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Quasisymmetric maps of boundaries of amenable hyperbolic groups Tullia Dymarz ∗ July 31, 2012 Abstract InthispaperweshowthatifY = N×Q isametricspacewhereN m is a connected, simply connected, nilpotent Lie group endowed with an admissible metric then any quasisymmetic map of Y is actually bilipschitz. A metric on N is admissible if it makes Y into a parabolic visual boundary of a mixed type locally compact amenable hyperbolic group. We also prove some rigidity results on uniform subgroups of bilipschitz maps of Y in the case where N = Rn. MathematicsSubjectClassication(2000). 20F65,30C65,53C20. Keywords. quasi-isometry,quasisymmetricmap,negativecurvature. 1 Introduction Quasisymmetric maps were introduced in [BA56] as natural replacements for quasiconformal maps for metric spaces where classical quasiconformal maps do not make sense (see Section 2 for the definition). For many standard metric spaces (such as Rn) quasisymmetric maps are much more abundant than bilipschitz maps. For Y = N ×Q this is not the case. m Theorem 1 Let N be a nilpotent Lie group with an admissible metric d and Q the m-adics with the standard metric. Then any quasisymmetric map of m Y = N ×Q onto itself is bilipschitz. n ∗Partially supported by NSF grant 1207296. Deptarment of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 480 Lincoln Dr. 53706. email: [email protected] 1 Quasisymmetricmapsareespeciallyinterestingsincetheyarestronglylinked to negative curvature geometry in that quasi-isometries of negatively curved spaces induce quasisymmetric maps of their visual boundaries. We are able to study Y precisely because it is the parabolic visual boundary of a geodesic negatively curved space X that fibers over a simplicial m+1 valent tree N,ϕ,m T . Quasisymmetric maps of Y = N × Q = ∂X are induced by m+1 m N,ϕ,m quasi-isometries of X while bilipschitz maps of Y are induced by height- N,ϕ,m respecting quasi-isometries (see Section 3 for the definition). Using coarse topology provided by [FM00] we prove Theorem 1 by showing that all quasi- isometries of X are height-respecting. N,ϕ,m This result should be compared to results of Xie in [SX, Xiec, Xiea, Xieb] which use the same dictionary but in the reverse direction to show that all quasi-isometries of certain negatively curved homogeneous spaces are height- respecting by proving directly that all quasisymmetric maps of their bound- aries are bilipschitz. In fact, Theorem 1 can be thought of as an extension of Xie’s results. In [Hei74], Heintze showed that all negatively curved homogeneous spaces can be given as solvable Lie groups (see Section 3.1 for details). In a similar spirit [CdCMT], Caprace et al. classify all locally compact amenable hyperbolic groups. They show that there are three types of non-elementary amenable hyperbolic locally compact groups: negatively curved homogeneous spaces, stabilizers of an end in the full automorphism group of a semi-regular locally finite tree, and combinations of the two via a warped product construction. It is this last type that we call mixed type. All mixed type amenable hyper- bolic groups act properly on some X . N,ϕ,m Remark. Theorem 1 should hold in more generality. For example it should hold for any space whose hyperbolic cone (see [BS00]) satisfies the conditions imposedinTheorems7.3and7.7in[FM00]. (SeeSection4forthestatements of these theorems.) 1.1 Other results. Using the same arguments as Corollary 1.3 in [SX] we can also show the following: Corollary 2 Therearenofinitelygeneratedgroupsquasi-isometrictoX . N,ϕ,m 2 Furthermore, from the appendix of [FM98] we know that Q and Q are m m(cid:48) bilipschitz equivalent only if m = ri and m = rj for some common base r. This gives us a partial quasi-isometry classification result. Corollary 3 X is not quasi-isometric to X if m,m(cid:48) are not pow- N,ϕ,m N(cid:48),ϕ(cid:48),m(cid:48) ers of a common base. A more detailed classification result can be deduced in many cases from [FM00, Pen11, Ahl02] but we will not give the details here except in case of N = Rn. Note that if we specialize to N = Rn then ϕ = ϕ is given by M multiplication by an n×n matrix M whose eigenvalues all have norm greater than one. Using work of [FM00] we get a full quasi-isometry classification in this case. Corollary 4 X is quasi-isometric to X if and only if m = ri, Rn,ϕM,m Rn,ϕM(cid:48),m(cid:48) m(cid:48) = rj and M and M(cid:48) have absolute Jordan forms that are powers of each other. We also extend results from [Dym10] and prove that certain groups of bilip- schitz maps of Rn×Q can be conjugated to be of a particularly nice form. m We state the theorem here but all definitions are given in the appendix. Theorem 5 Let U be a uniform separable subgroup of Bilip (Rn×Q ) that M m acts cocompactly on the space of distinct pairs of points of Rn ×Q . Then m U can be conjugated into ASim (Rn ×Q ) for some p. M p TheprooffollowsTheorem2in[Dym10]verycloselywhichiswhywerelegate this result to the appendix and provide only a brief outline. 1.2 Outline Following some preliminaries in Section 2 we study the geometry and bound- aries of X in Section 3. We prove Theorem 1 in Section 4. In the N,ϕ,m appendix we prove Theorem 5. Acknowledgements. The author would like to thank Xiangdong Xie for usefulconversationsandbothXiangdongXieandJohnMackayforcomments on an earlier draft. 3 2 Preliminaries Definition 1 A map f : X → Y between metric spaces is called a Quasisymmetric embedding if for some homeomorphism η : [0,∞) → [0,∞) (cid:18) (cid:19) d (f(y),f(x)) d (y,x) Y X ≤ η . d (f(y),f(x(cid:48))) d (y,x(cid:48)) Y X Bilipschitz embedding if a d(x,y) ≤ d(f(x),f(y)) ≤ b d(x,y). If we can chose a = 1/K and b = K then we say f is K-bilipschitz. If we can chose a = s/K and b = sK then we say that f is a (K,s)-quasi- similarity. We say that a group of bilipschitz maps/quasi-similarities is uniform if K is uniform over all group elements. (K,C)-Quasi-isometric embedding if 1 −C + d (x,x(cid:48)) ≤ d (f(x),f(x(cid:48))) ≤ Kd (x,x(cid:48))+C X Y X K S-Similarity d (f(x),f(x(cid:48))) = Sd (x,x(cid:48)) Y X Uniform embedding if for some ρ : [0,∞) → [0,∞) with ρ(t) → ∞ as t → ∞ ρ(d (x,x(cid:48))) ≤ d (f(x),f(x(cid:48))) ≤ Kd (x,x(cid:48))+C X Y X 3 CAT(−k) spaces and their visual boundaries Let X be a CAT(−k) metric space. Riemannian manifolds with sectional curvature≤ −k andtheirconvexsubsetsaretheprimeexamplesofCAT(−k) spaces. Gluing two CAT(−k) spaces along closed convex subsets also results in a CAT(−k) subspace. Note that up to rescaling the metric by a constant we can assume that k = 1. Given a CAT(−1) space X and a ∈ ∂X and we define the Euclid-Cygan metric on ∂X − {a} as is done in the appendix in [HP97]. Let H be a 4 horosphere centered at a and b,c ∈ ∂X − {a}. Let b ,c be two geodesics t t connectingb,ctoawithb ,c ∈ H. (Notethatthisorientationistheopposite 0 0 of what is given in [HP97]). The Euclid-Cygan metric on ∂X −{a} is given by da,H(b,c) = lim e12(2t+dX(bt,ct)). t→−∞ We can also endow ∂X −{a} with a visual parabolic metric. For any b,c ∈ ∂X −{a} the visual parabolic metric is given by d¯ (b,c) = et0 a,H where t is the point at which d (b ,c ) = 1. It is easy to see that the two 0 X t0 t0 metrics are bilipschitz equivalent since if t ≤ t then 0 2(t −t)+1−C ≤ d (b ,c ) ≤ 2(t −t)+1+C 0 X t t 0 and so da,H(b,c) = lim e12(2t+dX(bt,ct)) t→−∞ (cid:39) lim e12(2t+2(t0−t)+1) t→−∞ (cid:39) et0 = d¯ (b,c). a,H (See [SX] for more details). Remarks. Note that the reason e is chosen as a base here is because X is CAT(−1). If X were CAT(−k) the base would be e√1k instead of e. We can in fact choose the base to be eα for any α < 1. This is equivalent to snowflaking the metric. Definition 2 For any b ∈ ∂X−{a} there is a unique geodesic b connecting t b to a with b ∈ H. We call such geodesic a vertical geodesic. 0 In this paper we will only be working with CAT(−k) spaces that have the property that for every x ∈ X there is a vertical geodesic passing through x. In this case we can view X as a union (not necessarily disjoint) of all vertical geodesics (cid:91) X = b . t b∈∂X−{a} 5 Definition 3 We endow X with a height function (this is just a horofunc- tion) h : X → R given by h(x) = t if x = b . Note that if x = b and x = b(cid:48) t t t(cid:48) then necessarily t = t(cid:48). A quasi-isometry of X induces a quasisymmetric map ∂f : ∂X −{a} → ∂X −{f(a)} ¯ with respect to either d or d . Since the two metrics are bilipschitz a,H a,H equivalent we will drop the distinction between them and simply write d . ∞ In the following sections we describe all of the CAT(−1) spaces we will be working with. 3.1 Negatively curved homogeneous spaces Let N be a connected, simply connected, nilpotent Lie group. We say that a one parameter group of automorphisms ϕ is contracting (resp. expanding) t if for all g ∈ N we have ϕ (g) → 1 (resp. ϕ (g) → 1) as t → ∞. t −t If ϕ : N → N is a one parameter group of expanding automorphisms t then G = N (cid:111) R is a negatively curved homogeneous space when endowed ϕ ϕ with an appropriate left invariant Riemannian metric [Hei74, CdCMT]. By [Hei74] we have that, up to rescaling the metric, all N (cid:111) R can be endowed ϕ with a CAT(−1) metric. The geometry of these spaces have been studied by [FM00, Pen11, Ahl02]. Some of their boundaries have been analyzed in [Dym10, DP11, SX, Xiec, Xiea, Xieb]. Since G is negatively curved, we can consider its parabolic visual bound- ϕ ary ∂G − {∞} where ∞ is chosen so that vertical geodesics are be given ϕ by γ (t) = (g,t) ∈ N (cid:111) R. g ϕ We can identify ∂G −{∞} with N and then the height function is simply ϕ given by h(g,t) = t. To get a better grasp of the metric G we define a quasi-isometrically ϕ equivalent metric on G that is easier to work with than a Riemannian ϕ metric. Let d be a metric induced by a left invariant metric on N and N for each t ∈ R set d (g ,g ) = d (ϕ (g ),ϕ (g )) = (cid:107)ϕ (g−1g )(cid:107). t 1 2 N −t 1 −t 2 −t 1 2 6 ¯ Let d be the largest metric on G such that the vertical geodesics given above ϕ areactuallygeodesicsandthedistanceoneachlevelseth−1(t) = N×{t} (cid:39) N is d [Gro87]. Note also that the level set N × {t} with the metric d is t t exponentially distorted in G . With this metric it is easy to verify that for ϕ two distinct vertical geodesics γ and γ we have g0 g1 lim d(γ (−t),γ (−t)) = ∞ and lim d(γ (t),γ (t)) = 0. t→∞ g0 g1 t→∞ g0 g1 Note that if d (g ,g ) = 1 then 1/K −C ≤ d((g ,t ),(g ,t )) ≤ K +C so t0 0 1 0 0 1 0 that up to bilipschitz equivalence we can interpret the parabolic visual metric as d (g ,g ) = et0 ∞ 0 1 where t is the smallest value at which d (g ,g ) = 1. See Section 5 of [SX] 0 t0 0 1 for more details. 3.1.1 Snowflaking It is worthwhile to note that by reparametrizing ϕ as ϕ(cid:48) = ϕ we get t t αt boundary metrics on G and G that are snowflake equivalent. In particular ϕ ϕ(cid:48) d = dα . ∞,ϕ ∞,ϕ(cid:48) Note that there is always a range of admissible α that ensure that dα is ∞,ϕ(cid:48) actually a metric. Alternatively we could have chose the base a = eα instead of e in our definition of boundary metric. This will be important later when we define the millefeuille space (see Section 3.3). 3.2 Trees Any tree T is a CAT(−1) space so again by fixing a point ξ at infinity we can define the parabolic visual boundary with respect to ξ. Picking a point at infinity induces an orientation on edges (towards the point at infinity). This in turn induces a height function: designate a base point vertex to be at height zero then use orientation to determine the heights of all of the other vertices. Vertical geodesics in T are the geodesics that are compatible with the height function. The parabolic visual boundary is again just the set of verticalgeodesicsandinthiscasetheEuclid-Cyganmetriccanbeinterpreted as the et0 where t is the height at which the two vertical geodesics first 0 coincide. Note that for a tree we can define a parabolic visual metric at0 for any base a > 1 and still have it be a metric. 7 3.3 Millefeuille space Let T be the regular m + 1 valent tree with orientation such that each m+1 vertex has m incoming edges and one outgoing edge. With this orientation there is a natural choice for ∞ ∈ ∂T . Again, vertical geodesics are given m+1 by the coherently oriented infinite geodesics. In this case we can identify ∂T −{∞} with the m-adics Q (see [FM98] for the identification). m+1 m Definition 4 (Millefeuille space) Let G = N(cid:111) R be a negatively curved ϕ ϕ homogeneous space with height function h : G → R. Let h : T → R ϕ ϕ m m+1 be a height function. The millefeuille space is defined to be X = {(x,y) ∈ G ×T | h (x) = h (y)} N,ϕ,m ϕ m+1 ϕ m with the induced L∞ metric. Alternatively we can view X as the metric fibration N,ϕ,m π : X → T N,ϕ,m m+1 where π−1((cid:96)) is identified with G for each coherently oriented line (cid:96) in T ϕ m+1 via a height-preserving isometry. This space X was first defined in Section 7 of [CdCMT]. In that N,ϕ,m section, it is also noted that X is a CAT(−k) space if G is CAT(−k). N,ϕ,m ϕ This is because locally X is obtained by glueing m copies of G , along N,ϕ,m ϕ closed convex subsets (namely along horoballs of G ). ϕ Definition 5 Following the terminology coined by Farb-Mosher in [FM00], we call each π−1((cid:96)) a hyperplane of X and each π−1(v) a horizontal leaf. As with G and T there is a natural choice of ∞ ∈ X such that ϕ m+1 N,ϕ,m the vertical geodesics in X are precisely the geodesics that project to N,ϕ,m vertical geodesics in both G and T . There is also an obvious induced ϕ m+1 height function h : X → R given by h(x,y) = h (x) = h (y). N,ϕ,m ϕ m Proposition 6 The parabolic visual boundary ∂X −{∞} is bilipschitz N,ϕ,m equivalent to (N ×Q ,d ) where d is the maximum of the metrics d m ϕ,m ϕ,m ϕ (on N) and d (on Q ). Qm m 8 Proof. Note that for any two distinct vertical geodesics γ and γ(cid:48) we have three possible cases. If γ and γ(cid:48) project to the same geodesic in T then m+1 γ,γ(cid:48) both lie in the same hyperplane f−1((cid:96)) (cid:39) G in which case we can ϕ identify γ,γ(cid:48) with vertical geodesics in G (namely γ (cid:39) γ and γ(cid:48) (cid:39) γ for ϕ g0 g1 some g ,g ∈ N). Then 0 1 d (γ,γ(cid:48)) = d (g ,g ). ∞,X ∞,Gϕ 0 1 Likewise,iftheprojectionofγ andγ(cid:48) toG isthesamethenthetwogeodesics ϕ coincide above some t ∈ Z. In this case γ and γ(cid:48) lie in the same copy of 0 T and so we have m+1 d (γ,γ(cid:48)) = d (γ,γ(cid:48)). ∞,X ∞,Tm+1 Finallythelastcaseiswhenγ andγ(cid:48) projecttotwodifferentverticalgeodesics inbothfactors. Nevertheless,eventually(aboveheightt ),thesetwogeodesics 1 lie in the same hyperplane f−1((cid:96)) (cid:39) G . Then, above t , we can identify ϕ 1 γ (cid:39) γ and γ(cid:48) (cid:39) γ for some g ,g ∈ N. If d (γ(t ),γ(cid:48)(t )) ≥ 1 then g0 g1 0 1 t1 1 1 d (γ,γ(cid:48)) = d (g ,g ) ∞,X ∞,Gϕ 0 1 since then the height at which γ,γ(cid:48) are distance one is above t . Otherwise, 1 d (γ(t ),γ(cid:48)(t )) < 1 and the boundary metric has the property that t1 1 1 1/K d (γ,γ(cid:48)) ≤ d (γ,γ(cid:48)) ≤ K d (γ,γ(cid:48)). ∞,Tm+1 ∞,X ∞,Tm+1 Finally, in order to get the standard metric on Q (i.e. d (γ,γ(cid:48)) = m ∞,Tm+1 mt0 where t is the height at which γ,γ(cid:48) initially come together) we must 0 snowflake our boundary metric by α = lnm. To ensure that is possible we might have to replace ϕ(t) with ϕ(cid:48)(t) = ϕ(αt). (See the comments at the end of Section 3.1). 3.4 Quasi-isometries Definition 6 Let X be a CAT(−1) space with height function h : X → R. We say that a quasi-isometry f : X → X is height-respecting if there is a constant A such that f maps any height level set of h to within distance A of a height level set and if the map induced on height is bounded distance from a translation. In other words there exists a constant a such that if h(x) = t then −C +t+a ≤ h(f(x)) ≤ t+a+C. 9 It is now a well known fact (Lemma 6.1 [Xiea] and [FM98]) that for G ϕ and T height-respecting quasi-isometries (up to bounded distance) are m+1 in one-to-one correspondence with bilipschitz maps of the parabolic visual boundary. Combining these two facts we can see that the same is true for X . N,ϕ,m Proposition 7 Any height-respecting quasi-isometry of X induces a N,ϕ,m bilipschitz maps of the parabolic visual boundary ∂X −{∞} (cid:39) N ×Q . N,ϕ,m m Remark. Note that while we prove here that all quasi-isometries of X N,ϕ,m are height-respecting it is not always the case that all quasi-isometries of T and G are height-respecting. This is clear for T however for G m+1 ϕ m+1 ϕ the answer is more subtle. For instance when ϕ (x) = etx the space Rn (cid:110) t ϕ R is isometric to Hn+1 whose quasi-isometries can be identified with the quasiconformal maps of Sn. The other rank one symmetric spaces can also be written as N (cid:111) R for the appropriate N and ϕ. In [SX, Xiec, Xiea], Xie ϕ showed that when Rn(cid:111) R is not isometric to Hn+1 then all quasi-isometries ϕ are height-respecting. In [Xieb], he was able to show that the same result is true for certain N(cid:111) R. It is an open question whether all quasi-isometries of ϕ negatively curved homogeneous spaces that are not isometric to symmetric spaces are height-respecting. 4 Proof of Theorem 1 Inthissectionweshowthatanyquasi-isometryofX isheight-respecting. N,ϕ,m We start with Farb-Mosher’s Theorem 7.7 [FM00]. Theorem 8 (Theorem 7.7 in [FM00]) Let π : X → T be a metric fibra- tion over a bushy tree T such that the fibers of π are contractible k-manifolds for some k. Let f : X → X be a self quasi-isometry. Then there exists a con- stant A, depending only on the metric fibration data of π, the quasi-isometry data of f and T such that 1. For each hyperplane P ⊂ X there exists a unique hyperplane Q ⊂ X such that d (f(P),Q) ≤ A. H 10

of Wisconsin, Madison, 480 Lincoln Dr. 53706. email: [email protected]. 1 [CdCMT], Caprace et al. classify all locally compact amenable hyperbolic . connecting b, c to a with b0,c0 ∈ H. (Note that this orientation is the
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