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r. ksatrio adi harsanto-fah PDF

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THE TRANSLATION CRITICISM OF POETICAL EXPRESSION IN VLADIMIR NABOKOV’S LOLITA OF ANTON KURNIA (VIEWED FROM NEWMARK’S CONCEPT) A Thesis Submitted to Letters and Humanitites Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Strata One Degree (S1) R. KSATRIO ADI HARSANTO 109026000147 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF ADAB AND HUMANITIES STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2014 ABSTRACT R. Ksatrio Adi Harsanto, The Translation Criticism of Poetical Expression in Vladimir Nabokov‘s Lolita of Anton Kurnia (Viewed From Newmark‘s Concept). Thesis: English Letters Department. Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014. This research is focused on the translation field, especially about translation criticism of poetical expression in Lolita. The objective of the research is to find out how the translation criticism applied on poetical expression translation in the novel from English into Indonesian. Qualitative descriptive research, especially content analysis, is employed as the method of the research in order to reach the objective of the research above. Then, the instrument of the research is the writer himself as a prime instrument in collecting data by criticizing and assessing the types of translation criticism of the poetical expression in the novel. In order to process the data, Newmark‘s theory in translation criticism is adopted as the main reference of the research. The criticism classification such as translation as a science, translation as a craft, translation as an art, and translation as a taste are embraced to present and analyze the corpus of the research. Besides, there are other supporting theories to espouse the research‘s notion, which are poetry and poetical expression theory by Herman J. Waluyo and Roman Jakobson. Eventually, the application of translation criticism theory can be implemented in a structured manner on the poetical expression of the novel which started with reading the source language and target language version of the novel, identifying the specified parts in each verse, comparing and contrasting the translation and the English version in a table, classifying the data which have been collected, and concluding the data analysis in terms of the translation criticism theory. The result can be obtained from these steps and it shows that the criticism is classified as good. There are ten data which have been collected from the novel, and it has been classified into three expression forms; memory, longing, and disappointment. All the data is processed by the theories mentioned above, and as a result, the memory expression and disappointment expression data scores 71,25 while the longing expression scores 95. In other words, the translator has succeeded to transfer the meaning and beauty of the poetical expression from English into Indonesian, it is proved by good word selection, meaning‘s clarity, and expression‘s sublimity found in the data. So, the reader will understand quite easily when enjoying the poetical expression contained in the novel without having much hesitation or confusion. i ii iii DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due to acknowledgement has been made in the text. Jakarta, May 2014 R. Ksatrio Adi Harsanto iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, the writer would like to express his greatest and highest gratitude to Allah SWT because this research would be impossible without any guidance and endless love from Him. All the praise is also sent to Prophet Muhammad SAW who had delivered the truth to human beings in general and Muslim in particular. In arranging this research, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice, support, and even remark that had helped the writer. In this valuable chance, the researcher aims to express his gratitude and appreciation to all of them. First of all, an appreciation goes to the writer‘s parents, Hendra Kurnia and Srie Hartuty, for all their pray and support. A tribute is also sent to the writer‘s brothers and sisters, Mbak Tallya, Mas Didit, Mbak Tannya, Mas Damar, and Mbak Ranti. This research also could not be completed without a great deal of help from the related parties. It‘s such an honour to express gratitude to Prof. Dr. Oman Fathurahman, M. Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Drs. Saefuddin, M. Pd, the Head of English Letters Department, and Mrs. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department. A sincere appreciation is also sent to Mrs. Danti Pudjiati M.M., M. Hum, as the writer‘s advisor, who has given help, advice, suggestion, addition, correction, and motivation since the preliminary of manuscript until the completion of this research. The warmest regards is also addressed to all of the lecturers in English Department for any advice, motivation, and useful v knowledge. Not to forget to all the staffs either in Department or in Faculty who have helped the writer in managing all formal needs during this research arrangement. The writer‘s thankfulness also goes to Kiki, Meilanti, Aris, Fitri, and Yuni, for all their laughter, pray, motivation, and for being places to share all the time. A happy hello is also addressed to all his friends in English Letters Department who cannot be mentioned here one by one, particulary to Asa, Anisa, Navita, Fida, Iie, Stella, Satya, Mila, Ana Diana, Nopi, Syifa, and Ana Gustiana for witty and joyous days to date. May Allah always bless us. In addition, the writer realizes that this research is far from perfect, that is why the writer would like to accept any corrections or suggestions for this research to be better. The writer hopes that this research will come in handy to all translation enthusiasts, especially in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Jakarta, May 2014 The Writer vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT............................................................................................................i APPROVEMENT..................................................................................................ii LEGALIZATION.................................................................................................iii DECLARATION...................................................................................................iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................................................v TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1 A. Background of the Research...................................................1 B. Focus of the Research.............................................................5 C. Research Question...................................................................5 D. Objective of the Research.......................................................6 E. Significance of the Research...................................................6 F. Methodology of the Research.................................................6 1. Method of the Research...........................................6 2. Unit of Analysis.......................................................7 3. Technique of Data Collection..................................7 4. Technique of Data Analysis.....................................7 5. Instrument of the Research......................................7 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK.............................................8 A. Translation............................................................................8 1. Definition of Translation..........................................8 2. Criticism of Translation...........................................9 a. Criteria for Criticism of Translation..........10 b. Plan of Criticism........................................12 c. Marking a Translation............................................13 B. Poetry.................................................................................16 1. Definition of Poetry...............................................16 2. Definition of Poetical Expression..........................17 a. Referential Function..................................18 b. Emotive or Expressive Function...............18 vii c. Conative Function.....................................18 d. Phatic Function..........................................18 e. Metalingual Function.................................18 f. Poetic Function..........................................19 3. Translation of Poetical Expression.........................20 4. Structure of Poetry.................................................20 a. Physical Structure of Poetry.......................21 b. Mental Structure of Poetry.........................25 CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS.........................................................27 A. Data Description................................................................27 1. The Expression of Humbert Humbert‘s Memory..27 2. The Expression of Humbert Humbert‘s Longing..29 3. The Expression of Humbert Humbert‘s Disappointment......................................................31 B. Data Analysis.....................................................................32 1. The Expression of Humbert Humbert‘s Memory..33 a. Data 1........................................................33 b. Data 2........................................................35 c. Data 3........................................................37 2. The Expression of Humbert Humbert‘s Longing..................................................................39 a. Data 1.........................................................39 b. Data 2.........................................................42 c. Data 3.........................................................44 d. Data 4.........................................................46 3. The Expression of Humbert Humbert‘s Disappointment......................................................49 a. Data 1.........................................................49 b. Data 2.........................................................51 c. Data 3.........................................................53 C. Discussion..........................................................................54 viii 1. The Expression‘s Criticism of Humbert Humbert‘s Memory..................................................................54 2. The Expression‘s Criticism of Humbert Humbert‘s Longing..................................................................55 3. The Expression‘s Criticism of Humbert Humbert‘s Disappointment......................................................56 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.....................................57 A. Conclusion..........................................................................57 B. Suggestion..........................................................................58 BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................60 APENDICES.........................................................................................................63 ix

First of all, an appreciation goes to the writer's parents, Hendra Kurnia and. Srie Hartuty, for all their .. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rabs. create a variety of solutions and digest the author's mean rather than he or she wrote in .. which depicts God who love to flip through human
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