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Preview Quid Novi Vol. 23 No. 011: January 14, 2003

McGill University, Faculty of Law Volume 23, No. 11- January 14, 2003 Bureau-en-Gros' biggest competitor HUMAN R\ 6\-\ TS' f' \ ..... ~MS r.\<..(A~TH'ts A\4.,. NtVt:f.!M\ t\JI:>)J) \k~\iLt fiH"fE~ 06\LV'T T-~~if{T TcRYs )-~:::::;:z,.;::~~~~l1l.__~ ~\) N( \N :t BA LL..S E"P. c~ .JuSTiCEs ~~ f, t no~i~ • A~ t ~E\lL..ls Rv~~ 14 janvier 2003 Quid Novi Editor's Note In this Issue En ee debut d'm:mee, 10 Exclusive News fiNANCING En eette m:mee nouveHe, 3 Les tresors de 11 Mike's News Item A l' aube de cc non ve au mi:Hena1re, 12 Professorial Recruitment 1' engagement 13 Edmund on Cloning [soupirs] 4 Reply to the Working 13 Jeff's News Group Sou~ le eiel bleu dejanvier, 14 Forum on Human Rights Dan~ la froidme de eette m:mee qui 16 Dennis' fab PR tips m;MOR eomtnenee, AND ANNOUNCE:MENTS 17 Ethics and Law Panel Alor~ que dehor~, le~ gen~ ~e petent 20 J. of Law and Equality la gueule ~m le~ trottoir~, 5 Daycare now available 23 Common Law Careers 6 Tales from the Barreau [ soupirs affliges] Day Schedule VI: The Final Chapter Merry Civil ll Du pm~ profond demon eoem, Dam le bonheur et la joie, [email protected] En vC ity de~ pou voir~ qui me ~ont eonfere~, [soupirs affliges et prolonges] QUIDNOVI Quid Novi is published weekly by the students ofMcGill Uni AprC:~ une m:mee bien remplie, 3661 Peel Street versity, Faculty of Law. Pro Apre~ un trimestre bien rempli, Montreal Quebec 1 duction is made possible Apre~ troi~ moi~ de sotrffranee~, H2A lXl through the direct support of (514) 398-4430 [mugissements] the students. REDACTEURS-EN-CHEF Que 2003 vo u~ apporte la ~ante, Fabien Fourmanoit All contents copyright 2002 Rosalie-Anne Tichoux Mandich Que 2003 vO tl~ apporte la rCtl~~ite, QuidNovi. Que 2003 vo u~ apporte de la pizza; MANAGING EDITOR Catherine Galardo Les opinions exprimees sont propres aux auteurs. Toute con ASSOCIATE EDITORS tribution doit indiquer 1' auteur Alexandra Law et son origine et n' est publiee Des souhaits de nouvelle annee, c ·est Stephen Panunto a qu' la discretion du comite de comme des flamands rose sur une Peter Wright redaction. pelouse quebecoise un jour d' anni versaire: obligatoire, mais LAYOUT EDITORS tragiquement quetaine. JackyLuk The content of this publication Micbelle Dean does not necessarily represent Ah, les conventions. the views of the McGill Law PHOTOGRAPH£ Marta Juzwiak Students' Association Inc. or of Malgre tout, Bonne annee a tous. McGill University. COVER ARTIST Fabien Dennis Galiatsatos Envoyez vos commentaires ou & Rosalie a: articles avant jeudi 5 PM & toute 1' equipe, en fait WEB EDITORS Mischa Auerbach-Ziogas quidJaw @mcgill.ca. K -10 4-ever! AramRyu 2 ~-------------------~------------------------------------------------------------~· ~---=-~~--~----------------- January 14, 2003 Quid Novi tresors de 1' engagement. L~s • • par Elise Labrecque, Law I L es fins de session sont rarement etudiants debute par la volonte de de poussiereuses tablettes de 1' esprit car sans remous, trop souvent participer, et non seulement de recevoir. elles ne sont justement pas des solu inoubliables de brouhaha et de L' exemple du contrat social est tions-miracle. Elles ne sont pas stress. Ma premiere fin de session n'a particulierement interessant puisque 1' antidote qui raiera le tant redoute « echappe a ce constat qu'un instant, chacun peut ap eu pres en faire ce qu 'il sous » qui ne veut pas s' extraire du !'instant d'une conversation autour veut : un contrat, inutile d' en repeter financement. Le sous-financement ne d'une biere bien meritee par un heureux les conditions essentielles, qui n' en est peut pas etre regie ni en tout, ni en et festif vingt decembre au Thomson peut-etre pas un. Des gens qui s'y partie, par une solution-miracle, House. Et si les convictions se revelent engagent sans vraiment devoir le faire. comme il a ete mentionne par les certaines fois bien tard, elles n'arrivent Et un resultat espere, qui demeure representants du corps professoral. jamais trop tard pour etre ecrites. Faut hypothetique tant que les resultats ne J' ajouterai que les solutions qui sont il encore vouloir les ecrire, ou y croire sonneront pas al a porte. La seule part en apparence minuscules peuvent suffisamment pour le faire. connue de ce contrat social n' est pas le parfois se reveler fondamentales. Quatre curieux discutent done contrat, mais le social, la volonte de Les consequences de doucement de choses et d' autres, -------------------- 1' engagement etudiant, d'un « et parmi lesquelles 1' avenir de don de temps»,« volontaire », « leur Faculte. Le« leur » leur est La seule part connue de ce contrat obligatoire » ou « credite » heureux, car malgre leur venue social n' est pas le contrat, mais le pourraient depasser un relativement recente en cette in soulagement professoral. Par social, la volonte de mise en stitution, ils s' y sentent a leur 1' engagement etudiant, le social place, pour certains contre toute commun, 1' effort du nons, petits pourrait redonner du sens au a attente. Leur volonte commune de contrat. Participer la vie de la bouts par petits bouts. debattre et de discuter est Faculte, c'est y faire sa place, manifeste, et le lieu s' y prete a c'est creer une ambiance, des merveille. Leur Faculte est le amities, des affinites theatre de debats qui depassent sans mise en commun, 1' effort du nous, pet professionnelles et surtout doute ses murs, qui n'interessent peut its bouts par petits bouts. intellectuelles. C' est y creer un lieu etre pas tous ceux qui devraient s'y Les etudiants ont une part d' enseignement au sens complet du interesser, mais qui ont le merite de importante a faire du cote social. term e. L' enseignement, 1' experience, bousculer les idees re~ues, les leurs, et Concretement, leur principale 1' engagement. Les etudiants qui les autres. Et les lutins debattent. res source, bien qu' on en doute a la s'impliquent ne cessent jamais Malgre leurs divergences, un venue des examens, est le temps. Le vraiment de le faire. Le fameux contrat constat s 'impose au gre des mots et des temps de donner un peu de soi a sa social, celui qui constitue l'une des so minutes ... lls croient to us quatre que Faculte. Le temps d' aider un collegue, lutions au sous-financement, aurait 1' engagement est la cle. La cle de des collegues, ou un professeur qui, lui, alors d'autant plus de chances de por beaucoup de choses, et d' autres souvent semble courir apres quelques minutes ter fruit. Car I'i mplication etudiante est secondaires. Mais la cle du pour enrichir ses enseignements, son un cercle vertueux. changement, surtout. Cet engagement site web, sa liste de lectures Mais elle n' est pas tres a la commence par la prise de parole. complementaires. Le temps d'installer mode ... Qui dit implication, dit Alors abordons la delicate ques un micro lors d'une conference, militantisme, ou bien pire. Militantisme tion du financement, que tous d'apporter une bouteille d'eau a un est soit associe aux mots « partisan » s' entendent pour habiller du pre:fixe « conferencier, et, qui sait, d' entamer une ou pire « gogauche » ou « sous». Le sous-financement, done. Ma discussion passionnante avec celui-ci. cococommuniste ». Ouh la la ! « n conviction est que la Faculte a besoin n'y a pas de solutions-mira Solidarite mes freres et mes sceurs, car que l'on s'y interesse et qu'on y cle au sous-fmancement, seulement l'union nous rendra forts2 ». Sans • investisse, dans un sens financier, quelques idees. Le temps n' est pas une plonger dans mes souvenirs militants, a certes, mais egalement autrement. Elle idee revolutionnaire. Elle n'est meme 1' implication est chaque instant defiee a besoin que 1' on se positionne et non pas originale. Les consequences de ce en duel. Par l'individualisme surtout, que l'on s'esquiche1 Elle merite que don de temps sont previsibles, meme redoutable adversaire s'il en est. Les • a l'on s'affiche, que l'on s'implique, que celles qui touchent la philosophie de perceptions jouent contre les gens 1' on s 'y engage. L' engagement des 1' engagement. Mais elles dorment sur impliques. A toute petite echelle, le 3 Quid Novi 14 janvier 2003 temps consacre a sa F aculte par un philosophes et des fous qui y croient efforts made thus far in this regard should be recognized and commended etudiant ne peut etre considere comme encore ... With respect to the issue of pro de 1' implication. On considere necessairement le geste comme 1 « De 1' ancien verbe eschisser, glisser, fessorial salaries and workload, it is opportun, opportuniste et interesse. de l'italien schizzare, jaillir. Rester clear to everyone that the Faculty will need to substantially increase its pro Dans notre petit monde, 1' etudiant qui neutre dans une discussion, eviter de fessorial cohort in order to continue in donne du temps est interesse ou se prononcer, de prendre part a une a sane and sustainable manner. How simplement fou. A-t-on deja vu le querelle. »A. Duchesne et T. Leguay. ever, I cannot agree that a general in monde des interets concorder avec L'Obsolete, dictionnaire des mots crease in salary is a necessary compo celui du don ? perdus. Collection Le Souffle des mots, nent of the solution. As the Working Je crois que oui. Dans le social. Larousse, Paris, 1999. Page 225. Dans la philosophie de 1' engagement 2 Chanson militante ressortie des plac Group points out, « les professeurs de en particulier. Dans les idees qui sous ards fran~ais pour un bref instant entre la Faculte n' ont pas choisi une carriere tendent un contrat social ou le social les deux tours de la presidentielle dans 1' enseignement pour "faire de 1' argent"; la plupart d' entre [e ux et elles prend sa place. Mais deja, il faut tendre printaniere 2002. • ont] quitte des postes bien remuneres 1' oreille aux propos des curieux pour venir enseigner a la Faculte, parce que [ces personnes croient] en ce qu['elles font]». This is certainly true A Reply to the Members of the among the professors of this Faculty, given their excellent reputation in the Working Group on Faculty Financing field Moreover, this Faculty currently employs an outstanding professorial by Jared Will, Law I cohort. I take all of this for granted. What is unclear, therefore, is T hough there are many elements Excellence without accessibility is the how it follows that the Faculty must of the article published by the promotion and endorsement of elitism, increase salaries to attract new, excel Working Group on Faculty Fi and there is nothing excellent about lent professors. As the committee nancing in the last Quid that are trou elitism. points out, the fact that the current co blesome, there are some welcome ele It is for precisely this reason that hort has chosen to teach at McGill, in ments that deserve attention. First, one the Faculty's admission process, as de spite of the financial 'sacrifice', indi can only hope that this high degree of scribed by the Working Group, is to be cates that they are committed to and transparency and inclusiveness contin lauded in so far as it promotes diver believe in what they are doing. Why is ues throughout the decision-making sity in the Faculty. A case sensitive re it that the same logic would not apply process. The fact that the committee view process that is perceptive of ap to incoming faculty? It seems clear that took the time to address the entire stu plicants' backgrounds is an important what underlies the excellence of the dent body and articulate its vision is im element in the process of ensuring di current cohort is (a) a dedication to le portant, and should not be ignored The versity. However, the claim that the stu gal instruction and (b) the excellence commitment to including the student dent cohort presently exhibits "une of the Faculty itself, and not concern body in the process is also laudable. diversite grandissante au niveau ... du for personal fmancial enhancement. Finally, the commitment to "accessible statut socio-economique" must be Especially in light of a funding short excellence," must remain the guiding taken with a grain of salt. Though em age, it seems that these same criteria vision of the Working Group. pirical evidence on this point is not that attracted the current cohort, rather However, the point must be readily available, it's a safe assumption than financial incentives, should be the made that to speak of accessible excel that the student cohort at McGill Law foundation of the excellence of the in lence is somewhat redundant. The idea does not reflect the socio-economic coming cohort. Moreover, pay equity that a funding plan needs to weigh ac diversity of Montreal, Quebec, or among the cohort (a stated goal of the cessibility and excellence as two dis Canada. The existence of a small Working Group) does not per se require tinct goals, which seems to be the domi number of students from less privileged additional spending on salaries-though nant discourse in the Faculty lately, is backgrounds does not represent a di it may require a redistribution of that misguided. As the Working Group rec verse Faculty; it is more accurately spending. ognizes in its claim that "excellence is described as tokenism. Clearly, the goal No one denies that McGill pro premised in large measure upon mak of welcoming a student cohort that rep fessors are overworked. There are two ing it possible for a diverse group of resents the full socio-economic diver necessary elements in resolving this people to learn from each other," ac sity of the community in an era of fund problem. The first is increasing the pro cessibility is a necessary condition of ing shortages is a daunting task- but it fessorial cohort. The second is increas excellence in an educational institution. must nevertheless be the goal, and the ing support personnel for professors. 4 January 14, 2003 Quid Novi The second element would, in my ment' s report and this recent article public funding for post-secondary edu mind, be best addressed by developing from the Working Group, as well as lis cation must surely recognize that to a more extensive student-assistantship tening to the discourse from the Fac treat that barrier as insurmountable is program, in which undergraduate stu ulty members at the last general meet to accept an illegitimate, and in fact un dents would serve as professors' assist ing, gives the distinct impression that democratic, political structure. ants throughout the year. If the assist we are resigning ourselves to the fact We should not be blind to the ants' workload included both research that public funding will not be forth fact that this is an uphill battle. How and administrative tasks, remuneration coming. If this is the case, I maintain ever, we at this Faculty should not be that we are, as such, re seeking solutions uniquely available to signing ourselves to fall McGill Law, but rather joining the fight We at this Faculty should not be ing short of excellence in for unconditional and adequate public seeking solutions uniquely post-secondary educa funding for post-secondary education. tion. If, as many believe, There are many dimensions of this bat available to McGill Law. we are merely being real tle in which the members of this Fac istic, we are then equat ulty are particularly capable of leading ing realism with a narrow the charge, precisely because of "its could be achieved by awarding course vision of possibilities. Those who ar reputation and leadership position credits for these positions. Alterna gue that public funding for education and .. .its creative and engaged faculty, tively, the positions could be included is no longer a reasonable expectation students and administrative staff." The as components of financial aid pack in industrial neo-capitalist society need responsibility of the members of this ages, as is the case in many US schools. only look a few thousand kilometers Faculty, professors and students alike, Such an arrangement would not only to the east, rather than a few hundred is not to seek navel-gazing solutions but be mutually beneficial for students and to the west. Those who argue that the to address the wider social context and professors, but would also be more cost current political climate in Quebec engage in a process of re-invigorating effective than hiring additional admin with the focus on high-school drop-out public education. This responsibility istrative staff. rates and health care-is a barrier to pub follows not only from an elementary The Working Group recognizes lic funding for post-secondary educa recognition of a social duty, but more that funding shortages are universal in tion should keep two things in mind. concretely from the fact that most of Canadian educational institutions, but First, foreclosing accessibility to excel us are direct beneficiaries of public suggests that McGill Law might be able lent post-secondary educational insti education. To engage "its reputation to achieve a unique solution. This is not tutions mitigates against motivating and leadership position" to achieve a acceptable. The fact that we are in a high school students to complete their solution unique to our Faculty, which somewhat privileged position and may diplomas. Second, part of the fury be would in a significant way undermine be able to design solutions that circum hind the demand for better health care the demands for adequate public fund vent shortages in public funds does not is the recognition that the funding for ing for all post-secondary institutions, entitle us to do so. In fact, it would be public social services is in fact avail would be to endorse and exploit pre extremely irresponsible for this Faculty able. Those who argue that the struc cisely the elitism that is antithetical to in particular to address the funding ture of representative democracy in excellence in education. • problem in isolation. As I have made Quebec is an insurmountable barrier to clear in a previous article, the only vi able long-term solution for excellence Full-Time Daycare NOW Available! in post-secondary education is public by Kathleen Morrison, VP Operations SSMU funding. Fracturing the post-secondary education community by seeking so lutions that are not only unique to SSMU Daycare has full-time childcare spaces available for the children of McGill Law, but also unavailable to undergraduate and graduate students of McGill starting the week of January other Faculties, departments and uni 13th. These spaces are subsidized by the SSMU as a student service. versities, is a direct attack on the strug The SSMU Daycare is a brand new daycare facility located in the Brown gle for the only viable, long-term means Student Services Building and has places for 35 children aged 18 months - 5 of sustaining excellence in post-sec years. ondary education-social funding. Registration is ongoing and the daycare has Open House every day from 10 The Working Group is to be -2pm. engaged in canvassing and studying a For more information, contact: wide variety of solutions to the current Cynthia Dezso, SSMU Dayc are coordinator funding shortage. However, reading (514) 398-8590 The Private Ad Hoc Committee on [email protected] Processes for Professorial Recruit- 5 14 janvier 2003 Quid Novi Tales from the Barreau VI - The Final Chapter by AI "Ex Presidente" aka "Dink" Mendelsohn, Alumnus 2 Ahoy boy from the world of Big Quid article crap- it's just like 3 years I raised my right hand and swore to Law! Yes, I write to you from ago! I really appreciate that everyone uphold the something-or-other of my the 46th floor of a large office around there sees fit to keep things the profession, yada-yada. I guess I really tower somewhere in the heart of a large way they have always been. Makes me don't remember the details, only that I urban center. I won't tell you where feel like I never left. got really drunk after. because it's irrelevant. But heed this Ah, but I did leave. And as the So it all turned out just fine in warning- even a far left almost social readers of last year's Quid know, I the end. Yes, I struggled. Yes, it was ist who founded the Law Students for chronicled my life at the Barreau in a very hard work. But I ended up pass the Decriminalization of Marijuana can wonderful series of self-indulgent tripe ing all six of my exams on the first try. end up in a big office tower practicing (see Finn, I call my own stuff tripe- no The marks aren't glorious, mind you- commercial litigation. need for you to do it, but I would be 61,63, 63,65 among them. But that's With the Quid now online, I've honoured if you did). But it occurred irrelevant-Barreau exams don't meas been able to catch up on what's going to me after reading all the online Quids ure intelligence. Me now law guy. I on around the Faculty. Funding issues, that I never finished my story. Well I must say I don't feel any different. But security problems in the library, Chico guess you know how it turns out - on apparently I am worth $150 an hour, Resch, people railing on the LSA, Marc the 46th floor practicing commercial about the same as a mid-range prosti Edmunds writing about U2 and how litigation. Yes, I have been "inscrit sur tute. Sounds about right. much he loves Law Games, a bunch of le tableau de I' ordre du Barreau" as people attacking some poor student they say. On November 11 (I'll always, p.s. If you want to talk Barreau or Big who only exercised his right to free groan, "remember'' that) I had a lovely Law or anything else drop me a line at expression by calling someone else's ceremony at the Palais de justice where almendelsohn@ hotmail.com. • Jump Start Your Career As a student and associate at Torys, you'll work c_Josely \vith some of the top legal minds in the ct1untry. You'll get real responsibility on the kinds of tiles that bu'ld strong legal ski1la You•n learn about business and the power of teamwork. And you•n discover the meaning of professional excel1ence .. TORYSLL. . Grc opportunities~ Outstanding colleague . To le m more. visit us at w .torys .. com~ 6 January 14, 2003 Quid Novi nent. We had to draft a motion worth Merry Civil IT all, and to all a good night 40% of the Civil II exam. This was also a motion we had never been taught, by Harvey Auerback, Alumnus I based on a C.C.P. article that I had never even seen before, but at least it was a motion. Most motions are ulti "Paranoid? You'd be paranoid, ife ve to pass, which is better than any school mately pretty much the same, and the ryone was plotting against you!" -Jim did last year. only really different acts of procedure Hacker Sounds good, but those of you are the Declaration and the Defence, who know me should be expecting the both of which have been abolished in WARNING: Current Barreau students catch. The Barreau giveth, and the the recent reform of the C. C.P., yet still reading this article should be advised Barreau taketh away. How does one manage to crop up on Bar exams. that it may cause them to panic about "rectify" the situation of two exams Anyway, you already know that their Preuve et Procedure mark. with pass rates of 65% and 79%, and 79% of students passed Civil Il, so we the very real possibility that 3 out of A must have done reasonably well on that lthough I'm writing this arti every 5 students are still undefeated? drafting exercise. We're obviously ~le in mid-,Dec~mber, I real Simple. Give them a third exam. pretty good at drafting things we've tze nobody s gomg to read it I wouldn't be surprised to hear never learned how to draft. Then again, till the Quid resumes publication in a that this year's pass rate for Preuve is the average mark on this exam was month, so allow me to try and give you even lower than last year, when 399 stu 67.5%, only 3 points higher than Civil a bit of a time frame here. dents failed. I'll check back in early I, and still dangerously close to failure. On Tuesday, December 10, we February to confirm, when the marks Maybe we lost a lot of points for sloppy of the Barreau wrote the dreaded are released. drafting after all. The last thing in the Preuve et Procedure exam. The follow We all knew that 45% of the world we need is another 5 points worth ing day, we received our marks from Preuve exam would consist of drafting of drafting, based on a procedure even the Civil II exam that we wrote in Oc an act of procedure, as it always has in more foreign to us than a motion under tober. the past. This is why we had 9 days of seldom-used Article 909 of the C.C.P. All this happens in mid-Decem drafting classes over the past two Of course, everybody who is her, when the whole world writes final months, to teach us how to draft eve currently writing Bar exams knows all exams. Considering the stressful com rything from an opinion letter to a mo this. We all know what we got on Civil bination of the dreaded Preuve et tion for leave to appeal. We must have 11, we are all aware of how close we Procedure exam, widely reputed to be drafted a dozen different acts of proce came to failing this one, and we' re all the ''killer" even among Bar exams, and dure in class, and we got feedback on worried about our Preuve marks. All the Civil II chaser, you· d think that this every last one of them. If this were law of these things happen automatically would be a good time to give us a nice, school, we'd be feeling pretty good every year. So how do I know the relaxing 4 week break to recover. As it going into the exam, knowing that 45 Barreau is out to get us this year, to turns out, the Barreau in its infmite points were securely in hand. make up for the glorious 79% pass rate backwardness has decided to schedule This year, the 45-point question on Civil II? four days of class next week. required us to draft a Defence and When they mailed us the cor I know what you're thinking. Counterclaim. At least they told us that rected copy of our exams, enclosed was I'm just being paranoid. There's no we were expected to draft a Defence a small green piece of paper bearing way the Barreau could deliberately be and Counterclaim, unlike other years the following ominous message: this evil. This is probably the only way when the exercise was to simply "draft they could fit all the courses and ex the appropriate act of procedure". The ams into the academic year, and get catch was that a Defence and Counter A VIS: Au.x etudiants et etudiantes1 everyone called to the Bar before the claim was the one act of procedure that Veuillez prendre note que la correction end of 2003. It's just that once you've they never got around to teaching us du volet Redaction de l 'examen Civil actually been to Bar school, you real how to draft. The day after my exam, ize that there are far too many of these an associate at my firm told me that, li a ete effectuee en tenant compte que l'e nseignement substantiel des regles coincidences. After a while, you re knowing the Barreau, I should have de la procedure civile n 'avait pas en ally do start to feel like they' re always expected to be asked to do the one thing core ete dispense au.x etudiants. En out to get you, no matter what your I wasn't taught. So if I'm paranoid, at consequence, certains manquements mark was on the last exam. least I'm not alone. For example, the Civil II marks If this were the only reason to au.x techniques de redaction n 'ont pas ete sanctionnes. were quite strong overall. An aston be worried about losing up to 45 points ishing 79% of all students passed the on the Preuve drafting exercise, it exam on their first try. Even 2/3 of would be bad enough. But this wasn't La Direction Ottawa and UQAM students managed our first exam with a drafting compo- 7 Quid Novi 14 janvier 2003 Even if we were lucky enough Barreau, nothing short of a 79% pass ceptions including particulars? I'll bet to get most of the 40 drafting points rate surprises me anymore. they never taught that in the drafting this time, the next time promises to be The Preuve et Procedure draft classes. They certainly didn't teach it much worse. One wonders how the ing problem is little more than an exer this year. The corrected copy of the Barreau could grade an exam more cise in arbitrarily docking marks from drafting exercise for that year had the harshly than they already do, but it poor, unsuspecting students. They usu paragraphs of the motion numbered wouldn't surprise me if they found a ally don't even tell you what to draft, with Roman numerals, and the particu way. It wouldn't take much either. The and deduct points if you guess wrong. lars itemized in sub-paragraphs and average mark on Civil II was just three One year, the instructions were to draft numbered in Arabic numerals. I won drafting points and one unlucky 5-point the appropriate act of procedure to in der how many poor students guessed question from failure. stitute proceedings for the resiliation of right. It's actually quite surprising that a lease. At the time, it was not settled Out of every drafting question, they give drafting exercises on Bar ex law in Quebec whether this had to be 15 points are specifically allocated for ams, considering that the regular ques done by motion or by declaration, so style, and the rest for substantive con tions are clearly designed to have a there was absolutely no guidance at all tent. Style can be anything from prop unique and objective answer. The in any documentation as to what pro erly including and numbering exhibits Barreau doesn't want to have to give cedure to draft. Needless to say, half to not including an irrelevant allega marks for an answer they didn't expect, the people got due credit for their draft tion of fact. Some of these are even or justify to people why they didn't get ing, and the other half had to get letters relatively specific, but there are 6 points marks they apparently deserved They from their employer firms to the effect allotted to the catchall category of certainly don't want to deal with giv that the other format was equally ac "Qualite de 1' expression ecrite: utilisa ing part marks for an essay-type ques ceptable in light of the uncertainty in tion du langage juridique approprie; la tion. They'll even cancel a question the law. In addition, the uncertainty concision et la precision des and give everybody the 5 points if costs valuable exam time, and drafting allegations; 1' absence de confusion ou there's the slightest ambiguity, though already takes longer than answering de contradiction dans les allegations; this is a very rare occurrence. The short-answer questions worth a simi des phrases completes; un style non Barreau particularly does not want a lar number of points. telegraphique." Within this category, court decision to the effect that the A few years ago, the drafting ex each of the frrst six 'manquements' exam format is subjective, unfair, ar ercise was a motion for preliminary ex costs a precious point. I lost one point bitrary, capricious or any other adjec ceptions under the simplified proce here on Civil II and I'll never know tives along those lines. It is for this dure, including two declinatory excep where, because my original document last reason that they apparently capitu- tions and several particulars. I won't isn't marked up and these 'manquements' can occur anywhere at all within the text. Not only can I not Once you've actually been to Bar school, you realize correct this mistake on future exams,3 that there are far too many of these coincidences. After but they also plan to be less generous in marking this category on the Preuve a while, you really do start to feel like they're always et Procedure exam. It must be painful out to get you, no matter what your mark was on the to lose 4 points this way and get a 59. I wonder if they even keep records of last exam. where they docked points in these catchall categories, just in case some body (or his lawyer) decides to ask. late in a hurry when you send them a even begin to mention the inherent in For the record, four people got letter on a lawyer's letterhead demand anity of filing a self-contradictory mo 100% on Civil I, which had no draft ing that they give you the 5 points that tion,2 because that's how civil proce ing component. Nobody scored higher you've clearly merited. dure works now. Article 481.7 C.C.P. than 95% on Civil II. I would be very Grading a drafting exercise, on says that preliminary exceptions are surprised to learn that anybody got all the other hand, is far from objective. presented in the same motion, so this 40 possible points for drafting. This is probably why most of our draft was essentially about half a dozen mini When I wrote the Civil II exam, ing is in fulfilment of the professional motions in one. Just for added fun, it seemed surprisingly easy to me. skills requirement, which is evaluated Rule 11 of the Rules of Practice says That's not to say that passing it was a on a pass/fail basis. It's also silly to that paragraphs of a motion for particu sure thing for anybody, but it seemed have an evaluation format that docks lars must bear the same number as the more straightforward and less tricky points for the sort of minor informali paragraphs in the original proceeding than past Civil II exams. More of the ties that a judge will either happily to which they refer. So how exactly subject matter pertained to ordinary overlook or allow you to amend on the does one number the paragraphs in a rules of contract, rather than more ob fly. Then again, when it comes to the combined motion for preliminary ex- scure nuances ofhypothecs and the reg- 8 January 14, 2003 Quid Novi ister of personal and movable real 58%, with a pass rate below 60%. ders collectively in the body of the no rights. Mercifully, I managed to pass, Oh well, at least 79% of us can tice. Nobody thinks that the girls were so I won't have to deal with the possi enjoy our holidays, secure in the knowl taught extra drafting techniques. bility of a make-up exam that might be edge that we've passed Civil II and 2 Okay, I'll mention it down here. Why harder than the original one. clinging to the hope that we might have do you need particulars if you're ask When I wrote Preuve, I found passed Preuve et Procedure. Of course, ing the Court to dismiss the action? I myself reading, and citing in my an 'enjoy' is a relative term. I expect the guess it's not so bad if your declinatory swers, many articles of the Code that I people who get the most enjoyment out exception is ratione personae, and the had never read before. The answers of their holidays will be the ones who case will just get transferred to another were decidedly non-obvious, and didn't absolutely love attending classes on the district where the next judge will adju seem to reflect the content of the lec Charter and judicial review the week dicate as to the particulars, but moving tures even to the slight extent that usu before Christmas, and those who love for particulars seems like a submission ally comes from both of them cover reading 600 pages of legal theory on to the jurisdiction of the court. Also, ing Quebec law. I didn't spot as many Public and Administrative Law in what if your declinatory exception is blatant trick questions as I expected, but French. ratione materiae? Will the Federal that could just mean that they tricked Court rule on the remainder of the mo me. The token "ethics and professional 1 I know this is neither the time nor the tion? Not likely. practice" question related to a tariff of place, but I'm really sick of the perva 3 There are two reasons for this. One is costs rather than actual ethical issues, sive clumsiness in written French that that I don't know where my mistake so it read like a law question, but it comes from a combination of every was (or even if I actually made one), apparently involved a nasty double word having a grammatical gender and and the other is that I wrote my Preuve double-cross that I missed until it was an insistence on political correctness. et Procedure exam the day before my brought to my attention after the exam. If I had been a girl, I would have as corrected Civil II exam was mailed to I'd say a typical law student could look sumed that "etudiants" referred to me me. • forward to getting a couple of extra also, as it has for centuries. Note the answers wrong, at 5 points apiece. I use of"etudiants" referring to both gen- predict an average grade around 55- At Borden Ladner Gervais L1P we're looking With over 640 lay.yers and other professionals in for students \Mlo want to go the cfistn:e in law, <rd more than 50 practice areas, and offJCes across the in life. We believe 1hat llWlY types of experiences country, we are one of Canada's leading law contribute to the making of a top rate lawyer, firms, known for the outstanding service we con not just those that take place behind the desk. sistently provide our dien15. We offer a breadth and depth of experience that is hard to match. If youwantan opportunitytochaUengeyourselfin law - and in life - find out about our student dates and partners with us. programs today. For more information, please call a member of our Student Recruitment Team. catgary: Colln MacDonald (403) 232·9523 Montftal: Janetcasey (514) 954-3125 Ottawa: Lany Elliot (613) 787-3537 Toronto: Laleh Moshiri (416) 367-6133 Vancouver: Marketta JokJnen (SCM) 640-4176 BORDEN Borden Ladner Gervais LLP LADNER Lawyers • Pattmt & Trade-mark. Agents GERVAIS Avocats • Agents de bre~~ets et de marques de commerce 9 . Quid Novi 14 janvier 2003 Law Gameg~0Lus . . Iv Participant Can't Believe He Didn't Get Play R etuming from Law Games Sunday, Law TI student J eff Cassels expressed dismay that for the second year in a row, he didn't get any action. "I can't believe it" a sunken Cassels whined, ''I got nothing, no making out on the dance floor, no co-ed showers, no sex in the hotel room while people were trying to sleep in the other bed, nothing." The annual Law Games is well known as a weekend of heavy drinking and promiscuous sex. But as Cassels has learnt all to well over the last two years, although drinking may be a Law Games activity in which everyone partakes, getting ass isn't. Reflecting on his plight, Cassels identified key errors that may have lead to his failure to get laid. ''I think part of my problem was that I hit on too many girls. Every night at the clubs I was trying to chat up four or five girls. In retrospect, focusing on just one or two per night would have probably produced better results. Focus is the key, focus makes the girl feel special; it makes her feel like you really want to be with her, even though you'd love to jump her friend as well." "Another mistake that I made was that I wasted time on girls that were really hot. The hot ones know that they're hot and get hit on all the time. You are better off going for girls who don't normally get as much attention from guys." "It didn't help that I got fall-over drunk every night. I remember being pretty trashed and hitting on this one girl. Things were actually go ing pretty well and then I said to her in this Barry White voice 'girl, you so fine, I just want to lay you down and make sweet love to you' ... I don't know what I was thinking". In spite of two years of setbacks, Cassels remains undeterred As he looked out into the distance from the bus window, he said with a steely determination in his voice, "Next year I'm getting jiggy with it." .

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