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Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction PDF

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Master’s Thesis 2016 60 ECTS Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (IKBM), at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction Kristine Lindtveit Microbiology Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction 2 Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction Master Thesis Kristine Lindtveit Institute of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science Norwegian university of Life Sciences Ås 2016 3 Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction Mater Thesis Supervisors PhD Linda Liberg Bergaust (Main superviso) r NMBU-N group, researche r Norwegian University of Life Science s IKBM NMBU Dep. of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Scien ce Norwegian University of Life Science s P.O. Box 5003, N-1432 Aas, Norway Phone: +47 67232449 Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction Acknowledgements The experiments were conducted at the Institute of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (IKBM) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, during spring and autumn 2016, in connection with completion of a Master degree in Microbiology. One student, Kristine Lindtveit, performed the experiments at the institute´s laboratories following the experimental set-up, designed by Scientist Linda Liberg Bergaust. During experimental preparations, experimental performance and collection of results, I was frequently and whole-heartedly thankful for the assistance of Ph.D student Daniel Aleksanteri Milligan; the clever advices from a skilful Technician Rannei Tjåland and her technician-colleague Inga Lena Angel. Also, I am thankful to Åsa Helena Frostegård for the possibility to make a Poster-presentation, for the 4th Norwegian Microbiology Meeting (NoMi-16), Sarpsborg. Most of all, I am grateful for the excellent supervision and refreshingly sharp work attitude given by my supervisor Linda L. Bergaust. 5 Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction Table of Contents Abstract ................................................................................................................ 9 Sammendrag ....................................................................................................... 10 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 11 Environmental aspects ......................................................................................... 13 N2O; the forgotten climate gas ............................................................................. 16 Denitrification ..................................................................................................... 17 Regulation of denitrification ................................................................................ 21 Pseudomonas aeruginosa .................................................................................... 23 Quorum sensing (QS) circuits ............................................................................... 24 Investigation ....................................................................................................... 26 MATERIALS AND METHODS ......................................................................................... 28 Bacteria ............................................................................................................... 28 Media and culturing conditions ............................................................................ 29 Estimating Biological Parameters ............................................................................. 31 Growth curves and optical density versus cell number/biomass............................ 31 Experimental systems ............................................................................................. 36 Robot incubation system and NOA-system .......................................................... 36 Designing primer pairs ........................................................................................... 39 DNA extraction .................................................................................................... 43 PCR and gel electrophoresis ................................................................................. 43 Experimental protocol ............................................................................................. 45 6 Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction 1. First experimentations ..................................................................................... 46 2. AHLs systems experiments .............................................................................. 46 3. Gene expression experiments .......................................................................... 48 Sample processing .................................................................................................. 50 Quantitative PCR (qPCR) ....................................................................................... 54 Melt point curve .................................................................................................. 58 Computational tools ............................................................................................... 59 Data analyses ...................................................................................................... 59 Excel-Spreadsheet for analysis of gas data .......................................................... 60 RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... 61 Estimation of Biological Parameters ......................................................................... 61 Specific growth rate (µ) and doubling time (Td) ..................................................... 64 Testing of primer pairs for quantitative PCR and confirmation of lasI/rhlI deletions . 65 Gel pictures ......................................................................................................... 65 Physiological experiments ....................................................................................... 67 DRP and AHLs systems experiment ...................................................................... 71 Gene expression experiment ................................................................................... 76 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................... 82 Critical parameters and troubleshooting .............................................................. 82 Estimation of Biological Parameters...................................................................... 84 Anticipated results and their implications ................................................................ 91 Initial phenotypic experiment with 0% and 7 % initial O2 ...................................... 91 7 Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction AHLs system experiment & Gene expressions ...................................................... 93 Humans .............................................................................................................. 98 Climate ............................................................................................................... 99 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................102 APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................115 8 Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction Abstract Many bacteria respire in the absence of oxygen throughti orned ou fncitrogen oxides (NOx) in the process called denitrification. Denitrification is the main greenhouse gas emitter by its release of N2O when high amounts of N-fertilizers are applied globally. pH is known to be a regulatory factor for N2O emission, but little is known about how quorum sensing regulates denitrification. When respiratory physiology of denitrifying organisms is studied under a defined set of conditions, their phenotypic traits are encompassed by the term denitrification regulatory phenotype (DRP). Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a model organism, well studied due to its widespread denitrifying and opportunistic pathogenic abilities. Detailed gas kinetics of this proteobacterium was studied to characterize its DRP. DRP of strains from P. aeruginosa (a type strain and PAO1 wild type) were characterized with respect to their denitrification phenotype at different initial oxygen - concentrations (0, and 7%). This was done by monitoring O2, CO2, NO2 , NO, N2O and N2 by gas chromatography (GC) and an NO-analyzer during their transition from aerobic respiration to denitrification. This study showed that the denser the culture, the higher the accumulation of N2O during denitrification, and implied that quorum sensing (QS) is mediating the N2O emission from denitrification. The question became whether this occurred due to the regulation by one or both of the AHL systems. Further characterization on how QS regulates the denitrification phenotype was - - done by monitoring denitrification gases under treatment with AHLs on PAO1 rhlI lasI mutant and a QS-inhibitor on its PAO1 parent strain (PAO1-UW). Their transcriptional activities of narG, nirS, norB, and nosZ during transition from aerobic respiration to denitrification were quantified by ddPCR. The gas measurements, as well as cell densities, cell numbers and initial biomass were measured to describe specific aerobic -1 and anaerobic respiration rates (µoxic and µanoxic h ), cell yields per e-acceptor and mRNA per cell. The results showed that the AHL systems´ regulatory effect on denitrification in PAO1 is inhibiting N2OR activity, most likely on a post-transcriptional level. This was directly due to repression of N2O reductase by the Las quorum sensing system. 9 Quorum sensing circuits in Pseudomonas aeruginosa regulate N2O reduction Sammendrag Mange bakterier respirerer ved fravær av oksygen gjennom reduksjon av nitrogenoksider (Nx)O i en prosess kalt denitrifikasjon. Denitrifikasjon er hoved- klimagass frigjøreren gjennom sitt utslipp av N2O når store mengder N-kunstgjødsel anvendes globalt. pH er en kjent reguleringsfaktor for N2O utslipp, mens quorum sensing (bakterielt kommunikasjonssystem) er en svært lite gjennomsøkt reguleringsmekanisme ved denitrifikasjon. Når respirasjonsfysiologien hos denitrifiserende organismer studeres under definerte forhold, blir de fenotypiske karakterene omfattet av terminen en ”denitrifikasjonsregulatorisk fenotype” (DRP). Pseudomonas aeruginosa er en modellorganisme som er velstudert på grunn av dens utbredte denitrifiserende og opportunistiske patogene egenskaper. Detaljert gasskinetikk av denne proteobakterien ble studert for å karakterisere dens DRP. DRP av stammer fra P. aeruginosa (en type stamme og PAO1 villtypen) ble karakterisert med hensyn til deres denitrifikasjonsfenotype under ulike initielle oksygen - konsentrasjoner (0 og 7 %). Dette ble gjort ved overvåkning av O2, CO2, NO2 , NO, N2O og N2 gjennom gasskromatografi (GC) og nitrogen okside-analyse (NOA) under deres overgang fra aerob respirasjon til denitrifikasjon. Dette studiet viste at jo høyere celletettheten var, desto høyere ble N2O akkumuleringen under denitrifikasjon, og antydet at quorum sensing (QS) er medvirkende til N2O utslippet fra denitrifikasjon. Spørsmålet ble om dette skjedde på grunn av reguleringen fra en eller flere AHL systemer. Videre karakterisering av hvordan quorum sensing regulerer denne denitrifikasjonsfenotypen ble gjort ved å overvåke denitrifikasjonsgassene under - - behandling med ulike AHL på en PAO1 rhIl lasI mutant og en QS-hemmer på dens PAO1 forelderstamme. Deres transkripsjons aktivitet av narG, nirS, norB, og nosZ under overgangen fra aerob respirasjon til denitrifikasjon ble kvantifisert ved ddPCR. Gassmålingene, såvel som celletetthet, celletall og initiell biomasse ble målt for å beskrive spesifikk aerob og anaerob respirasjons rate (µoxic and µanoxic h-1), celleutbytte per e- akseptor og mRNA per celle. Resultatene viste at AHL systemenes regulerende effekt på denitrifikasjon i PAO1 hemmer N2OR aktivitet, mest sannsynlig på et post-transkripsjonelt nivå. Dette var direkte på grunn av N2O reduktase-undertrykkelsen ved Las quorum sensing systemet. 10

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