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Quotients in monadic programming: Projective algebras are equivalent to coalgebras 7 1 0 DuskoPavlovic∗ Peter-Michael Seidel 2 b UniversityofHawaii,HonoluluHI, USA e F 7 ] Abstract O L Inmonadicprogramming,datatypesarepresentedasfreealgebras,generated bydatavalues,andbythealgebraicoperationsandequationscapturingsomecom- . s putational effects. These algebras are free in the sense that they satisfy just the c equations imposed by their algebraic theory, and remain free of any additional [ equations. Theconsequence isthattheydonotadmitquotient types. Thisis,of 2 course, ofteninconvenient. Wheneveracomputationinvolvesdatawithmultiple v representatives, and they need to be identified according to some equations that 1 arenotsatisfiedbyalldata,themonadicprogrammerhastoleavetheuniverseof 0 freealgebras,andresorttoexplicitdestructors.Wecharacterizethesituationwhen 6 these destructors are preserved under all operations, and the resulting quotients 7 of freealgebras are alsotheir subalgebras. Such quotients are calledprojective. 0 . Althoughpopularinuniversalalgebra,projectivealgebrasdidnotattractmuchat- 1 tentioninthemonadicsetting,wheretheyturnouttohaveasurprisingavatar:for 0 anygivenmonad,asuitablecategoryofprojectivealgebrasisequivalentwiththe 7 categoryofcoalgebrasforthecomonadinducedbyanymonadresolution. Fora 1 monadic programmer, this equivalence provides a convenient way to implement : v polymorphicquotientsascoalgebras. Thedualcorrespondenceofinjectivecoal- i gebrasandallalgebrasleadstoadifferentfamilyofquotienttypes,whichseems X to have a different family of applications. Both equivalences also entail several r a generalcorollariesconcerningmonadicityandcomonadicity. 1 Introduction 1.1 The story Background:Monadicprogramming. Monadsareoneoffunctionalprogrammers’ favoritetools,andpossiblyoneofthemostpopularcategoricalconcepts[14,13].Asa typeconstructor,amonadgivesrisetodatatypesthatcapturenotonlythedatavalues, butalsosomecomputationaleffectsofinterest[35,42]. While thisisachievedusing ∗SupportedbyAFOSRandNSF. 1 averysimpleandconvenientsetoftools,thehistoryoftheunderlyingideasisconvo- luted, and the conceptualand technicalbackgroundof monadic programmingcovers enoughterritoryofalgebraandofcategorytheorytoconcealmanymathematicalmys- teries. The conceptual origin of monadic programming was probably the idea that data structures can be captured as algebraic theories, which goes back to the early days ofsemanticsofcomputation[20,21]. Thetechnicaloriginofmonadicprogramming wasthentheideathatalgebraictheoriescanbecapturedasmonads,whichgoesback even further, to the early days of category theory [33, 34, Ch. I]. The upshot of the view of data-structures-as-algebraic-theories is that computational datatypes, as do- mainsofinductiveandrecursivedefinitions,canbeviewedasinitial,orfreealgebras, implementinginductionasauniversalproperty. Theupshotoftheviewofalgebraic- theories-as-monadsinthiscontextisthefactthatmonadsencapsulateandhidebehind theirstandardstructure1thediverseandoftenbewilderingsetsofalgebraicoperations, andmakethemavailableonlythroughuniformlystructuredmonadiccombinators. The mainfeatureof computationalmonadsis thustheir succinctandelegantren- dering of inductive datatypes as free algebras. But this main feature is perhaps also theirmainlimitation:thequotientsoffreealgebrasarenotfreealgebras. Problem: Quotient types. Whenevera data value can be given by differentrepre- sentatives,itsdatatypeisaquotient. E.g.,eachrationalnumbercanberepresentedby infinitelymanyfractions(3 = 39 = 273 = ···), so thedatatypeof rationalsisa quo- 7 91 637 tientofthedatatypeoforderedpairsofintegers. Setsareaquotientofbags,bagsare aquotientoflists, andsoon. Identifyingtheequivalentrepresentativescanbeahard andimportantcomputationaltask, tackledin typetheoryfromthe outset, goingback to Martin-Löf, and still further back to Leibniz. Different applications often justify differentimplementations[1,6],whichvaryfromsimplycarryingexplicitequivalence relationswithsetoids[11,31],throughcarryingcoherentequivalenceswithgroupoids [25,24,3],allthewaytotherichstructureofhomotopytypes[8,40],wheretheprob- lemofquotientsintypetheoryandtheproblemofinvariantsingeometryseemtobe solvingeachother. Thebasicideaofmonadicprogramming,topresentdatatypesasfreealgebras,pre- cludesdirectimplementationsofquotienttypes,sinceaquotientofafreealgebraisin generalnotfree.Thisisoftenviewedasafeature,sincepolymorphismrequiresthatall datasatisfyexactlythesameequations,whichforalgebrasmeansthattheyshouldsat- isfyjusttheequationsimposedbytheiralgebraictheory,andnoadditionalequations. Whennecessary, the additionalequationscanbe imposedbyexplicitdestructors, but thepolymorphicconstructionsgenerallydonotcarryovertosuchquotients,unlessthe destructorspreservethem. Underwhichconditionsdoesthathappen? Solution: Projective algebras. In the present paper, we study a special family of quotientsoffreealgebras: thosethatalsohappentobetheirsubalgebras. Thismeans thattheycan be implementednotonlyby imposingadditionalequations, butalso by 1Godementintroducedmonadsunderthenamestandardconstruction,standardizingthesheafcohomol- ogyconstruction[19]. 2 adjoiningsuitableoperations,calledprojectors,asdescribedbelow. Analgebrawhich isbothaquotientandasubalgebraofafreealgebra,i.e. itsretract,issaidtobeprojec- tive[22,§82]2. Sinceprojectorsinducepreciselythequotientsthatarepreservedbyall functors[36], thisaproachseemsnecessaryandsufficientforextendingpolymorphic constructionsfromfreealgebrastotheirquotients.Theequivalenceofprojectivealge- brasfora monadandallcoalgebrasforanyofthe correspondingcomonads,claimed inthetitleofthepaper,suggestsalinkbetweentheproblemofpolymorphicquotients in monadic programmingand the ideas of comonadic programming, put forward by severalauthors[17, 41, 2]. Theduallinkofinjectivealgebrasfora comonadandall algebras for any of the corresponding monads suggests a link between polymorphic quotientsof cofree coalgebrasand unrestrictedquotientsof algebras. We proceedto workouttheselinks. Prerequisites This is a paper about categorical semantics of computation, so the prerequisites are mostlycategorical. ThemainbackgrounddefinitionsarereproducedintheAppendix. Averysuccinctoverviewoftheunderlyingconceptscanbefoundin[28,Sec.I.3]. 1.2 Motivatingexample LetCbeacartesianclosedcategory,i.e. givenwithanadjunction A× C ⊥ C (1) A⇒ foreveryobjectA. FixanobjectS asastatespace,andconsiderthemonad ←− S : C →− C (2) X 7→ S ⇒(S ×X) inducedbytheadjunction(1)instantiatedtoS. Asexplainedin[35], thecategoryof ←− free S-algebrasC←− capturescomputationswith explicitstate, orwith side effects. A S computationovertheinputsoftypeA,theoutputsoftypeB,andthestatesoftypeS is presentedasafreealgebrahomomorphism f ∈ C←−(A,B),whichcanbeconveniently S viewed as a C-morphism in the form A −−−f→ S ⇒ (S × B) [32]. This computation f(a) thusmaps everyinputa ∈ A to a functionS −−−−→ S × B, determiningat each state s ∈ S anextstate,andanoutput. Equivalently,suchmorphismscanbeviewedinthe f′ transposedformS ×A−−−−→S ×B,assigningtoeachstateandeveryinputanextstate and an output. This transposed form of homomorphismsbetween free algebras will turnouttobemoreconvenientforthepurposesofthispaper. Inthecase ofthestate ←− monad S,suchhomomorphismscaptureMealymachines[15,23,26,Sec.2.7(a)]. 2Thenameisborrowedfromtheoryofmodules,wheretheretractsoffreemodulesarealsocalledpro- jective. 3 Towards a more concrete example, consider the following model of data release f policiesfrom[39]. SupposethataMealymachineS ×A→− S ×Bmodelsadatabase. S areitsstates,Aaretheinputs(insertions,queries,...) thattheusersmayenter,and g Baretheoutputssuppliedbythedatabase.AstatelessmapA→− Bcanbethoughtofa rudimentarydeterministicchannel,justmappingdataoftypeAtodataoftypeB.Since therearemultipleusers,theremaybeprivacypolicies,andauthorizationpoliciesthat ψ needto be implemented. A privacypolicycanbe viewed asa mapS ×B −→ S ×B, whichprojectsanyoutputb ∈ Bofthedatabaseatastate s ∈ S toasanitized,public componentψ(s,b)ofthestateandtheoutputofthedatabase,andfiltersoutallprivate ϕ data.AnauthorizationpolicycanbesimilarlyviewedasamapS ×A→− S ×A,which projects any database state s ∈ S, and any user input a ∈ A (including the relevant credentials)to the authorizedcomponentϕ(s,a) of the state and the input. Since the publiccomponentsshouldnotcontainanyprivateresiduetobefilteredoutinasecond runofψ,andtheauthorizedcomponentsshouldnotcontainanyunauthorizedresidue, thepoliciesshouldbeidempotent,i.e. satisfytheequations ϕ◦ϕ=ϕ ψ◦ψ=ψ Such equations define projectors. There are at least two different ways to interpret projectors as policies. One is to view them as policy specifications. The database f ψ ϕ S ×A→− S ×BthenimplementsthepoliciesS ×B−→S ×BandS ×A→− S ×Aifit satisfiestheequation f = ψ◦ f ◦ϕ (3) whichiseasilyseentobeequivalenttothepairofequations ψ◦ f = f = f ◦ϕ (4) In other words, a compliant database only ever supplies public data, and only ever permitsauthorizedrequests. A different view to interpret projectors as policies is to view them as policy im- f plementations. The database S × A →− S × B then does not implement the policies ϕ itself,butneedstobeprecomposedwiththeauthorizationpolicyS ×A →− S ×Aand ψ postcomposedwiththeprivacypolicyS ×B −→ S ×B. However,sinceeachofthese f policiesregulatesthesamedatarelease,thedatabaseS ×A→− S ×Bisconsistentwith ψ ϕ thepoliciesS ×B−→S ×BandS ×A→− S ×Aifitsatisfiestheequation ψ◦ f = f ◦ϕ (5) It is obvious that compliance implies consistency. A consistent database, however, doesnothavetobecompliant. Thereasonisthataconsistentdatabasedoesnothave toimplementthepoliciesitself,butitrequiresseparatepolicyimplementationsatthe inputandattheoutput. Onitsown,suchadatabasemayacceptunauthorizedrequests and it may supply private data. Its consistency means that if we make sure that no 4 unauthorizedrequestsaresubmitted,thenwecanbesurethatnoprivateresponseswill besupplied,andviceversa. Moreprecisely,adatabase f isconsistentwiththepolicies ϕ and ψ whenever a request consistent with ϕ results in a response consistent with ψ, andallresponsesconsistentwith ψ canbeobtainedonrequestsconsistentwith ϕ. Sincethetwopoliciesthuspreciselyenforceeachotheronadatabaseconsistentwith them,theyimplementthesame datareleaseprocessonthisdatabase, whichcanthus beimplementedeitherasanauthorizationpolicy,orasaprivacypolicy. Lifting this distinction between compliance and consistency from databases and statemonads,toadistinctionbetweentwotypesofhomomorphismsbetweenprojec- tivealgebras,wearriveatthemainresultsofthepaper. 1.3 The setting and theresult EveryadjunctionF∗ ⊣ F :B→− Adetermines ∗ ←− • themonad F =F F∗ :A→− A,withtheinducedcategoriesof ∗ – freealgebrasA←−, F – projectivealgebrasA(cid:9),and ←− F ←− – allalgebrasAF, andontheotherhand →− • thecomonad F = F∗F :B→− B,withtheinducedcategoriesof ∗ – cofreecoalgebrasB→−, F – injectivecoalgebrasB(cid:9),and →− F →− – allcoalgebrasBF. ←− Theotherwayaround,givenamonad F : A→− A, anyadjunctionF∗ ⊣ F : B→− A ∗ ←− ←− →− such that F = F F∗ is a resolution of F; and given a comonad F : B →− B, any ∗ →− →− adjunction such that F = F∗F is a resolution of F. Each of the above categories ∗ defined for a monad (resp. for a comonad) gives its resolution. The definitions are standard,andcanbefoundintheAppendix. Inthispaper,weintroducethecategories of • projectivealgebraswithconsistentmorphismsA",and F • injectivecoalgebraswithconsistentmorphismsB#. F Weprovethefollowingequivalencesofcategories ←− →− AF ≃B# BF ≃A" (6) F F 5 undertheassumptionthatthecategoriesAandBareCauchy3complete,whichmeans thattheysplitidempotents. Thisisaverymildassumption,sincetheCauchycomple- tion,theweakestofallcategoricalcompletions,iseasytoconstructforanycategory, asspelledoutinProp.2.2. Overviewofthe paper Sec. 2 begins with a discussion about projectors, and analyzes projectors over free algebras,whichdetermineprojectivealgebras. InSec.3westate andprovethemain theorem,showingthatprojectorsoverfreealgebrascorrespondtocoalgebras.Wealso statethedualversion,whichsaysthatprojectorsovercofreecoalgebrascorrespondto algebras. In Sec. 4, we return to the motivating example from Sec. 1.2, and analyze thedifferentcategoricalformalisationsofdatareleasepolicies. Sec.5closesthepaper withcommentsabouttherelatedpastwork,andaboutthefuturework. 2 Projectors over algebras and coalgebras 2.1 Projectors ingeneral Consideranequalizerandcoequalizerdiagram ϕ E i A A q Q id foranarbitraryendomorphismϕ.Intuitively,theequalizerEconsistsofthefixedpoints ofϕ, whereasthecoequalizerQ isthequotientwhereeachelementof Aisidentified with all of its direct and inverse images along ϕ, which together form its orbit. The obviousmapE→− Qmapseachfixedpointintoauniqueorbit;butsomeorbitsmaynot containanyfixedpoints.Weareinterestedinthesituationwheneachorbitdoescontain a fixedpoint, so thateachequivalenceclassfrom Q hasa canonicalrepresentativein E. This means that the iterated applications of ϕ push each element of A along its orbittowardsafixedpoint. Itcanbeshownthatthissituationischaracterizedbythe requirementthatthefollowingcountablyextendeddiagramcommutes ϕ ϕ ϕ A A A ··· id In terms of elements, this means that for every x ∈ A there is some n ∈ N such that ϕn+1(x) = ϕn(x). Inotherwords,ϕthusequipsAwiththestructureofaforest,where theequivalenceclassesthatformQarethecomponenttrees,andtheelementsofEare theirroots.Projectorsarethespecialcaseofthissituation,wherealreadythediagram ϕ ϕ A A A id 3ThehabitofattributingcategoricalconceptstoXIXcenturymathematiciansandphilosophershasstyled theterminologyinsomepartsofcategorytheory. 6 commutes. The forest thus reduces to a shrub, where each component may branch at the rootas wide as it likes, but can onlygrow one layer tall, and cannotgrowany furtherbranches.Thefollowingsummarizes[7,Sec.IV.7.5]. Proposition2.1. If the endomorphism A →−ϕ A satisfies ϕ◦ϕ = ϕ, then for any pair q A B,thefollowingstatementsareequivalent: i (a) iisanequalizerandqisacoequalizerofϕandid B i q ϕ A A id (b) i◦q=ϕandq◦i=id. ϕ Definition 2.1. An endomorphism A →− A is called a projector (or idempotent) if q ϕ◦ϕ = ϕ. Its splitting is an object B with a pair of arrows A B such that i i◦q=ϕandq◦i=id. Moresuccinctly,wewriteA#ϕ B. Since the projectors and their splittings are defined by equations, every functor mustpreservethem.Sinceasplittingconsistsofanequalizerandacoequalizer,itisan equalizerandacoequalizerthatmustbepreservedbyallfunctors. Definition 2.2. A categorical property is called absolute when it is preserved by all functors. A category that has all absolute limits and absolute colimits is said to be Cauchycomplete. It follows from the results of [36], as well as from the differentapproach in [16, Sec.I.6.5],thatallabsolutelimitsandcolimitsboildowntosplittings. Proposition2.2. ForanycategoryCthefollowingstatementsareequivalent (a) CisCauchycomplete, (b) allprojectorssplitinC, (c) theobviousembeddingC֒→C(cid:9) isanequivalence,where |C(cid:9)| = {A→−ϕ A|ϕ◦ϕ=ϕ} a A∈|C| f  A B  C(cid:9)(A→−ϕ A,B−→ψ B) = f ∈C(A,B)(cid:12)(cid:12) ϕ ψ  (cid:12) f  (cid:12) A B  7 TheabsolutecompletionC(cid:9)issometimescalledKaroubienvelopeofC[7,Sec.IV.7.5]. Two categoriesare Morita equivalent when their Cauchy completionsare equivalent [16,Thm.7.9.4]. Notethattheconditionψ◦ f ◦ϕ = f isequivalentwiththerequire- mentthatboth f ◦ϕ= f andψ◦ f = f arevalid. Assumption. In the rest of this paper, we assume that each of the categories under consideration is Cauchy complete, i.e. that projectors split in it. Any category C that does not fulfill this assumption should be replaced by its Karoubi envelopeC(cid:9), describedinProp.2.2(c). 2.2 Projectivealgebras overfree algebras Inhomologicalalgebra,projectivemodulesareusuallydefinedasdirectsummandsof freemodules. In the terminologyofthe precedingsection, thismeansthattheyarise bysplittingtheprojectorsoverfreemodules. Itisnaturaltodefineprojectivealgebras inasimilarway:asprojectorsoverfreealgebras[22,§82]. Intheusual(Kleisli)viewofthecategoryoffreealgebras[32],reproducedinthe Appendix,amorphism f ∈A←−(A,B)isamorphismA→−f ←F−BinA,anditscomposition withg∈A←−(B,C),whichisBF→−g ←F−CinAisdefinedby F g◦←− f = A−−→f ←F−B−←−F−→g ←F−←F−C −−µ→←F−C ∈ A←−(A,C) F   F Aprojectorϕ∈A←−(A,A)overthefreealgebrageneratedbyAisthusanA-morphism F A →−ϕ ←F−Asuchthatϕ◦←F− ϕ = µA◦←F−ϕ◦ϕ = ϕ. Astheyexpand,thecalculationswith projectorsintheKleisliformofcategoryA←−dogetincreasinglyclumsy. ←− F Whenamonad F : A→− AisinducedbyanadjunctionF∗ ⊣ F : B→− Asothat ∗ ←− F = F F∗,thenthecategoryoffreealgebrascanbeequivalentlydefinedby ∗ |A←−| = |A| F A←−(X,Y) = B(F∗X,F∗Y) F Itiseasytocheckthatthenaturalbijections A(X,F F∗Y) (cid:27) B(F∗X,F∗Y) ∗ ←− maptheKleislicompositionofthemorphismsinA(X,FY)totheordinarycomposition ←− oftheiradjunctiontransposesinB(F∗X,F∗Y). Ifthehomomorphismsbetweenfree F- algebrasarepresentedastheelementsofB(F∗X,F∗Y),thenaprojectorϕ ∈ A←−(X,X) F is just a B-morphism F∗X →−ϕ F∗X such that ϕ◦ϕ = ϕ. The category of projective ←− F-algebrasand compliant homomorphisms(explainedin Sec. 1.2) is thusdefined as 8 follows: |A(cid:9)| = ϕ∈B(F∗X,F∗X) ϕ◦ϕ=ϕ ←F− Xa∈|A|n (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) o (cid:12)  F∗X h F∗Y  A(cid:9)←F−(ϕ,ψ) = h∈B(F∗X,F∗Y)(cid:12)(cid:12) ϕ ψ   (cid:12)(cid:12) F∗X h F∗Y  whereψ ∈ B(F∗C,F∗C) is anotherprojectivealgebra, viewedas a projectoroverthe freealgebrageneratedbyC ∈|A|. 2.3 Projectivealgebras among allalgebras ←− ←− Thecategoryoffree F-algebrasA←− embedsfullyandfaithfullyintothecategoryAF ←− F ofall F-algebrasbythefunctor ←− A M AF (7) ←− F definedby X ∈ A←− F∗X→−h F∗Y ∈A←−(X,Y) (cid:12) F(cid:12) (cid:18) (cid:19) F (cid:18)←F−←F−X→−µ ←F−(cid:12)(cid:12) X(cid:19)(cid:12)(cid:12)∈(cid:12)A←F−(cid:12) and (cid:18)←F−X −F−∗→h ←F−Y(cid:19) ∈ A←F− µX,µY (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:12) (cid:12) whereF hisanalgebrahomomorphismbecauseµ= F ε,andthenaturalityofεthus ∗ ∗ ←− ←− impliesF h◦µ =µ ◦ FF h. SincetheprojectorsinAF splitwhenevertheysplitin ∗ X Y ∗ A,asassumedhere,theembeddingMhasauniqueextensionM(cid:9), A(cid:9) M(cid:9) A←F− ←− F (8) M A ←− F ←− whichmapseachϕ∈|A(cid:9)|toasplittingαoftheprojectorF ϕ∈AF(µ ,µ ) ←− ∗ X X F ←F−←F−X ←F−q ←F−A ←F−i ←F−←F−X (9) µ α µ ←F−X q A i ←F−X F∗ϕ ←− ←− α ←−←− µ An F-algebraFA−→Aisthusprojectiveifitisaretractofsomefreealgebra FFX→− ←− ←− FX, i.e. if there are an X ∈ |A| and some homomorphismsq ∈ AF(µ ,α) and i ∈ X ←− AF(α,µ )suchthatq◦i=id. X 9 ←− α Itturnsout,however,thateachprojectivealgebra FA−→Aisnotjustaretractofa freealgebraoversomeX ∈|A|,butaretractofthefreealgebraoveritsowncarrierA. ←− α Proposition 2.3. An algebra FA −→ A is projective if and only if there is a unique ←− algebrahomomorphismα∈AF(α,µ )suchthatα◦α=id. A ←− ←− ←−←− ←− ←− FA Fα FFA Fα FA α µA α ←− A FA A α α ←− ←− Proof. Toconstructα ∈ AF(α,µ ),extendthealgebrahomomorphismq ∈ AF(µ ,α) A X ←− ←− ←− ←− ←− to F(q◦η)∈AF(µ ,µ )andprecomposewithi∈AF(α,µ ).Henceα= Fq◦Fη◦i∈ X A X ←− AF(α,µ ),asdisplayedinthemiddlerowofthefollowingdiagram. A ←F−A ←F−i ←F−←F−X ←F−←F−η ←F−←F−←F−X ←F−←F−q ←F−←F−A α µ µ µ ←− ←F−η ←−←− ←− A FX FFX FA i ←− Fq µ α id ←− FX A q ←− Thecommutativityoftheupperthreesquaresimpliesthatαisan F-algebrahomomor- phism. The commutativityof the lower square and the triangle implies that α◦α = q◦i=id. ←− α Toseethatαisunique,i.e. thatitistheonlywaytodisplay FA−→Aasasubalge- ←−←− µ ←− braof FFA→− FA,notethatthecompositehomomorphismα◦αisaprojectoronthe freealgebra←F−←F−A→−µ ←F−A,andthat←F−A։α Aisthesplittingofthisprojector. ←−←− ←− ←− ←− ←−←− Fα Fα FFA FA FFA µ α µ ←− ←− FA A FA α α Whilethesplittingofaprojectorisuniqueuptoanisomorphism,fixingonecomponent ofthesplittingdeterminestheotheroneon-the-nose:sinceαisanepi,α ◦α=α ◦α 0 1 impliesthatα =α . (cid:3) 0 1 The precedingpropositionthussays thateveryprojectivealgebra←F−A ։α A hasa uniqueembeddingA ֌α ←F−A intothefreealgebraµ overitscarrier A. With noloss A 10

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