en Vol••• IJ. ••11 JJ J••vlet lDJJ I hM••tJ,%1l~WI'I WHAT'S INSIDE? QUEL EST LE CONTENU? ~DITO By The Numbers · Oh Law Games Are Here lit Last Space, Music and Dumpllnp Skit Nite 2011 Warm Up Loft Party J.D./LLB. - Le d6saccord fait la force? Dean's Town Hall QUID ONUNE ltlPORTERS Grad Committee a-tie Feldman Kalle Webber cartoon a WEIMA5'ID Droit l'lmaae Ryan SChwartl =ASSOaA=1'E IEVI EWEIS Alhley Adams lvana Cesadlt EIIDCohen r.etyCohen MidM!IIe Felsky ltodriiO Garda Fmel Gulamhussein Daniel Haboucha Allison Jaskolta Elizabeth Kiauta Alexandra Lazar Marie-Pier leduc Kimberty lee-louis ~Mezouar James Nowtan CoteyOmer Laura Scheim EvaWarden LAYOUT EDilORS Nicholas Choi~re ICarine Eigenmann Benjamin Freeman Thomas Gagnon-van leeuwen Africa Sheppard WANT TO TALK? STAFF WRITERS TU VEUX T'EXPRIMER? Chase Barlet-Nault Kirk Emery Ariane Lauziere .... lee McMillan Alexandra Meunier Envoyez vos commentalres ou articles avant a. Michael Shortt bas«a sa detislan ... --•AIIIf~j jeudi 17h al'adresse: [email protected] reliCtion. CARTOONIST Toute contribution doit lndiquer le nom de Erdal Gok rauteur, son annee d'etude ainsi qu'un titre ~a .doe ~illad'~leelt (~lnd n,at.I :Jrl- pour rartide. L'artide ne sera publiee qu'a la ·.c~cxx.-,. cftSaetion du comlte'de reilaction, qui 2011: The Year of the Greedy Geezer COURTNEY RETTER The Baby Boo mer generation has been cal country's aging Boomers. Remember? Some analysts - many of whom are Baby led the "most narcissistic, self-indulgent, Boomers get what they want; there are so Boomer themselves - have come to the manipulative and effective cohort" in all many of them politicians cannot afford to defense of the Boomer generation; they of history.* And, once again, the Boomers ignore them. argue that the real problem does not lie in have succeeded in drawing attention to the fact that Boomers are getting older. Between 1960 and 1980, the Baby Boo themselves as January 1st, 2011 headlines Instead, the growth in Canadian health mers entered the workplace en masse. cautioned the public about an incoming Consequently, the number of workers ear care spending is caused by the bad mana "army of greedy geezers": On New Year's ning an income and paying taxes grew at gement of universal medicare in the coun Day, the oldest members of the Baby an awe-inspiring rate. The Welfare State try. The Canadian Business Magazine Boom Generation turned 65. Indeed, the published an article this past October cal rapidly expanded and, as Pierre Fortin ex New York Times lamented the fact that, for ling Canada's health care system the plains, Canada "successively implemented the next 19 years, 10, 000 people will turn worst-run industry in the country: "if [the hospital insurance, health insurance, low 65 every single day in the U.S. That is, for Canadian health care system] were a bu cost college and university education, so the next 19 years, the generation that suc siness, it would be out of business." The cial services, public pension plans, more ceeded in obtaining everything they wan article states that if the Canadian health generous old age pensions and employ ted on both public policy and economic care system were a corporation, it would ment benefits, etc." The so-called Golden fronts, will once more be restructuring be one of the biggest in the world; in 2009, Age of social programs was designed to their needs and wants as they head into the health care system pulled in $183.1 make the Boomers happy. What differen retirement and old age. And, chances are, billion in revenue, a dollar amount that tiates the governments of Diefenbaker, as North America's first mass market, they would place the hypothetical corporation Pearson and Trudeau from the govern will get what they want. Harvard Business in third place on the Fortune 500, right ments of Chretien, Martin and Harper is School Professor, Regina Herzlinger, between oil company giants, Exxon Mobil the fact that the former governments argues that we need only consider what and Chevron. According to health-policy were extremely willing to beg, borrow and the Boomers have already achieved: experts cited in the article, apocalyptic steal in order to acquiesce to the specific "They were in college in the '60s and '70s, predictions about Baby Boomers bankrup needs of the Boomers - a shift characte and many of them were, shall we say, che ting the system is nothing but "crisis rhe rized by a transition from huge deficit mically impaired. But they still got rid of toric": "[O]ver the next 25 years, the aging spending to (at least a target of) zero defi (presidents) Nixon and Johnson, helped population will drive up health-care costs cit spending. propel the civil rights movement and about 1% per year, compared to 0.6% an brought about other substantive cultural nually between 2000 and 2010.'' The Baby Boomers entered the market en changes." masse between 1960 and 1980. They will Canada is no different. The Baby Boomer similarly leave the market en masse bet Perhaps the future state of Canada's cohort now represents one third of the ween now and 2025. As Boomers leave health care system is uncertain. What re country's population. The percentage of the workforce, they will no longer be vo mains clear, however, is that while dollars Canadians living to be 65 years of age or ting for low-cost university tuition; rather, are being funneled to support health older has grown from 5% in 1901 to 13.3% · they will be casting their ballots for go care's infrastructure, tuition fees continue in 2006. By 2026, it is expected that over vernments promising more health care to rise at double-digit rates across the 21.4% of the Canadian population will spending and payments to seniors. In fact, country. Whether we like it or not, the consist of older adults - leaving behind it is estimated that provincial spending on Boom er Generation will remain the cohort massive debts and stressed pension funds health care and social services will likely of attention guiding government decisions for both their kids and grandkids. Cana increase by 14% between now and 2020. - and the dollars that support those deci dians are definitely used to hearing about This statistic is corroborated by the fact sions -for years to come. the impact of millions of retiring Baby that, since 1975, per capita health care *Regina Herzlinger, as quoted in Dennis Harp, "Baby Boomers. The media, politicians and the costs have ballooned from $1,700 to Boomers Get Their Way - Again: They're Fueling public in general have become accusto $4,000; in 2009, health care costs repre Change in Health Care as in Other Areas" (June 2004) med to the reality that a health care crisis sented a record-breaking 11.9% of the America's Health Insurance Plans, online: AHIP <http:// www.ahip.org/content/default.aspx ?bc=31 is looming and we are all going to have to country's GDP. %7C130%7C136%7C400%7C403>. pay big taxes in order to take care of the QN • 11 JANVIER 2011 • 3 Law Ill BY THE NUMBERS When course offerings for this year were rolment changes (grad and undergrad) so 2009} we have 67 total sections (excluding announced there was a chorus of griping this whole analysis is predicated on the all the same items as before as well as the that I'm sure is a perennial occurrence. This idea that these numbers are steady - I cancelled Legal Theory course). Removing first week of school, having heard an abun think (and hope) this is a safe bet. graduate and first-year only sections there dance of complaints best described as vo was a total of 44 unique offerings. Total ciferous about the lack of open spaces, I Okay then, 1970 is the magic number. I re seat capacity: 2511. decided to crunch some numbers. I have no alize that this number doesn't mean all that background in statistics, so my methods much on its face be~ause one cannot be I realize I've been throwing a lot of numbers may well be flawed, but here we go! seated in more than one class at a given out there, but what do they mean? lt may time (in theory), and it's worthless to say be surprising to learn that the number of In a nutshell, I'm looking at upper-year tra one person can have 5 spots in the same upper-year offerings has actually increased ditional in-class lecture/seminar courses class. However, it's useful to me as a gen over previous winter semesters. Of course, courses I could take that are not papers, eral idea of how many possibilities exist in this isn't really saying much because this clerkships, etc. Are there fewer of them of a given semester. A low number means figure includes graduate sections (there fered this semester? If not, is something we're all competing for a few select spots, seems to be more of these now). If we look else going on? Why does this add/drop pe a high number means everyone has a at unique offerings of courses, the number riod feel more limiting than it has in the choice; the problem, of course, is that a has been fairly steady, believe it or not. past? high number may be misleading if there are What happened this semester, however, is exceptionally large course sizes. For in that the number of total possible seats is To start, I put the Faculty of Law course of stance, only having three courses each down; to me, this indicates classes are get ferings for this semester as listed on Min seating a thousand students is still prob ting smaller. erva in Excel. I removed writing courses, lematic even though the seat count is high. clerkship courses, internships, law journal To see if my analysis can be supported, I related courses, clinic courses, moots, and So ... how does a seat count of 1970 com looked at how many upper-level lecture those credit-less university administrative pare with previous semesters? courses in a given semester had enrolment things (transfer, withdrawal, etc.). I then re capped at 25 or fewer students, including moved the required legal meth courses (in If we look at the previous fall semester, we grads and undergrads. In Winter 2009 there cluding TL-ing) and the first-year required have a total (with the same items removed) were six such courses, in Winter 2010 there offerings, as well as the cancelled courses of 68 offerings. Removing duplicates (i.e. were eight, and now in Winter 2010 there for this semester (Trade Regulation, Reme graduate sections) there were 45 unique are nine. This only seems like a small dies, and Law and Practice of International offerings. The seat count of the 68 offerings change, so I looked at it the other way-are Trade). totalled 2561. That means we have 23'1/o traditionally larger classes becoming fewer seats total this semester compared smaller? With all these items removed, there are 76 to fall, despite having virtually the same offerings this semester, a figure that in number of courses (45 v. 44). If we look at the number of courses with cludes graduate sections of courses. Real enrolment capped at 55 people or more izing that these are, of course, the same Certainly, it may be argued fall and winter (graduate plus undergrad) we have 15 this classes, there are 44 distinct upper-year are different and it's understandable winter semester, compared with 24 last Winter, lectures this semester. semester may require fewer courses since and, in Winter 2009, a whopping 27 by that point the students on the 3.5 year courses. This is a huge change-compared Combining these 76 courses, there is a plan have graduated. Point taken - let's to two Winters ago there are 441/o fewer total of 1970 seats that can be occupied look at last winter's stats. large classes. this semester. I'm using the 76-course fig ure because unused grad seats often be Last winter there were 74 upper-year offer Why are larger classes becoming smaller? come open seats for us undergrads; ings by my count, 49 of them unique. Total I'm not sure. Maybe teachers don't like however, I realize this isn't helpful to those seats: 2410. using the Moot Court or don't enjoy feeling looking at full courses at this moment. I like they need to shout in 101 and 102. should note that I lack data on student en- If we look at the winter before that (Winter Maybe it's become harder to schedule 4 • JANUARY 11th 2011 • QN upper-year courses around the first-year and flexibility are reduced. lt's also highly many more of you take 12 or fewer credits classes needing the larger rooms, in partic problematic when, as happened this se than I realize). ular given the addition of the Monday Uni mester, classes are cancelled. Certainly, a versal Break. Maybe teachers don't want student who missed the registration magic Some of you may be wondering if this to teach larger classes (and I know I prefer moment (perhaps for a very good reason) whole thing is actually a problem at all. Cer smaller classes generally) because it can be is at a great disadvantage. tainly, I don't think it's humanly possible to harder to facilitate a discussion. There are have a perfect system whereby everyone probably a host of other reasons for this Certainly, part of the reason classes seem gets every class desired. And, of course, I shift. full is doubtless students holding on to don't think profs should be forced to teach things while course shopping- it would be things they would rather not teach to class Certainly, it didn't help that a 75-student interesting to see how many people are sizes they don't feel comfortable with at class like Law and Practice of International registered for 18 credits now vs. at the end times they hate or in languages in which Trade was moved to first semester. lt also of drop-add. I know I'm guilty of this, and I they are not comfortable - nobody bene may be that having a giant Civil Law Obli feel bad seeing the student in front of me fits from this. gations class last semester created a bigger frantically refreshing Minerva hoping demand for spots this semester whereas something opens up; while I don't think What I'm worried about is that horror story second-year students may have otherwise opening more spots generally would stop -the student unable to take a full course taken a section of that course this semester spot squatters, it would surely give people load in a given seme·ster because he or she (though in theory these sections would a wider margin in which to manoeuvre. missed the registration date -or worse, if have kept the seat number fairly steady). one is forced to extend graduation by a se All that said, there could be other factors mester based on inability to take sufficient But, maybe this large-class reduction is an at work here-maybe our enrolment num credits or insufficient spots in required illusion. Even if we look at the Winter 2009 bers have changed. Maybe the faculty fig courses. While I'd like to imagine this does semester, Minerva shows an afternoon ured more people would be on exchange n't happen and wouldn't need to given pri Business Associations class capped at 75, or writing papers. Maybe it's just a really ority registration in upper-year, I think if but only 39 students enrolled; the same unfortunate confluence of circumstances the trend continues this could be a real goes for a 75-capped Immigration and being American, my instinct is to blame the problem, especially given that the re Refugee course that had 46 students. Re recession or Obama. I'm not sure what's quired/most beneficial courses (in terms of call that the total number of unique behind it, and I certainly don't mean to di baskets) tend to be the larger ones from courses that semester was the same as minish the work of the SAO, which I'm sure which spaces seem to be disappearing. I'm now - it's just as likely that when the dust has a hard enough time as is figuring out thinking here of a course like evidence - I settles on drop-add this semester, there who will teach what when without the know many students don't use priority won't be nearly as many filled-to-the-brim extra trouble of accommodating sudden credits on a course like this in part because classes as appear now. In other words, the changes of plans caused by unforeseen cir it seems with the larger class sizes the reduction may make sense: If we know cumstances. thought is 'Oh, there will be room' - you only 30 kids really end up taking class X, want to use the priority credits on some why continue to cap it at 60? The point of this piece isn't to start a witch thing small and much more coveted. The hunt for how this happened, it's simply to problem is that this course fills up so While I cannot say for certain, I believe this let you gripers know that the numbers back quickly that one may not actually get the is what's occurring: the new (reduced) caps you up, and to serve as a call to everyone spot come full registration. Without wiggle are probably based somewhat on what to think about what we might do differ room, a priority credit mistake could be courses have ended up being in the past ently down the road. very hard to overcome, but certainly not (and while I could do the math to see if this impossible (especially given how students is really the case and calculate just how Maybe 1970 is a fine number of spots. If we trade spots -thanks Facebook! Of course, much slack we're given, I have other things assume there are 400 (170 in 2nd, 170 in the trading system is thrown off by waitlists to do with my life, surprisingly enough). 3rd, plus 60 on the 4 year plan) students that may get in the way). The point is that vying for upper year spots, each gets 4.925. with reduced caps, students are increas While my explanation for the lower seat Assuming each seat is three credits ingly better off using some of their priority count may be wrong, one thing's for sure (granted, there's not an even matching of credits on a larger course that may fill up because of it there's less wiggle room for 4- and 2- credit classes to say this), this quickly; but it seems the prevailing wisdom students when it comes to course selection works out to 14.775 credits. To me, this is to use them on a smaller course one re this semester. Maybe these constraints are seems low- while many variables are at ally desires and hope the rest works itself good because they give professors a more play, it feels like the rough approximation out. Of course, raising the seat cap only realistic idea of what they'll be doing; should still be above 15, which I think is the solves this somewhat (and I'm not trying to maybe it forces students to pick more care average course load (although, again, say students don't have an onus on them fully and course-shop less. Conversely, it maybe winter students with impending selves to make wise course selections) - brings students more stress as their options graduations take a lighter load, or maybe I'm just saying it's something of which we QN • 11 JANVIER 2011 • 5 oo, need to be aware. Maybe increasing the UN PETIT MOT PAR RAPPORT AUX COURS le Prof. Saumier, selon Minerva, il y number of priority credits would be helpful, OFFERTS EN FRAN<;AIS: avait 19 etudiants dans un cours ayant un too. maximum de 60 etudiants. Ce semestre, 44 cours traditionnels sont of Perhaps our seating phenomena have ferts aux etudiants qui ne sont pas en pre Plusieurs facteurs influencent notre selec other- perfectly logical -explanations that miere annee (les details sur cette tion de cours. Ces facteurs incluent la ma I just don't know. Were more clinic place statistique et ce que j'entend par 'tradition tiere, le professeur, la methode ments offered this semester than usual? ne Is' est explique ci-dessus). De ces 44 d'evaluation et meme l'horaire. La langue Did an exceptionally high number of stu upper-year courses, seulement sept sont n'est pas necessairement determinante dents go on exchange this semester, offerts en fran~ais : par elle-meme (sauf peut-etre dans le cas des etudiants qui ne sont pas vraiment bi thereby reducing the need for more course seats? Did our physical space capacity re 1) Droit des personnes; lingues, mais ~a c'est une autre histoire). duce somehow? I simply don't have this in 2) Droit des affaires; Je souleve la question d'horaire ici parce formation. que je trouve etrange que la moitie des 3) Droit des biens approfondi; cours offerts en fran~ais ce semestre com lt will be interesting to see what happens a mence 9h ou avant. En effet, trois des hopefully at most you'll have only one un 4) Droit international prive; cours en fran~ais ce semestre (droit des desirable course (think of it as my mom affaires, droit des personnes, droit du would term it, "character building"). From 5) Preuve civile; a sport avance) commencent 8h35 le my perch, I'm curious if more students take matin et le cours de preuve civile com on term papers this semester than usual (as 6) Droit du sport avance; et a mence 9h le lundi matin. Je ne suis pas some have suggested) as an alternative to 7) Droit penal. convaincu que cela n'a aucun impact sur braving course-shopping. le choix des etudiants. Le nombre de cours est-il plus eleve ou Personally, I think we should raise the num moins eleve que les semestres prece Je ne veux pas m'eloigner de la question, ber of course seats to give people increased dents? A la session d'hiver 2009, il y avait mais j'aimerais suggerer que le choix de flexibility (although I'd also love more class sept upper-year courses offerts en fran cours offerts en fran~ais ainsi que les choices in general, particularly in French - ~ais, l'hiver dernier seulement cinq a heures laquelle ces cours sont donnes of the 44 upper-year classes offered this se etaient offerts. Cet automne il yen avait a ne contribuent pas convaincre ceux qui a mester only 7 are in French, more on this aussi cinq, comme l'automne 2009 si sont on the fence de prendre un cours en later). I feel this whole thing is very mes statistiques sont bonnes. Au cours fran~ais. Par exemple, cet automne, le Goldilocks and the Three Bears-2511 was des derniers six semestres, pour les a a cours de louage etait 8h35. Seulement perhaps too loose, 1970 feels too tight. quelles j'ai ete etudiant la faculte, les huit etudiants y etait inscrits, malgre le Who is to say where the balance is? Arbi cours en fran~ais ont generalement maximum de 60 eleves. trarily I'll throw out the 2200s, where the constitue entre 10'/o et 15% des upper average student (assuming 3 credits a seat year courses offerts. L'hiver dernier pour le cours Fiducie et ad and 400 students) gets 5.5 classes. 11 faut noter que ces chiffres excluent ministration du bien d'autrui, il y avait 'legal meth' et les autres cours (qui se li neuf etudiants inscrits, le cours commen 1 realize course offerings and sizes require a a mitent un ou deux par semestre) dont la ~ait 8h35. D'apres moi, l'idee d'avoir un a complicated balancing with careful atten designation est 'bilingue'. cours si tot le matin, peu importe lama tion to many factors. I'm sure the SAO is tiere, est loin d'etre ideale. Si je ne suis doing its best. That said, if the formula from La situation pourrait etre plus problema pas completement eveille, ces sujets vont now on uses reduced caps, it may be useful tique si les places dans les cours en fran potentiellement me mettre dans un etat to consult and involve students, as I'm not ~ais etaient tres limitees. Cependant, les de sommeil et je ne veux pas ronfler de entirely convinced a repeat of this particu places offertes pour ces cours sont gene vant mes profs ! lar course selection experience is some ralement nombreuses. Ce semestre, trois thing most students would find desirable des cours en fran~ais ont un maximum de Pour revenir sur le sujet, alors qu'un bilan even if the final numbers reveal empty a 60 places (droit des personnes, droit des sur l'etat du fran~ais la faculte pourrait seats in everything. affaires, et droit internationale prive), un etre un bon sujet pour toute une serie (droit penal) a 50 places et un autre d'articles, je m'arrete ici en vous posant I'm curious to hear what y'all think about (preuve civil) en a 40. Ceci dit, me me s'il cette question : est-ce que la proportion this, and please accept my apologies in ad est vrai que les places sont nombreuses, de cours offert en fran~ais est suffisante? vance if I did any math wrong-some things la realite demeure que, generalement, le were not straightforward (e.g. How do I EDITOR'S NOTE: After this article was nombre de places prises est tres restreint. count winter seats in full-year JICP?). submitted, the SAO announced enro/1- Prenez par exemple mon cours de Droit ment cap increases for a number of de la consommation l'hiver dernier avec courses. 6 • JANUARY l11h 2011 • QN OH LAW GAMES ARE HERE AT LAST! (My G. P.A. can kiss my ass!) by Chad Tarzan Steve Tarzan, Jean-Guy Tarzan Hippie Jane, Cl-Ass Act, Kin ball Wizard, Waste Case, Makeout Queen Le Roi du Makeout, Bottles and Models, McGi/1 Lounge, Blondie, Four For Four; U ofT Inner-Tube Water Polo Team, Wingwoman Full Moon Little Brother; Stick Lady, Goth Chaser; White Guilt, McGil/es, Upside Down University of Wisconsin McGi/1 Loverboy, La- dykiller; Game Face, The Train Wrecks A new dynasty was born in Quebec City ent to you the top 10 things that McGill to "relieve his natural needs" on the last week at the Canada law Games. students were asked during law Games side of a car. What only seemed natural Organizers and the great majority of 2011: wound up costing him dearly (see participants agreed that McGill's team, photo). which featured 20 first-year students, 1. Where are your pants? was undoubtedly the most rowdy, most 7. What happened to your Talent Show fun and best-looking (obviously). 2. Whose room is this? trophy? Throughout the Games, McGill showed its amazing spirit, partying with- and At the hotel, McGill got to party in an After winning the trophy, McGill de cheering for - all the other universi abandoned ultra-exclusive suite, fea cided to share the joy with students ties. lack of sleep, severe voice loss, turing a breathtaking view of le Vieux from other schools by encouraging sore muscles and nasty hangovers Quebec, amazing DJs and a full profes them to drink out of it. Unfortunately, never slowed the team down!!! While sional sound system. lt was without a a few ruffians from a university that McGill came in an extremely close sec doubt the most legendary room party shall remain unnamed stole the trophy ond to Saskatchewan in the Spirit Cup in law Games history!!! from the hands of a McGill student. lt race, two important victories must be was only after many complaints that mentioned. First, choreographers 3. Why are there no girls here? the trophy was handed back 24 hours Eloise Gagne, Michele lamarre-leroux later, to the great relief of all. and their incredible dance troupe won One of the stops during the pub crawl the Talent Show with a one-of-a-kind was at a gay bar called le Drague. 8. Can you send me your cheers? glow in the dark dance! Second, Julien Barely 10 minutes after arriving, 15 of Grenier and Michele lamarre-leroux the McGill boys were on stage dancing McGill's rowdy and not-so-politically won the Mooting competition, proving with no shirts on! The lonely old men correct cheers were a huge hit, for all once again that while McGill students present enjoyed it as much as the sorts of reasons. lt might have been the may not win many sports or drinking McGill girls. references to beavers, to working at an contests, they are always the frontrun old department store in Chicago, or to ners in academics! Yet it must be noted 4. What's your name? (the next morn drinking and dancing without pants on. that McGill was the loudest and most ing) Both civil and common law schools skilled team during the pub crawl, to agreed that McGill students sure know the amazement not only of other What happens at law Games stays at how to light up any boring kickball schools but also of local Quebec City law Games event or bus ride! residents who were woken up by the incessant cheers of "Beaver one, 5. You got a what on the dancefloor? 9. Is that a pukesuit? beaver one, let's all have some beaver fun" and "Oh Law Games are here at What happens on the dancefloor stays In order to save on costs, McGill de I last, my G.P.A. can kiss my ass". McGill on the dancefloor. cided to forego the traditional team was also semi-finalist in the most gru tracksuits, instead opting to wear fire eling of sports, namely inner-tube 6. What did you get that ticket for? engine-red pukesuits (a.k.a. jumpsuits). These pukesuits were then christened water polo and dodge ball! After a messy night of partying on la with nicknames on the back, 9SO/o of And now, with no further due, we pres- Grande Allee, a certain student decided which cannot be printed in this fine QN • 11 JANVIER 2011 • 7 "M-G-C-1-L we're so drunk we cannot newspaper. McGill was the coolest Handle Me". spell McGill, hey hey McGill, hey looking bunch out there, fo' sho. In the words of Kid Cudi: "All the crazy hey!!!!!!!!!!!!" 10. What channel are you on? shit I did last night, those will be the best memories". Here's to hoping that - The Law Games Team At the end of the pub crawl, all the Law Games in 2012 will be just as teams wound up at a "headphones rowdy and fun! Get involved and start party" at Le Maurice. Imagine walking hyping it now!!!! into a bar with no music and everyone's wearing headphones, dancing and ~NSTAT yelling. Partiers could choose from two D'INFRACTION different channels playing live DJ sets of 223027-79680285 very different kinds of music. Half the people would be cheesy 80s dancing to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" while the other half would be grinding to "Lol lipop". What a surreal sight it was! Above all, the team would like to thank the organizers who did a terrific job. Fun games, sports, the mooting, the parties, everything went as planned and everyone had a great time! kg With such an energetic crop of rookies, 2 1-Code ae sl!co~ mutlere 2- AeRgVleQm-ent reidf a 1a drculatiOn ou au scatiof •~oement 3-AutTe lol ou r6glemeot (titre) : 1091 things will only get better in the years to come. Watch out for McGill in 2012!!! The Spirit Cup is coming back!!!! Honourable mentions: Jumping and dancing on the bed during the massive room party, Paul's bloody shirt, 1st year girls beating upper year guys at flip cup, Lee's (permanently) un buttoned shirt, lan's poutine eating, 03:22 03:22 Michele's voice (or lack thereof), 1-NotU Jonny's formal ball outfit (a.k.a. Jersey 2-Sud 3-Est Shore meets Miami Vice), Dalhousie 4-0uest sexy sailor hats, Sasky dudes' hot pants, 1 Arronct 2 UQAM catwoman outfits, stumbling drunk U.W.O. guy dressed in pajamas at the banquet, Dominic the Godfather, mooning (repeatedly), Graham passed out on the bus, Jonny for sleeping so o.oo well, Boxhead (his kidnapping and sub 150.00$ .. 64.00 $ + $ + 0-00 $ = 214.00$ sequent rescue), Turptacular mad cap Je. sovsslgne. atteste avoiT taining and dodgeball skillz, 3 free et (si applicable). atteste que agent de la palX, matrla.d& bottles of vodka and finishing them in A 6 C 0 a oonstat~ le:s falls mentionnes eo 15 minutes, glow sticks and "Club Can't et fal des motffs raisoo~es de CfOife rlnftactioo ~e en c a e.e commise. Je n'ai pas remis ~ dol..ble du constat tors de la pe~ de l"lllfradiOn 8 • JANUARY 11th 2011 • QN SPACE, MUSIC AND DUMPLINGS: APLAM INTERVIEWS D.C.L. CANDIDATE MICHAEL MINEIRO The first time he went to China, the challenge was Though he did not stay in China, he could not stay in just getting the courage to go. The second time, the North Carolina either. While in Hong Kong, Mineiro challenge was to figure out why he was even going had discovered that space was a national priority in and what he actually wanted to do with his life. And China. Indeed, for technological, commercial, secu when he goes this spring, Michael Mineiro's chal rity and national pride reasons, China is interested lenge will be finding a job at any one of the top uni in space at least as much as the USSR and United versities in Beijing. States. "That woke me up." For the first installment of the new Quid series, the lt comes as no surprise that he decided to take Asia Pacific Law Association of McGill met with doc McGill's Air and Space LL.M. program. "There is a re toral candidate Michael Mineiro, one of the select search institution here that is premiere internatio group of students who can say they turned down a nally." After a year of hard work, he decided to stay budding career as an Asian pop star to do their bar partnered with McGill's Institute of Air and Space exam. To say that Mineiro has gone a long way since Law as the Boeing Doctoral Fellow of Space Law. first developing an interest in Asia, and more specifi Upon discussing his doctoral thesis on the coopera cally China, during his undergrad degree would be a tion of States in space, Michael Mineiro's passion for major understatement. international legal theory really shines. "Law is a The path to getting where he is now was unconven manifestation of political willpower." He notes that tional, to say the least. In 2002, Mineiro took a risk for many years, the United States had a technologi and left for a rural Chinese village, where he taught cal hegemony and that they made it so their internal English for six months. Despite the hardships he regime was applied internationally. Though his the faced, his first exposure to Asian culture was a great sis specifically discusses restrictions on space tech experience. "I went back to law school, and was a nology trade, he keeps an eye on the big picture, little bored in law school, and so I decided it would namely how space is just another frontier in huma be fun to take mandarin lessons. [ ... ] And then I nity's continuing quest for energy. The issues he thought, well, this would be even more fun if I could raises are timely as, "we are at an unprecedented go study Chinese law, so I set up a study abroad pro moment in history" where we fully understand our gram with the University of Hong Kong for one se planet and are able to fully utilize its resources. mester." With his thesis already submitted and pending re Mineiro's interest did not stop there. He applied for view, Mineiro has made plans for visiting China du -and received- a US government scholarship to do ring March and during the summer. He hopes to get some research on how the Rule of Law was develo a job at a Beijing university. "I figure if I invest a year ping in the context of democracy. His work did not or two now, it'll pay off. [ ... ] lt is a long-term play." stop him from enjoying local culture: "To be quite He adds that the rising economic powers like India honest, 1s pent more time on trains talking to peo and China are in Asia, but that we should not forget ple than [talking to] academics." He loved the expe that their story is our story too. rience so much that he postponed his bar exam and These career plans do not mean that Mineiro has taught at Beijing's Language and Culture University. forgotten about Asian culture. The love he develo lt is during this time that he was approached to play ped for the food, music and art in China carries on. the bass in a pop band. "I turned it down- I'm not Upon being asked why, he notes that there is some quite sure why-to go get my bar." thing to the whole 'East meets West' that brings QN • 11 JANVIER 2011 • 9 about renewed creativity. lt does not take long before he is tures. This, however, should not stop you from rolling the enthusiastically talking about a jazz scene where traditio dice and taking chances. "lt's about finding a way to make nal Mongolian and Chinese instruments such as the erhu Asia work with your vision." Or to quote Jon Bon Jovi: are featured. lt is also impossible to forget such expe "Map out your future- but do it in pencil. The road ahead riences as the time he went to Tibet for ten days and visi is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip." ted both the base camp at Mount Everest and what is And for all those of you who are not quite sure what to do locally known as the 'Centre of the Universe'. "lt is beauti with your degrees, here is one idea that he wanted to ful and there is no pollution," which incidentally means share: "Follow your passion, place your doubt aside. Suc that you have a better view at night of. .. space. cess is the brother of courage." Mineiro does warn that even a basic knowledge of the local language is necessary to fully soak up foreign cui- SKIT NITE 2011 SKIT NITE AND LSOR COMMITTEE The biggest and best night of law school is on the horizon - dans un sketch, contactez-moi et on vous trouvera un ou a Skit Nite 2011!! Mark your calendar now- c'est le 15 mars plusieurs partenaires qui recherchent des comediens. 19h30 chez Club Soda! Venez en grand nombre- 1Ls, it's after the Memo is due, and What is Skit Nite? Think law school meets Saturday Night 2Ls- it's wayyyy after the Factum's done! Live - it's a collection of hilarious skits and videos featuring your fellow law students! AND, there may even be some Comme chaque annee, les profits de Skit Nite iront aq uatre Profs on stage poking fun at what happens here at NCDH! organisations caritatives: Chez Doris, Dans la Rue, Share the Here you'll find it all- impressions of Profs, law jokes, prom Warmth and Mission Old Brewery. Alors, participez ou assis issory estoppel. .. well, not so much that last one, but you tez au Skit Nite- c'est pour une belle cause ! will get to hear the Skit Nite Band (they're awesome) - oh, and the skits are all LIVE, so ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!! lt We also will need some volunteers for Skit Nite (helping to promises to be a great evening! sell tickets, work behind the scenes) so let me know if you're interested! If you want to see examples of what has happened in previ ous years, type "Skit Nite McGill" into YouTube. There you'll On a vraiment besoin de vous pour faire rigoler tout le find Profs. Janda, Jukier, Van Praagh, and Dean Lametti monde. singing (no, not all together- that's this year's goal!). You'll also find a hilarious sketch about a day in the life of Lord Den Here's to the funny, and we hope to see you in March! If you ning. For most of last year's show, you can find links on my attend one awesome event this year, make it Skit Nite!!! Facebook in a note (if you hunt for it!). Si vous avez des idees de sketchs ou de videos, envoyer un courriel: [email protected] Si vous voulez jouer 10 • JANUARY 11th 2011 • QN