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Preview Quid Novi Vol. 17 No. 009: January 27, 1997

Libraries 1 111 11 11 11 11 January 27, 1997 • 360 6 27 janvier 1997 to Improve the Faculty of Law: U t • 10) Light shows and cool sound effects. • • 9) Helicopter landing pad on NCDH roof for OVl law school emergencies. • 8) Offer courses to be taught in opera style. Vol. XVll • 7) Take the fan in room 102 and throw it into No 9 the Baltic Sea. • 6) New marking scheme: 100% based on non McGill University -Faculty of Law I Faculte de droit -Universite McGill attendance. • 5) During coffee house have a tickle-me-Dean Murphy's laws on job searching Toope session. • 4) Big fish tank full of guppies. • 3) Install vines in the classrooms so you can just swing to your seat. BCL Ill HELENE /UTRAS & picture of yourself in different positions, four copies of • 2) Replace mooring with mudwrestling. • your c.v., a psychiatric evaluation stating that you are BCL- Ill SEBASTIEN LAPOINTE NOT certifiable, letters of recommandation by: your first • 1) After he retires, bring back Professor 1 When you're looking for a job, you get nothing for grade teacher, three law professors, a provincial court Durnford to fly the helicopter, water the vines and three years and then one day you get three phone calls judge, the dean of your faculty and a competent supreme feed the guppies (just don't let him leave us). offering you a job, but unfortunately you're out jump court judge (!).Fortunately, they're giving you an extra ing from a bridge. two weeks to find the unicorn horn and the jade mon BCL Ill & TOP URANIUM STEVEN 2-Notwitsanding the fact that you spend 17 hours and key needed to complete your application. PROSPECTOR ON EARTH LEITMAN had three friends helping you find the errors in your c.v., 6-In answer to the question "what do you think of our you discover that you wrote "I look forward to meeting graphologist's report that you are suffering from acute you for an intercourse" in all 75 copies of your cover let schizophrenia?", you'll convincingly answer "we don't In this issue ter. Of course, by that time, they're already in the mail. .. think so". 3-IfMcCarthy Tetrault left a message on your answering 7-After three interviews on the same day, you'll end your Dans ce numero machine to offer you an interview, the call was for your last (and most promising) interview by calling your third roommate. Of course, the message didn't say that and interviewer by the name of the first one (who, by a strange you only find that out after making a total ass of your coincidence, is his hated brother-in-law). self, calling to schedule your interview. 8-If you know someone in the firm where you're being ~·' \11 ~illVf~ r ~/7 ••. :. •................ ~ 4-If you want to work at the McGill Legal Info Clinic, interviewed, you won't find out that person has since 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS ••••••••••••••••••• and during your interview someone asks you what you'd been convicted of slavery under article number what do with a misbehaving volunteer, you'll inadvertantly re ever of the criminal code until you mention his name PR~IDENT's CHoiCE •••••••••••••• 3 veal your psychotic personnality disorder by saying "I and how highly you think of him. take him apart" instead of the more traditionnal "I take 9-The day after you refuse two great job offers (because <<L'ENTENTE» ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 him aside" (you won't get the job). you wanted to stick with the firm where you articled), p J 5 5-If you find out what your calling in life is, you'll also you'll learn that you will be the firm's first and only ARLEMENT EUNESSE •••••••••••••• ~ realise that the deadline for applying to that position/ articling student that is not hired back. Sure they had a HousE ..... 6 SPONSORED CoFFEE institution is the very next day. Of course, that means Suite en page 2 that by four o'clock the next day, you'll need to get five 27-0t-97 (luid Novi 2 it, it will have been a letter outlining a job Law Games '97 Suite de ((Murphy's laws ... >> offered to you (and they send it through policy about hiring back all the articling the mail because they couldn't reach you An Unforgettable Maritime Mission students ... but it was changed last week ... by phone but were desperately certain that 10-If, after receiving 153 rejection letters, it was you and no other they wanted). Of ONLY loss of the tournament. (Those you receive another and are too sad/tired/ course, if you open the envelope hoping ANDR EA guys deserve an honourable mention just frustrated to be rejected once more and for a job offer, it'll be your 154th rejec LLB II WRIGHT for MAKING it to the arena in the morn you trash the envelope without opening tion letter ... W hen imperfect execution of a mid ing, but that's a whole other Quid sub night Molson relay through mission). Just ask the four 11-year old OCDH doors led to a ten-report salute locals who out-graced our soccer team (a Gain valuable legal experience this semester from McGill security's finest, the McGill feat we didn't think possible) with a bril troops braced themselves for a bang-up, liantly executed half-time show. Just ask Wanted: Law students interested in volunteering time er. .. smashing trip. (We'll talk casualties our 3 valiant casualties, who on second to assist with a class action environmental suit. later.) Complete with last-minute rein thought, probably ended up better than forcements who added colour (here's to the rest of us: Alisse snagged a Universite you Blue Hair) and (morning-after) sub de Montreal hat with NO loss of the now Five students needed: Apply before Fri Guyana's primary river. The mining com stance (wouldn't have been the same with worth-its-weight-in-gold McGill uni day January 31st if interested pany targeted by this class action has its out you Coleman), the orange-clad form; and Erin and Daniel used their in Recherches Internationales Quebec, headquarters in Montreal. contingent was a dazzling, if juries to justify the expense of a tidy 11/2 located in Montreal, is searching for law Students will work with 2 Montreal unmistakeable lot. The dreaded 18-hour hour FLIGHT home. (Actually, we hear students who will volunteer between 2 lawyers who have already begun work on bus campaign turned out to be a walk in Daniel won perfect 6. 0s on his quadruple and 8 hours a week (depending on your this issue. Volunteers may participate in a McDonald's park, sapping only the loop tumble at the rink. Too bad the sport other obligations) to help with the vari all meetings of the legal team, including bottled spirits, and dulling nothing but the was curling.) And aaaaagh ...... the agony ous tasks (legal and otherwise) involved strategy sessions and will have some op orange-suit phobia initially rampant of all those semi-final defeats!! Finally, lest in the preparation and continuation of a portunity to assist in drafting motions. among the first-year crew. we forget Jonathan, who braved the tides class action, environmental law suit. While some guidance will be given by Fashion fears cured, vision already of morning-after contests of COHER Recherches Internationales Quebec is those involved in the case, volunteers must blurred, the Halifax Citadel was but a re ENCE to actually bring home an a non-profit organisation dedicated to be self-directed and self-motivating. feuling stop for a 10 00-strong siege on the honourable mention in the moot compe ensuring that Guyana's Amerindians ob If interested, please contact: Shelley Maritimes' cheesiest dance fortress. (The tition! tain fair compensation for losses they suf Kath, 277-2405 or skath@po- Palace was so good in fact, that the oh-so And what synopsis of LawGames '97 fered as a result of a 1995 effluent spill into box.mcgill.ca. orange McGill-ites could NOT resist a would be complete without a mention of little uninvited invasion a couple of nights all those first-years who crammed into the later-see those locals stare ... ) Consistent Crown Royale (compliments CJ) Bar Prize Moot with the Atlantic setting, the opening cer cardgame to demonstrate new heights of emonies proved a roaring sea of sickly card-hording corruption and merciless a Sherbrooke pink and make-you-wanna assignment of forced gulps? (Neither the Venez assister la plaidoirie de 4 etudiant( e)s de 2e annee devant vomit fish-kissing. Not to be gagged how game nor the Games would have been the ever, McGill did a little roaring and same without you, you crazy first un banc de trois juges de la Cour d' appel du Quebec. Cette thrusting of its own (Jacques, I can't years ..... forgive us our trespasses for a competition se tiendra mercredi le 29 janvier 17h30 dans la resist. .. Do you thrust much?), and retired EVER calling you lame!!) Or without a at an hour that would make any sea-farer, mention of the pizza disc jockeys for Salle du Tribunal-Ecole. er ... LawGames-er proud. whom we couldn't dance hard enough There WERE some ATHLETICS in- tell me you've ever seen anything any- 1t we fORGOT to play sports, so painless where like that euphoric orange rave in a ETUDIANT(E)S DE"PREMIERE, Announcements was our assimilation to the Maritime cul small-time pizza joint?!! And speaking of DEUXIEME ET TROISIEME ANNEE! ture of all-night revelry and shameless orange, nice gobs toppers in 226: only Greg 11 sera bient6t temps, pour ceux substance abuse? ( I can say things like that and his pals could find a way to make d'entre vous qui seront ici l'annee The TWO WEEK PERIOD for re you see-I'm FROM that glorious part of paintball meet team colours meet party prochaine, de viewing DECEMBER EXAMINA the world.) appetisers. soumettre vos candidatures pour les TIONS runs from Monday January To answer your question: oh, did we But I've said enough .... the fallout concours de plaidoiries. Cette annee, le 27th to Friday February 7th. During shine the mornings after. Just ask from LawGames has us all dying with the processus de selection pour les plaidoiries this time students may meet with first Frederique Ruah: 3 consecutive hours of flu, and ACHING to revisit the Maritimes. aura lieu au printemps. term examiners to discuss theirwork. FLAWLESS aerobics and muscle toning to heh heh. Applications for next year's various Students requesting a reread are re outlast EVERYONE in sight. Just ask the PS-If anyone wants a piece of our competitive moots will be available at minded that the last day for so doing guys' hockey team who handed that team LawGames Maritime action, we're selling U.S.O. as of 9 a.m. March 17 and will be is Friday February 7th, unless it has we all love to hate-Sherbrooke-their some t-shirts and tuques at due back by 3 p.m. March 24. At that time, proved impossible to meet with the some ... urn .... Maritime prices. factums will be available and a sign-up instructor before that date. sheet will be posted on the tutorial board for the run-offs which will take place on Some students experience difficulty DON'T FORGET US! Prochaines dates de tombee: April 1 and 2. Decisions should be an understanding the GRADES AS SPO nounced by KEN on the MARS recorded message. • 31 janvier: articles pour le numero de la Saint-Valentin; April 7. Good luck to all interested par- In view of this, you are strongly urged ties. to verify your first term grades on OA • 6 fevrier: messages pour le numero de la Saint-Valentin; Jodi Lackman SIS when it opens to you on Febru Legal Methodology Coordinator • 7 fevrier: articles pour le numero du 17 fevrier. ary 1st, 1997. TERM II COURSE UPDATE INFOR MATION. Current information will ESSENTIAL INFO BELOW! Horaire du 24 janvier au 7 fevrier be found on the Electronic Bulletin Board and also on Board No.4 out The Quid's Valentine's day box will soon be ready to receive your • 30 janvier: 9h: colloque side Room 102. ''!'experimentation en etablissement de messages of passion and friendship: look for the box with the pink soins de sante'' EXAMINATIONS for LABOUR LAW hearts in front of the Moot Court starting Monday, January 27th. • 31 janvier, 11h30: Legal Theory Work and RESOLUTION OF INTERNA shop, "States, Nations and Cultures" Salle TIONAL DISPUTES have been You'll have until February 6th to pour your heart out. Faites vite si 202. scheduled as follows: Labour Law, • 5 fev., 12h30: CCAM, C. Lanthier Monday April 28th, 09:30h, Resolu vous voulez participer au numero special de la Saint-Valentin qui (ingenieur) "Grille Commerciale tion of International Disputes, Tues sera disponible le VEND RED I 14 fevrier. We also welcome any ar d' evaluation interactive des methodes de day April 29th, 14:30h. The revised reglement des differends". Moot Court. Examination Schedule is available ticle related to Valentine's day in any way. from the OUS. REMEMBER, stu • 7 fev., llh30: conference de D. Leydet, dents may not register for courses departement de philosophie de l'UQAM which result in an examination con (voir affiches pour details). Salle 202. flict. Quid Novi is published each two weeks by students at Redactrice en chef: Thanh-Tram Dang the FacultyofLawofMcGill University, 3661 Peel Street, Redactrice anglaise: Rebecca Chan Montreal, H3A I W9 (Tel: 398-4430). Production is Redactrice fran~aise: Wronique-E. Marquis Prochaine date de tombee: made possible by support of the Dean's office and by Directrice administrative: Anna Kapellas direct funding from the students. Les opinions Direct rice a la gestion interne: Helene ]utras exprimees sont propres aux auteurs. Toute contribu Direct rice de !'information: Guylene LeClair tion do it indiquer l'auteur ou son origine et n'est publiee Infographiste: Marcel Naud Vendredi 31 janvier 12h00 ~ qu'a la discretion du comite de redaction. Articles can Web Master: Sebastien Lapointe be sent to: [email protected] 27-0t-97 Quid Novi ~ Doin' the meringue in the Dominican Republic Atteignez les sommets My job was to work on a legal guidebook DEANNA de la profession en for doctors, nurses and social workers. LLB Ill MATZANKE Since the only violence against women 36,5 secondes. A nd did I! The dear friends and which is recognized by the Penal Code is collegues I left behind after last rape (this does not include marital rape) summer's internship in Santo Domingo, I decided to focus my attention on inter 36.5 secondes et 47 etages, voila tout ce dont vous avez besoin Dominican Republic, told me that I may viewing women who had been through pour demarrer votre carriere. be Canadian in status, but I'm Domini- the rigamarole. Unfortunately, I soon Chez Robinson Sheppard Shapiro. can at heart. What a compliment ... but found out that nobody really knew what nous ne faisons pas que that was the social side of things .. . the process was so that I had nothing to vous offrir une ascension rapide. The internship in the Dominican work from. OOU\ \Oil\ offrons rgalement came about as a combination of my own What I ended up doing instead was rfr, J\Jnlaqr\ 11niques: initiative in setting up a viable project and researching the process by investigating rr·'JH'""lhdqr, .lt' rur,, autonomir f'1 .ll~t'''l'hr•r rlr trJ\ld tnn\ht.llr the willingness of CLAIHR to adopt my the different institutions which are in \t ''' nntrf' .l't rn\,.{'\1' .iltl"' rJil'df' \Otl-11. project as one of their own summer hu volved and which a women must deal with nr f\i·ut J< t ur•lhr f1ur trot' man rights internships. You may think in order to have a legal case processed. ou quJirr Jl~l,...._ltlf" a la fot\. that the Dominican is a not the most likely This involved investigating hospital pro \ niiJ Jl<HHCJIIOI 11011\ \Ommrs Si Srieclifs. place to go to work on human rights. It's cedures, police procedures, and the role Alors si vous desirez atteindre les plus hauts sommets pour y demeurer. paradise, right? For the tourists maybe, of the medical examiner. I wrote a final qu'attendez-vous pour monter? but Dominican citizens have it a lot worse, report which laid out the procedures in particularly women. I worked for the detail and identified the problem areas. I Pour venir nous rejoindre. contactez Centro de Investigacion para la Accion also made recommendations on the types Me Jacqurs Bouchard lr Femenina (Women's Centre for Feminist of concrete measures that can be taken Action and Investigation -CIPAF) which right now to coordinate the medical and was founded in 1981 by a group of intel legal sectors in their treatment of women lectual Dominican women who were con in this situation. That report is now the cerned with improving the status and basis for an initiative taken by the new I conditions of women in general and es Ministry of Women who has asked CIPAF pecially women of their own country. It to head a police sensitization project on was the first centre dedicated to working violence against women .I have to say that on women's issues established in Central I was worried at first that I was not work America and the Caribbean region. Origi ing with a legally-oriented NGO. How nally, I was supposed to work on a ever, I can now say that the experience ROBINSON SHEPPARD SHAPIRO Women's Senatorial Commission on helped to give me a much better idea of AVOCATS which CIPAF had a seat and that was con how life and law intersect (or don't, in 800 Place Victoria. 47' etage. Tour de la Bourse, Montreal. Quebec H4Z 1H6 vened to examine Domincan laws and many cases) and I came to have great re develop proposals for amendment that spect for the struggles of Dominican would effectively eliminate discrimination women to have their voice heard and to President's choice on the basis of sex. Unfortunately, how be treated with dignity. I came home feel ever, political elections forced the Corn- ing like I helped make a difference. I also mission into recess and the project was came home realizing how very fortunate deuxieme (dans un an d'ici) 60$ et le DoMINIQ UE reoriented. I am to have been born Canadian and that troisieme 70$ clans deux ans. Don't panic, The reorientation centered on a Canadians in general don't know how BCL Ill LAPlERRE we'll talk more about it! I just want to pre project initiated by CIPAF in partnership good they have it. I wasn't very inspired this morning in pare you mentally. Honestly, it's an awe with the Municipal Health Authority to If anyone has any questions that you writing my article. I'm sitting in front of some program and I hope everybody will set up a series of Support Units for would like to ask, please feel free to con the computer trying to find something contribute. I want to emphasize the fact Women who are survivors of violence in tact me at [email protected]. I also original to tell you but. .. mes efforts sont that all the money will go to a project of the various health clinics in the National have contacts with NGO's in some other vains. I guess it's just the result of start your choosing and not to anything else. District. Aside from counselling and countries if anyone is interested in devel ing-another-semester-interviews coming If you want to know more bout it, e-m ail group therapy, the clinics were supposed oping their own project. no time-too much work- kind of feeling! me. to have a legal information component. Well, this week I had a meeting with La session derniere, une de nos the Prez of all the Faculties. I learned from etudiantes est decedee. Pour repondre aux my MED buddy that all the people who e-mail re'rus et aux diverses a don't have a bachelor's degree but who preoccupations savoir si la Faculte a fait were traditionally able to obtain an quelque chose pour la famille, sachez que independant status after 3 years for ob plusieurs professeurs, representants du BYERS CASGRAIN taining loans and bursaries will here on LSA et etudiants etaient aux funerailles ou in be denied this status .... Marois strikes le Doyen a fait une courte allocution. Des again! Also, we talked about the budget cartes de condoleances ont egalement ete of the Students Services. We'll vote on this envoyees. Si vous avez des questions ou SOCIETE EN NOM COLLECTIF at the February 4th meeting at the CCSS. preoccupations, venez me voir. AVOCATS If you want to see it please come to see Just for your information, the LSA has .. me. What else ... Oh yeah .. the SSMU undertaken to send "Happy New Year" drafted a "Mission Statement of the cards to law firms in Montreal this year SSMU" and an "Academic Policy on dis (as well as some in Ottawa and Toronto) ruptions" (meaning no discrimination in the spirit of maintaining a close rela Droit des affaires against people on strike). Again, if you tionship with the law firms who show so want to take a look, come to see me or much support. Hopefully, this will be Litige How ard. come a tradition in our faculty. Droit du travail Juste un petit mot pour tous les The fax machine is ready for your use! Fiscalite etudiants qui graduent cette annee. 11 y a Just read the instructions and it should 5 ans, des etudiants de la Faculte ont eu la work! Services bancaires et financiers a brillante idee qu'il serait bon de penser Un gros merci Andrea Wright et Valeurs mobilieres aux futurs etudiants qui les Gregoire Baillargeon pour avoir organise Immobilier succederaient. Ils ont commence ce qu' on les Law Games cette annee! appelle en bon fran'rais "Class Action". Je Austin, Clare, Associate Dean Geller, Environnement, energie et ressources vous entends dire "Ou est-ce qu'elle s'en Christian and your many volunteers, I Planification personnelle et successorale va avec ses patins ... ". Class Action est la hope everybody thanked you for all your Droit de !'information et de la technologie derniere de vos contributions avant de efforts; Placement Day was a huge success quitter la Faculte! Chaque annee, les and very informative! Careers Day was Droit des autochtones finissants choisissent un projet qui leur very well organized and we all had a A a tient coeur et qu'ils veulent voir se "schmoozing-good time!!" realiser! L'an passe, 86% des etudiants de Don't miss the free Coffee a Mcmhredc la classe se sont engages contribuer 150$ Houses ... don't forget your id card. This MeM ILLAN BULL CASGRAIN ( echelonne sur une periode de 3 ans). Le year, it's mandatory! premier versement est de 19,97$, le Cheers! MONTRlAL TORONTO VANCOUVER MISSISSAUGA SURREY TAl PEI 4 27-0t-97 Quid Novi Saviez-vous que? I Did you know? you can find a lawyer who's a member of VP CIVIL STEPHANIE I STIKEMAN, ELLIOTT . .] the Quebec Bar but practicing outside the BCL Ill ]OHNSON Province, whether in New Guinea or Si M ort lente de l'examen d'entree au beria, you could actually complete your Barreau: l'automne dernier, le full 6 months of articling there. Alterna COMMfiTED TO PROVIDING LEGAL SERVICES Batonnier Claude Masse a laisse savoir tively, it's also possible to do 3 of the 6 qu'il voulait imposer un examen cl' entree months anywhere in the world, wih any IN CANADA AND a l'ecole du Barreau du Quebec, question lawyer, and the other 3 months would THROUGHOUT THE WORLD de contr6ler la qualite et la maturite des then have to be done in Quebec. All this nouveaux venus clans la profession of course would be subject to the Bar's FOR INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: juridique. Mais une bonne nouvelle approval once you're in Bar school. s'annonce: d'apres le directeur des com La saison des entrevues commence ... Lt'F Ctt -\Rrnr munications du Barreau (Lean lkrnard) Je ne cherche pac; ?I volcr la parole ?I Chris et le Doyen de la faculte de Droit de tian Bergeron (qui fait d'ailleurs une su STIKEMAN. ELLIOTI 1155 RE:-.;E·lt:\'F..SQl'E BL\'0. WEST, SUITE 4000 Sherbrooke qui siege sur le comite de con per job pour le bureau de placement), MO!'ITRE.<\L. Qt•EBEC H3B 3V2 sultation entre le Barreau et les universites mais je voulais vous rappeler que clans la (514) 397-3139 (Jean-Guy Bergeron), ce cher projet ne derniere edition de la revue "Les Carricres ferait plus partie des priorites d'action du du droit" (disponible au bureau de place Barreau. I! faut distinguer semble-t-il, les ment), vous trouverez une liste de Montreal • Toronto • Ottawa • Calgary • Vancouver • New York• Washington projets personnels de Me Masse et ceux plusieurs cabinets d'avocats des secteurs London • Budapest • Prague • Hong Kong • Taipei • Singapore • du Barreau ... Ceci dit, les discussions au prive et public. On y precise qui sont les sujet du contingentement clans la profes recruteurs, quelles sont les specialites sion se poursuivent (je vous en reparlerai respectives des cabinets et clans certains clans le prochain numero) et un rapport cas, les previsions d'embauche pour 1999. sur la position des etudiants de toutes les Si vous avez mis la main sur le cahier de facultes de droit civil est sur le point d'etre la journee des carrieres, c' est un pas clans termine. Le probleme du surplus la bonne direction, et la liste ci-dessus ne d'avocats demeure, et clans l'eventualite fait que mentionner des cabinets et ou le Barreau change d'idee ou manque entreprises (ie: Alcan, Bell) additionnels d'idees, no us serons prets ... si ya vous interesse. Pour l'instant,je vous Skit Nile happens ... Broadening your horizons as you ar souhaite bonne chance et essayez de ne pas ticle ... For those of you who don't know trop stresser. it yet, the articling program in Quebec has If you have any questions regarding Coming soon to a theater near you. changed. Don't worry, it's actually gotten Bar School, the Montreal better as far as McGill students are con firms' agreement, or anything else, feel free cerned, since most of us have it in our to come see me or send me an e-mail. blood to discover the world ... You see, if Cabinets de Montreal Law Firms Alepin Gauthier VP CIVIL 5TEPHANIE Belanger Sauve BCL Ill ]OHNSON Brouillette Charpentier Fournier L'entente est un document signe par de Byers Casgrain It's nombreux cabinets d'avocats de Cain, Lamarre, Wells a simple Montreal afin de faciliter la vie des ChaitAmyot question etudiants durant la periode de De Grandpre, Godin of recrutement pour les stages et les emplois Desjardins Ducharme Stein Monast d'ete. Elle prevoit cette annee qu'aucune Gasco Lelarge entrevue ne devra prendre place avant le Goodman Phillips & Vineberg 10 mars 1997, et qu'aucune offre Guy & Gilbert d'embauche ne pourra etre, directement Hart St-Pierre ou indirectement, formulee avant le 7 H ebert Denault avril1997. Heenan Blaikie The agreement also specifies that stu Hudon, Gendron, Harris, Thomas dents must be given at least 72 hours to Lafleur Brown accept any job offer and that this offer Langlois Robert cannot be retracted before the expiry of Lapointe Rosenstein the said delay. Finally, firms are forbid Lavery, De Billy den from asking hypothetical questions to Leduc, Leblanc the students to find out, before april7th, what Mackenzie Gervais his or her response would be if an offer Martineau Walker was made to him or her. McCarthy Tetrault Si vous constatez qu'un bureau McMaster Meighen signataire de 1' entente ne la respecte pas, Monette Barakett Levesque Bourque et venez me voir et les mesures necessaires Pednault seront prises avec le cabinet responsable Nicholl Paskell-Mede de !'entente cette annee, et ce tout en Ogilvy Renault Many of our partners earned their stripes with us as students. gardant l'anonymat du plaignant. Pepin, Letourneau Why not join a flexible, exciting student program that is renowned for If you have any questions relating to Pouliot Mercure turning students into well-rounded lawyers? this agreement, feel free to contact me at Robinson, Sheppard, Shapiro If you want to become an excellent lawyer working in an international the LSA, at home, or viae-mail. Smart & Biggar firm where both collegiality and individuality are encouraged, you should Spiegel Sohmer talk with us. Cabinets signataires de !'Entente en Sternthal, Katznelson, Montigny The first step is to learn more about us. Contact our Montreal or Toronto date du 9 decembre 1996. Firms who have Stikeman, Elliott office: signed the Agreement as of Decembre 91h: Woods & Associes Michel Pelletier, Montreal office Telephone: 51-l-8-ll-6-100 Fax: 514-841-6499 E-mail: [email protected] i\ndrew Wilson, Toronto office Telephone: -ll6-979-2211 Fax: 416-979-1234 E-Mail: [email protected] ;113 Perspective and Performance. GOODMAN PHILLIPS & VINEBERG BCE Place AIRD & BERLIS CANADA'~ I NTERNAT I ONAL LAW FIRM Suite 1800, P.O. Box 754 181 Bay Street Bilrri•tcrs ilnd Snlicitor' Telephone: (416) 364-1241 BrIll""<· • Ho'\!c KPNC • M of\ r RrAr • Nr w YoRK • P·\RI.., • 51"--<.ArnRE • TORONTO • VANCOU\'rR Toronto, Ontario Fax: (416) 364-4916 MSJ Zf9 Telex: 06-22702 S" 27-0f-97 (luid Novi Tales from the girl formerly known Parlement Jeunesse du Quebec as the red hair girl et les manipulations genetiques. En bout PAULE HELENE (I said big, not older ... ) and sister around de ligne, trois des quatre projets de loi ont the house again. Coup de coeur BCL III MoRISSET ete sanctionnes par le lieutenant BCL Ill ]UTRAS Comme vous ne trouverez pas la Que faisiez-vous entre Noel et le Jour gouverneur de la simulation, l'honorable Eh oui, j'e n suis encore a cette forme chronique de Ve ronique Marquis clans ce de l'an? Quelques etudiants de la Gilles Lamontagne. Notons que le projet moyenageuse de commentaire qu'est Quid-ci, je lui emprunte faculte participaient au quarante de loi de Guylaine Le Clair (BCL Ill) sur la chronique. J'ai beaucoup a apprendre momentanement son coup de coeur de la septieme Parlement Jeunesse du Quebec les manipulations genetiques re~ut cette avant de pouvoir de dire tout l'univers, la semaine, et j'en decerne un moi-meme. qui se tenait a l'Assemblee nationale. sanction royale, apres des debats et une vie, sa betise et sa confusion avec un trou, M on coup de coeur, c' est un bon bain Le Parlement Jeunesse a permis a commission parlementaire animes. en cadre en plus, en plein milieu du Quid. chaud. Presque bouillant. Avec des chan quatre-vingt-cinq personnes «d'essayer» Cette quarante-septieme legislature Ce n' est pas moquerie: le grand espace delles pres de la baignoire, et de la mousse notre systeme parlementaire. Nous fut un succes, surtout a cause du blanc de Marcel a fait jaser bien davantage dedans. Juste avant de se glisser clans des simulions le plus fidelement possible devouement du Premier ministre, Patrick que mes petites contributions. Jalouse? Un draps tout propres, tout chauds, et de notre systeme politique. Une exception de Ferland (BCL Ill). En plus d'etre un bon peu. Mais impossible d'en vouloir a notre s'endormir entre votre copain et un chat taille distingue toutefois le PJQ de la parlementaire en Chambre, Patrick a grand manitou de la mise en page, qui a qui considere, lui, qu'il vous fait une realite: il n'y a pas de ligne de partie. Ceci organise cet evenement avec beaucoup de su si bien changer vos habitudes en faisant faveur en vous laissant un bout de matelas. implique que chacun s' exprime et vote coeur. D'ailleurs, avec quatre autres du Quid ce qu'il est maintenant. Un bon bain parce que vous avez mal clans selon ses opinions sur les quatre projets personnes, il fera partager 1' experience J'ai envie, aujourd'hui, de parler d'un le dos, que vous avez tant joue de la souris de loi qui sont presentes. quebecoise en fait de simulation sujet qui m' echappe, se faufile entre mes que votre epaule hurle a la mort, que vous Les sujets debattus cette annee etaient: parlementaire aux Beiges qui en seront, doigts et disparait. c;:a commence bien avez tant lu de Commercial Transactions I' integration des nouvelles technologies de en fevrier prochain, a leur premiere simu mal. Mais il s'agit d'un courant, d'une que votre cerveau est devenu du Jell-o aux !'information et des communications en lation. c;:a fait quelques annees qu'une mode, ou de quelque chose de plus bleuets, que vous avez eu sept heures de education, la reorganisation du temps de delegation beige participe au PJQ et nous profond, qui me derange, et sur lequel j' ai cours de suite (tous clans le Moot Court), travail (semaine de 4 jours), la produc sommes heureux de voir que des un peu de difficulte a mettre le doigt. Je ou que vous avez tant essaye de changer tion porcine et la reproduction humaine Quebecois se rendront en Belgique a leur a vais tenter de m'expliquer, mais soyez vos cours la derniere minute que vous tour. Bonne chance! indulgents. 11 y a autour de no us (et en entendez la telephoniste-cyborg de MARS nous sans doute) un gout nouveau (me clans votre tete. Un bain ou il vous est semble-t-il) pour le laid. Pour ce qui est interdit de penser a quoi que ce soit qui News re: Thition Fees and Student Assistance Announced fucke, mais pas clans le bon sens. Pour la ait le quart de la moitie d'un lien avec la folie, la paranoia, pour ce qui est inusite, faculte, I' argent, vos beaux-parents ou la FROM medical fields, and pure and applied sci peut-etre, mais comme on a }'impression temperature a l'exterieur. Un bain pour ences will pay an increase of $57 per credit que tout a deja ete fait, cet inusite prend relaxer, parce que c' est encore possible, McGrLL DATELINE -- a total increase of $1,710 for a 30 credit un gout amer, et malade. Sick. Being meme si ce n'est pas toujours evident. The Province's decision with regard to course load; screwed up is in. In the late 19th century, Plongez-y, tournez le petit bouton de increases in tuition fees has finally • Those in all other disciplines will pay the romantic movement liked that mor votre cervelle a off (donnez-vous le droit, been communicated to McGill from the an increase of $27 per credit or $810 for bid side of life, and they saw madness as cependant, de penser un peu aux messages Minister of Education, Madame Pauline 30 credits. something great, not so much as an ideal d'amour et d'amitie que vous ferez publier Marois. In summary form, this letter - In both categories of international stu to pursue, but as a glorious end to every clans le Quid de la Saint-Valentin), et without providing the detailed criteria for dents, there will be no grandfathering of thing. It's not the same today. Today, mad laissez la vapeur alourdir vos paupieres. Quebec residency-- indicates that: existing students. ness is not an end, or even a means of A la prochaine fois! • There will be no tuition fee increases These fee increases will accrue to the forgetting pain; it just is. Like we don't care for residents of Quebec, and third-cycle revenue of the Quebec government and ~~~~~~~~~------··-· ..... -. ·c---•lo- ·····- ···- .. anymore about life, and all that was left (doctoral) students, no matter where they not to that ofMcGill. The full response of was not pain, not doubts, not even ado Cet espace vide encadre, come from; McGill to these changes is yet to be worked lescent self-pity, but a big black huge noth comme celui de la derniere • Bachelor and Masters degree Cana out. ing. We just don't care. You only need to "It is my intention to bring forward a dian students from outside of Quebec will parution d'ail/eurs, n'est pas watch a few videos on TV, or read books budget model for 1997-1998 which will be paying an increase of $40 per credit. by some young authors, and if you're open une erreur, une distraction ou recommend a significant increase in the For those taking 30 credits during the year, to the idea, you'll see what I mean. It goes une omission de la part de this will amount to an increase of $1,200, funds available for loans and bursaries," further than Trainspotting with its cool said Principal Bernard Shapiro. "Neither l'equipe du Quid Novi./1 s'agit and there will be no grandfathering of junkies and Calvin Klein with his half the size of the new allocation nor its terms existing students. en effet bel et bien d'un naked 12 year-olds. And it seems to me it of reference have yet been worked out, but • International students who are not goes far beyond the old "no future" authentique trou de mise en Senate should be able to have a fuller dis doctoral students will be divided into two speech. As if we not only knew we had no pages. cussion of the matter at its February dis categories: future, but had acknowledged it, accepted cussion of budget plans." • Those in medicine, nursing, para- it, and didn't even care. And I don't think this is only about a bunch of kids listening to Nirvana in a basement, this is a whole so- cietal issue, and even when you're Your Law School Survival Guides dressed in a three-piece suit, on • • • your way to Ogilvy Renaud, you can't escape from it. And maybe ~~ that's what I find so distressing, the fact that there is no hiding place from whatever's going on in s~ "real life", not even where, traditionnaly, there used to be. I The edge you need to make the grade. don't know where I'm going with this story (I sincerely apologize for Butterworths Student Companions give you a professionally that). It's just another one of those prepared set of case notes for the following courses: little things that freak me out, and I had this weird thought that CD CD • Administrative • Contracts •Tax maybe perhaps it could somehow CD • Business Associations • Criminal • Torts be possible that if I speak up, I'll CD CD find out I'm not alone ... News • Commercial • Evidence • Trusts from a sweet black kitty • Constitutional • Property Since I complained about my black princess' health in the last Available at your local campus or law school bookstore or order directly from Butterworths! Quid, I now have to tell you that TOLL-FREE ORDERING she is doing much better (told ya ~~ I wasn't letting her die). She now Ca111-800-668-6481 V FAX 1-800-461-3275 eats on her own, and, what's best, BuHerworths 75 Clegg Road, Markham, ON L6G IAI Tel (905) 479-2665 FAX (905) 479-2826 she started chasing her big brother -----1 r--------------------------........................................................................... --------............... ---............ --.................. -... --...... -----i-...... --... -----......... --... ---... -......... --... -... --... ------------......... --...... ----... --... ---------------------... --...... : VIEW OUR INTERNET HOME PAGE! l Internet e-mail: [email protected] : lI _ _ ----------------------------~~-~·-~~!!~-~~~~-~h-~ ·-~~ ------------------------------I -~: j_----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 (2uid Novi 27-0f-97 Don't take a Beaucoup de mouvement your shirt off ... !'association juive des etudiants en droit de McGill (MJLSA) VP INTERNAL LISA Time BCL III MILLER GUYLENE RUMOURS ... W ell - I felt it was high time I cleared BY SouLETTE GRAY BCL Ill LE CLAIR the air about this SPONSORED COFFEE HOUSE business! Despite the C lub dont on entend beaucoup rumours running rampant through the Time is all that life depends upon parler clans cette faculte, il est associe faculty to the effect that there are 32 free a une longue tradition de dynamisme et Coffee Houses this semester, this is far Time keeps you here tomorrow gone d'enthousiasme. Il est aujourd'hui preside from accurate!! (But thanks for your op par Ariel Deckelbaum, qui cumule timism!) I hate to disappoint (I aim to It is time that puts you where you are egalement le poste de vice-president a la please!) but the truth of the matter is that «Canadian Jewish Law Students Associa there are 6 (six, seis ... ) Sponsored Coffee Conflict and time gave us two world wars tion». Plut6t que de se limiter uniquement Houses this semester (which ain't too It is time that marks our destinies a des activites facultaires, cette association shaby in my opinion ... ): fait partie d'ensembles plus vastes • 1) January 23: Stikeman, Elliott It is time, it rules us to eternity d'etudiants en droit. En effet, un tout • 2) January 30: Goodman, Phillips & nouveau regroupement a ete forme pour Vineberg It is time that gives us seasons representer ou du moins rejoindre • 3) February 6: Martineau Walker And because of time every life has reason 1' ensemble des etudiants en droit de reli gion juive de la region montrealaise: le • 4) February 13: Robinson Sheppard Time gives way to moods and changes «Inter City Council for Jewish Law Stu Shapiro dents». Aussi, bien qu'elle porte le nom • 5) February 20: Lavery, de Billy Time is responsible for the technology ranges de «Canadian Jewish Law Students Asso • 6) March 6: Desjardins Ducharme ciation», !'association presente a McGill Stein Monast Time is in your hands and mine demeure une entite distincte de ce groupe a A PLEA FOR ... Time that can be used to benifit all of humankind qui vise !'ensemble des etudiants Although I know as well as anybody I' echelle canadienne. that the quest for free food and drink Humans count time on the clock Ariel Deckelbaum precise qu'un des knows almost no bounds, I am making a objectifs premiers de cette association est plea for a little self-control this year (ie. Time we know will never come back de favoriser et cl' encourager les echanges wrestling caterers to the ground in order entre etudiants en droit de religion juive to have first claim to his or her tray would Time hands to each one their "fair" share appartenant a diverses ecoles. C' est clans for example fall into this category!) Re And provides a comparison with each new year cette perspective qu'un cocktail en member that these Coffee Houses are or l'honneur de cette nouvelle association, ganized for the purpose of recruiting The time will come when each one must account regroupant etudiants des universites de students, and that representatives from McGill et de Montreal a ete commandite the various law firms are here to meet and For their lifetime and their amount. la session derniere par la firme Hillel. Plus get to know all of us. Don't get me wrong, de 100 participants y ont assiste: quelle I'm not trying to spoil the fun (as many

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