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Author Title Publisher Date Shelfmark Animal philosophy : essential readings in continental thought Continuum 2012 B105.A55 Ani. Eckert, Georg. "True, noble, Christian freethinking" : Leben und Werk Michael Ramsays Aschendorff 2009 B1384.R36 Eck. Sorabji, Richard. Animal minds & human morals : the origins of the Western debate Duckworth 1993 B187.M55 Sor. Nitsche, Jessica. Walter Benjamins Gebrauch der Fotografie Kulturverlag Kadmos 2010 B3209.B584 Nit. Hurley, S. L. (Susan L.) Consciousness in action Harvard University Press 2002 B808.9 Hur. Baz, Avner, 1964- When words are called for : a defense of ordinary language philosophy Harvard University Press 2012 B828.36 Baz. Cavender, Nancy. Logic and contemporary rhetoric : the use of reason in everyday life Wadsworth Cengage Learning 2014 BC177 Cav. Gerken, Mikkel. Epistemic reasoning and the mental Palgrave Macmillan 2013 BD161 Ger. Effingham, Nikk. Introduction to ontology Polity Press 2013 BD311 Eff. Sloterdijk, Peter, 1947- Bubbles : microspherology Semiotext(e) 2011 BD450 Slo. Nagel, Thomas, 1937- Mind and cosmos : why the materialist neo-Darwinian conception of Oxford University Press 2012 BD511 Nag. nature is almost certainly false Oxford handbook of personality and social psychology Oxford University Press 2014 BF131 Oxf. Treitel, Corinna. Science for the soul : occultism and the genesis of the German modern Johns Hopkins University Press 2004 BF1434.G5 Tre. Page, Sophie, 1972- Magic in the cloister : pious motives, illicit interests, and occult The Pennsylvania State University 2013 BF1593 Pag. approaches to the medieval universe Press Parry, Hugh, 1934- Thelxis : magic and imagination in Greek myth and poetry University Press of America 1992 BF1622.G8 Par. Brown, Sunni, Doodle revolution : unlock the power to think differently Portfolio/Penguin 2014 BF321 Bro. Development of future-oriented processes University of Chicago Press 1994 BF323.E8 Dev. Andrews, Molly, Narrative imagination and everyday life Oxford University Press 2014 BF408 And. Buzan, Tony. Mind map® book : unlock your creativity, boost your memory, change Pearson BBC Active 2010 BF408 Buz. your life Murphy, Peter, 1956- Imagination : three models of imagination in the age of the knowledge Peter Lang 2010 BF411 Mur. economy Buzan, Tony. Use your head : how to unleash the power of your mind Pearson 2010 BF431 Buz. Buzan, Tony. Embracing change : essential steps to make your future today BBC Active 2006 BF471 Buz. Krishnamurti, J. (Jiddu) Ending of time Harper & Row 1985 BF503 Kri. Handbook of emotion regulation The Guilford Press 2014 BF531 Han. Organization of attachment relationships : maturation, culture, and Cambridge University Press 2003 BF575.A86 Org. context Oxford handbook of personality assessment Oxford University Press 2009 BF698.4 Oxf. Seel, Martin. Aesthetics of appearing Stanford University Press 2005 BH39 See. Berthelot, Katell. Humanite de l'autre homme" dans la pensée juive ancienne Brill 2004 BJ1286.G64 Ber. Keel, Othmar, 1937- Göttinnen, Götter und Gottessymbole : neue Erkenntnisse zur Bibel + Orient Museum ; Academic 2012 BL1640 Kee. Religionsgeschichte Kanaans Press Religion in contemporary China : revitalization and innovation Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2013 BL1803 Rel. Takács, Sarolta A. Isis and Sarapis in the Roman world Brill 1995 BL2450.I7 Tak. White, David Gordon. Myths of the dog-man University of Chicago Press 1991 BL443.D64 Whi. O'Neill, Maura. Mending a torn world : women in interreligious dialogue Orbis Books 2007 BL458 One. Grimes, Ronald L., 1943- Craft of ritual studies Oxford University Press 2013 BL600 Gri. Myth and the polis Cornell University Press 1991 BL785 Myt. Collar, Anna, 1979- Religious networks in the Roman empire : the spread of new ideas Cambridge University Press 2013 BL805 Col. Symposium de Vani Sur les traces des Argonautes : actes du 6e Symposium de Vani Les Belles Lettres 1996 BL820.A8 Sym. Unbinding Medea : interdisciplinary approaches to a classical myth from Legenda 2010 BL820.M37 Unb. antiquity to the 21st century Schwartz, Daniel R. Studies in the Jewish background of Christianity J.C.B. Mohr 1992 BM176 Sch. Rites of passage : how today's Jews celebrate, commemorate, and Purdue University Press 2010 BM700 Rit. commiserate Kaplan, Aryeh Made in heaven : a Jewish wedding guide Moznaim Publishing 1983 BM713 Kap. Methods and contexts in the study of Muslim minorities : visible and Routledge 2012 BP65.A1 Met. invisible Muslims Brown, Peter Through the eye of a needle : wealth, the fall of Rome, and the making Princeton University Press 2012 BR162.3 Bro. of Christianity in the West, 350-550 AD Evangelical faith and the challenge of historical criticism SPCK 2013 BR1640 Eva. Davies, Catharine. Religion of the Word : the defence of the Reformation in the reign of Manchester University Press 2002 BR375 Dav. Edward VI Mamertinus Claudius Claudiani Mamerti opera apud C. Geroldi filium 1885 BR60 Cla. Quodvultdeus, Bishop Quodvultdeus of Carthage : the creedal homilies : conversion in fifth- Newman Press 2004 BR60 Quo. of Carthage century North Africa Behr, John, Irenaeus of Lyons : identifying Christianity Oxford University Press 2013 BR65.I64 Beh. Origen. Homilies on Joshua Catholic University of America 2002 BR65.O55 Ori. Press Dively Lauro, E. A. Soul and spirit of Scripture within Origen's exegesis Brill 2005 BR65.O68 Div. International Origeniana decima : Origen as writer : papers of the 10th International Uitgeverij Peeters 2011 BR65.O68 Int. Colloquium for Origen Origen Congress International Origeniana octava : Origen and the Alexandrian tradition Leuven University Press : Uitgeverij 2003 BR65.O68 Int. Colloquium for Origen Peeters Christianity in the Caribbean : essays on church history University of the West Indies Press 2001 BR655 Chr. English Episcopal acta British Academy / OUP 1980 BR750 Eng. Let us go up to Zion : essays in honour of H.G.M. Williamson on the Brill 2012 BS1171.3 Let. occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday Moberly, R. W. L., Old Testament theology : reading the Hebrew Bible as Christian Baker Academic a division of Baker 2013 BS1192.5 Mob. scripture Publishing Group Lange, Armin, 1961- Vom prophetischen Wort zur prophetischen Tradition Mohr Siebeck 2002 BS1198 Lan. European Association of Family and household religion : toward a synthesis of Old Testament Eisenbrauns 2014 BS1199.F32 Eur. Biblical Studies. studies, archaeology, epigraphy, and cultural studies Mathys, Hans-Peter. Liebe deinen Nachsten wie dich selbst : Untersuchungen zum Universitatsverlag ; Vandenhoeck & 1986 BS1255.2 Mat. alttestamentlichen Gebot der Nachstenliebe (Lev 19, 18) Ruprecht Warning, Wilfried. Literary artistry in Leviticus Brill 1999 BS1255.2 War. Luciani, Didier. Sainteté et pardon Leuven University 2005 BS1255.52 Luc. Origen. Homilies on Judges Catholic University of America 2010 BS1305 Ori. Goldingay, John, Psalms. Baker Academic 2006 BS1430.53 Gol. Witherington, Ben, III, New Testament rhetoric : an introductory guide to the art of persuasion Cascade Books 2009 BS2380 Wit. 1951- in and of the New Testament Deissmann, Adolf, Neutestamentliche Formel 'in Christo Jesu' Nabu Public Domain Reprints 2010 BS2385 Dei. Schröter, Jens, 1961- From Jesus to the New Testament : early Christian theology and the Baylor University Press 2013 BS2407 Sch. origin of the New Testament canon Beck, David R. Discipleship paradigm : readers and anonymous characters in the fourth Brill 1997 BS2440 Bec. Gospel Pennington, Jonathan Reading the Gospels wisely : a narrative and theological introduction Baker Academic 2012 BS2555.52 Pen. Moore, Stephen D. Empire and apocalypse : postcolonialism and the New Testament Sheffield Phoenix Press 2006 BS2585.52 Moo. Morgan, James M. Encountering images of spiritual transformation : the thoroughfare Wipf & Stock 2013 BS2589 Mor. motif within the plot of Luke-Acts Ridderbos, Herman N. Gospel according to John : a theological commentary William B. Eerdmans Pub. 1997 BS2615.3 Rid. John's gospel and intimations of apocalyptic Bloomsbury 2013 BS2615.52 Joh. Zumstein, Jean, 1944- Évangile selon saint Jean (13-21) Labor et Fides 2007 BS2615.53 Zum. Bartholomä, Philipp Johannine discourses and the teaching of Jesus in the Synoptics : Francke 2012 BS2615.6.F35 Bar. Schmauch, Werner. In Christus : eine Untersuchung zur Sprache und Theologie des Paulus C. Bertelsmann 1935 BS2651 Sch. Neugebauer, Fritz. In Christus = En Christōi : eine Untersuchung zum Paulinischen Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 1961 BS2655.F2 Neu. Glaubensverständnis Eastman, Brad, 1961- Significance of grace in the letters of Paul Peter Lang 1999 BS2655.G65 Eas. Dahl, Nils Alstrup. Studies in Paul : theology for the early Christian mission Wipf and Stock Publihsers 2002 BS2655.M57 Dah. 1 Corinthians : interpreted by early Christian commentators W.B. Eerdmans 2005 BS2675.53 Fir. Hays, Richard B. Faith of Jesus Christ : the narrative substructure of Galatians 3:1-4:11 W.B. Eerdmans ; Dove Booksellers 2002 BS2685.2 Hay. Morales, Rodrigo Jose, Spirit and the restoration of Israel : new exodus and new creation motifs Mohr Siebeck 2010 BS2685.52 Mor. 1976- in Galatians Varner, William C. Book of James a new perspective : a linguistic commentary applying Kress Biblical Resources 2010 BS2785.53 Var. discourse analysis Del Verme, Marcello. Didache and Judaism : Jewish roots of an ancient Christian-Jewish work T & T Clark International 2004 BS2940.T5 Del. Premières traditions de la Bible Editions du Zebre 1996 BS445 Pre. Powell, Mark Allan, Chasing the eastern star : adventures in biblical reader-response Westminster John Knox 2001 BS476 Pow. 1953- criticism Feldman, Louis H. Philo's portrayal of Moses in the context of ancient Judaism University of Notre Dame Press 2007 BS580.M6 Fel. Corduan, Winfried. Tapestry of faiths : the common threads between Christianity & world InterVarsity Press 2002 BT1230 Cor. religions Memories of Jesus : a critical appraisal of James D.G. Dunn's Jesus B & H Pub. Group 2010 BT301.9 Mem. remembered Janowiak, Paul, 1951- Standing together in the community of God : liturgical spirituality and Liturgical Press 2011 BT575 Jan. the presence of Christ Northcott, Michael Political theology of climate change William B. Eerdmans Publishing 2013 BT695.5 Nor. Macaskill, Grant. Union with Christ in the New Testament Oxford University Press 2013 BT751.3 Maca. Quash, Ben, Found theology : history, imagination and the Holy Spirit Bloomsbury 2013 BT77 Qua. Durham-Tübingen Auferstehung = Resurrection : the Fourth Durham-Tübingen Research Mohr Siebeck 2004 BT872 Dur. Research Symposium Symposium Oldendorp, C. G. A. Historie der caribischen Inseln Sanct Thomas, Sanct Crux und Sanct Jan VWB Verlag 2000 BV2848.V5 Old. Lampe, Armando. Mission or submission? : Moravian and catholic missionaries in the Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2001 BV2853.D8 Lam. Dutch Caribbean during the 19th century Dickson, J. N. Ian. Beyond religious discourse : sermons, preaching and evangelical Wipf & Stock Publishers 2007 BV4208.I73 Dic. Protestants in nineteenth-century Irish society White, Keith J. Growth of love : understanding five essential elements of child Bible Reading Fellowship 2011 BV639.C4 Whi. development Morrill, Bruce T. Encountering Christ in the Eucharist : the Paschal mystery in people, Paulist Press 2012 BV825.3 Mor. word, and sacrament Bossy, John. English Catholic community, 1570-1850 Darton Longman and Todd 1975 BX1492 Bos. Kadaliyil, Abraham, Toward a relational spirit ecclesiology in Asia : a study on the documents VDM Verlag Dr Muller 2009 BX1615 Kad. of the FABC International Theological Commission: Texts and Documents, 1969-1985 Ignatius Press 1989 BX1751.2.A1 Cat. Demacopoulos, George Invention of Peter : apostolic discourse and papal authority in late University of Pennsylvania Press 2013 BX1805 Dem. E., antiquity Hooker, Richard, 1553 Richard Hooker, works : index of names and works Medieval & Renaissance Texts & 1998 BX5037 Hoo. or 1554-1600. Studies Pilgrim pathways : essays in Baptist history in honour of B.R. White Mercer University Press 1999 BX6276 Pil. Hodge, Archibald Westminster Confession : a commentary Banner of Truth Trust 2002 BX9183 Hod. Alexander Asselt, W. J. van. Introduction to Reformed Scholasticism Reformation Heritage Books 2011 BX9422.3 Ass. Silver, Nate, 1978- Signal and the noise : the art and science of prediction Penguin Books 2013 CB158 Sil. Neue Testament nach den ältesten griechischen Handschriften Die Verlag Franz Philipp Rutzen ; Echter 2006 CD 37 handschriftliche griechische Überlieferung des Neuen Verlag Kockel, Ullrich. Regional culture and economic development : explorations in European Ashgate 2002 D1056 Koc. ethnology Burgess, R. W. (Richard Mosaics of time : the Latin chronicle traditions from the first century BC Brepols 2013 D54.5 Bur. W.), to the sixth century AD Celtic world Routledge 1995 D70 Cel. World at total war : global conflict and the politics of destruction, 1937- German Historical Institutes ; 2005 D743 Wor. 1945 Cambridge University Press Soh, Chunghee Sarah. Comfort women : sexual violence and postcolonial memory in Korea and University of Chicago Press 2008 D810.C698 Soh. Japan Muldowney, Mary. Second World War and Irish women : an oral history Irish Academic Press 2007 D810.W7 Mul. Grabowski, Kathryn. Chronicles and annals of medieval Ireland and Wales : the Boydell Press 1984 DA140 Gra. Clonmacnoise-group texts Brown, Michael, 1965- Disunited kingdoms : peoples and politics in the British Isles, 1280-1460 Pearson 2013 DA175 Bro. Holt, James Clarke. Colonial England, 1066-1215 Hambledon Press 1997 DA195 Hol. Moffat, Alistair, Scots : a genetic journey Birlinn 2012 DA757.5 Mof. Penman, Michael A., Robert the Bruce : king of the Scots Yale University Press 2014 DA783.4 Pen. Anglo-Irish identities, 1571-1845 Bucknell University Press 2008 DA925 Ang. O'Neill, Ciaran (Lecturer Catholics of consequence : transnational education, social mobility, and Oxford University Press 2014 DA950.1 One. in history), the Irish Catholic elite 1850-1900 Ireland and Scotland in the nineteenth century Four Courts Press 2009 DA964.S36 Ire. Dickson, David Dublin : the making of a capital city Profile Books 2014 DA995.D75 Dic. Dow, James R. Study of European ethnology in Austria Ashgate 2004 DB33 Dow. Society and culture in late antique Gaul : revisiting the sources Ashgate 2001 DC62 Soc. Archéologie des sanctuaires en Gaule romaine Publications de l'UniversiteÌ(cid:129) de 2000 DC63 Arc. Saint-Etienne Frankland : the Franks and the world of the early Middle Ages : essays in Manchester University Press 2012 DC64 Fra. honour of Dame Jinty Nelson United and divided : Germany since 1990 Berghahn Books 2004 DD289.5 Uni. McCoskey, Denise Race : antiquity and its legacy I.B. Tauris 2012 DF135 Macc. Byzantine small finds in archaeological contexts Ege Yayınları 2012 DF520 Byz. Titulus : studies in memory Dr. Stanisław Kalita Jagiellonian University Press 2004 DF78 Tit. Slater, Philip E. Glory of Hera : Greek mythology and the Greek family Princeton University Press 1992 DF93 Sla. Borg, Barbara, Crisis and ambition : tombs and burial customs in third-century CE Rome Oxford University Press 2013 DG103 Bor. Destephen, Sylvain. Prosopographie du Diocèse d'Asie, 325-641 Association des amis du Centre 2008 DG203.5 Des. d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance Prosopographie de la Gaule chrétienne (314-614) Association des amis du Centre 2013 DG203.5 Pro. d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance Toner, J. P., Roman disasters Polity Press 2013 DG78 Ton. Akdağ, Bedran, 1974- Dağın ardındaki gerçekler : PKK, korucular, JITEM, itirafçılar ve Ozan Yayıncılık 2012 DR435.K87 Akd. "diğerleri" Gruber, Ruth Ellen Upon the doorposts of thy house : Jewish life in East-Central Europe, Wiley 1994 DS135.E8 Gru. yesterday and today Gruber, Ruth Ellen, Virtually Jewish : reinventing Jewish culture in Europe University of California Press 2002 DS135.E83 Gru. Boyarin, Jonathan. Polish Jews in Paris : the ethnography of memory Indiana University Press 1991 DS135.F85 Boy. Kenez, Peter. Varieties of fear : growing up Jewish under Nazism and communism Authors Choice Press 2001 DS135.H93 Ken. Framing Jewish culture : boundaries and representations The Littman Library of Jewish 2014 DS143 Fra. Civilization Chora von Kyaneai : Untersuchungen zur politischen Geographie, Dr. Rudolf Habelt 2006 DS156.K92 Cho. Siedlungs- und Agrarstruktur des Yavu-Berglandes in Zentrallykien Bayburtluoğlu, Cevdet. Lycia Suna & İnan Kıraç Research 2004 DS156.L8 Bay. Institute on Mediterranean Civilizations Telhami, Shibley. World through Arab eyes : Arab public opinion and the reshaping of the Basic Books 2013 DS36.7 Tel. Middle East Pettigrew, Joyce J. M. Sikhs of the Punjab : unheard voices of State and guerrilla violence Zed 1995 DS485.P88 Pet. Assyrian heritage : threads of continuity and influence Uppsala Universitet 2012 DS59.A75 Ass. China learns from the Soviet Union, 1949-present Lexington Books 2010 DS740.5.S65 Chi. Thorp, Robert L., 1946- China in the early bronze age : Shang civilization University of Pennsylvania Press 2006 DS744.2 Tho. Hillsborough, R. Shinsengumi : the shogun's last samurai corps Tuttle 2005 DS881.4 Hil. Neary, Ian. State and politics in Japan Polity Press 2002 DS881.9 Nea. Han, Jung-Sun N., 1970- Imperial path to modernity : Yoshino Sakuzō and a new liberal order in Harvard University Asia Center 2012 DS885.5.Y6 Han. East Asia, 1905-1937 Deuchler, Martina, Confucian transformation of Korea : a study of society and ideology Council on East Asian Studies 1992 DS913.27 Deu. 1935- Harvard University Ryzova, Lucie, Age of the efendiyya : passages to modernity in national-colonial Egypt Oxford University Press 2014 DT107.82 Ryz. Black women in antiquity Transaction Books 1988 DT14 Bla. Behrens-Abouseif, Doris Practising diplomacy in the Mamluk Sultanate : gifts and material I.B. Tauris 2014 DT96 Beh. culture in the medieval Islamic world Patterson, Brad, Unpacking the kists : the Scots in New Zealand McGill-Queen's University Press 2013 DU424.5.S3 Pat. Akers, Matthew Marina Abramovic The Artist is Present [DVD] Dogwoof 2012 DVD ABR After Hiroshima mon amour N.p.] 2008 DVD AFT Arne Dahl the complete first season. Arrow Films 2013 DVD ARN Beasts the complete series Network : Granada Ventures 2006 DVD BEA Bridge the complete season one Arrow Films 2012 DVD BRI Children of the stones the complete sereis Network : Granada Ventures 2011 DVD CHI Paul Delvaux the sleepwalker of Saint-Idesbald Arthaus Musik 2012 DVD DEL Escape into night the complete series Network DVD : Granada Ventures 2009 DVD ESC Feathered serpent the complete series Network : Freemantle Media 2011 DVD FEA Returned Universal Studios 2013 DVD RET Sky the complete series Network : Granada Ventures 2009 DVD SKY Top of the lake 2 Entertain 2013 DVD TOP Waste land Entertainment One 2011 DVD WAS Preserving the recent past Historic Preservation Education 1995 E159 Pre. Foundation Preserving the recent past 2 Historic Preservation Education 2000 E159 Pre. Foundation Rabinowitz, Or. Bargaining on nuclear tests : Washington and its Cold War deals Oxford University Press 2014 E183.8.R8 Rab. Resistance to tyrants, obedience to God : reason, religion, and Lexington Books 2013 E210 Res. republicanism at the American founding Meacham, Jon. American lion : Andrew Jackson in the White House Random House Trade 2009 E382 Mea. Factional competition and political development in the New World Cambridge University Press 2003 E59.P73 Fac. Mercredi, Ovide In the rapids : navigating the future of First Nations Viking 1993 E78.C2 Mer. Alperovitz, Gar. Atomic diplomacy : Hiroshima and Potsdam : the use of the atomic Pluto Press 1994 E813 Alp. bomb and the American confrontation with Soviet power Sheinin, David. Consent of the damned : ordinary Argentinians in the Dirty War University Press of Florida 2013 F2849.2 She. Nicholson, Colin Papers of Francis Bernard: Governor of Colonial Massachusetts, 1760- Colonial Society of Massachusetts 2013 F67.B47 Pap. 1769. Volume 3 Papers of Francis Bernard : Governor of colonial Massachusetts, 1760-69 Colonial Society of Massachusetts 2007 F67.B47 Pap. Gleitman, Henry. Psychology W.W. Norton and Company 2011 Folio BF121 Gle. Oxford guide to the historical reception of Augustine Oxford University Press 2013 Folio BR65.A9 Oxf. Driesch, Angela von Guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites Peabody Museum 1976 Folio CC79.5.A5 Dri. Ashton, Sally-Ann. Roman egyptomania : a special exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum Golden House Publications 2004 Folio DG211 Ash. Babylon : Mythos & Wahrheit. Hirmer ; Staatliche Museen Berlin 2008 Folio DS69.B4 Bab. Tapp, Nicholas, 1952- Tribal peoples of Southwest China : Chinese views of the other within White Lotus Press 2003 Folio DS731.M5 Tap. Jamieson, Andrew Tell Ahmar III : Neo-Assyrian pottery from Area C Peeters 2012 Folio DS99.T54 Jam. Freed, Joann, 1943- Bringing Carthage home : the excavations of Nathan Davis, 1856-1859 Oxbow 2011 Folio DT269.C33 Fre. Hald, Margrethe, 1897- Ancient Danish textiles from bogs and burials : a comparative study of National Museum of Denmark 1980 Folio GN780.22.D4 costume and Iron Age textiles Hal. Miles, Matthew B. Qualitative data analysis : a methods sourcebook SAGE Publications Inc. 2014 Folio H62 Mil. Global cement report / Tradeship Publications, 2013 Folio HD9622.A2 Glo. Whitaker, Jan. Department store : history, design, display Thames & Hudson 2011 Folio HF5461 Whi. Doing critical literacy : texts and activities for students and teachers Routledge 2014 Folio LB1576 Doi. Braco Dimitrijević : if one looks from the Moon there is no distance Umberto Allemandi & C. 2012 Folio N7253.D54 Bra. between the Louvre and the Zoo. Concrete : Fotografie und Architektur = photography and architecture Scheidegger & Spiess 2013 Folio NA2543.P46 Con. Freedman, Luba, Titian's portraits through Aretino's lens Pennsylvania State University Press 1995 Folio ND1329.T54 Fre. Shanghai bo wu guan. Hua rong shi mao : Shanghai bo wu guan cang Ming Qing ren wu hua Xianggang da xue mei shu guan 2001 Folio NK1068 Sha. Pottery and social dynamics in the Mediterranean and beyond in Archaeopress 2013 Folio NK4142 Pot. medieval and post-medieval times Hu, Philip K. Later Chinese bronzes : the Saint Louis Art Museum and Robert E. Saint Louis Art Museum 2008 Folio NK7983.A1 Hu. Kresko Collections Essays in honor of C. Bradford Welles. American Society of Papyrologists 1966 Folio PA3342 Ess. Brustad, Kristen. Kitāb fī taʻallum al-ʻArabīyah, maʻa aqrāṣ DVD. Georgetown University Press 2004 Folio PJ6307 Bru. Silting problems in Hydro Power Plants : proceedings, 1st international A.A. Balkema 2000 Folio QE571 Int. conference, 13-15 October 1999, New Delhi Zuur, Alain F. Zero inflated models and generalized linear mixed models with R Highland Statistics Ltd. 2012 Folio QH541.15.S72 Zuu. Hopkin, Stephen P. Key to the Collembola (springtails) of Britain and Ireland FSC 2007 Folio QL503.A1 Hop. Bellairs, Ruth. Atlas of chick development Elsevier 2005 Folio QL959 Bel. Kenakin, Terrence P. Pharmacology primer : theory, applications, and methods Academic Press/Elsevier 2009 Folio RM301.25 Ken. Farrelly, David, 1938- Book of bamboo Sierra Club Books 1984 Folio SB317.B2 Far. Shaw, Joseph W. Minoan architecture : materials and techniques Bottega d'Erasmo 2009 Folio TH16 Sha. Kon, Michiko. Michiko Kon : still lifes Aperture 1997 Folio TR654 Kon. Kon, Michiko. Michiko Kon : still lifes Aperture 1997 Folio TR654 Kon. Shetland textiles : 800 BC to the present Shetland Heritage Publications 2013 Folio TS1615.S38 She. Beijing tu shu guan. Visible traces : rare books and special collections from the National Published by the Queens Borough 2000 Folio Z1029 Bei. Library of China Public Library Becker, Ernest. Denial of death Souvenir Press 2011 Gb 161 Sustainability practitioner's guide to input-output analysis Common Ground Pub. 2010 GE195 Sus. Routledge handbook of mobilities Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2014 GF41 Rou. Dowie, Mark. Conservation refugees : the hundred-year conflict between global MIT Press 2011 GF50 Dow. conservation and native peoples Mulcahy, Matthew Hurricanes and society in the British Greater Caribbean, 1624-1783 Johns Hopkins University Press 2008 GF526 Mul. Finlay, Graeme, 1953- Human evolution : genes, genealogies and phylogenies Cambridge University Press 2013 GN281 Fin. Tattersall, Ian. Monkey in the mirror : essays on science and what makes us human Harcourt 2002 GN281 Tat. Sanjek, Roger, 1944- Ethnography in today's world : color full before color blind University of Pennsylvania Press 2014 GN345 San. Stringer, Martin D. Contemporary western ethnography and the definition of religion Continuum 2008 GN470 Str. Rules, decisions, and inequality in egalitarian societies Avebury 1988 GN492.2 Rul. Earle, Timothy K. Bronze Age economics : the beginnings of political economies Westview Press 2002 GN778 Ear. Butler, J. J, 1921- Bronze Age connections across the North Sea : a study in prehistoric J.B. Wolters 1963 GN778.2.A1 But. trade and industrial relations between the British Isles, the Netherlands, North Albala, Ken, 1964- Food in early modern Europe Greenwood Press 2003 GT2853.E85 Alb. Chastanet, François. Pixação : São Paulo signature XG Press 2007 GT3913.33 Cha. Feasts : archaeological and ethnographic perspectives on food, politics, Smithsonian Institution Press 2001 GT3930 Fea. and power Roman toilets : their archaeology and cultural history Peeters 2011 GT476 Rom. Crawford, Chris, 1950- Art of computer game design : [reflections of a master game designer] Osborne/McGraw-Hill 1984 GV1469.2 Cra. Dínzel, Rodolfo. Tango, una danza : esa ansiosa búsqueda de la libertad Corregidor 2011 GV1796.T3 Din. Carver, Sonora. Girl and five brave horses Martino Pub. 2009 GV1831.H8 Car. Sporting bodies, damaged selves : sociological studies of sports-related Elsevier 2004 GV706.5 Spo. injury Charmaz, Kathy, 1939- Constructing grounded theory SAGE 2014 H61.24 Cha. Wolff, Jonathan. Human right to health W.W. Norton & Co. 2013 H61.24 Cha. Stake, Robert E. Standards-based & responsive evaluation Sage 2004 H62 Sta. Bacchi, Carol Lee. Analysing policy : what's the problem represented to be? Pearson 2009 H97 Bac. Economics of networks : interaction and behaviours Springer 1998 HB133 Eco.

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