECURITY Z Z Z . 18 II.E. GENERAL INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS 1 g II.F. PERSONNEL TRAINING lg II. G. RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING . '.7..Z..7Z..... 18 II.G. 1. Operating Record 1 g II. G.2. Required Reports 20 H.H. COST ESTIMATE AND FINANCIAL ASSURANCE FORFACILITY POST- CLOSURE 20 MODULE III. POST CLOSURE CARE 21 III. A. UNIT IDENTIFICATION AND CLOSURE CONSTRUCTION 21 III. A.1 UNIT 5 21 HI.A.2 UNIT 16 Z Z ' . 21 III.B. POST CLOSURE PROCEDURES AND USE OF PROPERTY 97 III.B.l.Post-closure Care _ 22 III.B.2. Groundwater System Maintenance 22 III.B.3.Post-closure Use. 22 : III.B.4. Post-closure Plan 22 III.C. INSPECTIONS 22 HI D. SECURITY " " " 23 HI E. NOTICES AND CERTIFICATION ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.23 III.E.l. Notices 23 III. E.2. Certification 23 III.F. FINANCIAL ASSURANCE 23 III. G. POST-CLOSURE PERMIT MODIFICATIONS. ..ZZZZZZZZ.23 MODULE IV. GROUNDWATER DETECTION MONITORING 24 IV. A. HIGHLIGHTS 24 IV. A.1 UNIT 5 24 IV.A.2 UNIT 16 1A Post-Closure Permit Reissuance Application DRAFT: Radford AAP EfX /D#o..-K4/2/(%%07jO Content List MODULE V. GROUNDWATER COMPLIANCE MONITORING 26 V.A. HIGHLIGHTS 26 V.A.I. UNIT 5 Z Z . 26 V.A.4. UNIT 16 Z Z Z Z . 26 V.B. HISTORICAL OVERVIEW 26 V.B.I. UNIT 5 26 V.B.2. UNIT 16 27 V.C. SITE HYDROGEOLOGY ZZZZ.27 V.C.I Geologic Setting 27 V.C.2 Karst Trace Analysis 28 V.C.3 Occurrence of Groundwater... 29 V.C.I. UNIT 5 ZZZZIZIZZZsO V.C.I.a Geology/Structure 30 V.C.l.b Groundwater Movement 30 V.C.2. UNIT 16 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.31 V.C.2.a Geology/Structure 31 V.C.2.b Groundwater Movement 31 V.D. COMPLIANCE MONITORING SYSTEM AND SAMPLING SCHEDULE ....... 31 V.D.I. UNIT 5 31 V.D. 1 .a. Groundwater Monitoring System 31 V.D.l.b. Sampling Schedule 32 V.D.I.e. Additional Monitoring Wells 33 V.D.2 UNIT 16 : ZZZZZZZZ..33 V.D.2.a. Groundwater Monitoring System 33 V.D.2.b. Sampling Schedule 34 V.D.2.C. Additional Monitoring Wells 35 V.E. WELL CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 35 V.E.I UNIT 5 35 V.E.I.a. Well Construction 35 V.E. 1 .b. Maintenance 36 V.E. I.e. Standard 36 V.E.l.d. Installation and Abandonment 36 V.E.2 UNIT 16 ZZZZZZZZ.37 V.E.2.a. Well Construction 37 V.E.2.b. Maintenance 37 V.E.2.c. Standard 37 V.E.2.d Installation and Abandonment 38 V.F. GROUNDWATER PROTECTION STANDARD 38 V.F.I. UNIT 5 gg V.F.I.a. Groundwater Protection Standard 38 V.F. 1 .b. Background Concentration for Additional Constituents 38 V.F.I.e. Effective Duration 39 V.F.2. UNIT 16 V.F.2.a. Groundwater Protection Standard 39 /W-C/a?%re f erm;f /?e«j«aMce /(/)/?/;ca//oM XXf EPX /D A^o. /2/00207j0 Content List /~,,, 0/13 n VT^.h. Background Concentration tor Additional C o n s t i t u e n t s 40 V.P.2.C. EtTcctivc Duration 40 V.G. SAMPLING AND ANALYSE PROCEDURES Z 40 V.G.TUN1T5 ^40 V . G . 2 . U N 1 T 1 6 Z Z ZZ ZZ 41 V.IL ELEVATION OETHEGROUNDWATERSUREACE. ZZZZZZZZZ^42 V.P1.1. Groundwater Surface Elevation 42 V.PlA2.Additional^Rcplaccmcnt Wells 42 V.L STATISTICAL PROCEDURES ZZZZZZZZZZ42 V.fE StatisticalEvaluation 42 V.T2. Simple Empirical Comparison 43 VT.3. Statistical Procedures 43 V.14. Schedule tor Statistical Evaluation 43 V^ MONITORING PROGRAMANDDATAEVALUATION Z 43 V . T 1 B U N 1 T 5 Z Z 43 V.t.Ta. Sampling and Analysis 43 V.t.Th. Analytical Constituents 43 V.TEc. Analysis Data Presentation 44 V.TTd. Groundwater Plow Direction and Rate 44 VJlc Appendix IX to 40 C P R P a r t 2 6 4 44 VJ.1T BackgroundValucsforNcwly Detected Constituents 45 V.TTg. GPS (AppcndixGofPcrmitAttachmcnt2)for Newly Detected Constituents 46 V JT.h Comparison to Background Concentrations 46 V.TTi. Comparison to Groundwater Protection Standards 47 v . t . 2 . u N i T i 6 Z Z 49 V.T2.a. Sampling and Analysis 49 V.T2.h. Analytical Constituents 49 V.T2.C. Analysis Data Presentation 49 V.T2.d. Groundwater Plow Direction and Rate 49 VT2c Appendix IX to 40 C P R P a r t 2 6 4 40 V.T2T BackgroundValucs for Newly Detected Constituents 51 V.J^g. GPS (AppcndixGofPcrmitAttachmcnt3)for Newly Detected Constituents ^1 V T2 h Comparison to Background Concentrations 51 V.T2.1. Comparison to Groundwater Protection Standards 52 V.K. REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING ^ VK1 Record Z Z Z Z Z4 V.K.2. Groundwater Elevation ^4 V.K.3.BackgroundValucs ^4 V.L. ASSURANCEOECOMPLIANCE ^^^^^^^^Z^Z^^^^^^4 V.M. SPECIALREOUIREMENTIETHEGROUNDWATERPROTECTION STANDARD IS EXCEEDED ^ V.MT.Notice ^^ V.M.2.Estahlishmcntfor Corrective Action ^ Post-Closure Permit Reissuance Application DRAFT: Radford AAP EfX /D A^o. . K4 72700207^0 Content List P/2j/20/J V.M.3. Other Source Demonstration 56 V.N. REQUESTS FOR PERMIT MODIFICATION ! I Z Z I Z Z s6 V. O. EVALUATION OF GROUNDWATER CONTAMINANT PLUME LOCATION 56 V.O.I. Other Source Demonstration 57 V.O.2. Additional Wells '. ZZZ.Z.Z.Z.57 V.O.3. New Well Sampling •. 57 V.O.4. Modification for New Well 57 V. O.5. Statistical Evaluation 58 MODULE VI. GW CORRECTIVE ACTION & MONITORING PROGRAM FOR UNIT 59 TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................60 VIA. HIGHLIGHTS ZZZZZZ 61 VLB. GROUNDWATER CA PROGRAM - NATURAL ATTENUATION REMEDvZ^ VLB. 1. Design Conformance 62 VLB.2. Remedial Objectives 62 VLB.3. Operation Specifications to Be Initiated 62 VI. B.4. Measurement and Maintenance of Natural Attenuation Remedy 62 VLB.5. Changes in MNA Program 64 VLB.6. Evaluation of MNA Program 65 VLB.7 Contingency Measures and Termination of Natural Attenuation 65 VLB.8 Alternative Groundwater Remediation Methods 66 VLB.9. Termination of CA/Remedy Program 66 VLB. 10. Extension of Compliance Period and CA/Remedy Program 66 VLC. GROUNDWATER CA MONITORING PROGRAM 67 VI.C.l. Groundwater Monitoring System 67 VLC.2. Sampling and Analysis Schedule 67 VLD WELL LOCATION, INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION ...........68 VI E. GROUNDWATER PROTECTION STANDARD 69 VLF. SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROCEDURES 70 VI G. ELEVATION OF THE GROUNDWATER SURFACE 70 VLH. MONITORING PROGRAM AND DATA EVALUATION 71 VI I COMPARISON TO GROUNDWATER PROTECTION STANDARDS 72 VI.1.1. Methods of Comparison 72 VI. J. REPORTING AND RECORD KEEPING ZZ. .. 73 VI. J. 1. Groundwater Elevation/Potentiometric Contour Maps 73 VI.J.2. Maintenance and Operation of the Remedial System 74 VI.J.3. Annual Appendix IX of 40 CFR 264 Data (Appendix K) 74 VI.J.4. Contents of an Annual Report 74 VI.K. ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE 'ZZZZ 75 VI-L. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT IF ADDITIONAL CA AT THE REGULATED UNIT IS REQUIRED 75 VI M. REQUESTS FOR PERMIT MODIFICATION 76 VI.N. CA SCHEDULE 76 Post-Closure Permit Reissuance Application DRAFT: Radford AAP EfX /DM)..-K4A2/00.207jO Content List MODULE VII SITE-WIDE CORRECTIVE ACTION 78 VILA. CORRECTIVE ACTION FOR CONTINUING RELEASES: PROTECTION OF HUMAN HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT 78 VII.B REPORTS, NOTIFICATIONS. AND SUBMISSIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT 78 MODULE VIII SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 79 Post-Closure Permit Reissuance Application DRAFT: Radford A AP f fX //) A^o.. 72/0020730 Attachment Content List 9/23/2013 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS The following Attachments are incorporated, in their entirety, by reference into this Permit. These incorporated attachments are enforceable conditions of this Permit. Some of the documents contain excerpts from the Permittees' Hazardous Waste Permit Application. The Department has, as deemed necessary, modified specific language excerpted from the permit application. Additional modifications are prescribed in the permit conditions (Modules I through VII), and; thereby, supersede the language of the Attachments. Facility operations shall be in accordance with the contents of the Attachments and this Permit. ATTACHMENT 1 Appendix A -FACILITY LOCATION MAPS Appendix A. 1 - Facility Location Map Appendix A.2- Geological/Stratigraphic Map Appendix A.3- Fracture Trace Map Appendix A.4- Site (Unit) Location Appendix B- CONTINGENCY PLAN Appendix B. 1.- Tables and Figures Appendix B.2.- Agreements Appendix C- CLOSURE NOTICES AND POST-CLOSURE PLANS Appendix C. 1 - UNIT Post-closure Notices Appendix C.2- UNIT Post-closure Plan for Units 5, 7, and 16 Appendix D- FACILITY CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE Appendix E- SECURITY PROVISIONS AND MAINTENANCE Appendix F- INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS Appendix F. 1 - Example Semi-annual Inspection Log Appendix F.2- RAAP Benchmark Location Map Appendix G- PERSONNEL AND TRAINING Appendix G. 1 - Outline of Training Program Appendix G.2- Job Description Summary Appendix G.3- Personal Training Summary Post-Closure Permit Reissuance Application DRAFT: Radford AAP EfX /DA^o.. Attachment Content List 9/23/2013 Appendix H- GW COMPLIANCE MONITORING PROGRAM - SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN I. INTRODUCTION II. PRE-FIELD OFFICE ACTIVITIES "II.A. Summary of Tasks to be Performed II. B. Office Activities III. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS III. A. Previous Field Data Sheets III.B. Field Log Book III.C. Chain of Custody Forms III.D. Field Data Sheets III. E. Notification of Designated Plant Personnel IV. ON-SITE ACTIVITIES IV. A. Calibration of Meters IV. B. Measurement of Static Water Level Elevations IV. C. Equipment V. CALCULATION OF STATIC WATER/PURGE VOLUME V. A. Purge Volume V. B. Micro-purging VI. WELL EVACUATION VI. A. NAPL Layers VLB. pH and Specific Conductance VI. C. Equipment VII. MONITORING WELL SAMPLING VILA. Compliance Monitoring VII. B. Appendix IX to 40 CFR Part 264 VII.C. Sampling Procedures VII. D. Equipment VIII. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES IX. QA/QC PROGRAM IX. B. LABORATORY QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL OBJECTIVES X. RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING X. A. Documentation X.B. Reporting Requirements Appendix H. 1 - Groundwater Log Example Appendix H.2- Example Purge Volume Calculations Appendix H. 3 - Example Chain Of Custody Form Appendix H.4- Recommended Sample Containers And Preservatives Appendix H.5- Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction Diagram Appendix H.6- Quality Assurance Project Plan Appendix H.7- Example Laboratory Quality Assurance Manual Appendix H.8- EPA III Micro-Purging Guidance Appendix H.9- • Investigative Derived Waste Policy Appendix I- APPENDIX IX to 40 CFR PART 264: ANNUAL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING CONSTITUENT LIST

maintenance and monitoring of one closed hazardous waste surface .. Extension of Compliance Period and CA/Remedy Program. 66 .. Any hazardous waste management unit for treatment, storage, or disposal regulated .. Radford Army Ammunition Plant also provides logistics support for tenant.
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