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Preview Quid Novi Vol. 22 No. 012: January 22, 2002

Ji\NUARY 22, 2002/22 JANVIER 2002 • • U l OVl McGill University, Faculty of Law VOLUME 22. NO. 12 sorry guys: The quid covers will be a little less elaborate for 2 Quid Novi 22 janvier 2002 ~--------------------~--------------------------~----------------------~ In this Issue Editor's Note Hi everyone, 3 Call for Fair and Reasonable Grading Thanks to those of you 6 Grading Statistics who submitted this week! 7 Call for Skits As you will see from our 8 Jeremy in Amsterdam 9 Bridget Jones cover, poor Dennis has suf 10 Chico Resch fered a terrible injury to his 10 Maya's Art Show artistic hand. Please bear with 11 Chess Problem us in the interim. Alterna 11 Placement Office 16 Notice to 1st Years tively, you can send us your re: Out of Law Credits cover ideas. Just drop them off in the Quid mailbox at the LSA office by Friday at 5pm. quid_ [email protected] I hope you all had excel lent holidays, and that nobody other than me was bedridden with the worst case of the flu Quid Novi Quid Novi is published weekly of their adult life. by the students of McGill Like Becky, I have New University, Faculty of Law. 3661 Peel Street Year's resolutions, though Production is made possible Montreal, Quebec mine are nowhere nearly as through the direct support of H2A lXl witty as hers. My big one is to (514) 398-4430 the students. tell everybody how great they are. REDACTRICES-EN-CHEF All contents copyright 2002 And you guys are really Rebecca Hare and Quid Novi. great. I am happy to be back. Marta Juzwiak I love being surrounded by Les opinions exprimees sont such interesting, amusing and MANAGING EDITOR propres aux auteurs. Toute Kristine Doederlein intelligent people. Please share contribution doit indiquer your wit with the Quid. 1' auteur et son origine et n' est ASSOCIATE EDITORS a publiee qu' la discretion du Joe Mik, Yours Truly, Wanda Simek and comite de redaction. Rosalie-Anne Tichoux-Mandich Marta Juzwiak Les articles peuvent etre LAYOUT EDITOR envoyes au N ancy Charbonneau and quid_ [email protected]. Fabien Fourmanoit WEB EDITOR A dam Allouba COVER ARTIST Dennis Galiatsatos ------------~· -----·-~ January 22, 2002 Quid Novi 3 A Call for "Fair and Reasonable" Grading by Randy Kramer, Nat IV I got a bad grade in Employment did not serve me well on this particu was the highest average last semester. Law. The class average was a lar exam. Other high average classes include paltry 2.51, and 27 of the 49 There is no question in my mind Advanced Criminal Law (3.18, 36 students in the class (a whopping that the standard applied to me on students), Law of Persons (3 .14, 41 ), 55%) got a C+ or below. this final exam was quite different and Labour Law (3.13, 35). Many How could this have occurred? than the one that I have come to averages in smaller-type classes or How could a 41h year student with a expect to be judged by. But I can't classes evaluated by essay were even strong average have been subjected to totally blame him for my grade. This more outside the guideline-recom this? The class average was within was his first time grading law school mended range. Some of these classes the "normal" range, Associate Dean exams. He was told that the recom include Problems In Constitutional Provost told me. And thus the mended range of grades for his class Law (3.69, 8), Policies, Politics, and average did not raise any red flags was 2.50-3.00, and he came within The Legislative Process (3.68, 17), with the Examination Board, a body that range, albeit just by a hair, at Business Organizations (3.59, 8), that reports to Faculty Council at the 2.51. Theories ofJ ustice (3.58, 8), Com "marks meeting". The real problem here is the puters and The Law (3.47, 14), I asked Provost whether Maitre Faculty administration- they should Comparative Legal Institutions (3.44, Thomas Davis (a first-time sessional have intervened to raise the grades. 23), Law and Psychiatry (3.39, 26), lecturer) was asked to justify his Provost told me that because the and Remedies (3.39, 63). Employment Law grade spread. Of average was within the normal range, Were examiners of any of these course he was, right? Isn't that what nothing could be done for me (save courses asked to justify these higher the marks meeting is for? I asked via the "review" procedure). He said than "normal" averages? When I Provost what exactly happens at the that he can't do anything that would asked Professor Foster this question, marks meeting. Under what situa deviate from the rules. Fine. I like it he said that the marks meeting is a tions would the administration when people play by the rules. But "closed" meeting, and that all grades intervene to raise students' grades? what he didn't tell me was that this were approved by Faculty Council. Since the class average was within Faculty routinely deviates from its So I did not get an answer to that the normal range, he said, the exam internal grading ranges by allowing question, leaving me to wonder iner was not asked to justify the examiners to give averages over the whether in fact examiners were asked average he gave. So nothing was appropriate range, sometimes way to justify averages exceeding that done to protect over half of my over. And the way I understood range. There were, after all, quite a classmates from having their hard Professor Foster (eo-chair of the number of averages exceeding the earned academic records soiled by Examination Board), the recom recommended range. What is the what in my opinion were excessively mended range is 2.50 to 3.00 for likelihood that these examiners all harsh marks, marks that were not, classes of 30 or more that are evalu actually justified their higher-than when taken as a whole, fair and ated by examination. The range is normal averages? The answer to this reasonable in relation to the marks 2.50 to 3.20 for classes of under 30 or is unfortunately left to one's imagina students obtained in the vast majority classes that are evaluated by essay. tion. of the other Fall2001 courses. So even though the Faculty has I invite the Faculty to reveal I met with Davis last week. I guidelines on the range of averages whether examiners with averages don't agree with the way he evaluated that would be acceptable for a given outside the recommended range were me. He seemed to have penalized me class, it does not always follow them. asked to justify them at the marks for doing things that I am normally But when I took issue with a 2.51 meeting. And if they did justify rewarded for. For instance, he didn't average, that acceptable range thing them, how did they do so? I should like the fact that I covered all the was thrown right at me. How unfair. be able to know why the same range issues reasonably raised by a fact In the realm of larger-type classes that is being used to justify the pattern he gave. He said I was t~o evaluated by examination, 3.24 in Employment Law average is routinely "imaginative", and that that quahty Business Associations (57 students) being ignored in relation to other • 4 Quid Novi 22 janvier 2002 classes. believe that the Faculty has an wrong with slight differences- they What exactly goes on at a marks obligation to keep its averages within are inevitable. But what I cannot meeting anyway? Shouldn't the a relatively narrow range of each accept is what I perceive to be this purpose of a marks meeting, already other. This obligation flows from s. Faculty's Jack of control over those the most mysterious phenomenon in 12 of the McGill University Charter differences. law school in my view, be to control ofS tudents' Rights, which reads as In my opinion, the Faculty has, the inherent subjectiveness of an follows: by failing to abide by its own pre individual examiner by bringing all scribed ranges and by permitting such class averages within a certain The evaluation of a student's an extreme range of class averages, acceptable range? Isn't the marks performance in a course shall be fair violated my s. 12 McGill Charter meeting the place where my right to a and reasonable ... right. I do not think that I am being fair and reasonable evaluation will be evaluated fairly and reasonably in protected? I once thought so. Now I "Fair and reasonable". Can you relation to colleagues of mine have serious doubts about that. fortunate enough to have been in Moreover, I would guess that classes with averages over the control over the quality of its What exactly goes on maximum recommended aver marks was one of the main age. They got lucky. I didn't. I at the marks meeting reasons that the Faculty recently guess I should get rid of that ol' adopted a policy of excluding a rabbit's foot. It doesn't work anyway? student's non-law marks from anymore. the calculation of law-related I have never (until now) rankings and awards. The chosen courses because of the assumption that law students gener reconcile the fact that Maitre Davis way an instructor tends to grade ally achieve higher non-law marks gave 27 of his 49 Employment Law exams. I always thought that that than law marks would seem to have students a grade of C+ or below with was not a proper reason to take or not played a role in the adoption of this the fact that none of the 17 students to take a course. But the stark truth is policy. But yet the Faculty of Law in Policies, Politics and the Legisla that in order to avoid running into itself regularly allows its own class tive Process got a mark lower than unjustifiably poor grades, one has to averages to exceed its recommended B+? Why did an extraordinarily high pick one's instructors with the utmost ranges. With respect, part of the number of people get a mark of A or of care. Students at this Faculty may justification for the non-law marks A- in Insurance, but yet Professor not be able to take the courses they policy seems to lose strength in the Gendreau 's Intellectual and Indus really want to take because the harsh face of this reality. trial Property class average was, as it or unknown marking style of an I am not saying that the averages has been at least as long as I have instructor may scare them away. This in these higher-than-normal range been at this Faculty, extremely low leads to "instructor-marking-pattern classes should be lowered to come (2.54 last semester)? shopping", a very real phenomenon within the recommended ranges. Is there something extraordinarily that may force students to forego That would not be fair to students difficult about Employment Law or I taking a course they really want to who were in those classes. Here's a and JP? The evidence suggests not. take because of an instructor's suggestion: Since it permits higher The last time Employment Law was grading history or lack thereof. This than-normal averages on a regular taught at the Faculty (Winter 2000), should not be the case, but it is. basis, the Faculty should raise the the average was 2. 77. And Profes This semester I am taking lowest average for classes of 30 or sors Lametti and Gold (both I and JP Taxation with Maitre Brian Bloom, a more evaluated by examination to be instructors) have had averages way new sessional lecturer at this Faculty. . 50 less than the highest average for above those consistently given by Since I don't know his grading those types of classes. That would Professor Gendreau. So am I to history, I am taking a huge risk. But mean that Employment Law, the conclude that Professor Gendreau this is my last semester and I really lowest average class in that group, just happens to get a relatively weak want to learn about taxation. Will I would have its average raised to 2.74 bunch of students year after year? get lucky or will I get hit with (.50 below Business Associations Assuming not, why the striking another Employment Law-type (3.24)). Similarly, the smaller-type or difference between the averages bombshell? Since marking is at the essay class with the lowest average given by Gendreau, on the one hand, "discretion of each examiner and would be raised to 2.99, .70 below and by Lametti or Gold, on the other? changes will rarely be made in a Problems In Constitutional Law In my view, it just boils down to colleague's marks" (Article 19, (3.69). subjective differences in an examin Faculty ofL aw Examination Board I suggest this solution because I er's marking style. There's nothing Regulations), I had better make the January 22, 2002 Quid Novi 5 right call. On the other hand, maybe I of 3.20 is .49. What if an average Grievances to decide whether I have should have taken a class that I have was .49 less than 2.50- 2.02? If you been evaluated in a fair and reason no interest in because the instructor were in a class that received that kind able manner. gave a really high, out of the normal of average, would you want to know I have written this article with a range average last year. You have to whether and how the examiner special group of people in mind learn to play the percentages, those students who would like right? to speak up but whose voices Internal policies. Closed meetings. In order to avoid this are too timid to be heard. I Ranges not applied equally to all unsettling reality, the average know you're out there, and I for each class should be very classes. With great respect, all of know how hard it is for you to similar. The University of speak out against the Faculty's this detracts from the credibility of Western Ontario Faculty of policies. Law has a narrow average this Faculty's marking system. I invite comments from range prescribed for each both students and Faculty class. Osgoode Hall Law members, whether or not those School and The University of Ottawa justified it? Would you be satisfied if comments support my position. You Faculty of Law have similar systems you were told that you could not can reach me by telephone at ( 514) in place. These policies help control know this information because a 483-1869 or by e-mail at extreme grading differences between marks meeting is a "closed" meeting [email protected]. examiners. Consistency between of Faculty Council- i.e. not accessible Thanks for taking the time to read examiners is fostered. And the to students? I sure wouldn't. this. possibility that poor teaching will So now what? Where do I go cause poor grades is reduced. from here? As of the time I write These schools all announce the this, Associate Dean Provost has not existence of these policies in their been responsive to my arguments. respective Faculty Regulations- they However, I believe that it is highly are available on the Internet for improper for the Faculty to apply its everyone to see. Our Faculty has class average ranges to some, but not certain ranges in place, but I did not all, of its classes. So I would like to see them in the Faculty Regulations again invite the Faculty administra available to students. They are tion to correct the unfairness by apparently internal and were un raising the averages in Employment known to me until they were sprung Law and some other classes so that upon me in order to justify the the difference between the top class Employment Law class average. average and the bottom class average Internal policies. Closed meetings. of a given group of classes is sepa Ranges not applied equally to all rated by the recommended amount classes. With great respect, all of this (.50 or .70, respectively). Another detracts from the credibility of this possible way to deal with the prob Faculty's marking system. lem is to give those students in the Since Faculty class averages affected classes the opportunity to consistently exceed its recommended receive a "Pass" on their transcript as ranges, what is to stop averages from opposed to a letter grade. I think that falling below the lowest point in a this latter suggestion is particularly range? For bigger classes evaluated useful because of the difficulties by examination, the highest average involved in deciding whose grades was .24 higher than the 3.0 maximum should get raised to bring up the class recommended average. Maybe this average. semester we'll see a large class with a If the Faculty is not amenable to 2.26 average, being .24 below the 2.5 this, I am left with no choice but to minimum recommended average. file a grievance against it. I do not 3.69 was one of the highest want to have to go that route, but averages for smaller classes or Provost's resistance has so far been classes evaluated by essay. The so strong that I may be forced to difference between that average and apply to the McGill University the maximum recommended average Senate Committee on Student 6 Quid Novi 22 janvier 2002 Unofficial Grading Statistics by Marta Juzwiak, Law Ill Loyal & Dedicated VP Academic, LSA Dear Fellow Students, Several of you have approached me regarding grading, particularly the grading disparities between the courses last semester. . I am concerned about these disparities, as we ALL should be. If we must be graded, then we should be graded m a manner that represents our performance, not our ability to "prof shop." Before looking at these disparities, let's consider the overall faculty average. Grade 1~ 'li nricltenns All other exruns Essa~ Total A "JQ 47 51 118 ..... ' A- 83 127 111 321 B+ 181 334 123 638 1 B 0·1 352 69 603 ~..:.. B- 160 240 """4 424 ..;;. s C+ 98 127 233 c 28 60 4 92 D 30 19 0 49 F 12 8 1 21 TOTAL# 794 1314 391 2499 *While I cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of the above numbers (I had to do the adding manually), I think they are fairly representative. Average GPAs for: 151 year mid terms: 2.86 All other exams: 2.96 Essays: 3.37 Average GPA for ALL grades: 2.996 Class averages for senior-level exam courses last semester ranged from 2.51 to 3.28. For first-year courses, they ranged from 2.50 to 3.18. For essay courses (I'm not counting individual term essays) the average ranged from 3.18 to 3.69. What is the big deal, you might ask, if you have ONE course that involves an unusually low average? Well, let's put this all in perspective. To graduate with distinction, you need a 3.0 If the average numbers are roughly the same across all semesters, then the average student is just on the cusp of distinction. Suppose you are about to graduate, and your grades have been pretty close to this average. You had a 3.01 over 102 of your 105 credits. But, unfortunately for you, you took Employment Law instead of something with a normal average, and you got one of the 13 C+s in that class. You now have 3 credits valued at 2.3 grade-points each in addition to your 102 credits valued at a 3.0 1. The math: 102 (credits) x 3.01 (GPA) = 307.02 3(credits) x 2.3 (GPA) = 6.9 Total grade-points: 313.92 over 105 credits. Cumulative GPA over 105 credits: 2.989 -7 NO distinction. January 22, 2002 Quid Novi 7 Need I ay more? One course CAN make a difference. One way to avoid a one-course disaster is to "prof shop." People can choose their courses based on their de ire to avoid unusually low grades. If they are smart about it, they can likely ensure themselves a GPA about 0.2 higher than the GPA they would otherwise have gotten. A difference of 0.2 in the 2.8-3.2 range makes a significant difference in ranking. lt's the difference between being in the middle, the top third, or the bottom third. What sounds better on a resume? Top Yd or Top half? I ha e learned that the faculty tells its new professors that grades at McGill normally fall between 2.5-3.0. As I have shown above, this statement is demonstrably untrue. Unfortunately, a new professor has no way of knowing that it is untrue. Smart prof shoppers will therefore stay away from new professors. I don't like being compelled to prof shop based on grades. I want to choose professors based on their pedagogical talents, and I want courses that will help me in my future career. Grades shouldn't matter. But they do. And as long as they do, there is an obligation on the faculty to ensure that they are representative of a student's performance; they should represent more than a professor's whim. I support Randy Kramer's efforts to compel the faculty administration to respond to the disproportionately low grades in Employment Law. I invite any students who also support him to contact him or to contact me about this matter ([email protected]). The inaccurate information provided to new professors regarding faculty grading, combined with the faculty's failure to adjust a grade spread that featured 55% of students receiving a C+ or less, war rants a response from students and faculty. I refuse to be silent. SKIT NITE 2002 So, what does go through the head of an average law student? Take a ride on the M i n d - t r i p Call for Skits: let the actor, singer and dancer out of that cooped up, overloaded head of yours; deadline: February 15, 2002 Spm Cno exceptions) Pick up a 'Skit Submission Form' from the Skit Nite mailbox in the LSA Office nd put it back in the box or give it to JeffFeiner or Lawna Hurl before the deadline. 1 New this Year: the 'best skit' award- this aptly named award will be given to the 3.11 round best skit at this year's show, to be decided on by a panel of celebrity and 1ttractive judges. Those interested in singing in the choir or playing in the band, email your ~ame to [email protected]. Quid Novi 22 janvier 2002 8 Our Man in Amsterdam by Jeremy Waiser, Law Ill "One hand washes the other" does msterdam in Winter is make their bathrooms so damn small. not come from Amsterdam. This we not known for sun. Let me describe them for you. Using the Dutch toilet requires know because there's only enough Though it shines brightly out my strategy. Go in guns blazing without a room for one hand in the sink. Washing your hands thus comes to window in seat 22A a plan and you 're finished. Sound half hour from the city, all I can see preparation begins before entering resemble a series of rapid Karate far below are endless clouds. They the "water closet." There's not chop motions in and out of the tiny look like a giant bowl of vanilla ice actually enough room to go in, close stream of water. All public sinks, by the way, cream, half lumps, half melted. As the door, remove your pants, and we drop down into the bowl, I kiss continue. You 're best off approaching only feature one tap for water: cold. the sun goodbye. the toilet, turning around, dropping The sink in my dorm room features On the ground, I decide I have your pants and then finding some the opposite problem. There are two too many bags to tram it and head for way to hook the door closed. Once taps, but only the hot water one the taxi stand. Four men are chatting fixed inside, the door looms omi- works. Once the water runs for anything longer than 7 and smoking next to a row of seconds it is too hot to Mercedez cabs. "Excuse ---------------------- touch. Basically, I just Jet me", I say to one of them. Using dutch toilets requires the toothpaste dissolve in "How much would it be from here to the Vrije strategy. Go in guns blazing my mouth as I fall asleep. University?" He looks at me, So far I've been lucky takes a puff of his cigarette, without a plan and you're enough to wake up to and says something in Dutch several days of glorious finished. to his pals. They all laugh sunshine. On these days, heartily. Wonderful. "About Amsterdam brightens and 30 Euros", he says. I pretend makes for terrific walking to ponder the merits of the answer. nously close to your face. You may around. It's really a gorgeous place. "30 Euros, hmmm ... " I do my best choose to proceed with your chin Countless canals weave through the brow-furrow, 'I'm a well-travelled, resting on you knees, or else assume downtown core. Each is lined with not-to-be-taken-lightly man' look. the traditional Sumo stance, legs out thin brown brick houses squished But these guys know a sucker when wide to the side. together over cobblestone streets. they see one. For all I know, 5 Euros Then there's the toilet itself. Gingerbread lane, everywhere you may be the going-rate. I don't even The crack squad of engineers who set look. And there are plenty of cool know what a Euro is worth. the standard design for Dutch toilets little cafes and restaurants to check After arriving at what will be felt inclined, for reasons unknown, to out. my residence for the next 4 months build the bowl with two levels; a I've taken up with a small and discovering I have been soundly shrunken basin in front and below group of Brits and we pass a Sunday ripped off by the cabbie, I am shown (where the water is), and a larger afternoon in one such cafe overlook to my room. The Ritz it ain't. My plateau level in back above. I have no ing the cross of two canals. Georgie room is 2 metres by 4 metres (every idea what possible mechanical or (female), from London, reads the thing here is metric). The bed is environmental benefit this "observa Times. Phil, the Welshman, is reading slightly smaller than a single. The tion deck" provides, but I do know the Independent and makes intermit mattress is slightly thicker than the the benefits are overwhelmingly tent outraged comments concerning plywood it rests on. The shared outweighed by the detriment. [Edi the controversial coach of Cardiff's bathrooms and showers are down the tor's note: I think the observation football club (who wants to burn an hall. Toiler paper and soap not deck is there to reduce splash, English flag at midfield to rile up the included, I'm afraid. actually, though poo-inspectors Scottish fans). Lindsay, the Scot, who At least the bed is long benefit incidentally from the design] had too much Sherry the night before, enough. Has to be - Dutch people are Once you've managed to get out of is just concentrating on breathing. ridiculously tall. Ridiculously. My the actual room with the toilet, you Georgie recommends tea for both. first day at school five girls get in the now have the pleasure of washing Whatever the nature of your calamity, elevator with me and I'm the second your hands in the equally small area tea is always the English solution. shortest. This has caused me to that houses the sink. Dealing with Nearby are 6 Dutch twenty wonder why such tall people would the sink is no picnic. The saying somethings. 3 men, 3 women. All January 22, 2002 Quid Novi 9 attracti e. That's another thing about daughter the Dutch equivalent of check, wanna-be Burberry's scarf. A the Dutch. They're hot. They look Gerber's. She delights in her own friend without a beige-tartan check like th y're the product of a 500-year reflection in a mirror. The 3 or 4 year wanna-be Burberry's scarf is not a cheekbone breeding experiment. old son sits in his father's lap enjoy friend. At the table of the ones near us , I ing his chocolate on chocolate cake, We step out of the cafe and count four cell phones on the table. the part he manages to get in his catch the number 5 tram home. The others must have theirs in their mouth anyway. Jerrod, my American friend who pockets. E eryone in Amsterdam has You know those beige-tartan skips out on the cafe to go to one of a cell phone. It's a must. There's an check, wanna-be Burberry's scarves? the infamous mixed naked Dutch unwritten motto here - a friend Both parents are wearing them. These saunas, raves about the experience without a cell phone is not a friend. scarves are everywhere. Half the the next day. He informs me that I To our right is your standard Dutch people on the street are wearing them have to try it. I just can't leave couple and kids. Mom and Dad order and the rest, no doubt, have one at Amsterdam without going to one. sandwiches that contain only toma home in a place of honour. You can't Maybe I'll check it out. Keep you toes and cheese. They feed their baby be Dutch and not have a beige-tartan posted. Bridget Jones Goes to Law School by V. Hanaerson, Esq. & N. Lachance, Nat IV Thursday 17 January 2002 Personal Life suggests ruminating career plans, her curiosity piqued over mediocrity-accepting future instead by romantic aspect of winter 133 lbs. (weight gain owing to goals. For example, is not inconceiv holiday. s Hermia new bakeware collection), able that could perhaps consider alcohol units 5 (am miserable abandoning eventual high-powered Lillian: "So Bridget, did you finally drunken spinster), minutes spent legal career in favor of career as give in to the drawn-out-since contemplating future career as non Italian homemaker, and could just adolescence passion?" lawyer 879 (must improve), collect allowance from big strong Self "In a Fiat hatchback? Please. I case books purchased for new term ostrich-farmer husband, do grocery went to finishing school." courses 0 (so cases read effectively shopping in town, sunbathe and eat Hermia: "I absolutely forbid you to 0). gelato, and of course spend larger forgo a career with an excellent law part of every day preparing beautiful firm in order to spend your time Feeling sudden onset of quarter-life savory meals for big strong earth harvesting olives. By falling into crisis, as described in The Career working husband. paternalistic 'cocooning' trap, you set Woman Juggles Work and Personal yourself up for disaster in scenario Life: Accepting Mediocrity in Both Hermia: "Are you out of your where well-muscled ostrich farmer, Areas by Your Mid-Twenties. Nearing mind?!? Career Woman Juggles Work heaven forbid, suffers accidental loss end of eight-year university career, and Personal Life is a characteristic of limb, say, making ostrich sausages. and paralyzed by prospect of spend example of bonfire-worthy drivel You are then left entirely without ing next thirty-five years practising churned out by paternalistic publish safety net in remote mountainous law as well-heeled wage slave in ing companies in authoritarian region trying to navigate the vagaries stifling (though air-conditioned and attempt to prey on insecurities of of the Italian unemployment assist fashionably decorated) corporate women and persuade them that ance program." legal hole. I mean, honestly. Cannot 'cocooning trend' must be followed fathom hauling exhausted self out of or else despair and failure in work Hermia always offers sensible advice bed every morning at six o'clock and and personal life are virtually im based on realistic fact scenarios. spending remaining waking hours of pending. Hmph." Career in law really best way to go. Must really move lens of focus away day discussing bills with clients and drafting cease and desist letters. Bosom friend Hermia has apparently from recent cast of boyfriends and strengthened feminist resolve after rather consider wealth of possibilities Recent epiphany occurred sometime having received bundt cake pan as opened up by legal career. Or perhaps last week in mountainous region of twenty-fifth birthday gift from will borrow Hermia's new bundt pan southern Italy, where happily found misguided (though well-intentioned) and make sour cream coffee cake self reunited with big, brawny, firm-buttoxed management-side with chocolate ganache. gorgeous, well-muscled, sporty-red labour lawyer bf. Lillian, on the other * Fiat-driving summer bf of youth. hand, spends so many hours at top With apologies to Helen Fielding. Boston firm that she completely Career Woman Juggles Work and missed inanity of my potential non- 10 Quid Novi 22 janvier 2002 & Pino Matteo's Salad-Bar Line Powers Chico Resch to Victory by Stephen Panunto, Law 11 ate (very late in fact) be superstitious, but whatever brings three defensemen who played the two Friday nights ago, a win is worth a try! entire game - Jason, Adam and Greg Law's very own Chico The defensive efforts of this -who kept the scoring chances to a Resch bounced the two-way unit must also be acknowl minimum, cleared the slot with gusto MBA faculty's Blank edged: even if they were on for the and started the transition game in Cheques by posting a 3-1 victory opposition's only goal, it should be their own end. The play of these despite playing with a depleted pointed out that the Captain lead by defensemen made their goaltender lineup. The short bench, whether due example and threw his body in front look good, so good that he (well, I) to an 11 :30pm (!) starting time, Bar of the rising point shot that somehow earned the first star selection. (Since school studies, Law Games hango found its way into the net, thereby I am writing the article, I will men vers or otherwise, was enough finally breaking the shut-out bid tion that I did make one Hasekian considering the return of their midway through the last period. like save with an outstretched arm starting goalie, which seemed to Short so many players, Chico while protecting a one goal lead.) inspire Chico Resch to victory (the played the entire game with only two Perhaps most impressive of all team is named after a goaltender, forward lines, but they were well was the way Chico managed to avoid after all). balanced - one scoring line, and one the penalty box until the very last Especially impressive was the "checking" line. The second line minutes of the game. Only one "Vegan line", made up of Dinesh played its defensive role well, not penalty - and a chincy call at that, as Melwani, Dave Dixter and "Captain allowing any goals, and not scoring Don Cherry would say. But Chico Cam", Keith Cameron. These three any goals. It had a couple of golden held on despite ending the game veggie-lovers must have been opportunities to break the game wide shorthanded, evening their record at inspired by Pi no & Matteos' post open, though. Greg "Hands Like 4-4, with four games remaining. Christmas introduction of a salad bar, Odjick" Webber managed to skate While .500 may be a high-water mark as each member of the line had a unhindered past the opponents for some sports franchises in this city, goal and two assists. So impressive defense late in the first period, only Chico hopes to build on their second were they, that Dinesh earned an to have the five-hole slammed shut half winning ways and make a run for honourable mention next to by the MBA goalie. Again, with time the finals at the Molson Centre later Dixter's third star selection, while winding down in the third, Webber this semester. Cam was named the game's second again split the defense and went one Of course, with school now star. The work of this all-vegetarian on-one with the goalie. Again, back in full swing, we expect all out trio even makes committed carni however, the backstop made a players, and hopefully a few fans, to vores (like your's truly) think twice sprawling save to deny Webber a come out for our next game, this about trying out Pino & Matteo's goal. (Maybe ifhe had tried Pino's Friday at 7:45pm at the McConnell new salad bar experience. Not that salad bar. ... ) Winter Arena. goaltenders have ever been know to Special merit must go to the /Attention Artists! Calling all painters, photographers, sculptors, designers, metalsmiths, craftspeople - and anyone else with an arty bent. If there is sufficient interest I'd like to organize an arts show at the law school before the end of term. Please contact me either by phone 954 1775 or by email: [email protected]. (Maya Prabhu, LLB3).

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.