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Quick Reference: Laser Squad PDF

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INSTALI.{TION INSTRUCTIONS Laser Squad will only run tom hard disk nnd must be installed frcm lhe original floppy disks. To run the INSTALL program fbnow fte prccedure listed belo!\'. Inscd dlsk 1 into any floppy dnve: Tl?E A:INSTALL < ENTEb. NmE: Iha abo|e cvnfu shovs hov 10 i6lall t4w Sq@d IMt tfii|4 A. lf mthe. dnw is ben'B $ed, sinpl\ .lurye tlv letter'A' it A:7t t inptuled dnv leua ks.8:). The on-smen insmctjons willpmmpt you to spec ify ,r dcstination ddve and a dcsLination directory namc. The defhult is 'C drive and \LASER directory. Ilyou wish lo change thesc, simply type ln the drivc lererand directory nAmc you wanl. When )ou are conlc l $ift each, p€$ <ENTEb. Unless there is problem Gee below), INSTALL will copy all lfie rcquired files on0o your hard dhlc slopping ocsisionally to ask for rhe nen floppy disk. lnsen efh disk when asked until dl filcs Ilrc copied o o your haftl drirc- Ins€r Squad is nov rcady to run. HARD DISK Laser Squad willonly run liom a hard disk. It requnes a minimum of9 Megabyt€s of flEe disk space.INSTALL check\ thdt there is space on your hard disk to instrll L$cr Squad. lf lh€re is nol, m enor mess,rge will Brm you, and the installarion will stop. Il is possible to frcc more disk space by dclcling un*anred fileli from your hud dtk before running INSTALL again. Il is rc$mmended ftal beforc deleting nhs trom your hani drive, you filst back them up onto floppy disks. MEMORY Thc game requlres a minimurn of 520K lree memory. The Sound Blasler oplion rcquircs a ninimum of I 28K addilional memory. It lou hale a Sound Blaster card but no extendcd memory. seled lfie ADLIB optio:r. INSTALL checkr lhal here is enough mcnory available. lf this is nol the case. a sarning message will appeal If $is happens. ir is poss;blc to lree nole of yo{r conpuler's m€mory hy removing unnecessarJ device drivea from your mNFIC.SYS file (s€3 your DOS Manuat tor the procedurc). GRAPHICS ADAPTER Laser Squad runs in VGA 256 color mc{e. and requires a slandurd VGA video card $irh at least 256K of video mn. MCCA video cards with lc,{.r than 256K of video ram will nol work propedy- SOUNDS There are 4 sound options availablei I- ADLIB 2. SOUND BLASTER 3, ROLAND 4. NO SOUND. ff you have any of the sound cards lisied insralled in your compuic( selecr lhe sound option you waDt by pressing keys I to4.Ifyou don t havc nnyof the above cards insklled pr€ss 4. Ifyou hrvc ei$er a Roland ora Sound Blasrer cand insldled in yourconpuGr you mAy need to chanS€ some sofiwllrc setiings in odcr for the gitme to use them prope y. This is only true ifyou hav€ changed,ny of thc.iu mper settings SOUND BLASTER On the Sound Blrslcrcud both $e IRQ line dnd the VO base ddress can be chanSi-d. Irr mosl c$trs lhis will not be ne(t:isary bur if it is, the senings can be changed via com'nand line options (sce LOADINC OFIIONS). ROI,AND On the Rohnd card both lhe IRQ linc and the VO base nddress c{n be changed. Io mos! crscs this will not bc necessnry but ifii is. thc sctrings cltn be changed via commnnd line oplions (see LOADING OPIIONS). STARTING THI' GAME ChMgc to the dircctory where La\cr Squad is instaUed.(eg. CD\LASER). TYPE LASER <ENTER>. LOADING OPTIONS The iollowing switches nre alaihble by lyping LASER /:) <ENTER>: /SBn Set Sound Bl $tcr YO ba$ ddr€sr to n. (es. 220. 210 240, 250. or 2rr0) /SIn SctSound Bl.rslulRQro n. (c9.2,3,5, or7) RBn Scr Rolmd I/O base address ro n. (e!. 330. 332, 334, or 336) Rh Ser Rol d IRQro n. (eg :,3.{.5.6. or?) AI No Inrro KEYS (The kcybo.fd c,rn b! used to sinuhtc the aclir)ns of lhc mousc.) ARROW KEYS Mole the poinrer SPACE Leii mouse button AIjI LEFT Right mouse button DELETE Scroll map to lcft PAGE DOWN Scroll map to righl HOME Scrollmap up END Scmllmap down CTRL+ESC Quit gamc. lllotrtrccdlur u$\i:rutr.c. NlicRn,cnluc rcc[nicd srt]lr)n.m G rench.d bf klcpho trc rr i (.ll):) 163-9990 iron 8 0(]AM lo51)r)PuEademlinr.

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