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Preview r and Sr/Mg ratios of Late Devonian abiotic marine calcite

Gaxhimtco et Cosmochimica Acta Vol. 55, pp. 1991-2010 0016-7037/91/$3.00 + 30 thgirypoC 63 1991 Pqamon Press pk. detnirP ni .A.S.U OP ,seulav r%‘/rS‘* dna gM/rS soitar of etaL nainoveD citoiba eniram :eticlac Implications rof eht composition of tneicna retawaes SCOTT J. RETEP ~,NEDLOH LYNN M. ’,RETLAW CARPENTER,’ IL C ~HMANN,’ DET J. ’,NOTSUH dna XELA N. ~YADILLAH tnemtrapeD‘ of lacigoloeG ,secneicS ytisrevinU of ,nagihciM nnA ,robrA IM ,3601-90184 USA tnemtrapeD‘ of Earth dna Space ,secneicS ,ALCU Los ,selegnA AC -42009 ,7651 USA (Received April 26, 1990; accepted in revisedf orm April 29, 199 1) etaL-tcartsbA nainoveD )nainsarF( citoiba eniram eticlac has neeb delpmasorcim dna dezylana for R’Sr/*6Sr ,soitar 6’*0 dna d13C ,seulav dna ronim tnemele .snoitartnecnoc snoitroP of eniram tnemec slatsyrc morf the atreblA dna gninnaC snisaB evah escaped citenegaid noitaretla dna evreserp lanigiro eniram 081S seulav 0%8.4-f + 0.5, PDB), C3iS seulav 0.2+( ot ,b0.3+ PDB), *‘Sr/*6Sr soitar (0.70805 + 3), dna gM/rS thgiew soitar (0.04 ot 0.05). eniraM s7Sr/86Sr soitar are yllabolg tnetsisnoc dna nac eb detalerroc nihtiw the atreblA ,nisaB dna gnoma the ,atreblA ,gninnaC dna notsilliW .snisaB noitalerroC of cipotosi dna lacimehc data nehtgnerts the noisulcnoc that eniram stnemec morf the cudeL noitamroF evreserp lanigiro eniram d180 seulav hcihw are 3 ot 4% rewol naht those of nredom eniram .stnemec esehT wol &‘8O seulav are tseb denialpxe yb noitatipicerp morf detelped-O“ seawater dna ton yb detavele seawater erutarepmet or citenegaid .noitaretla roF nosirapmoc htiw nainoveD data, suogolana data were detcelloc morf enecoloH eticlac-gM dna etinogara eniram stnemec morf katewenE ,llotA Map .sdnalsI eticlacgM dna etinogara eniram stnemec are ni cipotosi muirbiliuqe htiw tneibma seawater, dna eticlac-gM stnemec are suoenegomoh htiw respect ot Sr dna Mg .stnetnoc yllaciripmE devired suoenegomoh noitubirtsid stneiciffeoc for Mg dna Sr ni ,medom citoiba eticlac-gM morf katewenE llotA are 0.034 dna 0.15, .ylevitcepser nA noitauqe gnibircsed the ecnedneped of ,,>r no Mg tnetnoc was desab no a noitalipm~ of Sr dna Mg data morf enecoloH citoiba eniram eticlac (& = 3.52 X 6m01 mpp( Mg) + 6.20 X 10s3). ekilnU that devired morf latnemirepxe data, siht gM-rS noitaler si tnetsisnoc revo a egnar of 4 ot 20 %lom 30CgM dna yam tneserper noitatipicerp anemonehp hcihw are yllaminim dellortnoc yb citenik effects. nosirapmoC of Sr dna Mg stnetnoc of suogolana nainoveD dna enecoloH eniram stnemec stseggus that the Mg/Ca oitar of Late nainoveD seawater was yltnacifingis rewol dna that the Sr/Ca oitar was yltnacifingis rehgih naht that of medom seawater. NOTICUDORTNI >( %0.2- PDB), gnitacidni a dipar esaercni ni 6’*0 seulav at the dne of the nainoveD REZIEV( et ,.la ;6891 PPOP et ,.la ;a6891 NNAMHOL dna ,REKLAW ;9891 .giF .)I SMSINAHCEM ELBISNOPSER for the noitairav ni 08I& seulav snoitanalpxE offered for the wol S”O seulav of rewol -aP of tneicna eniram slarenim evah gnol neeb the sucof of etabed ciozoel eniram slarenim egnar morf detavele seawater -met gnoma elbats epotosi ,stsimehcoeg ,stsigolotnoelap dna -loeg serutarep (e.g., UHRAK dna ,NIETSPE 1986,1990), ot egnahcxe .stsigo S~A~ELHEUM dna NOTYALC (1976) dna YROGERG htiw citenegaid sdiulf (e.g., dna ,NIETSPE 1962), ot dna ROLYAT (1981) deugra that the 5’*0 eulav of seawater DEGENS noitatipicerp morf detelped-O*‘ seawater (e.g., ,REBEW ;7691 si dereffub at yletamixorppa Ok )WOMS( eud ot a ecnalab ,ZTIRF ;1791 YRREP dna ;2791 REZIEV et ,.la ;6891 of -wol dna erutarepmet-hgih egnahcxe snoitcaer htiw latsurc TAN, NNAMHOL dna ,REKLAW ;9891 ,YRREP 1990). gnisU -moc etacilis .slarenim ,revewoH TTERRAB dna NESHCIRDEIRF denib cihpargortep dna lacimehc ,seuqinhcet citenegaid -la (1989) tseggus that wol erutarepmet egnahcxe snoitcaer yam noitaret ro/dna noitavreserp of eniram eticlac nac eb assessed etanimod ni emos etiloihpo ,secneuqes gniylpmi a elbissop yltcerid (e.g., NEVIG dna ,NNAMHOL ;5891 PPOP et ,.la cipotosi ecnalabmi neewteb the snoitcaer gn~o~noc the a”0 ;b,a6891 RETNEPRAC dna ,NNAMHOL 1989). nI ,noitidda eulav of seawater. noitaulaveeR of cinaeco negyxo sexulf yb labolg noitalerroc of ylsuolamona wol 6180 seulav for eniram DNALLOH (1984) setacidni that the 6”O eulav of Seawater eticlac of a nevig age dluoc worran the egnar of elbissop -xe yam egnahc erom yldipar naht proposed yb SHCABNELHEUM snoitanalp ot detavele seawater serutarepmet ro/dna -ed-O“ dna (1976). nI tsartnoc ot a tnatsnoc S”O eulav CLAYTON detelp seawater. for seawater, eniram slarenim morf ciozorenahP age rocks detanidrooC tnemerusaem of 87Sr/86Sr ,soitar 6180 dna 613C evah ylhgih elbairav S’*O seulav (e.g., SHEMESH et ,.la ;3891 ,seulav dna ronim tnemele snoitartnecnoc morf the emas zuL et ,.la ;4891 UHRAK dna ,NIETSPE ;6891 REZIEV et ,.la elpmas or lacitnedi stilps sedivorp a lufrewop dohtem for i 986). nI the ciozorenahP record, nainoveD-nairbmaC -am gniyfitnauq kcor-retaw snoitcaretni ni eniram setanobrac (e.g., enir setanobrac evah wol 6’*0 seulav <( 0%0.4- PDB) dna RENNAB et ,.la ;8891 MEYERS, ;9891 IYNAVODLOM et ,.la nainoveD-tsop eniram setanobrac evah rehgih 6”O seulav ;0991 ,OAG ;0991 RENNAB dna ,NOSNAH 1990). nI ,noitidda 1991 1992 .S .J retnepraC te .la PHANEROZOIC MARINE CEMENTS :. -NAINOVED SUOREFJNOBRAC TRANSITJON 0 001 200 300 400 500 600 AGE (Ma) .GIF 1. 0s’h .sv 6')C tolp fo ciozorenahP eniram tnemec data gnitciped eht citamard egnahc ni eht 0s’d seulav fo eniram eticlac gnirrucco at eht dne fo eht .nainoveD htoB eht tesni tolp dna eht niam tolp etacidni taht C°6 seulav osla egnahc at siht ,emit suht gnidivid etaL-erp nainoveD dna etal-tsop nainoveD eniram setanobrac .snoitisopmoc nI eht ,tesni dellif selcric tneserper nairbmaC hguorht nainoveD eniram tnemec data dna nepo selcric tneserper -tsop nainoveD eniram tnemec .atad deifidoM morf NNAMHOL dna REKLAW (1989). r%/rS’s soitar fo devreserp-llew eniram setanobrac nac osla era yllacigoloib detaidem dna ylbaborp do ton tcelfer the eb desu rof cihpargitartsomehc noitalerroc (e.g., KCINPEOK lacimehc dna cipotosi noitisopmoc of the seawater morf et ,.la ;5891 OLOAPED dna ,MARGNI ;5891 REMLAP dna EL- hcihw yeht etatipicerp (e.g., ,REFEW ;5891 REZIEV et ,.la ;6891 ,DLEIFRED ;5891 dna ,OLOAPED 1990). noitalipmoC HSUR dna ,ZTEFAHC 1990). oT diova elbissop lacigoloib CAPO of hcus data nac enifed gnol mret raluces snoitairav ni eniram noitanoitcarf or lativ“ effects” we evah desucof ruo sesylana *‘Sr/s%r soitar for noitanimaxe of labolg muitnorts sexulf no citoiba eniram eticlac or eniram stnemec (e.g., ZELAZNOG (e.g., REZIEV dna ,NOTSPMOC ;4791 ,SSARB ;6791 EKRUB et dna ,NNAMHOL 1985). roF ,nosirapmoc sesylana of -co-oc ,.la 1982). ,revewoH citenegaid noitaretla dna poor laropmet gnirruc dopoihcarb selpmas evah neeb edam nehw .elbissop noituloser of ciozoelaP dna ciozoseM selpmas ekam etarucca stpmettA ot niartsnoc the cipotosi dna lacimehc -opmoc noitinifed of raluces snoitairav tahwemos erom .tluciffid nI noitis of tneicna seawater gnisu a yxorp ,rotacidni hcus as these cases, noitaulave of citenegaid ,noitaretla gnilpmas htiw eniram ,eticlac yler no ruo gnidnatsrednu of processes hcihw hgih laropmet ,noituloser dna labolg noitalerroc of data are lortnoc the noitisopmoc ofthe detatipicerp phase. ,eroferehT ,dedeen ,eroferehT detanidrooc cipotosi dna ronim tnemele setamitse of the 6’*0 eulav dna the Sr/Ca dna Mg/Ca ralom sisylana of selpmasorcim woleb( the elacs of citenegaid -teh soitar of nainoveD seawater are a noitcnuf of elpmas -serp )ytienegore morf ylluferac detceles eniram setanobrac si -mi noitavre dna ruo egdelwonk of noitubirtsid stneiciffeoc for evitarep ni yletarucca gninimreted raluces snoitairav ni the eticlac ni latnemirepxe dna larutan .smetsys noitisopmoc of seawater. ehT esoprup of siht yduts si ot enimreted the yramirp 6’*0 nI tnecer ,sraey there has neeb etabed revo the eciohc of dna Z%’6 ,seulav *7Sr/86Sr ,soitar dna ronim tnemele stnetnoc gnizylana citoiba or citoib eniram etanobrac as yxorp -idni of citoiba eniram eticlac ni two Late nainoveD )nainsarF( cators of tneicna naeco .yrtsimehc euD ot rieht elbats wol reefs morf the atreblA nisaB of nretsew adanaC .giF( 2). roF eticlac-gM ,sllehs sdopoihcarb evah neeb the sucof of ynam the esoprup of labolg ,noitalerroc Late nainoveD eniram -ec lacimehcoeg seiduts (e.g., ,MATSNEWOL 196 ;1 REZIEV dna stnem morf the gninnaC nisaB of ailartsuA are osla .dezylana ,NOTSPMOC ;4791 REZIEV et ,.la ;6891 PPOP et ,.la ;b,a6891 oT edivorp a evitarapmoc enilesab for nainoveD eniram -ec ,DNARB ;9891 HSUR dna ,ZTEFAHC 1990). ,revewoH the ,stnem enecoloH citoiba hgih eticlac-gM (HMC) dna -ara lacimehcoib processes of dopoihcarb llehs noitatipicerp are etinog )GARA( morf katewenE llotA are dezylana gnisu a llits ni noitseuq dna llehs eticlac yam or yam ton eb ni negyxo ralimis recart-itlum approach. esehT ,stnemerusaem together epotosi muirbiliuqe htiw tneibma seawater (e.g., -NEWOL htiw latnemirepxe dna laciripme data, are desu ot niartsnoc ,MATS ;1691 TREBEIH et ,.la ;8891 RETNEPRAC dna -HOL the 6’*0 eulav dna Sr dna Mg stnetnoc of Late nainoveD ,NNAM 1990). ehT 613C seulav dna ronim tnemele stnetnoc seawater. yrtsimehcoeG fo nainoveD eniram stnemec 1993 R.4 W5M R.25W4 R.20 i i t ! i I Alberta i i I MIP i EDMONTON i.,AREA \. \-. L ‘. \ , i T. 50 WATERWAYS T. 30 .GIF 2. noitacoL pam dna dezilareneg cihpargitarts .ecneuqes ehT yllanogaid delur area fo eht cihpargitarts -ssorc noitces si eht cudeL .noitamroF evitatneT tnodonoc senoz ,RELGEIZ( 1962) era a noitalipmoc fo data morf DNUOM ( 1968), POLLOCK ( 1968), dna OKSUICSOK ( 1987). etamixorppA etulosba sega era morf DNALRAH te .la ( 1982). deifidoM morf RETNEPRAC dna NNAMHOL ( 1989). lanigiro eniram 0*’6 dna 6% .seulav ,yltnatropmI siht yduts osla GEOLOGIC SETTING AND PREVIOUS RESEARCH detacidni taht rehto lacimehc srecart dluohs eb deniater nihtiw eht nedloG ekipS dna siveN era reppU nainoveD )nainsarF( enotsemil deretlanu eniram .stnemec sfeer detacol yletamixorppa 35 mk tsewhtuos dna 170 mk tsaehtuos llA data ni siht yduts era wen sesylana morf ylsuoiverp debircsed fo ,notnomdE ,atreblA Canada .giF( 2). htoB era detacol ni eht -bus .snemiceps ekilnU eht suoiverp yduts fo RETNEPRAC dna NNAMHOL ecafrus fo eht atreblA nisaB dna era trap fo eht elddiM nainsarF (1989), hcihw desu nortcele eborporcim ,sesylana ereh ew tneserp cudeL noitamroF ,KUHCIRDNA( 1958; YARVILLIGCM dna -TNUOM ronim tnemele stnetnoc derusaem yb SEA-PCI ylevitcudni( delpuoc JOY, 1975). yranimilerP tnodonoc yhpargitartsoib secalp eht cudeL amsalp cimota noissime )yrtemortceps delpuoc htiw ,rS ,C dna 0 noitamroF ni eht A. triangularis tno donoc enw ,DNUOM( 1968; epotosi .soitar ,KCOLLOP 1968; ,OKSUICSOK 1987; .giF 2). htoB eht nedloG ekipS enecoloH eniram tnemec selpmas morf katewenE ,llotA llahsraM dna siveN elcannip sfeer depoleved no eht mroftalp nigram dna era ,sdnalsI era morf seroc nekat morf eht drawdniw feer talt fo katewenE desopmoc yliramirp fo ,sdioropotamorts ,slaroc dna enillaroc .eagla )derF( .dnalsI eroC lE saw nekat morf eht lagla egdir dna eroc E2 YARVILLIGCM( dna MOUNTJOY, 1975; SLLAW te ,.la 1979). htoB saw nekat tnatsidiuqe neewteb eht lagla egdir dna eht .hcaeb -gaM sfeer evah enogrednu ralimis burial seirotsih dna evah depacse lanoiger muisen stnetnoc fo eht eticlac eniram stnemec morf eseht eroc selpmas .noitazitimolod evah neeb debircsed ylsuoiverp ,HCITEDIV( 1982, 1985). suoiverP seiduts edivorp a deliated seicafohtil noitpircsed fo eht nedloG ekipS feer YARVILLIGCM( dna MOUNTJOY, 1975; ,SLLAW 1977; SLLAW te ,.la 1979). SLLAW te .la (1979) evah dedivid eht METHODS nedloG ekipS feer otni feer roiretni ,seicaf gnitsisnoc fo laditbus -leks suoiverP seiduts fo tneicna eniram yrtsimehc evah dezylana bulk late dnas ,stalf laditirep ,setinimal dna hctap ,sfeer dna feer nigram ro kcor-elohw selpmas ,.g.e( EKRUB te ,.la 1982). emoS recart-itlum ,seicaf gnitsisnoc fo feer dna feer knalf .sirbed feeR nigram seicaf seiduts evah dezilitu up ot 25 gm fo eticlac PPOP( te ,.la 1986a,b) niatnoc tnadnuba eniram tnemec laixaidar( suorbif eticlac ;)CFAB( elihw srehto evah dezilitu 1 ot 5 gm selpmas IYHAVODLOM( te ,.la SLLAW te ,.la 1979; SLLAW dna ,SEWORRUB 1985; RETNEPRAC dna 1990). Due ot eht lacimehc ytienegoreteh fo tsom tneicna eniram LOHMANN, 1989) eud ot eht hgih laitini ytisorop dna eht ,suounitnoc ,senotsemil bulk ro kcor-elohw sisylana sedulcerp tnemerusaem fo a decudnisvaw woB fo retawaes hguorht serop ,.g.e( DNAL te ,.la 1989). elgnis suoenegomoh .esahp To diova gnixim eniram dna eniram-non suoiverP srekrow evah delipmoc a egral ytitnauq fo cihpargortep ,sesahp lacitylana serudecorp erew dezimitpo ot ezylana selpmasorcim dna elbats epotosi data morf eht nedloG ekipS .feer cihpargorteP dna fo CaCOr (1.0 ot 1.5 gm fo latot )elpmas rof ,rS 0, dna C epotosi elbats epotosi data fo sritW te .la (1979) dna SLLAW dna SEWORRUB soitar sa llew sa ,gM ,rS ,eF dna nM .stnetnoc (1985) dedivorp eht sisab rof a tneuqesbus yduts yb RETNEPRAC dna NNA%hHOL ( 1989) ohw detnemucod eht cihpargortep dna lacimehcoeg muitnortS epotosI sesylanA ,O”d( ,%’a dna ronim )tnemele snoitairav ni eniram dna citenegaid stnemec morf eht nedloG ekipS dna siveN .sfeer esehT seiduts evah selpmasorciM fo deredwop eticlac erew dellird morf dehsilop kcor deniltuo eht citenegaid noitulove fo eht sfeer morf ylrae eniram -ec spihc gnisu a detnuom-epocsorcim llird .ylbmessa A 500 mg latned noitatnem ot ciroetem ,sisenegaid ,noitazitilolyts dna detaler-lairub burr ,dna nehw ,yrassecen a detecaf 20 mp llird tib erew desu rof .noitatnemec ,revoeroM RETNEPRAC dna NNAMHOL (1989) dnuof .gnilpmas yletamixorppA 1.0 gm fo eticlac saw detcartxe rof hcae a evitisop noitalerroc neewteb noisulcni ytisned dna citenegaid -la ,elpmas dna yletamixorppa 0.2 ot 0.5 gm saw dereviled ot na -dica noitaret fo CFAB dna desoporp taht eerf-noisulcni selpmas evreserp denaelc 1.5 Lm enelyporpylop egufirtnec ebut rof rS epotosi -aperp 1994 .S .J retnepraC te .la ,noitar 0.2 ot 0.5 gm ot na denaelc-dica I .5 Lm enelyporpylop -nec depths nihtiw the reef dna reef nigram seicaf of htob reefs ot egufirt ebut for ronim tnemele ,sisylana dna the redniamer -xorppa( assess elbissop laitaps dna laropmet seitienegoreteh (e.g., yletami 0.2 )gm was dereviled ot a sselniats leets elpmas reniatnoc RETNEPRAC dna ,NNAMHOL 1989). erehT are on elbarusaem rof C dna 0 epotosi .sisylana nobraC dna negyxo epotosi selpmas erew detsaor ni vacua at 380°C ot evomer elitalov .stnanimatnoc secnereffid ni the 08Ia seulav or s7Sr/86Sr soitar neewteb raelc muitnortS epotosi selpmas erew ton detaert litnu yeht erew devlossid CFAR ni rehtie reef. esehT stnemec evah the tsehgih 6’*0 ni 1 Lm fo 2.5 N lCH rof yletamixorppa 10 .nim gniwolloF -ossid seulav nedloG( :ekipS 5.4- ot 0%4.5- dna :siveN 3.4- ot ,noitul selpmas erew dedaol yltcerid otno noi egnahcxe .snmuloc )0692.5- dna tsewol 87Sr/86Sr soitar of lla stnemec dezylana dradnatS noitac egnahcxe serudecorp erew desu ot etarapes rS morf nedloG( :ekipS 0.70805 ot 0.70809 dna :siveN 0.70801 ot gnirefretni xirtam stnemele yllapicnirp( Ca) gnisu 2.5 N .lCH sA eht xirtam si detanimod yb Ca dna eht latot ssam fo rS si wol (4 100 ,)gn ;70807.0 elbaT ;1 .giF 3). esehT wol s7Sr/86Sr soitar dna hgih 3.5 Lm fo daroiB CA X-1 16 saw desu rehtar naht eht erom -nevnoc 6’*0 seulav are morf selpmas that do ton ecsenimul rednu yllanoit desu daroiB CA 8X-l egnahcxe .niser detaropavE setarapes ecnecsenimulodohtac (CL) ,dna ,yllacihpargortep show on erew devlossid ni etulid HNO, dna dedaol no a elgnis denifer-enoz sngis of .noitaretla nI ,lareneg raelc CFAR has rehgih -noc eR tnemalif htiw a 1 L@ pord fo etulid H3P04 gniniatnoc a yrruls fo erupartlu TalOJ . hcuS serudecorp dleiy sknalb taht niatnoc ssel naht snoitartnec of Mg dna Sr naht sti hcir-noisulcni .trapretnuoc 40 smargocip fo .rS muitnortS epotosi soitar erew derusaem no a ,revewoH emos palrevo of raelc dna yduolc CFAR lacimehc GV rotceS rotcelloc-itlum ssam retemortceps gnisu kaep gnippoh snoitisopmoc si tnerappa .giF( ;4 elbaT 1). esehT seitiralimis cimanyditlum .sisylana ehT naem 87Sr/86Sr oitar rof NBS-987 -aem yam tluser morf elbairav degrees of kcor-retaw noitcaretni derus at eht emit fo eseht sesylana saw 0.710245 + 4 (20 ,naem N dna the tnerehni ytilibairav dnuof gnoma tnereffid slatsyrc = 551 dna eht naem rj?#?* oitar rof l-NE SGSU( tnaiG malC )d&&S derusaem at eht emit fo eseht sesylana saw 0.709 I79 f 7 dna .snoitacol (20 ,naem N = 22). muisengaM snoitartnecnoc ni raelc CFAR morf the nedloG ekipS dna siveN reefs egnar morf 5000 ot 8240 mpp nobraC dna negyxO Isotope sesylanA (2.1 ot 3.4 %lom &OCgM dna 5720 ot 8690 mpp (2.4 ot 3.6 %lom MgC03), ylevitcepser .giF( ;4 elbaT ,)l dna are -noc selpmaS fo nainoveD CaC03 erew detcaer htiw suordyhna -sohp tnetsis htiw nortcele eborporcim data of RETNEPRAC dna cirohp dica at C°55 ni na enil-no sag noitcartxe metsys delpuoc ot eht telni fo a ssamorciM E206-GV ssam .retemortceps selpmaS fo NNAMHOL (1989). ,ylralimiS Sr stnetnoc of raelc CFAR are enecoloH CaCO, .erew detcaer at C°37 htiw 3 spord fo suordyhna elbarapmoc ni htob reefs nedloG( :ekipS 198 ot 375 ,mpp cirohpsohp dica ni laudividni noitcaer slessev fo na ,enit-no detamotua :siveN 259 ot 389 ;mpp .giF ;4 elbaT 1). esehT seulav are the etanobrac noitcaer ecived leiK( )eciveD delpuoc ot TAM-naginniF*.a tsehgih gnoma the yllacitoiba detatipicerp stnemec ni htob 25 1 ssam .retemortceps cipotosI soitar erew detcerroc rof “0 -noc reefs. ehT gM/rS soitar of raelc CFAR yrav morf 0.040 ot noitubirt dna era detroper ni lim-rep )OI@ evitaler ot eht BDP .dradnats noisicerP saw derotinom hguorht yliad sesylana fo eht 02-SBN eticlac 0.047 ni the nedloG ekipS reef dna morf 0.037 ot 0.068 ni dradnats dna si retteb naht 0.1 MK‘ (1 a) rof htob C dna 0 epotosi the siveN reef. norI dna esenagnam stnetnoc of raelc CFAR .snoitisopmoc morf htob reefs are yllacipyt woleb 100 mpp dna 25 ,mpp ylevitcepser elbaT( 1). roniM tnemelE sesylanA yduolC CFAR has rewol dna erom elbairav 6180 seulav nedloG( :ekipS 1.5- ot %9.7- dna :siveN 9.4- ot )%7.9- selpmaS fo CaC03 erew devlossid ni 1 Lm fo etulid HCl-HN03. snoitartnecnoC fo Ca, ,gM ,rS ,eF dna nM erew denimreted -lumis dna ,rehgih erom elbairav 87Sr/86Sr soitar nedloG( :ekipS ylsuoenat yb SEA-PCI gnisu a nameeL sbaL cepS-amsalP .III -anA 0.70807 ot 0.70823 dna :siveN 0.70808 ot 0.70829) naht does lacityl ,noisicerp desab no cirtemivarg ,sdradnats saw ? 1.1% rof Ca, raelc CFAR elbaT( ;1 .giF 3). htiW the noitpecxe of -htped + %7.1 rof ,gM .f I %O. rof .rS ehT noisicerp fo ecart latem sesylana ,detaler laropmet snoitairav ni the 613C seulav of eniram -ec si yllacipyt esrow rof llams CaCO, selpmas (5 ot 10%). noitceteD stnem ,.e.i( 613C seulav decrease htiw depth, RETNEPRAC dna stimil ni( )noitulos erew 20 bpp rof eF dna 2 bpp rof .nM waR noitac noitartnecnoc data erew detrevnoc ot sthgiew fo MeC09 ,NNAMHOL 1989), there are on citametsys cipotosi or -mehc dna latot sthgiew fo MeC03 seiceps erew desu ot trevnoc ot .mpp laci snoitairav htiw respect ot seicaf or depth. norI dna -nam Data evah ton neeb dezilamron ot a cificeps Ca ,noitartnecnoc esuaceb esenag stnetnoc are ylthgils rehgih naht those of raelc CFAR fo tnacifingis stnuoma fo MgC09 .noitutitsbus %leM ,OCgM saw elbaT( 1). yduolC CFAR si yllacipyt detelped ni Mg dna Sr detaluclac gnisu eht noitubirtnoc fo all snoitac derusaem dna saw dezilamron ot 100%. gM/rS soitar era detaluclac no a thgiew .sisab evitaler ot raelc .CFAR hguohtlA a few selpmas morf the siveN reef evah Mg dna Sr stnetnoc elbarapmoc ot raelc CFAR .giF( ;4 elbaT ,)l the Sr dna Mg stnetnoc of yduolc Location dna htpeD noitamrofnI CFAR are syawla rewol naht those of raelc CFAR ni the llA pihsnwot dna egnar snoitacol fo seroc era detaiverbba ot eht emas .latsyrc etipseD ,noitaretla yduolc CFAR sniater gM/rS tsrif owt noitacol srebmun ,.g.e( 11-23 hcihw srefer ot S-32-11 -l soitar ralimis ot those devresbo ni raelc ,CFAR gniyrav morf 27W4). llA nedloG ekipS snoitacol dne htiw 5-#-# l-27W4 dna eht 0.034 ot 0.082 ni the nedloG ekipS reef dna morf 0.040 ot siveN noitacol si 6-13~38-22W4. To diova erutuf gnilpmas ,noisufnoc 0.075 ni the siveN reef elbaT( 1). all eroc shtped era detroper ni teef woleb ecafrus dna evah ton neeb detrevnoc ot IS .stinu cltoibA Marine Calcite from the gninnaC ,nisaB ailartsuA STLUSER citoibA Marine Calcite from the atreblA ,nisaB adanaC selpmaS of CFAR morf the nigriV slliH noitamroF evah neeb dezirogetac as deretla dna deretlanu no the sisab of -tep eerf-noisulcnI CFAR was delpmas morf evif llew snoitacol cihpargor .scitsiretcarahc deretlanU CFAR slatsyrc are a ni the nedloG ekipS reef xelpmoc dna eno llew noitacol ni etisopmoc of tcnitsid suorbif ot dedalb latsyrcbus ,sniamod the siveN reef. selpmaS evah neeb dezylana morf suoirav hcihw are tnecsenimulnon ni LC dna do ton niatnoc -orcim yrtsimehcoeG of nainoveD eniram stnemec 1995 etimolod .snoisulcni deretlA CFAR crystals niatnoc ghost NOISSUCSID scirbaf of etisopmoc ,slatsyrc&s evah areas of thgirb -imul noitavreserP of yramirP r%/rS’s soitaR dna Osl6 seulaV ,ecnecsen dna niatnoc etimolodorcim .snoisulcni ehT 6’*0 dna Sr/Mg soitaR dna 613C seulav of deretlanu eniram stnemec morf the -naC gnin nisaB of ailartsuA are the emas as those stnemec morf lareveS senil of cihpargortep dna lacimehc ecnedive tseggus the atreblA nisaB (6’*0 = 5.4- ot 013.5- dna 613C = 1.2+ that raelc CFAR morf the nedloG ekipS dna siveN reefs has ot ;L4.2+ e.g., YELRUH dna ,NNAMHOL ;9891 RETNEPRAC escaped noitaretla yb etal citenegaid sdiulf dna ybereht -erp dna L,OHMANN, 1989). eerhT selpmas of deretlanu CFAR sevres lanigiro eniram r3?*/rS‘* soitar dna 6’*0 .seulav nI morf the nainsarF nigriV slliH noitamroF evah 6’*0 seulav ,tsartnoc yduolc CFAR has enogrednu elbairav stnuoma of dna s7Sr/s6Sr soitar hcihw are nihtiw the lacitylana error of citenegaid .noitaretla esehT snoisulcnoc are desab no the -lof data morf raelc CFAR ni the nedloG ekipS dna siveN reef gniwol cihpargortep snoitavresbo dna lacimehc data -RAC( atreblAfo 8.4-( ot 80807.0,0%3.5- ot ;01807.0 .giF ;3 elbaT RETNEP dna ,NNAMHOL 1989): 1). deretlA selpmas of CFAR evah rehgih *7Sr/86Sr soitar naht )1 raelC CFAR srucco ni the roiretni of ,slatsyrc whereas those of yduolc CFAR morf the atreblA nisaB (0.70814 ot yduolc CFAR srucco yltcerid tnecajda ot -enillatsyrc-retni ;77807.0 .giF ;3 elbaT 1). ekiL raelc CFAR morf ,atreblA dna ,serop-orcam where the laitnetop noitcaer htiw retal eniram stnemec htiw the tsehgih 6’*0 seulav dna the tsewol citenegaid sdiulf si greatest. rl?‘/rS’s soitar evah the tsehgih Mg dna Sr stnetnoc elbaT( )2 raelC CFAR does ton niatnoc etimolodorcim or evah 1). evitaleR ot CFAR morf the nedloG ekipS dna siveN reefs cihpromoen ,scirbaf whereas yduolc CFAR has tnadnuba of ,atreblA nailartsuA CFAR sniatnoc yltnacifingis erom Mg etimolodorcim (e.g., LOHMANN dna MEYERS, 1977). dna Sr, tey has elbarapmoc gM/rS soitar (0.040 ot ;570.0 3) raelC CFAR si ylmrofinu ,tnecsenimulnon whereas yduolc elbaT 1, .giF 4). CFAR si ylthgirb tnecsenimul ni CL. 4) raelC CFAR has the tsehgih 6’*0 dna C°6 seulav dna the dopoihcarB llehS lairetaM tsewol 87Sr/86Sr soitar of lla gnirrucco-oc tnemec phases .giF( ;3 elbaT 1). sdopoihcarB delpmas morf htob the nedloG ekipS dna 5) raelC CFAR has the tsehgih Mg dna Sr dna tsewol eF dna siveN reefs are yllareneg llew ,devreserp ni tsom cases -non nM tnetnoc of lla gnirrucco-oc tnemec phases .giF( ;4 ,tnecsenimul dna where ,elbissop are morf the emas dnah elbaT 1). elpmas as eniram .stnemec ehT noitairav ni *‘Sr/*$r soitar 6) ehT noitairav devresbo ni htob the 6’*0 seulav dna the dna 6’*0 seulav si elbarapmoc ot that devresbo ni raelc dna 87Sr/86Sr soitar of lla the raelc CFAR data morf htob reefs yduolc CFAR .giF( ;3 elbaT 1). evitaleR ot raelc ,CFAR -arb nedloG( :ekipS 0.70806 + 2, 9.4- ? 0.5L dna :siveN dopoihc llehs lairetam morf htob the nedloG ekipS dna siveN 0.70804 + 3, 7.4- -+ )~%5.0 si ylemertxe llams dna -moc reefs evah rewol Mg dna rehgih Sr, ,eF dna nM -artnecnoc elbarap ot that of sesylana of medom eniram setanobrac .snoit ekilnU htob raelc dna yduolc ,CFAR the gM/rS soitar dna Sr epotosi sdradnats .giF( ;5 elbaT ;2 e.g., EKRUB et of dopoihcarb llehs lairetam are ylhgih elbairav elbaT( 1). ,.la ;2891 ZELAZNOG dna ,NNAMHOL 1985). 7) ehT cipotosi noitisopmoc of raelc CFAR si ralimis ot that of gnirrucco-oc CML dopoihcarb sllehs .giF( ;3 elbaT 1). enecoloH citoibA eniraM eticlaC dna etinogarA morf 8) tsoM ,yltnatropmi the 6’*0 dna 613C seulav dna the *‘Sr/ katewenE llotA 86Sr soitar of raelc CFAR morf the nedloG ekipS dna siveN reefs nac eb detalerroc yllabolg htiw those of -llew eticlaC eniram tnemec morf the drawdniw reef talf of preserved, emit tnelaviuqe CFAR morf the gninnaC nisaB katewenE llotA seirav elttil ni htob 6’*0 dna 613C seulav of ailartsuA .giF( ;3 elbaT ;1 RETNEPRAC dna ,NNAMHOL <( ;0%3.0f .giF ;5 elbaT 2). 6’*0 seulav egnar morf 1.1- ot 1989). L6.1- dna C°6 seulav egnar morf 5.3+ ot .0%8.3+ esehT seulav are ylthgils rehgih naht detaluclac muirbiliuqe seulav noitavreserP of raelc CFAR yam tcelfer sti lacisyhp dna .giF( 5). muisengaM stnetnoc of eticlac stnemec egnar morf lacimehc .scitsiretcarahc cihpargorteP ecnedive of emram 15.7 ot 20.5 %lom 30CgM dna are tnetsisnoc htiw nortcele tnemec noitaretla tnecajda ot htob enillatsyrc-retni dna orcam eborporcim sesylana of the emas slairetam yb VIDETICH pores setacidni that noitaretla was detaler ot wolf of citenegaid (1985). muitnortS stnetnoc egnar morf 970 ot 1700 .mpp sdiulf (e.g., ciroetem water) gnidleiy deretla latsyrc snigram ehT gM/rS soitar egnar morf 0.023 ot 0.039 elbaT( 2). yduolc( )CFAR dna deretlanu latsyrc sretnec raelc( .)CFAR etinogarA eniram tnemec has a’*0 seulav elbarapmoc ot fI decudorp ylrae ni the citenegaid yrotsih of the reef, a elbats those of gnitsixeoc eticlac stnemec -( 1.1 ot - ,)Wga5.1 tub has yllacitenegaid( )deretla dnir dnuora latsyrc snigram dluoc rehgih 613C seulav 6.4+( ot )0%9.4+ .giF( ;5 elbaT 2). ehT evres ot protect the renni snoitrop of the slatsyrc morf rehtruf 6’*0 seulav are rehgih naht detaluclac muirbiliuqe seulav noitulossid yb retal diulf noitargim (e.g., ,NNAMHOL ;8791 .giF( 5). muitnortS stnetnoc egnar morf 8,240 ot 12,300 mpp RETNEPRAC dna ,NNAMHOL 1989). nI ,noitidda the Mg -noc dna muisengam stnetnoc egnar morf 18 1 ot 4,170 mpp elbaT( tnet of raelc CFAR yam osla evres ot tibihni noitulossid dna 2). ehT gM/rS soitar are ylhgih elbairav dna egnar morf 1.9 citenegaid ;noitaretla latnemirepxe data etacidni that eticlac ot 50. ehT r3?*/rS‘* soitar of eticlac dna etinogara eniram htiw 2 ot 5 %lom 30CgM si yllacimanydomreht erom elbats stnemec dna lateleks lairetam etartsbus are tnetsisnoc htiw naht erup CaCO3 GRUBNESUB( dna ,REMMULP 1989). fI nredom eniram etanobrac dna -NE 1 dradnatS soitar (0.709 16 yllanigiro detatipicerp htiw these ,snoitisopmoc raelc CFAR ot ;02907.0 elbaT 2). yam eb tnatsiser ot citenegaid .noitaretla 1996 S. J. Carpenter et al. elbaT :1 epotosI and roniM tnemelE nainoveD--ataD eniraM setanobraC LOCATION/DEPTH 6180 6W %rl%, f20, Mole 46 w Sr Fe h& SdMg COMPONENT Iwo3 (mm) GOLDEN SPIKE BEEF ALBERTA CLEAR RAFC ___ ___ ___ __- ___ ___ 15-23: 5365 -4.88 1.63 0.708053 f17 ;__ ___ ___ ___ ___ --_ 15-23: 5365 -4.46 1.46 0.708073 f38 ___ --_ --_ --_ ___ --_ 15-23: 5365 -5.15 1.47 0.708064 f 17 __- ___ ___ ___ --_ ___ 15-23: 5375.5 -4.71 1.83 0.708049 f27 __- ___ ___ ___ ___ --_ 15-23: 5574 -5.21 2.31 0.708082 f17 9-23: 5811 -4.54 3.20 0.708045 f 14 2.1 198 77 4 040.0 9-27: 5565 -4.93 2.31 0.708059 f21 2.9 7090 322 36 21 0.045 9-27: 5837 -5.35 1.98 0.708075 f16 --_ ___ ___ ___ --_ --_ 9-27: 5853 -4.75 3.18 0.708047 f 18 3.3 8140 370 41 4 0.045 12-26: 5840.5 -4.92 1.98 0.708050 f30 ___ -__ --_ --_ ___ ___ 12-26: 5840.5 -4.78 1.82 0.708050 f60 -__ ___ ___ ___ -__ ___ 12-26: 5840.5 __- __- ___ __- 3.1 7430 312 ___ -__ 0.042 12-26: 5840.5 __- __- -__ __- 2.8 6760 277 64 4 0.041 12-26: 5842 __- __- ___ __- 3.4 8240 344 < 23 <5 0.042 12-26: 5842 -4.92 1.79 ___ ___ 3.0 7420 310 49 8 0.042 3-27: 5599 -5.09 1.74 0.708086 f13 _-- --_ ___ ___ ___ --_ 3-27: 5599 -4.89 1.84 0.708088 f16 ___ ___ -__ -__ ___ -__ 3-27: 5599 -4.62 1.98 --_ __- 3.3 7950 375 81 10 0.047 3-27: 5609 -5.00 1.88 0.708065 f 16 _-- -__ --_ ___ ___ --_ BRACHIOPODS 11-23: 5684 -5.49 2.11 0.708097 f27 0.8 1840 150 442 47 0.082 12-26: 5864 -6.64 2.08 0.708070 f 14 1.7 4180 469 326 49 0.112 12-24: 5794 -4.19 3.70 0.708042 f17 0.2 504 706 <144 c 29 1.400 12-24: 5794 -4.44 4.62 0.708080 f 14 0.3 603 484 < 38 <8 0.803 12-24: 5869 -4.66 3.46 0.708044 f23 _-- ___ ___ -__ -__ ___ CLOUDY RAFC 15-23: 536.5 -4.99 1.49 0.708137 f16 ___ ___ ___ --_ --_ ___ 15-23: 5365 -6.45 1.58 0.708111 f25 _-- --_ -__ ___ ___ -__ 15-23: 5365 -7.90 1.70 0.708165 f 17 _-- --_ --_ -__ ___ --_ 15-23: 5375.5 -6.76 1.74 0.708195 f15 _-_ ___ ___ ___ _-_ ___ 15-23: 5574 -5.4s 2.63 0.708090 f 14 _-- ___ --_ -__ ___ --_ 3-27: 5599 -7.39 1.95 0.708089 f14 2.4 5590 221 170 45 0.040 3-27: 5609 -6.45 2.03 0.708153 f28 __- -__ ___ ___ _-_ ___ 12-26: 5840.5 -5.11 2.93 0.708068 f25 ___ ___ ___ _-_ ___ --_ 12-26: 5840.5 -7.43 2.19 0.708236 f 14 __- -__ ___ ___ _-_ ___ 12-26: 5840.5 -7.55 2.39 0.708102 f21 SC_ ___ ___ ___ _-- ___ 12-26: 5840.5 --_ ___ _-- ___ 0.8 1940 159 96 43 0.082 12-26: 5842 ___ ___ ___ -__ 2.2 5430 208 70 19 0.038 12-26: 5842 -7.27 1.86 _-- -__ 2.2 5310 180 144 43 0.034 11-23: 5688 -5.35 2.02 0.708232 f20 ___ _-_ _-_ _-- _-- ___ 9-27: 556s -5.96 2.26 ___ --_ 1.9 244 104 21 0.053 ___ 9-27: 5837 -6.77 2.06 0.708085 f20 __- ___ _-- _-_ _-- 9-27: 5853 -7.10 2.74 0.708329 f 14 1.7 4080 138 172 43 0.034 9-23: 5811 -5.78 3.29 0.708084 f16 3.7 9060 379 369 16 0.042 11-27: 5980 -6.09 1.27 0.708075 f 13 __- _-- _-- _-- ___ _-_ Geochemistryo f Devonian marinec ements 1997 elbaT :1 epotosI dna roniM tnemelE nainoveD--ataD eniraM setanobraC )deunitnoc( LOCA~ON~~~ PO @3c 87SrPSr f 2% Mole 96 hg Sr Fe MI Sr/Mg COMPONENT M&O3 (ppm) SWEN REEF ALBERTA CLEAR RAFC __- -_- ___ 6-13: 6015 10.5- 38.1 0.708074 f17 ”em -_m -a* __- ___ 6-13: 6015 -4.64 2.79 0.708055 f13 -*e me_ mm- s*- ___ 6-13: 6015 -5.22 1.88 0.708052 f16 s-v *__ -e* _“_ -em 6-13: 6015 -5.11 2.07 -*a ___ 3.6 8680 318 “W.. -_- 0.037 6-13: 6015 _-.. __- --* --- 2.4 57l8 389 61 13 0.068 < 6-13: 6226 -4.57 2.66 0.7~~ f20 q-w 5720 -*.. me.. ___ -_- 613: 6226 -4.42 3.25 0.708014 fll -.._ **_ WI- v_.. -__ ___ 6-13: 6226 -4.49 3.33 0.708a39 f14 3.1 7570 351 c 16 <5 0.046 6-13: 6226 -4.57 2.42 0.708058 f16 --_ ___ -..a --_ --_ ___ 6-13: 6226 -4.26 3.28 0.708045 f25 --_ ___ __” -..‘. --- ___ 6-13: 6226 ___ *__ _-_ ___ 2.9 6960 296 ~27 11 0.043 6-13: 6226 ___ *_- *__ __- 2.5 6170 259 C22 12 0.042 6-13: 6035 -5.09 2.11 0.708132 f21 1.2 2790 55 627 231 0.020 6-13: 6226 -4.90 3.21 0.708096 f20 0.6 1506 254 143 < 32 0.168 6-13: 6226 -4.92 2.58 0.708046 ir16 0.6 1470 692 290 < 32 0.473 CLOUDY RAFC 6-13: 6015 -9.72 1.63 0.7~294 f17 “.a- __” ..__ “.._ --_ _-- 6-13: 6015 -5.48 1.79 0.708077 fl7 -_w ..__ ___ --_ -__ ___ 6-13: 6015 -7.51 1.97 0.7~~1 f24 -..- _-* --.. --_ -__ ___ 6-13: 6015 -7.35 1.95 0.708108 f 14 -.._ ^.._ _-* __.. --_ ___ 6-13: Sal5 -4.89 1.97 0.708091 f17 1.8 4490 232 460 76 0.052 6-13: 6015 -6.76 1‘65 --_ _-- 2.5 6110 257 124 75 0.042 6-13: 6226 -6.10 3.11 -‘.- ___ 3.5 8480 301 157 108 0.036 6-13: 6226 -6.88 3.09 0.708084 f17 -..* ___ -*- -_* ___ ___ 6-13: 6226 -7.77 3.17 0.708179 f2f 3.4 8210 315 Ill 89 0.038 Unaltered RAFC Al .Ol -4.78 2.34 0.708084 f17 6.5 15800 657 71 < 13 0,041 Al.02 -5.23 2.16 0.708094 fl6 5.8 14200 648 81 <7 0.046 Al.03 -5.25 2.25 0.708097 fl4 7.1 17500 933 < 212 <43 0.053 Al.04 -4.97 2.31 ___ __* 6.1 15000 729 120 26 0.049 Al.05 -4.54 2.35 _.._ ___ 5.8 14200 662 cl00 30 0.046 Al.06 -4.88 2.27 *‘.,. ___ 6.2 15100 709 < 88 < 18 0.047 Al.07 ..-- ___ “..” ___ 5.5 13400 658 137 c 14 0.049 Al.08 -5.08 2.34 _-.. ___ 5.3 12900 682 107 c 16 0.053 Altered RAFC Al.09 -5.13 2.42 0.7~210 f14 2.8 6920 310 -_I -__ 0.045 Al.10 “4.81 2.44 0.708144 f16 4.4 10800 435 308 24 0.040 Al.11 -5.70 2.50 0.708773 f16 3,4 8320 412 116 25 0.050 Al.12 -4.67 2.69 0.708340 f16 _-_ _-- ___ -_a “__ ___ Al.13 -4.99 2.58 0.708154 *13 -*” -_- __* --_ --- *-- Al.14 -6.62 1.33 0.708373 f14 6.0 14700 615 376 <68 0.042 Al.15 -5.86 2.32 “V_ ___ 2.4 5770 249 280 203 0.043 Al.16 -4.81 2.59 --_ ___ 1.7 4060 302 162 28 0.075 1998 S. .J retnepraC te .ia * 0.70840 % b !c / ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, y,;y ,,,,,,, ~ 03%X.0 ” 0 00 0 0.70820 $0 *w 8 0.70810 0.70800 ~0.70790 -10 9- 8- 6- 5 4- 7- 6- 5- 4- 3- 2- 1- 0 ~$X&-oP S’“O (PDB) .GIF 3. r%*/% soitar dna OP seulav fo eniram stnenopmoc morf .GIF 5. S”O dna ii13C seulav fo enecoloH eniram stnemec morf eht nedloG ekipS dna s&N sfeer elddiM( nainsarF CU&.L )noita~oF drawdniw feer talf fo katewenE ,llotA llahsraM .sdnalsI dedahS -tcer of the atreblA nisaB dna the nigriV slliH noitamroF )nainsarF( of selgna cra setamitse fo eht noitisopmoc fo ,CML ,CMH dna GARA the gninnaC ,nisaB .ailartsuA Data dettolp are morf elbaT .I See detatipicerp ni cipotosi muirbiliuqe htiw .retawaes eziS fo eht sdleif tesni yek for noitanalpxe of .slobmys lacitylanA noisicerp rof -idni nac eb detubirtta ot eht egnar fo devresbo serutarepmet )C°92-72( laudiv rS epotosi sesylana si detneserper yb eht rorre srab no hcae dna eht elbissop snoitairav ni S13C seulav detaicossa htiw lacigoloib .mutad .ytivitca CML S’*O seulav were detaluclac gnisu the noitanoi~~ factor of dna O’NEIL (1977) rof OrH-CML ( IO3 nI LY FRIEDMAN = 2.78( 106/T2) - 2.89); 613C seulav erew detaluclac gnisu a -noitcarf tI has neeb detseggus that the eibatsatem noitisopmoc of noita rotcaf detaluclac morf HCIRME et .la (1970) rof ;OCH-CML dI( nI a = -0.81(106/~2) + 10.69). A 613C eulav fo 1.65% rof eniram stnemec (HMC dna GARA ni medom )snaeco -erp devlossid ;OCH was desu gnimussa a Z’COr = 2.0 X ’-OI ,gk/Iom sedulc rieht esu as etarucca cipotosi srotacidni eud ot rieht pH fo 8.1 dna T= C°52 ,.g.e( et ,.la ;2791 ,KCINPOORK KROOPNICK ytivitcaer ni citenegaid stnemnorivne PPOP( et ,.la 1986a). 1980). CMH S”O seulav erew detaluclac yb gnidda 1.02% ot eht oT diova siht laitnetop ,melborp ynam workers evah nesohc CML seulav ot tsujda rof eht 17 %tom sOCgM noit~s~nr~ gnisu( ot ezylana CML dopoibcarb llehs lairetam hcihw si demussa eht 0.06% per %iom M&O3 noitaler fo INATURAT te ,.la 1969). ehT GABA dleif saw denoitisop yb gnisu na eticlac-etinogara noitanoitcarf ot eb erom tnatsiser ot citenegaid noitaretla naht HMC dna fo + %6.1 rof b13C ,.g.e( NOSNIBUR dna ,NOTYALC 1969) dna 0.6’S GARA eniram stnemec (e.g., VEER dna ,NOTSPMOC ;4791 for 0~~3~ INATURAT( et ,.la 1969). ehT derusaem etic~etinogma REZIEV et ,.la ;6891 PPOP et ,.la .)b,a6891 ehT data detneserp noitanoitcarf for C3iS si yletamixorppa + 1.2% here dna ni suoiverp seiduts edivorp ecnedive that eniram stnemec nac evreserp rieht lanigiro cipotosi snoitisopmoc -ed etips the ecneserp of citenegaid ff sdiu dna noitaretla of other devres .giF( ;3 elbaT 1 f. ekilnU selpmaxe of eniram tnemec eniram stnenopmoc (e.g., NEVIG dna ,NNAMHOL ;5891 ,msihpromoen hcihw sevlovni larenim noitamrofsnart ni na RETNEPRAC dna ,NNAMHOL 1989). nI siht case, htob -arb yllacipotosi desolc metsys ot evreserp lanigiro cipotosi -moc dopoihc llehs lairetam dna raelc CFAR are yllauqe llew -erp snoitisop (e.g., NEVIG dna ,NNAMHOL 1985), raelc CFAR morf the nedloG ekipS dna siveN reefs has escaped -ossid noitatipicerp-noitul processes. nA elpmaxe of the noitavreserp of raelc CFAR si the llams ytilibairav ni 618O values dna 87Sr/86Sr soitar morf nedloG ekipS dna siveN seipmas %S.O+( for 6180 seulav dna 20000.0+ for 87Sr/*6Sr soitar for lareves snoitacol dna depths). elihW eno dluoc tseggus citenegaid noit~inegomoh of -osi cipot dna lacimehc ,snoitisopmoc the ylemertxe elbairav 6’*0 seulav dna 81Sr/86Sr soitar devresbo ni yduolc ,CFAR hcihw has enogrednu elbairav degrees of kcor-retaw ,noitcaretni tseggus esiwrehto .giF( 3). nI tsartnoc ot citenegaid -gomoh ,noitazine the wol 6’*0 seulav of etal lairub spars morf the nedloG ekipS reef dna the hgih 87Sr/86Sr soitar (as wol as - 12.3% dna as hgih as 0.7 1004, ,ylevitcepser ,RETNEPRAC .lbupnu data) etacidni that siseneg&d secudorp suoenegoreteh ,,YjO , F cipotosi .snoitisopmoc nI ,noitidda ciroetem citaerhp spars 1, I, 7,. 1,. 0 00os lOoO0 0oosl oooo2 dna esodav stnemec morf the nedloG ekipS reef stcudorpyb( gM )mPP( of noitcaretni neewteb ciroetem water dna eniram rock) evah S’*O seulav dna 8’Sr/86Sr soitar hcihw are tnedicnioc htiw .GIF 4. muisengaM dna muitnorts snoitartnecnoc of CFAR morf the atreblA dna gninnaC .snisaB Data morf elbaT 1. eeS tesni yek the raelc dna yduolc CFAR data of .giF 3. ehT tsewol a’*0 rof noitanalpxe fo .slobmys rS6‘/rS7s-eulav oitar riap si lacitnedi ot that of raelc CF\LR Geochemistry of Devonian marine cements 1999 elbaT :2 epotosI dna roniM tnemelE enecoloH--ataD eniraM setanobraC LOCATION/AGE 6’80 @c r%/rs78 f2&m Mole % & Sr Fe MI SdMg COMKWENT Mm @pm) Enezuetak Atoll Holocene Abiotic MgCalcite -__ E2.01 -1.40 3.66 --- 16.9 186 120 0.025 ___ E2.02 -1.25 3.71 --- 16.7 < 113 34 0.025 ___ E2.03 -1.36 3.75 --- 15.5 340 64 0.027 ___ E2.04 -1.45 3.70 --- 16.6 <502 <loo 0.026 ___ E2.05 -1.13 3.67 --- 16.3 699 <212 <42 0.024 ___ E2.06 ___ --- ___ 16.3 KC0 429 <54 0.025 E2.07 -1.38 3.79 --- ___ ___ ___ _-- ___ ___ E2.07 -1.26 3.67 0.709156 f 11 17.1 00724 1030 < 161 < 32 0.024 E2.08 -1.47 3.68 --- ___ ___ ___ ___ --_ ___ E2.08 -1.48 3.59 0.709172 f17 16.0 39900 1350 210 47 0.034 E2.09 -1.57 3.78 --- -_- 18.9 47400 1270 <190 <38 0.027 E2.10 -1.18 3.74 --- ___ 16.5 41200 1120 221 53 0.027 E2.11 -1.47 3.73 --- -__ 16.5 41100 1100 153 46 0.026 F2.12 -1.31 3.71 --- ___ 16.9 42300 1060 <204 c 41 0.025 E2.13 -1.51 3.67 --- ___ 16.6 41300 1050 <228 <46 0.025 E2.14 -1.15 3.81 --- -__ 17.9 44700 1100 529 <34 0.025 E2.15 -1.24 3.93 --- ___ 16.5 41200 972 <231 C46 0.024 E2.16 -1.29 3.70 --- ___ 15.7 39000 1230 <150 <30 0.032 E2.17 -1.33 3.62 --- ___ 15.7 1100 368 c 41 0.028 E2.18 -1.25 3.59 --- ___ 16.3 1100 192 52 0.027 El.01 -1.42 3.65 0.709203 fl4 20.5 51600 803 65< 0.026 El.02 -1.27 3.58 0.709174 f13 17.5 43700 003 Ia< 0.039 El.03 -1.55 3.60 --- ___ 17.5 43800 357 c 51 0.024 El.04 -1.32 3.59 --- ___ 17.0 42700 < 205 < 41 0.032 El.05 -1.24 3.49 --- -_- 18.1 45200 <311 C62 0.036 El.06 -1.14 3.53 --- ___ 16.2 4(1700 310 C62 0.029 El.07 -1.49 3.51 --- ___ 15.9 39600 532 < 37 0.025 El.08 -1.39 3.49 --- -__ 16.6 41300 177 27 0.025 El.09 -1.36 3.56 --- ___ 16.8 41800 <163 33 0.024 El.10 -1.27 3.66 --- ___ 16.6 41500 270 34 0.024 El.11 -1.32 3.45 --- ___ 16.7 41500 < 170 <34 0.023 El.12 -1.47 3.54 --- ___ 16.3 40600 308 <28 0.025 El.13 -1.34 3.47 --- ___ 16.4 4OsOO < 101 C20 o.a32 El.14 -1.28 3.56 --- ___ 15.9 3%00 267 62 0.027 El.15 -1.21 3.56 --- -__ 16.4 4c800 <223 <45 0.025 Abiotic Aragonite E2.19 -1.46 4.55 --- -_- 0.4 1040 0498 < 452 C90 8.6 E2.20 -1.31 4.55 --- ___ 0.2 566 ooo9 <246 < 94 16 E2.21 -1.23 4.81 --- ___ 0.6 1490 12300 <786 < 157 8.2 E2.22 -1.39 4.91 --- ___ 0.2 476 c 111 <22 18 E2.23 -1.36 4.91 0.709181 f 13 1.4 3290 < 214 <43 3.1 E2.24 -1.51 4.70 --- ___ 0.6 1480 <185 < 37 6.7 E2.25 -1.31 4.78 --- ___ 1.7 4170 0287 <l.% < 31 1.9 F2.26 -1.38 4.85 --- ___ 0.2 498 6370 151 <23 17 E2.27 -1.31 4.84 --- ___ 0.1 246 0268 < 112 <22 35 E2.28 -1.37 4.76 --- ___ 0.1 181 ooo9 117 < 21 50 E2.29 -1.10 4.67 --- --_ 0.5 1190 0428 209 <42 6.9 Biotic Aragonite E2.30 -2.15 2.72 0.709167 f 13 0.2 955 <224 54< 4.1 2000 S. J. retnepraC et .la (-4.6% dna 0.70807, RETNEPRAC et ,.la ;0991 ,RETNEPRAC .lbupnu data). noitcesretnI of these data sdnert at the emas NOITAMROF ’PM *.,S.&Srs TNENOPMOC 08I& eulav dna 87Sr/s4Sr oitar stseggus that raelc CFAR -ca eoltn Forks .mF 363 0.7@%53 Nodular irdyhnA et yletaruc records na lanigiro eniram rock cipotosi .noitisopmoc r&driB .mF 367 0.7#115 evissaM etirdyhnA sA ,hcus raelc CFAR rehtie escaped noitaretla rehtegotla or raebdrut .mF 369 0.7081M Stromatoooroid Duperow .mF 371 0.708074 detanimaL etirdyh& decneirepxe kcor-retaw noitcaretni rednu ylemertxe wol worepuO .mP 371 0.7a30?2 dioropatamortS worepuD .mF 372 0.70.2108 dimopotamortS R/W oitar snoitidnoc .giF( 3). vxorwuD .mF 372 0.708083 detanimaL etirdybnA nosirapmoC of tnerehni cipotosi ytienegoreteh ni nredom eniram setanobrac osla stseggus noitavreserp of raelc .CFAR ytilibairaV devresbo ni raelc CFAR rSba/rS7s soitar si -moc elbarap ot the egnar of soitar derusaem ni nredom seawater dna eniram setanobrac (e.g., EKRUB et ,.la ;2891 ruo sesylana of the SGSU -NE 1 dradnats dna other enecoloH eniram -rac ;setanob .giF ;3 selbaT 1, 2). ehT ytiliba~av of 6’*0 seulav ni laudividni selpmas of tnecer eniram tnemec si -ixorppa rehgih Sr stnetnoc (e.g., RENNAB dna ,NOSNAH 1990). sihT yletam k3.0+ (e.g., ZELAZNOG dna ,NNAMHOL ;5891 .giF ecnereffid nac eb denialpxe yb the ytimixorp of ciozoretorP 5). gniredisnoC the egnar of serutarepmet ni the reppu 100 ssieng hcihw seilrednu the reef .xelpmoc ,yl~noitiddA -ni m of laciport seawater yadot dna the elbissop erutximda of gniddebret of ciozoretorP age stsalcohtil htiw nainoveD -irep llams stnuoma of yllacitenegaid deretla lairetam gnirud -mas ladit setanobrac si a ylekil ecruos for the cinegoidar Sr -bo ,gnilp the ytilibairav of &OS%o devresbo ni raelc ,CFAR si devres ni citenegaid seticlac (e.g., ,YELRUH 1986). hguohtlA ton elban~ernu for na deret~nu eniram .eticlac nI -moc evitatitnauq gniledom of these noitaretla or kcor-retaw -ni ,nosirap the latot noitairav ni &‘*O seulav of nredom eniram noitcaret sdnert lliw eb detneserp ,erehwesle ti dluohs eb deton stnemec morf the llahsraM sdnalsI dna adumreB -erper( that the noitcesretni of tnereffid citenegaid sdnert nac eb desu gnitnes two tnereffid snaeco dna sedutital htiw a erutarepmet ot etaulave the noitis~moc of eniram ,etanobrac dna dluohs egnar of yletamixorppa )C°5 si yletamixorppa f 1 .OL (GON- ton eb deweiv as na elcatsbo ni gninimreted lanigiro eniram ZELAZ dna ,NNAMHOL 1985). hguohtlA nisab-artni cipotosi cipotosi snoitisopmoc (e.g., NEVIG dna ,NNAMHOL 1985). ytilibairav dluohs eb tahwemos rellams eud ot ralimis -met noitavreserP of lanigiro 6180 seulav has tnacifingis -ilpmi erutarep dna ytinilas snoitidnoc (e.g., noitairav neewteb the snoitac for other tracers. kcor-retaW noitcaretni sledom for nedloG ekipS dna siveN reefs), labolg noitalerroc of eniram etanobrac smetsys etacidni that the 6’*0 eulav of the rock tnemec 6’sO seulav yam llits eb dilav nihtiw a t- 1 .O%O egnar gniogrednu noitatipicerp-noitulossid si the tsom evitisnes -ni of .seulav rotacid of citeneg&d noitaretla ni a metsys htiw a wol Sr noitalerroC of cipotosi data for the nedloG ekipS dna siveN tnetnoc dna wol s7Sr/66Sr diulf (e.g., ciroetem ;retaw RENNAB reefs setacidni laveoc noitatipicerp of eniram stnemec at two et ,.la ;8891 RENNAB dna HANSON, ;0991 GAO, 1990). hcuS snoitacol ni the atreblA nisaB .sgiF( 2, ;3 elbaT .)I More si the case of the eniram tnemec noitaretla dnert morf the ,yltn~opmi deretlanu CFAR morf the nainsarF of the -naC nedloG ekipS dna siveN reefs .giF( 3). noitavreserP of S’*O gnin nisaB of ailartsuA evah 0, ,C dna Sr epotosi soitar hcihw seulav setacidni erusolc htiw respect ot tracers hcus as d13C are the emas as those of raelc CFAR morf the atreblA nisaB seulav 87Sr/86Sr ,soitar dna Sr, Mg stnetnoc ,.e.i( ehI tniop .giF( ;3 elbaT ;I e.g., YELRUH dna ,NNAMHOL ;9891 -RAC at hkihw the noitisopmoc of the yradnoces citenegaid phase RETNEP dna ,NNAMHOL 1989). ~uohtlA the Sr dna 0 epotosi slauqe that of the laitini rock). data morf htob snisab evah yltcnitsid tnereffid citenegaid -la soiranecS nac eb detcurtsnoc yberehw s7Sr/86Sr soitar are noitaret ,sdnert eud ot secnereffid ni the s’Sr/86Sr oitar dna na yllauqe evitisnes rotacidni of citenegaid .noitaretla roF Sr tnetnoc of lacol citeneg&d ,sdiulf these sdnert egrevid morf ,elpmaxe fi citenegaid sdiulf evah detavele Sr stnetnoc dna the emas eniram noitisopmoc .giF( 3). A gnitacilpmoc factor rS“/rS‘* ,soitar as was the case for the nigriV slliH ,noitamroF ni s7Sr/86Sr oitar noitalerroc si the laitnetop for etulosba age the R/W (water/rock) soitar yrassecen for 87Sr/8”Sr oitar -olc secnereffid neewteb two stinu hcihw are yllacihpargitartsoib erus approaches that for erusolc htiw respect ot 08I& .seulav .detalerroc gniredisnoC that the elddiM nainsarF 073-( Ma) ,esiwekiL erusolc for htob cipotosi tracers dluow eriuqer si a doirep gnisaercnifo seawater 87Sr/86Sr soitar (e.g., EKRUB noitavreserp of eniram 613C seulav dna Mg dna Sr .stnetnoc et ,.la 1982) dna that htob the cudeL reefs of atreblA dna the ,eroferehT noitalerroc of yramirp O*@ seulav ni raelc ,CFAR nigriV slliH noitamroF of ailartsuA rucco ni a emit wodniw setacidni that yramirp Sr dna Mg stnetnoc are osla ,devreserp of yletamixorppa 3 ot 5 ,.y.m we edulcnoc that tnemeerga of 87Sr/*6Sr soitar ot nihtiw 0.00003 si a good noitalerroc Comparison of Sr/Mg Ratios between enecoloH and (e.g., 0.70805 + 2 .sv 0.70808 + ;2 .giF ;3 elbaT 1). lanoitiddA Devonian Marine Cements noita~ifnoc of labolg *‘SrfB6Sr soitar si dnuof ni the -moc nosirap of ruo deretlanu eniram tnemec data htiw ralimis yrotarobaL noitatipicerp stnemirepxe edivorp a cisab -nu age etanobrac dna etirdyhna data morf the worepuD -roF gnidnatsred of the factors hcihw lortnoc Sr dna Mg -rocni noitam of the notsilliW nisaB &RAOR( ;9891 elbaT 3). noitarop otni eticlac yllacitoiba detatipicerp morf seawater ehT tnereffid noitaretla sdnert detartsulli ni .giF 3 for the dna detaler snoitulos ,.e.i( MORSEa nd BENDER1, 990). It has atreblA dna ailartsuA eniram tnemec data etacidni that -la been shown that DMg seulav esaercni htiw gnisaercni -met hguoht the lanigiro eniram eticlac ni htob setis was of the erutarep dna decrease htiw gnisaercni 20CP dna ];OS[ emas ,noitisopmoc the citenegaid sdiulf were ;ton citenegaid (KATZ, ;3791 BURTONa nd WALTER, 1987; Mum, 1987; sdiulf at the ailartsuA noitacol had rehgih a7Sr/86Sr soitar dna Mum et al., 1989; BURTONa nd WALTER,1 991). DMgi n-

ments from the Canning Basin of Australia are also analyzed. To provide a Leduc Formation (ANDRICHUK, 1958; MCGILLIVRAY and MOUNT- imately 0.2 mg) was delivered to a stainless steel sample container for C and 0 . cements and skeletal material substrate are consistent with modern
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