This “quick, dirty, and compact” (QDC) edition of the November 1980 issue of Softalk magazine (Vol. 1 No. 3) was created by and is made freely available by The Softalk Apple Project ( We thank fellow Friend of Softalk Bob Murphy for providing the loan of his issue for scanning by the project. For other PDFs of whole issues and sample pages, go to the Issue Profiles section of the project website. For more on the “preserve, explore, extend” mission of The Softalk Apple Project, go to: Thank you… Enjoy! --Jim Salmons-- Founder and Research Director The Softalk Apple Project ' m t< j A g L VOLUME 1 NOVEMBER 1980 I N Music Systems U T O n A Exec Mountain I Bestsellers Autumn Leitmotif: The Musical Apple Meet IMP 2, the stylish impact printer with intelligent APPLE interface for HIRES and R\SCAL — $895. Designed for desk top use, this sleek unit combines for just about any system — high speed serial, Apple, an ultra-low profile with a unique fan-cooled printing Pet, TRS-80, IEEE 488... you name it. system that can knock out 80, 96, or 132 columns of Versatile character sets. 96 ASCII character set is crisp hardcopy with continuous throughput of one line standard. And you can select six character sizes, even per second. graphics, under software control. Options include full Three way paper handling. IMP 2 features three way page buffering and special character sets. paper handling for forms, single sheets and paper rolls, Service — a big difference. No other printer with tractors adjustable from 1.5 inch to 91/2 inches. manufacturer offers Axiom’s combination of low cost Software control of forms length, printer select/deselect plus nation-wide service and distribution — in the USA together with a choice of three standard interfaces and 18 overseas countries. make IMP 2 the most versatile printer available in its price range. Interfaces abound. IMP 2 provides parallel, RS232C and 20mA current loop as standard equipment. But if you need something special, we can supply interfaces Better phone or write today! AXIOM 5932 San Fernando Road, Glendale, CA 91202 Tel: (213) 245-9244 -TWX: 910497-2283 NOVEMBER 1980 C O N T E N T S Chairman John Haller President Margot Comstock Tommervik Vice- Uniforms by Apple President Allan Tommervik Apple and a senior outfit the UCLA band. Vice- MATTHEW T. YUEN.........................................................6 President William Depew Treasurer William Blind Pathfinder in Alaska V. R. Smith Louise Rude holds a job usually reserved for the sighted, and Secretary John an Apple can help. Mitchell MARGOT COMSTOCK TOMMERVIK........................8 Editor Margot Comstock The All-American Apple Music Machine Tommervik An in-depth look at Apple as a synthesizer, and reviews of Technical Editor Bill three music systems that make it one. Depew CRAIG STINSON............................................................14 Contributing Editor Roger Wagner Numbers Making Music Contributing Reviewers John No hardware is required for this music program that is ac Haller tually a complete language. (WB6BEN) ROBERT KOEHLER.........................................................18 Don Bostrom (N6IC) Apples' Adventures in Utopia Art Rock stars Todd Rundgren and Roger Powell talk about their Director Kurt A. Wahlner Apples: one for art and one for music. BRUCE ROSEN.................................................................22 Business Manager William Exec Mountain: Theirs V. R. Smith Is a Hard— and Now Soft— Life Operations Mountain Hardware becomes Mountain Computer and ex Manager John pands into software. Mitchell AL TOMMERVIK...............................................................30 Production, Marketing A1 The Ivory Keyboard: Tommervik Editorial A Direct Line to Apple Music Assistant Bob Koehler A close look at the AlphaSyntauri keyboard music input for the Apple. Circulation Carmen Cowper CRAIG STINSON............................................................38 D r P A P T M t N T S Advertising Sales 213-980-5074 Bill Smith Contest: Talking Turkey....................................................2 Marketalk News ..................................................................13 A1 September Contest Winners .........................................2 Marketalk Reviews..............................................................26 Tommervik Straightalk...................................................................................4 The Logical Way: Voyle Glover ..............................29 Margot Advertisers Index....................................................................7 Assembly Lines: Roger Wagner.................................34 Tommervik Open Discussion...................................................................10 Tradetalk..................................................................................37 Cover photograph of Todd Rundgren courte Newspeak ...............................................................................12 Softalk Presents the Bestsellers .................................44 sy of Konnie K. Berner. Composition by Photographies, Hollywood, California. Printing by California Offset Printers, Glendale, California. Special equip ment photographed at and courtesy of Com- PREVIEWS puterWorld of Burbank, California. Apple is a trademark of Apple Computer Inc., Cupertino, California. Jingling into December . . . Holidays, So/talk. Volume 1, number 3. Copyright ® 1980 by Softalk Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Subscriptions to Sof bright lights, gifts . . . companies de talk are complimentary to all owners of Apple com scribe their best stocking staffers . . . puters in the U.S.A.; multiple or non-Apple-owner sub an eye for the Apple . . . planning scriptions for one year: one, $10; two through five, $8 each; more than five, $6 each. Softalk is published wines and libations for seasonal en monthly by Softalk Publishing Inc., 10432 Burbank Boule tertaining . . . meet the Disk Doctor . . . vard, North Hollywood, CA 91601. Tel. (213) 980-5074. teach your Apple to make Christmas Controlled circulation pending at North Hollywood, CA, cards . . . and more. * and at Los Angeles, CA. Mailed as controlled circulation at San Jose, CA. Postmaster: Send address changes to Softalk, 10432 Burbank Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91601. F T A L K 2 NOVEMBER 1980 CONTEST: TALKIMC TURKEY W e 'v e G o t There’s a message of sorts hidden in these words can be used in the final an- this month’s Softalk contest. If you can discover it, write it down, and mail it in, □ Anagram the first letters of these Most of the results of September’s you could win $100 in product from one of words to find the message that will fit on Softalk contests are in; and the big win the advertisers in this month’s issue of the dashes. For example, the first letters ners in the bestseller predictions are Softalk. Here’s how you solve it: of the words “Perfect Apple Software’’ Mark Korenkiewicz of Albuquerque, □ Consider the letters of the alphabet could be anagrammed as ASP or SAP. from A to Z to be valued from 1 to 26 re Write the message on the coupon (or a New Mexico, and the Easter Seal Socie spectively; for example, J = 10, S = 19. facsimile of it), fill in your name, ad ty of Little Rock, Arkansas. □ Grant each word from the list of sev dress, the name of your local retailer, Early winners of the Conpeople contest enty Thanksgiving goodies the value of and your choice of prize if you should are Harvey Shapiro of Northridge, Cali the sum of its letters. win, and rush your entry to the nearest fornia, and Jan Halsall of Algonquin, Il □ Find all the words that fit the values mailbox. given to add up to the grand total of 700. All entries must be postmarked by linois. Other winners are yet to be You’ll have more words than you need, November 30, 1980. named. - since there is more than one word repre In case of ties, Apple’s random gen Also, as we will do from time to time, senting some of the sums; only nine of erator will determine the final winner. we chose to take note of a Softalk mile The Words stone by awarding a surprise prize—in APPLE CIDER COFFEE GIBLETS NUTMEG SCALLIONS this case, the milestone was the first APPLE PIE CORN GINGER ONIONS SKIN APPLES CRANBERRIES GOBBLER PARSONS NOSE STOCK entry ever in any Softalk contest. The BACON DRIPPINGS CRANBERRY JELLY GRAVY PEARS STUFFING early bird was Bert Dellagatta of San BRANDY CRANBERRY SAUCE HARVEST PEAS SWEET POTATOES BREAST CRISP AIR INDIANS PEPPER THANKS Jose, California. BUTTER CURRANTS MACYS PARADE PIANO THYME CARROTS DARK MEAT MAIZE PILGRIMS TURNIPS CAULIFLOUR DRUMSTICK MASHED POTATOES PLYMOUTH ROCK WALNUTS CELERY FAMILY SINGING MILK PUMPKIN PIE WHIPPED CREAM CHEESE FIRST SNOW MINCE PIE RELATIVES WHITE MEAT CHESTNUTS FOOTBALL GAMES MOLASSES ROAST TURKEY WHITE WINE CINNAMON FRUIT MORE GRAVY SAGE WING CLOVES GAMES NEW WORLD SALT YAMS Word V alues 45 . 74 69 . 80 70 104 71 114 73 700 Mail completed coupon or facsimile to Talking Turkey, Softalk, 10432 Burbank Answer Format Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91601. What the turkey said to me in the November Softalk contest was _______________________________ I’ve (Contest is open to all Apple owners and their HagahaTTitteen, ban Jose, receives a copy i immediate families except those in any way examined the ads in this issue, and the Computer Ambush from Joel Billings, president of Stra associated with Softalk. Use of computers in prize I choose to receive if I win is deriving answers to this contest is strictly en tegic Simulations. Bert, who earns money to support his I accept couraged. Multiple entries are acceptable, but Apple habit by carrying eighty-six San Jose Mercury November 30 as the deadline for post you may not put more than one entry on a cou News papers each morning, earned his prize by being mark on my entry. pon; you may mail several coupons in one the first entrant ever in a Softalk contest. envelope, however. Photocopies of the coupon Name _ are okay, as are handmade copies on a plain The Prognosticators. The major Address _ sheet of paper, the stationery of the motel you contest for September involved predict City. State, Zip _ sbtualyleetdin isn, lavsatl usaubmlem esrto, cmk arcgeirntisf iocfa otelds, alwumhanti ing the results of Softalk's first software Dealer________ ever, as long as they’re legible and reproduce bestseller poll. Deadline for entry was Your Autograph. the entire coupon.) September 15, because at that time the S I CH UP F O P S O F T A L K Softalk Publishing Inc. distributes Softalk magazine free of charge to owners of Apple computers. Our circulation lists are To ensure receiving Softalk free each month, fill out coupon and mail to: Softalk Circulation, 10432 Burbank Boulevard, North extensive and growing, but there are still several thousand Hollywood, CA 91601. Apple owners unknown to us. If you received this issue of Softalk in the mail and have not mailed in a sign-up coupon, you’ll probably need to fill out this Name. coupon or the insert to continue receiving Softalk. However, if you bought this issue of Softalk at your local Street Address. computer store, or if you’re reading it at a friend’s house, you’ll surely need to fill out the coupon (or a facsimile of it) to ensure receiving the magazine regularly. Be sure to include City. the serial number of your Apple; you’ll find it on the bottom of your machine. State _ Zip. An alternative to filling out the coupon is to ask your dealer if the store participates in Softalk's dealer mailing program. If it does, your dealer can make arrangements for you to receive Apple Serial Number the magazine. If you wish additional or back copies of Softalk, please give Additional copies of this issue or back copies can be pur month of issue and quantity and enclose check or money order. chased directly from Softalk Publishing Inc. for $2.00 each. NOVEMBER 1980 3 Some Contest Winners Here/ Left: Gene Sprouse of Rain bow Computing, Northridge, California, presents Harvey Shapiro of Northridge with a copy of Bloody Murder for be ing a winner in Softalk's Con- people contest. Shapiro, four teen, is a hot-shot in Basic and Jisa nneo wH atalscakllli,n gA lgPoanscqauli.n ,R iIgllhit: photo SoftolW photo Smpnocraiihzsnae, au grfmereocbrem eiovr gefS s.tD ehvaeetar S CDhoeonnmpdaeeiolnmp laoenf , Data Domain results of the poll were on the way to the Calc, Apple Invaders, and Flight Simu Unfortunately, the rules weighted the printer, preventing Softalk from ensur lator. contest in favor of Pacific Coast resi ing their confidentiality. In the alternate judging for those who dents, who received their copies well For various reasons, hundreds—per read the rules as limiting their selections ahead of the rest of the nation. To be fair, haps thousands—of Apple owners did not to Softalk's advertisers, there was a Softalk decided to divide the country into receive their copies of Softalk by the three-way tie. Apple’s random generator three zones and to award a prize to the deadline. To those who sent us letters selected the entry of Bob Taylor, who first correct entry from each zone. ranging from politely chiding in tone to entered for the Easter Seal Society of Lit Shapiro is the West Coast winner and outright hostility, Softalk's apologies. To tle Rock, Arkansas. Others who matched Halsall is the Midwest winner. As of this those who recognized the spirit and not his prognosticating ability were Bill issue’s press time, Easterners were still the letter of the rule and submitted their Burke of Fountain Valley, California, taking their time about coming up with a entries anyway, all entries received by and M.L. Field of Oxnard, California. correct response. Assuming one does, the September 30 were considered, no mat Korenkiewicz chose Personal East Coast winner and, in any event, the ter when postmarked. As it happened, all Software’s CCA Data Management Sys drawing winner and the answer will be winning entries were submitted before tem as his prize. Taylor, choosing for the announced in December. the printed deadline. Easter Seal Society, chose the Micro Mu The Early Bird. Dellagatta’s contest Another problem arose because of an sic Board. entry, a bestseller forecast, arrived at unforeseen ambiguity in the rules. The The Criminologists. Extra winners Softalk two days before other entries predictions should have covered the full were also called for the Conpeople con started rolling in. Because his prompt scope of all software available for the test, which asked entrants to identify cor ness won Dellagatta the position of being Apple, with the only restriction being that rectly famous conners Henry Gondorff the first entrant in any Softalk contest the prize won must be selected from and Christine Vole. Contest rules were and because the arrival of that first entry among the products manufactured by that the first correct entry would win a was pretty exciting to our staff, Softalk Softalk's September advertisers. copy of Stoneware’s Bloody Murder and arranged to award him his chosen prize, However, eighty-five entries—too that a drawing from among all other cor Computer Ambush. Joel Billings, presi many to be a coincidence—read the rules rect entries submitted prior to October 31 dent of Strategic Simulations, personally as limiting their predictions to those would be held to award a second prize. made the presentation. Hi products advertised in the issue. These entries were judged separately and a sec ond winner declared. Both configurations of predictions re sulted in a tie, in each case broken by Apple’s random number generator. In the contest as Softalk conceived it, Korenkiewicz tied with William DeFres- ne of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who earns honor able mention. Korenkiewicz correctly identified the top three finishers in the poll: Personal Software’s VisiCalc, Sublogic’s Flight Simulator, and California Pacific’s Bill Budge's Space Album. As mentioned in t(Softalk Presents the Bestsellers" in the October issue, the cumulative weight of the many versions of Space Invader would have placed that program second had only one company published the game and, therefore, an al ternate set of winners to reflect this phe nomenon was accepted. Under this ground rule, DeFresne also correctly identified the top three finishers: Visi \ m m 4 NOVEMBER 1980 APPLE BUSINESS SOFTWARE STRAIGHTALK GENERAL LEDGER If you are a business person who is looking for Reaching Out. Tackling an expansive subject such as mu ultimate performance, take a look at this out sic, this seemed a good issue for Softalk to expand its roots. standing General Ledger package from Small Writers join us this month from both coasts and in between. Business Computer Systems. Our package features six digit account For our cover story, Bruce Rosen, rock reporter for the numbers, plus thirty-one character account northern New Jersey daily newspaper, The Record, eagerly names. We have ten levels of subtotals, giving made the trek to Woodstock, New York, to visit Utopia stars you a more detailed income statement and Todd Rundgren and Roger Powell. Utopians don’t grant balance sheet with up to nine departments. Either every interview request, but they love their Apples and that cash or accrual accounting methods may be used. made the difference. The cash journal allows a thirty-three character Out of the Midwest Softalk was fortunate to draw Voyle transaction description and automatically cal Glover. A freelance writer mostly of fiction, Glover has been culates the proper off-setting entry. You may tempted into dabbling in computer articles since he pur print the balance sheet and income statement for chased an Apple two years ago for word processing. the current month, quarter, or any of the pre Craig Stinson, who spent evenings and weekends for two vious three quarters. Also, this year’s or last months engrossed in Apple music systems, was born in Min year's total are included on the income statement, depending on the current month. neapolis and spent two boyhood years in India. Later, he set There is virtually no limit on entries, since you tled in Boston where he wrote on musical subjects for the may process them as often as you like. Two Christian Science Monitor and other publications. Presently, thousand (1,000 from GL; 1.000 from any exter Stinson lives in California. nal source) can be processed in one session. A Story to Come. Sheri Talbott, vice-president of new products and a pivotal member of the design team at Moun ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE tain Computer, does not appear in Softalk's “Exec Moun Sound business management requires you to tain” article. Instead, you’ll hear about Talbott, in detail, keep up-to-date reports regarding the status of later this winter when Softalk will present a theme issue to your accounts receivable. which her story is central. Now. from the same company that revolu Happy Holidays. Saint Nicholas’s version of the Great tionized accounting on the Apple II computer, with their conversion of the Osborne McGraw- American Probability Machine (with a tip of the hat to Bruce Hill General ledger program, you may now Tognazzini) projects that Softalk's readers should have the obtain the Accounts Receivable package you merriest of holiday seasons and a fruitful 1981. ncT have been waiting for. Our package allows you to assign your own alpha-numeric customer code up to six char acters. Date of the last activity, as well as amounts billed this year and last year are main tained. This Accounts Receivable system main tains six digit invoice numbers, six digit job numbers, invoice amount, shipping charges, sales tax (automatically calculated), total payments as well as progress billing information. You may enter an invoice at any time: before it’s ready for billing, after you have billed it. and even after it’s paid. This package also prints reports which list the invoices you have not billed yet, open items, paid items, and an aging analysis of open items. In the final analysis, making your bookkeeping easier is what our software is all about. With our General Ledger package you can format your own balance sheet and income statement. Department financial statements may be for mated differently. You have complete freedom to This coupon may be redeemed at any Softape retail outlet place titles and headings where you want them, skip lines or pages between accounts and — Good For One Product Only — generate subtotals and totals throughout the Coupon must have correct name, address, reports up to ten levels if you need them. Ac and name of product purchased counts Receivable is designed to provide you with complete up-to-date information. The Call (213) 985-5763 to find a local Softape outlet. program will print customer statements as well as post invoice amounts to any of the accounts maintained by our General Ledger package. NAME__ These packages will support any printer inter face combination. General Ledger requires 110 ADDRESS columns. Accounts Receivable requires 130 columns. CITY____ STATE Suggested Retail: Individually .............................................$180.00 Product Purchased: Together.....................................................$330.00 SMALL BUSINESS COMPUTER SYSTEMS 4140 Greenwood Lincoln, Nebraska 68504 (402) 467-1878 From MUSE, the Leader in Quality Software With its easy to use key sequences, the ST II Word Processing system provides fast editing of letters, manuscripts, books, or other printed material. Automatic column totals, column alignment, and on screen tabbing eliminate tedious formatting and make Financial and Summary Reporting a snap Data Base Management is simplified by the most advanced file handling system and makes a world of information instantly available ($150.00). Completely new documentation designed for first time users and a backup copy of the program disk is included with every program. TRADE-INS!! Trade in your present word processor for Super-Text I Send documentation manual, and proof of purchase. Trade-in Value: Super-Text $100.00 Easy Writer $50.00 Apple Writer $50.00 Apple Pie $50.00 SUPER-TEXT ADD-ON MODULES For Even More Versatility Personalize and customize form letters with the ultimate letter writer, the Super-Text Form Letter Module ($100.00) Use it with the Address Book Mailing List Program ($49.95) or by itself to end repetitious composition of letters, contracts, leases, and other documents. Add the Super-Text Terminal Module ($75.00) and a D. C. Hayes Micromodem to communicate with any computer in the world. Apple II or Apple II Plus (48K). For a free catalog or the name of your nearest MUSE Dealer, contact: MUSE:SOFTWARE1 Apple is a TM of Apple Computer Inc Easy-Writer is a TM of Cap'n Software Apple Writer is a TM of Apple Computer Inc 330 N. CHARLES STREET Apple Pie is a TM of Programma International Inc BALTIMORE, MD 21201 .(301)659-7212 g- S O F T A I K 6 NOVEMBER 1980 IMPROVE Your Data Entry! With A BT APPLE Peripherals * BarWand™ photo UCLA Compatible with U.P.C., Paperbyte**, LabelCode and others. It sells Point-of-Sale Inventory systems, but is also useful in libraries, factories and for security. KeyPad™ photo Softalk Marc Silverstein programmed his Apple to plan and keep track of uniforms for every member of the UCLA band. Used for entering numeric data, it is UNFORMS /RPPLE essential to business applications. It features an accountants keyboard lay out and permits a relaxed arm position. SoftKey™ BY MATTHEW YUEtl drive, a monitor, and the Apple Si- lentype printer. When the UCLA marching band takes Having watched uniform crews before the field, four of its members would him suffer and sweat through countless rather be playing an Apple than playing a man-hours at the job he was to assume, sax, oboe, or glockenspiel. Of the two Silverstein decided that his Apple was hundred collegians in the University of just the tool to eliminate the suffering A great programmer’s aid, this features California at Los Angeles band, whose and reduce the number of hours spent in single key string entry and also custom majors range from biochemistry to the the uniform room. ized key functions. ater arts, these four own Apple com Time is saved by a data base program puters. that Marc wrote specifically for the job. Valet to Two Hundred. Fitting and as As each person is entered, a record is im Available from your signing seven-piece uniforms to two mediately filed alphabetically. Informa local APPLE* Dealer hundred people is no easy task; and tion is also available by cross-indexing doing it in four days during marching- six different ways: by instrument, by ADVANCED rehearsal breaks adds no pleasure to the glove and spats sizes, and by coat, pants, BUSINESS job. Marc Silverstein is one man who did and shako numbers. TECHNOLOGY, INC. it, and the Apple II Plus is the computer Learning Computer Easier Than Clip that helped make it possible. board. The program also adapts itself to Silverstein took the position of uniform each musician’s needs according to the 12333 Saratoga Sunnyvale Rd.. Saratoga, CA 408/446-2013 manager last spring. A few months after instrument he or she plays. “If ‘percus that, he switched off his Commodore Pet sion’ is entered, it will ask for shirt, hat, •Trademark of APPLE COMPUTER, INC. and switched on a new Apple. His sys and glove sizes only (percussionists do ••Trademark of McGRAW-HILL tem consists of the basics: an Apple II not wear the regular uniform); or if Plus with 48K memory, an Apple disk ‘tuba’ is entered, it will not assign a V O FI A L K g NOVEMBER 1980 shako, but a beret instead,” Silverstein sophomore who has had his Apple for For the marching Bruins, the four- explains. about half a year. Unlike Silverstein or teen-hour bus ride to the Bay Area is usu As each uniform part is assigned, its Hescox, Mah uses his Apple strictly for ally highlighted by a “Rock, Paper, Scis number is checked off the original stock computer science applications. Mah’s sors” tournament. This year, with the file on the disk and entered in the musi system is hooked up to UCLA’s main help of the Apple II Plus, a portable tele cian’s record. When a full uniform is as computer on campus, the DEC 10, vision, and an Apple Juice power supply, signed, a contract showing the person’s through a Novation Cat modem. the tournament was Space Invaders, name, instrument, uniform part num Mah has neither a disk drive nor a lan Asteroids in Space, Tranquillity Base, bers, and costs of each (in case any guage card; but through the modem he is and the usual line of Pong-type games. should be lost or damaged) is printed out able to program in Fortran, his pre Perhaps the band members could lend on the Silentype, signed by the band ferred language. Mah’s current project the football team one of their Apples to member, and then physically filed. involves three-dimensional plotting pro psych up for the game with a few rounds “The best part about this system,” grams; in the future, he and Hescox plan of Strategic Simulations’ Computer Silverstein says, “is that teaching the to team up and develop their own Quarterback. Hi rest of the uniform crew to inventory and compiler and interpreter. check out uniforms with the Apple is On the Road with Band and Aliens. In The fourth member of UCLA fs band who much easier and ten times faster than October, when the Bruins clashed with owns an Apple wrote this article on it: he teaching them to do it with a clipboard the Golden Bears of the University of is the author, Matthew Yuen. Yuen, a and hundreds of index cards.” California at Berkeley, the band took an senior prelaw major and alto sax player, Silverstein’s uses for the Apple do not Apple; and this time it had nothing to do interned as an editorial assistant at end in the uniform room. Silverstein is with music. Softalk this past summer. the president of his fraternity, Kappa Kappa Psi. He uses the Apple Writer text After you play editor to send out letters and notices con cerning meetings and activities to fra the Temple of Apshai, ternity members. Computerist Scores with Apple. Dennis Hescox, a computer science major spe you can play cializing in microcomputers, who works as a systems programmer during the Sticks and Stones for free. summer, looks more at the potential mu sical capabilities of his Apple. “Sometimes several instruments will Within the 200 rooms and for no extra charge. In fact, if be playing the same melodic line, but catacombs of the Temple of you're not satisfied with the each part is written separately with dif ferent notes. Since music is entirely Apshai, untold treasures await 'Temple of Apshai," you can mathematical, the Apple could make the you - the hero. All you have refurn it within 10 days and still appropriate transposition for each in to do is elude, outsmart and keep 'Sticks & Stones!' strument, and then print out the part.” outwit the beasts, monsters But don't wait, this special This would save hundreds of man-hours, and demons lurking in the offer is limifed. (We'll also send as well as eliminate human mistakes. On the games side of his Apple, Hes dark labyrinth. Spend minutes you a catalog outlining our cox is a Scott Adams fanatic, having in or hours on this role-playing t | other exciting com- his collection every offering from Scott fantasy - the boldest computer puter games). Adams’ Adventure series. game in our Dunjonquest™ 3-D Apple on DEC with Fortran. One serious computer buff is Calvin Mah, a series. Now, when you order the ADVERTISERS IN D E X 'Temple of Apshai,' you get the 'Sticks & Stones' board game Advanced Business Technology ...........6 ALF.........................................................43 Automated Simulations, Department SO P.O. Box 4247,1988 Leghorn Street Automated Simulations..........................7 MountainView, Calitornia 94040 Axiom ...........................................Cover 2 Continental Software ...........................36 Please send me the 'Temple of Apshai' for: D.C. Hayes....................................Cover 4 Cassette ($24.95) Disk ($29.95) Eaton.......................................................40 TRS-80 □ 16K, Level I □ 32K TRSD0S Edu-ware ..........................................21 APPLE Not available □ 48K Applesoft In ROM FSI...........................................................32 PET □ 32K Not available Howard Software...................................19 Microlab 11, 33 (Add $1.00 shipping and handling charge; plus 6% or 61/2% tax for California residents.) Muse .........................................................5 Name_______________________________________________________________________________ On-Line Systems ............... 35, 37, 39, 41 Quality Software ...................................17 Address Rainbow Computing.............................20 Small Business Computer Systems ... 4 City, State, Zip_ Softape .....................................3, 4, 13, 42 □ Check enclosed. Charge to: □ VISA □ MasterCard Software Publishing Corp............Cover 3 Strategic Simulations...........................25 Amount $________ Expiration date. Southwestern Data Systems................27 Or charge by phone: (800) 824-7888, operator 861. In California: (800) 852-7777, operator 861. Spectrum Software...............................28 If you prefer, call these numbers for a list of the computer stores near you. Syntauri, Ltd.............................................9