RADARRESOURCEMANAGEMENTTECHNIQUESFOR MULTI-FUNCTIONPHASEDARRAYRADARS ATHESISSUBMITTEDTO THEGRADUATESCHOOLOFNATURALANDAPPLIEDSCIENCES OF MIDDLEEASTTECHNICALUNIVERSITY BY ÖMERÇAYIR INPARTIALFULFILLMENTOFTHEREQUIREMENTS FOR THEDEGREEOFMASTEROFSCIENCE IN ELECTRICALANDELECTRONICSENGINEERING SEPTEMBER2014 Approvalofthethesis: RADARRESOURCEMANAGEMENTTECHNIQUESFOR MULTI-FUNCTIONPHASEDARRAYRADARS submitted by ÖMER ÇAYIR in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the deg- ree of Master of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, MiddleEastTechnicalUniversityby, Prof. Dr. CananÖzgen Dean,GraduateSchoolofNaturalandAppliedSciences Prof. Dr. GönülTurhanSayan HeadofDepartment,ElectricalandElectronicsEngineering Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çag˘atayCandan Supervisor,ElectricalandElectronicsEng. Dept.,METU ExaminingCommitteeMembers: Prof. Dr. MübeccelDemirekler ElectricalandElectronicsEngineeringDepartment,METU Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çag˘atayCandan ElectricalandElectronicsEngineeringDepartment,METU Assoc. Prof. Dr. UmutOrguner ElectricalandElectronicsEngineeringDepartment,METU Assist. Prof. Dr. FatihKamıs¸lı ElectricalandElectronicsEngineeringDepartment,METU Dr. RecepFıratTig˘rek REHIS,ASELSANInc. Date: September3,2014 I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that,asrequiredbytheserulesandconduct,Ihavefullycitedandreferencedall materialandresultsthatarenotoriginaltothiswork. Name,LastName: ÖMERÇAYIR Signature : iv ABSTRACT RADARRESOURCEMANAGEMENTTECHNIQUESFOR MULTI-FUNCTIONPHASEDARRAYRADARS Çayır,Ömer M.S.,DepartmentofElectricalandElectronicsEngineering Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çag˘atayCandan September2014,147pages Multi-function phased array radars (MFPARs) are capable of executing several tasks withoutanyrotatingantennabyjointlyoptimizinglimitedtimeandenergyresources. The allocation of radar time resources is usually referred to as scheduling in radar resource management (RRM) literature. In this thesis, two scheduling algorithms, namely multi-type adaptive time-balance scheduler (MTATBS) and knapsack sched- uler (KS), are proposed for real-time operations. A resource-aided technique called as the multi-frequency band usage is developed to increase the applicability of task interleaving. AsimulatorforMFPARsystemisimplementedtoapplyRRMtechniqueswithdiffer- ent optional choices, such as adaptive update-rate, dynamic task prioritization, trac- king,taskinterleaving. Thesimulatorisdesignedinawaythateachoftheblockscan beindividuallymodifiedaccordingtoRRMconstraints. Target selection problem emerges when there are more than one target concurrently requesting track update. It is suggested to adopt the solution methods for the well- v known machine replacement problem to the problem of target selection and track updateissolvedwiththemethodofdecisionpolicy(DecP).Inadditiontothismethod, twootheradhocmethodsbasedontrackqualityaredescribed. Keywords: Radar Resource Management, RRM, Multi-Function Radar, MFR, Task Scheduling, Time-Balance, Adaptive Time-Balance, Knapsack Problem, Task Inter- leaving,Multi-FrequencyBandUsage,MachineReplacementProblem,TargetSelec- tionProblem vi ÖZ ÇOK-˙IS¸LEVL˙IFAZD˙IZ˙IL˙IRADARLAR˙IÇ˙INRADARKAYNAKYÖNET˙IM˙I TEKN˙IKLER˙I Çayır,Ömer YüksekLisans,ElektrikveElektronikMühendislig˘iBölümü TezYöneticisi : Doç. Dr. Çag˘atayCandan Eylül2014,147sayfa Çok-is¸levlifazdiziliradarlar(MFPARs)dönenherhangibirantenolmadansınırlıza- manveenerjikaynaklarınıbirlikteeniyileyerekbirçokgöreviyürütebilmeyeteneg˘ine sahiptir. Radar kaynak yönetimi (RRM) literatüründe radar zaman kaynaklarının ayırtımıgenelliklezamançizelgelemesiolarakadlandırılır. Butezde,gerçekzamanlı operasyonlar için iki tane zaman çizelgelemesi algoritması, yani çok-tipli uyarlanır zaman-denge çizelgeleyici (MTATBS) ve torba çizelgeleyici (KS) önerilmektedir. Çoklu frekans bandı kullanımı olarak adlandırılan bir kaynak-destekli teknik görev serpis¸tirmeninuygulanabilirlig˘iniarttırmakiçingelis¸tirilmektedir. Uyarlanır güncelleme-oranı, dinamik görev önceliklendirme, izleme, görev serpis¸- tirme gibi farklı seçimli seçenekler ile RRM teknikleri uygulamaya MFPAR sistemi için bir simülatör gerçekles¸tirilmektedir. Simülatör, blokların her biri ayrı ayrı RRM kısıtlarınagöredeg˘is¸tirilebilirs¸ekildetasarımlanmaktadır. Es¸zamanlı iz güncelleme talebinde bulunan birden fazla hedef oldug˘u zaman hedef seçimi problemi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Karar politikası yöntemi (DecP) ile çözülen vii hedef seçimi ve iz güncelleme problemine iyi bilinen makine yerine koyma prob- lemiiçinçözümyöntemlerinibenimsemeyiönerilmektedir. Buyöntemeekolarak,iz kalitesinedayalıikidig˘erözelyöntemtanımlanmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Radar Kaynak Yönetimi, RRM, Çok-˙Is¸levli Radar, MFR, Görev ZamanÇizelgelemesi,Zaman-Denge,UyarlanırZaman-Denge,TorbaProblemi,Gö- rev Serpis¸tirme, Çoklu Frekans Bandı Kullanımı, Makine Yerine Koyma Problemi, HedefSeçimiProblemi viii Tomylovingfamily HüseyinÇayır,ElmasÇayır,KadirÇayır ix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çagatay Candan, for his unique encouragement throughout the thesis work. I am deeply indebted for his guidance and interesting theoretical discussions which are the touchstone of my academiclife. I’dliketoextendmythankstoallthejurymembers: Prof. Dr. MübeccelDemirekler whohavetaughtmethebasicsofthedecisionprocessesforcontrolproblems,Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umut Orguner who shares his intelligent experience on tracking methods, especially providing us the IMM simulation codes, with us, Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatih Kamıs¸lı who was one of the evaluators of poster presentation of this work during theGraduateResearchWritingandPresentationWorkshop(GRWPW),2014andDr. Recep Fırat Tig˘rek who motivates us to research on radar systems by his valuable discussions. I am also very grateful to financial support of TÜB˙ITAK-B˙IDEB National Graduate ScholarshipProgrammeforMS(2211). Very special thanks to Prof. Dr. Nevzat Güneri Gençer and the members of biomed- ical group who I have met in the office, DZ-10, for their joyful talks and smiling faces. Lastly, sincerest thanks to my parents, Hüseyin Çayır and Elmas Çayır, and my brother, Kadir Çayır, for supporting and believing in me all the way through my academiclife. x