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Quranic Verses Attesting to the Fact that Contemporary Beneficial Works & Sciences Fall Under the Religion of Islam – Sh. ‘Abdur-Rahman as-Sa’di PDF

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Preview Quranic Verses Attesting to the Fact that Contemporary Beneficial Works & Sciences Fall Under the Religion of Islam – Sh. ‘Abdur-Rahman as-Sa’di

QURANIC EVIDENCES ATTESTING THE FACT THAT CONTEMPO! ( BENEFICIAL WORKS ALL,UNDER THE RELIGION OF SHAYKIL ABDUR RAHMAN BIN NASIR AS-SAADI ; ‘OuRANIC” EVIDENCES; Ae “ars HAT’?! dougie TAAL WORKS © FALLUNDER, . el E RELIGION QF: ISLAM SHAYKH AMLR Iba BEN NASHH 45-88 9D © Maktabatulirshad Publications, USA Allrighta reserved. 0 pat of this publication may be reproduced in any Language, store in any sctroval syste or framsalte iu any foomt or by any ican Whether electronic, mechanic, photacopying, wording ur udunvise, without the expnss permnisien ofthe copyright owner. ean YELL TTS ‘set idtiors Ramadhan 1436 AJL /hune 2015 C2 Cover Design Aboo Sulaymann Muhammad AbdubAzim Din Joshua Waker ‘Translation by Mostata Abwlul-Heklma Muhamna Tae Revised & Bdlting by Maklabtulitsid Stal Aypesetting & Lormatting by Aboo Sulayman, ‘Mudsamunel Abdu Aciza bia Joshua Baker Printing: Ohio Printing Bubject: Quran ‘Website: wwemabtabarulimhad.com, Esmnall wakes aetuliesn oun g eo CONTENTS BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF THE ACTHOR FORTWORD. 9 (CHAPTRR 1: THF MFANING OF “BUT ATTAAH SAYS THE TRUTH 2 CILAPTER 2: THE SIGNS RETERRING 10 THE ‘UNIVERSE AND TIE HUMAN BEING. v (CHAPTER 3: THINKING APOUT HOW ARF FOODS [ANID DRINKS RUNNING’ THROUGH THE HUMAN BODY. so BS (CHAPTRK 4:THE APPARENT AND HIDDEN ULASSINGS OF ALLAAUL. . 2» CHAPTERS. aL GUAPIER 6: ALAA GAVE 10 EACH THING 513 FORM AND NATURE, CLARE 7S) DING THE MRESSRNGHRG WITH HE (CLEAR PROOFS, REVEALING WITH THEM THE, SCRIPTURE AND THE BALANCE USTICE) AND [BRINGING FORTH THT TRON, 40 CHAPTERS: ALLAATIORDENS 1011UNK DELYLY AND PONDER: 8 CHAPTER 9; ATT AAH ORDERS CONSULTATION 108 (CHAPTER i. THR ABHORRANCE OF THR MATERIALIST WMO BELILVE HAT STE OCCURRENCES ARE ACCIDENTAL, v8 (CUIAPEER TE LLM LYRIGLIINISS AD SBELING. MATIERS RICLIT, sn 85 CHAPTER 12: THR HIGHNESS AND LIPRIGHINESS OF SUIARIS RLS, 08 CHAPILR 1S, om (CHAPTER 1; SOME OFTHE NTR KETCAL AND, TRRTEAL- QURANIC EVIDENCE, a (CHATTER 15; THESCIEKCTS THAT CONTRADICIS: ‘THE RELIGION OF BLAM. 100 (CHAPTER 16; THT PROPAGATION OF THE FRRANT 104 (CULAR IHR 17:SOMB PEOPLE SAY: L1US 1S LIME LIME OF SCIRNCE AND KNOWLEDGE. 7 (CHAPTER 18; THE GREATEST DEVTRITS OF SCIFNCR au (CHAPTER 19 ABOUT THE SIGNS OF THE DEVIAIONISIS IN TLELK RELIGION ns BRING SUTTABLE TO EVERY TIME AND FLACE IS ONE OIF LE SIGNSOF LUE PEbECINESS OF LIE RELIGION OF SLAM 8 QURANIC EVIDENCES ATTRSTING TOTAE EXCT THAT CONTEMPORARY BENERICIAT, WORMS 6 SCLENCIS FALL UNDER THE [RELIGION OY ISLAM BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR (Our Shaykh ‘Abdur Rahman Thm Nasir as-Saadi was born in the cily of ‘Unayzah in thw yeur 1307 AH. [comeaponding lo the year 1865 CE. His mother Tatimah Bint ‘Abdullah AL‘Uihaymeen passed array in 1311 ATL when he seas four years old, shority after his father diod wna he was seven years old; 6 he {grew up as an orphan, His father was a scholar in ‘Unayzah and worked as ‘the Imam of Masid-Masiakfa in 1310 AH, before ‘thats was Our" [Le. Reciter of the Qur'an] who would, «lnc vead the lessons for the Judge in ‘Unay za at that time was Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azcez dba Mabaramad AL Matne’ in Masjid} Asmontioned before, Shaykh Abdur Rahmnan aseadi vas raised an orphan in the house ol his bgother by his father's request. Hig father’s nae was Hamad an- Nasir as-Sandi, and his wife who tok care of him made mure he had 9 good livelihood, may Aah hive mercy on hey and reward her with gud. His older brother Flumad VAI Al-Qadee', who was from his mother im a previous anattiage-traveled f BI India und was wupied with commerce, He had vbtuined sm abundance of weulth, and he would “enbnst some af the expenditures reganding significant matters with his brother (young a-Si. His Seeking Knowledge and His Scholar When our Shaykl reached the age of discernment, he Dogan memorizing the Quen, and lie completed -moinorization of itat 12 yoars old ender the Shaykhul- Gao! [Echolar in Qur'an recitation] Sulayman ad- Taal. AMfturvards, he beyun Talib ule Time Intailent of knowledge, memorizing the short texts, hy vas solemn and commited lo tte extent that he had obtained in fils you whal no otter had done, ‘merging among his colleagues. When his colleagues observed hiun sugpassing (hein in the’sciences, they would receive tutoring, from him. Fle then becuane a student and teacher all at the sare Bie. His Scholars He would seek knowledge under the scholars in his city of Crayzah, among fem yeas his Shaykh, Al "Allamah Saleh iba ‘Udunan al-Qa'doe; he was the judge of Unayzah from 280 until 1331 ACH, who had ‘a ‘QURANIC EVIDENCRS ATTRSTING 10-714 FACT TAT CONIEMPORARY DENEFICIAL CHAS de SCIENCES FALL UNDER TIE TRAGHONOFISL AM sought knowledge i al-TTeaz [Le, Belore it was called, Saudi Arabia and in Ugypt for 17 years, He tok om jadieil duties im sneeension of Shaykh Ubraheem iba Jasir for a perio of 27 yours in 1824 ATL. until his Passing in 135% AFL and Soadi stayed close to him age ‘until the Shayldhs death, ‘Among his Mashayalt fe, Plural for Shaykh] was the Quidee fic. Fadge] of Unayzah, Shaylcn Tbraheens iba, ‘Hamad alJusir P247-1958A.11] who stuetied in Sham [Sierra], Traq and he resided there for some years, Que Shaykh, a¢-Saadi studied under hisn for the dnrution of dni udicial teeun Jeom 1318-1324 ATL Amory; bis Moshayalth was our senior schalae Shaykh, al-Muhaddillt ‘All iba Nasi Abu Wade! 127% 1361 ATT] who traveled to India to seek knowledge, taking, {rom the scholar of scholars there al'Allamah Nadeer Hussein, Out Shaykit ibn Saucli eamed "Yarza [he Permission to tench] in rivypat [le, Hadeeth aurzations, Just like whal we had oblainea frou the Shaykh ibn Saad in Bokhari, Muslim, Suman, Museu Ge. Chain of hadith) and other than that. Likewine, the Shaykh Abu Wadeo' had taken fom ub'Allamah Sadeeq Hasan Khon ol-Qenujee the wellrenwn scholar may Allah have mercy on them, i Among, fis Mashayakh as-Saadi look from wan Shaykh Mohommad Ameen ash-Shangitee [1289-1351 AH] from Maratainiyah, who had travélod about the Islamic world and fought against the English in Besta Le. South port of Frag}. Our Shaykh Sadi took -knovsledge lrom him when he arrivellin'Unayzalt and resided there for four yeas Among the Mashaysich wats Shaylch Muhananad thn ‘Abdul Karsemt wsh-Shubul, Shaykh ‘Abdullah ibn ‘ayada, Shaylhh Muhammad aba ‘Abdul ‘Azeez ibn ‘Manes’, Shaykh Tbraheem Thn Saleh ibn ‘saa and so forth may Allah have metcy on oll of them. SSnadl sludied under these “Uhm and benefited much along with Brut which he took of comprehension, tirelenmens upon seeking Knowledge and indelging the books of Shaykhutstam Yon Tayrniyah and his student Thr Quyyim—he benefited [ront that Allah shad opened for Bim a monumental opening in which anyone would bear witness to just by reading his books and authoring. i) (QURANIC EVIDENCES ATTESTING TO THE ACL LRAT CONTEMPORARY BENEFICIAL ACS eC TENCE ALL UNDUE 1H RELIGION OF ISLAM FOREWORD Im the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Meroifel Araiced, all praise in hue to Alla. Wee praise: im, suck zofuge With Him, and sock His forgivenuss. We sock refuge with Allaah ftom the evils of our smote and the mistakes in our actions, Whosoever sllaah Guides, ‘here iy mente who can misguidle him, and whomever Allaah misguices, ere is none thal can guise him, ‘Amul I testy that none has the sight bo be weorsbiped put Allaah alone, and 1 tstify that Mohammad (ez tati) is His Prophet and Messenger. As forsehat follows: ‘This book ineludes the decisive prools that ‘The Religion of Islam, its scien, ifs deeds and its ‘teachings includes all kinds of goodness, mereifulness and guidance, and righteousness and correctness of ‘every type in all cases, Also, Ue comic sefences and le beneficial modem technologies are considered an fc

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