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Preview Quid Novi Vol. 25 No. 016: January 25, 2005

Numero journee carrieres en droit communi Common Law Careers Day Edition McGill University, Faculty of Law Volume 25, no. 16 -January 25, 2005 ,•. '' Bbl76R w~~ THAtv You_ Sl/l:MW 4lSo - R£6-tALA~ CJ4E;6~E. ! ,, TRY SUSHI 4ttJ.D WK€€ LY ClX.KWLS - -- :-:-- In This Issue ... Week in Review ... . . George W. Bush was sworn m agam as 3 Television Torture president, and threatened to bring "the untamed fire of freedom" to the world. In his 4 Petite anecdote avec consequence 20-minute speech the president used the 6 Actus Reus & The Laramie Project words "free," "freedom," and "liberty. " 49 6 Lessons from the Wallenberg Symposium times, but never said "war" or "Iraq." 7 Casebooks - Why Are They So Expensive? Protesters threw snowballs. Norwegians were 9 Who's Got the Right Stuff? shocked to see the president and his family repeatedly give the University of Texas "hook 9 Skit Nite 2005 Just Weeks Away 1em, 1hornS11 sign, w~ch they interpreted as a 10 Clerking at the International Court of Justice salute to Satan, during the festivities, and 14 The CRAW Report sign-language users pointed out that the sign means "hullshit. A reverse-speech expert t' played Bush1s inaugural address backwards and heard the messages 11Hero1S gonna shell Iran" and "I3ombs will make laws. 11 A survivor of the Indian Ocean tsunami was found in his underwear eating coconuts on a tiny island 25 days after the tsunami hit. The number of deaths attributed to the tsunami QUID NOVI Editors-in-Chief increased to 220,000, with about 3,500 3661 Peel Street Jason MacLean corpses still being recovered daily in some AramRyu areas. Looters were running rampant in Banda Montreal, Quebec H2A 1X l Acch, Indonesia. Both Al Qaeda factions and (514) 398-4430 American evangelical groups were exploiting Assistant Editors-in-Chief the ensuing chaos to recruit new members, Emelie-Anne Desjardins quid.law@mcgill. ea and Condoleezza Rice was thinking that the Lindsey Miller http://www.law.mcgill.ca/quid tsunami presented a "wonderful opportunitt for the U.S. to make friends in Asia. Rice, the Managing Editors presumptive secretary of state, began her Andrea Gede-Lange Senate confirmation hearings, during which The QuidNovi is published weekly by the stu dents of the Faculty of Law at McGill Karina Kesserwan she refused to say whether such acts as 11Water University. Production is made possible boarding," in which an interrogation subject is through the direct support of students. made to believe he will drown, can be defined layout Editors as torture. All contents copyright 2005 Quid Novi. Naomi Kikoler Lisa Schneiderman Thai officials were planning to set up a Les opinions exprimees sont propres aux webcam in a notorious Bangkok prison to auteurs et ne refletent pas necessairement celles Associate Editors broadcast prisoners1 daily lives and the de l'equipe du QuidNovi. · Joseph Adams moments before their executions as a The content of this publication does not ucccs deterrent against drug crimes, but Amnesty Joel-David Dalibard sari ly reflect the views of the McGill Law International pointed out that most criminals Carl Dholandas Students' Association or of McGill University. are poor and without Internet access. Twelve David Perri thousand people fled their homes in Envoyez vos commentairt>s ou articles avant Concepcion, Chile, after three pranksters ran a jeudi 5pm l'adresse: [email protected] Web Editors through a beach shouting that a tsunami was Bram Dov Abramson approaching. Hours after an Italian man killed Toute contribution doit indiquer l'auteur et son origine et n 'est publiee qu 'a la discretion du Luisa Cetina himself because his wife had been in a coma comite de redaction, qui basera sa decision sur for four months, she woke up. a la politique de redaction telle que decrite Cover Artists and Cartoonists l'adrcssc: Lawrence Summers, the president of Harvard, http:/1www.law.mcgill.ca/quidfedpolicy.html. Caroline Briand spent the week apologizing for publicly musing that women were innately less capable Contributions should preferably be submitted at science and math than men. A cartoonist as a .doe attachment. All anonymous submis was sentenced by a Greek court to six months sions wtll be rejected. in prison for depicting Jesus as a pot-smoking hippie. J.M. 2 January 25,2115 QuidNIIVi Television Torture by Phil Alma (Law 11) The other day I was watching increasing hostility an1ongst children who footage of Alberto Gonzales (the apparently have trouble distinguishing To stay up to date with the latest in man who wrote that the Geneva television from reality. This may be so, civil rights violations, Jerry Bruckheimer Convention was "obsolete" and who has but I don't remember thinking that (who, apparently, produces everything) been accused of condoning the violent Energon-cube-craving robots fought each has seen fit to launch his wildly popular treatment of detainees at Guantanamo other for the fate of the world, or that series of series CSI: Las Vegas, CST: Bay) being interviewed for the post of Michael Knight or Knight Industries Two Miami, and now CSI: New York I'll be Attorney General of the United States. Thousand were real. Hmmm ... come to the first to admit that those shows are As I stared on in disbelief, I got to think of it, maybe I did. My point, addictive, and in spite of David Caruso thinking of the egregious roll back of civil however, is that I fear that shows like sucking ass as an actor, they're pretty rights in the past few years after CSI, 24, and Law and Order are actually good entertainment. I'm not alone in September 11. The day. represents a subliminally easing us into sympathizing thinking so either; CSI: Las Vegas is horrible terrorist attack and "September with government officials who abuse apparently the most watched show on 11" has become a magical incantation people's civil liberties. television with about 26.2 million used to silence critics of draconian laws vtewers. What all those viewers are of detainment. 1 suppose the horizon is Just think about it for a second. In 24 seeing, however, is some pretty shady not completely bleak After all, the recent for example, Jack Bauer (agent police work. When they're not taking House of Lords decision found that extraordinaire) hardly goes an hour pictures of body parts to Moby, or Britain's anti -terrorism measures without torturing some truth out of a flashing mysterious blue light in snazzy offended European human rights law. (Middle Eastern/Eastern European) montage, they're pressuring people into terrorist to save his (white, blond) wife, providing their fingerprints, or tricking I'm still shocked that these measures daughter, or girlfriend. The worst part is them into giving DNA samples. Of are permitted, but I don't want to get into that the story sucks us into the "action" course, they have to do it because those the details of Canadian detainment laws, and shades his conduct with patriotic pesky things called privacy laws keep or the totally sketchy stuff going on in flare. getting in the way of their job. I forgive "Gitmo." I do want to talk about the you Gary Sinise. strange numbness to these events. For Law and Order (all of them) is also some reason it seems that people feel guilty of glorifying, or at least sugar Whether or not these shows actually more and more apathetic to allegations of coating dodgy police tactics. Our intrepid do soften us up for things like secret prisoner abuses and torture. Perhaps it's investigators routinely rough-up suspects, trials, prisoner tortures, or unlimited because it's all old news. Perhaps it's bend the law with the aid of the state's detention has yet to be seen. I'm sure because people feel powerless in the face District Attorneys, and try to intimidate there'll be some kind of study. In the of the government. As I sat last night to confessions out of minors. All this, meantime, I'll just have to wait and see watch some TV I realized what it was - however, is rather dated, and films are full what the effect is on the youth of popular television dramas. of crusty cliche cops who talk tough. The tomorrow. I just hope I don't get arrested. big development, however, has been the Now, we are all aware of the studies move to update techniques of invading that accuse violent television shows of people's privacy. Beginning next week ... The Serial Publication of Jason's Term Essay Ouvre (opening with the law & economics explanation of incomplete contracts) UNLESS, that is, You SUBMIT TO THE QUID! quid .law®mcgill. ea 3 le 25 janvier, 2BBS Ouid Novi Petite anecdote avec consequence par Delphine Neant (Law 11) Qui sont-ils? Ils ont manque la premiere semaine de cours. T1s deambulent dans 1es couloirs de la fac comme des ames en peine. Ils ont de nouveaux amis. T1s ont des visages blanc couleur lavabo pas propre. Ils ont une voix cassee et en sont tres fiers. Ils sont dangereusement contagieux et seuls les plus resistants n'ont pas ete touche. Ils etaient partis reposes du break de Noel~ ils reviennent epuises mais non amaigris. Ils etaient relativement athletiques; ils reviennent alcooliques en puissance. Ils ont un code (ou tuque) de reconnaissance Red Devils. Que sont-ils devenus? a Ils ont fait parti de notre passe et sont perdus de vue present. Ils nous ont fait rire, ils nous ont appris, ils nous ont aime. Ils ne font plus partis de nos vies mais partis de nous. Ils nous ont conte leurs desirs, leurs peines, leurs ambitions. Ils ont realise leur reve et nous decouvrons un beau matin leur reussite avec plaisir. Comment les localiser? a Ils ont un meeting hebdomadaire le jeudi 4.30pm. Ils sont sur liste rouge mais " googlelisables ". ' ' Ogilvy Renault's diversity of clients has meant that I am able to gain experience in a variety of business sectors and work with a team of colleagues whose backgrounds complement my own training as a chemical engineer. ' ' Andy Radhakant [email protected] 4 ~---------------------===~--------~-------------------------------~ January 25,211115 QuidNOIIi PICTURE YOURSELF WITHU Michele Denis DirectOr of Student Programs (514) 397-3073 [email protected] STIKEMAN ELLIOTT !IDIIID1IIliill u.r>:mmmn:n:m:mrrrm:m nm:rrmm:rn 5 OuidNovi le 25 janvllr. IllS Actus Reus The Laramie Proiect & by Thomas Chalmers (OUS) O n Friday evening January 21st I The performers were superb but than it was. The Actus Reus group did attended a play. It has been quite perhaps more importantly the subject that last night. They reminded me that all sometime since the last play but I matter of the piece should not have been hate is self hatred for if you hate one still rem em her the difference between a missed. Some of us live in isolation and human being you hate us all. good one and one that's not so good. This insulate ourselves from the outside world. was good - very good. For d10se of you We can be jaded and cynical. We Again Actus Reus and The Laramie who missed it I suggest that you stand up sometimes forget what is outside the Project well done and thank you! right now, take your right foot and kick buildings' walls and need to be reminded yourself as hard as you can. This was one of what has and is happening out there. At P.S. If you encounter anyone involved of those special moments that are all too least that is what I took away from the with the play please congratulate them on infrequent when we are involved with performance. I used to believe, many a job very well done and for thinking term essays, studying, etc. Those too who years ago, that you could change the outside the box. work at the Faculty should be inflicting world; I have since come to the some physical pain on themselves for realisation that the best you can hope for missing this event. is to make where you are slightly better lessons from the Wallenberg Symposium by Ryan Anderson (Law I) and David Sandomierski (Law I) On January 17, four McGill law Edward Greenspon, Editor-in-Chief of Law and Toboggans students traveled to Toronto to the Globe and Mail; Tony Burman, by David Sandomierski (Law I) attend the two-day Wallenberg Editor-in-Chief, CBC English; Bob Rae; Symposium on International Human and Patrick Monahan, Dean of Osgoode Prior to coming to law school, I Rights held at Osgoode Hall Law School Hall. was skeptical about learning the at York University. The symposium, law. I will begin to think too which commemorated Wallenberg's A text of the conference will be narrowly, I feared. My world will heroic dissemination of Swedish available from Osgoode Hall within become smaller, the infmity of human Diplomatic Immunity cards to over ninety days. In the meantime, if you experience reduced to lawsuits. This 100,000 Hungarian Jews, gave voice to would like more information about the skepticism of law and, especially, of different international responses to crimes conference, please contact Ryan lawyers, is commonplace. For example, against humanity. International human Anderson (Law I), Andrea Engels (I), during a coffee break at last week's rights lawyers, news editors, government Blair MacPherson(II) or David Wallenberg Symposium on International representatives, academics and civil Sandomierski (I). Human Rights in Toronto, a sociologist society leaders all spoke to the different from an NGO described life as riding roles that countries have to play in Such conferences reinvigorate the law down a toboggan hill: "Once you're on preventing hate crimes at home and student and sen'e as a reminder that your toboggan path, you avoid the other abroad. cross-disciplinary thinking informs and paths. Lawyers are on a certain path. nurtures the practice of law. McGill is in They can't see what's going on all around High level speakers included Irwin a position to take the lead on other areas them." Cotler, Minister of Justice; Rob Pritchard, of public concern. Transsystemic training CEO of Torstar; Allan Rock, Canadian opens the mind, and at McGill we are A number of big-hitting speakers at Am bass ad or to the UN; Roy McMurtry, well-placed to follow in the footsteps of the conference proved Mr. Toboggan Chief Justice of Ontario; Frank our friends at York. wrong. In a setting that cynics would be Iacobucci; Claire L'Heureux-Dube; quick to call "institutional," I saw plenty Michel Proulx, former Quebec Court of of evidence of lateral thinking. Though Appeal Justice; Albie Sachs, Justice of the tone of the conference certainly the Constitutional Court of South Africa; wasn't back-arched-critical it was ' cont. pg. 11. .. 6 ------~--~---------------------,,·:~~~~~~~~~~~----------~~~--~~--~~==~===== January 25,211115 Quid Noui Casebooks - Whv Are Thev So Expensive:- by Mariam S. Pal (Law Ill) I don't know about you, but I think that A few minutes ago, I did some hunt it down! casebooks are becoming outrageously interesting calculations. Professor Tetley is expensive. I am in my last tenn and to kind enough to have his own casebooks Te:>..1books are another issue. Academic be honest with you, I'm getting quite fed up printed up for his students. And he sells books, because they are published for a with paying more and more each tem1 for them to us directly. This tenn my casebook limited audience, are by their very nature cascbooks. Some of them I have managed for his class cost a very reasonable $20, expensive. But there arc ways to reduce to selL while others will merely languish on which amounted to approximately five your textbook cost by purchasing used my bookshelf until I have the heart to throw cents per page. Compare that to the cost per editions or by simply checking the course out $100 or more of photocopies! I know page of a casebook purchased through the outline to see whether you really need the the theory is that somehow these materials McGill University Bookstore, which whole book. If not then consider asking are supposed to be usefuL but frankly, the amounts to just under ten cents per page. your professor to put a copy on reserve in only two books I seem to come back to are Why the difference? I'm pretty sure that tl1e library, where you can read the chapters my CCQ and my Black's Law Dictionary. Professor Tetley is doing everything you really need at your leisure. Or By the way I got my Black's Law "legally" and paying copyright royalties on photocopy the parts you need. Professors Dictionary on eBay for 10 bucks! So there's the material. This is the explanation that I can also play a part in helping to reduce a hint. I've also managed to purchase used keep on hearing over the last few years for textbook costs. First of all, they could casebooks and te:>..1books over the years. the spiralling cost of casebooks; apparently, consider whether the book is really Sometimes I've got law books through it's the copyright royalties. I'm not sure it's necessary. Back when I was young and Amazon.ca at a much lower price than a very plausible explanation, and it seems to stupid, I went out and bought a book that through the bookstore. me that ever since the McGill Bookstore, was required for my first year contracts and specifica11y the McGill Printing Office, course. Halfway through the course I Now don't get me wrong and think that took over the preparation and pricing of noticed the reading was never relating to I'm complaining about U1e obvious. You casebooks, the prices have really any of the material covered in class. And so were warned, you might tell me, that law appreciated. When I was in first year I I asked my professor how relevant this school te:>..1books would cost a pretty penny. never paid more than $70 for my largest book, for which I paid $90, really was. His The year I applied, the yearly estimate for two-volume casebook sets. Now here I am response was that he was just trying to books was approximately $800. Most years in third year, and I find that a course pack increase the civil law component in the I have spent more. I love books, and I have that costs $100 has now become the norm course by assigning the book, but that it was hundreds of them in my apartment. What I rather than the exception. Why? Who is not really necessary. Thanks a lot. am ticked off about is spending hundreds of making money on the course packs and why Needless to say, I sold the book. Some dollars every year on photocopies and on are they so expensive? I think this is an professors sell their books to students at books that I'm not sure I needed to buy. issue that the LSA needs to look into cost. which really helps a lot, especially Moreover, the photocopies, commonly urgently. when the book itself costs a couple of referred to as casebooks, arc, in my opinion, hundred dollars or more. just too expensive. I also think professors can play a role here. One of my professors said on the first All this to say, I think that we students Lately, in response to the ballooning cost day of classes that he really only wanted us need to start asking for more questions of casebooks and textbooks students have to read the headnotes of many cases, about why casebooks have become so been pooling together to make their own although he has included the entire case in expensive, both through our own efforts as copies. This results in enormous savings. the casebook. Frankly, I would rather just well as through making our professors In one group I helped organize we managed pay for the headnote and if I want to look up aware of the problem. We could all work to save about $80 per person by a little bit of the case I will. I have access to QuickLaw together to have lower casebook and shared effort. For only four courses this for free and can satisfy my eager beaver textbook costs. This year, the LSA term, my bill for textbooks and casebooks instinct to read beyond the headnote quite collected used casebooks. and helped would have amounted to more than $600. easily. Other professors claim to include organize a list of people selling and buying But with some judicious purchases of used voluminous amounts of material in our specific books. These were great initiatives books and cooperation with fellow students, case books because they are "interesting." that were organized in response to the I was able to reduce this cost by nearly half. Sorry to disappoint all those professors out higher cost of casebooks. Maybe it's time Thankfully, I didn't need any casebooks or there but for the most part students don't we went more to the heart of the problem textbooks for my remaining credits. have time to follow up on interesting or and looked into why case books cost so optional readings. Just tell me what it is and much. I sure would like to know. Wouldn't if I'm really interested, don't worry, I will you? 7 le 25 janvier, 21115 "That's why I love BLG. Any other law firm would have me sitting in the library all day." A good lawyer never stops learning. At BLG, we passionately believe in continued education as a way for all our lawyers to be able to offer the very best legal counsel in today's constantly changing business environment. From national student training programs to intensive learning programs for associates on the path to partnership. At BLG this commitment means we are always able to provide our clients with the very best service. For more information, visit the BLG website at www.blgcanada.com. IT BEGINS BORDEN WITH LADNER CAlGARY MONTRtAL OTTAWA TORONTO VANCOUVER WATERlOO REGION GERVAIS SERVICE Borden Ladner Gervais UP -Lawyers • Patent & Trade-mark Agents • Avocats • Agents de brevets et de marques de commerce Borden ladner Gervais LLP is an Ontario Limited liability Partnership. www.blgcanada.com 8 January 25, 2115 OuidNovi Who's Got the Right StuHil by Leila Jawando Law (11) O Yer the holidays, all I \vanted to brother, and Donnie was inevitably at me. Seeing no tell-tale signs of old do \Yas sleep, and eat some good "gonna get to you girl." I am not age, I relaxed. I walked, strutted even, home cooking (read: my embarrassed to tell you that I was back to my seat and guffawed at my mother's). Not that I can't cook, mind you unabashedly jamming to Step-by-Step, apparent over-reaction. I was not getting - in fact I think I'm pretty good. But I and I remembered the words. Almost old. Sure, I clearly remembered my early must admit that there's something every single one. ambitions to "get to" Jordan Knight, but a inexplicably exciting about eating a meal good memory does not an old woman that, for once, I had no hand in preparing. I found myself saying things like, make. "You hear this? This used to be my song! Anxiously awaiting one such meal~ I These kids used to be it!" At the tender Satisfied that the crisis was averted, I found myself sitting in front of the age of 10, my little brother was slightly sat down to read a non-law mind television with my little brother, confused~ however, he was kind enough numbing novel. I made it through half of robotically searching for something to briefly humour me in my mania before the first chapter when I was assaulted by wholesome we could watch together. he snuck out of the room. Suddenly, my the sounds of some serious bass coming After grumbling about my inability to euphoric feelings of time-travel were from the neighbours. I was largely find anything resembling the Seaver replaced with horror as the show went to annoyed, but also feeling extremely family, I stumbled onto MuchMusic. commercial, and I realised that I had been comfortable in my rocking La-Z-Boy. Before I knew it, I was singing along with watching the retro hour. Luckily, I did not have to move far for the video being played. I felt a strange redress. I reached for a nearby umbrella, sense of euphoria come over me as I was I could not believe it - how could I be banged on the wall and screamed, "You transported to a different time and a old enough to know and remember music turn that down! Just wait till I talk to your different place. A place where slap-on being played during the retro hour?! mother!" Lo and behold, the bass was bracelets were cool and we had no Afraid that 1 had traveled to some random instantly lowered, and I was peacefully responsibilities. A time when Marky dimension, I rushed to a mirror to be sure able to continue reading my novel while I Mark was no one but Donnie's little I would recognize the face looking back rocked myself to sleep. Awav Skit Nite 2005 Just weeks by Eleasha Sabourin (Law Ill) The countdown begins ... submission form found inside the atrium. levee de fonds. In less than 7 weeks, the F acuity of Law Complete the form (only a general description If you want to support Skit Nite, but just will yet again be engaged in the traditional of the skit is needed) and return it to the want to take it easy, you are also welcome to evening that we lovingly refer to as SKIT submission box by February 18th. We will just buy a ticket and enjoy the show. Tickets NITE. Skit Nite is wonderful for many accept all types of skits. Past years have seen will be on sale the week before the big event. reasons ... some enjoy the fuzzy feeling they comedy sketches, large group musical and Skit Nite is Thursday, March lOth at the get inside, knowing that our very own variety dance numbers, spoken word pieces, comedic Medley. Be there or be square.2 show raises thousands of dollars for 5 local monologues as well as video and PowerPoint presentations. In addition, we would like to charities. 1 Others like the fuzzy feeling they 1. Chez Doris, Dans la Rue, and other great encourage French and bilingual submissions get inside after consuming a few beers or causes. as past years have unfortunately had a paltry glasses of wine over the course of the 2. You are probably now desperate to know amount of francophone content. evening. Yet others love Skit Nite because it what this year's theme is. Well too bad. You're a a Vous etes interesses participer Skit gives them the opportunity to display skills simply going to have to wait until February Nite, mais vous manquez de creativite ou that might otherwise remain unknown. What's 1Oth to find that out. We will be launching the a d'initiative? Contactez-nous that? In a past life you were a ballerina? A theme and showing a short video at the Blakes [email protected]. Vous pouvez roller dance champion? An acrobat or mime? Coffee Haus, so be sure to attend. joindre l'equipe de dance, de chorale ou de A mini-pops singer? These skills are valuable band. Ou si vous avez des talents plutot and should be put to use. So why not submit a techniques, on est presentement a la recherche skit for Skit Nite 2005? de gens pour vendre des billets, aider avec les To submit a skit, simply pick-up a a taches associees la scene et assister avec la 9 Quid Novi le 25 Janvier, 2815 Clerking at the International Court of Justice by Sean Fraser (Alumnus 11) Public ~ternational ~aw always attracts court hears varies greatly. Last year it issued virtually all of the clerks have at least an a dedicated followmg at McG1ll. The one of its more noteworthy decisions when it LL.M. and about half are completing their opportunity to deal \Vith a legal system ruled on the legality of the wall heing doctorates in law. I for instance completed that features so prominently in contemporary constructed by Israel. In December it ruled my LL.M. at the University of London where events and remains open to debate is on disputes between Serbia and Montenegro I was able to study under several prominent irresistible to many students. Indeed issues and eight NATO states, including Canada, practitioners of PIL. The opportunity to study such as the 'War on Terrorism,' the treatment concerning the legality of use of force in under practitioners was an excellent of prisoners of war, or the Kyoto Accord Kosovo. The court found that it did not complement to the more theoretical education permeate the news and illustrate that PTL possess jurisdiction to consider the merits, but I received at McGill. remains at the centre of public policy debates. was divided over whether it lacked jurisdiction ratione materie or ratione I hope this has given you an overview of Parlaying an interest in PIL into a career, persona. The focus on the competence of the the ICJ's Judicial Assistants Programme. If however, is not as easy as one might think. court is common, and these cases give an idea you're interested in PIL there is probably no This is particularly true in Canada where your of the type of disputes that the ICJ hears and better jumping off point for your career. So options to actually practice PlL largely begin also reveals that it deals with matters that good luck to those who apply! ! and end with the federal government. As a have significant political dimensions. result, if you are serious about starting a career in PIL you will probably have to do so Overall, working at the court has been an overseas. Again this is not as easy as it might exceptional opportunity that I highly seem because while McGill graduates are recommend to anyone who wants to pursue a well regarded we often lack work experience, career in PIL. If you wish to apply for the which is above all else what employers look clerkship you should have at least a high level for. Virtually the only way to gain this of competence in both English and French invaluable experience is to participate in and possess a very thorough knowledge of internship programmes with UN agencies. In international affairs. In terms of education Europe it is not uncommon for law graduates Join a law firm with depth, diversity, to participate in two or three of these internships. And while many organisations a blue-chip client base and people offer intemships, none is more prestigious or you'll really like. more selective than the Judicial Assistants Programme at the International Court of MILLER THOMSON Justice. LLP The ICJ's programme is limited to the Barristers & Solicitors, Patent & Trade-Mark Agents graduates of select universities that have Imagine being part of one of Canada's reputations of excellence for PIL. Last year largest law firms, with all the benefits of a McGill was invited to participate in this national, full-service platform. Now think prestigious programme and I was luck-y about joining a collegial team of people enough to be chosen to represent McGill. who want to help you at every step of your Arriving at the Court in September I was career. You can realize both at Miller Thomson. assigned to clerk for His Excellency Judge Peter Tomka of Slovakia. The other clerks Our culture is unique because of our are likewise assigned to different judges and people. Yes, we attract lawyers of the the work we individually perform varies highest calibre who have a genuine according to our judges. My work is focused enthusiasm for the practice of law. But For information on our student mostly, Miller Thomson is a great place to and associate programmes, primarily on conducting in-depth research work because we simply enjoy each other's contact: and drafting memoranda on issues relating to company. the disputes on the court's docket. The most Elizabeth A. Hyde challenging aspect of the work is the degree If you'd like to pursue a legal career in Director, of precision that is required. This requires a setting where you feel comfortable, Professional Development supported and challenged, please patience, thoroughness, and above all else a contact us. ehyde@millerthomson .corn very deep understanding of both general principles of international law and the case www. m i 11 ertho m son. eo m law of the World Court. MONTREAL TORONTO VANCOUVER WHITEHORSE CALGARY EDMONTON WATERLOO-WELLINGTON MARKHAM The subject matter of the disputes that the 10

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.