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03 ?ssensuoicsnoC evah ecnegilletnI laicfiitrA naC Can Artificial Intelligence have Consciousness? 30 03 ?ssensuoicsnoC evah ecnegilletnI laicfiitrA naC 81 noigileR dezinagrO ro msilautiripS Spiritualism or Organized Religion 18 81 noigileR dezinagrO ro msilautiripS 62 msiudniH ni ytilautiripS Spirituality in Hinduism 26 62 msiudniH ni ytilautiripS 71 doohtehporP dna ytilautiripS Spirituality and Prophethood 17 71 doohtehporP dna ytilautiripS 12 luos detirips A A spirited soul 21 12 luos detirips A 41 evitcepsreP cimalsI ?tiripS eht si tahW What is the Spirit? Islamic Perspective 14 41 evitcepsreP cimalsI ?tiripS eht si tahW )mih nopu eb hallA fo sgnisselb dna ecaeP( dammahuM tehporP yloH ”tseW eht morf esir llahs nus eht ,syaD rettaL eht nI“ “In the Latter Days, the sun shall rise from the West” Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) )mih nopu eb hallA fo sgnisselb dna ecaeP( dammahuM tehporP yloH ”tseW eht morf esir llahs nus eht ,syaD rettaL eht nI“ 1291 ecnis enizagam cimalsI Islamic magazine since 1921 1291 ecnis enizagam cimalsI gninnur tsegnol ehT The longest running gninnur tsegnol ehT 00.4$ $4.00 00.4$ 1 - 8102 2018 - 1 1 - 8102 3102 . llaF Fall . 2013 3102 . llaF 3102 . llaF FFaalll l. .2 2001133 3102 . llaF 1 - 8102 22001188 - - 1 1 1 - 8102 F all . 2013 00.4$ $$44.0.000 00.4$ 2018 - 1 gninnur tsegnol ehT TThhee l olonnggeests tr urunnnniningg gninnur tsegnol ehT $4.00 1291 ecnis enizagam cimalsI IsIlsalammicic m maaggaazzininee s isninccee 1 1992211 1291 ecnis enizagam cimalsI The longest running Islamic magazine since 1921 )mih nopu eb hallA fo sgnisselb dna ecaeP( dammahuM tehporP yloH ”tseW eht morf esir llahs nus eht ,syaD rettaL eht nI“ “I“nIn t hthee L aLattteter rD Dayasy,s t, hthee s usunn s hshaall lrl irsiese f rforomm t hthee W Weests”t ” HHoolyl yP Proropphheet tM Muuhhaammmmaadd ( P(Peeaacece a anndd b blelesssisninggs so of fA Allallahh b bee u uppoonn h himim)) )mih nopu eb hallA fo sgnisselb dna ecaeP( dammahuM tehporP yloH ”tseW eht morf esir llahs nus eht ,syaD rettaL eht nI“ “In the Latter Days, the sun shall rise from the West” Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) 41 evitcepsreP cimalsI ?tiripS eht si tahW WWhhaat ti si st hthee S Sppiriirti?t ?I sIlsalammicic P Peersrpspeecctitvivee 1144 41 evitcepsreP cimalsI ?tiripS eht si tahW 12 luos detirips A AA s pspiriirtietedd s osouul l 2211 12 luos detirips A What is the Spirit? Islamic Perspective 14 A spirited soul 21 71 doohtehporP dna ytilautiripS SSppiriirtiutuaaliltiyty a anndd P Proropphheeththoooodd 1177 71 doohtehporP dna ytilautiripS 62 msiudniH ni ytilautiripS SSppiriirtiutuaaliltiyty i nin H Hinindduuisimsm 2266 62 msiudniH ni ytilautiripS Spirituality and Prophethood 17 Spirituality in Hinduism 26 81 noigileR dezinagrO ro msilautiripS SSppiriirtiutuaalilsimsm o or rO Orgrgaannizizeedd R Reelilgigioionn 1188 81 noigileR dezinagrO ro msilautiripS 03 ?ssensuoicsnoC evah ecnegilletnI laicfiitrA naC CCaann A Artritfiificciaial lI nIntetelllilgigeennccee h haavvee C Coonnscscioiouusnsneesss?s ? 3300 03 ?ssensuoicsnoC evah ecnegilletnI laicfiitrA naC Spiritualism or Organized Religion 18 Can Artificial Intelligence have Consciousness? 30 The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a religious organization, international in its scope, with branches in 207 countries in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and Europe. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was established in 1889 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) (1835-1908) in Qadian, a small and remote village in the Punjab province of India. He claimed to be the expected reformer of the latter days, the Awaited One of the world community of religions (The Mahdi and Messiah). Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) The Movement he started is an embodiment of the benevolent message of Islam – peace, universal brotherhood, and submission to the Will of God – in its pristine purity. Hazrat Ahmad (as) proclaimed Islam as the religion of man: “ The religion of the people of the right path” (The Holy Qur'an: 98:6). The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was created under divine guidance with the objective to rejuvenate Islamic moral and spiritual values. It encourages interfaith dialogue, diligently defends Islam and tries to correct misunderstandings about Islam in the West. It advocates peace, tolerance, love and understanding among followers of different faiths. It firmly believes in and acts upon Qura’nic teaching: “There is no compulsion in religion” (The Holy Qur'an: 2:257). Ahmadiyya Muslim Community strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason. Community has been headed by his elected successors. The present Head of the Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, was elected in 2003. His o cial title is Khalifatul Masih V or Fifth Successor of the Promised Messiah (as). www.alislam.org www.muslimsunrise.com Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (aba) www.muslimsunrise.com The Muslim Sunrise is published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA, 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905, Phone 301-879-0110, Fax 301-879-0115, under the auspices of Dr. Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad, Ameer/Na- tional President. The views and opinions expressed by individual contributors in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA Dr. Mufti Muhammad Sadiq (ra) was the first Ahmadiyya Muslim missionary to arrive in Ameri- ca. In 1921, he founded the Muslim Sunrise, which stands today as the longest running Muslim publication in America. The magazine seeks to open discussions on Islam and topics relating to religion in general. It highlights the role of Islam in an ever-changing global society. It provides a platform for public opinion on contemporary issues and presents their solutions from an Islam- ic perspective. The Muslim Sunrise welcomes letters to the Editor, Questions and Submissions. Email us at [email protected] or go online to www.MuslimSunrise.com Acronyms for salutations used in this publication Library of Congress Call Number: BP195.A5 M8 sa: Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam Muslims follow the name of God’s prophets with the prayer alaihis salaam or (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ‘may peace be upon him,’ and for the Holy Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu as: ‘Alaihis-S alam (may peace be upon him) alaihi wasallam or ‘may peace and blessings of God be upon him.’ Compan- ra: Radhi-Allahu ‘Anhu/‘Anha (may Allah be ions of prophets and righteous personalities who have passed away are salut- pleased with him/her) ed by radhi-Allaho anhu/a or ‘may Allah be pleased with him/her.” While such rh: Rahimahullahu Ta‘ala (may Allah shower salutations sometimes are not set out in the text for readability, we encour- His mercy on him) age readers to o er these prayers as if set out in full. aba: Ayyadahullahu Ta‘ala Bi-Nasrihil-‘Aziz (may Allah support him with His mighty help) Verse numbers in the references from the Holy Qur’ān count Tasmiya at the beginning of a chapter as the first verse. The Muslim Sunrise is published every three months by Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc. , Editorial and executive office: 15000 Good Hope Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905 Single copies: $5.00. Subscriptions: $20.00 per year in USA. THE THE MUSLIM MUSLIM SUNRISE SUNRISE TEAM: TEAM: P A T R O N P A T R O N Dr. Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad Dr. Mirza Maghfoor Ahmad The Ameer (National President) The Ameer (National President) Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA Editor-in-Chief Design & Layout Ed itor-in-MCuhbieafsher Ahmad De sign &N Laavyeoeudt Ahmad Malik Mubasher Ahmad Naveed Ahmad Malik Senior Editor Web Site Se nior EdDitro. rKarimullah Zirvi W eb SiteMuneeb Ahmad Dr. Karimullah Zirvi MuDnr.e Zeiba AHh. Smhaadh Editors Dr. Zia H. Shah Ed itors Dr. Wajeeh Bajwa Women’s Space DrS. hWaahjieneah B Baasjhwira W omen’sS Shpaahcinea Bashir ShAanhiisnaa B Buasshhriar Salam Bajwa Shahina Bashir AnUiszam Bau Ssaheread S aAlhamma Bdajwa Religion & Science Uzma Saeed Ahmad Re ligion &D rS. cZieian Hce. Shah Advisory Board Dr. Zia H. Shah Ad visory FBaolaahrdud Din Shams News, Views & Reviews FaSlayheudd S aDjiind SAhhammasd Ne ws, VieDwr.s L &u fRte uvri eRwehsman SyDerd. WSaajisde eAmhm Saadyed Dr. Luft ur Rehman DrH. Wasaasne Hemak eSeamyed Questions & Answers HaAsmanja Hda Mkeaehmmood Khan, Esq. Qu estionDs r&. KAanrsimweurlslah Zirvi Amjad Mahmood Khan, Esq. Dr. Karimullah Zirvi Circulation Ci rculatioMnubashar Khan Mubashar Khan Accounts Ac countsBashir Malik Bashir Malik 1 EUSSI– 89 .LOV VOL. 98 –ISSUE 1 8 )sa( haisseM desimorP eht fo sdroW eht nI )70( lairotidE Editorial (07) In the Words of the Promised Messiah (as) 8 detlaxE niatta ot edutitpA larutaN dna troffE Effort and Natural Aptitude to attain Exalted noitatS lautiripS )33( ecapS s’nemoW Women’s Space (33) Spiritual Station ]86 .p ,22 .lov ,niʼazahK inahuR ,ihaW-lu-taqiqaH[ [Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Ruhani Khazaʼin, vol. 22, p. 68] malsI ni namoW lautiripS A :irsaB-la aibaR Rabia al-Basri: A Spiritual Woman in Islam 9 haruS fo sesrev laitini eht fo ecnatropmi ehT damhA alhehS Shehla Ahmad The importance of the initial verses of Surah 9 isruK lutayA dna nim’uM-lA Al-Mu’min and Ayatul Kursi )63( sweivipeSR & sweiV ,sweN News, Views & RSepviiews (36) damhA roorsaM azriM tarzaH yb derevileD Delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad ytinummoC milsuM ayyidamhA fo daeH Head of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community )93( renroC yrteoP Poetry Corner (39) 21 etulosbA gniniattA rof dedeeN noitaleveR Revelation Needed for Attaining Absolute 12 traeh ruoy sefirup taht htap eht rof kooL Look for the path that purifes your heart ytniatreC Certainty )sa( idhaM dna haisseM desimorP ,damhA maluhG azriM tarzaH Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Promised Messiah and Mahdi (as) naidaQ fo damhA maluhG azriM tarzaH Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian )sa( idhaM-lA dna haisseM desimorP ehT awjaB heejaW yb detalsnarT Translated by Wajeeh Bajwa The Promised Messiah and Al-Mahdi (as) )04( sevihcrA eht morF From the Archives (40) 41 evitcepsreP cimalsI ?tiripS eht si tahW What is the Spirit? Islamic Perspective 14 .B.LL ,.A.M ,damhA rehsabuM Mubasher Ahmad, M.A., LL.B. :lairotidE doG ni feileB dna lloP pullaG ehT The Gallup Poll and Belief in God Editorial: 5591 ,retrauQ dnoceS esirnuS milsuM ehT The Muslim Sunrise Second Quarter, 1955 71 doohtehporP dna ytilautiripS )24( srewsnA dna snoitseuQ Questions and Answers (42) Spirituality and Prophethood 17 oonnuhB halludaY ifaK lutmA Amtul Kafi Yadullah Bhunnoo 81 noigileR dezinagrO ro msilautiripS Spiritualism or Organized Religion 18 milaS aibaR Rabia Salim 12 luos detirips A A spirited soul 21 damhA dijaS deyS Syed Sajid Ahmad 42 neewteb nosirapmoC :tiripS yloH ehT The Holy Spirit: Comparison between 24 ytinaitsirhC dna sgnihcaet cimalsI Islamic teachings and Christianity ittahB beejuM reheS Seher Mujeeb Bhatti 62 msiudniH ni ytilautiripS Spirituality in Hinduism 26 labqI rafaZ dammahuM .rD Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal 92 fo snoillib" eb dluoc ecnegilletni laicfiitrA Artificial intelligence could be "billions of 29 snamuh naht "retrams semit times smarter" than humans laprahK nujrA A rjun Kharpal 03 ?ssensuoicsnoC evah ecnegilletnI laicfiitrA naC Can Artificial Intelligence have Consciousness? 30 DM hahS H ai Z Z ia H Shah MD malsI.yhW.008.1 1.800.Why.Islam moc.esirnusmilsum.www www.muslimsunrise.com MMUUSSLLIIMM SSUUNNRRIISSEE,, WSPINRITNEGR 22001158 85110022 GRENTINRPIWS ,,EESSIIRRNNUUSS MMIILLSSUUMM MMUUSSLLIIMM SSUUNNRRIISSEE,, WSPINRITNEGR 22001158 ! ! ! In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. .luficreM eht ,suoicarG eht ,hallA fo eman eht nI In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. Beware of the Day when every soul shall find dnfi llahs luos yreve nehw yaD eht fo eraweB Beware of the Day when every soul shall find itself confronted with all the good it has done enod sah ti doog eht lla htiw detnorfnoc flesti itself confronted with all the good it has done and all the evil it has done. It will wish there ereht hsiw lliw tI .enod sah ti live eht lla dna and all the evil it has done. It will wish there were a great distance between it and that taht dna ti neewteb ecnatsid taerg a erew were a great distance between it and that evil. And Allah cautions you against His pun- -nup siH tsniaga uoy snoituac hallA dnA .live evil. And Allah cautions you against His pun- ishment. And Allah is Most Compassionate to ot etanoissapmoC tsoM si hallA dnA .tnemhsi ishment. And Allah is Most Compassionate to His servants. .stnavres siH His servants. (The Holy Qur’an: 3:31) )13:3 :na’ruQ yloH ehT( (The Holy Qur’an: 3:31) !"#$%! !"#$%!& &!%$#"! !%$#"! { 4 } [2014] ]4102[ } 4 { !"#$%! !"#$%!& { 4 } [2014] SAYINGS OF THE SAYINGS OF THE PROPHET PROPHET MUHAMMAD (sa) MUHAMMAD (sa) Narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) that Allah’s Narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (ra) that Allah’s Messenger (sa) said: “The deeds of anyone of Messenger (sa) said: “The deeds of anyone of you will not save you [from the Fire]” They said, you will not save you [from the Fire]” They said, “Even you [will not be saved by your deeds], O “Even you [will not be saved by your deeds], O Allah’s Messenger?” He said, “No, even I [will not Allah’s Messenger?” He said, “No, even I [will not be saved] unless and until Allah protects me with be saved] unless and until Allah protects me with His Grace and His Mercy. Therefore, do good His Grace and His Mercy. Therefore, do good deeds properly, sincerely, and moderately. Wor- deeds properly, sincerely, and moderately. Wor- ship Allah in the forenoon, and in the afternoon, ship Allah in the forenoon, and in the afternoon, and during a part of the night, and always adopt and during a part of the night, and always adopt a middle, moderate, regular course whereby you a middle, moderate, regular course whereby you will reach your target [Paradise].” will reach your target [Paradise].” (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 76, Number 470) (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 76, Number 470) Narrated by Hazrat ‘Aishah (ra) that the Prophet Narrated by Hazrat ‘Aishah (ra) that the Prophet (sa) said, “Do good deeds properly, sincerely, (sa) said, “Do good deeds properly, sincerely, and moderately and know that your deeds will and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise and that the most not make you enter Paradise and that the most beloved deed to Allah's is the most regular and beloved deed to Allah's is the most regular and constant even though it were little.” constant even though it were little.” (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 471) (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 471) MUSLIM SUNRISE, SPRING 2018 MUSLIM SUNRISE, SPRING 2018 SPRING 2018 SPRING 2018 All world faiths have spirituality as an essential quali- help answer the numerous questions constantly Atlyl w too raldch faieitvhes t hhaev hei sgphieristtu paluitryp aoss ea no ef slisfee,n ttoia fil qnuda oliu-t hpelops eadn oswn ethr ist hsueb njeucmt erous questions constantly tyt hteo arcehaile mvee tahnein hgig ohfe set xpisutrepnocsee. oTfh leifree, taor efi nvda roiouut s posed on this subject thmee trheaold sm teoa neninhga nocfe einxidsitveindcuea.l Tshpeirrietu aalriety ,v sauricohu sa s Please read and enjoy the articles; we welcome your mmeethdoitdast ioton ,e nphraaynecre, finasdtiivnigd,u aaln sdp iprihtuyasilcitayl, seuxcehrc aisse . Pcleoamsem reenadts a anndd e fenejodyb tahcek .articles; we welcome your mCeledaitralyti, othne, rper iasy neor, sfinasgtlien gp,a tahn tdo apchhyiseivcea ls peixreitrucaisliet.y , comments and feedback. Ctlehaerrley , athree rme iasn nyo d siivnegrlsee p raotuht teos ;a caht iteivmee ssp itrhiteu aplaittyh, s Mubasher Ahmad thmearey saereem m taon bye d tiavnegrsleed r oanudte cso; natfl itcitmede.s the paths MEudbitaosrh-ienr- AChhmiefad may seem to be tangled and conflicted. Editor-in-Chief Countless questions arise about spirituality, for Ceoxuanmtlpesles, iqs utheest ‘sioonusl’ oarr tishee ‘sapbioriut’ ta rsepairliittyu?a lIist ya, ‘spfoirri - extuaaml pelxep, eisr itehnec ‘eso’ uml’e orer ltyh ea ‘sppsiyricth’ ao lroegaliictayl? pIsh ae n‘sopmirie-- tunaol ne, xopre riise nitc ea’ mreearle clyo nan pescyticohno lwogitihca ls opmheen hoimghee-r neoxnt,e ronra ils eint tiat yr?e Iasl scpoinrintueacltiitoyn a wpiothw esro mthea t hriegshideer s exwtietrhnina l meinntdit ya?n dIs hsepairritt,u aanlidty c aan p iot wbee rb tahlaant creedsi dweisth wtihthei enx mteirnnda la tnedm hpeoarratl, wanodrl dc?a Cna int boen eb aelnahnacnecde w spitihri - thtuea elxittye rwniathl toeumt pjooirnainl wg oarnldy? p Caarnti counlaer e rnehliagniocne? s Wpirhia-t tuisa ltithye w ‘Hitohloyu St pjoiriint’i?n gH aonwy pcaanrt iictu blaer rreelaigliizoend? Wthhaat t a isp tehrseo ‘nH,o al ym Sapni roitr’ ?a Hwoowm acna,n h aits baett arienaeldiz esdp irtihtuaat llay ? pDeroseosn ,a a s moualn/s oprir ait wlivoem oann , ahfates ra dtteapinaerdti nsgp irfirtoumal ltyh?e Dpoheyss aic aslo buol/dspy?ir Iift sloiv,e w ohna ta hftaeprp deenps atrot iint ga fftreorm de tahteh ? pChaynsi caa slo buol/dsyp?i rIift sboe, winhfuaste hda ipnptoen asn t aor titifi acfitaelrly d ienavtehn?t - Ceadn ian stoelulilg/sepnicriet ?b e infused into an artificially invent- ed intelligence? We can say without doubt that spirituality is a Wseu bcliamne scaoyn nweictthioonu tb edtowuebetn thhuamt asnp bireitiunaglist ya nids thae suDbivliimnee; cito nneneedcst itohne baecttiwvee einnt heruamctaionn b oefi nthges aDnivdi nthee in Drievsinpeo;n its en eteod hsu tmhea anc etiffvoe ritnst etora mctaiokne othf eth ceo Dninveinceti oinn . reInsp oorndseer ttoo hatutmaina na besffoolruttse t oce mrtaakinet yth teh acto Gnnoedc etixoisnt.s , InH oisr dreevre tloa taiottna iann adb Hsoisl ucotem cmerutaniincatyti othna wt Githo dth eex sisptisr,i - Htius arellvye elalattioedn iasn ad m Huiss ct.ommunication with the spiri- tually elated is a must. In this special issue of the Muslim Sunrise, we are Inp uthbilsis shpinegc itawl ois sbureie fo bf utth me aMgunsifilimce nStu enxrtirsaec, tws oe na trhee ptuhbelmishei nogf stpwiroit buraielitf yb furto mma tghnei fiwcreitnint gesx torfa tchtse oFno uthned - theer moef otfh sep iArihtumaalidtyiy fyroa mM tuhsel iwmr itCinogmsm ofu tnhiety F, oHuanzdra-t eMr iorfz at hGeh uAlhamm aAdhiymyaa dM (uassl)i,m t hCeo Pmrommuinsietdy, MHeaszsraiath Mainrzda thGeh Mulaahmd iA, ahlmonagd w(aitsh) ,o tthhee r Parrotimcliesse din tMenedsseida hto and the Mahdi, along with other articles intended to MUSLIMSUNRISE { 7 } [2017] MUSLIMSUNRISE { 7 } [2017] MMMUUUSSLSLILMIIMM S SUSUUNNNRRRISIISESEE, ,,S SPSPPRRRINIINNGGG 2 22000111777 EEEffffffooorrrttt a aannnddd N NNaaatttuuurrraaall l A AAppptttiitittuuudddeee t ttooo a aattttttaaaiininn EEExxxaaalltltteeeddd S SSpppiirirriitittuuuaaall l S SStttaaatttiioioonnn [[H[HHaaaqqqiqiiqqaaatt-t-u-uul-ll-W-WWaaahhhi,ii ,,R RRuuuhhhaaannni iiK KKhhhaaazzzaaa’i’n’iinn, ,,v vvoool.ll ..2 22222, ,,p pp. ..6 66888]]] EEEffffffooorrrttt a aannnddd N NNaaatttuuurrraaall l A AAppptttiitittuuudddeee t ttooo aaattttttaaaiininn E EExxxaaalltltteeeddd S SSpppiirirriitittuuuaaall l S SStttaaatttiioioonnn TTThhheeerreree a aarreree s sosoommmeee p ppeeeoooppplellee w wwhhhooo a aatttttataainiinn e eexxxaaaltllteteeddd s spsppiriirirtiitutuu--- aaal lls ststataattitoiioonnn w wwitiiththhooouuutt te eeffffffooorrtrt ta aannnddd s ststrtrirviivviniinnggg o oonnn t ththheeeiriir rp ppaaarrtrt.t .. TTThhheeeiriir rv vveeerryryy n nnaaattutuurreree i siis ss susuuccchhh t ththhaaatt tw wwitiiththhooouuutt ta aannnyyy e eeffffffooorrtrt to oorr r sststrtrirviivviniinnggg, ,, t ththheeeyyy l olloovvveee G GGoooddd a aannnddd c ccooommmeee t totoo h hhaaavvveee s susuuccchhh sspsppiriirirtiitutuuaaal llr rereelallaattitoiioonnnsshshhipiipp w wwitiiththh t ththheee H HHooolyllyy P PPrrorooppphhheeett t( (p(ppeeeaaaccceee aaannnddd b bblelleesssssisniinngggss s o ooff f A AAllllallaahhh b bbeee u uupppooonnn h hhimiimm)) ) a aass s c ccaaannn n nneeevvveeerr r bbbeee s susuurrprppaaassssseseeddd. .. A AAss s t titmiimmeee p ppaaassssseseess,s ,, t ththheeeiriir r i niinnnnneeerr r fi fifirreree o ooff f lolloovvveee f fofoorr rG GGoooddd c ccooonnnttitniinnuuueeess st totoo g ggrroroowww s ststrtroroonnngggeeerr ra aannnddd w wwitiiththh itiit tg ggrroroowwwss st ththheee fi fifirreree o ooff fl o lloovvveee f fofoorr rt ththheee H HHooolyllyy P PPrrorooppphhheeett t( (p(ppeeeaaaccceee aaannnddd b bblelleesssssisniinngggss s o ooff f A AAllllallaahhh b bbeee u uupppooonnn h hhimiimm.)..) ) I nIInn a aallll ll t ththheeessesee mmmaaattttteteerrsrs s G GGoooddd b bbeeecccooommmeeess s t ththheeeiriir r G GGuuuaaarrdrddiaiiaannn a aannnddd P PPrroroovvvi-ii-- dddeeennntt.t .. WWWhhheeennn tththhaaatt t fififirreree rrereeaaaccchhheeess s itiitsts s ccclillmiimmaaaxxx, ,, tththheeeyyy ffefeerrvrvveeennnttltyllyy d ddeeessisriireree t ththhaaatt tt ththheee g gglolloorryryy o ooff fG GGoooddd b bbeee m mmaaannnifiifefeesstst-t-- eeeddd u uupppooonnn t ththheee e eeaaarrtrththh, ,, a aannnddd t ththhisiis s b bbeeecccooommmeeess s t ththheeeiriir r g ggrrereeaaatt-t-- eeesstst td ddeeelillgiigghhhtt ta aannnddd t ththheeeiriir ru uultlltitmiimmaaattetee p ppuuurrprppooossesee. .T. TThhheeerrereeuuupppooonnn GGGoooddd’s’s’ s s sisgiiggnnnss s a aappppppeeeaaarr r f fofoorr r t ththheeemmm o oonnn t ththheee e eeaaarrtrththh. .. G GGoooddd AAAlmllmmigiigghhhttytyy d ddoooeeess s n nnooott t m mmaaannnifiifefeesstst t H HHisiis s g ggrraraannnddd s sisgiiggnnnss,s ,, n nnooorr r dddoooeeess sH HHeee c ccooonnnvvveeeyyy i niinnffofoorrmrmmaaattitoiioonnn o ooff fg ggrrereeaaatt tf fufuuttutuurreree e eevvveeennnttsts s ttotoo a aannnyyyooonnneee e eexxxccceeeppptt tt ththhooossesee w wwhhhooo a aarreree w wwhhhooollllyllyy l olloosstst ti niinn H HHisiis s lolloovvveee, ,, a aannnddd a aarreree a aass s d ddeeessisriiroroouuuss s o ooff f t ththheee m mmaaannnifiifefeesststataattitoiioonnn o ooff f HHHisiis s UUUnnnitiitytyy aaannnddd GGGlolloorryryy aaass s HHHeee HHHimiimmsseseelfllf f isiis.s .. T TThhheeeyyy aaarreree uuunnniqiiqquuueee bbbeeecccaaauuussesee sspsppeeeccciaiiaal ll DDDiviivviniinneee mmmyyysststeteerrireiieess s aaarreree rrereevvveeeaaalelleeddd t totoo t ththheeemmm a aannnddd t ththheee u uunnnsseseeeeennn i siis s d ddisiiscscclolloosseseeddd t totoo HHHaaazzzrraraatt tM MMiriirzrzzaaa G GGhhhuuulallaammm A AAhhhmmmaaaddd o ooff fQ QQaaadddiaiiaannn, ,, tththheeemmm w wwitiiththh t ththheee u uuttmtmmooosstst t c cclallaarrirtiitytyy. .. N NNooo o oonnneee e eelsllsesee i siis s h hhooonnn--- TTThhheee P PPrroroommmisiiseseeddd M MMeeesssssisaiiaahhh a aannnddd I mIImmaaammm M MMaaahhhdddi ii ( (a(aass)s)) ooorrereeddd i niinn t ththhisiis su uunnniqiiqquuueee w wwaaayyy. .. { {8{ 8 8} } } MMMUUUSSSLLILMIIMMS[S2[US[2U02UN010NN1R71R7]IR7S]I]SIESEE !"#$%!&#"'(%#)*&+,$$&-./0 !"#$%!&#"'(%#)*&+,$$&-./0 The importance of the initial verses of The importance of the initial verses of Surah Al-Mu’min and Ayatul Kursi Surah Al-Mu’min and Ayatul Kursi Friday Sermon delivered by Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (aba), on Feb 2nd 2018 Khalifatul Masih V (aba), on Feb 2nd 2018 The importance of the initial verses of Surah morning will be protected till the evening on account The importance of the initial verses of Surah morning will be protected till the evening on account Al-Mu’min and Ayatul Kursi of this. And whoever recites these verses in the Al-Mu’min and Ayatul Kursi of this. And whoever recites these verses in the evening will be protected till morning.” Ha-Mim is the evening will be protected till morning.” Ha-Mim is the At the beginning of his Friday Sermon Hazrat Khalifat- second verse of Surah Al-Mu’min, the first is ‘Bismilla At the beginning of his Friday Sermon Hazrat Khalifat- second verse of Surah Al-Mu’min, the first is ‘Bismilla ul Masih V (aba) recited the first four verses of Surah hirRahma nirRahim’ and Rahman and Rahim become ul Masih V (aba) recited the first four verses of Surah hirRahma nirRahim’ and Rahman and Rahim become AlA-Ml-Mu’um’mini na nandd v eversrese 2 25566 o of fS Suurarahh A Al-lB-Baaqqaarraahh.. cclleeaarr wwiitthh tthhee ttrraannssllaattiioonn.. “In“I nt hteh en anmame eo of fA Allallahh, ,t hthee G Graraccioiouuss, ,t thhee MMeerrccififuul.l . HHaa (T(hTeh eP rPariasieswewoortrhthy)y M) Mimim ( t(hthee L Loordrd o of fH Hoonnoorr)). .T Thhee r reevvee-- TThhee mmeeaanniinngg aanndd eexxppllaannaattiioonn ooff AAllllaahh’s’s aattttrriibbuuttee laltaiotino no fo ft hthisi sB Booook k isi s frforomm AAlllalahh, , tthhee MMigighhttyy, , tthhee AAll--HHaammeeeedd AlAl-lKl-nKonwowiningg, F, oForgrgiviever ro of fs isnin, ,A Acccceepptotorr o of fr reeppeennttaannccee,, SeSveevreer ein i np puunnisihshmmeennt,t t, hthee P Poosssseessssoor ro of fb boouunnttyy. .T Thheerree HHaazzrraatt KKhhaalliiffaattuull MMaassiihh VV ((aabbaa)) ssaaiidd;; HHaa--MMiimm a arree a accrroo-- is ins on oG Godo db buut tH He.e T. oTowwaardrds sH Himim i sis t hthee fi finnaal lr reettuurrnn ( (TThhee nnyymmss,, aallssoo kknnoowwnn aass HHuurruuff MMuuqqttttaa‘‘aatt.. HHeerree t thheeyy s sttaanndd HHoloyl yQ Quru’ar’nan, 4, 04:01:1-4-4)) ffoorr HHaammeeeedd aanndd MMaajjeeeedd.. HHaammeeeedd mmeeaannss tthhee oonnee wwoorrtthhyy ooff pprraaiissee aanndd ttoo wwhhoomm ttrruuee pprraaiissee bbeelloonnggss. .I nIn “A“lAlallha-ht-htehreer e isi s nnoo GGoodd sasavvee HHimim, , tthhee LLiviviningg, , tthhee ootthheerr wwoorrddss,, GGoodd aalloonnee iiss ttoo bbee pprraaiisseedd.. EExxpplalainininingg SeSlef-lSf-uSbusbissitsitningg anandd AAlll-lS-Suustsatainininingg. . SSlulummbbeerr sseeiizzeess tthhee wwoorrdd HHaammeeeedd,, HHaazzrraatt MMiirrzzaa GGhhuullaamm AAhhmmaadd oof f HHimim n onto, tn, noor rs lseleeepp. T. oTo H Himim b beelolonnggss w whhaattssooeevveerr iiss iinn QQaaddiiaann,, tthhee PPrroommiisseedd MMeessssiiaahh  ((aass)),, ssaayyss:: ““LLeett itit bbee thteh eh ehaevaevnens sa nandd w whhaatstosoeevveer ri sis i nin t hthee e eaarrtthh. .W Whhoo i iss h hee cclleeaarr tthhaatt HHaammdd iiss tthhee pprraaiissee tthhaatt iiss dduuee t too o onnee w woorrtthhyy thtahta td adraer ei nintetrecreceddee w witihth H Himim e exxcceepptt bbyy HHisis ppeerrmmiiss-- ooff pprraaiissee oonn aaccccoouunntt ooff hhiiss ggoooodd aaccttiioonn.”.” IItt a allssoo a apppplileiess siosino?n ?H He ek nknoowws sw whhaat t isi s bbeefoforere ththeemm aanndd wwhhaatt iiss ttoo oonnee wwhhoo hhaass mmaaddee aa ggiifftt oouutt ooff hhiiss oowwnn wwilill l aanndd bebheihnidn dt htehmem; ;a nandd t htheeyy eennccoommppaassss nnootthhiningg ooff HHiiss ddoonnee aa ffaavvoorr.. TTrruuee pprraaiissee iiss oonnllyy aapppplliiccaabbllee t too o onnee w whhoo knkonwowleldegdeg e execxeceppt t wwhhaat t HHee ppleleaasseess. . HHisis tthhrroonnee iiss tthhee ssoouurrccee ooff aallll ggrraaccee aanndd lliigghhtt aanndd ffaavvoorrss s soommeeoonnee exetxetnednsd so voevre rt hthe eh heeaavveenns sa anndd t hthee e eaarrtthh; ;a anndd t thhee c caarree wwiitthh ffuullll ccoonnsscciioouussnneessss aanndd nnoott jjuusstt uunnccoonnsscciioouusslyly o orr ofo ft htehmem b buurdrdenens sh himim n noot;t ;a anndd HHee isis tthhee HHigighh, , tthhee dduuee ttoo ssoommee ccoommppuullssiioonn.. OOnnllyy HHee iiss pprraaiisseewwoorrtthhyy, , GGreraeta.”t (.”T (hTeh eH Hoolyl yQ Quur’ra’ann, 2, 2:2:25566) ) aanndd oonnllyy HHee ttrruullyy ddeesseerrvveess pprraaiissee wwhhoo sshhoowwss kkinindd-- nneessss nnoott bbeeccaauussee ooff ssoommee nneeeedd oorr ssoommee uultlteerrioiorr Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) said; with regard to motive but continues to shower countless blessings Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) said; with regard to motive but continues to shower countless blessings these verses it is related in a Hadith narrated by Hazrat regardless of any compulsion. These meanings of these verses it is related in a Hadith narrated by Hazrat regardless of any compulsion. These meanings of Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Holy Prophet (sa) said: Hamd are only applicable to God who is All-Knowing, Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Holy Prophet (sa) said: Hamd are only applicable to God who is All-Knowing, “Whoever recites from Ha-Mim of Al-Mu’min up to All-Seeing. He is the true Benefactor, and all favors, “Whoever recites from Ha-Mim of Al-Mu’min up to All-Seeing. He is the true Benefactor, and all favors, ‘ilaihi al-maseer,’ and also recites Ayatul Kursi in the first to last, emanate from Him, and all praise belongs ‘ilaihi al-maseer,’ and also recites Ayatul Kursi in the first to last, emanate from Him, and all praise belongs {9} MMUUSSLLIIMMS[S2UU0N1NR7R]ISISEE {9} [2017]

The Muslim Sunrise is published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA,. 15000 Good For further details of the three types of Soul, read The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as). 13.
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